October 10, 2008

McCain/Palin supporters are an angry mob. That's the virulent meme this week.

To my eye, it looks as though the MSM is anxious to squelch any enthusiasm. WaPo has a big feature called "Anger Is Crowd's Overarching Emotion at McCain Rally." And to be fair, it's the "most viewed" page on the WaPo website right now. It's what the readers want to read, not what the WaPo wants to cram down our throats. (Or are you one of those people who think the newspapers lie about what's "most viewed" and "most emailed"?)

The dateline on this piece, written by Michael D. Shear and Perry Bacon Jr., is Waukesha, Wisconsin. Oh, come on, now. If there are angry mobs, surely they are not in Wisconsin. I'm feeling huge doubts. But let's read:
There were shouts of "Nobama" and "Socialist" at the mention of the Democratic presidential nominee. There were boos, middle fingers turned up and thumbs turned down as a media caravan moved through the crowd Thursday for a midday town hall gathering featuring John McCain and Sarah Palin.
So they were giving the press the finger? Isn't that the classic method of preventing the press from getting a usable picture of you? It looks as though there are 2 different things going on: disapproval of Obama and hostility toward the press. There is plenty of reason for McCain supporters to hate the press, and yet the press ought not to react with an okay, then screw them. The press should redouble efforts to be neutral and professional.
"I'm mad! I'm really mad!" [a] man said, taking the microphone and refusing to surrender it easily, even when McCain tried to agree with him.

"I'm not done. Lemme finish, please," he said after a standing ovation. "When you have Obama, [House Speaker Nancy] Pelosi and the rest of the hooligans up there going to run the country, we have to have our head examined.

"It's time that you two represent the rest of us. So go get 'em."

The crowd burst into loud chants of "U-S-A! U-S-A!"

Standing at the center of the crowd, McCain and Palin drew on the crowd's energy as they repeatedly trained their fire on Obama.
"Trained their fire"? That's not a good metaphor. And there is nothing wrong with candidates attacking their opponents or crowds becoming enthusiastic. That's the idea of a rally. Perhaps political rallies in general are distasteful, but surely, the WaPo doesn't take that view across the board. How did they cover the big Obama rallies? Isn't it worse to chant the candidates name, as is done for Obama, than to chant the name of the country?

Or are Shear and Bacon -- good name for a barbershop/diner -- saying there is something different about the enthusiasm of this rally? Perhaps Obama did not draw on the energy of his crowds. (He's almost always kept cool.) Perhaps Obama's crowds surged with love for their candidate and never hate for the opponent.

It may be that the McCain/Palin crowds feel distinctly different... or do they just feel distinctly different to the reporters whose don't share the crowds emotions?


Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

So chanting "U-S-A, U-S-A" is now angry speech?

Hmmm, alrighty then...

TJ said...

No, shouting "kill him" is.

I like how "crowds becoming enthusiastic" = "terrorist."

Alex said...

Yes I'm angry. I won't stand for my country to be taken over by a bunch of radical, socialist ghouls intent on overthrowing my republic. There's a reason we had a civil war in the past. Beware...

Lorelei Leigh said...

I heard the replay of that guy from McCain's speech on the radio yesterday. He really was pretty angry. His voice also sounded vaguely familiar.

However, I don't think the crowds at large are all that angry...at least not angry enough to warrant news coverage. I mean, could they possibly be any more angry than the anti-Bush crowd?

What's so wrong with anger anyway? If people really think the country is going down the pisser, shouldn't they be angry?

Rich B said...

We aren't hearing so much about the Obama crowds lately, are we? And what about Old Joe? He is pretty funny.

Sarah Palin is scheduled to drop the puck at the Flyers/Rangers game in Philly this Saturday. That will get their knickers knotted.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Trevor, no one has produced video of that yet. Do you have it? I would love to see it, so that I can reach my own conclusions, not Dana Milbank's.

Alex said...

I want MORE righteous anger. I won't take this anymore. I will NOT stand for this coup. I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS COUP!!!!!!!!!!

Trooper York said...

The press has no idea how many Americans despise them. They are a cancer on our republic. We should respect the first amendment and let them say what ever they want and spew their lies as far and wide as they can. But don't give them an inch. Don't cooperate with them or answer their questions. Tell them to piss up a rope. That's why they are dying. The Newark Star Ledger is going out of business this week and let’s hope it is just the first of many. Civil disobedience to these self appointed hall monitors of the body politic is great. Give these yuppie scum reporters the finger. It's no less than they deserve.

The only thing worse than a journalist is a lawyer.

Lorelei Leigh said...

And what about Old Joe? He is pretty funny.

I saw a replay of him on the news this morning. Some speech about McCain being bad for the country or something. It was a repeat of something he said in the debate, only with more force.

Come to think of it, he seemed pretty angry, too.

Maybe the problem is the press is angry that the McCain voters are angry. Everyone's angry it seems.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Alex, drop the hysterics and the astroturfing. No one believes it.

Lorelei Leigh said...

The only thing worse than a journalist is a lawyer.

What about a lawyer who is also a journalist?

TJ said...


Then get out the vote, Alex. Knock on some doors, make some calls, persuade your neighbors to vote for McCain. It's not a coup, it's democracy.

