November 21, 2008
HuffPo is aghast that turkey-killing doesn't faze Sarah Palin.
Deal with it, you candy-asses. If you eat meat, something like that is going on in the background for you too.
animal rights,
Sarah Palin,
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 265 of 265John said: "As for the video itself, odd camera work - you'd think they'd point it at the subject of the interview..."
Palin's only fault here was not being sufficiently paranoid. She probably just assumed that the camera would have been pointed at her, as would be the normal practice during an interview. Instead, she is way over on the left hand side of the shot, the cameraman is clearly making a deliberate effort to include the turkey processing.
If she decides to pursue national politics again, the lesson she needs to learn from this is that when it comes to the media, her motto should be "trust no one". The election may be over, but that doesn't mean they have stopped trying to destroy any potential threat to The One.
Syn, chicken--
No point in talking to L-Oaf about this. He needs his outrage.
It keeps him warm.
"Next, how to clean and pluck Canadian Geese."
First, let's get the name right -- Canada Geese.
I do think it's telling that the representatives of the left that come here are all about the fact that Palin did something that allowed them to get outraged.
Hell, that's what she does, whether hunting moose or wolf, or just not aborting a Down's baby, she can't make a move without them being OUTRAGED!
The scientific community does not agree with Palin's policy.
You've confused "the consensus of the scientific community" with "the scientific consensus".
Science deals in objective analysis, not in moral judgment. If the question you're asking is "is aerial culling a cheap and efficient way to reduce wolf numbers", the scientific consensus is "yes".
Now, maybe you, and maybe a lot of scientists -- as people, not in their role as scientists -- think it is vitally important to cull wolf numbers in a non-cruel manner. Maybe the question you would like answered is "what is the best humane way to cull wolf numbers". You're entitled to ask that question if you want.
But were it my tax dollars being spent, and I had a choice between it costing $1 to kill a wolf painlessly or $0.99 to kill it in a way in which it might suffer, I've opt for the $0.99 technique. I place a value of $0.00 on wolf comfort, and I'm guessing a lot of taxpayers feel similarly.
But regardless of your moral feelings on the subject, your attempt to act like there is a scientific basis for opposing aerial culling is just more of your usual bullshit.
Some Silence of the Lambs, some WKRP, a little South Park, a John Wayne line and an invitation to a turkey sandwich meal.
Oh, and some frothing about Sarah.
Good stuff.
Shooting from helicopters triggers Vietnam on the left, that's where the craziness comes from.
It's as easy as Turkey Pie. Hand Processing Poultry, Blue Oak Ranch Pastured Poultry:
The turkey goes into the killing cone headfirst. Catch and handle your birds gently and calmly, and there will be less stress (for both you and the bird!). Restrain them by holding the shanks, and try to avoid rough handling.
The first cut to sever the jugular vein and carotid artery is made just behind the tendon attachment for the beak and tongue. You can feel the hard cartilaginous piece behind the jaw attachment and ear canal.
Make sure you have absolutely sharp knives for this process. The sharper the knife, the cleaner the cut and the bird will bleed out faster and more completely.
After slitting the throat, the blood pressure drops and bird goes into shock. In a very few seconds, the bird will be unconscious. As the bird dies, it will convulse and flap. It really can't feel anything - but this is always one of the most stressful parts of butchering. The cone will hold the bird relatively still and keep the bird from bruising itself or breaking bones in this process.
Oh yah? Let's try slitting YOUR throat and seeing whether you "can't feel anything," girly girl.
jdeeripper: I don't think one has to look at nature as a "Disney movie" to oppose a genocide against the wolf population. Make sure you read the commenters at your link -- they make lots of good points.
Palin's an asshole just like those Canadians who club the seals to death. But I guess you consider Palin the ideal steward of the wildlife in Alaska. Someone who can't stop screaming "Drill, baby drill!", and places that greed above concern for the diminishing polar bear and beluga whale populations -- both of which she's tried to keep off the endangered species list in order to push for more profits from more oil drilling.
