November 7, 2008

"The United States has only one government and only one President at a time."

Said Barack Obama, at his press conference today, emphasizing the economy and pointing out a number of things that need to be done immediately. Presumably, President Bush is paying attention. ADDED: There are 2 quotes that belong in the famous quote books: 1. "I've spoken to all the Presidents. Living, obviously. I don't want to get into a Nancy Reagan thing." 2. "A lot of shelter dogs are mutts like me." UPDATE: Obama apologizes to Nancy Reagan:
"President-elect Barack Obama called Nancy Reagan today to apologize for the careless and off handed remark he made during today’s press conference," said transition spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter. "The President-elect expressed his admiration and affection for Mrs. Reagan that so many Americans share and they had a warm conversation." Obama was asked at his press conference today if he'd spoken to all the "living" presidents. "I have spoken to all of them who are living," he responded. "I didn’t want to get into a Nancy Reagan thing about doing any séances." He was apparently confusing stories about Reagan's consulting with an astrologer with those about other First Ladies -- from Mary Todd Lincoln to Hillary Clinton -- who tried to make contact with figures from the past.
Yes, exactly. It was Hillary who talked with the dead! Here's the NYT report from June 25, 1996:
Although her views on altered states of consciousness and reincarnation would strike many Americans as outlandish, Jean Houston has instructed executives from such buttoned-down companies as Xerox, lectured at such sober universities as Harvard and worked with such mainstream figures as Margaret Mead. Dr. Houston, a 57-year-old author of 15 books who is admired by many adherents of the human potential movement and of New Age mysticism, made headlines over the weekend because of her work with another mainstream figure, Hillary Rodham Clinton. "Seances" were among the interpretations of sessions in which Dr. Houston and Mrs. Clinton supposedly conversed with Eleanor Roosevelt and Gandhi. But in an interview here at her Rockland County home today, Dr. Houston said Mrs. Clinton never made any seance-like effort to contact the spirits of Mrs. Roosevelt or Gandhi but simply engaged in an intellectual role-playing exercise to tackle a problem the First Lady was having with her book about children, "It Takes a Village." "We were using an imaginative exercise to force her ideas, to think about how Eleanor would have responded to a particular problem," Dr. Houston said. "I have never been to a seance."... Dr. Houston said that Mrs. Clinton would never engage in spiritualism because she is "a very committed Christian" and a "serious, reflective and prayerful" woman.


I'm Full of Soup said...

Lynn Sweet, a Obama sycophant Chicago columnist, who phrased her question "living presidents" must be an idiot.

Obama was disrespectful in his response.

blake said...

I'm still waiting for the "good politician" part of BHO.

Every time this guy goes off script, he's a clod. Tone deaf. I guess his politicking style is going to be stay on script.

Yes, let's make fun of the elderly former First Lady whose husband is not long dead. That's class!

Hunter McDaniel said...

No class on quote #1, nice sense of humor on quote #2.

So far he is batting .500

Kevin said...

What a stupid thing to say about Nancy Reagan. And in any case, she was not the one who had seances - that was Mary Todd Lincoln.

If it is OK to be snide about Nancy Reagan - an old widow, then is it OK to be snide about Michelle Obama too? God knows, there's plenty of material there.

miller said...

He will get a pass for a while until the newness is worn off.

Then it will get nasty.

What he needs to be careful of (and who am I to advise him?) is being too present even before he's sworn in, because if he starts spouting gaffes and making intemperate or snarky remarks, he'll look like every other politician. Which, of course, he is -- he is just another politician who somehow has been given a pass to be different from all who have preceded him.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Obama got that wrong - it was Hilary channeling Mrs. Roosevelt.

miller said...

This press conference is not putting fresh fruit on the table.

XWL said...

"The United States has only one government and only one President at a time."

As he said this from behind a podium that read, "THE OFFICE of the PRESIDENT-ELECT"

Has a President-elect ever done this before?

Has a President-elect ever had an "Office" before?

It's interesting to see the revisions on the Wiki (the first version from Nov 2003, the most current version, here) for the term ""President-elect", and it's also interesting to note that the wiki already points to It's been edited recently to reflect that in practice a person is President-elect as soon as the election is over, but isn't really President-elect until the Electors meet in December.

Perusing the Presidential Transition Act of 1963 (and its 2000 revision), nothing prohibits setting up an "Office", or having a podium with that emblazoned on it, but I'm pretty sure it's unprecedented.

miller said...

It's unprecedented only because at last we have the One True President to bring them all and bind them.

DaLawGiver said...

As noted at Obama seems to have created an Office of The President Elect. It's on the placard in front of the podium he is speaking from in the video Ann linked. I have never heard of such an office, it even have a .gov website. Is this a first?

Dang WXL beat me to it!

Revenant said...

Presumably, President Bush is paying attention.

I doubt it.

ricpic said...

Dat man a Gawd, he goan save AWL duh peeps.

miller said...

I don't know why everyone is so cranky, just because Bambi is receiving his crown a few weeks early.

dannyboy said...

Barrack Hussein Obama is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life.

walter neff said...

How dare you racists critize him.

DaLawGiver said...

Sorry for the typos. I get used to typing text messages and ingame chat where it really doesn't matter much.

miller said...

I mean, seriously. Why should Bush pay attention? Did his predecessor give him the heads-up, or bow to any supposed "wishes" of the election?

Bush is President until January 2009. I hope he waits until the last few moments to let go of the podium.

miller said...


I laughed out loud & caught the reference right away.

walter neff said...

Why should the President elect show any respect to old white women?

He thinks they are likeable enough.

It is just that their proper place is under the bus.

dannyboy said...


I laughed out loud & caught the reference right away.

Thank the saints there is some who can appreciate obscure movie quotes.

Thank you

Revenant said...

Don't be an asshole, ricpic.

blake said...


If such an office were to be created, wouldn't it be the sitting President's job to do so? Or at least Congress?

blake said...

dannyboy gets in the zinger!

miller said...

And the best part of dannyboy's quote is that it is from the BLACK AND WHITE version, which is extra-special crunchiness!

DaLawGiver said...

I didn't want to get into any Nancy Reagan thing, doing any seances.


Do you think Nancy will get an apology?

ricpic said...

Kiss it, Revenant.

George M. Spencer said...

Pres.-elect Obama' comment about Mrs. Reagan was undignified. His stress level from here on is only going to get higher. I fear we will hear many more such curious and hubristic comments.

