November 13, 2008

"I had a baby, I did some traveling, I very briefly expanded my wardrobe, I made a few speeches..."

"... I met a few VIPS, including those who really impact society, like Tina Fey."

Sarah Palin describes her recent past, at the Republican Governors meeting, today.


MoeLarryAndJesus said...

I wish she would just go back to Alaska and get the hell off my TV.

Unknown said...

You know, even if she didn't have the VP candidacy, it would have been a crazy year for Palin.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

And the narrative continues...

Darcy said...


T Mack said...

And how many news conferences did Biden hold?
What a pathetic paper to think so low of it's readers.

Chip Ahoy said...

"I energized an enervated Republican electorate while deflecting accusations to the contrary, I withstood insane hyperbolic attacks, I withstood hostile interviews but also interviewed with a sympathetic Gretta Van Susteren, I was driven around the country in a big bus and met thousands of people, I debated, I was tutored extensively in national and global affairs, I serindipitously projected a career unexpectedly, parlaying meager gubinatorial experience to a chance at a senate seat, I pissed off not just feminists but even politically uninvolved women unbelievably and irrationally and created an entirely new dialog, albiet a vicious one, I displayed, in vivid open vivisection, an entirely different way to be, I exposed obscene hatred for what it is. I created a vortex with my name on it. I started something that startles you and that you're not going to like."

chickelit said...

I wish she would just go back to Alaska and get the hell off my TV.

I hope she adjusts your antennae before she leaves your house. You need better reception

MadisonMan said...

The Republican Governors must be pretty happy that Palin is there to generate news interest.

TMink said...

"I wish she would just go back to Alaska and get the hell off my TV."

Gee Moe, get off the couch and change the channel you knucklehead. And Larry, Governor Palin is not the person who makes programming decisions. Curly, she did go back to Alaska. Shemp, simmer down. Curley Joe, man up and quit complaining.


Henry said...

What they're really hoping for is campaign money in 2010.

If Palin really wants to run in 2012, her job in 2010 is clear.

Synova said...

What really hurts must be knowing that, you know, she's *got* a job. She is actually in charge of things and makes decisions and has to work with her legislature to get things done, and she meets with other governors who are governors like she is in order to do governor sorts of things.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I wish she would just go back to Alaska and get the hell off my TV

Did you lose the remote control? Look under the couch cushions.

I use my remote everytime Obama intrudes into my personal space. It's very satisfactory to cut him off mid babble.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Palin has the fundamental bases for a successful and happy life covered:

Family, friends, education, marketable skills, career, owns a home and is likely saving for her retirement.

She is a role model for kids to follow. Althouse is too.

The Expatriate said...

She's right about Tina Fey, you know. Cost her the election, and probably any hope of holding non-Alaskan office...


Darcy said...

There you go, AJ Lynch. Good thoughts. :)

Melinda said...

I created a vortex with my name on it.

Nice work if you can get it.

reader_iam said...

I could have sworn that sometime over the past week I read an article/study about the effect of SNL and various cable shows on perceptions and even voting patterns (at least in some demographics), but for the life of me I can't quickly put my finger on it.

john said...

Moe - she is the only reason you have/watch a TV.

Expat: Tiny Fey cost HER the election? You dream.

Pawlenty made a great joke (or maybe just repeated an old one, I don't get around much). I think the real job of these governors will be to deal with their public employees pension "shortfalls", and how they can rape the remaining private sector, which has no pension guarantee, to satisfy their real constituency (including university professors). But that's OT.

On topic: since it's about Palin, when will the Michael troll appear? I give him 5 minutes.

Matt Eckert said...

It is so funny that Althouse can not leave our Sarah alone. She just keeps scratching at her.

Envy is a terrible thing.

Revenant said...

I met a few VIPS, including those who really impact society, like Tina Fey.

Heh! I like that line. I wonder if she wrote it?

walter neff said...

Everybody knows she can not read or write. It was hard enough to teach her how to wear shoes.

Don't you read the New York Times?

Darcy said...