ElCubanito, I don't have video of that, but there's plenty of video around of people telling the camera that they believe Obama is a terrorist. Do you believe Obama is a terrorist?

rhhardin said...

The hatred boiling in flyover country is illustrated here.

The important fact being that whoever put up the second sign left up the first one.

Of course that was 2005.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trooper York said...

"What about a lawyer who is also a journalist?"

That's a double dose of worthless shit. Sort of like genital warts on a twat with the clap.

But perhaps I understate.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Oh, Michael, I didn't recognize you behind that handle. Trevor huh?

What does what I believe or not have to do with that video?

TJ said...

So that's a no, then? My point is that you seem unwilling to believe that there are bloodthirsty elements appearing at McCain/Palin rallies.

Darcy said...

This made me laugh. I needed that. :)

Er...except I'm the taxpayer, too. *sigh*

bearbee said...

The press should redouble efforts to be neutral and professional.

0 x 2 = 0

Or is it

0 x 2 = 0 x 2 = 0

Alex said...


Your obsession about "astroturfers" is blinding you to the reality of the coup that happening right beneath your feet. Keep your delusion if that makes you sleep well at night bastard.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Trevor Jackson said...
So that's a no, then? My point is that you seem unwilling to believe that there are bloodthirsty elements appearing at McCain/Palin rallies.

10:24 AM

No, I don't believe he's a terrorist. Now, do you have that video. Yes or no?

I am unwilling to believe a press corp that seems bent on electing The One (PBUH) no matter what, without further proof of what they state. Period. I want to see proof and reach my own conclusions. How complicated is that?

Trooper York said...

Do I believe that a biased hack journalist sought out the most extreme voices at a political rally and used it to illustrate their meme that Republicans are evil thugs and are running a racist campaign? Do I believe that the biased hack journalist did not seek out the overwhelming majority of calm and reasonable people at this rally because they are trying to do everything they can to elect their preferred candidate under a veneer of impartiality that no one believes anymore? Do I believe that you can find a bunch of equivalent code pink wacko’s at an Obama rally but that we will never see them because the yuppie scum press has an agenda? Yes of course I believe that.

The only thing worse than a journalist is a lawyer.

nelda said...

The media's meme that the McCain campaign is "angry and racist" looks to me to be one of those Bogus Trend Stories from your blog a couple days ago.

Aren't political campaigns and politicians always passionate when there's a lot at stake?

TJ said...

The "kill him" video? Of course not. Does the lack of video make it untrue? I doubt it. But in light of other evidence of the rage at these rallies, I think the report is trustworthy.

Do you want the "Obama is a terrorist" video? Here you go.

chickelit said...

Hey Trevor,

Thanks for the Michael Moore wannbe link.

George M. Spencer said...

I recently attended a concert of Brazilian music. At the end, people--Brazilians, I guess--chanted, "Bra-sil! Bra-sil!"

Anyway, not only are people afraid for their political and financial futures, anger is typically the response many have to charismatic leaders. They can't understand why other people, including otherwise very smart people, are drinking the Kool-Aid-brand artificially-flavored drink.

With Bush you have seething resentment and blase acceptance. With a President Obama we would see fawning, blind obsequiousness met by livid ire.

Such things end badly.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Trevor Jackson said...
The "kill him" video? Of course not. Does the lack of video make it untrue? I doubt it. But in light of other evidence of the rage at these rallies, I think the report is trustworthy.

Do you want the "Obama is a terrorist" video? Here you go.

10:34 AM

I asked for the "kill him" one. I don't doubt there are idiots out there that would say he's a terrorist, but that's not what I asked for.

To reach the conclusion that people want to kill him because they think he's a terrorist is a stretch. I think Ayers is aterrorist, but I am not calling for his demise.

Schorsch said...

Well, if the highly-circulated clip of McCain recoiling from a particularly enthusiastic crowd response is any indication, he's a bit disappointed in the emotional turn his campaign has taken.

Seems like he wasn't prepared for the unpleasantness of a full-on political fight.

In other news, the Obama supporters seem more peaceful and serene since they started winning. Even John Stewart took some pot-shots at the Dems this week, something he doesn't do when the polls go the other way.

Zachary Sire said...

The Joe Six Packs are exploding because they're realizing that a liberal Democrat, who is black, is going to be president. It's amazing to watch, and I love every minute of it. These old white men have been running this country since its inception...and now their time is over. It's a tough pill to swallow....hope they don't choke!

CarmelaMotto said...

I heard the guy in the crowd on the radio last night and watched it on TV. He was articulate and to the point. What is wrong with being angry and frustrated? You see the Pelosi-Obama-Reid trifecta and it's HORRIFYING.

And yeah, when they chant USA, it's jingoistic. When they chant Obama, it's just an enthusiastic crowd....

They are frustrated with the media because they know if McCain served on a board that gave money to schools to promote prayer in school and intelligent design with a former abortion clinic bomber who launched his politica career, the news media would be all over it to the point that his campaign would tank.

They know if McCain sat in a church for 20 years with a pastor who said America had it coming for 9/11 because of it's pornograhic culture (like Falwell did), the media would never forgive it and he would have been finished last winter.

