January 2, 2009

The funniest thing is, we thought Kathy Griffin was talking to Anderson Cooper when she said that.

We were watching CNN live on New Year's Eve, and we laughed a lot when Kathy Griffin said — with plausible thought-we-went-to-commercial deniability:
"Screw you. Why don't you get a job, buddy? You know what? I don't go to your job and knock the dicks out of your mouth."
Now, I see that it was — or they're saying it was — a comeback to a heckler.

Griffin is as master at getting big publicity by — simultaneously — scandalizing the squares and delighting her fans. We all remember "Suck it, Jesus."

AND: Which New Year's Eve TV experience was more painful?


TosaGuy said...

If we all ignore Kathy Griffin she will spontaneously combust.

Swifty Quick said...

Yeah, she's a real card.

Palladian said...

Wow, what a wonderful way to ring in the New Year, watching Kathy Griffin troll for publicity and Anderson Cooper squirm uncomfortably in a puffy coat. Way better than drinking Champagne and singing Auld Lang Syne with friends.

Ann Althouse said...

I was drinking champagne, and I was not alone.

Most people don't go out for New Year's, including plenty of people who go out a lot.

Ann Althouse said...

Chez Althouse, we love Kathy Griffin. Trolling for publicity is her routine, she spoofs trolling for publicity, and she's won Emmys for doing it so amusingly.

Palladian said...

I didn't go out for New Year's either, but I don't have a T.V. so I couldn't watch Kathy "Desperate Whore" Griffin and Anderson "My Private Life Is Private" Cooper even on the very slim chance I wanted to.

I miss Dick Clark, though when I watched that it was only for one minute when the ball dropped.

Palladian said...

"Chez Althouse, we love Kathy Griffin. Trolling for publicity is her routine, she spoofs trolling for publicity..."

A kindred spirit, eh?

Still, it's just not the thing I'd like to spend my New Year's Eve listening to. That kind of shtick gets stale awfully fast.

Anonymous said...

Watching CNN on New Year's Eve?


The rule of Lemnity said...

Yes, she trolls for publicity rather amusingly...
But could her f-bomb be considered a "fleeting explitive"?

Trooper York said...

Palladian said...
"Chez Althouse, we love Kathy Griffin. Trolling for publicity is her routine, she spoofs trolling for publicity..."

A kindred spirit, eh?

(Throws a flag)
Fifteen yard penalty for unsportsmanlike use of truth.

Pete the Streak said...

Amusing in what way? And Emmys, anymore, mean exactly what in terms of talent?

If she is representative of American 'humor', count me among the ashamed.

Yes, we all remember 'Suck it, Jesus'. Unfortunately. Worse yet, it's the highlight of her career. Thankfully, that's not exactly the way most folk want to be remembered.

SteveR said...

She's not funny.

ricpic said...

The standup comic Louis C.K. has a bag full of dicks routine. But not a mouth full of dicks routine. He's not as "in your face" as Griffin.

Trooper York said...

Kathy Griffin is really a bag of douches.

Richard Dolan said...

Didn't watch CNN, never heard of Kathy Griffin and wouldn't have learned of Ms. Griffin's comments but for the posting here.

She seems mostly ho-hum. Some guy on the street gives her a little grief, and she returns the favor, if that's what it was. She looks a little like Lucille Ball. Perhaps this is how I Love Lucy's gotten up-dated for the new century, although if it is, I think I prefer the original.

In all events, hasn't the in-your-face, big-haired, loud-mouth shtick been played out? Like Palladian, I don't get the "amusing" part.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Overall I think she held back ;)

Triangle Man said...

Kathy Griffin is as clear an example of "there is no accounting for taste" as one is likely to find. I enjoy watching her now, but recently saw some video of her old stand-up and could not stand it. However, clearly other people liked her back then too.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Who is Kathy Griffin?

Seriously. I have never seen her on anything. Sounds like I have had a fortunate escape.

traditionalguy said...

Kathy is hilarious. She milks the humor from catty vulgarity. That in turn limits her audience to people who either were either not raised by strict parents or who are still in youthful/lifelong rebellion. I still enjoy her.

Anonymous said...

Her comedy is hilarious...real knee-slapping stuff. That is, if you're a drooling moron.

saintrussell said...

From the NY Post article: "Co-host Anderson Cooper, who spent the night playing the role of straight man to Griffin's antics, then managed to break for commercial - although by that point, he could barely keep a straight face." Hmm.

Zachary Sire said...

Oh she's funny and harmless. Her TV show is pretty good too.

Off topic: since everyone is seeing so many movies, I highly, highly recommend watching this. If you've seen even 1/2 of the movies in this brilliantly made montage, you will really enjoy it, I think.

Ah Pooh said...

Wow, am I out of it! I thought you guys were talking about Phibin Regis' old co-host, and that she had had a personality change.

Ah Pooh said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Palladian said...

"Oh she's funny and harmless..."

Just like public fisting!

DaLawGiver said...

"Screw you. Why don't you get a job, buddy? You know what? I don't go to your job and knock the dicks out of your mouth."

Make up your mind Kathy does he have a job or not? And if his job is sucking dicks I bet you would knock one out of his mouth if you thought it would get you a laugh. What a hateful bigot. I hope you never get your cock sucked again ever.

Jen Bradford said...

She looks more like a drag queen every year. It's probably down by now, but her CNN thing headlined Drudge, and the shot of her was the drag queeniest I'd ever seen.

My family watched the movie "Airplane!" at Christmas (for some reason) and it's a similar experience to watching Kathy Griffin. Just when you think, damn this is so tasteless and stupid, there's a tasteless stupid line that's a riot.

Ralph L said...

Her standup bit on Brooke Shields' wedding was pretty funny, and DBQ, don't you dare say, "Who is Brooke Shields?" (They were on "Suddenly Susan" together).

Smilin' Jack said...

Now, I see that it was — or they're saying it was — a comeback to a heckler.

How would it make sense otherwise?

Freeman Hunt said...

She milks the humor from catty vulgarity. That in turn limits her audience to people who either were either not raised by strict parents ...

Are you sure it wouldn't be people who were raised by strict parents? It seems like vulgarity would be more impressive to people who were shielded from it at some point.

I find Griffin boring, and my parents were not even remotely strict. I didn't even have a curfew.

Or maybe parental strictness has nothing to do with liking Griffin. I don't know.