October 2, 2008

Live-blogging the VP debate.

7:31, Central Time: I'm here, eating strozzapreti with burned tomato sauce, counting the last few minutes before the grand showdown.

7:39: Strozzapreti? "Priest choker"!

7:55: Are you going to watch on CNN, with the uncommitted viewers' reaction lines undulating at the bottom of the screen? Wow. That's crazy! I can't tolerate that distraction, and the "persuadable" voters they've assembled are... not people I feel like monitoring on a real-time basis.

7:58: What are you looking for, mainly? Honestly, I'm mainly looking to see if Sarah Palin can sound reasonably competent.

8:02: The 2 candidates stride out, both dressed in black. "Hey, can I call you Joe?" we hear Sarah say. Palin looks tiny behind her lectern. She's behind her lectern there, and here's where I am, chez Althouse:


8:06: Palin's flag pin is way bigger than Biden's. Biden has a brown dot on his forehead. Palin refers to "the fundamental" of our economy. She's speaking too quickly, sounding nervous.

8:09: Whose fault is the sub-prime mortgage meltdown? Palin says the moneylenders have taken advantage of people, and she mentions "hockey moms" a second time. Biden blames Republican deregulation. Biden's forehead wrinkles only way over on the side, while the whole center is smooth and flat. What do you think? Botox?

8:13: Palin says she might not answer the questions the way the monitor wants, but she's going to talk straight to the American people. She reveals her overarching strategy. And I note that she's speaking clearly and confidently. There is no stumbling or fear, as far as I can see.

8:19: Joe Biden is going to "eliminate those wasteful spending."

8:27: I'll bet a lot of people are tuning out about now, satisfied that Palin is competent and smart, but pretty bored.

8:29: I'm reading Andrew Sullivan: "Biden is just dreadful. He speaks in Washingtonese. She just issues the soundbites and wrinkles her eyes and tells stories. And that works. The speed and chirpiness she delivers overwhelms one's ability to even quite absorb what she's saying. And it has put Biden off-stride. It's Biden who seems over-crammed." It seems to me that both of them are spewing policy (and it's getting tiresome). "Chirpiness"... I don't know, Andrew... that reads as sexist to me. Why is she overwhelming your ability to absorb what she's saying? Is she working some voodoo on you... and on Biden?

8:34: Palin said "Senator O'Biden."

8:35: Palin razzes Biden on clean coal. Is he for it or not? Biden says he's for it, and his rope-line comment was about his support for exporting clean coal technology to China. That doesn't seem to fit the text of his remark (which he claims was "taken out of context").

8:37: Biden passionately expresses support for equal treatment for same-sex couples, and Palin opposes same-sex marriage, but says that in all other ways she's completely tolerant of adults forming their own relationships. Biden then is given the opportunity to disavow gay marriage, which he eagerly does. Okaaaay.

8:40: Palin is praising the surge and insisting on victory in Iraq. "It would be a travesty if we quit now." Biden complains that she didn't state a plan. On the split screen, when Biden is speaking, Palin looks like she's brimming with ideas she's just waiting to express. When she gets her turn, she says Biden's plan is a "white flag of surrender." She reminds Biden of how much he supported McCain and how he said Obama was not ready to be President.

8:49: Biden is mugging and scratching his neck in an exaggerated way. I think he was trying to signal his objection to the things Palin was saying about Obama's willingness to sit down with Ahmadinejad.

8:51: Biden's heating up! Is he losing his temper?

8:55: At Drudge:

8:57: Well, let me ask:

Who's winning?
It's not about winning and losing in the debate.
Shut up! It's not over.
pollcode.com free polls

9:03: Palin enthuses over her Washington outsider status as she claims to hear Biden saying, essentially, I was for it before I was against it.

9:09: "Palin: 'Oh, man, it's so obvious that I'm a Washington outsider and just not used to the way you guys operate!' And then, Biden pats down his brow. On sheer theatrics, Palin definitely won that moment." LOL. That's Jac (my son), who's also live-blogging.

9:11: "There you go again. Say it ain't so, Joe." Palin was waiting to say that. Biden's error? Linking McCain to Bush. Palin seems supercharged. The question is education, and she's praising teachers and winking at her dad in the audience.

9:13: Palin gets a big laugh saying that she and Biden made "lame jokes" back in the beginning of the debate when they avoided answering the question what they wanted to do as VP. Clearly, she's really relaxed. The end is in sight, and she knows she's done well. She's stood her ground next to Biden. She hasn't stumbled, and he's seemed a bit boring.

