December 11, 2008

"I think most of the commenters on your blog have a more 'male' vibe to them."

A reader writes:
I read your blog once in a while. I've a small question.

Do you have a sense of whether more males read your blog than females? I'm just curious. You post a range of topics though which should appeal to both sexes. But I think most of the commenters on your blog have a more "male" vibe to them.

Do you mind running a poll to find the male/female readership of your blog?

No, I don't mind:

You are:
Female free polls

ADDED: If you don't think the poll is sufficient proof that the readership here skews male -- 77% of you voted male -- you should see the comments. (Here and on the poll page.)

It gets to the point where Palladian says: "It's beginning to smell like a wrestling mat in here." He's right.

Then Joan says:
I skipped reading the rest of the comment thread -- no apology offered for that -- I just wanted to say the that the 3:1 male-female ratio here explains a good deal of why I spend so much time here. Every so often I make the rounds of the Mommy blogs, but they just don't appeal to me.

This is what comes of growing up with four brothers and a dad who controlled the tv...
The stink continues, and someone mentions rotten fish. That brings out blogging cockroach:
did someone say fish...
i adore fish
but i don t adore this thread
i have been away a while because tommy s
computer has been broken
tommy is the boy whose computer i use
anyway i had 3 or 4 funny things that
occurred to me as soon as i saw this post
i was organizing them in my little mind when
wham bam
fights broke out
can't think straight with all that going on
weird fights broke out
now i can only keep so much in my brain
which has only 960 cells or so
so i ll be back when i can find some
better space for my material
you know how i am so picky

A stink so noisome the cockroach is disgusted.


Simon said...

To address her point, you should probably have two polls, one for people who generally just read and one for people who read and routinely and at least often comment. It may be the case that 90% of readers are male, but your traffic so far outstrips the number of people who comment that it's not a safe assumption that commenters break along gender lines in proportion to readership.

stillanerd said...

This ratio could just represent the US blogging public. It's approximately the ratio of people I know that read blogs. Data anyone?

stillanerd said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
George M. Spencer said...

Pipe wrench. Red dog. Pump action. Clean jerk. Ram rod. Forta Magnus. Jack knife. Prostate Gland.

Tibore said...

Whoa!... So far, 3 to 1?? Wow.

I never would've guessed. Then again, you just posted this a bit ago.

john said...

How many times can we vote?

Roberto said...

Bullshit question.

Anybody who visits knows the vast, vast majority of contributors are dumb, right wing men.

chickelit said...

Glad to be guy

john said...

So Michael, what about the threads where you're responsible for about 2/3 of the comments?

Care to let us in on how you voted?

George M. Spencer said...

Maybe if we get lucky the Professor will do us one of those "Lady Lawyers of Wisconsin" 2009 Wall Calendars. They could be holding volumes of case law in positions suggesting their clients' innocence from which we could infer their zealous representation of their interests.

Roberto said...

John, as if you didn't already know it: "Anybody who visits knows the vast, vast majority of contributors are dumb, right wing men."

I represent the minority.

*Why not run a list of ALL the women or men, who aren't right wing zealots, who are here on a regular basis.

Take your time.

JohnAnnArbor said...

Does the vortex come into play here?

Rockport Conservative said...

I am an elderly female who regularly reads this but when I get ready to comment it seems the majority are high school boys judging by the maturity of their comments. I seldom go ahead and comment because I just don't want to be in the company of the commenter.

Roberto said...

Ruth: " seems the majority are high school boys..."

No, they're Republicans.

Palladian said...

"I am an elderly female who regularly reads this but when I get ready to comment it seems the majority are high school boys judging by the maturity of their comments. I seldom go ahead and comment because I just don't want to be in the company of the commenter."

We don't like Michael either, Ruth.

Anonymous said...

"I am an elderly female who regularly reads this but when I get ready to comment it seems the majority are high school boys judging by the maturity of their comments. I seldom go ahead and comment because I just don't want to be in the company of the commenter."

