November 12, 2008

"Hill staffers feel pain of unyielding floor."

After all that tedious perseverating in the comments to the post about Sarah Palin and the figurative glass ceiling, I hope you'll be relieved to know that the article with that headline is literally about the floor.


Harwood said...

After all that tedious perseverating in the comments to the post about Sarah Palin and the figurative glass ceiling ...
Tedious perseverating???

What has made you so bitchy lately, Ann? Maybe it hasn't occurred to you, but not everyone follows your every post and instantly comments. I came to this one a day or so you posted it.

And now, just as you aimed a catty (and ill-informed) wisecrack at Sarah Palin, you now take potshots at people who called you on it.

I remember during the campaign that someone got fed up with you and called it quits on this blog. I've decided to do the same. Adieu to you and your self-absorbed rants and your tiresome bitchiness. There are so many interesting blogs on the Internet; I just can't justify wasting any more of my time visiting yours.

chickelit said...

How about a little Killing Floor to lighten things up?

Matt Eckert said...

Why do you hate our Sarah so much?

Ken B said...

Wait a minute. Ms "My cruel neutrality" is complaining about perseverating!??

Automatic_Wing said...

What a bunch of whiners. I really thought this bit was funny:

Steel saw several people lose their footing on Sept. 11, 2001, as lawmakers and staffers rushed to evacuate the Hill. “I saw one girl slip and tumble down a few steps,” she said. “At the end of the day, so many people had kicked off their shoes that there were just random shoes lying around.”

Who knew that the real horror of 9/11 some chick tumbling down a few steps and others losing their shoes?

chuck b. said...

I thought the original post was funny, the subsequent perseveration was funny, this post is funny, and so far its comments are amusing me too.

And I learned a new word that I wonder how I've lived without for so long.

Blogging is cool.

Henry said...

Between the glass ceiling and the unyielding floor, it's been a good day for the cruel neutrality of the middle.

Farewell harwood, we hardly knew ye.

walter neff said...

If Althouse keeps up bashing Palin she might wake up with a moose's head in her bed.

Paul Brinkley said...

Really, I wonder when someone will finally wise up and invent a good looking dress shoe with the sole of a cross trainer.

Henry said...

Or a bloody egg salad sandwich.

Cedarford said...

No, losing VP’s don’t take blame. But their track record post-defeat is abysmal. It’s a sure way to never get elected President, and almost as sure a way to never get your party’s nomination. Here’s a list, pre-Palin:

John Edwards
Joe Lieberman
Jack Kemp
Dan Quayle
Lloyd Bentsen
Geraldine Ferraro
Walter Mondale (and he had already won once)
Bob Dole (here’s an exception - helped out, perhaps, by the fact that no one seems to remember him being Ford’s running mate)
Sergeant Shriver
Edward Muskie
William Miller
Henry Cabot Lodge
Estes Kefauver
John Sparkman
Earl Warren (yeah, he became Chief Justice, but his political career was finished)
John Bricker
Charles McNary
Frank Knox (FDR kindly put him in his cabinet after trouncing him and Landon in 1936)
Charles Curtis
Joseph Robinson (he did become Senate Majority Leader and a key FDR ally after his defeat)
Charles W. Bryan (went on to lose his gubernatorial campaign in Nebraska)
FDR (big-time exception)
Charles Fairbanks (went back to practicing law in Indianapolis)
Nicholas Murray Butler, Hiram Johnson (Taft and TR’s veeps, respectively)
John Worth Kern
Henry Gassaway Davis (fun fact - he was 81 when he was nominated to be Vice President. I guess the Dems realized they had no shot at TR)
Adlai Stevenson, Adlai Stevenson’s grandfather
Arthur Sewall, a Swedenborgian shipbuilder

So from 1896-2004, losing Vice Presidential nominees went on to be elected President once, and nominated by their party three times.

I'll take odds on the likelihood against "our Sarah" as Fundies call their new Goddess, ever leading Republicans to the White House. As things stand, she is only prominent because of an Right-Wing emotional connection to her. That and the whim of John McCain to pull her out of obscurity and inexperience - and into the limelight.

She was never vetted by the public in any campaign, or by McCain, it seems - and 3/4ths of the public thinks she has intellectual shortcomings and 1/4th is infatuated with her as a symbol who births Downs babies and functions as a telegenic slogan-spewing attack dog.

Palladian said...

"Really, I wonder when someone will finally wise up and invent a good looking dress shoe with the sole of a cross trainer."

Looks like a pump, feels like a sneaker!

tim maguire said...

Tedious or not, I think Pastafarian asked a good question in that thread. Were you parodying or parroting the blather of the idiotic Palin-hating left?

MadisonMan said...

Once a year I'm at a conference and standing all day on a concrete floor. It's a killer. I think that must be what marble is like.

The commenters on the right who rush to defend Palin from any perceived slight -- such gallantry! -- are very amusing today.

kjbe said...

