January 30, 2009

Blog traffic is up... and "Althouse... saw the sharpest increase."



chuck b. said...

Why are you conservative? I can't remember.

chuck b. said...

Oh, I remember--you don't like compact fluorescent lights!

Ann Althouse said...

"Why are you conservative?"

Because that's what liberals think I am, and it's what liberals think that matters. Conservatives have distorted perceptions. All the more reason why I am conservative, right?

chuck b. said...

With a name like bloggasm, they've got to be liberals.

Bissage said...

SISSY: You a real cowboy?

BUD: Well, that all depends on what you think a real cowboy is.

-- Urban Cowboy (1980)

Franco said...

Andrew Sullivan conservative?

Justin said...

Althouse is certainly a liberal. But if the criteria is "attracts mostly conservative readers" then this would quality as a conservative blog. Andrew Sullivan, on the other hand...

The only category I can think of that would include both Althouse and Sullivan is "disputes the ideological label most frequently applied to them."

john said...

"Why is Excitable Andy listed under conservative?"

Because that's what liberals think he is? Nope.

Because that's what conservatives think he is? Nope.

Because that's what he thinks he is? Well, he wrote the book. To quote a descriptor he often uses, he is a reliable whackjob.

Bissage said...

NOTE: 10:23 drafted without benefit of 10:17 or 10:20.

(After all . . . I have my pride!)

garage mahal said...

Because that's what liberals think I am, and it's what liberals think that matters.

You just said in a post last week that you were a conservative.

reader_iam said...

You commie brownshirt, you.

reader_iam said...

You just said in a post last week that you were a conservative.

Which one?

Meade said...

"Liberal blog traffic up 18%...
Conservative blog traffic up 16%"

Althouse blog traffic up 37%

That Atkins thing seems to be working. Maybe I was wrong.

Brian Doyle said...

Two words: Selection bias.

Brian Doyle said...

Because that's what liberals think I am

Also there was that fondness for George W. Bush, your support for the Iraq War, your fiscal conservatism... etc.

Ron said...

Clearly we commenters are responsible...when the NYT writes about us, the words "sexy", "sublime", "writhing", and "Promethean" will be thrown around a lot...

George M. Spencer said...

What kind of bucks are you making?

When do you start paying us, the little people?

reader_iam said...

... that lack of discernment and imagination on the part of some readers, alas including Doyle, who's capable of both ...

Methadras said...

Blogging needs an enema.

EnigmatiCore said...

The list of Conservative blogs includes self-described liberal Althouse and no-one-would-describe-as-conservative-but-him Andrew Sullivan.


MadisonMan said...

Interesting use of statistics. In real numbers, however, conservative blogs had the largest increase.

Here's a nice math problem for all the althouse readers: At the current rates of increase, when will "liberal" blogs surpass "conservative" blogs in real numbers or blog traffic?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"Why are you conservative?"

Althouse Openlysays she listens to Rush..

Where as Liberals listen in the closet.

traditionalguy said...

All credit should go to the continuous squirrel topics mixed in with the sex, sex, and sex topics. That's a combination that draws both liberals and conservatives. Where else can you find that combination? IMO the Professor is a very free thinking and open to new ideas, Conservative. Where else can you find that combination?

reader_iam said...

"Gardeners instinctively know that flowers and plants are a continuum and that the wheel of garden history will always be coming full circle."--Francis Cabot Lowell

Jason (the commenter) said...

Wow, they don't list a single bipartisan blog. I always suspected bipartisanship was a myth!

Brian Doyle said...

Isn't Ann's traffic largely a function of how many links Glenn Reynolds deigns to give her? So that a 33% increase means 4 "Heh, indeed"s instead of 3?

Oh but Reynolds isn't conservative, either. He's a fiercely independent techno-libertarian or something.

Clowns, whatever you want to call yourselves.

reader_iam said...

"Incongruity, they say, is one of the main ingredients of humor. Maybe it's because everybody can feel superior to me. I honestly don't know."--Emmett Kelly

Ann Althouse said...

"Althouse openly says she listens to Rush..."

It's necessary to listen to Rush as an antidote to all the liberal media. He reads news texts and plays news clips and tells you what they are really saying. Highly useful, insightful, and entertaining. The people who put him down either don't listen enough to get it or are afraid.

reader_iam said...

"To me, clowns aren't funny. In fact, they're kind of scary. I've wondered where this started and I think it goes back to the time I went to the circus, and a clown killed my dad."--Doyle

Ann Althouse said...

"Isn't Ann's traffic largely a function of how many links Glenn Reynolds deigns to give her?"