I know, Revenant! Don't you just know she was having fun with that?

Anonymous said...

Family, friends, education, marketable skills, career, owns a home and is likely saving for her retirement.

She is a role model for kids to follow. Althouse is too.

I have few visitors, one or two friends, no marketable skills, rent a house that doesn't even have a working fire extinquisher as required by law, and spending every penny i have at a rate of 15K per year. At age 75 I might have to finally get a job in fast food places exst and are still hiring old people.

Ten 14 year old kids in the Haggia Sophia thought i was beautiful and wanted to take my picture with their cell phone. Big bad noses don't matter in istanbul. Most turks have one.

Althouse and Palin you got so much up on me except my height. 6 fooot tall in heels.

Donn said...

Dennis Miller was in rare form yesterday on TOF on all the Palin nonsense.

Synova said...

She's right about Tina Fey, you know. Cost her the election, and probably any hope of holding non-Alaskan office...

How silly!

Tina Fey was funny.

And people like people who can laugh at themselves, also.

Salamandyr said...

It's rather sad that the New York Times, even in what purports to be a news article, can't resist sticking another dagger in.

integrity said...

Keep running that mouth honey. I love it!

Human Events has sent me 3 e-mails asking for donations to Palin 2012, if she gets the nomination the check is in the mail that day. This manipulative bimbette might be better for my party than Bush.

Rock on Sarah!

Keep going sugarlips.

Ron said...

Althouse -- come for the cruel neutrality, stay for the humane sagacity.

it even rhymes!

I'm Full of Soup said...

Integrity said:

"Keep going Sugarlips".

Is that you Mel Gibson?

MadisonMan said...

There will always be a market for comedians/comediennes who mock politicians, because everyone likes to make fun of politicians, and if you can do it well (and let's not be coy, Fey's Palin is hilariously close to the mark), you deserve all the money you can earn.

integrity said...

AJ Lynch said...
Integrity said:

"Keep going Sugarlips".

Is that you Mel Gibson?

Yes, don't let the jews and broads know I'm here. Please keep on DL (discreet).

Darcy said...

If you mean that Fey captured the "it" factor of Sarah, I agree with you, MadisonMan. Many of the crew were thoroughly charmed by her, including I think, Tina Fey. :)

Donn said...

Many of the crew were thoroughly charmed by her, including I think, Tina Fey.

Yes, I believe even Loren M. likes Palin, unfortunately, that doesn't enter into the equation. It's about politics, and SNL and Palin are on opposite sides.

MadisonMan said...

Plus there's the fact that when I now see Sarah Palin, I have to look twice to make sure it's not Tina Fey!

Titusistyetyeverytyetye said...

You can't swing a cat without seeing her this week.

She is having press conferences, has been on every media outlet bitching that she couldn't be interviewed.

I saw some interviews with some of the other governors at the convention in Miami saying they hope to get her autograph.

She is cute as pie but enough all ready.

It's Palin fever.

kjbe said...

Ah Sarah, the gift that keeps on giving.

Titusistyetyeverytyetye said...

I think she is doing all this because she dreads going back to Alaska.

Perhaps, scouting out her opportunities.

Afterall it is 5 degrees in Alaska today and don't they get like 5 hours of light? I don't know, that would kind of depress me. The opportunity to find hog must be difficult. Unless, you run across a cute moose.

No wonder everyone's on meth.

Titusistyetyeverytyetye said...

I did love the cooking show she did with Greta though.

paul a'barge said...

The MSM and the lefties are viral over Palin because they're terrified of her. That's understandable because she obviously motivates and excites a party in disarray.

What is odd is Althouse's fascination with every thing Palin does that Althouse could possibly spin as a faux pas.

You have to wonder of that Althouse is so terrified.

Synova said...

So... now the side advertisement here is on overpopulation.

When does population growth become overpopulation? Join the debate!

The answer, however, is not up for debate at all because the same ad states as fact that America has an overpopulation problem.


dannyboy said...

