Hey, Sarah! The ceiling is the thing there on top. Left and right... we call those things there walls.
ADDED: The link was wrong. AND: Here's the transcript:
VAN SUSTEREN: Have you ever talked to Senator Clinton?Video here. Go to 4:04.
PALIN: Have not, but I'm going to call her tomorrow.
VAN SUSTEREN: What are you going to tell her?
PALIN: Yes. I'm going to tell her, More power to you. You — I've got a lot of respect for what she has accomplished. And she — you know, I feel like she certainly — having gone before me, she helped shatter glass ceilings left and right. And yes, that one is still there above Hillary, above me, above every woman.
But she certainly cracked it a lot. And I have respect for what she was able to accomplish. Still disagree on a lot of the policies that she would adopt if she were to have been elected, but just understanding what she went through also, and that life-work balance that no doubt she's had to strike all these years. I have a lot of respect for that.
Left = for Democrats
Right = for Republicans
Hey, Sarah! The ceiling is the thing there on top. Left and right... we call those things there walls.
I don't suppose you would have considered she was referring to the political spectrum.
Nah. Silly to think that.
How many sides does a barrel have?
Inside and outside.
Perhaps she walked from room to room, shattering glass ceilings in the room on the right and then in the room on the left?
Or, maybe not.
It is good to see that women stick together.
Left and right is a common expression that normal people use.
Why do smart nuanced Democrats become simplistic literalists when reading Palins words? It is akin to BDS.
What about the glass ceilings in the center? Did they not exist or were they not shattered?
(I'm just being a simplistic literalist)
Hey, Ann!
Glass ceilings (or so we're told) abound. There's not a single one, right above the speaker's head, but a myriad of them scattered all about the political universe.
(Bad link, btw -- it goes to the Jindal story)
Oh, you guys! That was a teasing remark from Althouse. I'm sure of it.
On a more serious note. I love that Sarah continues to say nice things about Hillary. It just strikes me as genuine and smart.
Barefoot and pregnant, Ann, that's where this thinking slots you. Or perhaps as a sly child trying to avoid punishment. Were it not for the other commenters here, you would have to post cheesecake if not nudes to attract attention. What was your IQ again?
Those aren't walls, they're windows. Walls don't shatter.
Well, crap, I meant to put a comma in there.
I'm trying to figure out whether Althouse is parodying the usual condescending, snide, simple-minded criticisms of this very intelligent and successful woman, or parroting them.
I'd go to the link for more clues, but it's the link for the previous post.
More information on whether Palin is really as stupid as we've been led to believe here:
A former editor-in-chief of Ms Magazine doesn't think so.
Even I'm not that literal. Looking up, there's the space directly above me, and there's space to the left and right of that (of course, all the spaces extend forward and backwards). It's preferable to have the ceilings on either side of you shatter, because otherwise the overhead ceiling will rain down shards of glass directly upon your head. So, step to the side, let someone else take the initial hit, then step over the damage towards the opening.
"Hey, Sarah! The ceiling is the thing there on top. Left and right... we call those things there walls."
What if she's in Philip Johnson's house?
Those aren't walls, they're windows. Walls don't shatter.
I had a drunk ram my house with his SUV once. Believe me, walls shatter.
I thought it was vases that Hillary used to shatter.
"I thought it was vases that Hillary used to shatter"
Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, professor...
What the hell is this?
Houses to the left and the right of mine both have ceilings...
Hey, Sarah! The ceiling is the thing there on top. Left and right... we call those things there walls.
Your comment is catty, juvenile, and stupid. Left and right is an idiom. It means "everywhere, without any plan or pattern."
Sad what has become of Althouse. If Palin had said "both democrat and republican" Althouse would have mocked her for thinking ceilings are made of flesh.
Left and right is a common expression that normal people use.
Evidently not if you're a Palin critic who seems to think her being VP was the equivalent of cracking the seventh seal.
Is it too difficult to see that Palin is saying something nice about Hillary? Of course that is totally overlooked and she is just where the MSM liberal illuminati media and the over accepting public continues to keep her-- as a dumb woman and nothing else.
