October 20, 2008

Some celebrities figure out how to do the celebrities-in-politics thing exactly right.

See more Natalie Portman videos at Funny or Die



TMink said...

And I thought all the celebrity endorsements were BS.


bleeper said...

Will Ms. Ann follow the example of the celebrities? Stay tuned, perhaps her next vlog will include "PUPPIES!!!"

Stephen said...

What exactly sparked the recent revival of "The Tide Is High"?

Ann Althouse said...

"What exactly sparked the recent revival of "The Tide Is High"?"

Maybe it's related to the phenomenon of young women going bald. The tide is high ≈ the hairline is receding.

Ann Althouse said...

Sorry, I just watched Perez Hilton on HowardTV and it rubbed off on me.

Ron said...

Will you and Jane Hamsher do a Bloggingheads where you pick out your dog this way?

Joan said...

That was awesome. Thanks for an easy smile after a long slog of a day!

1775OGG said...

Boss Lady, you done good!

The rule of Lemnity said...

Levity, by all means, let's go with levity.

Wince said...

I'm Hillary Clinton, and I approve this celebrity-in-politics message...


knowitall said...

These celebrities can't tell me who is who, or what is what. Of course they will back the liberal illuminati, they're rich. It doesn't matter what taxes are, they can afford to pay them!

Chip Ahoy said...

In Denver the main street is called Broadway which runs North and South. The street is zero, numerically. The streets West of Broadway and parallel to it, numerically go 1,2,3, etc., West and are named after indian tribes. Streets East of Broadway and parallel to it go, 1,2,3, etc. East, and are named after presidents.

Another main street is Colfax, which numerically is 15th running East and West and perpendicular to Broadway.

Denver's downtown financial street is 17th Ave. Those downtown streets are in a circle at a 45˚ angle to everything else, just to make things interesting.

This concludes the first 50% of Denver street arrangement beginner tutorial.

Anecdotally, I live on Broadway. If that crap line presently being overused were applied specifically to Denver, it would be, "The financial crisis has spread from 17th St. to Broadway and Colfax," and would still be just as crap a line as "from Wall St. to Main St."

Shawn Levasseur said...

Feh, Hollywood has always shown a pro-dog bias. Cats can't get an even break with the entertainment elite.

Show me one prominant cat in Hollywood. They've been driven underground, only visible in cartoons that stereotype them. Meanwhile dogs dominate the airwaves and movies, and have for generations.

Kittens are far more cuter. And much more suited to accompanying us through these hard economic times.

The rule of Lemnity said...

The 15th anniversary of River Phoenix untimely death is coming up in 10 days.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Man that kid could act.

I watched My own Private Idaho again.

His acting was just fenomenal.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Here is McCain's answer to "The Tide Is High"

Steven Bishop - On and On ;)


Down in Jamaica
They got lots of pretty women
Steal your money
Then they break your heart
Lonesome Sue, she's in love with ol' Sam
Take him from the fire into the frying pan

On and on
She just keeps on trying
And she smiles when she feels like crying
On and on, on and on, on and on

Poor ol' Jimmy
Sits alone in the moonlight
Saw his woman kiss another man
So he takes a ladder
Steals the stars from the sky
Puts on Sinatra and starts to cry

On and on
He just keeps on trying
And he smiles when he feels like crying
On and on, on and on, on and on

When the first time is the last time
It can make you feel so bad
But if you know it, show it
Hold on tight
Don't let her say goodnight

Got the sun on my shoulders
And my toes in the sand
My woman's left me for the some other man
Aw, but I don't care
I'll just dream and stay tan
Toss up my heart to see where it lands

On and on
I just keep on trying
And I smile when I feel like dying
On and on, on and on, on and on

On and on, on and on, on and on
On and on, on and on, on and on

Maxine Weiss said...

"Structured Thinking"



Ron said...

Show me one prominant cat in Hollywood.

Well, they're all kind of pussies in Hollywood, does that count?