Welcome to the Internet.

Roberto said...

At least I'm not fat.

Roberto said...

Simon said..."To address her point, you should probably have two polls, one for people who generally just read and one for people who read and routinely and at least often comment. It may be the case that 90% of readers are male, but your traffic so far outstrips the number of people who comment that it's not a safe assumption that commenters break along gender lines in proportion to readership."

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...pontificating bag of gas.

Allen Garvin said...

Everyone knows there are no women on the internet, just men pretending to be female.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Well, since I am a female who, according to the Gender Analyzer writes more like a male than female on one blog, but more female on another blog, I guess I am skewing the results. Which way...I don't know...I'm so confused.

My female vibe is in competition with my male vibe ... on the blogs only... IRL I'm not confused at all and neither is my hubby.

If I want to get all feminist on it, people have a problem with assertive women and try to put a "male vibe" on them. I have often been addressed in anonymous internet land and he/him because of my writing style. Freeman Hunt, if we didn't know her gender, would also probably be taken for a 'male' writer.

Roberto said...

Bunny: Aren't you the one who didn't even know men could join your organization?

And thought that was just grand?


Luckyeldson said...

Hey, "Michael!" I know it's you!

Yer cousin, the *other* Lucky here!

Go git 'em! You kin remind them *right-wingers* of jes how full of shit they are.

Yessir! Just like the old days, eh, bro?

Luckyoldson said...

Hey, bro! What's shakin? It's great you're out of Atascadero and back to keeping busy with that professor out there in Madison somewhere.

I mean, a guy's gotta have something to do in rehab, right?

Roberto said...

I hate to say it, but there's an expression many of the dolts here are evidently not aware of:

"Imitation is really the sincerest form of flattery."

Especially when you have nothing original to contribute.

Oh, well...

Roberto said...

"It's great you're out of Atascadero and back to keeping busy with that professor out there in Madison somewhere."

We've entered the twilight zone.

Palladian said...

"At least I'm not fat."

Professor Olson, do you speak that way to your students? How do we know you're not fat? Got a pic? Stats? What r u into?

Lokeyoldson said...

Yeah, it's the Oldson Family Convention right here on the Althouse blog!

Hey, "Michael!" Great name! She'll never figure you out, man! You ever get that problem with the goat worked out?

Roberto said...

Are you fools all the same person or are you doing each other?

I have a suggestion: Get a life girls.

Moose said...

god, I hate google sometimes...

Moose said...


I resent that you only had 2 choices...

DaLawGiver said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Roberto said...

Lawgiver: Run the list, asshole.

Roberto said...

Lawgiver - C'mon...let's see the list.

Talk is cheap, asshole.

Cousin Bob said...

Hey, Oldsons, you know how poor Lucky just can't get enough attention hanging out there in his piss poor excuse for a house with nothing to do. He just HAS to go and make a fool of himself on Althouse's blog.

Jesus! You'd think he'd learned by now. Anyway, Lucky, if you'd like a break, I'll treat you to dinner at the casino here in Cabezon tomorrow night. Whaddaya say, bro?

DaLawGiver said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cousin Bob said...

Hey, "Michael" (really Lucky, you know), calm down. Take to blue pill after dinner, remember?

Don't call people "assholes." Makes everybody think of you.

Cousin Bob said...

In a not nice way, if you get my drift, bro.

DaLawGiver said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Roberto said...

Why would you little boys spend so much time playing with your monikers instead of posting something relevant?

And, Lawgiver...where's that list, asshole?

Roberto said...

Lawgiver said..."No guts, no answer, your pathetic."

First of all it's "you're" not your, dumbfuck.

Second, where's the list, asshole??

DaLawGiver said...

I represent the minority.


That's about the only thing you posted here that makes sense. Most people who post here are not assholes like you. You are definitely in the minority.

Roberto said...