Interestingly, he had the story wrong. While in the White House, she consulted an astrologer, not a medium.

miller said...

I know he slipped in saying Nancy Reagan held seances (it was HRC, after all), but really, it's not like he said "I can see Russia from my house!"

We all know how moronic the Rethuglicans are, but when members of the Democrat Party say something stupid, it's actually endearing because they're so perky, fresh, and lovable.

Ha-ha, Mr. President-Elect-Please-Make-Room-For-My-Ego. Such a funny joke to make at an old lady who's never done you harm.

I am delighted to forecast the next 4 years of the discomBambulations.

miller said...

"When I Grow Up I'm Gonna Get Some Big Words & Then Eat Them Later"

Julia said...

For Christ's sake people. Does anyone here seriously want to argue that it was not absurd for Nancy Reagan to be consulting an astrologer about who should have access to the President of the United States on what days?

From Wikipedia: "Days were color-coded according to the astrologer's advice to discern precisely which days and times would be optimal for the president's safety and success.[6] The White House Chief of Staff, Donald Regan, grew frustrated with this regimen, which created friction between him and the First Lady... Regan wanted President Reagan to address the Iran-Contra matter in early 1987 by means of a press conference, though Nancy refused to allow Reagan to overexert himself due to a recent prostate surgery and astrological warnings."

Just because she's an old lady does not mean that her mockable conduct is above mockery.

This wasn't even mockery, really, just some good-natured ribbing. You right wingers can dish it out, but you sure as hell can't take it.

Revenant said...

I know he slipped in saying Nancy Reagan held seances (it was HRC, after all), but really, it's not like he said "I can see Russia from my house!"

Then again, neither did Sarah Palin. :)

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Obama is already turning around the economy.

Why, just fact-checking him alone ;)

miller said...

Oh, Julia.

It sounds like the Humorless Left is once again showing its face.

Bambi stepped in it, and said something needlessly cruel to an old lady who hasn't been in Washington since 1989.

He has all the class of a third-grader saying "booger."

ricpic said...

The Young God is obviously planning on being a steamroller in office. Remember the recent fate of another steamroller?

miller said...

Revenant - Yes, I know, but I have to tell you, there are grown adults at my job site who really believe she said it.

Truly amazing that they conflate a comedy show with reality, but then, they conflate their vote for the Presidency with their fandom for American Idol.

miller said...

And isn't it cool that Bambi isn't even in office yet and he's already off-message?

It's about Hopey-Change.

And kicking an old lady.

Ha-ha. I see the humor.

walter neff said...

Its just part of Obamas problems with older white woman. Nothing to see here, its just a joke. Do not critize the great and powerful Obama. You racist swine.

miller said...

I can think of a dozen things to say in his position that would be funny w/o (a) being mistaken [again!] and (b) picking on a weak target.

I know he's a Gifted Orator. But he really should learn the value of keeping quiet when the Teleprompter runs behind.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

For Christ's sake people. Does anyone here seriously want to argue that it was not absurd for Nancy Reagan to be consulting an astrologer about who should have access to the President of the United States on what days?

He got it wrong Julia.

miller said...

Proof once again that comedy only looks easy.

Roberto said...

And the high- pitched WHINE continues.

Get over it...he's President.

YOU lost...I won.


dannyboy said...

I'm a Libra myself if anyone cares.

miller said...

I wonder, will Bambi begin to experience the same 24x7 relentless criticism that the current real President has experienced since his landslide win in 2000?

I would not be one to wish Bambi ill; I actually hope he succeeds in his Presidency in keeping American safe, secure, and strong.

But along the way I will feel very free to exercise my First Amendment rights to comment on everything he says and does - not in a spirit of seeing him stumble, but in the light of all the fun it will be and all the softball targets he will create.

Really. Getting it wrong on Day One.

Roberto said...


Joan Quigley is the name of the famous astrologer who advised former First Lady Nancy Reagan during her husband, Ronald Reagan’s, years in office.

Nancy Reagan consulted with this famous astrologer many times, particularly after the assassination attempt in 1981 that almost killed President Reagan.

Nancy Reagan’s reliance on Quigley became front-page news, and she even made the cover of Time Magazine in May 1988 with the headline “Astrology in the White House.”

dannyboy said...

Am I the only one who thinks Michelle Obama kinda looks like the Grinch?

Just sayin

miller said...

I'm not sure - can you explore more how astrology and seances are the same? I'm sure that explaining this at great length will somehow (a) excuse Bambi's behavior and (b) make it really funny.

I mean, everyone likes to laugh.

William said...

On the bright side, he has gone two whole days and Limbaugh has found nothing worthy of impeachment.

Roberto said...

miller: "I wonder, will Bambi begin to experience the same 24x7 relentless criticism that the current real President has experienced since his landslide win in 2000?"

Not unless he's as completely inept as George W. Bush has been.

Not many Presidents have been so completely out of touch with reality, and been instrumental in creating so many problems for the country.

Maybe that's why publishers think he should "wait a few years" before thinking about a memoir.

*Oh, and he's the President of the United States the cute little Bambi reference is rather silly...unless of course, you're not a "real" American.

miller said...

I actually wouldn't comment on the looks of anyone. Except that I do find Michelle to be attractive and classy-looking. She's the First Lady, but she didn't run for anything and won't be running anything officially. So I wouldn't ever pick her as a target. Let the Blue Team go after women; I won't participate.

miller said...

I haven't a clue what you mean. Perhaps you can explain further? I mean, jumping from "real President" to "real American" in just a few knight-jump moves. Impressive.

It gnaws at the spirit, doesn't it, to remember that George W. Bush is the President of the United States and not Bambi.

It's like he's sticking around just to irritate people.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

even our profiles here ask what sign we are.

Google is not asking (yet) if we've talked to dead people..

miller said...

Pure comedy gold. 1461 days of it at least.

What's not to look forward to?

miller said...

He apologizes.

So he thought he was wrong.

Nice touch. We accept your apology.

dannyboy said...

Miller, buddy, I'm not on anyone's team. I call em like I see em. I just don't find the lady hot worthy and she has this kinda angry thing about her. I saw picture of her the other day and she looked like the Grinch. Ok I had a couple pints and maybe that added to the perception. But I call it on all sides. Kinda like Cindy McCain. Sometimes she looked like a babe and other times like she'd do a Lorena Bobbitt on you.