9:25: Asked what he's changed his opinion about, Biden says he came to realize that judicial ideology matters. (Which is why he opposed Bork.) Palin says she's never had to compromise.

9:29: We've reached the prepared closing statements. So Palin has survived... more than survived. She won, I think most people will say. Now, she's able to say she likes to do these unscripted things. She quotes Ronald Reagan (again) and mentions "freedom" (again and again).

9:31: Biden gives his closing statement. He seems like a nice man. Did he ever attack her?

9:34: Huge crowd of family on the stage.

9:36: The final poll:

It's over now, so who won?
pollcode.com free polls

POST-DEBATE: Let me highlight some comments. Stupe said...
Althouse can't just eat normal foods, she needs trendy.

She doesn't go to chain restaurants, and her cuisine needs to reflect her offbeat, edgy, urbane, t[r]endy life.
Is burning the sauce now a trend? Or do I create the trend? If so, I can't help but be trendy. Is there a strozzapreti trend? I just picked the pasta that had a shape that appealed to me. So just be yourself, Stupe, and believe it's all very trendy, and that might make you happy. Don't think about me. Or, hell, think about me until it drives you crazy.

Ruth Anne Adams said...
The hair in [Sarah Palin's] eye is bothering my husband.
Ha ha. That was bugging me too. I was distracted thinking about whether she was distracted thinking about whether it would be more distracting to disentangle her bangs from her (false?) eyelashes than to allow the bangs-eye combo to continue as a single unit.

Lisa said...
So far, she sounds smart, sane and Republican.

The left will hate her. The right will agree with her.
(Lisa said baby on a night like this...)

vbspurs said...
Does Palin have ice water in her bloodstream or is it me?

She's almost too un-nervous. It's making me nervous!
LoafingOaf said...
What a twitchy, nervous wreck Palin is!
Palladian said...
Sarah Palin's pussy is gnawing at LoafingOaf's brain again.
vbspurs said...
OOOOOOH. A little lesbian tension between Palin and Ifill just now. HAWT.
(It's late-night Althouse.)

Michael_H said...
I don't want to channel surf--anyone know the Brewers/Phillies score?
Ruth Anne Adams said...
Gwen's questions SUCK! Too complex. Easily ignored.
Trooper York said...
Phillies won 5 to 2.

Go 2 up on the series.
Michael_H said...
Ifill keeps cutting Palin off, then letting Joey Plugs run as long as he wants.

vbspurs said...
The 'Mos are getting their questions now. Surprising nod to Palin by Ifill.

I smell a skunk. Or a fish taco.

ex-prosecutor said...
If these were two lawyers, arguing, to a jury, she'd be killing him.
palladian said...
God, the only thing more boring than a Vice Presidential debate is baseball. I'd rather listen to Joseph Biden filibuster than listen to people talk about baseball. I'd rather watch "An Inconvenient Truth" 100 times than listen to people talk about baseball. SHUT UP ABOUT BASEBALL.
vbspurs said...
Nice! "Not sane or stable" about Dinner Jacket.

THE CASTRO BROTHERS. She just won Florida, que rico!!!
lem said...
Gwen went off the script to help Joe!
michael_h said...
Love the way Palin smiles as she's making notes while Joey Plugs speaks.
chip ahoy said...
No fair! They televise the back of Biden's head to show all the work was done in the front.
lawgiver said...
Cuda is landing some major body shots now. Joe's eyes are glazed, he's going downnnnnn!
john stodder said...
Palin is just so damn normal.

On TV it looks weird to be normal.
goesh said...
500+ comments - holy wow

Palin's faster pace makes her come across as very competent/intelligent, a bit smarter than Biden - she sure the heck exudes confidence - what happened to the dummy from up north???? gone, gone, gone
palladian said...
I love the milling around parts of C-SPAN broadcasts. So much better than listening to talking heads blabber.
ricpic said...
Sarah's happy.

Lefty freaks can't stand happy.

But normal human beings love happy and love Sarah.
joan said...
Karl Rove just ticked off 10 major gaffes by Joe Biden. It was hysterical.
schorsch said...
Regardless of who won, Biden's tactic failed. He was there to debate Bush and McCain, and to ignore Palin as if she wasn't worthy of his attention. She engaged him, specifically, and was therefore the only person in the debate that was actually occurring.