Don't forget that Sarah Palin hates polar bears, too. ;-)
I anticipate that the next 4 years we'll see Alaska suing the federal government at least once, but probably more than once, over economically disastrous measures passed in the name of conservation or global warming.
Oh yah? Let's try slitting YOUR throat and seeing whether you "can't feel anything," girly girl.
Vegetable, n. : Any plant, fungus, or animal which, when it's head is removed, doesn't know that it is dead. (see: fish, poultry)
LoafingOaf said...jdeeripper: I don't think one has to look at nature as a "Disney movie" to oppose a genocide against the wolf population.
How do you feel, because it is all about feelings more that realistic thinking, how do you feel about the wolf packs engaging in the "genocide" of the Caribou population?
The caribou herd had shrunk from nearly 5,000 at the start of the decade to about 600 last year, and the state would like to see it maintained at about 3,500. It requires a 20% or better calf survival rate just to keep from declining further.
Do you want to watch a video of a wolf pack hunting down a Caribou mother and calf and ripping them apart and beginning to eat them while they are still alive?
Contrary to Liberal assumptions removing White men and women with guns from the ecology will not eliminate hunting, pain, suffering or death.
Lawgiver - How many of the recent presidential contenders do you think have ever killed, dressed, cooked, and eaten their own foodies?
If Palin moved to Texas she could be our governor in five years following in the footsteps of the great Sam Houston as the only person ever to be govenor of two states and in 2020 she could storm the White House!
I would think even Texas has a higher bar to getting in office than to think electability is based on a Governor-Fundie Goddess may not know much, but who guts her own critters.
Then again, where did Tom DeLay and LBJ come from?
The scientific community does not agree with Palin's policy.
Alaska is big on sustainance hunting, both by Indians and by other Americans living there. It keeps the cost of living reasonable. That means culling and harvesting both game and predators.
The Lefty idiots are also unfamiliar with coyote predator cull out West, or New England and New Yorks "line of death" below which no black bear is permitted to live and menace oblivious suburbanites and their pets...
A good deal might be worked out where Alaskan wolfpacks are trapped, instead of culled by helicopter and "returned" to Marin County, hills of LA, and liberal Jewish suburbs of NYC. Environmentalist, anti-Alaskan drilling and hunting havens, all - to reestablish ravenous, efficient killing wolfpacks in their Paleolithic habitat.
Revenant, here's an example of what I was talking about from the scientific community:
Gordon Haber is a wildlife scientist who has studied wolves in Alaska for 43 years. "On wildlife-related issues, whether it is polar bears or predator controls, she has shown no inclination to be objective," he says of Palin. "I cannot find credible scientific data to support their arguments," he adds about the state's rationale for gunning down wolves. "In most cases, there is evidence to the contrary."
Last year, 172 scientists signed a letter to Palin, expressing concern about the lack of science behind the state's wolf-killing operation. According to the scientists, state officials set population objectives for moose and caribou based on "unattainable, unsustainable historically high populations." As a result, the "inadequately designed predator control programs" threatened the long-term health of both the ungulate and wolf populations. The scientists concluded with a plea to Palin to consider the conservation of wolves and bears "on an equal basis with the goal of producing more ungulates for hunters."
But, hey, this is the woman who tried to say the beluga whales weren't endagered, thumbing her nose at the scientific community (AND at the Bush administration).
The wolf culling thing is because she's lobbied and bribed by hunter groups. Maybe they should stop hunting if they can't compete with the wolves.
Her view on the whales is just about drilling for oil. So, no, not much of a steward for the wildlife. But, then, why would anyone think someone who's gung-ho about airplanes and helicopters swooping over wolves to wipe them out would be a good steward?
BTW, Revenant, you say "my usual bullshit". I spent the campaign trashing that ignoramous joke of a candidate, Palin. You spent the campaign making the case that PAlin was so fabulous a candidate she belonged at the TOP of the GOP ticket. PEople can decide for themselves which camp was vindicated and which was exposed as full of shit.
jdeeripper - Contrary to Liberal assumptions removing White men and women with guns from the ecology will not eliminate hunting, pain, suffering or death.
Love it.