Maxine Weiss said...

5:20----"As long as the human race believes our stressfull thoughts about each other, how can we not kill?, how can we not rape?"


Poor Richard.

Maxine Weiss said...

I can't believe this woman is getting punk'd by an amateur videographer......and hey....it's all good !

Anonymous said...

Lil Bill O'Reilly is much better .

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Chip Ahoy said...

Yay for two actresses in color with puppies!

Bissage said...

First, I would just love to cuddle with those adorable little cuties.

The puppies are nice, too!

Bissage said...

Second, why does Bissage take the time and go to the trouble to post a link to the original, when anybody could find it for his or herself with just a tiny little bit of effort?

1. Attempting to do so satisfies the curiosity of whether such a thing can be done in the first place;

2. Somebody went to the trouble to put it on the internet and that effort deserves respect;

3. It’s an excuse for me to listen to it one more time and bask in its glorious, rootsy authenticity; and

4. Because I care, dammit, because I care.


P.S. The lyrics were changed in the studio. The working title was "My Belt is Loose but I'm Gaining Weight." It's funny how little things can make a big difference.

mrs whatsit said...

So THAT'S why you want a dog!

George M. Spencer said...

Another liberal attempt to distract us from the clean-up at hand.

Put 10 puppies on a white bed, and you're going to need Joe the Stain Remover, Joe the Deodorizer, and Joe the Laundryman

Anonymous said...

Now when the bitter Siberian winds sweep south across Korea, everyone is happy to have a puppy. And then some lime jello for dessert.

KCFleming said...

In the coming Depression I agree with Natalie Portman.

Puppies are indeed the answer, as they are both nutritious and easy to catch.

Tibore said...

I believe the solution to this looming financial crisis is to cuddle with Natalie Portman.

Sure. I'll step up, and take it like a man. :)

ricpic said...

It's unfair to put any other actress in the same picture as Natalie Portman.

ricpic said...

I see Bissage is doing the third person Bissage thing -- a portentous sign.

Anonymous said...

Variation on a theme?

Elaine: Well, I tried, but he thought it was some sort of cat fight.

Kramer: Cat fight?

Elaine: Ok, why? Why do guys do this? What is so appealing to men about a cat fight?

Kramer: Yeye cat fight!

Jerry: Because men think if women are grabbing and clawing at each other there's a chance they might somehow kiss.

Bissage said...

Right you are, ricpic, but don’t call me fat!

Bob Dole . . .

Bob Dole . . .

Bob Dole . . .

Binah said...

Nice, it's work-safe and ... you know ... very soft ... :)

rhhardin said...

I tolerate puppies. You can see the beginnings of a decent dog.

But real training doesn't start until 6 months, and then you begin to get a seriously great dog.

Tom T Hall Old dogs and children and watermelon wine. YouTube

Old dogs know everything.

Maxine Weiss said...

To what end? That's my concern with the Byron Katie stuff. Where exactly is she leading these people ? They want happiness, but then what?

That's where religion has the edge. Eternal life. Is Byron Katie offering that? What comes after the Byron Katie happiness and euphoria ????

See, for all the shortcomings of mainstream religion, (and believe you me, there are problems with it)at it's best, mainstream Judeo-Christian religions lead people back to Scripture and back to Christ on the Cross, or back to the Torah and Synagogue.

But, Byron Katie is simply leading people.....right back to Byron Katie.

What you see, with Byron Katie is a group of people wandering around. Ok, they might be 'happy'....but they're still wandering around, aimlessly on Venice Beach.

Moreover, she's not cured Cancer. Even with all of her mumbo-jumbo, and touchy-feely groupspeak about the glass being half-full and silver linings........the cancer, the medical condition is still there. You've still got lung cancer, you've still got renal cancer...with or without Byron Katie's pretty words and 'happytalk'.

Or, is she claiming that she can absolutely cure end-stage renal failure and other terminal illnesses ?

No doubt.

blake said...