I am soooo relieved--and very happy. She was fabulous.

I feel like smoking a cigarette.


1 – 200 of 1045   Newer›   Newest»
Maxine Weiss said...

Mark Cross pens !

Meade said...

Hope it's not a big train wreck.

Trooper York said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rhhardin said...

In the 70s the WSJ had an article on ketchup, where Heinz or somebody had found a way to make ketchup without the burned tomato taste.

It turned out people liked the burned tomato taste, so they dropped it.

Ann Althouse said...

How do you know it was simple? It had 7 ingredients, not counting the burn.

Ann Althouse said...

No, 8.

Trooper York said...

Well if there are seven ingredients you have to pay attention. Unless five of them are olive oil, salt, pepper, basil and wine. Adding some mushrooms and starting with some diced garlic and perhaps some onion will make a very basic sauce.


If my grandmother saw you do that she would have beaned you off the head with a wooden spoon.

Mrs. Topsy Canning said...

Shouldn't you be doing your nails, and use this time to deep-condition your hair ???

Anonymous said...

I got some decent (Tanqueray Rangpur)gin this time. Yes, I know, I am cheap, but these debates take a lot of alcohol. The rum will have to wait until after the election.

Kate O'Hare said...

Of course, in New York, it's called "red gravy." And it is surely never to be trifled with.

Palladian said...

"Well if there are seven ingredients you have to pay attention."

Hollandaise has only 5 ingredients and it's difficult!

Trooper York said...

Let's go Phillies.

You know you could go thirty blocks in any direction in South Philly and never find anyone who ever burned a sauce.

Little Nicky would have put out a contract on you.

You Wisconsin people are barbarians.

Palladian said...

"I got some decent (Tanqueray Rangpur)gin this time."


No no no! Plymouth or Boodles! The only good gins!

Trooper York said...

Even Bearnaise can be a pain in the ass if you ain't paying attention.

Dody Jane said...

Here goes...

Ruth Anne Adams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dody Jane said...

FEELS LIKE A NASCAR RACE!!! according to Chris Wallace

Anonymous said...

Palladian said...
"I got some decent (Tanqueray Rangpur)gin this time."


No no no! Plymouth or Boodles! The only good gins!

7:49 PM

Have I mentioned I can be a cheap date? Or a very expensive one...it all depends on my mood...

Ruth Anne Adams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trooper York said...

The dill isn't here yet. Wait to Michael starts posting.

Ruth Anne Adams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Stupe said...

Althouse can't just eat normal foods, she needs trendy.

She doesn't go to chain restaurants, and her cuisine needs to reflect her offbeat, edgy, urbane, tendy life.

Trooper York said...

You know there was this kid from St. Celia's parish whose nickname was Strozzapreti. He was always hanging around the rectory and stuff.

vbspurs said...

Welcome Death Match viewers.

Tonight's matchup stars a rookie pitbull from the Tundra versus The Great Hairplug Of Delaware.

Several viewers have texted us to express their concern about Gwen "Never Met An Obama I Didn't Love" Ifill's objectivity as moderator for tonight's debate. The Committee for Presidential Debates took note of these concerns, and Miss Katie Couric, Mr. Charlie Gibson and Miss Sandra Bernhardt are on stand-by to replace Ifill in case it gets whiffy.

We hope you enjoy the next 90 minutes of pugilistic warfare and scorched earth tactics.

Drinking Game rules for tonight are:

- 1 sip of Tequila for every lipstick reference by either candidate

- 1 gulp of Jack for every punch below the belt to Joe Biden (who, Jim Lehrer informs us, is wearing a cup)

- 1 dram of single malt everytime you imagine Bill and Hillary punching the air, and yelling, "GO SARAHCUDA!!".

Now, on with the show!


Ruth Anne Adams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Cheers, Victoria!

Jebus, lady, are you planning on being hammered by 9:30 (ET)?

Just don't slur your typing.

vbspurs said...

FEELS LIKE A NASCAR RACE!!! according to Chris Wallace

Hey Dody Jane, awesome to see you again! You made last debate that much more fun. :)

I called it the Superbowl of debates on my blog. My heart is racing, but suddenly I am strangely, oddly at peace right now.

Must be the horse tranquilisers.


Squidly said...

I was for strozzapreti before I was against it.

Trooper York said...

I just got a nice case of Malbac that I am sampling together with some olives, cheese and crunchy bread. Oh so hard provolone as well. Flipping between the debate and the game.

vbspurs said...