But it's teflon Barry...so no harm no foul!

They are angry at the media for treating them like they are lunatics when they would never do that to an angry democratic crowd or a protest from the left (dems and the left aren't scary - they are just expressing themselves).

Anonymous said...

Our town is tiny. We know most everyone and who votes which party. The lawn signs are just friendly reminders. This is purely an unscientific observation, but I've noticed that my Democrat friends and neighbors are advertising their party's choices for the local school board, county commissioners, and state offices. Even a US Congress sign here and there. Very, very few have an Obama sign alongside the other Democrat signs. FWIW.

If the MSM can read anger into the frustrated passion of the Republicans, then I suppose I can read shame into the Democrats' reluctance to advertise their party's top dog.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

ZPS, the only reason you are voting for him is because he's black?

Host with the Most said...

3 Reasons to be fearful and angry about a Democrat takeover of the Executive and Legislative branches:

1)New York Times: "Fictitious Donors Found in Obama Finance Records". Why does this always happen with Democrats? It happened throughout the entire Clinton administration!

2)Nationwide Democrat Voter Fraud. Why do the Democrats always do this?

3) If you want to blame Bush for failing to take Bin Ladin warnings seriously enough before 9/11, fine. But you then have no choice but to agree that the previous President, Bill Clinton, failed even more miserably to stop Bin Laden and Al Quaeda as well. And that would be due to the basic difference between a Democrat approach and a Republican approach. Clinton demoralized and cut the military. You can take it to the bank that Obama will do the same.

PS Did you know that today over 60% of the American public now believes that the American intervention into Iraq will be seen as a success in the future?

Darcy said...

I've noticed that too, Windbag.

My neighborhood is usually full of signs for the Democratic presidential candidate...Gore and Kerry signs everywhere. And the Bush signs got stolen after a day.

I see very few Obama signs, and the McCain/Palin signs are still there.

Are the Dems in my neighborhood racist?? Just askin'.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Alex.....lock and load.

Our country is being stolen from us by fraud and deception.

Hoosier Daddy said...

What's so wrong with anger anyway?

Nothing provided it only comes from the Left. Havn't you seen those cute bumperstickers that say: If you're not outraged you haven't been paying attention!

But with the Left rage is good, it's dissent which is the highest form of patriotism it's the Constitutional right of free expression. Go to any anti-war rally and and there is nothing but anger. But it's a good kind of anger.

Rage from the right is bad though, where you hear chants of USA, the stomp of jackboots is right behind. If you shake a defiant fist at Obama you may as well be wearing a sheet. Disagree with a liberal is simply a sign of your knuckledragging intolerance.

Hell you only have to peruse a few threads on Althouse to see I don't exaggerate.

George M. Spencer said...


I also recall an angry mob in Boston.

Some people drink the Kool-Aid.

Others take tea...until they go overboard.

"Another attempt was made to save a little tea from the ruins of the cargo by a tall, aged man who wore a large cocked hat and white wig, which was fashionable at that time. He had sleightly slipped a little into his pocket, but being detected, they seized him and, taking his hat and wig from his head, threw them, together with the tea, of which they had emptied his pockets, into the water. In consideration of his advanced age, he was permitted to escape, with now and then a slight kick."

Giving you the slightest of nudges, I remain sincerely yours...

Anonymous said...

The "ugly, mean, racist White folks want to lynch the black man" meme was predictable.

To the members of the Church of Obama the fact of being born into the White race is the Original Sin.

To dare to disagree with the Church of Obama is not simply wrong it is evil.

This country doesn't need change it needs redemption.

Trooper York said...

You know I don't "hate" Obama at all. I don’t think he is a terrorist or hates white people. I wish him well if he wins and hope his handlers will be cautious in how they loot the Treasury if only for the hope of re-election. He is a nice young man. Very naive but the big boys will wise him up soon enough. He is just David Dinkins, an empty suit who will do what he is told. Bought and paid for by the Chicago Machine. We will survive him just fine. Don't overstate it, the republic will muddle through.

However this campaign can serve a valuable purpose if we can marginalize and further work toward destroying the influence of the partisan main stream media. The demotion of Matthews and Olbermann was a recognition that they had gone to far. But now they are getting bolder. The push back should be against them. Let’s build on that.

Anyway a lot can still change in the last few weeks of an election. It always gets tighter. As RH Hardin would say, don’t count your chickens until after you have molested them. Just sayn’

garage mahal said...

I want to hear the crowds cheer "show us your tits" at a Palin rally.

*wink to Trooper*

Anonymous said...

When Obama talks "the Messiah is absolutely speaking"

Host with the Most said...



But funny.

Trooper York said...

There you go garage, you are going to get a tag yet. Good show.

Donn said...

A few days ago I saw a YouTube video of McCain/Palin supporters walking down some street in NYC, and the response they received was far more virulent than anything seen or heard so far at McCain/Palin rallies, and yet nary a peep about this from the MSM. Funny, that!?!?

Trooper York said...

I actually did that at a Bess Meyerson rally once.

The only sad thing was she was going so bad at the time she actually did it.

