October 24, 2008

WaPo on "racial attitudes" in Wisconsin.

Jeez, they really made Wisconsinites look like a bunch of hicks!

IN THE COMMENTS: Original George said:
A clown making balloon-animals. Big-wheel bikes. An ol' timey band. Cloggers.

Looks like the Village from an episode of "The Prisoner."

Needs a big bouncing bubble-gum bubble....

Dust Bunny Queen said:
Oh, and they make you look like a bunch of hicks, because that's what they really really think you are.

Bitter and clinging to your guns and religion, banjos.....and cheese!!!

Meade said:
The Hick race, from which I descend, has a long proud history of tolerance for banjo players from every race, creed, and religion.


Anonymous said...

Glad I don't live there!

Expat(ish) said...

Oh, please, I manage a global team for a F500 company, have travelled widely around the world and lived in two other countries and am SO not a hick and Obama worries the heck out of me.

And what is the WaPo doing videos for? What part of newspaper did they miss?


vbspurs said...

The racist drumbeat only gets sounded when Obama is unaccountably sliding in the polls.

But Zachary assures us that Nate Silver's polling numbers look great. Hmm.

CarmelaMotto said...

...and you are surprised?

It's in the NY Times so you know it's true Ann.

vbspurs said...

Carmela, of course it's true. It's the WaPo.

Now, if it were the NYT, then would've known it was junk, just like their stock.

Meade said...

Coming as I do from a long line of hicks, I resent the implication that we hicks are all racists.

vbspurs said...

Shut up and keep playing the banjo, Meade!!!


Anonymous said...

Meade said...I resent the implication that we hicks are all racists.

And considering that "hicks" didn't run the power structure in America from 1789 to the 1970s? I think its safe to say that not all racists have been hicks.

I'm Full of Soup said...

LOL. Was that really Meade on the banjo?

What was so bad about that anyway? Soft toned narrator reminded me of NPR which I abhor plus I can't stand it.

I'm Full of Soup said...


You know that Rosie O'Donnell pic is scaring some of the commenters.

George M. Spencer said...

A clown making balloon-animals. Big-wheel bikes. An ol' timey band. Cloggers.

Looks like the Village from an episode of "The Prisoner."

Needs a big bouncing bubble-gum bubble....

chickelit said...

Wisconsinites worried Obama is a Muslim terrorist? You'd think they'd be worried but the socialism aspect, at least around Milwaukee. They've had the real deal.

Meade said...

Today, the banjo commonly is associated with country and bluegrass music. Historically, however, the banjo occupied a central place in African American traditional music, as well as in the minstrel shows of the 19th century. In fact, African Americans exerted a strong, early influence on the development of both country and bluegrass through the introduction of banjo, and as well through the innovation of musical techniques in the playing of both the banjo and fiddle.[3][4][5] Recently, the banjo has enjoyed inclusion in a wide variety of musical genres, including pop crossover music and Celtic punk.

(All I really need to know I learned on Wikipedia)

mccullough said...

How about WaPo on "racial attitudes" in D.C. It's not like Foggy Bottom is in Southeast.

D.C.'s a violent plantation with all the black on black homicides and other crimes there.

The public schools are the worst in the world.

I'm Full of Soup said...

"The public schools are the worst in the world."

True but at least they are not underfunded heh.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

The point of the video is: If you don't vote for Obama, you are racists.

I get it. We are raaaaaacccciiiiisssstttt.

It couldn't be that we don't vote for Obama because he is....dare we say it...Obama? That we don't agree with this philosophy, political programs, economic policies or any other thing that has come out of his mouth. That we don't like the down and dirty Chicago political thugs and tactics he employes and the fraud ridden ACORN organization cheating and registering false voter documents. That we resent being treated like a bunch of retarded mouth breathers by his supporters and the elite media. That I would rather vote for even.....John McCain who is probably one of the worst candidates we could have fielded just so Obama doesn't get into power with an unbreakable majority in both houses of congress??????

Naaah .. racist.

AllenS said...

Today, I drove to Hudson, WI (about 25 miles) and counted 19 McCain signs, 10 Obama and 1 Ron Paul.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Oh, and they make you look like a bunch of hicks, because that's what they really really think you are.

Bitter and clinging to your guns and religion, banjos.....and cheese!!!

Moose said...

Heh - I can only imagine what a field day NPR would have at the festival.

Take it away, Michelle!

"The cross burnings started early that day, with festive banjo music..."

chickelit said...

Bitter and clinging to your guns and religion, banjos.....and cheese!!!

Don't forget Harleys and beer!

chickelit said...

I wrote: Harleys and beer

or as Titus would say: Hogs and beer!

Sofa King said...

Personally, I cling brats.