Oye, Ernie! Como estas chico. Hey Ruth Anne, guys!

I am on Fox, and may cruel neutrality be damned.

Chet said...

Oh, isn't that precious....Ifill tries to send a message to viewers by wearing green....

Trooper York said...

Della Street was always a lady. She always wore a nice dress and sensible shoes. Except when she was blowing Perry Mason under his desk. Then she just wore a smile.

vbspurs said...

Bill Kristol will be applying for moderator for the next debate, ahead of writing a book, "The Age of Palin".

Anonymous said...

Vicky, na, aqui,empinando el codo!

Dody Jane said...

Yes, this is the Superbowl of debates - I'm slightly nauseous...glad I didn't eat any strozzapreti -

vbspurs said...

Very Christmassy colours -- a riot of red, green and blue. And is that a bow over that Greek temple column?

Will Obama be lowered unto the stage, in a dramatically Deus Ex Machina moment?


Dody Jane said...

Will Gwen ask Sarah to sign her cast?

Trooper York said...

Vicky, na, aqui,empinando el culo!

vbspurs said...

Gwen Ifill looks PISSED.

"Can I call you Joe?" says Sarah to Biden.

O. M. G. It is ON.

Dody Jane said...

OOOO - he held onto her...

Anonymous said...

Trooper, not yet, alcohol first.

vbspurs said...

Slick Joey starts off graciously, and on point about the economy. Strong opening.

Mark said...

Biden starts out trying to blame the Fannie/Freddie mess on Bush.

Not even Bill Clinton believes that.

Palladian said...

Wow, Gwen does seem a little grumpy.

vbspurs said...

Wow, my eyes are already glazing over during Joe's intro. He's got verbal diarrhoea tonight.


The Drill SGT said...

Biden starts out with that BS that the economic crisis is Bush deregulation

Palladian said...

I'm drinking a cup of Assam tea with milk tonight. No booze for me.

Dody Jane said...

Yes!!! Fear my 401k is withering!! At the soccer game!

vbspurs said...

"I'll betcha you're gonna hear some fear" -- Palin gets folksy straight out.

We'll see how that plays out, but she looks more professional tonight than her Battlestar Galactica uniforms in the Couric interviews.

Dody Jane said...

YES!!! YESS!!!! McCain TRIED!!!

Ruth Anne Adams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trooper York said...

I want Pat Burrell on the Yankees next year.

Nichevo said...

hey hey hey, who has a good link for a live feed (no goatse please) for the vp debate? des moines register vid hella choppy. google little help (hmm). tia n

Palladian said...

"It's either crabby Gwen or drug-addled Gwen."

Or crabby and drug-addled Gwen.

vbspurs said...

(A little slow on Althouse tonight)

Joe responds by noting he's been a Senator since before Palin wore a training bra. Split-screen to Palin, she looks STRAIGHT at the viewer in her reply.

Dody Jane said...

wink, wink... you betcha!

Trooper York said...

If Mort were awake he would say that was racist.

Mark said...

If Biden is so experienced and able to reach across the aisle, why isn't he at the top of the ticket?

Oh, it's because the democrat primary voters didn't like him.

Palladian said...


Paddy O said...

Watching here on PBS.org.

It's a little spotty. But, since I don't have a tv handy, it's what I can get.

Anyone else streaming this?

The Drill SGT said...

she's doing pretty good so far

vbspurs said...

Oh dear, the Maverick into the White House reference by Palin. DRINK.

Ifill gets chippy...

Palladian said...

The C-SPAN stream is good. I love C-SPAN.

Dody Jane said...

Gwen is grumpy - fair and balanced - no one answered the question

Ruth Anne Adams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bleeper said...

Has Pluggy McPlagerise overdosed on beta blockers? Or is he on yohimbe? Where is Hunter S. Thompson when you really need him? What a phony douchebag Biden is.

Anonymous said...

I am watching it on PBS. We have the tallest PBS tower!

vbspurs said...

"Darn Right". Hmmmmmmmmmm. Not sure the Harry Truman constitutionals/buck stops here will will work tonight.

Dody Jane said...

Pretty common sense!

The Drill SGT said...

biden looks concerned

Mark said...

"Joe Six-Pack" & "Hockey Mom". That counts for two drinks in tonights debate drinking game.

Palladian said...

I like how on the C-SPAN split-screen, it looks like Biden is looking at her head next to him. Very Brady Bunch, especially with the blue background.

blake said...