Watch out for the badass moose heads on the way up.
Althouse is a very jealous woman.
She does not like the fact that most of her fan boys love Sarah Palin so she will keep knocking her down as much as she can.
Women just can not get along.
mnotaro - I don't see her as dumb, but certainly, (but not limited to) entertaining.
As for her saying nice things about Hillary, she's also saying nice things about Obama. For whatever any of that's worth.
I like Palin and hate her enemies.
But I don't agree with her on much and she is not very intelligent. Not dumb but not very knowledgeable either.
Discomfort with her comes not only from lefties, Eastern elites or jealous women.
Perfect example of a gaffe where we understand the meaning although the words are jumbled.
Contrast with Joe Biden.
It's the one thing I disagree with Palin. Hillary didn't really help anything. Hillary shattered no ceilings. Hillary FAILED to get a nomination. And, frankly, wasn't Pat Schroeder the first female who decided to run for President ? All Hillary did was follow in Schroeder's footsteps, and then fail miserably.
If Palin could just get the NOMINATION for President....she's already won right there. She becomes the very first woman to do what Hillary couldn't manage to.
Whether Palin actually wins the election (2012) is immaterial. Well, obviously the GOP wants a win.
But, for Palin, personally, just becoming a Nominee makes her legendary forever.
Palin 2012
John Lynch said...Perfect example of a gaffe where we understand the meaning although the words are jumbled.
It isn't a gaffe. It's an idiom, and there is nothing jumbled about it.
Funny how everyone conveniently forgets Hillary's failures, the poorly-managed campaign, the horrible debt......from a woman who was supposed to be a seasoned campaigner.
LOL!! A real knee-slapper there, Althouse.
What's that? You were being serious?!
concrete thinking
Picayune much, Annie? I always understood the phrase "left and right" to mean all over the place. I don't know if Alaska will have a seat coming open in 2010 but if I'm Palin, I seriously consider taking a run at it. Then if she wants to take a shot at the top job in 2012, she'll have just as much experience as Barry did and, in all likelihood, an economy in the crapper to run against.
Meant to add to the above after the link:
Hey, Sarah! The ceiling is the thing there on top. Left and right... we call those things there walls.
Uh, the word is ceilings. More than one, which would be left-right.
Is this a troll post?
As for her saying nice things about Hillary, she's also saying nice things about Obama. For whatever any of that's worth.
Evidently a lot more about her character than that of her detractors.
I have to say that althouse's comment provoked quite a response.
Into the vortex!
Oh, you guys! That was a teasing remark from Althouse. I'm sure of it.
In all honesty, it's rather hard to tell anymore when Palin is the subject.
Schorsch said...
Is this a troll post?
Aren't they all? This is Ann's microscope and we're just bugs trapped under a slide.
Evidently not if you're a Palin critic who seems to think her being VP was the equivalent of cracking the seventh seal.
No, the cracking of the seventh seal was that goddamn candyass Metallica documentary! Phew!
I want Ted Nugent and Palin to go moose hunting for the Food Network...
Eat what ya kill, you betcha!
I can't find the right link now. It was from last night's Greta interview.
"Left and right" just means "everywhere." I don't think this can fairly be classified as a gaffe.
All this leaden defense of Palin is soooo tedious. The left/right politics defense has no relation to what HC actually did, and if you had the clip you'd see that Palin clearly meant all over the place.
Glass ceiling. That's funny enough right there, for a literalist visualization.
