October 14, 2008

Sarah Palin will be on Rush Limbaugh.

At 1:30 ET.

UPDATE: Unofficial "student" notes (received by email):
Rush: I admire you so much, I don't know what to ask. Plumber comment?
Palin: Absolutely a contrast! Reduce taxes and reign in government.

Rush: Our side is revved up with your choice; you seem to understand.
Palin: Nov 4th is a turning, one way or the other: Culture of Life; Military; . . .

Rush: You are the more forceful; are they giving you free reign [sic].
Palin: I've not nothing [sic] to lose & America has everything to gain. It's simple.
Hold Barack Obama accountable for what he says and will do.

Rush: Yes, and media is not. NYT says you are the best speaker; then
they said your forcefulness drives voters away; they want you to shut up.
Palin: They want me to sit down and shut up but that's not going to happen.
ACORN and voter fraud with $$ sent them. Obama needs to speak up.

Rush: He's not going to do that because he is paying them; YOU have to.
Palin: We reached out to Obama a month ago and we are waiting. Shame
if DbM covers it up.

Rush: If it were not for DbM, Obama would not be ahead in polling. You
have borne up under this well; attacks on you; how did it make you feel
when they said you have a child to raise?
Palin: If I can't take it then I have no business being here. [cutting out]

Rush: Oh, no! I had one last question: “Are you enjoying this?”
I wonder what her future in politics looks like. Are you back?
Palin: Good question; no, I'm focused on Nov 4th. Very important for
people to pay attention. We are pressing Obama on taxes, right?
He is known for that. Now Obama says if Economy is weak he will
abandon his plans -- the Economy is weak and he presses on.

Rush: Beyond that, he thus admits his plan is not good for Economy.
Palin: Certainly will keep it up. Americans say, “Right on!”

Rush: You have reenergized them.
Palin: We are not going to let hard-working Americans down. Thank you, Rush.
ADDED: Here's the actual transcript.


rhhardin said...

I was just thinking : Rush is starting. I hope he doesn't mention economics.

Trooper York said...

I don't care. I am still drunk from the fucking Giant game last night. I can't believe that we weren't paying attention. I mean everyone said this game would be easy...we were way ahead in the polls...every pundit said we would win...hey...wait a minute!

Christy said...

This is a trick, isn't it, to get me to listen?

MadisonMan said...

Trooper, I haven't been paying attention. What happened to the WORLD CHAMPION "NEW YORK" GIANTS last night in fair Cleveland?

(Goes off to look). Oh. Dear. Well, sorry about that. At least my undergrad alma mater is still undefeated.

Is Sarah Palin a Giants fan?

Hoosier Daddy said...

Palin is going to be in Indy on Friday (Actually Noblesville) for a rally.

I'll let you all know if there are any demands for beheadings, accusations of being a terrorist or cross burnings although I don't think Robert Byrd is planning on showing.

Darcy said...

LOL, Trooper. (Sorry)

Please let Obama be the Giants last night...

Bissage said...

I’m sure I speak for many healthy, red-blooded American men who have steadfastly refused to pay attention and in so doing retain our initial sexual attraction to Governor Palin, as follows:

Go Phils!!!

Simon said...

Is there any free online radio station that carries Rush?

Hoosier Daddy said...
"Palin is going to be in Indy on Friday (Actually Noblesville) for a rally."

Whaa? Gee... It's the wrong side of Indianapolis for me, but do you have some details? I might try to escape if the time is workable.

Jeremie said...

So when is the press conference?

Trooper York said...

Well just to repeat Madison Man, THE WORLD CHAMPION NEW YORK GIANTS have another game next week. This was a great wake up call. You can never take a state..er..a game for granted. You have play hard and play rough within the rules. Big Blue remain THE WORLD CHAMPIONS until they are dethroned. But things look good for us. Both the Cowboys and Redskins lost as well and I think we should win the division comfortably.

It is never smart to be complacent.

Trooper York said...

I would imagine that Sarah Palin is a Seahawks fan as that is the team for most Alaskans but you never know.

I bet she is a Yankee fan.

rhhardin said...

WTVN streams Rush (along with a lot of other stations, probably. I tried KFI first but they're preempting Rush for fire coverage.)


Come early because you may have to download a current player, it being one of the Clear Channel empire.

save_the_rustbelt said...


Those of us from Ohio, even those not being Browns fans, rejoice in this small bit of good news before we resume our lives in the land of dying economies.