All the women got pissed off because then they couldn't see her shoes.

TJ said...

El C: "To reach the conclusion that people want to kill him because they think he's a terrorist is a stretch."

Did you watch the video? What do you think they want to do with him if they think he's a terrorist--"read him his rights"?

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Trevor Jackson said...
El C: "To reach the conclusion that people want to kill him because they think he's a terrorist is a stretch."

Did you watch the video? What do you think they want to do with him if they think he's a terrorist--"read him his rights"?

11:02 AM

I don't know, they question was not asked. Was it?

Roberto said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Just to avoid going in circles, even if what you assume is correct, that there are a few out there angry enough, and stupid enough to spouse suchs feelings; I am sure you can also find a few like those on The One's (PBUH) side. How many? Probably not many, just like in the other case. It is silly, and dangerous yet very convenient for the press to make such generalizing statements. It is also absolutely legitimate to doubt such statements until rational and consistent proof has been presented.

LouisAntoine said...

I can guarantee you that no one wants to kill John McCain at Obama rallies. Actually Obama rallies are reeeeaally white bread affairs. If Obama is a terrorist he is the most boring terrorist ever.

Schadenfreude. For everyone who gaped in disbelief as GWB was reelected in 2004, despite the seeming obviousness of his incompetence, this is a sweet moment. Watching die-hard, know-nothing wingnut assholes writhe in agony.

Unfortunately that pleasure is going to be short-lived, as the grownups now have to get a handle on the biggest shitpile in 100 years. THANKS GWB. ENJOY DALLAS.

Roberto said...

Montagne Mointaigne said:

"Schadenfreude. For everyone who gaped in disbelief as GWB was reelected in 2004, despite the seeming obviousness of his incompetence, this is a sweet moment. Watching die-hard, know-nothing wingnut assholes writhe in agony.":

Are you kidding?

99% of the people here would vote for Bush AGAIN...TODAY if he was running.

This is the "Land of Delusion."

Chip Ahoy said...

If conservatives are going to use the thumbs-up, thumbs-down thing in imitation of Roman emperors at the colosseum, they need to get their ups and downs straight.

Thumb-up meant, "stick the gladius in the defeated gladiator's back" in other words, "kill 'im" This brought cheers from the bloodthirsty crowd.

Thumb-down menat, "stick the sword into the sand" or "spare 'im."

Hollywood reversed this.

End pedantry.

Zachary Sire said...

The only reason you are voting for him is because he's black?

Pretty much! I hate white people and want a big black man in charge.

Henry said...

Where are the giant scatalogical puppets and upbeat young folk smashing windows? What kind of second-rate mob is this?

Roberto said...

Check out this video if you don't believe the McCain/Palin supporters are completely out of their minds.


Anonymous said...

Zachary Paul Sire said...The only reason you are voting for him is because he's black?

Pretty much! I hate white people and want a big black man in charge.

If Obama is your idea of a "big black man" you need to get out more.

Obama = skinny, radical chic, yuppie mulatto.

CarmelaMotto said...

Montagne Mointaigne - nobody at the McCain campaign ever said that Obama is a terrorist. Those who think so are dumb.

As I said, if McCain had the kind of far right connections that Obama does on the far left, we would be hearing nothing else from the dems and the media.

If you think Bush is the cause of the economic meltdown, you are a silly goose.

Donn said...


As usual you are full of shit.

Here's your beloved Dems responding to McCain supporters in NYC.

By the way, where is BHO today?

Trooper York said...

"If you think Bush is the cause of the economic meltdown, you are a silly goose."

Hey cut out all this sex talk, it's hard enough for RH to post photos without teasing him like that.

Roberto said...

Donn, I have no idea why you're saying I'm full of anything.

People booing McCain and Palin on a New York street?

That's a shocker?

Did you hear anybody calling them a terrorist or wanting them dead or implying their names mean they're Islamist terrorists?

Roberto said...

Donn, why do you think being a bigot and a racist is somehow funny? Why do you continue to flaunt the kind of comments that identify you as one?

Do your kids and your family know?

Your friends?

Do they like it?

Very strange indeed.

Roberto said...

"If Obama is your idea of a "big black man" you need to get out more."

To many here: ALL black men look the same.

Especially Donn the racist.

Blue Moon said...

I found myself watching the rallies and I belive Paul Wolfowitz said it best:

"I think these people are the last remnants of a dying cause,"

Roberto said...

CarmelaMotto said..."Montagne Mointaigne - nobody at the McCain campaign ever said that Obama is a terrorist. Those who think so are dumb."

Watch this and get back to me:


CarmelaMotto said...

Oh look, Charles Krauthammer agrees with me and uses the abortion clinic bomber metaphor.


Donn said...


The reason you are full of shit is because you could take a camera and record similar type of material from left-wing wackos, yet you think that this type of thing is only reflective of McCain supporters.

Besides, right here on Althouse you call me (and others) a racist because we use the term BHO....which is just as loony as people on the video you are so upset about. Sheesh.

CarmelaMotto said...

Michael - I can't read that at the office, but is it the CAMPAIGN or that the "mob"/random person. It says MOB so I am guessing that no one from the campaign called Obama that.