One of the "horrific" effects of evil white men drilling oil is that caribou herds quintupled in size, whale and polar bear populations rebounded - was because the "noble Native Americans" finally had decent oil industry jobs and had less time to kill "cute" critters for fun, dogfood, and sustainance.
Most animals survive in Alaska because the oppressive white man imposed hunting and fish catch limits on "the people who were in complete harmony with their environment."
Sorry, you all failed to convince me to support genocide on Alaska's wolves. The things some of you will go along with just because Sarah Palin didn't abort that Downs Syndrome baby. Dear Lord.
jd: how do you feel about the wolf packs engaging in the "genocide" of the Caribou population?
What a dumb question. Wolves don't engage in a genocide of the caribou population. Wolves hunt for food, and wolves and caribou have co-existed in nature for ages. The wolves will scavenge already-killed animals, or they'll hunt just what they need to feed themselves - usually the weaker animals amongst their prey.
They do not sit around and come up with genocidal plans against other species in order to make a financial profit. This is not a cartoon movie, sir, so do not anthropomorphize wolves.
It's only human beings who come up with genocidal policies, whether against human or animal populations.
A baby seal bit my sister once.
Well, it's about deer season here, and we have feral hogs out here too. That means there's an opportunity for Sarah to be interviewed with us making wild hog and venison sausage in the background. Hell, we'll even let her kill some hogs if she wants (They are a blight on the land, and kill tons of baby quail).
As an aside, I can tell you that - from the perspective of someone who spent a lot of time in the country as a kid - after going to college in Boston, and living and working in NYC and D.C. - large city dwellers in the US and Europe are the most maladjusted folks in all of human history. As just one example, sexual deviants tend not to come from farms where animals are bred: There's your sex-ed for kids, right there.
Country folk are so much more well adjusted... which is why I moved back out here.
Genocide only applies to people. What you're upset about is lupicide or something.
Maguro beat me to it, but yes, "geno-" means "race".
We aren't targeting a particular race.
We want to kill ALL the mofo wolves.
First, we'll shoot them, but non-fatally. Then we'll ship them off to Gitmo.
Are you arguing the Alaskan wolf is being hunted to extinction, or that you find the methodolgy cruel?
He wants the genocide to be humane.
You know, like with the Nazis and Jews.
And like what the liberals plan to do with unrepentant capitalists.
The presidential pardon of the Thanksgiving Turkey by President Clinton was actually delayed to the last minute. The President could not understand why he should give a pardon to a foul smelling animal that squawked and generally made a nuisance of himself. He was then informed that the turkey’s family had made a generous contribution to the Clinton library so he had Assistant Attorney General Holder sign off on the pardon and released the cantankerous bird. Of course that was just a coincidence.
(Pardon Me? The History of Presidential Pardons, Doris Kearns Goodwin Simon & Schuster 2007)
This is not a cartoon movie, sir, so do not anthropomorphize wolves.
The worst *anthropomorphization* of animals, particularly predators, is the laughable insistence that they do not kill for fun or kill more than they will eat.
Someone who can't stop screaming "Drill, baby drill!", and places that greed above concern for the diminishing polar bear and beluga whale populations
Money and oil are important.
Polar bears and beluga whales aren't.
BTW, Revenant, you say "my usual bullshit". I spent the campaign trashing that ignoramous joke of a candidate
I thought you *supported* Barack Obama.
Well don't worry, Oaf, I'm sure our Affirmative Action President will get right on top of the critical issue of keeping cute fluffy creatures in distant lands alive and healthy.
It's the human beings who are in deep shit. :)
All of the this caterwalling over turkeys...That is what it takes to bother the Left?..The next time Palin should do the interview inside of an abortion clinic..Those would be real screams..but, the left won't care about those lives...but, turkeys?!?!...What have we become?
This interview and the hoopla surrounding actually displays quite vividly the gulf in this country between urban dwellers and everyone else. The typical urban dweller, conservative or not, has a true cognitive dissonance as to where their food and pretty much everything else that makes their life nice comes from.
The telling part about the Palin interview isn't that she's some clueless hack, but that she really doesn't see anything unusual or wrong about it and completely fails to grasp how anyone would be offended. I really like that about her.