Sarah is a lot hotter than Tina Fey. I mean she's 44 years old pumped out a bunch of kids and still has a rockin bod.

That's smokin hot. I see twenty somethings with thunder thighs and a badonka donk butt and that's just from Doritos and Mountain Dew.

I can look at her all day.

wind said...

Enough already with all the Palin nonesense. Or, is it another attempt by Althouse designed to bring the trolles out?

walter neff said...

Althouse is not terrified, just jealous. She does not like that most of her fans love Sarah. So she is trying to subtly put her down. And it is not working. So she is getting petulant.

It is a big misjudgement on her side. Do not fight against the tide.

Women just can’t get along. There can only be one queen of the nerds.

Alex said...

wind said...

Enough already with all the Palin nonesense. Or, is it another attempt by Althouse designed to bring the trolles out?
1:55 PM

Even if it were, why are they so dumb as to take the bait?

Trooper York said...

Yeah, give me a break, wind.

Orolo said...


"Ah Sarah, the gift that keeps on giving."

Sorta like Booker T. back in the day with TR. Hate's ugly, especially when its effective.

Paul a' barge,

"What is odd is Althouse's fascination with every thing Palin does that Althouse could possibly spin as a faux pas."

The problem is that it doesn't take much spin. Just because your adversaries irrationally hate someone doesn't make that someone a messiah.

ricpic said...

No matter what the freakazoid left does Sarah's connection with normal America is unbreakable.

Brian Doyle said...

She needs to realize that she was going to be a huge joke with or without Tina Fey's help.

I'm Full of Soup said...

In your mind Doyle, is Nancy Pelosi a joke too? How about Barbara Boxer?

Anonymous said...

paul a'barge said...What is odd is Althouse's fascination with every thing Palin does that Althouse could possibly spin as a faux pas.

It's not just Ann Althouse. This blog gets increased traffic and many more comments when Sarah Palin is mentioned.

Sarah Palin's vortex puts Ann Althouse's vortex to shame.

Sarah Palin is an object of incredible fascination. Notice how such a mild, attractive woman attracts such venomous hatred.

She's powerful and she's not going away.

I mean Palin.

Brian Doyle said...

Nancy Pelosi? No she's the most powerful woman in America. And Barbara Boxer just isn't famous enough to be a national joke, although she's not my favorite senator.

Neither of them are reality show rejects like Bible Spice, though.

Triangle Man said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Triangle Man said...

Matt Eckert said...

Envy is a terrible thing.

"Envy..." ~Matt Eckert

"I do not think it means what you think it means." ~Inigo Montoya

Joaquin said...

Like my grandfather used to say:
"you can put 4 guys in a tent and they'll get along fine, but you put 4 women in a 4 bedroom 4 bath condo overlooking the ocean in West palm Beach and you'll have a war in 48 hours"

Alex said...

Orolo - I think the problem that most of us on the right have is the messianic adoration of Obama's followers. Just look at their faces during those rallies - remind you of any past messianic cults?

reader_iam said...

They're just expressing their devotion to "our Obama."

Kind like other people express their devotion to "our Sarah."

Kinda icky all the way around, if you ask me.

(Yeah, I know: You didn't.)

reader_iam said...

Hey, there's common ground, after all!

dannyboy said...

Kind like other people express their devotion to "our Sarah."

Well for me it's flat out lust. I'm only devoted to myself.

And beer.

Darcy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Darcy said...

I don't see the comparison in the Obama/Sarah thing as far as supporters go, reader.

For one thing...there is a huge difference in the amount of negative media attention. Sarah was attacked viciously, over and over (and the NYT still want to poke at her). Not so with Obama.

So if the "devotion" on Sarah's end you speak of is her supporters vigorously defending her, well, I don't see that as the same thing as the messianic following of Obama...

Matt Eckert said...

Thats only because you are not a dried up frustrated crone Darcy.

reader_iam said...

I posted my response on the wrong thread. I'll take my dried-up old-crone ass over there and retrieve it.

reader_iam said...

reader_iam said...

Defending Palin against smears is not the symptom to which I'm referring.