Really, I wonder when someone will finally wise up and invent a good looking dress shoe with the sole of a cross trainer.

They have, it's the Cole Hahn Nike Air is.

Automatic_Wing said...

But their track record post-defeat is abysmal. It’s a sure way to never get elected President, and almost as sure a way to never get your party’s nomination.

Abysmal compared to what? I would say that being Governor of Alaska is an even more certain path to national political obscurity.

Matt Eckert said...

If Palin enrages the extremes of Michael on one side and Cedarford on the other she must be doing something right.

Althouse just does not want the competition. I bet after today she will not post about Palin because she does not want to be on the wrong side of the testosterone.

There can be only one.

Henry said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
integrity said...

I have watched more T.V. over the last 2 days than I have over the last 4 years.

I was ever so curious to see how sister Sarah(Pat Buchanan's pet name for her) would go about rehabilitating her image. She failed miserably. I had blamed the McCain people for making her look bad, I was wrong. Palin made herself look dumber and worse than the McCain camp ever did. They actually protected her from....herself.

The cooking thing was a rioutous pisser. So McCain's people told the media that she had no connection to her husband or family and how does she try to fix it-by coooking. See, I am close to my family because I cook for them. LMAO. Someone put this lady out of her misery. She really is destroying herself.

Not McCain's fault. Ambition without an ounce of intelligence. She will go nowhere quick, but down the road I may send her money if the repubs put her up for 2012.

Richard said...

I'm with Harwood. Enough of a blonde bitch is enough of a blonde bitch. I'm outta here.

Trooper York said...

Mike Piazza just announced that he is writing his autobiography. He will need a hook to sell it so he will probably come out of the closet. That would be great for all gay Americans.

Trooper York said...

I mean it just goes to show you that you can be a sports hero and still be gay.

Athough other people have already done it like Martina Navitolova and
Billy Jean King but he is the first one in a major sports.

Well that's not true, there was John Ameache in basketball and Suger Bear Simmions in football and Dave Kopay in football. But Piazza will be the first really big star in a major sport.

Good for him.

Henry said...

Maguro wrote: Abysmal compared to what?

Nuts, Maguro, you beat me to the riposte.

Most politicians, no matter how ambitious, have almost no chance of leading a presidential campaign. Start with the politicians that run for president but never get out of Iowa. Then add the number of politicians that form "exploratory" committees, but never jump in the race. Then add those that miss even that opportunity.

A 10% chance at the top of the ticket may not be so bad.

Meade said...

Richard said...
"I'm with Harwood. Enough of a blonde bitch is enough of a blonde bitch. I'm outta here."

Heh - denial. Could you guys be any more obviously in love?

Palladian said...
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Palladian said...
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Palladian said...

"See, I am close to my family because I cook for them. LMAO. Someone put this lady out of her misery. She really is destroying herself."

I agree with you, "integrity". That fucking stupid cunt Palin failed at a man's task, running for Vice President, and now she's failed at doing the things that women ought to be doing, cooking for her family. Really! I mean, first she has to try to prove something by running for a man's job, then she causes the man at the top of her ticket to lose the election, and now the stupid fucking twat won't just go back to her trailer park and stop trying to live above her station! She should just kill herself and put us all out of her misery! I still can't believe the audaciousness of that horrible woman dressed in stolen, illegal clothes, trying to pass herself off as one of the beautiful people! Sister Sarah, just fucking go back to the trailer and make macaroni and cheese like a good white trash woman and let the men from the ruling class do the governing!

Miserable failure! And take your fucking cross and bible with you, LMAO! You were too fucking dumb to know that we don't actually take that shit seriously! I mean, God? WTF? God doesn't get you invited to cocktail parties in Georgetown or Riverside Drive, you dumb shit!

Darcy said...

Oh, crap. Well, I thought it was hilarious, Palladian. :)

SGT Ted said...

integritys' talking points recital makes me miss hdhouse and DTLs more measured discourse. Maybe this is doyles sockpuppet?

Palladian said...

"Maybe this is doyles sockpuppet?"

No, Doyle's just a bitter asshole. Integrity is actually a little psychotic.

garage mahal said...

Oh you're just bitter because that tiresome twat Palin lost Palladian. But let it all out. We're here for you.

Anonymous said...

Wellll, you might get invited to a cocktail party if you were the right sort of Jesuit connected with the Georgetown "community." That's as close to God as anyone who matters ever wants to get.

Palladian said...

"Oh you're just bitter because that tiresome twat Palin lost Palladian."

No, I'm bitter because that tiresome twat Hillary lost. That bitch I liked.

integrity said...

Palladian said...
"See, I am close to my family because I cook for them. LMAO. Someone put this lady out of her misery. She really is destroying herself."

