October 7, 2008

Live-blogging the big "town hall" debate.

6:14 Central Time: I'm just setting up the post so you'll know I'm doing this again.

8:11: After they blame each other for the financial crisis, Obama tells us we don't want to hear them blaming each other. We just want to know how to stay in our homes and pay our bills. McCain sounds a little shaky and winded. He's wearing a shiny dark suit and a pink and red striped tie. Obama -- in an unshiny suit and a blue-purple tie -- seems relaxed. He's got a casual way of sitting on the stool.

8:20: The first 3 questions have been about the crisis, the third being, quite sensibly: How can we trust you guys who let us get into this trouble in the first place? McCain points to his record, and repeatedly tells us he's reached across the aisle. Does that make you trustworthy? The 2 men seem mainly to be recycling their old talking points more than speaking directly to the crisis.

8:28: An old woman emails in her demand that people be asked to make sacrifices. McCain repeats his ideas about cutting spending, and makes a second reference to an overhead projector that Obama procured for the Chicago planetarium. Again with the earmarks. What was the dollar figure on earmarks? I heard $1 billion. That seems like nothing compared to the $750 billion bailout. And what is the sacrifice? Not getting more earmarks? Obama reminds us of the way Bush told us after 9/11 to "go out and shop." Bush, it seems, could have demanded sacrifices, but Obama doesn't say what we should have sacrificed then or now, though he does advise us to be energy efficient. It's really not too inspiring, but I think Obama is trying to seem cool, solid, and not at all exciting. In the background, we see McCain writing, awkwardly, on a note pad, and maybe some of us think about McCain's sacrifices.

8:37: Tom Brokaw is in control! Obama will not be permitted to say something about taxes because "it's important." Ha ha. As I was writing "it's important," O said "it's important" again.

8:41: McCain thinks he's making a big funny by saying "I'll answer the question!" Because, you know, Obama didn't want to go on to the next question before. No one laughs, but he looks so happy with his wisecracks. "Too many lobbyists workin' there," he says, and I think he's trying to sound Palinesque.

8:44: McCain's plan seems to be to sound passionate and caring. And to say "Lieberman" frequently.

8:46: Jac is live-blogging too: "9:30 - Cringe-inducing word choice from Obama: "A lot of you remember the tragedy of 9/11..." He can safely assume we all remember."

8:47: I love Brokaw. Watch the damned lights! He finds it hard to believe the candidates aren't watching the lights. Obama pops up and says he's just trying to keep up with McCain. In other words, he did it first! That seemed a little dorky and childish.

8:50: I was just admiring Obama's elegant gestures with his long, thin hands, when McCain positioned himself in the background and made a hand gesture that can only be described as holding an invisible grapefruit in front of your chest.

8:55: Obama says that health care should be a right. (McCain called it a "responsibility.") Obama seems relaxed and smiling but also oddly pissed that McCain has been "throwing a lot of things out there."

9:01: We've finally arrived at foreign policy, and McCain seems very relieved. Obama takes the subject of Iraq and ties it to the economy: Iraq has a surplus, so why are we spending our money over there? He's made this argument many times, but it has more resonance this week.

9:05: What is Obama's standard for when we should intervene for purely humane reasons, where there are no American interests? I hear no statement of doctrine. What is McCain's doctrine? We should intervene whenever there is a genocide if we have the means to improve the situation. (That's why he stood up to Reagan about Lebanon.)

9:14: Obama says McCain has called him "green behind the ears." Some sort of moss or fungus?

9:27: The question is how we would respond to an attack by Iran on Israel, and McCain makes a strong connection to the military man in the audience who asked the question. Obama's answer recycles material about energy independence. He talks about negotiations and diplomacy. Okay, and then? What if there is an attack? Will you be there? I can't tell.

9:30: "What don't you know and how will you learn it?" A cute question. Cute and disturbing. Obama decides to just deliver his prepared closing statement. The last 8 years sucked. Can't get the same a different result doin' the same thing, so we need change. McCain says what he doesn't know is what we all don't know: the stuff that's going to happen in the future! [CORRECTION, made at 6:53 am: We'd really be screwed if evening doing something different made a different result impossible. I apologize for the accidental pessimism. I will endeavor to confine myself, in the future, to pessimism of the intentional kind.]