(You know, I still haven't clicked over to Andrew Sullivan, and I've continued my boycott of the Atlantic in all its manifestations**, along with a couple of other places, since the morning of Sept. 1, when I strongly expressed my contempt for those smearing Palin in a comment here at Althouse, reproduced as a blogpost elsewhere.

**The one exception is Megan McCardle's blog, which I did retain and sometimes read in feed and have clicked over to maybe two or three times in that time period.)

3:32 PM

reader_iam said...

In any case any one at all is interested in that post, and what I had to say about Sarah Palin then, here's the link (the Althouse post in which the comment originally is linked therein, at top). I stand by all of it, except that I admire Palin's grit even more, now, though I also feel validated regarding my reference to "opening wines before their time."

It's one of the few longer-form things I've ever posted over there, mostly because I felt passionate enough about the topic to devote the space.

Darcy said...

Thanks, reader.

kjbe said...

Orolo, relax. I'm people watching - her and those who swirl around her - pro and con. "The gift that keeps on giving" just means that it never seems to stop and a plus, seems to keep the traffic flowing around here.

knox said...

I don't see the comparison in the Obama/Sarah thing as far as supporters go, reader.

For one thing...there is a huge difference in the amount of negative media attention. Sarah was attacked viciously, over and over (and the NYT still want to poke at her). Not so with Obama.

Darcy, I agree, said almost exactly the same thing on a previous thread.

I also took delight in Palin's Tina Fey comment. I wish we'd seen more of the humor she showed in the RNC speech throughout the campaign. But I'll just add that to my long list of regrets from this election.

Titusistyetyeverytyetye said...

I think the one thing that is so appealing that all of us, gay, straight, man, woman, would like to see her naked.

If is what under the clothes looks as good with clothes off she is a major babe.

Tit, perfect. Ass, eatable. Legs, luscious. Waist, perfect.

She should screw this political thing and appear nude in all the magazines. Instant multi-millionaire.

Roberto said...

52% of people polled agree that it's time for Sarah Palin to go home. By contrast, 45% say they can't get enough of her.

Funny how those numbers seem to correspond with another large accounting of the American electorate that was recently taken!

Jonathan Capehart

Titusistyetyeverytyetye said...

I am thinking of a naked painted body suit cover on Vanity Fair, aka Demi Moore.

Titusistyetyeverytyetye said...

I thought it was rude that the governor of Texas seemed to cut her press conference short. That was uncalled for. He cut right in front of her. He is nasty and I get a gay vibe from him. He has had hog in his mouth. I can tell.

Roberto said...

"Everything you heard at a McCain/Palin rally since she was selected as the Vice Presidential nominee since September, and even down to the same rhetoric was in that speech," said Capehart.

Has anybody told Sarah about the election last week?

knox said...


I just went to the link you provided and certainly share your disgust over the nasty "coverage," if you can call it that, of Palin.

I'm still trying to figure out what I said that made you so angry, and now I'm trying to figure out what I said that was any different from what darcy just said?

As far as I can tell, twice today you have sounded to reasonable Althouse commenters like you are conflating Palin defenders with the behavior of Obamatons.

So, hey, if I misread you in the future, please don't tell me to go screw myself or that you're disappointed in me.

Minzo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Titusistyetyeverytyetye said...

Oh there is drama in the house with the women folk.

I want to see a mud fight with tits falling out of tankeys.

Minzo said...

"It is so funny that Althouse can not leave our Sarah alone. She just keeps scratching at her.

Envy is a terrible thing."

What an utterly stupid statement to make. Are you saying those who criticize palin are doing so simply out of envy? You dont think people have legitimate issues with her? And clearly you havent read Anne's blog for long as she's had a lot more praise than criticism for Palin in the past. If you hold Ann in such low esteem why do you even visit her blog?
Palin's supporters like to talk about Palin derangement syndrome but what I've noticed on this blog is a similar derangement syndrome which kicks in whenever something unflattering is said about Palin. So many people throw a hissy fit. Its incredible.