Hillary, wearing safety glasses and work gloves, climbs a tall but sturdy ladder. Gets to the top. Steps above the stair with the red warning sticker reading, "do not step past this stair," boldly but foolishly ignoring the warning. Holds large ball-peen hammer and swings at the ceiling. Connects, but ceiling holds. Swings again. Connects and bashes through the glass. Looses balanced but quickly steadies herself. Hillary is showered with shards of glass, bits of safety glass, as that ceiling was constructed in accordance with code. but a portion of the ceiling remains intact. Switches ball-peen to other hand. Teeters dangerously on ladder. Steadies self. Swings with alternate hand. Connects. Hillary is showered with shards of glass. Now there's a giant hole in the glass roof, with sharp jagged edges sticking out. The irregular squarish bits of glass glisten all over the ladder and through Hillary's hair. Hillary takes stock of herself still atop the ladder. Shakes out tiny shards that fell in her blouse. Slowly and carefully descends the ladder surveying the shards strewn across the room appearing much like a automobile accident. Smiles broadly. Leaves. Returns with longer ladder, one that reaches through the hole and up to the sky. Women swarm the new longer ladder. Tall women, short women, Republicans, Democrats, Independents, Unaffiliated women, religions, sizes, dispositions, and degrees of beauty, women of all races, and women with triangular faces, and it looked like this.
How hard can it be to hunt moose? They stand there in the water munching water plants. You sneak up on them, in their own little worlds, standing there eating, minding their own business, and BLAM! you shoot them where they stand. The hard part would be hooking them up to the ATV and dragging them out of the swamp.
I'm imagining this, I could have it all wrong.
Awww, everyone knows what she meant. But it falls into a growing bin of Palinisms, just like half the bin of Biden gaffes are things you know exactly what he meant - Obama is clean and articulate and admirable for that - just said wrong.
LOL, Arturius:
I'm an enigma wrapped up in a pita.
And now I'm not so sure, either.
"All this leaden defense of Palin is soooo tedious'
Get over it boys. There can only be one.
No she should never become a senator. Palin needs to stay far far away from Washington, otherwise she'll jeopardize her "outsider" status for the sake of becoming just another canny and calculating robot.
....which may, or may not, be the case already.
Although, hunting caribou.....and peeling off the fur from wolves....that maybe just a little too far from the Suburban Matron idea of a "normal housewife".
She is America's Mom, though. Of course, she certainly doesn't look, or act, like my Mom, or any other mom I know.....but nobody's gonna care after a "generated crisis".
Palin 2012
There can be only one.
Failure to vet the President-elect will be addressed by redoubling the criticism of the candidate unchosen.
Having already undergone media colonoscopy and dumpster diving, she will now be ridiculed for breathing and other heinous acts. Only thus can we assuage our anxiety over having promoted an untested cipher with untrustworthy friends to the world's toughest job.
I'm glad this makes people feel better about their choice. That self-satisfaction will be desperately needed as the Dow slips lower each week. Wall street expects another 70K to be laid off.
But bulloxed metaphors are a hoot.
Sarah has glass walls in her house so she can keep an eye on those pesky Russkies.
pogo: "Having already undergone media colonoscopy..."
Actually she's had little if any real vetting...but you can bet your ass she will...and this time it will be via the likes of Newt, Romney, Jindal and others who also have designs on the Presidency.
By the way...where are her medical records, and why won't she release them?
Chip Ahoy - Geeeeezzzzzz, what comment.
You really need to get yourself a job.
jdeeripper said..."Discomfort with her comes not only from lefties, Eastern elites or jealous women."
Yeah, the election results and the polling certainly shore up that view.
I had always thought that the metaphor was of a series of glass ceilings one above the other... so if you broke one and moved up, what you broke would certainly not be above you anymore, but around you. Still it wasn't that, it was a colloquialism, the horror!
By the way...where are her medical records, and why won't she release them?
Where are Obama's medical records and why won't he release them?
Michael, your opinion reminds me of a flea on the rump of a stray dog that wanders by a closed launderette on an empty main street of a long forgotten town.
This criticism's logical force depends on the proposition that ceilings only exist directly overhead.
I question that premise. Evidence?
I was wondering how long it would take Michael the meatsack to show up on a Palin thread.
He gets a woody every time Althouse posts something about Palin. He's probably punishing his traitorous member with a ball peen hammer right now. Oh the pain, it's sooooo good!
Whatever floats your boat meatsack. Blow me fuck off, gutless coward, what a hoot, blah, blah, blah
Incidentally, about Russia...