The number of links has been very consistent over a period of years, in case you haven't noticed.

reader_iam said...

Oops! I meant:

"--Jack Handy"

garage mahal said...

Limbaugh imitating Michael J Fox with the gyrations is really just showing how Parkinsons disease really works.

reader_iam said...

"I remain just one thing, and one thing only, and that is a clown. It places me on a far higher plane than any politician."--Charlie Chaplin

reader_iam said...

That really was one of Limbaugh's great asshole moments, IMO.

garage mahal said...

You wouldn't want to trust someone that actually has Parkinsons. You know, the Drive By Parkinson fakers.

reader_iam said...

Liberals have 'em, too.

chuck b. said...

Conservatism is like being a Negro in the Old South. If you have a little bit of it in you, it's all you are. That's the liberal view, it? Just as de-individualizing and dehumanizing.

KCFleming said...

"Clowns, whatever you want to call yourselves."

Doyle clearly needs a liberal orgasm like Maira Kalman has had. He's all pent up, frustrated.

Best to take the matter in hand, Doyle, and release your smart, sexy optimism.

Titus'sStimulusPackage said...

It's mainly because of me why this blog has an increase of traffic.

Lets talk loaves.

Brian Doyle said...

The number of links has been very consistent over a period of years.

I know. You'd never do anything to disappoint the Perfesser. There's still got to be some week-to-week noise.

Brian Doyle said...

Doyle clearly needs a liberal orgasm like Maira Kalman has had.

We already did. Jan 20, didn't you hear? That's not tartar sauce on your face.

Henry said...

Clearly, blog traffic was up the most for uncategorizable independents.

Let's put Althouse in with Andrew Sullivan. Sullivan is pretty unreadable in my opinion, but I think it's fair to say that he's in a narcissistic, seat-of-the-pants class of his own.

The results change as follows:

Liberal: Up 17.5%;
Conserative: Up 14.6%
Independent: Up 23.5%

chuck b. said...

"Clowns, whatever you want to call yourselves."

Althouse is a clown? But you're the one who comes here every day with your angry make-up on and smashes a pie in your face.

KCFleming said...

Then have a smoke or a joint, Doyle-dude, 'cuz yer all bunged up tighter n' AlGore's spandex supersuit.

Or mebbe ye jes' needs a little more fiber then you bin gettin'.

Try MiraLax. It's a wonder.

The Drill SGT said...

The reason Ann's numbers went up this last period was because all of us stopped by to say

"we told you so"


"did you see what The One did this time?"

Franco said...

Liberals believe Limbaugh is some kind of shaman who has magical influence over his listeners, therefore anyone who listens to him falls under his spell. That is why they won't listen to him themselves and rely of intermediaries to filter him - they are afraid they will be converted to the "dark side" if they tune into his show or listen to a sound-byte longer than ten seconds.

Ann is a conservative because she listens to him. Wow. I watch MSNBC (sometimes) That must make me a leftwinger.

Titus'sStimulusPackage said...

I still think her numbers are up because of me.

Brian Doyle said...

Liberals believe Limbaugh is some kind of shaman who has magical influence over his listeners

So do Republican congressmen, apparently.

Titus'sStimulusPackage said...

What kind of cash are you making at this place? I want raw comp numbers. Weekly,Monthly and Annually would be helpful.

Richard Dolan said...

Traffic up across the board, while circulation spirals downward at the print media, also across the board. Unrelated phenomena, no doubt.

As for MM's math problem, it's a straight line projection applied to a dynamic system and ultimately would tell you nothing. By the time you calculated the current average rates of increase over some period of time (it will obviously be time sensitive, and the week-over-week numbers during Inauguration week are a poor choice) and the base numbers they applied to, the rates would change.

Henry said...

One other major "liberal that liberals hate" blog that doesn't make an appearance is Kausfiles.

I suspect Slate doesn't use sitemeter.

MadisonMan said...

Yes. In other words, the numbers are meaningless.

(The answer, by the way, is between 4 and 5 weeks)

Host with the Most said...


Settle down, dude. Your side won. There is enough of a majority in Congress that your side really can pass pretty much whatever it wants. The Main Stream Media is for the most part clearly on your side.

It should be a bright, sunny, optimistic day for the likes of you. Why come here and listen to us whiners?

What are you hoping to accomplish?

Host with the Most said...


Why don't you go hang out in a black barber shop for the day and report back?

Original Mike said...

If you have a little bit of it in you, it's all you are. That's the liberal view, it?

That's certainly one of the things I've learned from Althouse's blog.

former law student said...

Althouse saw the sharpest increase.

People dig pictures of snowy Madison -- that's why.