That hair in her eye proves she has the focus to, to, to...I dunno.

vbspurs said...

Barack Obama warned about the sub-prime mortgage 2 years ago?? Two years ago he was be serenaded by Babs Streisand at his bi-monthly fundraiser at Chateau Marmont. Pff.

Palladian said...

"I am watching it on PBS. We have the tallest PBS tower!"

I've heard that about you Cuban men. Wink.

vbspurs said...

Strong reply by Joe Biden about the gas crunch.

"Darn right" again in reply by Palin...Barack! Hello, she got personal with the guy who isn't even in the room.

Mark said...

Biden and Obama haven't met a tax hike they didn't like.

Palladian said...

Maybe the hair in her eyes is hiding a bundle of fiber optics which are projecting the answers to the questions onto the lens of her glasses!

Anonymous said...

palladian said...
"I am watching it on PBS. We have the tallest PBS tower!"

I've heard that about you Cuban men. Wink.

8:12 PM

You have no idea. I can pick up NHK from here.

Paddy O said...

CSPAN is better!

Dody Jane said...

Joe is starting to get testy

Anonymous said...

Jane Six-Pack has Joey Plugs rattled. He's starting to flash that 'fuck you' smile he uses when he's getting backed up.

Paddy O said...

Biden was prepared for that one.

vbspurs said...

I think Biden is doing well, and Palin needs to get chippier, like they dropped hints she would.

YES! Finally, "I want to correct the tax thing". HAH.

Dody Jane said...

YES! I am going to answer the way I want to answer!!

Palladian said...

I'd love to be the receiver of whatever you broadcast from your tall tower, Ernie baby.

mrs whatsit said...

Biden is now calling McCain "John," just the way Obama did last week. What's that about? It makes them both look condescending and petty.

vbspurs said...

Ifill is not having any of it. She cut off the 'Cuda midstream.

Ruth Anne Adams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Well here I contact with the audience at home is good.

Am I the only one that thinks, that and does it matter?

Nichevo said...

nya hyah! muahahahahahhaa

Nichevo said...

mommy she dint anser tha question!


Anonymous said...

*her* eye contact...yoi.

vbspurs said...

"Gwen, where I come from that's called fairness".

Any moment he's going to bust out with the patriotism charge.


Anonymous said...

There are 100 million middle class families in the US? How many million people does that make?

Ruth Anne Adams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nichevo said...

no f'ing vidstream, teh suxx0r

Ruth Anne Adams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mark said...

"Fairness" is Biden's code word for class warfare.

Oh come on! How can he say that a capital gains tax won't effect anyone who makes under $250K!

It will nail everyone with a 401K.

Jim Hu said...

Did Biden just claim that they'll means test Cap gains taxes?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Biden may be doin well - but I'm voting for McCain.

MadisonMan said...

Death's Door Gin is absolutely the best. But I don't know if you can get it outside of Wisconsin -- it's made on Washington Island.

Did I mention it is absolutely a glorious gin?

mrs whatsit said...

Ooh snap, she said "Barack"!

Nichevo said...

ooh! ayn rand call your office

Anonymous said...

'Cuda goes after tax 'patriotism'!

Dody Jane said...

Yes - she reminded him about the small business people

vbspurs said...

YES! Super strong answer by Palin about middle-class and taxes!

Now Palin is setting the tempo of the debate.

blake said...

"Wealth redistribution": Good. Let's call it what it is.

Trooper York said...

I bet the Cubs get swept.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Gwen are you interested?

Anonymous said...

yes, I'm drinking.

Ernie made me want to try this Hendrick's gin that's been sitting around for years.

vbspurs said...

One problem Biden will never have: hair in his eyes.

Or anywhere else. BOOM-TISH RAH!

Sofa King said...

LOL @ "the feds." State gov roots showing through there...

Lisa said...

So far, she sounds smart, sane and Republican.

The left will hate her. The right will agree with her.

vbspurs said...

Does Palin have ice water in her bloodstream or is it me?

She's almost too un-nervous. It's making me nervous!

Dody Jane said...

HA HA! DO you want the govt running anything?

Anonymous said...

madawaskan said...
yes, I'm drinking.

Ernie made me want to try this Hendrick's gin that's been sitting around for years.

8:18 PM


blake said...

Nope, can't call it "redistribution". It's fairness.

It's not faaaaaiirrr!