Godot said...

Shear & Bacon. Just understated enough to be the British version of a plus-sized Victoria's Secret.

But I only say this because I'm an angry man in McCain's fretful crowd. So angry in fact, I'm giving Ann (and her crypto-socialist bedfellows) the double-barreled finger even as I type this. Which makes it a rather awkward slog across the keyboard. No matter. My rancor knows no bounds.

Did I mention I'm white?

Anonymous said...

I guess DailyKos "screw 'em" vitriol is acceptable free speech but fingers at the media isn't. It has spurred MSNBC and CNN to actually report something negative on Obama though. Landmark day.

FWIW I think McCain and Palin should just shut up if they are not going to follow through on their character questions on Obama. Foreplay is wonderful, but it requires climax. The frustration and anger is going to rebound to the Republicans if they leave the electorate unfulfilled. Is that the only way they will finally learn their fricking lesson?

CarmelaMotto said...


Weird - no one else heard epithets but Milbank, but everyone ran with it.

Roberto said...

CarmelaMotto said..."Montagne Mointaigne - nobody at the McCain campaign ever said that Obama is a terrorist. Those who think so are dumb."

When you say "nobody at the McCain campaign"...you don't count the people attending?

Only McCain and Palin??

Roberto said...

How many here have watched this insanity...and still believe things are not getting out of control?


If so...you're not being honest.

Roberto said...

Donn, there's absolutely no comparison between people on the street "boooing" and the kind of insanity you see at the site I provided...where people literally say they think Obama is a terrorist cell.


And your continued use of the BHO bullshit is nothing more than a veiled racist reference to Obama...and of course, you already know that.

I don't particularly like bigots or racists so this will be my last response to anything you have to say.

I have to wonder what you family and friends think of your racism. It seems strange you would be so proud of something like that.

LonewackoDotCom said...

Nothing in the article requires any in-depth analysis beyond noting that the WaPo is in the tank for BHO.

The only reason for noting such articles is for future reference, in order to hold the "reporters" personally responsible. For an example, see the comment from LonewackoDotCom here. When a WaPo reporter posted to a WaPo blog, I posted a comment linking to one of my posts showing how much of a hack she is.

Regarding the meme, those who are "angry" about the current situation should try and do something constructive. Instead of ranting at a McCain appearance, they should settle down and go ask BHO a real question at one of his appearances.

BHO has almost never been asked a real question, and if he were asked such a question on video it could have a devastating impact on his campaign.

If you can't get out there and ask him a real question, encourage others to do so and write to those listed at the link above urging them to get involved.

Roberto said...

The tactics McCain is using will obviously play well with those attending his rallies, but a vast majority of Americans will see it for what it is: A diversion from the real crisis at hand.

McCain should be concentrating on explaining exactly what he would or would not do as President, and throwing out a new and improved 300 billion addition to the bailout just passed is ridiculous.

First of all, the bailout itself has elements to do the same, and second, it effectively helps the financial institutions more than the Americans who are in need.

The negativity and trash being thrown out makes McCain look small and he'll live with it for years to come.

Donn said...

Donn, there's absolutely no comparison between people on the street "boooing" and the kind of insanity you see at the site I provided...where people literally say they think Obama is a terrorist cell.

Bush = Hitler. Ring any bells?

And your continued use of the BHO bullshit is nothing more than a veiled racist reference to Obama...and of course, you already know that.

I know NO such thing....racism is something YOU see because you're a left-wing wacko.

I don't particularly like bigots or racists so this will be my last response to anything you have to say.

Gee, today's my lucky day!

I have to wonder what you family and friends think of your racism. It seems strange you would be so proud of something like that.

Since my friends and family KNOW that I am not racist, they are quite proud of me...thank you very much!

Anonymous said...

"The only reason you are voting for him is because he's black?

Pretty much! I hate white people and want a big black man in charge."

For the posting the cleverest piece on the blog this week you will be receiving the complete set of Jeremiah Wright favorite sermons.

Score additional points and you will be in contention for the Farrakan DVD with his endorsement of BO.

Roberto said...

LonewackoDotCom - Yeah, that's it: Every news organization in American is "in the tank" for Obama.

Got any more excuses?

Parker, Noonan, Brooks...all those damn "liberals," too.

What a whiner.

*And I love the way the racist here are banding together, referring to Obama using his middle initial, for not other reason than to denigrate him, and at the same time make themselves look even more disgusting.

Keep it up, you make yourself look less and less like an American every time you use the term.

Roberto said...

LarsPorsena - Sorry, dumbfuck...I didn't post what you say I did.

I referenced something jdeeripper said at 11:52 and that was that.

Maybe if you were actually READ before blathering on?

Arturius said...

And I love the way the racist here are banding together, referring to Obama using his middle initial, for not other reason than to denigrate him, and at the same time make themselves look even more disgusting.

Can you explain to me how using BHO is racist as opposed to FDR or JFK? Clinton was commonly referred to as William Jefferson Clinton, his given name, I think as an attempt to conjure the allusion he was 'Jeffersonian'. If you think saying Obama's middle name is denigration, I fear it says a lot more about your own prejudices than it does the person saying it.