Lawgiver said..."I repeat, because you are an idiot. Your question like most of then you post is pure bullshit.".
"Your question like most of then.."??

Meds kicking in or are you as dumb as you sound?

This is too easy...

Roberto said...

Lawgiver - I said a vast majority here are right wing zealots.

Instead of posting inane personal comments, why not provide a list to disprove what I said?

You're either very young, very dumb or both.

DaLawGiver said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DaLawGiver said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Roberto said...

You're wasting your time.

DaLawGiver said...

Feeling flattered yet?

Misspelling, improper punctuation, stupid questions, it's what you do.

You pathetic little man, go back to Huffpo where they like you.

Roberto said...

Lawgiver: When I said: "Why not run a list of ALL the women or men, who aren't right wing zealots, who are here on a regular basis."

It was a "suggestion" not a question.

And when you conclude with : "God, you stupid."

Doesn't that prove my point, asshole?

Palladian said...

"I think most of the commenters on your blog have a more 'male' vibe to them."

Lol. I think your reader was correct. It's beginning to smell like a wrestling mat in here.

reader_iam said...

No, I don't mind

Of course not. No lawyer worth salt asks a questions to which he or she doesn't already know the answer.

As to the poll: Count me a non-participant, on account of its stupidity due to obviousness. Puh-leeze. If there ever was a question or controversy about this--and, truthfully, I don't see how or why--it has to date back four-ish years, anyway, even if one were to be pinched and ungenerous about timelines.

Perhaps the small question is due to a narrow ability to determine/find out for oneself.

DaLawGiver said...

Yes it was a suggestion in a question format numbnuts.


Why don't you quit lying?

I am suggesting you quit lying about what you said.

You're an idiot.

Cousin Bob said...

Lawgiver, You really shouldn't pay my cousin Luckyoldson too much mind. All he's got left after the breakdown is to come onto these blogs and insult people, calling them "assholes" and such. He can't help it. The doctors tried, but what with the budget cuts and all, they can't really put him on the meds he needs. I keep telling him to take the blue pill three times a day to keep him from seeing those snakes, but he sometimes forgets, and, well, you see the problem.

Anyways, I will pick him up tomorrow and feed him a good dinner, which usually helps.

Thanks for your patience,
Cousin Bob

Roberto said...

Lawgiver, I don't give a flying fuck what you think about me or anything for that matter.

I asked you to provide a list of those who are regulars here, who are NOT right wing zealots, and you've been huffing and puffing ever since, but I still see no list.

If you want to provide evidence to refute what I said, do it.

If not.

Suck my dick, you're wasting my time.

Roberto said...

Cousin Bob said..."Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Another pontificating fool who thinks they're witty.

Witless maybe.

DaLawGiver said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cousin Bob said...

Lucky, You really shouldn't say things like that to people. Your group at the clinic will be there for you tomorrow. I think you're supposed to meet at 3:45. I'll take you out to a nice dinner afterwards, and it will be OK.

If you haven't done it yet, PLEASE take the blue pill!

Your Cousin Bob

Roberto said...

Lawgiver: When you pry yourself off Palladian's dick, provide the list.

Roberto said...

Bob - How many wives did your father have?

reader_iam said...

To put it another way.

DaLawGiver said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Roberto said...

Lawgiver - I'm beginning to think you're a mental retard.

This is my initial statement at 10:04:

"Why not run a list of ALL the women or men, who aren't right wing zealots, who are here on a regular basis. Take your time."

It wasn't a "question," dumbfuck; it was a "challenge."

Now...if YOU can provide the list do it.

If not, quit whining.

chickelit said...

Are we bored yet?

DaLawGiver said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joan said...

I skipped reading the rest of the comment thread -- no apology offered for that -- I just wanted to say the that the 3:1 male-female ratio here explains a good deal of why I spend so much time here. Every so often I make the rounds of the Mommy blogs, but they just don't appeal to me.

This is what comes of growing up with four brothers and a dad who controlled the tv...