Ruth Anne Adams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alex said...

Joey Plugs. I like the sound of that.

vbspurs said...

JOE mini-gaffe tally 1. "Do you know how Barack Obama, excuse me, John McCain...".

Dody Jane said...

What is he saying? too many numbers!

Peter V. Bella said...

Did Joe the idiot Biden dye his hair Blonde?

Alex said...

So basically straight to the class warfare shtick. It did work well for... FDR?

Ruth Anne Adams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Biden thinks that by trowing numbers around his IQ will increase.

blake said...

Good question from Ifill: Answer last week's question from Lehrer.

vbspurs said...

Gwen Ifill is still pissed about the Age of Obama revelation. She's trying to be a part of the debate, instead of allowing it to flow back-forth like Lehrer did.

Mark said...

Did Biden just mention the Bridge to Nowhere he voted for twice?

Ruth Anne Adams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LoafingOaf said...

What are you looking for, mainly? Honestly, I'm mainly looking to see if Sarah Palin can sound reasonably competent.

Because she hasn't sounded competent in her interviews thus far. Glad you're admitting that after your massive spin job for Palin this morning.

I might have to just listen to the debate on the radio. Sarah Palin's so nervous, her eye blinking is causing her hair over her forehead to fling around weirdly.

Anonymous said...

Someone explain this to me:

Obama-Biden will slow down the tax cuts proposed by McCain. How?

Peter V. Bella said...

He looks like Dole holding on to that pen. Like a really old crippled guy.

Dody Jane said...

Joe sounding too mushy - blah blah not going to slow up on blah blah, big number, blah - CUT HIM OFF GWEN

Anonymous said...

I'm drinking North Distillers No. 6, a remarkable handcrafted gin made in some guy's garage in Chicago. Very, very good. Effective, too.

vbspurs said...

"Cha-rac-terism, CHARAC-ter, damn I just Pennsylvania, oops there goes Ohio"

Alex said...

Joey Plugs has a speech impedi-ped-ped-ped-iment.

LoafingOaf said...

What a twitchy, nervous wreck Palin is!

Paddy O said...

Can't keep up tonight. Gotta go. I'm trusting you all to give me a good play by play for later.


Anonymous said...

LoafingOaf, is Cartoon network showing a mock debate??

Anonymous said...


Ernie you are a bad influence, that's my excuse and I'm stickin' to it. heh.

vbspurs said...

Sarah is talking STRAIGHT to the Middle of America with her replies. Damn, it is so genuine it hurts.

Joey Bloviator is starting to get cotton-mouthed.

Palladian said...

God, Gwen is really making me appreciate how wonderful Lehrer was as moderator last week.

Alex said...

Loafingoaf - go oaf somewhere else...

Joe said...

Are Biden's eyes too small and beady?

vbspurs said...

OOOOOOH. A little lesbian tension between Palin and Ifill just now. HAWT.

Alex said...

Victoria - unfortunately the MSM has thrown the election, nothing Palin can do to turn it around now. I guess just damage control so she can run in 2012(if she cares to).

Anonymous said...

Refill, BRB

Anonymous said...

Nailed Biden on a vote, names a specific bill. Bang-o!

Joe said...

McCain's "health plan" really is stupid--how can anyone defend it?

The Counterfactualist said...

"How long have I been at this? 5 weeks? So I haven't promised a whole lot."
-- Sarah Palin, VP Debate

Salamandyr said...

So was this deer in a headlight thing she's had for the past couple weeks a dodge?

She may not win but Biden knows he's in a fight.

Palladian said...

Sarah Palin's pussy is gnawing at LoafingOaf's brain again.

vbspurs said...

Paddy, enjoy! It's alread at 146 posts. This might go to 1000...

Unknown said...

Is Biden on Nyquill?

Dody Jane said...

Is it just me? or is this debate crawling by - The presidential debate flew by - I am very nauseous still - (Biden just sighed)

Joe said...

Obama warned everyone about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. But isn't he a senator? Can't he sponsor a bill? McCain did. (Palen lost a good gotcha there.)

Invisible Man said...

First, Putin and now greedy Wall Streeters, why does Palin think everyone is "rearing their head".

Peter V. Bella said...

OK, let's talk about real patriotism. Baseball. The Cubs and Dodgers getting ready to start. Now the Dodgers are not patriotic nor are the American; they ran from Brooklyn like a bunch of pansies. California is a foreign country. Poor Joe Torre had to get a passport to go there. Disclosure, my grandfather settled in Brooklyn for awhile after he left Ellis Island.