We need another Jackie O.

miller said...

Now, will the people who defended Bambi also apologize for getting it wrong as well?


miller said...

I agree with you that Jackie O was unusual and attractive. She wasn't movie-star gorgeous.

But somehow she was just stunning.

dualdiagnosis said...

Presumably, President Bush is paying attention.

What's that supposed to mean?

Synova said...

As for the question of mockery...

It was gratuitous.

It doesn't matter if Nancy Reagan is a nut for having done it... there was no reason in context or otherwise to bring it up *except* that Obama knows he can get a laugh by making fun of people.

This is his idea of humor.

And Julia, get used to having it pointed out when he does it.

He did it every time he made a big show of saying "good things" about his opponents, be they Hillary Clinton, McCain or Palin... that's his idea of "funny."

Picking on a foolish old woman for no other reason than he knows that his constituents will think it's funny makes him a smaller, unlikable, person.

1775OGG said...

I'm ever so grateful that President Elect Obama is allowing those of us who voted for McCain/Palin to continue our meagre existence and to stay in our homes.

Of course, once His Blue Shirt CNSF is in place, that might change. So, I'm grateful and will enjoy this interim period while it lasts.

Hopefully President Bush will be allowed to continue to serve out the remainder of his term of office, with President Elect Obama's kind permission!

DaLawGiver said...

Nice apology.

At least Obama has some class unlike the lying Meatsack Michael. Tell me again how gas is going to be $5 a gallon in December and how the surge won't work. Tell me how astrology and seances are the same thing.

And then blow me, fuck off, or what a hoot me you loser.

miller said...

Now, now.

Bambi has apologized for his gaffe.

We should accept his apology and move on.

I wonder if he's started measuring for the drapes yet?

Darcy said...

Hilarious, you guys! I needed these laughs.

miller said...

Somehow I think of Tigger's "The wonderful thing about Tiggers is that I'm the only one."

It's hubris and humor all rolled up into one sweet little fluffball.

dannyboy said...

I agree with you that Jackie O was unusual and attractive. She wasn't movie-star gorgeous.

Well in all honesty, being a connoisseur of females, let me just say that the early 60's were not kind to women in looks. Now there were a few. Eve Marie Saint for starters. I mean holy crap. Drop. Dead. Gorgeous. Janet Leigh is another. That's a woman that could walk into a room and suck the oxygen out of it she was so beautiful.

Jackie had good looks but style and poise only makes it better.

Roberto said...

Miller...George W. Bush is certainly "sticking around," that's his right as current President, but as for those he obviously "irritates"...

...let's start with the entire world:

How about the "World Effect?"

I realize many here think America is the only real country on the planet, but we have friends throughout the world that we're dependent upon economically and militarily (fighting terrorism), and our reputation has suffered dramatically.

In 2000, 78% of Germans had a favorable view of the United States...and by 2008 that had dropped to 31%.

During the same period, favorable opinion of the U.S. went from 83% to 53% in Britain...

From 62% to 42% in France...

From 77% to 50% in Japan...

From 68% to 47% in Mexico...

From 52% to 12% in Turkey...

And right her in America:

More than 70% of us disapprove of Bush's job performance, according to a recent CBS News/New York Times poll, and 85% think our country has "pretty seriously gotten off on the wrong track." June, the Pew Project found that large majorities in each of the 24 countries it surveyed had more confidence in Obama than McCain "to do the right thing regarding world affairs."

In late October, Gallup released a 73-nation survey finding that world citizens preferred Obama to McCain by a margin of more than 3 to 1.

So keep up the petty whining...because he's going to be around for eight more years.

Count on it.

miller said...

Humor in Western society is deadly.

Palin's remark about seeing Russia from her house was never spoken by her, but it has stuck to her like white on rice.

Bambi has made it a habit of picking on defenseless people, but this time he can't use the excuse of a campaign, and he doesn't have John McCain to point to.

So he learned a great lesson today about the difference between a candidate and a presumed-elected--President. (I'm not one for conspiracy; just trying to be accurate.)

He will no doubt be much more careful in the future.

Synova said...

"Nice touch. We accept your apology."

We do?


It's not like he could say something like that on accident. It's like being sorry you got caught. It's like that stupid girl in high school who make jokes at my expense until I cried because the other kids were laughing and giving her the affirmation *she* needed... and then she was SORRY. I didn't forgive her for that, either, despite understanding what was going on, because she wasn't sorry for what she'd done she was only sorry that after I cried people didn't think she was funny, they thought she was mean.

integrity said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
miller said...

Well, I'd say "we accept your apology" in the spirit of "you made a big fat mess, but I'm bigger than that, and even if you can't grow up, I can act like the adult."

Yeah, it sucks when someone obviously in power is mean to people who are out of power and in no position to fight back. But what can you do except use adult behavior to counteract childish taunting?

Bambi loves to give the finger to women. He might not be able to continue to do so given how this latest "up yours!" turned out.

Oooo. 1461 days of this, not counting the time he is merely serving as the President-Elect.

I realize the P-E gets an official seal. Doe he also get his own flag and triumphant music when he enters the room, like "Hail to the Cheat"?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Can somebody tell Michael the election is over and that his guy won.


miller said...

It's more fun to make fun of those in power.

And Bambi is already providing plenty of fodder.

Oh, and Synova, I don't mean to diminish your anger or reaction. You have a fair response.

dannyboy said...

In 2000, 78% of Germans had a favorable view of the United States...and by 2008 that had dropped to 31%.

A positive approval from the country that gave us the Holocaust means what exactly?

During the same period, favorable opinion of the U.S. went from 83% to 53% in Britain...

Still higher than in 1783 so its all good.

From 62% to 42% in France...

And this is a bad thing?

From 77% to 50% in Japan...

Still pissed about Hiroshima I see..

From 68% to 47% in Mexico...

As evidenced by the declining numbers of illegals


miller said...

Lem, I think he's very angry that we haven't given up, dispirited by the blowout loss; instead, we seem to be rather cheerful and excited about the next four years, full of chances to point out Bambi's flaws which the media failed to highlight.

Bambi goes for the cheap shot, over and over. He picks on women and those out of power.

I can't tell you how proud that makes me feel. I can say "That's MY President!"

dannyboy said...

Can somebody tell Michael the election is over and that his guy won.


Jesus was on the ballot? Shit I knew I should have registered.