TitusonlyTops said...

Wisconsin is kind of hicky when you leave Madison and Milwaukee.

Have you been to the Northeast or Northwest part of the state?

It is kind of depressing up there. My father has a hunting lodge up in Ladysmith in Rusk County and there aint anything going on up there. It also tends to be fairly poor.

Park Falls, Shawano, Hurley, Bruce, Rice Lake, Rhinelander, Mossine, Oconto Falls, not much to do. The lakes are pretty in the summer but those winter months are long and harsh. Also, it tends to be pretty white although my mom told me that there is a large Hmong population there now. Oh and gambling.

garage mahal said...

Up Nort' in Oneida county where I grew up went over 60% for Obama in the primaries which surprised the hell out of me. He's up 10% in Wisc so I don't know where all these people with hangups are.

Palladian said...

"He's up 10% in Wisc so I don't know where all these people with hangups are."

You have to have a "hang up" to not support Obama? What if you just don't agree with him? Does that classify as a "hang-up"? Wait, let me guess...

TitusonlyTops said...

I don't know if it is racist but it is hicky, fairly poor, and not much to do.

I am speaking of the northern part of Wisconsin.

My sister went to UW Stout in Menomonie and I went up there a couple of times and I found it to be somewhat desolate.

I traveled throughout northern Wisconsin and would definitely call it "hicky". I was young but I don't remember it as racist though.

Bayfield is beautiful.

Palladian said...

"or as Titus would say: Hogs and beer!"

I'd prefer a roasted clumber with fava beans and a nice Key-ante.

chickelit said...

@Garage: I love that expression "up north" so characteristic. That and "pop" vs "soda", "bubbler" vs "drinking fountains."

And for the record, Wisconsin never had colored bubblers.

TitusonlyTops said...

I also remember the watching the primaries and speaking with my mom on the phone.

My parents were in Arizona but voted absentee.

I remember this succintly. My parents were Hilary supporters and when looking at the map we were surprised that almost the entire state went for Obama. I think he won almost all of the norhern counties over Hilary.

michael farris said...

The Wisconsin State Assembly made you all hicks on March 5, 2004. Anything else is just icing on the cake.

TitusonlyTops said...

Palladian, I believe if you really had the option you would feed me my rare clumbers you would do it.

garage mahal said...

You have to have a "hang up" to not support Obama?

No. I was referring to the video piece.

Meade said...

The Hick race, from which I descend, has a long proud history of tolerance for banjo players from every race, creed, and religion.

TitusonlyTops said...

I have never thought of Wisconsin as racist. I have been to the south and it feels so much different which is one of the reasons I am a southernphobe.

Wisconsin people are good people. They are nice, work hard, love their fishing, hunting, lakes, skiing, fish fry, deep fried everything.

Also, Wisconsin has some decent medium size cities. I like Eau Claire and LaCrosse and Sheboygan and Green Bay and Oshkosh and Appleton and Wausau.

I believe the education system is good in Wisconsin too. All of the major cities have a UW extension. There is Lawrence and Ripon which are both excellent liberal arts colleges. I almose went to Ripon. I was accepted and went up there but I decided no. I needed to be closer to hog.

garage mahal said...

@Garage: I love that expression "up north" so characteristic. That and "pop" vs "soda", "bubbler" vs "drinking fountains."

Haha, yep. Also "shit plant" = waste treatment facility. "Bat-tree" = battery. And if you're out of state and you're asking where the nearest ATM is, fight the natural instict of asking where the nearest "TYME Machine" is.

TitusonlyTops said...

My parents who are not bleeding heart liberals or educated elites but more blue collar democrats never said anything racist when I was growing up.

Neither did any of their friends.

It was never an issue.

My town was 100% white when I was growing up. I kid my family now when I return and see a black person on the street. I say, "look OMG a black person".

The homos were another story. I was lucky to make it out of high school alive. I graduated on a Saturday and was in Boston the following Monday. Never to return permanently. Even the other homos in my class didn't want to have anything to do with me. Guilt by association.

TitusonlyTops said...

Southern Wisconsin uses the term pop and bubbler too.

chickelit said...

there is a large Hmong population there now. Oh and gambling.

last time I was back I heard the phrase "Hmong-us among-us" pronounced to rhyme as in the old "fungus among-us."

That's kind racist isn't it? Of course there was this and then this

TitusonlyTops said...

Yes, I do believe there is some racism among the Hmong.

I don't think some of the residents of Wisconsin care for the influx of Hmong.

A couple of years ago a Hmong killed some guy during deer hunting. Not sure why but there was some racism during that time.

By the way my dad is heading up to Ladysmith right now. Partridge season has begun.

garage mahal said...

Where did you grow in Wisc?