Money and oil are important.
Polar bears and beluga whales aren't.
In an absolute sense, I agree.
But the assumption that this is either/or, that those worried about money and oil are choosing and preferring to destroy polar bears and whales isn't proven, or even particularly supported, by objections to putting creatures on the endangered species list.
The objections to oil drilling in ANWAR, in the tiny coastal postage stamp of land involved in that, are a good example of those who *do* chose the animals first, insisting that the money, oil and *people* be damned. It doesn't affect the lives of the eco-do-gooders living in some mega-metropolis not to drill for oil... it only affects the lives of hick-rubes in the sticks.
It's a false choice that makes people who are giving up *nothing* feel good about how much they care, and it helps the animals not at all.
I remember when the blogger Prof. Bainbridge said he could not support Mitt Romney after hearing about how Romney treats his family dog. I extend this to the canines in the wild Palin has caused to be cruelly culled. Wolves are actually even smarter than our family dogs. Palin's policy makes me sick.
One of the few time I actually agree with Loafing Oaf. I was very upset about the story of Romney's dog on the roof of the car. Disgusting. ALTHOUGH.....> I didn't take it as Gospel because of the media's tendency to lie. Nevertheless, very disturbing.
In regards to Palin's approval of hunting wolves from the air. I am also torn. The reality of hunting wolves, on the ground, in such inhospitable terrain would be unbelievable to people who's greatest interaction with nature is a stroll through Golden Gate Park or some other tamed nature experience. The disconnect between the reality of our food chain (as already evidenced) and the antiseptic environment that some would want us to "think" that we live in is delusional.
Why we are hunting the wolves is not clear to me. I agree they are very smart and social animals and they are dangerous predators.
Nature isn't a Disney movie.
DBQ nails it--you bet we leave the guts in the woods. Who wants to haul all that weight out? Hey, if you quarter that deer out right and use the hide as your bag you can knock the haul-out weight down to half, leaving the ribs and spine guts behind.
Next, how to clean and pluck Canadian Geese.
I just filet the meat out and leave the rest behind. It cheers up the coyotes and racoons, and I don't get feathers all over the truck. Since I prefer to cube 'em and slow-smoke 'em wrapped in bacon with apple, who needs the skin anyway?
Why we are hunting the wolves is not clear to me.
Because they're wiping out the caribou.
At which point, they'll starve.
LoafingOaf said...jd: how do you feel about the wolf packs engaging in the "genocide" of the Caribou population?
What a dumb question. Wolves don't engage in a genocide of the caribou population.
Sarah Palin and the other Homo Sapiens Caucasius are not trying to "genocide" the wolf population.
How do you explain the 10 year reduction of the Caribou population from 5000 to 600?
Some of the more educated Caribou decided to pursue careers instead of becoming stay at home moms?
Craig Medred, outdoors reporter for the Anchorage Daily News, in a story today, points out that surveys completed in October counted an average of 39 calves per 100 cows, compared to only one calf per 100 cows in 2006 and 2007.
Now who or what do you think is responsible for such a high mortality among those purty widdle Caribou kiddies?
Remember Sarah is known as Caribou Barbie not Wolf Barbie.
Tully.. have we been hunting together?
I just filet the meat out and leave the rest behind. It cheers up the coyotes and racoons, and I don't get feathers all over the truck. Since I prefer to cube 'em and slow-smoke 'em wrapped in bacon with apple, who needs the skin anyway?
Breasting the goose (tenderizing with a meat mallet and marinating in a wine, sugar,salt, pepper,garlic,olive oil mixture before sauteeing and serving medium rare) is of course the most efficient way, although I hate the waste and make soup of the rest.
Next: how to make beautiful Christmas tree ornaments from Pheasant feathers.
OK, so Sarah Palin's turkey interview made Jay Leno.
He did NOT show the footage.
Just made a stupid joke. Actually, I laughed. A little. It will never stop.
Does anyone make any jokes about Obama?