Does this mean I'm going to hell?

miller said...

But all you women who voted for him, seeing how he treated HRC - how does that feel now?

Do you sense a pattern?

walter neff said...

"The wonderful thing about Tiggers is that I'm the only one."

This is dangerously close to racist invective. Please quit while you are ahead. The thought police will be on you before you know it.

Even Pooh is not allowed to use the "T" word.

DaLawGiver said...

Danny, Danny, Danny.


JAL said...

Did we elect a junior high schooler?

The Office of the President Elect sign looks really childish.

I am getting a sense the next four years are going to be really insufferable.

And you know what? He is going to piss off the rest of the world leaders with this attitude. (Sarkozy already seems to have his number.)

DaLawGiver said...


Can we count on 8 years of Obama like we can count on the surge not working and gas being $5 a gallon by December?


dannyboy said...

Danny, Danny, Danny.


Hey, I didn't want to write a thesis ok? Ann Margaret for sure and talk about holding up well too. Plus I have a thing for redheads.

Liza Taylor didn't blow my skirt up. I don't know why. I mean I wouldn't kick her outa the sack for eatin crackers but she didn't have that 'look' for me. Maybe it's my redhead/blonde bias.

Darcy said...

What about Kim Novak?

dannyboy said...

And you know what? He is going to piss off the rest of the world leaders with this attitude.

In my book, that defines success.

Why a nation of immigrants needs to seek the approval of countries our parents left shaking the dust off their boots never ceases to amaze me.

dannyboy said...

What about Kim Novak?

Only movies I saw her in was Vertigo and the Great Bank Robbery and thought she was a babe for the time. Very voluptuous.

Darcy said...

By the way, I'm glad Obama apologized. It was the right thing to do.

And I think Michelle Obama is stunning. I kind of look forward to watching how being First Lady changes her...if it does.

DaLawGiver said...

Probably the 1950s were a better time for Taylor. Sorry Darcy but Kim Novak is second tier. Even Barbara is ahead of her.

John said...

Obama is so fucked. I just watched one of the google guys on MSNBC. He apparently is an advisor to Obama. They asked him what they were going to do. The guy looked like a deer in the headlights. He actually said "I think it is important to remember there still is a president and Congress and Obama is only the President elect". When asked what Obama would do in January, he said "he will act quickly".

Bill Clinton walked into a country coming out of a recession and into a peace dividend from the cold war. That allowed him to raise taxes and revunue and hand out all the goodies to liberal consituencies.

Obama is walking into the begining of a deep recession and is fighting two wars so there will be no peace dividend. What does he do? Even the biggest Keynsian admits that you can't raise taxes on the productive during a recession. Thanks to the bailouts, the deficit is through the roof. Unless he just wants to print the money, he can't really spend much more without finding new revenue. And oh by the way revenue is going to tank because the economy is going down.

The way out of this mess is to cut taxes and regulation to spur investment and conumser spending. But that is not an option because he has a Demcoratic Congress and a bunch of supporters who don't understand economics and think that he is going to tax the wealthy and give them a tax cut. Believe me, they know that you can't raise taxes at the begining of recession.

At the same time, he has made so many promises to so many people, he has to do something. Do what? A spending bill we can't afford? Raise taxes? Maybe that is why Bush wanted the bailout bill. It spent all of the money and totally fucked Obama.

dannyboy said...

I really wish they'd have a liquor store that a delivery service.

Darcy said...

No problem, Lawgiver. I liked her in Bell, Book and Candle. Thought she was pretty stunning in that.
Really sexy.

Ok, enough OT from me. :)

dannyboy said...

Thought she was pretty stunning in that.
Really sexy.

Ok, enough OT from me. :)

No please...don't stop on his account. I can be here all night.

miller said...

Even better than his gaffes is the humorlessness and doctrinaire blinders of his supporters.

I mean, he's doing some funny stuff, and they are afraid to laugh.

ricpic said...

...America is the only real country...

You got that right!

Revenant said...

Lawgiver, I think you're pretty much right on the money. There also seem to be an awful lot of Obama supporters who think they're going to be getting some pretty massive handouts in the near future. I don't see how that's going to happen.

miller said...

I'm sure Bambi's getting a good talking-to from Michelle tonight. We'll see a humbler man tomorrow.

For a while.

Then it will all start over.

A guy that can't resist showing the finger to HRC and to implying Sarah Palin is a pig is not someone who knows how to control his impishness. Kinda the "lookit me I'm so funny" type of person.

Perhaps it will take the certain crises predicted by Biden to calm him down.

That, and the fact that as CinC he's the guy responsible for sending the military into harm's way.

I wonder, will he let the AP in to photograph the coffins, or will he see that as a bad selling point for his Presidency-Elect?

ricpic said...

Somebody called Kim Novak second rank? I wouldn't kick her out of bed. Course, I couldn't get her into bed in the first place but a guy can dream.

miller said...

Eve Marie Saint yes. Kim Novak - I don't know, she always seemed a little coarse. But perhaps I'm influence by her role in "Vertigo."

Hoosier Daddy said...

There also seem to be an awful lot of Obama supporters who think they're going to be getting some pretty massive handouts in the near future.

Well the future is closer than you think.

Lines were long and tempers flared Wednesday not to vote but to get paid for canvassing for Barack Obama. Several hundred people are still waiting to get their pay for last-minute campaigning. Police were called to the Obama campaign office on North Meridian Street downtown to control the crowd.

The line was long and the crowd was angry at times.

"I want my money today! It's my money. I want it right now!" yelled one former campaign worker.

This isn't a surprise to anyone who lives in Indy. The unions do this all the time, hiring homeless to picket businesses and then giving them a ten spot or whatever.

miller said...

I'm interested to see how Bambi will heal human nature.

integrity said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I really and truly anticipated that the anger from the strange, loony leftist pinheads who troll here would orgasmically dissipate in the event that Obama won, and that there would be a general exodus.

Oh well.

It's sad, really.

miller said...

Why do you think I need to "love" him?

Your life must be pretty empty that you have to "love" someone you really and truly don't know.

At most, you can know some facts about Bambi, along with a lot of myths.

You might like what you know.

But love? I think not. Love requires some sense of intimacy and knowledge, and I don't think Bambi has time for the likes of you.

So no, I don't "love" him.

I do enjoy him, because he is going to make the next four years fairly hilarious for those who aren't blinded by the personality cult.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it strange also that all of them not only sound the same but cannot use html?