Most Americans, and certainly Michael, really have no sense of a global context in their very American-centric world view. Sure, other countries exist, often with picturesque brown people living primitive and therefore more authentic lives. That the usual suspects bounced so completely off the issue of Russia's direct interaction with Alaska, due to proximity and due to trade issues (that most other governors also have experience in) and also due to the direct impact of the Russian oil industry on Alaska's economy, simply means that they really *don't* have a notion that those people over there make decisions that affect our lives in ways other than voyeuristic pseudo-concern. After all, who decides that those picturesque brown people prefer to live subsistence on hand picked "fair trade" organic coffee instead of industry that could actually modernize their lives?
The PDS becomes reflexive. It is much easier to recognize when it gets to this stage.
A man of honor?
McCain said this about an ad Saxby Chambliss ran against Max Cleland:
"I'd never seen anything like that ad. Putting pictures of Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden next to the picture of a man who left three limbs on the battlefield -- it's worse than disgraceful. It's reprehensible."
And now he's in Georgie...campaigning for Chambliss.
What a guy.
synova says: "Most Americans, and certainly Michael, really have no sense of a global context in their very American-centric world view."
What the hell is that supposed to mean?
And what in the world does it have to do with Sarah Palin's comment??
Get a grip.
Pogo & Lawgiver: Two twits who have nothing of substance to add, only silly comments relating to me.
If you like Sarah, want to support her new and improved run for office...that's fine with me.
But as an American, I think it would be best to allow the man we just elected to at least get a chance to show us what he can do for the country.
*And here's a challenge for either of you fools: Just name a single state McCain carried because of Sarah...that he wouldn't have carried without her.
Whining about what you perceive as poor Sarah's mistreatment is just that: whining and nothing else.
Aren't they all? This is Ann's microscope and we're just bugs trapped under a slide.
Quick someone needs to make a gif of the devine ms althouse looking at a bug under a microscope!!!
Whining about what you perceive as poor Sarah's mistreatment is just that: whining and nothing else.
Just let me have my cheese in peace.
My, my...
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin told CNN today that she would be honored to help President-elect Barack Obama in his new administration if asked, even if he did once hang around with an "unrepentant domestic terrorist."
Michaels' onanistic conversation is as nearly as fun as scrubbing the toilet.
What the hell is that supposed to mean?
It means that blind people can't imagine sight.
It means that in the late 1800's the agriculture magazines in Texas carried weather reports for Egypt.
It means that the cosmopolitan is unaware that he or she wears no clothes.
It means that Russia is in proximity to Alaska in a number of ways.
It means that those who scoff view "those people" over there as an intellectual abstraction and can imagine nothing different.
If Sarah Palin is Nancy Kerrigan and Michael is Shane Stant, does that make Althouse Tonya Harding?
Michael, there's no way to prove or disprove this. But as someone who's lived here for 51 years and has closely followed and voted in every presidential election, I think it's not impossible that McCain might have lost TEXAS if he hadn't shored up his base by adding Palin to the ticket. There was almost no enthusiasm here for McCain.
I'd re-ask your question this way: Without Palin on the ticket, what state could McCain have been certain to carry? I don't think there is one -- not even Arizona.
"every presidential election" (since I was 18, obviously)
Interesting, Beldar (I used to love your old blog, btw). I agree with you.
Is there anyone that you think McCain could have picked and done better with?
I completely defend Professor Althouse on this. The Professor can only go so far out on a limb for the right-wing commenters. Palin is her own worst enemy and rioutous to watch and listen to.
And by the way, it appears the McCain camp made sure she was photographed well. Palin is not as attractive as it seemed, as a matter of fact I would not call her beautiful at all.
In charge of her own P.R. now, she has managed to make herself look idiotic and physically not that attractive. Bring back McCain's people, they did right by her in retrospect.
A fun train wreck to watch though.
It is absolutely flooring me is reading these nonsensical Palin bashing posts written in your hand Professor Althouse.
Aren't they all? This is Ann's microscope and we're just bugs trapped under a slide.
i beg your pardon
Well..that's embarrassing. Apparently Beldar is still blogging! But I swear...I used to read that blog, and it disappeared for a long time!
