November 22, 2008

"Surgeons thought Rosemary Alvarez had a brain tumour, but on operating they discovered the worm."

If you want to see what it looks like -- removing a worm from a brain -- there is live-action video at the link. If it makes you feel like not eating, keep in mind that she got that worm in something she ate. Oh, don't worry! Cook your meat thoroughly -- make sure all the worms are dead.


Ryan said...

The video doesn't actually show the worm, just some poking around in the brain. Too bad.

Now should I be worried about the beef sashimi I ate on Thursday? It was a special dish, not on the menu at the sushi bar. They keep the slice of wagyu under the counter. Boy, it was good though.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

This comes to reinforce my rejection of this American habit or eating undercooked meat. "Rare" and "medium rare" are formulas for disaster. Not only the lately infamous E. Coli, but cestods and nematods live in cystic form in the cow's muscular tissue. If you don't cook it well, look where they may end. It is a weird occurrence these days perhaps, but if you do some research, you will find out that there are some historical precedents. < PSAP>Please do cook your meat well, thanks < /PSA>

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

I mean, the rare occurrence is the fact that they worm went astray and ended up outside the GI system.

Ann Althouse said...

Isn't the second brain shot -- at 0:19 -- the worm?

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

I believe the surgeon in the video needs to go back to school and learn the life and transmission cycle of nematods. One cannot generally get it from someone else. It is not transmissible from human to human other than by certain sexual habits . And perhaps by very odd actions and very poor hygiene: i.e. people who scratch certain areas of the body, do not watch their hands, and immediately place their fingers in someone else's mouth. I think he wants to sound concern for publicity reasons.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Nocturnal scratching of the anal area generally produces collection of "eggs". This is due to the nematods reproductive habit of placing their eggs in that area. It occurs at night, mostly while people are asleep, which makes the behavior described above even more improbable.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Oh thanks

There goes the noodle soup i was having later ;)

Its going to be straight to wine tonight.

Anton said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Lem, deja eso, que tú lo que querías era una excusa para empinar el codo...

Ann Althouse said...

Make this soup. It looks yummy. Nothing vermiform.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Lem, deja eso, que tú lo que querías era una excusa para empinar el codo...


Anton said...

"...and very poor hygiene: i.e. people who scratch certain areas of the body, do not watch their hands, and immediately place their fingers in someone else's mouth....Nocturnal scratching of the anal area generally produces collection of "eggs". This is due to the nematods reproductive habit of placing their eggs in that area. It occurs at night, mostly while people are asleep...."

Oh, thanks for those tidbits!

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

AntonK, you are welcome, any time...hehehe...

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Thanks Profe, i guess i would replace canola oil with corn oil and butternut squash with auyama.

thanks again

Wince said...

Why do I have the unshakable image of the whole operating team chanting until the gringo surgeon swallows the worm in a shot of mezcal?

kjbe said...

The soup looks intriguing, but I'm not a fan of squash, so I'd probably not get to close. I'll take your word for it, though, and do like the color.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

this reminds me

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The Worm Pipe.

A man was out hunting. One evening he returned to his camp and was sitting on his bed smoking. A large decayed piece of wood was burning in the fire. As he was sitting there he saw a worm crawling along the stick of wood. Then he heard singing. Now the worm became a person holding a pipe with a straight (tubular) bowl. The stem was decorated. It was a medicine pipe. The person had an eagle-plume tied in his hair. He shook the pipe-stem, and began to sing, "The fire is my medicine"

Then the worm transferred the pipe to the man.

blake said...

Actually, there's a theory that various parasites living out their life cycles in the "wrong" parts of our body is what causes cancer and other diseases.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Talk about parasites.

Dan Rather is on Fox.

Zachary Sire said...

I can't believe you have so many posts on worms.

In looking through the old posts on worms, and earlier on egg salad, I noticed how much friendlier and congenial the posts were back in 2005, 2006, and 2007.

The tone has shifted in the past year. I think things changed when you moved to Brooklyn and then moved back to Madison.