Titusistyetyeverytyetye said...

Speaking of tits I believe it should be a requirement that we each post a picture of our favorite tit. Left or right. Take your pick.

Each tit should be included in your name and every time you post.

The tit picture should be able to be blown up to full view on our computers.

Let's set this policy now.

Who is with me?

Roberto said...

"...the nasty "coverage," if you can call it that, of Palin."

You must mean when they called her a terrorist or a communist or a Muslim...right?

reader_iam said...

Darcy didn't put words in my mouth or use the word "dismiss" in the way you did, and she also sought to understand (whether she agreed or not) the actual point being made rather than putting a spin on it.

Big Mike said...

Sarah Palin will never hold an office higher than governor unless she either replaces Ted Stevens in the Senate or takes on a cabinet post in a future Republican administration. (I was tempted to say "if there is one," but there will be -- the pendulum swings, the pendulum always swings.)

Reason: too many women look at Todd and realize that in their wildest fantasies they could never get a guy like him -- handsome, champion athlete, willing house husband whenever needed, and totally confident in his manhood -- to bother looking twice at them. And they are jealous. Really, really jealous. Examples include Ruth Marcus of the Washington Post, Maureen Dowd, and just about any woman who writes for the NYT or appears on CNN. By contrast, nice to see that Camille Paglia is confident of her own womanhood.

(OK, minzo you're right -- Palin's position on abortion is extreme even by my standards, though I respect that she is willing to abide by the consequences of her beliefs. Aborting Trig or arranging an abortion for Bristol might have been convenient but she does as she says. Unlike, for instance, RFK Jr., who is all for renewable energy until a wind farm might spoil part of the view from his mansion.)

reader_iam said...

To a degree, in a very specific way, there IS a similarity ... but it doesn't lie in the defending, per se. She ought to be defended against smears. The problem comes in two ways:

1) When the defense becomes reflexive, and by that I mean "defending against smears" morphs into "perceiving most, if not every, criticism as a smear" to "perceiving most, if not every, critic, as a 'smear-er'" and then falling into the trap of defending from that mindset. From there, it's just a quick walk to losing the ability to view a candidate with clear eyes and reading malign intent into every criticism--worse, perceived criticism (a number, though not all, of Althouse's recent posts fall into that category, I think--of that candidate. Any and all attacks on those of opposing views then become fair game. How dare you attack my candidate! He/she is wonderful! He/She is the future!

Yeah, I do perceive some similarities, in some specific, circumscribed ways, among some specific subsets of Obama and Palin supporters. I do feel there are a number of commenters here who fall into those subsets. Both subsets.

I don't see that as wholesale conflation, myself, but I do understand that people will disagree and object.

Also, to

hdhouse said...

yea verily all in the blink of an eye. please please go directly to anchorage. do not pass go. do not collect 200 dollars.


knox said...

I think that if you're not a Palin fanatic then you're categorized as a Palin hater/sleezer. It's an all or nothing thing, coupled with massive projection.

This seems pretty straight-forward to me. But obviously I somehow misinterpreted it. And then put my "spin" on it.

Not since high school has someone scolded me so on my reading comprehension. It's pretty condescending, reader. Especially the "I thought better of you" part. I mean, really.

Darcy said...

I really don't want to believe that, Big Mike. It just really makes women seem petty and unable to rationalize beyond that.

Still...she's got to be the hottest female politcal candidate I've ever seen. Wow.

I do think that she threatens the lefty feminists. It's such a sad thing to see, and I'll say it again...women *really* lost big time during this election season, with the treatment of both Hillary and Sarah.

Matt Eckert said...

It is amusing that so many women like Althouse, readeriam and Michael hate the fact that anyone would defend Sarah Palin. That it is tedious and overblown and wrong.

Big Mike has it exactly right. These girls could never be half the woman our Sarah has become in her life and how she is true to her beliefs.

Poor widdle girls.

Matt Eckert said...