Ann Althouse --
"The left/right politics defense has no relation to what HC actually did, and if you had the clip you'd see that Palin clearly meant all over the place."
So, you understood it was simply an idiom. You then made the sad statement about her choice of words why?
I agree with many responders here who view Ann's comment about Palin as picky and catty. I think too much of her posting since renouncing her "cruel neutrality' has tended to approach that level of discourse. Nevertheless,I hope she retains her readership who continousely provides her blog with smart and funny comments.
"And by the way, it appears the McCain camp made sure she was photographed well. Palin is not as attractive as it seemed, as a matter of fact I would not call her beautiful at all."
You're right! Not only is she a fucking uppity brainless cunt but she's a fucking dog to boot! I mean how dare that fucking nasty looking bitch walk in front of a tv camera? First she fucks up a man's campaign, then she saunters around with the elite like she fucking has a chance to fit in with her stupid ass religion and her ugly, phony family that she doesn't even fucking like. And now she's trying to cook and she can't even do that right, the stupid redneck animal killing bitch! And to top it all off, she's fucking UGLY!!!!!!! The geniuses in charge of McCain's campaign had it in the bag for him and then the old bastard let this seductress get the better of him and she fucked up the McCain campaign's brilliant strategy.
Go back to Arkansas or Alabama or wherever you're from, you ugly cunt and stop bothering us! America has spoken with one voice and rejected you in favor of attractive intelligent men who don't fucking handle snakes and are smart enough to abort their daughter's retard babies instead of pretending that they're theirs!!! And they have their own expensive clothes and don't have to steal them like fucking white trash bitches.
LOL. LMAO. LOL. Fuck you Sarah!!!1
"All this leaden defense of Palin is soooo tedious."
Althousian translation: I like it better when you guys make fun of people who are not me.
It may or may not have helped if you had the correct link and video up in the first place--just sayin'...
Why does she do every interview from her kitchen while she's cooking? She was in the kitchen in a Today Show interview this week, too.
Jesus, we get it, lady! You cook for your family. You're superwoman and you've got that life/work balance thing going on, while Todd plays with his snow machine. I'll pass on the moose chili and those nasty looking sausages, thanks.
palladian: Andrew Sullivan thinks some gay guys have a diva worship thing going on with Palin. What do you think about that?
I think you picked an excellent moniker for yourself, LoafingOaf.
If a male candidate is shown in the kitchen, preparing food, fussing over meals, folding dishtowels, and then applying hand cream....
Would anyone have a problem with that?
I certainly think Palin makes a better Judy Garland than Hillary.
Loafing Oaf said: "Andrew Sullivan thinks some gay guys have a diva worship thing going on with Palin."
Not the ones in West Hollywood, that put Palin in a noose.
But, I guess that was before the vote for Prop 8. With a Democratic President Elect, who has nothing to say about Prop 8.....Palin may not be so bad !
How hard can it be to hunt moose?
Just don't miss. Those things can kill you if they charge. Part of the reason they're hunted is that they're a dangerous nuisance to humans in some rural areas.
This criticism's logical force depends on the proposition that ceilings only exist directly overhead.
I question that premise. Evidence?
Oh Jeez, now Frank Gehry's pissed off.
Yes, it does sound like there's often little sport in shooting a moose. Like shooting a parked car.
Palin and her husband are also more into commercial fishing than sport fishing, as she told Greta.
Worst of all, Palin's a huge fan of aerial wolf hunting, something that even Congress has condemned (Federal Airborne Hunting Act of 1972), as well as other hunters.
Oh, Matthew Skully - who found himself stuck with having to write Palin's acceptance speech (he had started writing it before Palin was selected) - has also condemned it. He's a vegetarian who wrote a book about inhuname treatment of animals. (Hmm - another reason some of McCain's staff disliked her?)
Part of the reason they're hunted is that they're a dangerous nuisance to humans in some rural areas.
Actually, Palin is gung-ho about aerial wolf hunting because she thinks human moose hunters can't compete with wolves. Slate.com: "The idea [of aerial wolf-hunting] is that by killing the predators, the airborne gunmen can ramp up the number of moose and caribou that human hunters can take home for supper."