BTW, Althouse, burning sauce is a mortal sin.

vbspurs said...

So was this deer in a headlight thing she's had for the past couple weeks a dodge?

No, Salamandyr. That was genuine enough. It's just that she steps it up during public events. She has a hidden gear -- I wrote about it on my "D-Day" post.

bleeper said...

Hey, even Oafs have heroes. Get some hairplugs, smoke some crack and be just like your democrat Gods.

Anonymous said...

OK Biden must have got the message-finally looking at the audience at home.

Some of the people in my room are saying that he "sounds better", yet they are McCain fans...

Anonymous said...

"Here's the deal" is always followed by a load of bullshit.

Sofa King said...


Dody Jane said...

Joe's stuff is TOOOOOO Wonky

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Sarah energetic on energy!

vbspurs said...

Dody Jane, no, it's slogging by alright. The firework display was canceled and banners are hanging limpid at the moment, like a rained out Fourth of July.

BUT, unlike the more portentous presidential debate, this has the possibility of having the illusive knockout punch.

Dody Jane said...

Really - I think I see a pattern - Gwen keeps needling Sarah ....

vbspurs said...


Anonymous said...

I don't want to channel surf--anyone know the Brewers/Phillies score?

muddimo said...

Palin has to quit dodging. She can't afford that anymore.

Ruth Anne Adams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Halfwit Joe said...

She should have said "energy producing states like Alaska AND COLORADO"

Anonymous said...

sofa king said...

8:29 PM

I was thinking the same. How are they going to get the banks to agree on changing the principal?

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, global warming...

Mark said...

First Gov. to appoint a climate change sub-committee.

Why isn't Al Gore supporting her?

muddimo said...

I like Palin, but her speaking style annoys me only somewhat less than Bush's. Fingernails on chalkboard.

vbspurs said...

Gwen keeps needling Sarah ....

Oh yes. Ifill could've gone two ways after being called out about the book:

- Be more careful.
- Be more aggressive.

She is chosing door Number 3 with the polar bear.

Dody Jane said...

Gwen is now helping Joe - and he seems mean

Daniel said...

"8:27: I'll bet a lot of people are tuning out about now, satisfied that Palin is competent and smart, but pretty bored."

Yeah, that's where I am. I'm more just upset that it pre-empted The Office.

Anonymous said...

Totally man-made?

Aside from that, he can get this question.

Revenant said...

Death's Door Gin is absolutely the best.

Thanks for the tip, MM!

Apparently the gin is available in the surrounding states, and also by mail order.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The sun cycle is man made?

Trooper York said...

Phillies won 5 to 2.

Go 2 up on the series.

Mark said...

"Safe nuclear" is a democrat code for "no nuclear power."

Palladian said...

I'm sick of hearing about polar bears. Shut the fuck up about the fucking polar bears!

Ger said...

"...satisfied that Palin is competent and smart,..."

These words you are using...I do not think they mean what you think they mean.

vbspurs said...

I don't want to channel surf--anyone know the Brewers/Phillies score?

This debate is so anticlimatic I actually feel like switching the channel briefly to look it up for ya.

There are less soundbites in this debate, than in the other one.

How I miss a punchy "Aww please", or beta-male "I have a bracelet too!".

Ruth Anne Adams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AlphaLiberal said...

Palin is competent and smart

I think you have the wrong show on. She's reciting memorized lines and cannot field the questions.

When she gets off the script she's awfully wobbly. I was physically cringing and wanted to leave the room.

mrs whatsit said...

"Barack Obama and Senator O'Biden" -- I like that.

mrs whatsit said...

uh oh nukular

Palladian said...

"These words you are using...I do not think they mean what you think they mean."

*YAWN* That line is sooo MetaFilter, circa 2001.

Mark said...

Biden is concerned about the Chinese coal plants (as everyone should be), how does he feel about the Chinese drilling 60 miles off Forida?

vbspurs said...

My record! Take a look at my broken record!

Anonymous said...

Ifill keeps cutting Palin off, then letting Joey Plugs run as long as he wants.

Anonymous said...

What did he just say about dirty coal in China turning clean?

Is he ok??

Anonymous said...

Aw gawd-

Ann is reading Andrew!


Ruth Anne Adams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lem Vibe Banditory said...

When Bided says in man made - whatch your wallet!

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