Obama is in Toledo promising to save the auto industry, save manufacturing, save the environment, provide every child a free pony, and put two chickens in every pot.

Trooper York said...

Enjoy my friend. The Browns were always a classy team until they imported a loud mouth douche from Green Bay. But you guys won fair and square. Dominated and forced turnovers. Congratulations.

Trooper York said...

But there is something to look forward to if the Chosen One Wins.
For the past fifty years, when there is a Democratic President, the New York Yankees win multiple World Series.

God is a Yankee fan you see.

dbp said...

I would imagine that Sarah Palin is a Seahawks fan as that is the team for most Alaskans but you never know.

I bet she is a Yankee fan.

She might not be. Where I grew-up, in Eastern Washington State, lots of people were Denver fans rather than Seattle. It is a sort of inter-mountain west thing, which I suspect is shared by Alaska...

Hoosier Daddy said...

Whaa? Gee... It's the wrong side of Indianapolis for me, but do you have some details? I might try to escape if the time is workable.

Simon, looks like she'll be at the Verizon Music Center in Nobletucky (that's a slang term we give our county seat).

You need a ticket to get in but you can reserve one at McCain's site.

Jeff with one 'f' said...

I'm guessing Madonna won't be listening:

"Headline: Madonna in concert on her 'Sticky and Sweet' World Tour at Madison Square Garden, New York, America - 11 Oct 2008

Subhead: Madonna is joined on stage by surprise guest Pharrell Williams. Pharrell co-produced and sang on Madonna's latest CD 'Hard Candy'.

Supplementary info: Performing at Madison Square Garden in New York Madonna has continued her verbal attack on Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin. Not even the surprise appearance of Pharrell Williams could tame the opinionated singer. Throwing condoms into the crowd, Madonna said that they promoted safe sex as they had a picture of Palin on them. And she didn't stop there; playing a screeching note on her guitar, she said: "This is the sound of Sarah Palin thinking."

Later, after singing a version of her 1989 hit Express Yourself, she told the crowd: "I'd like to express myself to Sarah Palin right now." The anti-Republican barbs came a few days after Madonna told another concert audience: "Sarah Palin can't come to my party. Sarah Palin can't come to my show. It's nothing personal." During her tour the singer has also provoked outrage from some by playing a video segment which splices an image of Republican presidential nominee John McCain among those of Adolf Hitler and Robert Mugabe."

Tank said...

WABC is online for free

Hoosier Daddy said...

I think equating the revolutionary hero Robert Mugabe with Hitler and definitely proves that Madonna is a racist.

I always wonder if Simon and Victoria want to gag every time she talks with her bullshit Brit accent.

Peter Hoh said...

I wish I had written it down, but at the end of the interview, Palin said something about it being time to get the government back on the side of the people.

So whose side does she think the government is currently on?

George M. Spencer said...

Her discussion with Rush of Sec. 403(d) of the tax code was enlightening. Lady knows her law.

Immediately after she went off air, he ran a commercial for colorless crystals that rid your body of 15 pounds of intestinal encrustations? What was that?

Peter Hoh said...

Did Rush refer to Palin as "The One"?

Simon said...

Hoosier Daddy said...
"I always wonder if Simon and Victoria want to gag every time she talks with her bullshit Brit accent."

For better or worse, her occasional attempt at an impression of a British accent is a lot more convincing than her persistent attempt at an impression of an interesting person who has a clue. Neither is convincing.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Immediately after she went off air, he ran a commercial for colorless crystals that rid your body of 15 pounds of intestinal encrustations? What was that?

Well I don't know but considering every third commericial I have to listen to is "I'm Barrack Obama and I approved this message!" I could used some intestinal cleansing.

Did you happen to write down the number?

Hoosier Daddy said...

For better or worse, her occasional attempt at an impression of a British accent is a lot more convincing than her persistent attempt at an impression of an interesting person who has a clue.

I see your point Simon but it's my own personal prejudice that the celebrity set by and large has no clue about anything other than what parties they have to attend for the week, fashion or how to pose for the camera on priemere night.

AlphaLiberal said...

Maybe she can tell some more "Orwellian."

Courtesy of the Anchorage Daily News.

Her response is either astoundingly ignorant or downright Orwellian.

Page 8, Finding Number One of the report says: "I find that Governor Sarah Palin abused her power by violating Alaska Statute 39.52.110(a) of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act."

In plain English, she did something "unlawful." She broke the state ethics law.

They know her best.

Darcy said...