In the last couple of days alone, the posts have really been ordering people around and are quite bitchy (which isn't a bad thing, of course):

"Oh, don't worry! Cook your meat thoroughly."

"What tattoo would you suggest for me? Don't say none. I'm smart enough to know that's the right answer."

"Complain about the new strong look if you dare."

"Deal with it, you candy-asses."


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

How the mighty have fallen

Dan Rather interviewd by Mike Huckaby.

Cedarford said...

We had a long period in the US where we had little reason to be concerned about some of the nastier diseases related to bad sanitation. Such "brain worms" used to be far more common in the South before good farming&slaughter practices, personal sanitation, and broad insecticide use, sterilizing washes got the problem under control.

Now with 3rd World immigration, we are again being "gifted" with leprosy, TB and a range of 3rd-world infections now showing up in our food supply. (Listeria, e.coli, cryptosporidium, nematode, roundworm contaminated spinach, peppers, lettuce, grapes, cantalopes, meat, tomatoes, etc.

Sounds like Alvarez had trichinosis, a roundworm that was once nearly eradicated, is still rare in the US, but prevalent in Mexico.

ElcubanitoKC said...
I believe the surgeon in the video needs to go back to school and learn the life and transmission cycle of nematods. One cannot generally get it from someone else. It is not transmissible from human to human other than by certain sexual habits . And perhaps by very odd actions and very poor hygiene

My guess is that lots of people should go back and educate themselves about disease vectors and how to prevent illness.

We do see human to human transmission from illegals working in the fields and defecating there, worms or bacteria from the feces contaminating produce directly or though an intermediate carrier like mollusks. Or from foreign produce (Mexican jalapenos and tomatoes). Then its just "down the hatch" at someone's dinner to contaminate new humans.

We are luckier than some critters and 3rd World humans with the matter of brainworms. Caribou, moose, and arctic deer, reindeer can be infested with brainworm. It's a leading killer of caribou and moose.
Humans are affected by about 9 types of roundworms,(from Googling) many quite vicious and headed right for CNS tissue. They are fortunately rare, and seem to favor arctic and tropical and subtropical environments - not our American temperate regions.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Maybe the professor has Post- election depression ;)

that could explain some of it.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Humans are affected by about 9 types of roundworms,(from Googling) many quite vicious and headed right for CNS tissue.

Iron Chef America is on for pete sake, almost live from Kitchen Stadium.

Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?

Mind you the first time i heard about kitchen stadium i thought that must be one huge, huge kitchen.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Btw I google all the time.

other than Drudge going after them, i never heard Google could give one worms ;)

Oh wait a minute - what kind of worm?

Fr Martin Fox said...

Well! I certainly hope the unsuspecting worm was rescued in a humane manner and released into a safe environment...

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I noticed how much friendlier and congenial the posts were back in 2005, 2006, and 2007.

I don't think anybody expect the professor not to (pardon the cliche) have her up's and downs.

It would be unfair to expect any less.

I don't think anybody can keep the charm or whatever it is, full throttle all the time.

UWS guy said...

I'll risk brain worms rather than live the rest of my life eating a chunk if coal instead of a rare steak.

George M. Spencer said...

Pink, lank and warm

The worm he licks my bone.


A man may fish with the worm that hath eat of a king, and cat of the fish that hath fed of that worm.

Is man no more than this? Consider him well. Thou owest the worm no silk, the beast no hide, the sheep no wool, the cat no perfume. Ha! here's three on's are sophisticated! Thou art the thing itself: unaccommodated man is no more but such a poor bare, forked animal as thou art. Off, off, you lendings! come unbutton here.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The early bird special ;)

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The early bird does well by doing good.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Dr Goebbels, have they found your brain worm yet? Your theory is at best risible. It can only work if the consumers do not wash the produce correctly, and in that case, it is their own fault. It has nothing to do with illegals, jews, or foreign origination.

We don't want our food to have any other life forms in/on it, yet we also want it to be chemicals free, "organic" and genetically unmodified. You cannot have it both ways.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

It has nothing to do with illegals, jews, or foreign origination.

yet we also want it to be chemicals free, "organic" and genetically unmodified. You cannot have it both ways.

