January 20, 2009

Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton snubbed each other — in the crypt...

... of the Capitol.


MayBee said...

Jimmy Carter overstepped by negotiating with N Korea when Clinton hadn't asked him to. Carter blew it.
Clinton is doing Obama a favor by continuing to make Carter completely ignorable.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Can you blame him?

Clinton I mean.

AllenS said...

That was cold.

ron st.amant said...

At the same time there was a very warm genuine embrace between President Clinton and President George HW Bush and even Mrs. Bush.
He then walked him, taking his elbow, to the point at which they were introduced to the audience.
I was really moved by their interaction, which seemed filial.
Bush's limp was really noticeable and I hope that he gets fully recovered soon.

Kelly said...

It looked to me as though Carter did most of the snubbing as did his wife. Clinton turned toward Carter as Carter walked past him with his head turned followed by Roslyn who also was turned away. That's charming. I had no idea there was such animosity between the two. It was juicy!

David said...

Carter is a world class prick. Clinton has a world class prick.

chickelit said...

Cryptic snubbing

Barry said...

Watch Senator Clinton watch the Carters as they pass... Looking back and forth from them to her husband or the Bushes as the Carters go. Bill seemed unfazed but I think I see a hint of disdain there - like she expected at least a hello, regardless of any animosity.

And to think she, as Sect of State, gets to directly tangle with Carter's "free-wheeling" diplomacy.

vbspurs said...

The sad thing about this exchange is that you can see Carter doing it to Reagan too, had he been well and were alive.

President Carter is a petty puritanical scold, striking as ever, the wrong note in Washington.

traditionalguy said...

These two Churched southerners understand how the shunning game is played. Everbody is equal, but some are just not worthy to be admitted into thr Circle of honored ones. And the game goes on.

vbspurs said...

Looking back and forth from them to her husband or the Bushes as the Carters go. Bill seemed unfazed but I think I see a hint of disdain there - like she expected at least a hello, regardless of any animosity.

I was going to mention that too! She almost does a double take as she lingers on the back of their departing heads.

Bill is pursing his lips in that "hey, that's okay" facial expression he has on permanently. But Hillary won't soon forget that, especially from Rosalyn Carter's part (she's even more petty than Carter is).

Roberto said...

Chilly indeed.

David said..."Carter is a world class prick. Clinton has a world class prick."

And didn't I read somewhere that it bends to the left?

vbspurs said...


Senators Robert Byrd -or- Ted Kennedy have been rushed out of the Inaugural Luncheon hall. There are conflicting reports as to whom it was (both white-haired, and seated nearby).

Hope all is okay...

SteveR said...

Two men, united by having risen from humble backgrounds to the presidency, one of little of no consequence for almost thirty years and the other still needing to be.

vbspurs said...

Just to confirm, the man who was rushed out was Teddy Kennedy. Oh man.

David said...

Bend to the left,
Bend to the right,
Stand up, Sit down,
Fight, fight, fight.

It's called Peyronie's Syndrome.

Big Bill has a moderate case.

vbspurs said...

I knew someone would mention Peyronie's...(NSFW!).

David said...

Ted Kennedy looked amazingly like his father today. Especially in the hat. Joe K. wore lots of hats.

Ted's never been my favorite, but what an effort to be there today. Hope it's not too serious.

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't Carter-the-antisemite be snubbed?

Jen Bradford said...

Hopefully it's a passing thing. I'm really glad he got to see the inauguration.

Carter has shown such incredible disrespect to every sitting President, I don't see how there wouldn't be animosity. He is such a diplomatic dunce. Thinking a Christian sensibility is going to influence Hamas, I mean - go back to domestic good works, for crying out loud. Behind that humble farmer routine is a galling arrogance.

Virginia said...

YEA! The parade!!!!

Good feeling - back.

Michelle looks great.

vbspurs said...

Virginia I just mentioned Michelle's dress in the other -- 2nd -- inaugural comments thread. :)

My thoughts about the First Lady exactly (which is saying something for me).

vbspurs said...

MY GOD. Obama gave his first military salute. It's official. He's President of the United States.

Virginia said...

Michelle for PRESIDENT!!!!

I'm liking her more and more.

Virginia said...

I heard the designer is Cuban.

Does anyone know anything about her gown tonight?

dannyboy said...

I know this is mean but Michelle looks like the grinch. Jill Biden is hot though. For an older babe.

vbspurs said...