Cousin Bob said...

Sorry, chickenlittle and everybody else who might be normal reading this blog. You see, my cousin, Luckyoldson, coming on as "Michael," has been having his "problem" again. I keep telling him to be sure to take the blue pills 3 times a day, but sometimes he doesn't listen.

I'm going to pick him up and feed him a good dinner tomorrow night, and make sure he has his meds. That should help.

In the meantime, please pay him no mind. When he's on his meds, he's the sweetest guy in the world. But when he's off them, he starts in like you see.

Next thing could happen is he starts in about the snakes again. I'll try to nip that in the bud, even if I have to leave work and drive over to his house.

Thanks again for your patience,
Cousin Bob

Luckyoldson said...

Looks kinda like Lawgiver took the tide out, leaving all of cousin Lucky's rotten fish on the beach.

Really stinks up the place, no?

blogging cockroach said...

did someone say fish...
i adore fish
but i don t adore this thread
i have been away a while because tommy s
computer has been broken
tommy is the boy whose computer i use
anyway i had 3 or 4 funny things that
occurred to me as soon as i saw this post
i was organizing them in my little mind when
wham bam
fights broke out
can't think straight with all that going on
weird fights broke out
now i can only keep so much in my brain
which has only 960 cells or so
so i ll be back when i can find some
better space for my material
you know how i am so picky

dualdiagnosis said...

I'm male and I come here because Ann is hot as hell.

George M. Spencer said...

Let her cool. She can become very hot. One sure fire way to never want to do this again is to burn yourself. Let her cool for 45 minutes to an hour. Install new O-rings on the power steering fluid pipes. Connect the fluid pipes to the rack and pinion. See if the oil smells good. Torque the lower pressure line to 20 to 29 foot pounds. Torque the high pressure line to 11 to 18 foot pounds. Jack her up. Open the hood. Now crawl up under her and find the oil pan and drain plug. It is located in different spots but generally speaking it is on the bottom. It should be right in front of you. Take your socket with you and find the one that fits. Line up the lower steering joint with the pinion shaft, then install the joint to the shaft. Tighten the bolt to 17 to 22 foot pounds. Replace the hole cover and torque the fasteners to 36 to 43 inch pounds. Loosen the bolt, or plug. Have your oil pan ready, as when you release the bolt far enough, oil will pour out. Once all the oil has drained, usually 5-10 minutes. See the kind of shape she's in. You need to locate the filter and do the same with it. Sometimes they can be tricky not to make a mess with. Just do your best. Reconnect or install all the remaining components in the reverse order of removal. Torque the tie rod end nuts to 22 to 29 foot pounds and then put a new cotter pin in place. Put your new filter back on and insert the drain bolt/plug back in. Give her some stick. Tighten it fairly tight. Set the rack and pinion in position and set the mounting brackets in place. Torque the nuts in sequence to 54 to 72 foot pounds. Put the the front stabilizer in place. Replace the engine mounting center member and fasten the bolts to 57 to 72 foot pounds. Torque the bolts on the engine mounts to the center member to 57 to 72 foot pounds and then remove the support from the engine. Fill the power steering reservoir and then bleed the the lines. Check the front end alignment and adjust her as needed. Touch her on the seat. Feel the fur.

Anonymous said...

Original -

Synthetic oil, you forgot to mention that it should be synthetic oil in order to reduce the friction coefficient.

Since it's Friday and we could use a day off let's call in guy.

Just see what happens to the blogworkplace when the guys all call in guy today. It will be a dull, dull, day without the guys.

People probably aren't aware of how many of their co-bloggers are actually guy. It's time we put them on notice.

There's nothing wrong with being guy! I'm guy and I'm proud. Say it with me. I'm guy and I'm proud.

Freeman Hunt said...

Freeman Hunt, if we didn't know her gender, would also probably be taken for a 'male' writer.

Happens all the time. And I think DBQ is right about the rest.