Man, you are not kidding. in my fiels add "green" to the mix.

if you want to build something you might as well be a billionare or a goverment institution.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Well! I certainly hope the unsuspecting worm was rescued in a humane manner and released into a safe environment...

If we are asked by God to consider the birds, then we must consider the birds diet.


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I'll risk brain worms rather than live the rest of my life eating a chunk if coal instead of a rare steak.

You must be from the 3rd world.

Stakes are rare there.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
blake said...

I'm with UWS on this.

Rare is better.

If there are issues with the safety of the meat before you cook it, there need to be solutions for that.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

aperently is allmost impossible to pin down Will-I-Am on youtube - beelieveme when i tell you he sang off key in a recent presentation.

Here is Stelle telling mr beam me over CNN to wait-a-minute.

KCFleming said...

Now I'm afraid to eat vermicelli.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...


Stelle is sumoning a classic herself.

The early stuff (worm) is still feeding people ;)

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Now with 3rd World immigration, we are again being "gifted" with leprosy, TB and a range of 3rd-world infections now showing up in our food supply


We do see human to human transmission from illegals working in the fields and defecating there, worms or bacteria from the feces contaminating produce directly or though an intermediate carrier like mollusks.

Correct again..... and there is nothing racist or any other 'ist' about it. This is scientific fact. Our food supply is less safe and riddled with disease. TB and other diseases like leprosy are becoming more prevalent because there is no screening of illegal aliens for disease. We are becoming a 3rd world nation and no one gives a shit because it might seem to be politically incorrect.

Trichinosis was a big problem in my mother's era. Hence the pork chops cooked to the consistency of hockey pucks covered with apple sauce to try to make the horrible concoction go down.

Trichinosis and other parasitic infestations were eradicated through proper sanitation and education. Today, with the large influx of illegals who are illiterate and who are unsupervised by negligent and greedy corporate farming operations, we are again going to face a food and health crisis.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Its either Nina Simone, Or Billie Holiday,

Now i have to look this up.

Because my last girfriend did not returned every cd she "borrowed" from me.

in the hopes of getting back together i have nor persuit it as a crazy would either.

i end up blaming myself for these sort of things.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Our food supply is less safe and riddled with disease. TB and other diseases like leprosy are becoming more prevalent because there is no screening of illegal aliens for disease.

No 1 there was when i came here legally in the late 70's

N0 2 If you want to eat out all the time is one thing, but how can the gov protect you from the x factor - the human factor - involved in every thing we do?

it's easy to blame illegals

btw, for the record, i want legal immigration not illegal immigration.

It's just that in our seal to achieve a political agenda we have a tendency to go all out take no prisoners attitude.

its counterproductive.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I like Stelle

My loves so professional, just because were kissin don't mean were undressin, no.
U ain't creepin and suggestin those freaky little things we could do cause the answers no.
Baby I got let u know, if and when the time comes for me nd you sex is slow.
Wrap it up cause I ain't carryin your embreyo, your starin at a women that would slap your arse to the fall.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

No 1 there was when i came here legally in the late 70's

N0 2 If you want to eat out all the time is one thing, but how can the gov protect you from the x factor - the human factor - involved in every thing we do?

it's easy to blame illegals

I blame the system and the break down of the rule of law. Previously, we would be able to screen people coming into the country for diseases. Ellis Island turned people away coming in from Europe who had obvious disease. We don't do this now because we have no FREAKING idea who is coming into the country.

Now, anyone who has a pair of Nikes can come across the border and begin serving food in your local Taco Bell or Arby's. The corporations and owners of these places don't care because the labor is cheap. The ranchers and farmers don't care because the labor is cheap. When you are illegal, you are a target for exploitation. The illegals don't know that they might be spreading disease. They are uneducated and used by the greedy who don't care if we are spreading disease. So what?They say. The employers are making money off the backs of the illegal aliens. Who cares about a few pesky health laws and practices.