Does anyone make any jokes about Obama
Not yet. We are not allowed to do so because he is black. No funny business allowed lest you be branded a racist. ....or 'wacist' as Barney Frank would say it.
Not yet able to make jokes...but soon I hope. If we can't laugh out loud at those in power we are doomed.
Dust Bunny Queen said...or 'wacist' as Barney Frank would say it.
Oh! That cracked me up!
Trooper York said...
The presidential pardon of the Thanksgiving Turkey by President Clinton was actually delayed to the last minute.
Just once, I'd like to see a President with the balls to NOT pardon the Turkey, but to inform the public he personally ordered the bird whacked. And that the uneaten remains would be paraded in a little casket the kids at Disney World could cry for, as it passed.
Put a little suspense into the Thanksgiving Holiday. Have a pack of bleeding hearts do their prayer vigil outside the White House. Construct a little guillotine facing Lafayette Park where, if the President fails to pardon, the condemned bird is shoved into and beheaded after a drumroll and left to flop around the grounds for a minute or so. As screaming turkey death penalty abolitionists hug each other and cry.
Add a rule that if the President does pardon the bird, the "First Family" has a meatless feast.
DBQ - I remember when the blogger Prof. Bainbridge said he could not support Mitt Romney after hearing about how Romney treats his family dog. I extend this to the canines in the wild Palin has caused to be cruelly culled. Wolves are actually even smarter than our family dogs. Palin's policy makes me sick.
One of the few time I actually agree with Loafing Oaf. I was very upset about the story of Romney's dog on the roof of the car. Disgusting.
I remember, as my Dad is Romney's age, that such pet carriers were common on station wagons back in the 70s. We also always saw not just dogs, but kids riding in the back of pickup trucks on the highway. (As well as open air livestock transports. Favorites to watch being the chicken ones and duck ones where a feather flying off the truck every 10 seconds or so was a given and we used to try and count them.)
Both dogs and kids seemed to really enjoy the open air ride. May not have been safe by today's standards, but it was common and the ASPCA and humane society back in the day apparantly raised no objection. I think Romney is in the clear on that one. My neighbors had one they put on their station wagon, but for shorter trips...and it also doubled as a doghouse when their dog was shedding and not allowed indoors. I remember it was sky blue, fiberglas, had a logo like "PetRide" and under the logo a "Tested and approved by UL and endorsed by (I think I remember...) the American Kennel Association..."
Me: "One of the few time I actually agree with Loafing Oaf. I was very upset about the story of Romney's dog on the roof of the car. Disgusting."
Cedarford: I remember, as my Dad is Romney's age, that such pet carriers were common on station wagons back in the 70s. We also always saw not just dogs, but kids riding in the back of pickup trucks on the highway.
I'm Romney's age or better (probably your Dad's) and I have never ever seen in my entire life of traveling up and down Route 66 and multiple other roads from the 50's onward, people putting their family pet in a crate on top of their car and driving at 50 to 60 miles an hour. Trapped for hours in a small cage and exposing the dog to wind damage and noise that would be a sensory overload and an EXTREME cruelty to the animal such that it would cause the dog to void it's bowels on the top of the car.
Sure, I remember no seat belts, no air bags nor any of the other Nanny State nonsense that we have now. As children, we used to go to sleep in the back seat of the car or the back of the station wagon when traveling; climb into the back window of the vehicle and make faces at the people behind us. No tying us into car seats until the age of 10 or so as it is now.
The biggest threat was my parents saying...."Don't make me stop this car and come back there!"
Upon which state,emt, we knew we were going to be in for a big spanking if we didn't stop being brats.
Chickens going to slaughter, yes, but NEVER a family pet in a crate on top of the car for miles upon miles of driving.
But the assumption that this is either/or, that those worried about money and oil are choosing and preferring to destroy polar bears and whales isn't proven, or even particularly supported, by objections to putting creatures on the endangered species list.
Synova, I don't agree that it's either/or either. I was just responding to Oaf's histrionic "you care more about money than you do about the cute widdle fwuffy bears" rant.