I don't think it's fair to imply that all the men made it smell like a locker room in here when Michael posted over half the comments.

Titusisverytired said...

I would like to see Althouse get hot on the collar about something soon.

When that happens it tends to get very exciting in this place.

bearing said...

Hey, I *am* a mommyblogger (of the Catholic homeschooler persuasion). And yet, here I am daily.

Perhaps I'm just perfectly in touch with my masculine and feminine sides. Looking for balance! Or perhaps my engineering degrees make me an outlier.

Won't be long before we all define ourselves by the peculiar collection of blogs we read daily.

Like a tag cloud, except with the size of the typeface proportional to the frequency of reading, or perhaps to the position of the blog's title in one's aggregator.

Joan said...

Freeman Hunt: I don't think it's fair to imply that all the men made it smell like a locker room in here when Michael posted over half the comments.

I came back this morning intending to read the thread, but when I saw how many posts were by Michael I didn't bother. Ick.

Bearing: I've mommyblogged myself from time to time, and I have nothing against moms or kids or mommybloggers. It's just that blogs exclusively focusing on kids and family don't hold my interest very well -- and I'm a Catholic former software developer currently pursuing my teaching certification. I'd much rather talk about politics, religion, economics, travel, media/entertainment, fashion, or cooking, which explains why I'm here. Althouse has a great mix of topics and lively commentary.

Rockport Conservative said...

Michael, for the record when I was in high school I was an avid Democrat. I got older and I learned better. Republican men rock! Or totter at my age. But older and wiser is what I am and when you grow older if you look at your posts you WILL be embarrassed.
And as for welcome to the internet I've been using a computer since the first Kaypro came out with CPM. I know the internet, it is an old friend of mine.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Bearing: I've mommyblogged myself from time to time, and I have nothing against moms or kids or mommybloggers. It's just that blogs exclusively focusing on kids and family don't hold my interest very well -- and I'm a Catholic former software developer currently pursuing my teaching certification. I'd much rather talk about politics, religion, economics, travel, media/entertainment, fashion, or cooking, which explains why I'm here. Althouse has a great mix of topics and lively commentary.

Ditto all that above and the great mix of topics. I have two blogs that neglect on a regular basis. One is more political or general topics (where the program I linked earlier thinks I'm male) and the other is about recipes and food (where the program thinks rightly that I'm female).

BTW: the program thinks it is 70% likely that Althouse is written by a man. LOL

I'm not especially interested in mommyblogging and tend to gravitate to economic and political blogs with some fun stuff like Neatorama thrown in. I'm a Catholic stock broker/financial advisor/insurance planner.

Just ignore the Michael/luckyoldson troll

Tibore said...

Christ... Michael, get over yourself. For your own sake, since the rest of us here could care less about you, get over yourself.

Anonymous said...

Well, this is indeed a wonderful day. I have called in guy.

The Guy Pride parade at Home Depot this morning was awesome. Hundreds of guys showed up dressed for the event in their most comfortable Carhart jackets, pants, overalls, etc. It was electrifying.

There was a Guy Pride support group rally in the power tools department. Man, those new 18 volt cordless tools are a miracle (and were invented by guys, I am proude to note).

I got to feeling all guyish and bought a new Black and Decker cordless impact hammer.

knox said...

Seems like there are more females lately to me... or at least they are commenting more regularly. I like it. So often there are gender-related topics I would like to hear more women's opinion on.

But if this were a girly blog I'd split.

Anonymous said...

Forgot to mention - while I was at the Guy Pride parade at Home Depot this morning I inquired about the availability of a cordless 18 volt "male vibe" Althouse mentioned in the header at the top of this topic.

Not currently available. At Home Depot.

Jennifer said...

Seems that way to me, too, knox. Also seems like we haven't had a full blown invasion of the nasty in a while. I think this is the longest period I've gone in years without getting fed up and moving on for a while. I'm liking both trends.