My grandfather was a 'matavaca' in Mexico. He was a US government veterinarian sent to Mexico to help stem a hoof an mouth outbreak. For his efforts he was almost murdered and several of his colleagues were hacked to pieces. This lack of understanding of disease transmission by the employees and cavilier attitude on the part of the employers that is bringing back disease that is easily controlled.

We are becoming a third world nation. Period.

Robert Cook said...

Back when I was an underclassman in college, I took Zoology 101 to satisfy a science credit. The class was very interesting, and the professor's specialty was parasites, so we did a substantial portion of the term on them. (Of course, such a focus on parasites might be standard for intro Zo classes.)

In any case, after learning of the many parasites whose circuitous and unlikely life cycles involve humans, and seeing evidence of the ill effects they can cause, I was reluctant to eat meat for a few months after I took the class.

By the way, the professor told us about an eel-like fish that lives in the Amazon river, called the Candiru. It swims up the urethra of unlucky cattle (or humans) swimming in the water, and travels up the urethra looking for blood, on which it feeds. Its gill flaps are fringed with sharp projections, like hooks, so one cannot remove them by grabbing them and pulling them out before they are all the way in. Yikes!

I suspected the Professor might have been putting us on, but a few years later I read something by William Burroughs that referred to them.

By the way, there's no need to indulge an unhealthy obsession with "illegals," scarcely a blip on the screen in terms of the real problems facing our country, to understand or explain away the alleged resurgence of parasitic diseases in America. (Is this statistically true? I don't know; do you have evidence?) I see enough of my fellow "legals" neglecting to wash their hands after using public restrooms that I have few illusions about the fastidious sanitary habits of my fellow Americans.

Chip Ahoy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lem Vibe Banditory said...

My grandfather was a 'matavaca' in Mexico. He was a US government veterinarian sent to Mexico to help stem a hoof an mouth outbreak. For his efforts he was almost murdered and several of his colleagues were hacked to pieces. This lack of understanding of disease transmission by the employees and cavilier attitude on the part of the employers that is bringing back disease that is easily controlled.

We were asked to kill our entire lot of pigs when there was an outbreake of fiebre porcina in our country.

we didnt go off blaming anybody because of it. we just slauther all of them (i want to cry just thinking about it) and we started again importing healthy pigs when the rist had passed.

We had one case of a deadly fever come to our shores because a couple went on a honeymoon.

i'm not making it up.

Chip Ahoy said...

That sweet potato and butternut squash soup would be even better if you roasted the sweet potato, butternut squash, potato and onion first. Then added it all to the chicken stock. Also, it could be even better than that if you used your own chicken stock produced from roasted chickens. Plus a touch of heavy cream for mouth feel, or sour cream for tang, along with a splash of wine to provide depth of flavor, along with a scrape of nutmeg to round out the holiday feel. Cinnamon wouldn't hurt, neither would clove in minute amounts, nor would a touch of brown sugar. Consider garlic in a nearly undetectable amount. The salt, of course, would be preferably sea salt or kosher salt, but not table salt. Pepper in trace amount could only help, and a few fleeting chile flakes would intrigue. See how this hits every spot on your tongue? That's what puts home-made soup right over the top.

This concludes my soup enhancement suggestions for the day. Carry on.

(corrected the word 'form" to "from" up there ^^^)

Cedarford said...

Dr Goebbels, have they found your brain worm yet? Your theory is at best risible. It can only work if the consumers do not wash the produce correctly, and in that case, it is their own fault.

Your knowledge for someone who claimed to have gone to med school continues to amaze. Let me guess, shit for attended med wash the dishes of the students there?

Add to your ignorance on food disease vectors your claim that if consumers wash their food, they will be safe. Not so, we are finding in 3rd World food fixed bacterial and viral (the Mexican Hep A outbreak) contamination with some internal contamination that no washing has been found to effectively remove.