Salon.com: "Wolves...were clearly better than humans at killing elk and moose, and humans needed to even the playing field."
But the the people who study wolves say that wolves are mostly scavengers.
Here's what kind of hunting Palin loves: Detractors consider the airborne shootings a savage business, conducted under the euphemism "predator control." The airplanes appear in the winter, so the wolves show up like targets in a video game, sprinting across the white canvas below. Critics believe the practice violates the ethics of hunting, while supporters say the process is not hunting at all, but a deliberate cull.
And it's another example of Palin putting ideology above science: Gordon Haber is a wildlife scientist who has studied wolves in Alaska for 43 years. "On wildlife-related issues, whether it is polar bears or predator controls, she has shown no inclination to be objective," he says of Palin. "I cannot find credible scientific data to support their arguments," he adds about the state's rationale for gunning down wolves. "In most cases, there is evidence to the contrary."
Last year, 172 scientists signed a letter to Palin, expressing concern about the lack of science behind the state's wolf-killing operation. According to the scientists, state officials set population objectives for moose and caribou based on "unattainable, unsustainable historically high populations." As a result, the "inadequately designed predator control programs" threatened the long-term health of both the ungulate and wolf populations. The scientists concluded with a plea to Palin to consider the conservation of wolves and bears "on an equal basis with the goal of producing more ungulates for hunters."
Palin got upset that not enough wolves were being culled from the air, so she tried to offer $150 for every hacked off wolf paw someone brought in, a policy the courts struck down.
Palin offered the $150 bounty for wolf paws in 2007 after efforts to kill wolves from airplanes that season were, in her view, coming up short. State officials had hoped that 382 to 664 wolves would be killed during that predator-control season. State officials were disappointed when only 115 wolves were killed from the air.
Palin thought the $150 cash bounties would do the trick. Haber has another explanation for the dry spell. "I can tell you from my own research that the reason they didn't get many wolves in certain years, particularly last winter, is because they have scraped those areas clean," he says.
Palin's not really much into hunting for sport. She hates animals and wants as many of them wiped out as cruelly and efficiently as possible, with no regard for whether she has a sound scientific basis for her animal culling policies. No sport in that at all, and also no soul.
Palin's just like those assholes in Canada who club seals to death. She doesn't like animals and there is no sport in the kind of hunting she promotes.
But I was a doofus for quoting too much from that article. Sorry, I should've editted that down. But, yeah, PAlin can spare me the talk of her love of hunting. AERIEL WOLF HUNTING IS DISGUSTINGLY CRUEL MASS SLAUGHTER. What would Jesus do, Saint Sarah?
Jesus? He fed 5000 with fish, told a parables about killing oxen and fatted cattle for a wedding feast, told how the father killed and ate the fatted calf for the prodigal son, on Passover He ate a lamb, and after the crucifixion and resurrection, He ate some broiled fish to prove to His disciples He had been raised from the dead.
I think Jesus would find moose a tasty treat.
Just don't miss. Those things can kill you if they charge. Part of the reason they're hunted is that they're a dangerous nuisance to humans in some rural areas.
They are huge, I remember seeing one hit by a car near Fairbanks. I think everyone in the car was killed. This is what a small moose
can do to a car.
But some folks apparently aren't quite ready to move on just yet. Consider this exchange between CNN's Wolf Blitzer and Sarah Palin that will air this afternoon:
BLITZER: [D]uring a campaign, every presidential campaign, things are said, it's tough, as you well know, it gets sometimes pretty fierce out there. And during the campaign, you said this, you said: "This is not a man who sees America as you see it and how I see America." And then you went on to say: "Someone who sees America, it seems, as being so imperfect that he is palling around with terrorists who would target their own country."
PALIN: Well, I still am concerned about that association with Bill Ayers. And if anybody still wants to talk about it, I will, because this is an unrepentant domestic terrorist who had campaigned to blow up, to destroy our Pentagon and our U.S. Capitol. That's an association that still bothers me. And I think it's still fair to talk about it.