Anonymous said...

speaking of flashspun high-density polyethylene fibers

and a bit of crap I wrote in Indiana

oh wait it's really john writing here.

Well you should see Polythene Pam
She's so good-looking but she looks like a man
Well you should see her in drag dressed in her polythene bag
Yes you should see Polythene Pam.
Yeah yeah yeah

Trooper York said...

It is always amusing how Luckyoldson hates everyone who posts on this blog but has to comment over and over again. He is beyond tiresome and no one should indulge him with a response. He is just like Paula Abdul's stalker; unfortunately we can not count on him killing himself.

But it would be nice.

Happy Holidays.

Freeman Hunt said...

Seems like there are more females lately to me... or at least they are commenting more regularly. I like it.

Agreed and agreed.

I think that this blog somehow self-selects good commenters. I can barely stand to read the comments on other blogs. They're usually awful by comparison. After spending years here, I'm spoiled.

Donn said...

I think that this blog somehow self-selects good commenters. I can barely stand to read the comments on other blogs. They're usually awful by comparison.

I used to agree, but I think Michael has single-handily ruined Althouse. (See above comments for verification.)

Trooper York said...

Ruth as one of the main culprits at maintaining the level of discourse at third grade levels I would like to heartily apologize for offending your sensibilities.

I don’t think it is good idea to tell too much about yourself on the internets. If Simon finds out that you are and elderly female you might have a Paula Abdul stalking situation on your hands

Trooper York said...

And of course you know we can not all be as wonderful as Bissage.

Darcy said...

Donn, don't let him win.

And it's nice to read your comments here again.

Synova said...

I actually found a blog once that I sort of liked but it was so rudely male I couldn't tolerate it.

To put that into perspective... I enjoy Ace of Spades.

From many years of usenet news and blogs and whatever else, I've come to the conclusion that I can't tell a person's gender by what they write or how they write it. I've often enough had people assume I was male, so obviously I'm not the only one who can't tell.

That said... I think that part of why I enjoy this on-line interaction is that I really don't care if I piss people off. Well, I do try to get along, but it's not at all like RL when I often found myself not talking about what interested me because I wasn't *sure* that the ladies I was talking to would find it interesting as well, or if it would be off-putting. The only really safe subject was a sort of RL "mommy-blog" range of conversational subjects. It was the one thing I could know, absolutely, that was something I had in common with the other ladies I knew from church or the neighborhood or with their kids at the park.

And maybe it's a "girl" thing to want to avoid conflict. At least that's what they always say, right? I know that on the homeschooling newsgroups I was on for many years there were some women who just really *really* could not tolerate conflict.

And I will say that on "girl" blogs (yes, liberal feminist girl blogs... do conservative girl blogs count as girl blogs?) even mild argument on my part is usually removed. Even with the all the "this is my opinion" qualifiers, disagreement is removed. So I don't generally bother.

Synova said...

Heh... that gender analyzer thing DBQ linked puts at 68% male.

Joan said...

Synova: Gender Analyzer is 76% sure that my blog is written by a man. I think that says a lot more about us than it does about the software.

Rockport Conservative said...

Trooper York:
Not to worry, I am in a wilderness surrounded by cougars, wild hogs and coyotes, only real men get in here.
Also I Have a Tiger in my Lifeboat.
I like to read and comment when commenters are making legitimate points, whether I agree with them or not, it's the thought that counts.

Freeman Hunt said...

The Gender Analyzer also has me as male.

Hmmm, maybe there really is a male vibe around here. Even the females are rating male.

Eric said...

Lots of people (like myself) got here from Instapundit, and he's all about guns and gadgets, so I'd expect a few more men than women.

Synova said...


Guns, yes.

Gadgets, not so much.

Half of the gadget posts at Instapundit are links to cooking gear.

I suppose it's "hyper-masculine" to not be threatened by discussing coffee grinders, juicers, or non-stick pans.

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