I do care more about money than polar bears. Money pays for things like feeding, clothing, and educating the people I love. Polar bears provide nothing. Every polar bear in the world could die tomorrow and it wouldn't make a lick of difference. We don't depend on them; nothing we depend on depends on them. They're worthless to us except for their aethetic value. So, yes, I think human well-being is more important than a bunch of apex predators at the ass end of nowhere.
Now, if we can keep them around without sacrificing the things that do matter, well, that's just peachy. If not, we can just clone a fresh batch of 'em somewhere down the line if people start missing them. :)
A Palin post on Althouse has the same effect as a Twilight post on AICN: the crazies come out of the woodwork.
I don't get the visceral hatred. Can't they just ignore it and walk away?
DBQ, Ann Romney gives some more background on the dog carrier incident, and Snopes notes that Romney had built a windshield for the carrier. The dog was safely enclosed and lived to a ripe old age. It's not as if they shoved him into a cardboard box and tied it to the roof with twine.
I'm cracking up at the outrage, actually. Back in the early 70's my aunt had this huge station wagon, and she'd put the window down in the tailgate so me, my brother, and my cousins could sit on the tailgate (knees and feet in, hands on the roof) as we drove to the beach. My mother did not approve but we thought it was a blast. My aunt was irresponsible, of course, but thankfully no one ever fell out and got run over. The Romneys' dog was a lot safer than I was!
Why we are hunting the wolves is not clear to me.
Because they're wiping out the caribou.
At which point, they'll starve.
Yes, let's kill the wolves so there are more caribou left, for us to kill.
Seriously, nobody reads your shit.
Yes, let's kill the wolves so there are more caribou left, for us to kill.
Now you're getting it. :)
Yes, let's kill the wolves so there are more caribou left, for us to kill.
When did environmentalists become so ignorant and dogmatic about the environment?
ZPS, do you really think there's a magical static place where the caribou and the wolf balance each other out perfectly?
Yes, we kill the wolves to protect the caribou. And then we might have to kill the caribou if there get to be more of those, and protect the wolves.
"Here we go again with another Sarah Palin super post. 200+ comments here we come.
It's unbelievable how captivating she is to so many people, especially to the one's who hate her."
Everyone who was ordering her to go back to Alaska and do Alaska hillbilly things ought to be happy now, but no. The Two Minutes' Hate is a hard habit to give up.
"Yes, let's kill the wolves so there are more caribou left, for us to kill."
Yup. In rural Alaska villages, if there's not enough caribou to go around, people go hungry. Ask the Aleuts and Eskimos what they think of this policy, you racist bourgeois pig.
Wolves in Alaska are far from endangered, while thousands of native and non-native Alaskans live far from any road and depend on hunting animals such as moose for basic sustenance. Thus it's not a matter of coddling the moose hunters but of keeping food on people's tables — a value one would think liberals would embrace, or at least recognize — but no….
That was freakin' hilarious, like a real-life SNL skit!
The right needs to develop a sense of humor about Palin and stop punching themselves in the face everytime she is mentioned.
She is never going to be president now, you know.
The only way she could have got into the Whitehouse was as an unvetted unknown on a ticket with a actual candidate.
Now any path to the oval office leads through a trackless forest of dense media scrutiny and merciless criticism.
And the evershrinking GOP base cant force her on the rest of us like they did GW.
Poor Cinderella will never get to the ball on time now.
She will be post-menopausal in 2016.
"I also defecate."
Yes, we know, α-Lib. You demonstrate that here, repeatedly.
Actually, I doubt Palin was stupid, or thoughtless in that moment. I think she remains a bit naive, though, despite the evidence of just how vile, unthinking, and utterly dishonest the Left has been to her, her family, and Conservatives in general. I doubt it ever occured to her that the Leftists would attack her for this, too.
Fact is, Palin is not through. But the Leftists will continue to attack at every chance, until they can utterly destory her. Defeating her at the Polls is not enough for these individuals. And we need to remember that, too. Palin will be a target forever.
The real turkeys in all this are the addled twits who saw the video and had fainting spells, then climbed to thier slippered feet to go after Governor Palin.
Ted Nugent certainly approved that interview.