DarwinLtd. said...

I especially enjoyed the videotapes of the old white people in line yelling to Obama supporters,

"Commie faggots go to Russia"

"Socialist pigs should die"

"Obama is a terrorist with a terrorist name"

"Obama's bloodlines are terrorists"

"Democrat faggots get out of here"

Classy, but definitely not virulent. Just your average run of the mill happy Americans. They love America to much to show any type of anger.

ND_Grandma said...

What? When did this new rule go into effect? We can't say JFK or LBJ or BHO anymore?

"Less and less like an American"

Uff. How can that be? I don't even have a passport.

Roberto said...

Arturius asks with a straight face?

"Can you explain to me how using BHO is racist as opposed to FDR or JFK?"

Well, first of all, both were always referred to in that manner, and not in a way that could possibly be construed as being a slur.

But, tell me this: When was the first time you heard anybody ever refer to Obama as BHO?

Was it when he initially announced he was running?

Maybe a few months later...a year later?

No, it suddenly appeared here, right after people introducing McCain and Palin at rallies began using his middle name to rile up the wingnuts in the crowd.

And then, being the followers they are, some of the bigoted and racist pricks here decided it was cute to continue to throw in his middle initial to remind people that Obama has a name that just must mean he's somehow "different" than real Americans.

But of course, you already know all that, don't you?

Roberto said...

Here's another wonderful example of the "real Americans" who support McCain and Palin:


Talk about people making themselves look like complete fools.

You have to wonder what their friends will say when they see the video.

davemartin7777 said...

Republican Family Values:
Apathy, Callousness, Greed, Self Serving Self Interest, Narcissism, Inhumanity, Death, Looting, Plundering.

Republicans are extremely emotionally disturbed, vindictive, hateful, ugly, mean, vile, and angry people.

Their souls are being consumed by some unknown gangrenous-like infection.

It is possible now, to feel a sort of pity for Republicans because that thing feeding on their souls must be the source of horrific and unimaginable internal pain.

One is left to wonder what kind of monster Republicans see staring back at them from the mirror?

Personally, I wouldn't wish being a Republican on my worst personal enemy.

Roger J. said...

This is most certainly not the finest thread that has appeared on Althouse.

DarwinLtd. said...

Those old white republican fucks are mad because they have all lost 25% of the retirement saving over the past year. Their previous hero that they voted twice for has drove this country into a ditch and they are pissed. The treasury has already been looted. Republicans, with Bush's leadership now have enacted "socialized programs" in banking and insurance. They need to take out this anger on someone. The media, Obama, etc. Not W though. The buck never stops there. Not the republicans though. They have been perfect.

The country is changing. It is not full of just white people any more. David Brooks nailed it today in his column.

The older, white generation, that you see at these rallies is becoming instinct and that scares the shit out of them.

The US is already a multicultural society. This older generation has not needed to assimilate to it. They have watched it in horror. Understandably because they have not benefited from it.

Anonymous said...

Surely this is just another Typical Distraction? I thought we were only supposed to be talking about the economy.

Roberto said...

ND_Grandma - And yet another racist rears his or her ugly head.

Congratulations, you should be proud.

Roberto said...

This is what a real American President sounds like:

Barack Obama:

"I think that folks are looking for something different. It's easy to rile up a crowd by stoking anger and division.

But that's not what we need right now in the United States. The times are too serious. The challenges are too great. The American people aren't looking for someone who can divide this country - they're looking for someone who will lead it.

We're in a serious crisis - now, more than ever, it is time to put country ahead of politics."

Roberto said...

Paul Zrimsek - No, no...why talk about one of the biggest economic situations in our nation's history, and what you might do about it as President...when instead, you can talk about Obama possibly being a terrorist?

Why can't you understand...??

Roberto said...

DarwinLtd - Watch out.

Most here don't like to hear that kind of talk.

ZZMike said...

As opposed to the Obama supporters, who are models of decorum and decency?

Get a grip, people.

On reality.

The only thing the videos regarding "Obama is a terrorist" proves is that we have people as nutty as the liberals do. There are still people who really believe that we've never been to the Moon.

We just don't pay them any attention.

Now if you can find someone in some sort of responsible position saying that sort of thing, then I'll give you some credit.

trooper york: "He is just David Dinkins, an empty suit who will do what he is told. Bought and paid for by the Chicago Machine. We will survive him just fine. Don't overstate it, the republic will muddle through."

At last! Somebody understands Obama. Obama has been bought and paid for. Anybody who thinks that the people who pushed steamer trunks full of $100 bills his way, aren't going to expect a few little favors down the line, just aren't paying attention.

The problem is, though, that we just may not survive the next 4 years (or as Obama said in Germany, the "next 10 years of my Presidency"). We survived Jimmy Carter - just barely, and we survived Bill Clinton, but another 4 years of Democratic madness may well take us down a road we can't come back from.

Roberto said...

Roger J. - Watch this and let me know if you're one of those being interviewed or with something to say:


Palladian said...

Old white people are becoming instinct?! That would scare the shot out of me too!

DarwinLtd must have had one of those multi-cultural educations...

Anonymous said...