Liberals believe Limbaugh is some kind of shaman who has magical influence over his listeners, therefore anyone who listens to him falls under his spell.

The typical Rush fan must be able to listen to three hours of bombast, pompousness, and self-love, and still call in to say "Megadittos, Rush." I don't understand how anyone not already a true believer can do it. If there were only some way to give his show an enema, so it could fit inside a few hundred words.

The only right wing voice I can listen to is Bill O'Reilly's. He actually sounds reasonable.

Ann Althouse said...

Doyle said... "I know. You'd never do anything to disappoint the Perfesser. There's still got to be some week-to-week noise."

I fucking voted for Obama.

Plus, I ripped Pajamas Media, his enterprise.

And I rejected the originalism of the gun rights case.

You have no idea how many times I did not shape my views for the sake of Instapundit links. That might be part of the reason why I get them. Ever think of that?

Henry said...

When the most idiosyncratic blogs are always classified as conservative, it doesn't say much good about the left.

I don't read partisan blogs on the left or the right. What they are lacking is curiousity.

People who think they have all the answers -- and you already know what their answers are -- are really tedious.

KCFleming said...

Hard to say. Clearly the Obama Inauguration Hallelujah Chorus did not zap his pram, or relieve that pent-up liberal orgasm, or in any way elevate his serotonin.

What's left for the lefty, then?
Does Doyle need to move, change jobs, change significant other, change meds, or change laxatives?

A good old fashioned enema maybe.

KCFleming said...

I know, an Oyster Po' Boy!.

Henry said...

You can't do tables in little tiny blogger comment boxes, but here's the data, comma-delimited:

Liberal Blogs, last week , this week ,%
http://dailykos.com," 5,552,953 "," 6,640,874 ",19.6%
http://crooksandliars.com," 1,268,953 "," 1,370,516 ",8.0%
http://firedoglake.com," 628,761 "," 741,328 ",17.9%
http://www.eschatonblog.com," 524,818 "," 574,641 ",9.5%
http://americablog.blogspot.com," 390,950 "," 445,725 ",14.0%
http://washingtonmonthly.com," 341,747 "," 442,442 ",29.5%
http://www.mydd.com," 176,932 "," 199,731 ",12.9%
http://www.talkleft.com," 188,384 "," 235,284 ",24.9%
http://openleft.com," 158,550 "," 187,908 ",18.5%
http://www.sadlyno.com," 104,412 "," 132,944 ",27.3%
Total," 9,336,460 "," 10,971,393 ",17.5%

Conservative Blogs, last week , this week ,%
http://hotair.com," 3,567,088 "," 4,252,906 ",19.2%
http://pajamasmedia.com/instapundit," 2,408,938 "," 2,577,372 ",7.0%
http://michellemalkin.com," 1,937,467 "," 2,232,251 ",15.2%
http://www.ace.mu.nu," 535,585 "," 650,258 ",21.4%
http://www.redstate.com," 451,878 "," 543,431 ",20.3%
http://gatewaypundit.blogspot.com," 275,583 "," 261,191 ",-5.2%
http://hughhewitt.townhall.com/blog," 181,104 "," 209,440 ",15.6%
http://patterico.com," 84,175 "," 91,686 ",8.9%
Total," 9,441,818 "," 10,818,535 ",14.6%

Independent Blogs, last week , this week ,%
http://andrewsullivan.theatlantic.com," 1,380,442 "," 1,670,823 ",21.0%
http://althouse.blogspot.com," 256,984 "," 351,316 ",36.7%
Total," 1,637,426 "," 2,022,139 ",23.5%

Hoosier Daddy said...

Doyle clearly needs a liberal orgasm like Maira Kalman has had.

We already did. Jan 20, didn't you hear? That's not tartar sauce on your face.

And you're still an insufferable whiney ass. Why is that? Is Obama making you sleep in the wetspot?

Palladian said...

"We already did. Jan 20, didn't you hear? That's not tartar sauce on your face."

Doyle, if your ejaculate can be confused with tartar sauce, I think you should see a doctor.

Of course you're a leftist so God knows where you've stuck it and what you've picked up.

Ann Althouse said...

About that noun "ejaculate": I always think of this.

Anonymous said...

how many places do i have to repeat this in slate or newsgroups since 1997?

you can do tables a bit better if you put the numbers first and the odd length names at the end column.

you should say "you can't cut and paste tables" especially in a blog that doesn't have fixed fonts and a tab function. (numbers won't vary that much in length especially if you keep placeholder values with 0 in front.

number or table dyslexia? Or just becoming aware of typographical/typewriter measures?

Chennaul said...