I wonder who attends Madonna concerts. I don't know anyone that does, or would even be interested.

It's not just the music, it is the sea hag on stage behaving as if she's sexy that baffles me. *Cringe*

AlphaLiberal said...

Or, she could comment on whether John McCain put someone "unqualified on that ballot and he put the country at risk," as Republican Matthew Dowd has said.

Bissage said...

Q: What’s worse than a lobster rushing your tax code?

A: 15 pounds of Madonna’s intestinal encrustations cleansing your organ!

AlphaLiberal said...

“They didn’t allow John McCain to pick the person he wanted for Vice President,” Dowd said, referring to Sen. Joe Lieberman, which undercut his experience argument and tethered McCain to the GOP base.

“He knows in his gut he put somebody unqualified on the ballot,” Dowd stressed, “and put the country at risk.”

bearbee said...

Obama is in Racine

AlphaLiberal said...

ha ha! I haven't really seen Palin cartoons yet.

Ha ha!!

Ron said...

"I always wonder if Simon and Victoria want to gag every time she talks with her bullshit Brit accent."

She's from Day-Twaa, so shouldn't she affect a bullshit French accent?

john said...

Alphaliberal -

Heres another one you haven't seen! Ha Ha!

Liberals really have a more sophisticated sense of humor.

Methadras said...

Trooper, they looked more like the NY Goons. Little Manning looked like he was trying to hard and getting nowhere.

Donn said...

God is a Yankee fan you see.

Heresy I say! Off with his head!

Methadras said...

john said...

Alphaliberal -

Heres another one you haven't seen! Ha Ha!

Liberals really have a more sophisticated sense of humor.

Sheer Genius. A horribly ugly homosexual man wearing a 'look at me' t-shirt with the word of female genitalia that not only does he wish he had, but paradoxically are anathema to him. Shocking.

Trooper York said...

Hey THE WORLD CHAMPION NEW YORK GIANTS had an off night. They were overconfident. They thought it was over. They thought they just had to show up to win. The polls where in there favor. Every pundit and sportswriter picked them to win. The exit polls all agreed. They didn't play the game. They tried to coast. Sometimes that comes to bite you in the ass.

As my favorite philospher RH Hardin once said, don't count your chickens until you molest them.

Did I tell you lately that the Giants won the Super Bowl?

Trooper York said...

Donn, everybody knows God is a Yankee fan.

She loves Derek Jeter.

MadisonMan said...

You had me scratching my head. When did Sarah Palin start using a British Accent and when did Simon start dissing her?

I understand now. 12:45 helped

Anonymous said...

Well Trooper, at least they didn't lose to the Rams!

An Edjamikated Redneck said...

But they damn near lost to the Bengals (0-6) in overtime; what did the Giants do that game? Send in the third string?

Synova said...

Yeah, she "broke" the state ethics law because, although she had ample reason to fire the guy she didn't actually fire, they can't *prove* that she didn't still harbor some remnant of hard feeling toward him over his failure to censure Wooten in a more significant way, and thus she *may* have gained some small measure of *personal* satisfaction that he didn't take the other job she offered.


TMink said...

"So whose side does she think the government is currently on?"

That is really a cogent question. I think that Palin should have said putting the government back on the side of the WORKING people.


Synova said...

Sounds like personal gain to me.

Anonymous said...

In my wife's case, if I beat her up and tased of of her kids, getting fired by her family would be personal gain compared to what I would fully expect to be at a minimum a severe ass kicking and perhaps a handgun.

blake said...

The government is always and ever on its own side.

blake said...

Poor Madonna.

There's a new paragon of femininity in town--younger, cuter, and potentially more powerful--and Madonna can't stand it.

Salamandyr said...

I think it's perfectly reasonable to feel that she violated ethics rules in pressuring what's his face to fire the state trooper, while forgiving her behavior in light of the threat to her family.

We should hold our officials to a high standard. The governor of a state shouldn't be using his or her power to influence the proper behavior of his or her subordinates. But they, like us, are human, and we have to take circumstances into account. This situation does not rise to the level of true malfeasance.

john said...

Methadras said -

Sheer Genius. A horribly ugly homosexual man wearing a 'look at me' t-shirt with the word of female genitalia that not only does he wish he had, but paradoxically are anathema to him. Shocking.

Your perception is amazing, and from only one picture! As for me, the only insight I got out of the photo was that prison life was probably pretty good for him.

Since you did so well on that, try this one that Host with the Most linked to yesterday.