Do not worry about it knox. The reader just wanted to show she was not a dried up old crone so she just acted like she was having her period.


knox said...


thanks, but you're way off on your assessment of Althouse and reader.

Michael, I will concede, is a horrible woman.

reader_iam said...

Knox: You need to read that sentence again specifically in connection to the comment to which it was written in response. It's referring to a subset, not all Palin supporters. It's not a standalone sentence in an out-of-the-blue standalone comment. It's part of a back and forth, with kibbitzing along the way.

Look, I don't have your e-mail anymore, and it's not on your profile (or maybe you're not the commenter I thought you were--and I mean that literally: perhaps I'm confusing you with/assuming you are the same as previous Knox-[X] commenter).

Now, I can go ahead and post a blow-by-blow deconstruction of the sequence as I see it or you can e-mail me (reader-AT-gmail-DOT-com) and I'll explain it there. Or not. Suit yourself.

Darcy said...

LOL, knox.

Trooper York said...

Boy the girls are getting into it tonight.

Me likey.

Trooper York said...

It reminds me of the classic wrestling scene in Nasty Nurses where Kay Parker got Ginger Lynn into a head lock....that turned into
a leg lock...that turned into hea...
eh....Me likey!

Trooper York said...

How about them Cowboys?

(Since we are talking about quarrelsome pussies)

Anonymous said...

Big Mike said...Reason: too many women look at Todd and realize that in their wildest fantasies they could never get a guy like him -- handsome, champion athlete, willing house husband whenever needed, and totally confident in his manhood -- to bother looking twice at them. And they are jealous.

She did something else - she flaunted her fertilty. At the age of 44 she gave birth to her 5th child yet she stills looks great and then a few months after giving birth she goes on a national campaign for vice President and does it with style and confidence.

Pretty impressive despite her mistakes and those of the McCain campaign.

I'd really like to see a sociobiological analysis of the female reaction to Sarah Palin.

Maybe Jane Goodall and Helen Fisher can bring some insight.

Trooper York said...

It has gotten a lot like "Heathers"
around here lately.

Darcy said...

You guys really believe women (besides lefty feminists) were jealous of Sarah?? Beyond her spunk, I loved that she looked fantastic.

knox said...

Yeah, I am/was "knoxgirl" etc.

Now, I can go ahead and post a blow-by-blow deconstruction of the sequence as I see it or you can e-mail me (reader-AT-gmail-DOT-com) and I'll explain it there. Or not. Suit yourself.

No need. I take your word for it. Do me the courtesy in the future, please.

reader_iam said...

Do me the courtesy of not putting words in my mouth and using those as the justification of accusing me of being unfair. I'll likely react the same way.

blake said...


I kind of think you have the sequence reversed. It's not that a) someone criticized Pailin and therefore b) found themselves categorized as a Palin-smearer.

Despite the general understanding that the media tried to assassinate Palin politically, and that they were totally in the tank for Obama, the fact is the sheer volume of the smears set the tone for most subsequently critical conversations.

The real discussions took place among supporters and sympathizers: Was she too populist, did she really adopt McCain's immigration stance, was she more a social con or a libertarian or, worse, a "compassionate conservative", etc.

Outside that arena, bias dictated the discussions. Take the issue of experience: It seems reasonable to say, "Well, the question of her experience is important, we should look at that." But it's not, really.

She was the only one on either ticket who had any executive experience (with the possible exception of McCain's military base stuff). Edwards and Obama have barely any experience at all, and the topic was hardly broached at all for Edwards, and dismissed for Obama, who was running for the top spot. (Althouse alleges that Palin cost McCain the "experience" argument with her, e.g., but I'm not sure what possible calculus she could have been using.)

Or take the whole pro-life/choice issue. There's no indication that she legislated--or had any tendency to legislate--her allegedly "extreme" views, while Obama was demonstrably willing to legislate his.

If smears are allowed to dictate the conversation, then you end up defending things like Michael's ridiculous dinosaur rants and Loafing Oaf's crime-against-God-aerial-wolf-hunting.

It becomes like the charge of "racist". If it's leveled at you and you address it all, you lose. You've legitimized it as an attack.