What if it's just one crazy dude? The theory has been bandied before...

dannyboy said...

Gimme a break, you love him. Intelligent, refreshing, competent, steely, phlegmatic and fun.

Wait, you for got articulate, bright, clean and a nice-looking guy,"

Lets not shortchange the man.

miller said...

How I wish the leftist would compose a worship song about Bambi so they could truly express their feelings of love.

dannyboy said...

Well it looks like Darcy isn't coming back with more insight on the sexy Kim Novak so I think I'll call it a night and head to the pub while I still have a chance.

Play nice everyone and be on your best behavior. I don't want any bad reports.

As you were

miller said...

leftist == leftists in this case. I'm typing on the bus & the jostling is affecting my proofing skills.

Revenant said...

You know it, you love Obama.

So you're saying that everything is all right, the struggle is finished, and we've won the victory over ourselves?

walter neff said...

Don't give out your location or you will soon be typing from under the bus.

Anonymous said...

Arise, ye workers from your slumber,
Arise, ye prisoners of want.
For reason in revolt now thunders,
and at last ends the age of cant!
Away with all your superstitions,
Servile masses, arise, arise!
We'll change henceforth the old tradition,
And spurn the dust to win the prize!
So comrades, come rally,
And the last fight let us face.
The Internationale,
Unites the human race.
So comrades, come rally,
And the last fight let us face.
Obama's hopey changiness,
Unites the human race.

miller said...

That's got quite the international feel to it, seven

Anonymous said...

Everything old is new again. We have nothing to lose but our chains.

miller said...

But I like the song Eric Blair wrote better.

miller said...

Day One of the President-Electency has just begun...

Meade said...

"A lot of shelter dogs are mutts like me."

Pardon me for getting back on subtopic, guys, but that sort of seals the deal doesn't it? The Obama family dog will have to be a hypoallergenic mixed breed from a shelter.

Otherwise, history will not be kind.

Anonymous said...

The back story -- and forgive me if it's already up thread -- is that one of the kids wants a golden doodle.

I say, get the kid the dog she wants.

miller said...

Doesn't his inability to speak without a Teleprompter just make you love him?

miller said...

As far as his kids go, they're off-limits, along with his wife.

If Michelle decides to become part of the administration, then she's fair game for criticism. For now, she and the kids - not funny and not appropriate.

Fatmouse said...

along with his wife.


My heart broke when I saw her cooking with Paula Dean. She sold that bastard to the American public, she can pay the price.

integrity said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
miller said...

No, I don't feel the need to "love" him in any way.

I respect him, and honor him for his office. He is, after all, the President-Elect (with all the pomp that goes along with that office); when he is inaugurated in January, he will be the President of all Americans, including me, so he will be MY President, too.

However, he is also the fair target for humor, and he is a rich source for comedy.

The absolute best will be when he announces in a few months that he will be unable to carry out any of his promises - he will not bring in a tax cut for 95% of Americans who pay taxes. He will not be able to end the war in Iraq, and he will end up expanding the war in Afghanistan.

In fact, I suspect he will be encouraged to re-instate the draft, and THAT, my friends, is the moment his Presidency will end for his supporters.

In all the years Bush was President, he never called for the draft - it was the Democrats. Now they will have the power to instate it. Will they do it?

Meade said...

"I say, get the kid the dog she wants."

That's fine. Doodles are hypoallergenic and mutts. Now they just need to find one from a shelter because if they go out and buy one from a breeder, they're just another bunch of phony baloneys like Clinton was.

miller said...

I think that in this case any dog they get will be genuinely loved by his kids. I think a snickerdoodle (or whatever it is they get) will be a good thing.

The reference to a "mutt," I think, was a good moment for him, spoiled by his needless snark about Nancy Reagan.

One thing about the great Ronald Reagan was that his humor was funny - who can't still laugh at his retort to Mondale in the debate about not taking advantage of Mondale's youth and inexperience? That was the moment Reagan won the election.

Bambi needs to stop being a snark. It's oh-so-funny to give the sly finger, but really, it shows no class.

JAL said...

dannyboy's off to the pub --

JAL And you know what? He is going to piss off the rest of the world leaders with this attitude.

DB In my book, that defines success.

Why a nation of immigrants needs to seek the approval of countries our parents left shaking the dust off their boots never ceases to amaze me.

Well yeah. What I meant was the guy who wants everyone to love him and can move mountains and Israel and Iran and Russia and China and Venezuela and the World by his thoughtful, professorial, cool elegance is not dealing with people who want to love him. He will try all the magic spells and even Saul Alinsky stuff (people are in it for what they can get)and they are not going to see in him a blank board they can write whatever they want on.

They're going to see a mark.

And an arrogant one who seems to get annoyed fairly easily. And needs a lot of work to keep his "humor" in check in public.

Matt Eckert said...

I just hope he is not tested soon by any of our enemies. He seems to be a weakling.

We need to each look to our own resources. He is the weakest of reeds.

Meade said...

"One thing about the great Ronald Reagan..."

Reagan chose to negotiate with terrorists. As far as I'm concerned, that alone ruined what otherwise could have been a great legacy.

Truth is, even George Washington was not worthy of the office. No one ever is. Then again, Washington acknowledged his unworthiness, which made him almost worthy. Sort of like Gerald Ford.

The rest have pretty much been just a bunch of megalomaniacs with good intentions. This one is no different.

miller said...

Oh, I'd put Calvin Coolidge in the list of people not too impressed with the office.

Anonymous said...

About the dog. People, it's a dog for a kid. It's not a political act.

Anonymous said...

It's foolish not to make a blanket rule to not negotiate with terrorists. If you can bring them into your political processes, they are not terrorists any more. See, for example, Northern Ireland.

Anonymous said...

Too many nots there.

George M. Spencer said...

Let's all hope Pres.-elect Obama gets his sea legs.

I'm much more concerned about the chairman of the House Ways & Means Committee considering ending 401(k) tax breaks.

And Rahm Emanuel's notion of compulsry universal service. Hmmm...."mandatory civil defense preparation".....

Talk about buzz kills.

David said...

Obama has apologized for the Nancy Reagan crack. Good for him. That shows some class.

However, he also needs to apologize for (1) having no discernible sense of humor and (2) promising the nation a puppy in his first few words as president elect.