Shuster need not worry: the nation's 100 biggest turkeys are alive and well in Washington DC.
I realize this riddle is completely off topic, but Titus has made enough comments that is at least appropriate under the circumstances:
Why did the pervert cross the road?
Because he couldn't get his male sex organ out of the chicken's behind!
Cmon people this is actually a triumph of Alaskan science.
They are breeding headless turkeys, and are working on boneless ones for the next MSNBC interview
You REALLY need to go do the jerky-jerky as you put it, judging by your manic spamming.
Regarding "Why can't we have bald eagles for Thanksgiving? That would be patriotic."
You've got it backwards - Franklin proposed the *turkey& as the national bird, no one knows for sure how much in jest.
TitusIAmNotHavingSex said..."I would have to say I am much more "real Wisconsin" than Althouse.
I have never once heard Althouse going to a Friday Fish Fry."
I did a few times 20 years ago. But face it, I'm not from Wisconsin. I moved her for the job when I was over 30.
"If not, her Wisconsin dairyland member should be taken away."
"Dairyland member"? Not sure I want one.
"Real badgers and "packers" and "bucks" and "mallards" eat Friday Night Fish Fries."
I don't go to sports events either.
Everyone knows that libs only eat turkeys that commit suicide.
Love the candy ass comment Ann. I really can't believe the libnut reporters on this issue. It's like they have whitewashed persona with blackened souls.
Also, do the MSLSD reporters want to wipe out the livestock industry as well? Maybe they can get Nancy Pelousy and Barney Frank to propose that legislation.
Who knew that farms were about killing animals and plants to get them to our dining tables?
Maybe libs didn't read Harry Potter, that food is one of the five exceptions to Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfiguration and so it just doesn't magically appear at their neighborhood Whole Foods stores.
As for the whole turkeys died while Palin was interviewed nonsense, whenever a President pardons a turkey, in a thousand other places turkeys are being killed. Perhaps the photos of the turkey being bled will lead more people to understand the graciousness of the act of pardon, then a mere photo op in the Governor's Mansion in Alaska would have done?
Indeed, liberals are probably behind the great increases in turkey slaughter since their abhorrence of red meat has led to more and more turkey farms to fill liberals blood lusts during the past thirty years. Anyway, this will not deter me from having some white meat and/or dark meat on Thanksgiving. (But libs will you be thanking the Lord or the Government for your provisions that day?)
BTW is it now racist to have white meat on Thanksgiving, or is it racist to each dark meat on Thanksgiving?
Let's go to Alan Colmes and Al Sharpton for that answer.
Steyn has another, slightly bemused, take on the Palin turkey kerfuffle.
The reason Palin supports wolf culling is to try and keep the moose population up for moose hunters.
Not the only reason, as the article jderipper posted indicates.
Also, it's typically ignored that in many regions of Alaska, particularly among the native tribes, subsistence hunting of caribou is still a reality. Not everyone has a Whole Foods they can stop off at.
Also, about the Palin video, everyone seems to be missing one subtlety about it: part of her interview is about is about hashing out the budget with the legislature.
Despite the media establishment's mocking, she is still a popular and powerful figure in Alaska. And she's talking about dealing with recalcitrant legislators while standing in front of a turkey being slaughtered. Point made.
I'd heard about this video, and the "firestorm" it created, but never got around to watching it before now. My reaction?
Ok, maybe not "yawn," but it was certainly no big deal. You don't even really see anything. After hearing all the fuss I expected to actually see the guy lay the birds on a stump and whack their heads off with a hatchet or something.
Cleaning fish is worse that this, and they're just fish.
I know it's been said a million times but so many suburban weenies seem to have no idea where their hamburgers really come from.
This said, it wasn't smart PR to do the interview with that in the background.
This said, it wasn't smart PR to do the interview with that in the background.
Republicans liked it. Moderates were indifferent to is. Lefties got their panties in a bunch. The latter were never going to support Palin anyway, so I don't see the bad PR.
"[Palin] will be post-menopausal in 2016."
How will we know for sure unless Andrew Sullivan is allowed to crawl into her womb and take a look see?
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