I didn't know that, Virginia, but if you heard he was Cuban, then she went with Narciso Rodriguez again.

Narciso is to her, what Adolfo was to Nancy Reagan, and Oleg Cassini was to Jacqueline Kennedy.

Yes, he's Cuban-American, but unlike that famous demographic, he's a Democrat.

vbspurs said...

I know this is mean but Michelle looks like the grinch.

That's because you are still registering her sourpuss expression, Dannyboy. You have to train yourself to get past that, as I have.

Jill Biden is hot though. For an older babe.

She's a great looking lady, but she's not dressed well. Shorties should avoid apple-candy red, whenever possible.

Virginia said...

No, it's not that person. I think it's Isabel Toledo.

Tibore said...

Oh, crap:

"Senator Kennedy had a seizure" which "lasted a while," a Republican House member told CNN.

The member said Kennedy was still experiencing seizures when he was put in a wheelchair and taken out through the Rayburn room, located to the side of Statuary Hall."

They rushed him to the hospital. Good Lord, I hope that's merely precautionary. The aftereffects of such treatments as he has had to have gotten can be pretty rough.


Okay, anyone reading this who knows me personally knows that I lose no love for Kennedy the senator. But I restrict such thoughts for his policies and political activities, not his person. So when I say I hope to God and high Heaven that he's going to be all right, I mean it. I'll comment on his political stances in other contexts; for now, here's a prayer for the man, and a stated desire to see him come out of things okay.

dannyboy said...

She's a great looking lady, but she's not dressed well. Shorties should avoid apple-candy red, whenever possible.

That's a fashion thing isn't it?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Carter is a world class prick. Clinton has a world class prick

Ha ha. That was pretty funny, David.

It's like a bunch of drunken house guests who just don't get the hint and stay way too long, are rude and arguing with each other, eating everything and making you stay up late.

I bet the Obamas can't wait for everyone to just go home so they can get into their jammies, tuck the girls into bed in their new bedrooms, sit down together and go ...."Woah. Now what?"

chickelit said...

vbspurs said: Narciso is to her, what Adolfo was to Nancy Reagan...

"Narciso" in Italian derives from a classical Greek mythology. That's pretty rich irony, Victoria.

Meade said...

"world class pricks"

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Can't say I blame them. I wouldn't talk to a Carter
or a clinton either.

Posted by: Randal | Jan 20, 2009 12:09:21 PM

- comment at end of news story

Roberto said...

"Woah. Now what?"

Isn't that what Bush said on 9/11?

Roberto said...

dannyboy said..."I know this is mean but Michelle looks like the grinch."

No, it's actually more ignorant than mean.

Classless creep.

Michael Haz said...

Carter's just pissed that his homeys in Hamas are getting their butts kicked.

Plus every time he sees Bill Clinton he gets blowjob envy.

TosaGuy said...

If Carter dies in the next four years....will Obama attend the funeral or will he send Joe the Funeral Guy.

My money is on Biden.

traditionalguy said...

Michelle can't help how she looks. Pres. Obama values her strength and that is all I need to know. I expect she does offend some by her aggressive countenance. But if that rubs your fur the wrong way, try turning the cat around.

Craig Landon said...

"Woah. Now what?"
Isn't that what Bush said on 9/11?

Probably. That's what I said.
He came up with an answer you didn't like. I'm thinking Obama might too.

DaLawGiver said...

Classless creep.


Yeah, sort of like that lying, dinosaur riding, shit-stain loser Michael/Lucky who has been asked not to post here but still does anyway.

DaLawGiver said...

But not really. Dannyboy is a human being and Michael is just a disease. And while I don't know anything about him I would guess Danny has more class than Michael\Lucky could muster on his best day.

traditionalguy said...

Jimmy Carter's well practiced display of Christian better-than-you piety does much more to hurt Christ's cause than all the nice things he very publicly does for people. He is a sad case.

knox said...

Here's one rare instance where I'm:


Cedarford said...

HelenParr said...
Shouldn't Carter-the-antisemite be snubbed?

Maybe by various Right-Wing Zionists, but not by Americans since Israel is not our 51st State.

The snubs directed at Carter directly reflect his failed Presidency affecting American interests (not Israel's), his self-righteous prick persona, and his meddling in foreign policy of his successors that caused significant damage..
(His flirtations with Hamas should only be considered important in the context of it being good or bad for America.)