"LarsPorsena - Sorry, dumbfuck...I didn't post what you say I did.

I referenced something jdeeripper said at 11:52 and that was that.

Maybe if you were actually READ before blathering on?"

Does this mean you don't want the
"Jeremiah Wright Greatest Sermons"
CD' or the Farrkhan annoints BO DVD?

Roberto said...

ZZMike said..."The only thing the videos regarding "Obama is a terrorist" proves is that we have people as nutty as the liberals do. There are still people who really believe that we've never been to the Moon."

That's not true at all.

When people literally say they believe a man who currently serves as a U.S. Senator, served as a State Senator, who has been vetted over a two year period, took part in debate after debate in the primaries, two debates with John McCain...is a terrorist or a terrorist cell or really a Muslim...

...it should open your eyes to a radical change in the direction of the Republican party, especially considering McCain himself has never come out to dissuade any of this behavior.

Twice in the last week people introducing Sarah Palin or McCain has referred to Obama with his full middle name, for not other reason than to stir up the misguided emotions of the crowd, yet nothing was said by the candidates.

That is what is called "tacit approval" and it's embarrassing.

Roberto said...

LarsPorsena - When one is caught lying through their teeth (you do have teeth, right?) most would just admit they made a mistake and apologize, or at least correct themselves.

You sound like a very small person.

CarmelaMotto said...

Yes Michael - people in the crowd are not the campaign. They are strangers. Do you see the distinction?

Henry said...

Twice in the last week people introducing Sarah Palin or McCain has referred to Obama with his full middle name, for not other reason than to stir up the misguided emotions of the crowd, yet nothing was said by the candidates.

Somewhere in Indiana J. Danforth Quayle is having a good laugh.

Roberto said...

carmeamotto - Once again:

"Twice in the last week people introducing Sarah Palin or McCain has referred to Obama with his full middle name, for not other reason than to stir up the misguided emotions of the crowd, yet nothing was said by the candidates.

That is what is called 'tacit approval' and it's embarrassing."

Roberto said...

Henry - Quayle wouldn't even know who they were talking about.

George M. Spencer said...

Uh, to talk about an actual political issue, consider again Sen. Obama's plans for American education.

This would be his multiple overlapping 24/7 'cocoon' programs involving pre-natal through age 18 community programs that would be funded by mandatory corporate involvement, i.e. the actual sponsorship of neighborhoods.

How this would work?

Obama's roll-out to 20 major cities would be based on a pilot program that already exists in Harlem called Harlem Children's Zone. It turns out, accd to this week's NY Times, that this program is in tatters due to the financial collapse. Corporations that were sponsoring lacrosse teams and squash courts have pulled out.

Where would the money for such grand programs come from? How would companies be coerced into participating? And where do the programs go during hard times, except up in smoke?

Beware of politicians who deal in dreams.

Anonymous said...

"LarsPorsena - When one is caught lying through their teeth (you do have teeth, right?) most would just admit they made a mistake and apologize, or at least correct themselves.

You sound like a very small person."

Well, I never (big huff). I guess Doyle or Garage will get the Jeremiah Wright Sermons and Farrkhan DVD's. You will only get the PDF version of the collected 'Wit and Wisdom of William Ayers'.

Jim said...

The dishonest outrage from the Left is laughingly ridiculous:

- About middle names: When the Left made a point to call the first President Bush "George Herbert Walker Bush" in order to highlight his patrician background - his "differentness" from Joe Sixpack - that was OK. In fact, it was practically a requirement in the Leftist stylebook.

When Leftists used "William Jefferson Clinton" instead of "Bill Clinton" in order to emphasize that he WASN'T a backwoods hillbilly, that was OK too.

But if someone on the Right uses a middle name, that's horrible! It's RACIST! It's wrong! It's EEEEVIL!

You know why? Shut up...that's why. How mind-bogglingly stupid are these people to think no one remembers what they did? Sucks when the shoe is on the other foot, hope you don't get blisters you hypocritical asses.

- About the crowds: This is just flat-out deceit. Anybody who has ever been to a partisan Left blog - or any MSM comment page (but I repeat myself) - has seen the repeated calls for the death of Bush, Cheney or any other Republican who happens to get in the Leftist crosshairs that particular day. Neither Michael nor Trevor nor any of the other sockpuppets and AstroTurfers have EVER denounced the daily threats of violence which are par for the daily discourse on DU, dKos and their ilk. Now I'm supposed to believe they're OUTRAGED when someone tries on their tactics for size? Puuulleeease.

Either it's out of bounds, or it isn't. I've never called, nor would I ever condone, calls for violence against a candidate. But by the behavior of the Leftist commenters, we know they traffic DU and dKos daily. After all, they cut and paste the posts from those sites here in the comments every day: so let's not pretend their hands are by any means clean here.

When they stop patronizing dKos, DU and Huffington Post and the other Leftist sites that have called for violence against Republicans; then I'll take their OUTRAGE seriously. But the truth is, they're only OUTRAGED that someone has stolen their thunder.

George M. Spencer said...

Sen. Obama is the philosopher's stone, the legendary entity that will transmute base racism into the golden goal of racial harmony.

What an elixir he is, the cure all-candidate.