Trooper York said...

I don't like it when they put words in your mouth...but hey that's a start..hee hee.

I have jello.

Trooper York said...

Where's Beth when we need her...she has to put her two cents in this donnybrook...she can flying in like the Fabulous Moolah and bang everybodies head into the turnbuckle...ah...good times.

reader_iam said...

I kind of think you have the sequence reversed.

I suspect you and I are a) referring to a difference sequence, but if we are not, I suspect that b) we disagree as to the starting point of the sequence.

It's not that a) someone criticized Pailin and therefore b) found themselves categorized as a Palin-smearer.

I disagree with the premise of that sentence, and I also think it's counter-factual in a number of cases.

While I don't necessarily disagree with the portion of your comment referencing "experience," my take is different. I think the whole discussion there was way too circumscribed, too narrow, to begin with. I think the definition and scope of the word "experience" was constipated. So much time was taken up on issues of equivalence, or not, that this got lost.

I can't see much value in going to the rest. By that I am NOT questioning the value of what you wrote. I do see the value. I'm saying there's not much value in my going into it. People touch different parts of the elephant, and that's that.

blake said...

You may be right.

I've long suspected there are elephants around.

(Footprints in the butter, doncha know...)

ricpic said...

Palin's future? To quote Yogi Berra:

Prediction is very hard, especially about the future.

Trooper York said...

When I was in college and was pledging the fraternity, they made me take everything out of my pockets, pull them inside out so the white pockets where poking out of my pants, unzip and take out my johnson and walk that way through the cafeteria. They called it walking the elephant.

But nobody wanted to touch the elephant.

Trooper York said...

Of course I didn't make the cut because of behavior issues.

Imagine being so rowdy frat boys think you are crude.

Maxine Weiss said...

Rick Perry manhandled Sarah Palin. He grabbed her by the arm and led her up the podium. That's a no-no. If you stop the tape, you can see that she's livid. Go to 6:21 on this video.

Also, at the beginning of the video, you can see how Gov. Rick Perry was learning at her.

AlphaLiberal said...

The media fascination with Palin is bizarre. She lost. She dragged her ticket down. But, here they are pumping her up and spending all this time on a no-talent, know nothing Governor.

Beyond that, there are real things to talk about. It's just plain weird. I mean, if the Repubs want to hitch their wagon to here, I'm fine with that, it'll be another rendezvous with the drain.

How the media sets their priorities is a mystery.

Synova said...

How the media sets their priorities is a mystery.


Did you think they were motivated by providing a public service?

Orolo said...


"I think the problem that most of us on the right have is the messianic adoration of Obama's followers. Just look at their faces during those rallies - remind you of any past messianic cults?"

Nope, reminds me a little of this:

"For Mr. Churchill is not a sensitive lens which absorbs and concentrates and reflects and amplifies the sentiments of others; unlike the European dictators, he does not play on public opinion like an instrument. In 1940 he assumed an indomitable stoutness, an unsurrendering quality on the part of his people, and carried on. If he did not represent the quintessence and epitome of what his fellow citizens feared and hoped in their hour of danger, this was because he idealized them with such intensity that in the end they approached his ideal and began to see themselves as he saw them: "the buoyant and imperturbable temper of Britain which I had the honour to express"—it was indeed, but he had a lion's share in creating it. So hypnotic was the force of his words, so strong his faith, that by the sheer intensity of his eloquence he bound his spell upon them until it seemed to them that he was indeed speaking what was in their hearts and minds. If it was there, it was largely dormant until he had awoken it within them."

Isaiah Berlin on Churchill. Obama seems to have an effect like this on African-Americans and Progressives, and to a lesser extent on many of the rest of us. If it takes an Obama to help those groups get their patriotism on, I say go Obama. The rest of us need them to get with the program.

Orolo said...


I am relaxed. I said hate is ugly. If you like watching ugliness, then knock yourself out. I'd prefer that our Sarah, God love her, get back to work in AK for a good long bit.

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