December 3, 2008

"In the summer because of the heat and high humidity, you could literally smell the tourists coming into the Capitol," sniffs Harry Reid.

He's glad they've opened the $621 million Capitol Visitors Center to subject the rabble to air-conditioning before they get anywhere near the elite.

IN THE COMMENTS: Lawgiver said...
And that's not all. "We have many bathrooms here, as you can see," Reid continued. "Souvenirs are available."

Souvenirs in the bathroom? Eeeewwww.

I wonder what a Congressional turd costs now days?
And I've heard -- Harry told me -- it doesn't stink.


American Liberal Elite said...

No longer must the smell of the legislative process compete with the smell of hoi polloi.

Greg said...

Pretty ironic coming from 'Dingy Harry'

DaLawGiver said...

Which begs the question is there one group of tourists that smell worse than the others? Do Hispanics smell worse than Blacks, Whites more than Asians? Do rich tourists not stink as much as poor tourists, or do we all stink exactly the same?

Brian Doyle said...

You're such a woman of the people, Ann!

Skyler said...

What a truly disgusting man.

I think maybe he should burn incense or carry a nosegay to hide the presence of us little people.

Can someone please explain how a man with no personality, no sense of propriety, and no common sense ever got into the senate, let alone be the majority leader?

Oh, yeah, he's from the mob controlled state. They like their politicians to be bland.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if those who are wearing out their fainting couches over this sleight from Reid would acknowledge that what he said is also true. I realize wingnuts and lunatics would like to interpret Reid's remarks as contempt for the Great And Good American People, but sometimes a casual observation about the stink of crowds is just that: a casual, factual observation and not intended as a personal insult to far-right loonies.

Palladian said...

Jesus Christ, it stinks in here! Althouse, you need to build a visitor's center so we can hose the Versos down before they comment. Pee-yoo!

AllenS said...

Oftentimes, on this very blog, there is a strong smell of turds in the punchbowl.

DaLawGiver said...

but sometimes a casual observation about the stink of crowds is just that: a casual, factual observation

In politics there is such a think as a casual remark? Apparently his staff didn't think so, they asked him not to talk about it!

DaLawGiver said...

And that's not all. "We have many bathrooms here, as you can see," Reid continued. "Souvenirs are available."

Souvenirs in the bathroom? Eeeewwww.

DaLawGiver said...

I wonder what a Congressional turd costs now days?

MayBee said...

I love that his aides have told him not to say that, yet he feels It Must Be Said.
He is brave.

Freeman Hunt said...

You can't blame him. Body odor on top of the thick stench of bullshit coming out of the Capitol year round is too much for any man.

Palladian said...

"And that's not all. "We have many bathrooms here, as you can see," Reid continued. "Souvenirs are available.""

The bathroom is where Reid hatches his most representative legislative ideas.

TosaGuy said...

We all know that we will never find Verso on a fainting couch when a "casual, factual remark" is made by a republican.

DaLawGiver said...


Did you really mean sleight or were you thinking slight and typed sleight. It makes a difference. Was Dingy Harry being deceitfully crafty or discourteous in a humiliating type of way? Or both?

bearbee said...

Tourist's BO is the peoples collective opinion of Congress.

It is Congress that stinks and stinks as it slides into where it belongs.

Somebody grab Harry's snorkel!

Hoosier Daddy said...

Verso said I wonder if those who are wearing out their fainting couches over this sleight from Reid would acknowledge that what he said is also true.

Hey Verso, it was a true statement when 7 years ago my then 4 year old daughter pointed at a morbidly obese woman and said "She's fat."

I instructed her that saying things like that, despite the apparent obviousness is impolite.

Evidently 'Senator Reid' didn't get the same upbringing.

sonicfrog said...

♫ Wall Street bail-outs and mortgage loans;
Constitution you're in my way.
This liberal Congress is such a joke
Look what's going on inside you.

Ooh, ooh that smell
Can't you smell that smell?
Ooh, ooh that smell
The smell of tourists that surrounds you. ♫

Anonymous said...


Johari window sez: Harry has a fetish.


Anonymous said...

Whoops, you're right: My mistake. Thank you for posting the correction.

Anonymous said...

At double the cost and four years late, the stench of congressional incompetence is filling my nostrils.

Even if Reid had dropped the olfactory comments, the fact that he could celebrate this monument to fecklessness makes me gag.

Bob said...

Reid, shit, fan. All at the event to open the latest government example of incompetence, mismanagement, and inability to meet schedule or cost estimates. Nice of you to let the little know how you really feel. Sometimes the heavens do align.

CW said...

Harry Reid reeks of corruption.


Methadras said...

Harry "The Human Turd" Reid completely understands the incongruentness of his irony, right? How this sack of bile gets elected to the Senate is beyond me. The people of Nevada should be embarrased that he is their senatorial representative. Waste of oxygen that he is.

Bob said...

Sorry, should have read "Nice of you to let the little people know how you really feel."

KCFleming said...

Harry Reid: The Senate would be great if it weren't for those goddamned citizens".

Ron said...

They who smelt it, dealt it, Congresscritters!

Cedarford said...

Part of the problem is that people, naturally curious about where 25-30% of the money they make goes seek to visit the place. And they, being rabble lacking infinite leisure time, private jets, and VIP shuttles that deposit lobbyists and elected officals and credentialled workers right at the steps of the Capital - must come in the summer on vacation and wait and sweat in long lines for hours.

Because DC is the summer is the resurrection of the climate of the humid, fetid swamp filled in to build the place. Sweat-soaked, smelly tourists are par for the summer.
Far better than the billion-dollar Visitor's Center boondoggle would be money spent on transporation, restroom facilities on the Mall, tickets to limit tourists to reasonable numbers and steer them to come at better times.

America and Congress also suffers from a compulsion to think that it must build National museums and monuments ONLY in the Imperial City.

Why MUST all our national museums be there? Why does the MLK Memorial HAVE to be in DC, vs a Center that could revitalize Detroit and use some of it's 80 empty blocks up? Why not have a WWII memorial located in the Center of the country (Missouri, Kentucky, or an economically depressed place like Michigan or Ohio) in a spacious park with a military and cultural museum showing events and artifacts of the era rather than crammed in 1/4 of an acre in the middle of the Mall?

Part of me is thinking that the destruction of the Imperial City might be a good thing. America is too big, and the Government is too big to cram all the people, monuments, and people that benefit from broikering the spending down in one small section of the country. (12 of the 15 richest communities in the nation are now within DC Metro).

Cindy said...

Isn't it more disturbing that the dem leaders referred to the center as "The People's Temple"? Should we drink kool-ade and worship congress?