We get the word 'whisky' from the Gaelic 'uisge-beatha' which meant the 'water of life.'

But why would you put a thief in your mouth to steal your brain?

blake said...

Thumb-up meant, "stick the gladius in the defeated gladiator's back" in other words, "kill 'im" This brought cheers from the bloodthirsty crowd.

According to this, you can't blame Hollywood for the change.

But then, I was reading something else recently that said they didn't do the thumbs up/down thing at all.

The compelling aspect of that idea is that gladiators were expensive properties, and one wouldn't want half of them destroyed at every match.

mariner said...

I'm not willing to believe either that a McCain/Palin supporter shouted, "kill him" or that a McCain/Palin supporter told a black man, "sit down, boy" without independent corroboration.

Remember when in 2004 G.W. Bush wished Bill Clinton a speedy recovery from his heart surgery?

An AP reporter wrote that the Republican crowd booed. They didn't, they actually applauded. But the reporter didn't want to write that, so she lied.

If anything reporters are even more blatantly dishonest now than they were eight years ago.

Donn said...


As usual, excellent comments. The hypocrisy of the left is really a mind-blowing thing, isn't it?

I can't even read the lefties comments on MSM sites, let alone radical lefty sites like DKos and HuffPost.

What we see in Michael's use of the racism card is what will be taking place for as long as BHO is President. I hoping it won't be more than four years.

ND_Grandma said...

After reading the comments on this thread, I am 89% confident that Ann will vote for McCain.

Obama needs to have another four years in the Senate to prove himself as a leader not just a personality. His devoted followers here do him more harm than good.

vbspurs said...

Ernie wrote:

So chanting "U-S-A, U-S-A" is now angry speech?

Of course. It's demeaning to other nations.

So too will be flying your country's flag. It's going to be tough on us flag-waving angry mobs.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

vbspurs said...
Ernie wrote:

So chanting "U-S-A, U-S-A" is now angry speech?

Of course. It's demeaning to other nations.

So too will be flying your country's flag. It's going to be tough on us flag-waving angry mobs.

3:40 PM

I won't be surprised. It is so already. If you have an American flag at work, some people openly sneer about it. Apparently it's not their flag. That's fine, I'll take it.

(Yes, I am using Cuba's flag as my icon. What's the contradiction?)

Anonymous said...

DarwinLtd. said...The older, white generation, that you see at these rallies is becoming instinct and that scares the shit out of them.

I think you mean the older White people are instinctively racist.

The US is already a multicultural society. This older generation has not needed to assimilate to it. They have watched it in horror.

Why should Americans of any race "assimilate" to the cultures of other races that have immigrated here?

Despite the liberal hope and hype Obama is not really multicultural. He's just a radical chic mulatto who only speaks English despite his mixed race background. Being mixed race doesn't automatically make someone "multicultural".

In fact black Americans tend to be highly monocultural. They are far less likely to even make the effort to learn a foreign language or travel to other countries than White Americans.

Arturius said...

Well, first of all, both were always referred to in that manner, and not in a way that could possibly be construed as being a slur.

I'm not sure that is quite true. Why are some people called by their complete names whereas others arent? Franklin Delano Roosevelt versus Jimmy ? Carter. Harry S. Truman versus Ronald ? Reagan. Certain names don't seem complete without reference to the middle name. Don't ask me why but it begs the question why it seems natural for some names and simply sounds pretentious with others.

But, tell me this: When was the first time you heard anybody ever refer to Obama as BHO?

Honestly, I can't remember but then again I do recall knowing his middle name was Hussein when he first came into the national spotlight.

No, it suddenly appeared here, right after people introducing McCain and Palin at rallies began using his middle name to rile up the wingnuts in the crowd.

Well I think you're wrong there, sorry. His middle name has been well known since he arrived on the national scene. Again, if your theory that referencing his middle name is an epithet, then that says more about your prejudices than those who say it.

But of course, you already know all that, don't you?

Please don't presume that you know what I think. It's insulting to me and simply makes you look as foolish as a 3rd rate tarot card reader at the state fair.

chickelit said...

DarwinLtd wrote: They need to take out this anger on someone. The media, Obama, etc. Not W though.

Well-paid MSM journalists are the ones becoming extinct. They know it and they need to take their anger out on someone: Midwestern people, Sarah Palin, republicans, etc.

I say let 'em die off (the MSM journalists)- let Darwin sort 'em out.

Donn said...

Can I also say that I really despise the overuse of the word "meme?"

Jen Bradford said...

"Shear & Bacon. Just understated enough to be the British version of a plus-sized Victoria's Secret."

Well this may not be the finest thread, but glenn's comment made my night.

Jen Bradford said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dhalgren said...

Now the Republicans will know what it was like for us Liberals to see Reagan or W. get elected. It hurts. I feel your pain, but karma is a bitch.

vbspurs said...

Now the Republicans will know what it was like for us Liberals to see Reagan or W. get elected. It hurts. I feel your pain, but karma is a bitch.

I think this basically sums up the ire of the more vocal Democrats in other blogs. This election is a case of liberal revanchism.

What a shame. I did think for a minute ya'll actually liked that Obama guy.

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