I agree with you, "integrity". That fucking stupid cunt Palin failed at a man's task, running for Vice President, and now she's failed at doing the things that women ought to be doing, cooking for her family. Really! I mean, first she has to try to prove something by running for a man's job, then she causes the man at the top of her ticket to lose the election, and now the stupid fucking twat won't just go back to her trailer park and stop trying to live above her station! She should just kill herself and put us all out of her misery! I still can't believe the audaciousness of that horrible woman dressed in stolen, illegal clothes, trying to pass herself off as one of the beautiful people! Sister Sarah, just fucking go back to the trailer and make macaroni and cheese like a good white trash woman and let the men from the ruling class do the governing!

Miserable failure! And take your fucking cross and bible with you, LMAO! You were too fucking dumb to know that we don't actually take that shit seriously! I mean, God? WTF? God doesn't get you invited to cocktail parties in Georgetown or Riverside Drive, you dumb shit!

I swear to you that I have been giving her the benefit of the doubt. I thought it was all the McCain camps' fault. It isn't.

I really don't think this is about class, but intelligence. I think we all expected her to be bright. We like to see people succeed without the ivy league education, at least I do.

Funny response, very funny.

Donn said...

Personally, I don't think Palin will ever rise above the MSM and late night comics portrayal of her (wrong though it *might* be), and I don't think she'll be a force in future national politics.

LoafingOaf said...

harwood: I remember during the campaign that someone got fed up with you and called it quits on this blog. I've decided to do the same. Adieu to you and your self-absorbed rants and your tiresome bitchiness. There are so many interesting blogs on the Internet; I just can't justify wasting any more of my time visiting yours.

LOL! What a baby!!

Matt Eckert said...

Personally I hope that Governor Palin goes right after the main stream media, the intellectual gasbags, the college professors, the ambulance chasing trail lawyers, the race baiting community organizers, the terrorist coddling liberal scumbags and the rest of these fucks who look down on the working class. Who think that people who own business should shut up and pay more taxes so the government can redistribute to make it fair. Who think they are just stupid Wal-Mart drones. Who scoff at people like Todd Palin and Joe the Plumber.

If she attacks and smashes them, she will have millions of people with her.

Do not back down. Do not take their shit. Smash them. SMASH THEM!!!!!

garage mahal said...


rcocean said...

"tedious perseverating"

Like it.

Matt Eckert said...


That is right girly man.

Henry said...

My call is that Harwood's post is twaddle and Richard's is parody, but what do I know? The humorless commenter quorum seems to have doubled this week.

Stupe said...

DRUDGE: "Democrats prepare to move forward with investigations of the Bush administration... Developing... " 11/12/2008

Gee, wasn't this the exact thing that Althouse swore would turn her against the Democrats and their bloated, high-falutin Candidate for President ?

Mrs. Charmaine Gladlee said...

DRUDGE: "Democrats prepare to move forward with investigations of the Bush administration... Developing... " 11/12/2008

Yes, as a matter of fact, it was Professor Althouse who, shortly before the election, preached that one-party rule isn't so bad.

Henry said...

integrity wrote: We like to see people succeed without the ivy league education, at least I do.

Agreed. Slightly off-topic, but the New York Times has picked up the Martin Eisenstadt Hoax story. This was the fake expert who propagated the rumor that Joe the Plumber was related to a Keating Five figure and invented the idea that Palin didn't know Africa was a continent.

Cedarford said...

Palladian's 4:37 gay bravado spoofery reminds me of the big, brave Prop 8 protestors too scared of their homo butts to screech and whine and destroy stuff in a black church &neighborhood in Compton, and East LA hispanic gatherings.

But such homos, given their gutlessness, are still masters of the language of theatrics and outrage.

The Prop 8 Nancy-boys are really no different than PETA bravados, happy to dump paint on an old fur-clad granny and call her a murdering cunt - but never daring to walk up to bikers and throw bleach on their colors and call them repressed gays.

The safest place for sanctuary from Queen-screams?
Any "no faggots welcome" mosque.

Ann Althouse said...

Harwood -- hardwood? -- is one of these commenters without a profile. I don't have a sense of his reality.

But to the extent that he's real, he doesn't get "cruel neutrality" and he doesn't have a sense of humor. I don't think the real Sarah Palin is on the same wavelength as the humorless nonentities.

If you're not a nonentity, have a profile and show some spirit.

May you run around on marble floors endlessly.

Darcy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Darcy said...

I'm always a bit disappointed when I click on a commenter's name and find no profile.

I'm still smiling over Arturius'
"I'm an enigma wrapped in a pita

BJM said...

Hundreds of thousands of homes in Florida and the Southwest have marble, stone or tile floors because it's so much cooler.

I quickly discovered upon moving to Florida that my footwear was not adequate. You buy appropriate footwear and mats for the areas where you stand for extended periods of time, such as the kitchen.

A considerable percentage of our population seems to have abandoned common sense.

btw- Isn't "tedious perseverating" an oxymoron?

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