On the other hand, Clinton generally got thumbs up from the other Presidents - ranging from now well-liked (by HW Bush) to mildly liked but greatly respected (Nixon, when he was alive and advising Bill on statesmanship matters).

I predict Carter will become even more desperate in his last years to show he wasn't the worst modern President ever, given he has Dubya as the new possibility since Hoover and Truman and Nixon have risen out of the basement he thought he shared with them.
People point to Harding being as low as Carter, but Harding wasn't around long enough to really matter.

Now, if the Bush-era financial catastrophe becomes a Depression, if Taliban win in Afghanistan because we diverted most attention to Iraq for 6 years, and/or if Iraqis continue to show the French the French were pikers when it comes to "liberation gratitude"....

There is plenty of hope for Carter.....

Though history will remember Jimmy as a cold petty little prick and Dubya as an incurious, spendthift - but nice guy in way over his head...
That's still bad for Jimmy.
He remains the insufferable little prig, while Bush may be blessed as the guy who shouldn't have been President, but someone you wouldn't mind having a beer with..

AlphaLiberal said...

Joe the Funeral Guy

Hey, good one! Yours?

Meade said...

Cedarford said...
" Israel is not our 51st State."

A true statement.

Israel is our 1st ally.

Susan said...

Yesterday one of the news programs showed footage of past inaugural parties saying that most children of the new Presidents had lots of fun (footage of Chelsea and the Bush twins) but others didn't (footage of Amy Carter slumped in a chair looking sullen). The apple doesn't fall...etc.

Virginia said...

I wish they could get beyond their differences. To see feuding between two presidents at a time like this is unseemly.

As for Clinton, sure, getting along with elder Bush is so --- easy. Can't he do the harder thing and stretch, and just do it, just get along with Carter? No, it's not easy. But get out of your comfort zone!

dannyboy said...

No, it's actually more ignorant than mean.

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to appreciate attractiveness buddy. I don't find her the least bit attractive.

classless creep

Heh, I been called worse by better than you mate.

dannyboy said...

And while I don't know anything about him I would guess Danny has more class than Michael\Lucky could muster on his best day.

Thanks. I try not to break wind in public places and chew with my mouth closed.

My observation was a response to the oooos and ahhhhs about how beautiful she looked. Sorry, but she doesn't float my boat in the least.

Cedarford said...

Meade said...
Cedarford said...
" Israel is not our 51st State."

A true statement.

Israel is our 1st ally.

Operates the 3rd largest esionage network in the USA after China and Russia?
Never fought alongside us in a single war?
Subverted our politics with AIPAC money and helped cause the decline in goodwill towards Americans abroad?

Some ally.

Of course, certain Christian Fundies and Right-Wingers who think unquestioning support for Zionist Occupation and oppression is a prerequisite to be a "Good Republican" - think otherwise.

garage mahal said...

I predict Carter will become even more desperate in his last years to show he wasn't the worst modern President ever,

Really? I always got the impression he could care less what pundits or historians think of him. What the IDF is doing right now to Gazans if anything is giving Carter more stature. That is of course to anyone anywhere outside the U.S. that might actually hear about what is happening to form an accurate or informed opinion about it . Like, say in Israel.

Meade said...

Of course, certain Christian Fundies and Right-Wingers who think unquestioning support for Zionist Occupation and oppression is a prerequisite to be a "Good Republican" - think otherwise.

What an overeducated fool.

Meade said...

and a bit of a prick.

Meade said...

like Jimmy Carter

jeff said...

"Really? I always got the impression he could care less what pundits or historians think of him. What the IDF is doing right now to Gazans if anything is giving Carter more stature. That is of course to anyone anywhere outside the U.S. that might actually hear about what is happening to form an accurate or informed opinion about it . Like, say in Israel."

Oh please. He soaks up the admiration from the despots he worships. And you feel Israel responding to constant provocation is giving Carter more stature? Lord what is the color of the the sky in your world?

Eric said...

I'll have to go with the Clintons on this one. If there's any single American most responsible for North Korean nukes it's Jimmy Carter. In theory he could have been charged with a crime for conducting his own foreign policy, though I'm not sure if it would stick.

At the time an unnamed Clinton cabinet member (most probably Albright) referred to Carter as a "treasonous prick". And that he is.

traditionalguy said...

You have to give Carter some credit. He has done more with less than anyone I ever saw. His constant need to get recognition for himself, coupled by his work habits, has resulted in many Bad things done really well. You could say he sets the gold standard against which to measure all acts of political sabotage against United States foreign policy.

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