What do you think? I suspect that the guy on the left is either a homo or a McCain spy. I defer to your expertise on that.

AlphaLiberal said...

The Palin-McCain lynch mob continues to wave their pitchforks and torches and demand a killing.

Chris Hackett addressed the increasingly feisty crowd as they await the arrival of Gov. Palin.

Each time the Republican candidate for the seat in the 10th Congressional District mentioned Barack Obama the crowd booed loudly.

One man screamed "kill him!"

McCain and Palin would lay waste to this country to advance their careers.

john said...

Sorry, the link doesnt seem to work by clicking, but it does by cut and past:


Simon said...

Alpha, the degeneration in the tone of politics generally is the fault of the Democrats, who've spent the last eight years demonizing this President. The degeneration of the tone of the election specifically is the fault of the media, who provided zero coverage for anything but attacks on Obama forcing the mcCain camp to adopt such a pose, and the Obama campaign who turned to ugly racially-charged rhetoric early and have never looked back. And now you want to lay the blame on us? How silly!

Simon said...

Oh, and Dowd? Dowd is just making this stuff up. This claim that McCain wanted to nominate Lieberman has no evidentiary foundation whatsoever.

sonicfrog said...

Palin - once again, lots of words, little substance.

Anonymous said...

AL:McCain and Palin would lay waste to this country to advance their careers.

Yeah McCain's been doing that since at least Hanoi, being shot down on purpose to advance his career. Good grief, try not to sound so hysterical.

AlphaLiberal said...


I think it's perfectly reasonable to feel that she violated ethics rules in pressuring what's his face to fire the state trooper, while forgiving her behavior in light of the threat to her family.

We should hold our officials to a high standard.

Holding two incompatible thoughts in your head at once, eh? making excuses for corrupt behavior only enables the corrupt.

This is a disqualifying offense showing Palin is a bad joke not ready for higher office. If she doesn't have the self restraint to follow the law she should not be holding the reins of power for this powerful nation.

Real simple concept to grasp, except for the blinded partisans.

Not that I want to kill her, like so many Palin backers want to do to Obama. Must be a reflex for the white hood crowd in the Republican base (not saying it's a majority. Not saying it's not).

MadisonMan said...

the degeneration in the tone of politics generally is the fault of the Democrats, who've spent the last eight years demonizing this President.

Were you in the states in the 90s?

Methadras said...

john said...

Your perception is amazing, and from only one picture! As for me, the only insight I got out of the photo was that prison life was probably pretty good for him.

Since you did so well on that, try this one that Host with the Most linked to yesterday.

What do you think? I suspect that the guy on the left is either a homo or a McCain spy. I defer to your expertise on that.

He's neither. Just your typical Democrat male. Small, spindly, pseudo-academician with slap-dash of faux-intellectualism, and more effeminate than masculine with weak wrists. Again, attention whoring like this as a function of a political message only serves two purposes. The first is to completely alienate yourself as a kook, while the second is the hope that like minded individuals will give you the proper kudos to elevate you out of your low-self esteem rut.

Methadras said...

AL is up to his usual scumbaggery word association again. Implicit implications of racists amongst the GOP while completely neglecting the true nefarious associations his little savior, Mr. Barely has had for over 2 decades.

That wasn't even well played you half-witted hack.

Titusbackintownok? said...

I beg of you fellow republicans, no Madonna bashing.

I actually saw her at MSG and she was amazing.

Her body is amazing. I love her so much. And she was sold out as she is always is wherever she goes. So people do like her. She yelled at us the entire night saying things like, "get off your asses faggot and dance". Needless to say the crowd went wild.

Her new version of La Isla Bonita was incredible. I love Madonna.

AlphaLiberal said...

Simon sez:

Alpha, the degeneration in the tone of politics generally is the fault of the Democrats, who've spent the last eight years demonizing this President.

Give me a fricken break. It's called criticizing the President. You guys were fine with that when it was Clinton and you went way overbaord.

Remember, the right wing saying Bill Clinton killed Vince Foster, smuggled drugs into the US, yadda yadda? Mass delusion on the right.

We've stuck to substance on policy on Bush's and Cheney's abysmal rule.

Calls for Obama's murder are routine at McCain-Palin rallies. if the guy is shot, all hell is going to break loose and it will be laid at the Republican doorstep.

But then McCain's terrorist pal G. Gordon Liddy routinely "jokes" about killing people he disagrees with. Violence is par for the course for Republicans.

AlphaLiberal said...