Is it just me, or does Obama look as though he is not in the best of health?

Darcy said...

That podium with the President-Elect title is just too ridiculous for words. If this hasn't been done before, I hope this will be the first and last time. Please.

Matt Eckert said...

Which dog is the favorite of communists?

Maybe a greyhound? That could be the “running dog” they are always talking about all the time.

Meade said...

"It's foolish not to make a blanket rule to not negotiate with terrorists. If you can bring them into your political processes, they are not terrorists any more."

Seven, even if you were right, and you're not, that is not what Reagan did. Terrorists have to first give up being terrorists - forever - or you have to kill them. On this there is no middle ground

Matt Eckert said...

What happens if you refuse to do this "community service" that the democrats want everyone to do? Do you get arrested? Sent to jail? Do you have to run away to Canada?

I will not be forced to serve anyone.
What is this, Cuba?


Christy said...

I wanted to grow up to be Diana Rigg. How does she rank in your pantheon of beauties?

I was all ready to cut Michelle Obama a break, but then she wore that extremely vulgar dress for the acceptance speech....

miller said...

I don't think "compulsory" means "only if you want to."

When the Rethuglicans do it, it's fascism.

When the Democrat Party does it, it's HopeChange™.

Matt Eckert said...

Will they have to wear uniforms when they do this "community service"?

Get little red books full of wise sayings and maxims?

Learn how to organize their communities?

It’s starting. This is the first trial balloon.

We need to resist will all of our might.


le Douanier said...

I can't believe nobody noted that BHO probably offended some lefty nuts who believe in talking to dead people and other related silliness.

Shirley must be pissed.

And, I think Ann missed the most interesting comment. What did BHO mean when he said that the intelligence has improved, but it still needs to get better? He was talking about his super secret briefing.

Maybe this was a throw away statement that means nothing.

But, it's quite precisely phrased. I'm intrigued about what he may have meant. Is it possible he asked followup questions but didn't get good responses?

If you assume this wasn't a "throw away" statement, what did he mean?


Not that it matters, but Palin did claim that it's possible to see Russia from part of Alaska when she was talking about her foriegn policy "experience." Remember the rearing head comment.

miller said...

Bambi got caught being stupid.

He retracted his remarks and apologized. I accept that.

I still think he's inept as a speaker, and that he's immature in his gloating.

He doesn't get a pass from me on this, however. Day 1 of the long national nightmare has just begun for the President-Electency of Bambi.

Matt Eckert said...

"What did BHO mean when he said that the intelligence has improved, but it still needs to get better? He was talking about his super secret briefing.

Maybe this was a throw away statement that means nothing.

But, it's quite precisely phrased. I'm intrigued about what he may have meant. Is it possible he asked followup questions but didn't get good responses?"

It means he didn't hear what he wanted to hear. That the war in Iraq is a failure and that the surge did not work and that Cuba has the best health care system in the world and that China knows how to develop energy the right way.

Don't worry, he will get the right people in there as soon as possible. Is Alger Hiss still alive? How about Kim Philby?

Get ready Americans for your new communist overlords.


Meade said...

"I wanted to grow up to be Diana Rigg. How does she rank in your pantheon of beauties?"

Mine? At the top. The very top. Above even Kim Novak. As Emma Peel: goddess of goddesses.

Christy, I had the very same thought about Michelle my belle Obama. Althouse's live-blog reaction made me laugh. Somethng like "what the hell does she have on?"

Anonymous said...

The compulsory volunteerism will only be for high school kids, and possibly younger. It can only be truly compulsory if you send your kids to public school. If it becomes law, I expect lawsuits based on the 13th Amendment.

For college students, the "volunteering" would be in exchange for grants. So it's essentially a bloated work-study program.

KCFleming said...

Ooog. Obama is President Michael Scott.

miller said...

Pogo -


That is exactly perfect.

Meade said...

"Obama is President Michael Scott"

That was Paul Volcker's thought bubble.

Revenant said...

Not that it matters, but Palin did claim that it's possible to see Russia from part of Alaska

Well yes, but you CAN see Russia from Alaska. That's why Democrats don't repeat the real quote; it doesn't make her sound like a twit.

Anonymous said...

My Dad was a Marine and told me that he could see Russia from where he was stationed in Alaska.

integrity said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sir Archy said...

To Professor Althouse.

Dear Madam,

As the Ghost of a Gentleman, dead these 260 Years and more, I may tell you that in Life, I was importun'd and bother'd by Ideots & Bores enough.  Whilst no Man may know the Fate that awaits him when he crosses the Litchgate, 'twas not unreasonable to expect that in Death I should not have been pester'd by those remaining behind in the sunlit Realms of Life.

Alas! Madam, it has proven not to be so.

Altho' there are innumerable spiritual Beings to be found everywhere on the Astral Plane, we commonly have little Intercourse with each other.  Nay, 'tis the Living, with their Seances, Spiritualism, and, dare I say, Witchcraft, who are constantly clamouring for the Attention of the Dead.  You should know that many a Time I have been lost in ghostly Thought; when suddenly my Head is knock'd on the Underside of a Table, as if someone had grasp'd my Waistcoat and forc'd me into this ridiculous Pose.  A Company of foolish Persons is commonly seated at the Table; whilst a puff'd up Buffoon at the Head groans clos'd-Eyed Incantations of a Strength just sufficient to drag me from my Meditations, but with no further Power to permit me to entertain or instruct those present.

To undertake a Journey from the World of the Dead to the Land of the Living is uncommonly difficult, attended with much Fatigue and Uncertainty.  For the Living to fling us thither by our ghostly Coattails is a very hazardous Operation, not to be undertaken lightly. Many a sensitive Ghost has been utterly ruin'd by such scandalous Exposure.

As shewn by the occasional Remarks you have giv'n me leave to publish, Madam, in this, your Theatre of Topicks (as I call it), I am very obliged to be thus allow'd to help improve the Publick in my small Way.  I flatter myself that I am, within my paltry Compass, a Ghost of some Parts & Application, and so am enliven'd and invigourated by such Exertions.  Yet, there are many others who would vanish like evanescent Smoak were they to be us'd thus.