TitusonlyTops said...

Just for clarification I would not want to do a Hmong.

I am not into Asians sexually. They tend to have small peepees.

For the record I am not a Rice Queen.

garage mahal said...

Grow up make that.

chickelit said...

@Titus: "Pop, bubbler," and "up North," are all southern Wisconsin terms.

@Garage: I forgot about bat-tree. What about dropping the "l" in Milwaukee-


TitusonlyTops said...

I grew up in Waunakee, Wisconsin.

The only Waunakee in the world.

Home of the Waunakee Warriors.

Purple and White.

Home of The Waun-A-Bowl.

Waunakee means "peaceful valley" in Indian speak.

10 miles north of Madison. You can get to either the east side or west side of Madison in 15 minutes from Waunakee.

Waunakee, home to the Von Rutenburgs who own The Nau-Ti-Gal, Mariners Inn and Cap' Bill's restaurants.

Waunakee home of Rex's Inkeeper.

Waunakee home of Ripp's Bar and Koltes Lumber and Six Mile Creek and Golden Nugget Bar.

When I was growing up in Waunakee it was a very low/middle class town of about 2,000.

Now it has 15,000 people and has become Mcmansion central. I think my mother told me the Attorney General of Wisconsin lives in Waunakee.

Now Waunakee has all these fancy "subdivisions" with fancy names like Savannah Village.

My mom told me the Parade of Homes is going to be in Waunakee this year.

TitusonlyTops said...

Got to take the dogs out. It's play time at the park with the other fabulous dogs.

TitusonlyTops said...

I was born in St. Mary's hospital in Madison, Wisconsin.

I don't think it is called St. Mary's anymore.

garage mahal said...

I grew up in Rhinelander, which is about as desolate place there is. We thought driving an hour to Wausau was a big deal to go to Fleet Farm. Haha.

Bob said...

"The Wisconsin State Assembly made you all hicks on March 5, 2004. "

As a New Yorker (upstate, not the city!) I'll bite. What happened on March 5, 2004?

BJM said...

Blogger AJ Lynch said...


You know that Rosie O'Donnell pic is scaring some of the commenters.

Whatchumean?! That's not Ron Jeremey sans 'stache?

I am afraid now, very, very afraid.

blake said...

Jeez, they really made Wisconsinites look like a bunch of hicks!


blake said...


Hey, Palladian might feed you to your clumbers.

ricpic said...

The hicks took power with Andy Jackson and it's been downhill ever since.

Trooper York said...

I for one am a bitter American because Garage Mahal did not get a tag or front paged. Have mercy. Give the man a break. He deserves some recognition. And since we can't get him a pants suit lap dance from Hillary Clintion, the tag is the least you can do.

Tibore said...

Coastal folks do the same thing to Indiana. I've been asked by a New Yorker (I swear to God this is true) if there were any black people in Indiana.

All I could do was stare in response.

MadisonMan said...

Well, I can't watch the video from home, but does the WaPo mention the fact that Obama is a FIB? Sure, he wasn't born there, so he's not as bad as, say, a native Barringtonian, but still...

My sister was born at Methodist Hosp here in Madison, and now it's a condo. I tell her she should get the condo that's where the delivery room was, so she can leave this planet from the same place she entered it.

Ann Althouse said...

"so she can leave this planet from the same place she entered it"

You know, I've often wondered: How can people sleep at night knowing they are lying right in the very spot that is most likely their portal to death?

Trooper York said...

If people did that, no one would ever light a cigarette. Or take a drink. Or eat fatty foods.

Here's some news for you. Nobody gets out alive.

Richard Fagin said...

Here I was all set to make fun of Wisconsin, and now the Times ruins it for me. Being insulted by the Times is a badge of honor in my book. Go Badgers!

Trooper York said...

They announced that New York Times stock has been reduced to "junk bond" status. That the only value in the company is the real estate, that all papers are worthless.

Meade said...

Trooper, she won't pity marry me, she sure as hell isn't going to pity tag poor Mr. G. Mahal.

Superdad said...

As a hick from Oconto Falls who now lives in Milwaukee by way of Stevens Point and Janesville, let me say my experience in northeastern Wisconsin is that people just don't care what color (or race or whatever you want to call it) you are. The only things that matter is whether your word is worth a shit and if you can be counted on in a pinch.

Of course, if one of them German Papists shows up to date your Norwegian Lutheran daughter tempers will flare. Black guy shows up to have a beer at the local tavern – who cares. Your buddy gets seen at the co-op’s pancake and porky customer appreciation day breakfast talking to a Swede, now we got real problems.

Anonymous said...

I'm tickled to learn that they still call them TYME machines. Does that still stand for Throw Your Money Everywhere?

ricpic said...