Given washing is ineffective, you cannot blame people for getting sick on raw produce from other countries or fields were illegals work. Or for that matter, problems attributable to wildlife defecating.
The solutions are to cook your spinach, lettuce, tomatoes and cantelopes down to glop....or irradiate (not 100% effective but very good results) or insist that our food be "de-globalized" and made here as much as possible and with levels of sanitation we had back in the sixties and seventies (an improvement to much of what we see now coming up from Latin America or from over in China)

It's not just the bugs we can catch. 20 years ago, safe US & Canadian agriculture made and grew everything we ate but coffee, some exotic tropical fruits, imported cheeses and deli stuff. We had huge exports of our stuff.

Now, for some reason, via full connivance of Corporatists and global financiers - we are finding out that we now import more in food value than we export....and what is brought in is not inspected by the FDA until we find people dying of Mexican tomatoes, pets dying from Chinese pet food made with a filler coal-based chemical in part, we see Chinese wheat coming in contaminated with melamine. (didn't we used to grow our own wheat??)
We are finding out Asians have been getting severely sick off ersatz Chinese "half and half" milk made with half milk, half surplus industrial chemicals that thicken and color water and make it taste like milk.
Now a report that Chinese shellfish farms are adding dried Chinese sewage as part of their feed, as well as the common melamine-contaminated wheat.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

There was a couple that went on a honeymoon and the husban came back with a comunicable deciece.

shit happens as Rumsfeld might have put it best.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Found it

Lets find a way to blame illegals for this...

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Fiebre porcina - thats Swine Fever. sorry i had to look that up.

we didn't wait for the pigs to get sick.

The idea that the US is alone facing disease borne abroad is not really fair.

we have a lot of cooperation when it comes to these things.

the flack of Mad cow disease notwhistanding.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The Center for decease control in Atlanta has the kind of international protocols rivaling those of the pentagon.

given the dangers of international commerce coupled with international travel our civil servants are doing a dam good job.

literally hundreds of thousands of people and millions of things come here every day.

its a miracle we are still alive.

dualdiagnosis said...

Palin should have done an interview while they removed the worm.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Palin should have done an interview while they removed the worm.

The question is would the MSM have the balls to ask Palin what they really want?

Palin could you devate the worm?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Btw Chip

I got myself some miso.

I will tell you what happened when and once i have used it.

given that it's something new for me, i have to proceed carefully.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Tina Fay is on kitchen stadium?

shhh. I'm not the pope.. but

as far as lem goes (everything is forgiven)

Until she hurts Palin again.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Well... who is the Michael DeBakey of brain surgery?

Why does it seem to me that brain surgeons are anonymous?

at least to the kind of notoriety that would have a hospital named after you?

Am I wrong about this?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The brain as far as i can tell is shared territory.

its neutral, the brain appears to be a kind of scientific Switzerland, nobody will claim it ;)

And then the worm appears.

Yikes - what if we should all have a helper, a guide, a voice whinin?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

have you contated your worm today?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

have you pet your worm today?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Aside from the porn aspects of the question, why is it that our brains seem to be as though in scientific virgin territory?

After all these years.

I did read "Consciousness Explained" only to find out that i'm only drafting everything and ..... in the end only very smart people get their just deserved.

this guy puts down Cartesian theories of the brain and then lo and behold (in the end) his theories of the brain turn out to be as Cartesian as Descarte could be.


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Come to think of it Althouse would be right at home with profe Dennet.

[Others] note that my 'avoidance of the standard philosophical (political) terminology for discussing such matters' often creates problems for me; philosophers politicos have a hard time figuring out what I am saying and what I am denying. My refusal to play ball with my colleagues is deliberate, of course, since I view the standard philosophical political terminology as worse than useless — a major obstacle to progress since it consists of so many errors.

The vote for Obama makes a lot of sense from the politico/cientific... cruelly neutral way ;)

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Dennet explains why somethings makes sense in a brilliant way, only to pull the rug under you when his theories fail the scietific test.

I love him, He is brilliant, but as he is fond of saying its a draft

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Oh God..

Giada De Laurentiis exist because there is a God to put her there.

it's that simple!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Nobody and i mean nobody cooks like Giada.

and then she said my husband]...

Waht is a man to do?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lem Vibe Banditory said...

and then you have as i do now..

Rachael Ray.

it dawns on me that it's Demy Moore on General Hospital.

that voice,

blake said...