That Mrs. Reagan were engag'd in Seances, contacting the Spirit of her late Husband, is a Thing not to be lightly believ'd, and, indeed, to be dreaded; for, as vigorous as President Reagan was in Life, his long Years of Decline weakened his Spirit. The Health of President Reagan's Shade could be in some Doubt, if Mrs. Reagan had grasp'd too firmly his ghostly Hand at her supposed Seances.  One of the Reasons for the miserable Decline of the Republican Party's Fortunes may be that his Spirit was injur'd by the Grip of Mrs. Reagan.  Instead of a beneficent & benign Presence o'erspreading a Benediction upon his Party, there perhaps remains only a shatter'd & withdrawn Remnant of one claw'd at by the Living with too much Desperation.

Mrs. Clinton seems to have used the Ghost of Mrs. Roosevelt with greater Subtlety.  If Mrs. Roosevelt continues her White House hauntings for the benefit of Mrs. Obama, we shall have strong Proof that Mrs. Clinton understands and perhaps inspires the Dead (altho' the Democrats had little Need of 'em lately as Electors).

Praying that you shall continue to inspire both the Living and, in my Case, the Dead, I am,


Your humble & obt. Servant,

Sir Archy

Lezer said...

Communicating with the dead through spiritualist séances is a silly superstition.
Communicating with the Divine Being by putting little notes in a wall, on the other hand ...

AllenS said...

Obama's apology was clean and articulate. My sense is that we've just elected a juvenile to be the POTUS.

AlphaLiberal said...

I'm glad he made the apology. It struck me as rather odd.

Obviously, ALthouse has a lot of perfect people who never made mistakes posting here. They'll forgive the deepest ignorance from Republicans but not one slip of a tongue from a guy coming off of a grueling 21 month campaign.

miller said...

He screwed up his first press conference by kicking an old lady 20 years gone from Washington.

He has a pattern of picking on ladies, and of smirking when caught.

So yeah, he stepped in a mess he created.

I can't wait to see how this goes over with the Russians. Fresh meat is probably what they see.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

The sense of faux outrage exhibitted on Jerry Springer's comment boards here provides a fascinating window into the mind of your typical, politically engaged but likely (and unfortunately) somewhat moderate right-winger.

A paper was published recently which shed light on some of the psychological motivations between those who affiliate with the political left or the political right.

Both groups are prone to falling prey to fear in how they make voting decisions and construct their political worldview. The fear on the left is that of a sense of emptiness and lack of purpose. While the fear among the right is that of a lack of order, or a fear of chaos.

Since "miller" has posted most diligently here on the non-issue of Obama referring, in perhaps a misplaced or ill-timed, but innocent joke, to Nancy Reagan's reliance on astrology in deciding the timing of presidential functions, I thought it an interesting exercise to parse his or her latest thought-terminating cliches, and to determine which right-wing psychological need they cater to:

"He screwed up his first press conference by kicking an old lady 20 years gone from Washington."

Translation: Obama didn't show sufficient respect. (He lacked the authority of his office, which is important since the right-winger doesn't understand the importance of finding a sense of purpose outside of its connection to a specific personality or position). Notice, also, the appeal to a sense of order in this, viz "screwed up".

"He has a pattern of picking on ladies, and of smirking when caught."

Again, since he or she lacks understanding of the importance of a sense of purpose, or relevance, the right-winger goes into arbitrary respect and authority mode.

"So yeah, he stepped in a mess he created."

Again, the right-winger's obsession with order is revealed. viz. "a mess he created".

"I can't wait to see how this goes over with the Russians. Fresh meat is probably what they see."

And hence, from something as innocuous as Obama's questionable gaffe, (for which he later apologized anyway), the right-winger concludes that the Cold War may be re-ignited, allowing him to live out his or her ultimate fantasy of imaginatively reinvigorating (and then fighting) the ultimate enemy: The Communists. The ultimate culmination of the right-winger's inability to determine something so simple as a sense of relevance in constructing his or her thoughts leads to the weirdest slippery slope that an otherwise reasonable person might see fit to entertain. One president-elect makes a joke about how a previous president's wife relied on astrology in determining official presidential functions, and then, the the world hangs in the balance and the specter of nuclear apocalypse returns!

It would be entertaining if it weren't so depressing.

miller said...

I won't be truly party of the deranged white -- I mean, right wing until I get my own Althouse tag.

Until then, I'll just have to putter along with amateur psychobabblists grokking my psyche.

Thanks, MUL!

Matt Eckert said...

You have not really seen an obession with order until you see how the community organizer is going to structure his Red Guards.

It's coming. We must resist with all our might.


Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Hey, anytime! Obviously it wasn't to my benefit to give away the supposedly deep, inscrutable secrets about someone's transparent and easily discerned motivations!

Oh, and Matt (I love these unaccessible profiles, BTW. So rogue and mavericky!) the "Red Guards" about which you fantasize ain't got nothing on the obsession of the right with ordered hierarchies going all the way up to POTUS. The difference is, we hold "the decider" accountable for, you know, the decisions he makes, rather than just revering his authoritah!

I raise your theocratic alliances (or beliefs) one and go in on a messiah! What a trump card against such buffoons. Thanks for defining him that way - I guess it was the only way to rationalize the defeat of your tired, anti-empirical ideas and know-nothing "leaders".

At least you're taking the impact of your cognitive dissonance in stride. It's a hell of a way to be. But I guess if you're going for crazy, you might as well go all out and be proud of it. One flew over the cuckoo's nest and whatnot. Balls out.

miller said...

You really should take your routine on the road.

Pure comedy gold.

"I will now analyze this person according to the bumps on his head."

Nichevo said...

Translation: Obama didn't show sufficient respect.

Respect not a cardinal value in interpersonal communications for you, eh? Shocking, that.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

It depends, Nichevo (who may or may not have enough respect for others to enable access to his/her profile so that we may have an idea of whom we are talking to).

In America, we respect each other's rights.

When speaking with others, I try to determine whether I can respect what someone is saying, or at least their motivation behind it.

Lacking that, I see no reason to default onto the old-world value of some sort of blanket, generic "respect", and resume my respect for their right to say what they want, which assumes their respect for my right to say what I want in response. At this point, neither action assumes that we must respect each other as people or what the other has to say. Which is exactly as it should be, assuming reasoned discourse serves the purpose of informing and enlightening, rather than just jerking each other off and inflating each other's egos.

But I think this gets a bit beyond the point you believed you were addressing. Nancy Reagan was shown as much respect by Obama as any reasonable person, including the wife of a dead ex-president, should deserve, and that any reasonable person should display. So we can't hold Obama responsible for not worshipping at the altar of infinite and eternal, undying respect for all things Reagan and presidential, despite the willingness of conservatives to mistakenly believe they can hold everyone to such a weird standard.

miller said...