MadisonMan nails it:

Were you in the states in the 90s?

No kidding! I can't decide if these guys are deluded or dishonest.

One moment they write vile and false accusations against any Democrat to run for office.

Then they cluck their tongues and pretend like they are the pious practitioners of elevated discourse.

All the while failing to denounce the calls from murder arising from their fellow travelers.

We know the wingnut welfare includes paying people to write on blog posts. Maybe that explains this bizarre behavior.

The thing is, they don't realize how this obviously dishonest behavior alienates the majority of people. So the silver lining is that it's a real weakness.

AlphaLiberal said...

"Mr. Barely?"

Methadras, step away from the Kool Aid. The Ayers attack is a crock of bull.

Palin's Ayers attacks earned her Four Pinocchios from FactChecker.

Here is a more in-depth article from Congressional Quarterly showing the lie behind Republican attacks. Fact-Checking the Ayers Allegations: So Wrong, It’s “Pants on Fire” Wrong.

Desperate and pathetic = John McCain and Sarah Palin. Liars who ignore our nation's problems to sling mud instead.

Will no Republican here denounce the repeated calls for Obama's murder?

reader_iam said...

Simon, with all due respect, there was plenty of vituperation with regard to Clinton in the '90s. This stuff didn't just start in the aughts. I'm not saying that this excuses anything or anyone. I'm just saying my memory differs, and I was very much following things closely throughout the '90s.

Baron Zemo said...

My dear boy. I for one denounce any attempt on Senator Obama’s person. It would be wrong and a national disgrace.

And so unnecessary. Once he is under the microscope his personal corruption will become apparent and he will be forced to resign or be impeached.

Like Alcee Hastings, Sharpe James, Harold Washington, David Dinkins, William Jefferson, the poor fellow in Detroit, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and your good friend Charley Rangel.

Do you think they all went to the same H&R Block?

john said...

Methadras - I don't think we are disagreeing. Perhaps talking past each other, tho.

Jesus Alpha, OK I will denounce it! Please provide a link to your denouncement of
bush-as-target. God, I'm glad wer'e all peaceful types here.

john said...

Well, here we go again. I'm doing something wrong with the embedded links:


TMink said...

"Sounds like personal gain to me."

I gain as the government shrinks and lose as it grows!


Palladian said...

"Simon, with all due respect, there was plenty of vituperation with regard to Clinton in the '90s. This stuff didn't just start in the aughts. I'm not saying that this excuses anything or anyone. I'm just saying my memory differs, and I was very much following things closely throughout the '90s."

Gee, I was in New York in the 1990s and I don't recall seeing any anti-Clinton propaganda, graffiti, clothing, stickers and so on. But not a day has gone by since about 2001 that I haven't seen some sort of anti-Bush vituperation on display here. Maybe more conservative towns were full of pictures of Clinton with targets painted on them, pictures of Clinton with devil horns, crudely spray-painted "STOP CLINTON" tags, stickers with pictures of Clinton and the words "NOT MY PRESIDENT" printed on them, etc. but I certainly didn't see any.

Democrats didn't invent nasty, ceaseless attack politics, but they certain got good at it over the last 8 years.

AlphaLiberal said...


When I go to that link all I see is a url in a graphic. Sorry, I can't denounce that!

When I look at the Brain Terminal site, I see it is a conservative's blog who has the offending information.

Sorry, can't address it.
You guys are acting all surprised at the real anger from death threats toward an African American leader. Don't you get it?

We don't want Barack killed, like Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and RFK were. We know many conservatives are angry (over false stories) and armed, that there were a number of armed men making plans to shoot him in Denver.

And we know that Palin and McCain are whipping up this anger. When death threats are shouted out they don't stop to say "no."

So, yeah, I'm pissed. Very. They are playing with fire and Barack's life at this point.

AlphaLiberal said...

McCain Transition Chief Aided Saddam In Lobbying Effort

Fucken hypocrites.

All liberals; please get out, do doors and volunteer and let's bury `em deep!

reader_iam said...

Democrats didn't invent nasty, ceaseless attack politics, but they certain got good at it over the last 8 years.

Surely, you don't think I disagree with that statement, Palladian. I agree with it.

And I don't recall writing a single thing in my comment about New York City or your or anybody else's experiences there over the past eight years.

reader_iam said...

Of course, not ALL Democrats, any more than ALL Republicans ... speaking for my own experience, only.

Synova said...

"Will no Republican here denounce the repeated calls for Obama's murder?"