Scandis are nasty. Jeeez, everyone knows that.

Chip Ahoy said...

You were told if you don't vote for Obama you'd be tagged racist. Now, BRING IT!

Incidentally, every picture I've seen of Wisconsin makes it look like a perfectly lovely place to live. I'd like to go there and see if all the pictures are true.

Here, have yourself an animation wot I dun of Charles Franklin, UW.

Yay! I got my miso, FINALLY !

Meade said...

HA HA HA HA HA! Best laugh of the day, Chip.

Bissage said...

(1) Hello, I must be going,
I cannot stay, I came to say, I must be going.
I'm glad I came, but just the same, I must be going.

(2) But seriously, I really, really need to stop long enough to say I am so very glad that “Original George” finally got the official recognition he deserves that I really needed to stop to say I’m going to stay long enough to say I’m so glad, I’m so glad, I’m glad, I’m glad, I’m glad.

(3) And he did it with a shout-out to “The Prisoner.”


(4) Hope I don’t seem like a groucho, but I really gotta go.

(And not just because of the prostate.)

(5) Be seeing you.

Meade said...

You got me again, Bissage, you little trickster.

Me (thinking to myself): "PROSTATE" okay, he spelled it right, I'll click on it, surely there will be the image of a pretty girl this time... D'oh! Dammit! Nothin' but a foto of his big dumb tuberous toe!"

Goatwhacker said...

I had to move out of Wisconsin to escape the roving bands of cloggers, balloon clowns and banjo pickers. I still find myself referring to TYME machines, though.

On the WaPo clip, I thought the black capitalist was about the only intelligent part of the report - a guy with enough insight to see the possible conflicts between economic strength and social activism. I don't agree with all of his conclusions but this is the kind of debate I'd like to hear more.

TitusonlyTops said...

I have never seen a Banjo picker in Wisconsin.

I have seen lots of farmers and fat people and people wearing German outfits.

No banjos though.

Acordians though, I have seen those played at supper clubs.

TitusonlyTops said...

I have seen many cows in Wisconsin.

I have milked a cow, although they don't milk cows like they used to do in the old days. I have seen my grandmother chop the head off a chicken, gut it and fry it. I have seen a chicken literally running around with its head cut off.

And I have seen many white tail deer.

And stuffed animals. Stuffed pheasants, deer heads, partridge, quail, geese, ducks, black bear, that's all I can think of.

Meade said...

"I have never seen a Banjo picker in Wisconsin"

There you have it. Banjo players are not allowed in Wisconsin. Bunch of banjophobic racists.

Meade said...

It was the banjophobic racists who drove my people, the Hicks on out to the Dakotas and drove my cousins, the Hoosiers to Indiana. They drove the Hayseeds away to Kansas. And now all you've got are a bunch of polka dancing cow milking Obama worshipers.


vbspurs said...

You know, earlier today, I doubted that was the real Titus posting. The whole bubble and pop stuff sounded stilted.

But late-night Titus is more authentic.

It's like the character played by Kevin Costner in Tin Cup. He said when you hit a ball just right, it's like a tuning fork going off inside you.

That's how I feel about the real Titus, when I read him.

TitusonlyTops said...


There has only been the real Titus posting over the past few weeks since I returned.

If another shows up I will make a huge drama queen moment out of it.

Also, if you have noticed Althouse hasn't questioned whether I am the real Titus...because she knows I am.

chickelit said...

Yes Victoria, this Titus is the real one. Two different people couldn't make up that level of detail about Waunakee. I grew up very nearby (and even dated a girl from Titus's high school). I suspect there's an age difference, but that girl had a little brother. You don't suppose....

Ann Althouse said...

Let's not have another whole thing about the possible fakeness of Titus!


Chip... very funny!

Beth said...

I don't know how many banjo pickers there are in Wisconsin, but there's thirteen hundred and fifty-two
guitar pickers in Nashville.

Beth said...

meade, you are correct; just offhand, I'd send people to the Carolina Chocolate Drops, or to Carl LeBlanc (via the Preservation Hall Jazz Band) for fine examples of black banjo players.

AllenS said...

Put me down as a resident of Star Prairie, WI. That is my mailing address, I actually live in the county to the north, Polk.

TMink said...

Hicks shicks.

I am from Tennessee, your hick posing would not play down here.


Ann Althouse said...

And there are sixteen thousand eight hundred twenty-one mothers from Nashville. And all their friends play music, and they ain't uptight
If one of the kids will.

Trooper York said...

We had a couple from Wisconsin in the store last week. She was very nice. He was a picker. An underwear picker. He kept picking his drawers from the crack of his ass.

Unless he had a banjo down there.

Meade said...

You better be glad Mortimer is still asleep.

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