Feh, Hollywood has always shown a pro-dog bias. Cats can't get an even break with the entertainment elite.

It's only fair to point out, however, that the cats still don't care.

Synova said...


The answer is puppies.

And if anyone in Hollywood has any sense or wants to make any money, they will remember that when they make their next movie.

For the last who knows how long we've been told that the violence and negativity in movies was a reflection of our dire lives. It's the opposite. It always has been.

When things are good, people like to feel at risk or imagine having to struggle.

When things are bad, they want the opposite fantasy.

Why go to the movies for what you get for free in your own life?

tim maguire said...

Ehh, I couldn't finish watching it. Too boring. Besides, nothing can top Paris Hilton's endorsement of herself. THAT was brilliant.

Tibore said...

Synova's right. Dead-on right. My mother cannot understand the admiration many have of extremely tragic movies. And she's also come out and stated the exact same sentiment that Synova did. Being a child during the Japanese occupation of the Philippines pretty much impressed on her what real tragedy is. No tragic film does anything more than bring up a bad feeling about how unfair life can be, and no, she doesn't view wallowing in such emotion as being somehow aesthetically pleasing.

And on the other side of the coin, I've lived a rather comfy life, and find the all-smiles-and-music sorts of movies only barely tolerable.

I remember renting both "Titanic" and "Air Force One" for her one day when I was visiting. We all know one was a reflection of an actual, tragic event whereas the other was pure escapism. Guess which one she liked better? It's not a hard one to figure out.

Cedarford said...

LarsPorsena said...
Now when the bitter Siberian winds sweep south across Korea, everyone is happy to have a puppy. And then some lime jello for dessert.

Koreans LOVE puppies!

Bedwarmers in winter, then barbecue in summer.

Thank God for Asians and whites (except for the Jewish, Gay, and Female component) - safe to make jokes about.

"Four Koreans and one Vietnamese, finding the dog pound has been cleaned out, arrive at a pet store owned by a lesbian Jew. Between them they have 79.04 in money, 4 Korean Ginseng roots, and some Sun Yung Moon religious tracts.

They are all hungry.
What are the odds of the lesbian Jew dealing....."

Change the joke. Make it a white male Republican NeoNazi who owns the Pet Shop!

mnotaro said...

Natalie Portman doesn't really think that we would believe that she and other celebrities are worried about the "global economic crisis", does she? No, of course not. The MSM and their illuminati celebrities with their liberal thinking have too much power in our nation.

rhhardin said...

When you get a puppy, if you sleep without unconscious rolling around, let the dog in the bed with you. They really like it and calm right down.

Though you may awake with the dog burrowing around in your hair looking for a nipple.

I set the alarm for halfway through the night to take the pup outside for a bathroom visit. Puppies are best in tolerably warm weather.

Out there at 2am you may be blessed to hear a mockingbird as well.

rhhardin said...

Portrait of a Doberman as a young pup, via photo flood.

XWL said...

There's been too much Natalie lovin' in this comment thread, and not enough Rashida Jones loving. I love me some Rashida Jones. I love her half-black, half-white, all-hot ass (just like mine, if we got together and had kids, they'd be half-half black and half-half white).

Bringing the election back into this discussion (instead of puppies or the hotness of hot actresses), doesn't someone like Rashida Jones exhibit more of a post-racial attitude and personality than Sen. Obama? Usually race doesn't enter into the discussion with any of the characters she has played. She doesn't play obviously 'black' characters, or obviously 'white' characters, or even obviously 'mixed' characters, she just acts. While Obama's supporters proclaim loudly how post-racial he is, seems like they find it easy to discover racism in each and every criticism levelled at The One (that doesn't seem very post-racial to me).

But back to Natalie, does the Jerusalem born actress really trust Barack Obama on Israel?

(and if so, how can she?)

Trooper York said...

"Though you may awake with the dog burrowing around in your hair looking for a nipple."

RH you freak me out man.