Oh gaaawwwwwd-

OK I raise Ann's video link-

Dick in a Box

I'm off.

Henry said...

Ah, commenter. Wrong on both counts. The table is exported in CSV format. On purpose. That way it's portable.

Anonymous said...

1,380,442 "," 1,670,823 ",21.0% sully
0,256,984 "," 0,351,316 ",36.7% allty
1,637,426 "," 2,022,139 ",23.5% total

i stand corrected. i am not that tech savvy

Anonymous said...

3,567,088 "," 4,252,906 ",19.2% hot air
2,408,938 "," 2,577,372 ",7.0% pj media
1,937,467 "," 2,232,251 ",15.2% michelle
0,535,585 "," 0,650,258 ",21.4% ace
0,451,878 "," 0,543,431 ",20.3% redstate
0,275,583 "," 0,261,191 ",-5.2% gateway
0,181,104 "," 0,209,440 ",15.6% hewitt
0,084,175 "," 0,091,686 ", 8.9% patterico
9,441,818 ","10,818,535 ",14.6% total

for me it is just a tiny bit easier to read, but maybe it's just my screen or device

Henry said...

You are right on readability. I bow to you on that. Good advice.

The percentage is the important number, but you can't rejuggled the table without the gross numbers.

Anonymous said...

meatloaf for you:: two out of three aint bad.

for me:: one step forward two steps back i stand near cliff edges btw

Simon said...

Justin said...
"Althouse is certainly a liberal."

Althouse is certainly Althouse, and that's about all that's certain. Idiosyncratically individualist. I like her that way, myself.

Usually. ;)

Simon said...

garage mahal said...
"You just said in a post last week that you were a conservative."

No she didn't. Link to the post you think said that. Searching the archive for January, the closest she came to saying anything remotely like that was on January 8th when she noted the willingness of moderates and conservatives to agree with a Jane Hamsher op/ed and warned: "But, my fellow moderates and conservatives, focus on this [other aspect of the piece]." But that locution groups her with the moderates, not the conservatives. (And in this post, explicitly disclaimed being a social conservative, which ought to be obvious to anyone with a pulse.)

Leland said...

I fucking voted for Obama.

Just going to church on Christmas isn't enough. Oh no! You have to go ever Sunday... attend the Wednesday prayer meetings... join the Choir... preach his name on Sundays... and if you really want to be confirmed, you must renounce that devil Limbaugh. If you do that, then they may share the communion and provide you a taste of their purple drink.

Otherwise, you are no better than those Holier-than-thou Christian Conservative Wingnuts that are always judging people.

Shanna said...

The only right wing voice I can listen to is Bill O'Reilly's. He actually sounds reasonable.

I loathe Bill O’Reilly. I agree with you about Limbaugh’s bloviating, but occasionally it’s interesting to check in. Mostly I’m at work from 11-2, so I’m not listening to any talk radio.

Also, I have low tolerance for people talking about the news. I far prefer print.

hdhouse said...

there is nothing better for the blog business than a bunch of out of luck republicans with nothing to say and a good space to say nothing on.

Ann Althouse said...
"Why are you conservative? Because that's what liberals think I am, and it's what liberals think that matters. Conservatives have distorted perceptions. All the more reason why I am conservative, right?"

Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought Ann to be a conservative.

Patm said...

Why do they insist on calling Sullivan a "conservative" blog?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Althouse said:

"It's necessary to listen to Rush as an antidote to all the liberal media. He reads news texts and plays news clips and tells you what they are really saying. Highly useful, insightful, and entertaining. The people who put him down either don't listen enough to get it or are afraid."

Althouse, if Rush reads this, he may ask if he can pay you to advertise for him.

Trooper York said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
I'm Full of Soup said...

"Althouse...saw the SHARPEST increase".

They must know how well-dressed we are. Not only that, we are highly edumicated!

Simon said...

hdhouse said...
"Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought Ann to be a conservative."

Never in my wildest dreams would I have been contemplating Ann's political leanings. ;)

hdhouse said...

Simon and Trooper York...

You guys need to dream a little more, foam a little less, try a little tenderness.....ya da...ya da da da dah

I think of Ann quite a bit thank you. she is up there with Maureen Dowd on my wish list.

blake said...

Sort of stunned by hd's comment there. Hold on...regrouping...

Uh. Yeah. I think Althouse actually has said she's conservative, just a couple of days ago and at various times over the years.

Sometimes its ironic. Sometimes its simply using a different definition than the knee-jerk identification of which Jersey you're wearing to the game.

Oh, and FLS, O'Reilly isn't really right-wing. He's a populist. And mostly, he's an O'Reilly-ist.

Trooper York said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

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