Palin then went on to say that "now is the time to move on," and that the "chapter is closed."
Honestly, what is she talking about? Palin still thinks it's "fair to talk about" Bill Ayers, and she brags that if "anybody still wants to talk about" Ayers, she will. Literally a few seconds later, Palin thinks we should "move on" because "the campaign is over."
I'm curious if Palin can hear the words coming out of her mouth while she's speaking.
Goddamn baby seals.
I'd club every last one of 'em, given a chance.
According to the NYT, the "Sarah Palin did not know that Africa was a continent" story, the one that got loafing oaf worked up, was a hoax. Come to think of it, a whole lot of Palin stories were hoaxes.
Hey I think it's still fair to talk about Wolf Blitzer's comment "So very poor, and so very Black".....that he made during Katrina.
How come nobody ever called him out about that one ?
I think Jesus would find moose a tasty treat.
Whether he would or not has nothing to do with whether Jesus would approve of aerial wolf-hunting.
stepskipper: I saw Palin with my own eyes being a clueless ignoramous in both of her interviews she carefully selected as her first two interviews for the American people to get to know her. I hope she did know that Africa was a continent, but it's already well-established that she doesn't know much of anything relating to the issues facing America.
blake: People who support the seal slaughters in Canada obviously hate nature, and if you believe in God that means they hate God. Same with Palin and her disgusting love of aerial wolf-hunting.
Loafing Oaf, I saw an article on the wolf hunting story as well.
"Slaughtering wolves on the Alaska Peninsula appears to have had the desired effect -- more caribou got a chance to live, according to biologists with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game."
"As ugly and as politically incorrect as the wolf killing might seem to some, they said, the helicopter gunning that took place earlier this year saved caribou, especially young caribou, from being eaten alive."
blake: People who support the seal slaughters in Canada obviously hate nature, and if you believe in God that means they hate God. Same with Palin and her disgusting love of aerial wolf-hunting.
Indeed. Your logic is unassailable and unpolluted by messy facts.
This whole issue will evaporate once they smooth the rough edges, and refine Palin enough, to appeal to the suburban matrons who know nothing about hunting.
It just won't matter once the "generated crisis" gets under way.
blake: So why do you support the the seal hunts in Canada? You think supporting that barbarism goes hand-in-hand with a respect for nature? I didn't post facts about the seal hunts because I was only comparing the wolf hunts to that, and I already know that much of the civilized world agrees that the seal hunts are disgustingly immoral while they don't know much about the aeriel wolf hunts.
As for "pro-life" Palin's love of aeriel wolf-hunting, here's a yourtube clip about that savagery: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQobIUE1zTU Yeah, she's real nice.
Support? I personally go out and kill seals myself! If no one's looking, I like to use my bare hands instead of a club. You can see the divine spark leaving them that way.
"...has nothing to do with whether Jesus would approve of aerial wolf-hunting."
1. To eat meat, one must kill an animal. It can be sanitized and mechanized as in raising turkeys instead of flushing them out of the brush, but it still involves killing. Jesus knew this; He ate meat.
2. Hunting is a method of killing. Jesus knew this; He ate meat.
3. Aerial hunting is a method of hunting. it's less fair than tracking an animal in the woods, but more fair than growing them in a cage for slaughter. Jesus knew about killing cattle and hunting; He ate meat.
That leads me to conclude that the only thing Jesus might possibly disapprove of is flying planes. Jesus knew nothing about airplanes. But like hunting animals, I think Jesus would approve of a single engine prop.
LoafingOaf --
"But I was a doofus..."
Everything else was redundancy.
LoafingOaf said...Palin's not really much into hunting for sport. She hates animals and wants as many of them wiped out as cruelly and efficiently as possible, with no regard for whether she has a sound scientific basis for her animal culling policies.
And she wants to castrate all liberal Democrat males. Jesse Jackson only want to do that to The One.
Wolves are vegetarians by the way. The claim that they hunt and kill defenseless mammals is a myth fabricated by right wing Republican corporate exploiters of Mother Earth.
jderipper is a tool of the animal-centric vegetarian patriarchy!
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