I'm not quick to blame illegal aliens of anything, hardly even of being here illegally.

But I think it's a fact that certain people have come here illegally and endangered others, just as it's a fact that certain people have come here illegally and murdered others.

Is it a statistical difference? Who knows. That's sort of the problem with the legality aspect of it. You can't tell/know what's going on.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Demy on General Hospital ... the voice, the voice, the voice, the voice,,,,

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I'm not quick to blame illegal aliens of anything, hardly even of being here illegally.

Esa es la mierda. cuando se le acusa de estupides a alguien que solo quiere sobrevivir.

blake said...

If I understand you correctly, and I may not, as my Spanish es muy mierde (heh), yes, that's sort of my view.

And the immigration department is a cruel joke.

I only wish we could make it so that the people who came here--as well as many of the people who were born here--understood what makes the country work.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Is it a statistical difference? Who knows. That's sort of the problem with the legality aspect of it. You can't tell/know what's going on.

If we pay good money to send people in the searh of the least of these

could we not for the least of...?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I only wish we could make it so that the people who came here--as well as many of the people who were born here--understood what makes the country work.

President Bush was pushing a workable solution - no amnesty, go to the back of the line if you happened to be in country. so that people who are in line ...

Pay a fine if you are illegall and if you have no criminal record you could be (at the back od the line) have a chance to either go back and come back or stay and work your way.

Were were you when Bush was asking for help on this?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

As long as people choose to be short sided on this...

we will continue to have one side a thinking it's a parisite

and on the other a symbiotic relationship.

w/o either side convincing the other.

blake said...

The truth probably doesn't benefit either side very well. Allowing hordes of unskilled laborers affects the poorest part of the population.

At the same time, we definitely profit from the labor.

But then there's the devaluing of the respect for law.

It seems like, in a lot of ways, we have the worst of all worlds.

What pisses me off is that immigration is a valid function of the government, and they can't bother to do it properly, and they can't stop grasping to ruin parts of society that aren't valid functions.

As for Bush's plan, it seemed to me to be amnesty-then-enforcement, but as we all know, they never get to the enforcement.

Start by making it possible to get (and stay) here legally. Fix legal immigration. Deport the criminals--really, this one's a slam dunk. Shenanigans like what San Francisco pulls only set the cause back.

Oh, and you could have an amnesty point system, too. Someone comes here and starts a business and makes good? It'd be just stupid to throw that guy out.

Also, fixing the rest of the world would help, as long as we're dreaming.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Demy Moore General Hospital
and Kathleen Turner on Body Heat.

the voice... la voz tan, oh a lo mejor mas hermosa que la mujer que habla.

sufran como yo coño!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Demy Moore, Kathleen Turner, in another lifetime was Lauren Bacall.

you know how to whistle steve?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Thats why Rachel Ray is doing as well as she is!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

My brain knows whow to get my attention.... wormless or not!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I'm running out of whine..

so ah ... what?

I think i, If i offended anybody, it was not my intention to do so.

th'st why i like this site. there is real freedom and sharing here. i feel comfortable here.

so you know what that mean don't you?

if you are going to attack the professor you better do it when I'm not around.


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Call me names and whatever.

I'm going to pledge to at least try to undertand my profe.

the least you candy asses could not do!

ever ;)

Meade said...

One word: garlic.

Meade said...

Two more words: Delaney Sisters.

Beth said...


I find a little cumin and a good shake of red pepper flakes liven up a butternut squash soup. And throw in a bundle of marjoram while it's cooking.

Meade said...

I'm with Beth on that. Might also try a pinch of Garam masala.

ZWH said...

This is a video with actual footage of the worm...disgusting...FF to 3 minutes in

Tibore said...

Am I missing something here? Some have noted that rare & medium rare meat is bad, but in this case - I read more about it here than in the BBC link - the infection was likely the result of bad sanitary practice on the part of the food handler, not necessarily on an infestation in the food itself. That sort of contanimation can happen after cooking too, so taking meat to well-done won't necessarily reduce that component of the risk. It's all about the hygene of the people handling the food.

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