If I ever heard one I'd denounce it.

The only people I've heard seriously talking about how he's going to be killed are liberals, and foreign ones at that. Because they've gone and believed all the people going on and on about how racist Americans are. You'd think it was still segregation here or something. But how do they know? They just know what liberals here keep saying.

Do you have any idea how brain dead *stupid* even a hard-core racist survivalist wacko would have to be to think that assassinating Obama would be anything but a monumental disaster? And this is just among the extreme few (who think like Ayers) who believe that killing people for political gain is a good way to go?

You're a moron, Alpha. You latch onto demonizing the opposition and then add hyperventalation to make it more interesting for you.

AlphaLiberal said...

Synova, you can hear another Palin-McCain backer shouting out "Kill him" here.

The right answer is "that is wrong." But your answer is to attack me, the messenger.

I don't think Rush Limnbaugh has denounced these comments, either.

ONE conservative here has denounced it. National Republicans are SILENT on death threats.

You guys actually think threatening murder against a black/Dem leader in a nation that has seen the killings of JFK, RFK, Martin and Malcolm is okay.

You're morally hollowed out people. Empty vessels twisted by your political ideology. You can no longer tell right from wrong. Your only compass is "for me or again me."

TMink said...

Fact Check is owned by the Annenberg Foundation.

Fact Check that! You remember them, they got Obama and Ayers together again!

So find another Factcheck, one that has not written Fatchecks to domestic terrorists.


Hoosier Daddy said...

the degeneration in the tone of politics generally is the fault of the Democrats, who've spent the last eight years demonizing this President.

Were you in the states in the 90s?

MadisonMan, while I agree that the rightwing went after Clinton with a gusto, you have to honestly admit that it simply pales in comparison with the absolute frothing hatred of Bush displayed by the left. Exactly how many movies about Clinton's assasination were there? Where exactly were the mass protests and buring effgies when Clinton was carpet bombing Serbia?

Bush has been a terrible president to be sure but if you think the hatred displayed to him is even remotely close to what Clinton face, I have to disagree and wonder if you were around for the 2000s.

Synova said...

Um, no, Alpha. That was a video with someone shouting out "Obama bin Laden" or some stupidity.

Don't you look at what you link?

Anonymous said...

AlphaLiberal said...The Palin-McCain lynch mob

"Lynch mob" is a racist code word used by the leftists to play to America's worst racial fears - White racists murdering blacks.

Racial fear and guilt is about all the left has going for them other than a crappy old Republican nominee.

Synova said...

And really, Alpha.

The right answer is... I don't care about the right answer anymore. I have absolutely NO interest in abasing myself for someone else's sins.

No matter that the *right* answer to racism has been just that for my whole life.

What good has it done anyone at all to twist themselves into stupid knots out of some racial guilt? If I thought someone was suggesting Obama be killed, I'd call the FBI.

Any contortions I put myself through to please you are pointless.

And debasing.

Synova said...

Obama has been playing the race game from day one. Pre-emptive strikes. He doesn't even wait for someone to express racism, he just says they're going to do it. Slimes them for future crimes.

So no one dares criticize him.

Because the "right answer" has always been that any charge of racism must be accepted, admitted to. The accusation is proof of guilt. The denial even more so.

And now... now we can't mention a white domestic terrorist or his political beliefs that include violent overthrow, which he hasn't repudiated, (Want to ask who hasn't repudiated or condemned calls to violence? Why don't we do that?) and educational philosophies that politicize and indoctrinate more *deliberately* than any Creationist would dare suggest... and we can't mention this association because it's racist? We can't mention this association because it gets people worked up?

Oh. My. God.

Sit down and shut up.

Hector Owen said...

Here is the post containing the image that john wanted to link at 5:01 pm. "Oh, Those Peace-Loving New York Liberals!" The image can be clicked to enlarge.

The Exalted said...

hoosier, palladian,

you're confusing the public hatred of bush (25% approval) with the republican movement's hatred of clinton (60+% approval).

the dems have controlled congress and the senate for 2 years now, but where are the crazed impeachment hearings?

and of course they weren't anti-clinton posters festooned around nyc, he was popular. moreover, nyc is a liberal city filled with bankers who were rolling in it in the 90's. a true comparison would be 90's houston or dallas or some other conservative stronghold.

Brian said...

"Palin is a freath of bresh air."

As a McCain supporter, I thank the Lord that McCain didn't say "breast of fresh air," which I think was Freud's original example of what became known as the "Freudian slip."

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