< rolls eyes >

Speaking longer does not make you smarter. True fact.

Nichevo said...

Nancy Reagan was shown as much respect by Obama as any reasonable person, including the wife of a dead ex-president, should deserve, and that any reasonable person should display.

She was singled out for mockery, inaccurately and by implication. This is what "any reasonable person" "should deserve?" It was harder to say nothing? Obama, like everyone on earth, would be well served by learning to bite his tongue on occasion.

It is at least cold logic to keep grinding away at Sarah Palin, but Nancy Reagan? What tactical value can this possibly have? The only thing I can think of is that either he uses such remarks as political red meat (is the new term "dog-whistle?"), or else he has really internalized this state of mind towards all "enemies" and the category of "enemy" so that such remarks come trippingly off his tongue.

People crack on Palin for being the BGOC cheerleader Heather type, but in fact it seems to be Obama, from his sly, conscious, hesitant nonverbal cues, to his verbal gaffes (i.e. letting it slip out how he really feels), who was probably the class cutup getting away with stuff. That's if you value dime-store psychology, of course, but that was coin of the realm all election long.

As for respect on my part, I have little idea of what is in my profile, and cannot deal with it while I post this message. I have little idea of un-anonymizing myself; I am sorry if that troubles you. I am a thirtysomething white male living in Williamsburg in Brooklyn, working in green technology. Does that help you any? Who are you?

And as for a default buffer of respect, a certain amount of conversational lubricant is necessary in any polite society. In impolite society, of course, I hunt you down and kill you or your insults against my mother, say, or you rat me out to my employer if I say something that sounds racist or perhaps merely profane. Or at least, everything degenerates to shrieking abuse.

And in general, hateful posts are the most incoherent, which I dislike.

So I will apply all respect that seems due, and no doubt you will do likewise. IIRC, you often say things I object to, but while I have no idea whether or not I would consider you an equal IRL, I am treating you as one here; AFAIR you have been polite and rational in our tete-a-tete.

Insofar as it goes, I do judge on appearances in this matter. You cannot fool me, though, by being polite nor by agreeing with me, into thinking that you are a fine fellow when you are not, so don't be afraid for my intellectual virtue. And I can also detect when a frother is telling truth; but since I detect it so rarely, they might tend to disagree.

Nichevo said...

Such as it is, Monty, it's up, may it please you. I assume you didn't want religious or family background?

Nichevo said...

I should say,

She was singled out for mockery, inaccurately and by implication, without apparent cause or provocation except perhaps her presence or existence. Is that how our moms raised us?

Ritmo Re-Animated said...


My apologies for losing track of the discussion. I had not realized that you responded further.

Your comments are interesting, but the points I would disagree with have to do with your characterization of a polite society. You seem to be conflating that with a civilized society. I make the distinction on a somewhat libertarian basis, whereby just because someone says something that offends others, regardless of whether it was meant (or taken, because one can't force perceptions) in a personal manner, that doesn't give them the right to damage their person or cause physical offense. Causing physical harm based on a perceived slight seems like an easier line to draw than mandating that nothing that someone else says should ever amount to a perceived slight. Unless we could control everyone's feelings and responses or compile a compendium of every foreseeable human interaction and mandate the acceptable response(s) to it. I doubt we can or should do that, though.

As far as Sarah Palin is concerned, my perception is that she was ridiculed for not knowing (and not knowing how to respond to) things that a public servant should be expected to know. People saw her as way out of her league, and acting on not just a little bit of self-interest, a history of corruption ethically as well as intellectually, and they gave her the same treatment they gave Dan Quayle for it, who seemed just as unqualified and insulting to the intelligence of the electorate - which in America is difficult to do. Her presence and existence are fine, just not on the platform she sought - a platform that demands credentials most people don't think she displayed. The fact that she took offense at those criticisms struck them as too arrogant - at least it did coming from the mouth of someone who isn't a monarch.

Nichevo said...

Blogger montana urban legend said...


My apologies for losing track of the discussion. I had not realized that you responded further.

- Not at all, and as you see I delayed my own response - it happens all the time.

Your comments are interesting, but the points I would disagree with have to do with your characterization of a polite society. You seem to be conflating that with a civilized society. I make the distinction on a somewhat libertarian basis,

- Perhaps you could make the distinction clear. An interesting point, perhaps.

whereby just because someone says something that offends others, regardless of whether it was meant (or taken, because one can't force perceptions) in a personal manner, that doesn't give them the right to damage their person or cause physical offense.

- No one claims this, do they? The code duello is long expired. There is still a "fighting words" exception to the First Amendment, though. And we often see a blip in the news that indeed names lead to sticks and stones.

Causing physical harm based on a perceived slight seems like an easier line to draw than mandating that nothing that someone else says should ever amount to a perceived slight.

- Not sure what you're driving at here, but I suspect the answer lies in middle ground. I must say, though, that I've never been sympathetic to the notion that the 'envelope' of morality/right conduct is neatly defined by the 'envelope' of law.

Unless we could control everyone's feelings and responses or compile a compendium of every foreseeable human interaction and mandate the acceptable response(s) to it. I doubt we can or should do that, though.

- ? Are we understanding each other here? I'm not saying you should be bound by law not to call everybody poopy heads, I'm saying it's counterproductive and people should voluntarily restrain themselves from doing so.

As far as Sarah Palin is concerned, my perception is that she was ridiculed for not knowing (and not knowing how to respond to) things that a public servant should be expected to know. People saw her as way out of her league, and acting on not just a little bit of self-interest, a history of corruption ethically as well as intellectually, and they gave her the same treatment they gave Dan Quayle for it, who seemed just as unqualified and insulting to the intelligence of the electorate - which in America is difficult to do.

- Let's get to the hotel first, tip the bellboy, and then start unpacking all those assumptions.

Her presence and existence are fine, just not on the platform she sought - a platform that demands credentials most people don't think she displayed. The fact that she took offense at those criticisms struck them as too arrogant - at least it did coming from the mouth of someone who isn't a monarch.

- ? Huh? I mean, yes, you can say all that, but that doesn't make it true. I admit it is good stuff if you can sell it.

Nichevo said...

BTW I should thank you for permitting the Palins to live.

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