9:34: I began this live-blog with a big mug of lapsang souchong tea, but about 15 minutes ago, I switched to cognac:


9:42: Wow. Over 600 comments! I'll need to go in there and see what you folks are saying. For now though, let's do a little poll:

Who won?
pollcode.com free polls

9:55: I was scrolling through my HDTV recording, looking to photograph the "invisible grapefruit," and I noticed that Obama was wearing an earpiece. I photographed the freeze-frame and have set up a new post to display it.

10:09: I reconsider the perception of an earpiece. I don't see it in other frames. I'm sure a real secret earpiece would be way less visible, inside the ear canal.

11:21: I'm reading the comments, and the general opinion is that the debate was very boring. It was boring to me, because they were saying things I've heard before. Maybe some people are listening closely for the first time, and for them, it might have been interesting. But it should have been new and exciting for all of us, given the events of the past week.

6:55 am: When I woke up this morning, I decided to concentrate my mind on the question which man won.... Ah, what am I doing in this old post? Making a couple corrections. My new morning perceptions will be in new post.


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 400 of 841   Newer›   Newest»
Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Vicky gets it!

Dody Jane said...

"What I wouldn't give for that debate now. This is really dull."

Oh - yes, this is deadly. McCain will get nothing out of this unless he stirs it up some how - but I don't see how - they are both promising the moon

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Obama prioritise..

Enery me tooo me tooo...

That is mcains drumbeat!

Host with the Most said...

john stodder,

So, you're saying that old people are me first and who gives me more rather than country first.

John Stodder said...

"You're payin'..."???

This is how they teach you to speak at Columbia? I thought you had to go to Idaho State to learn to drop your g's.

vbspurs said...

Is McCain coming off as nervous and unsure, or is it me? I say this as a supporter and one who thought he would thrive in this format.

You're right, Jim.

But I think it's a strategy (or is a tactic? McCain would know).

He is coming out real lightweight, so he can turn it up a notch later. There will yet be fireworks.

If not, he's toast.

Palladian said...

Ok, time to pop the cork on some Sauternes, wine pressed from shriveled, moldy grapes, drunk in honor of John McCain.

George M. Spencer said...

I watched the first 10 minutes and called it quits.

Brokaw said he'd filtered through zillions of dandy questions, and the first question was a snoozer.

McCain told Brokaw he wouldn't pick him to save the world....

McCain talking about Meg Whitman's E-Bay which just laid off 1,600 people...zzzzzzz

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Oh, earmarks

Host with the Most said...

Obama - line by line - liar!

Mark said...

Did Obama just claim that gas is $3.80 nationally?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The taser idea reminds me of that comic Gallagher, who said that baseball pitchers should be buried into the mound. When the batter came out, different pitchers would come up from the ground. Randy Johnson! Curt Schilling! Greg Maddux!

That is brilliant!

MadisonMan said...

The rain has ended here. Time to go home. Hope the rest of the "debate" is as "interesting" as the beginning.

al said...

BO - Lets look at our records. (Please ignore that I don't have a record...)

vbspurs said...

Wee deficit jokey poo from Brokaw.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Palladian, I prefer Royal Tokaji. Try it, fantastic!

Revenant said...

So, you're saying that old people are me first and who gives me more rather than country first.

Well, duh.

Roberto said...

Obama is winning.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Whenever Obama is talking I'm screaming no batter no batter!

vbspurs said...

Heh, Al. Yeah, he doesn't even have a broken record like Joey Plugs.

Dody Jane said...

Tom is awful -

Dan said...

The format is awful! "That's money out of the system." No, that's money out of my pocket into the pocket of Senators and Congressmen.

chickelit said...

A sacrifice by all?

How about the value of the dollar down the road?

vbspurs said...

Whenever I hear the word 'earmarks' I think of that crud that gets stuck in the ears when you don't clean it probably.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Earmarks... are they going to outlaw ear tattos?

Palladian said...

"Palladian, I prefer Royal Tokaji. Try it, fantastic!"

I've had it, dear, but that Uralic syrup can't beat a good Yquem.

Roberto said...

The overhead projector Obama wanted????

al said...

Gas being 3.80 in Nashville. According to gasbuddy.com it is. It's also much lower once you get out of the city.

vbspurs said...

Dan wrote:

The format is awful!

Awful, awful. Kill me now. Not you.

Dody Jane said...

No one is winning - people are going to bed or turning off - so that means Obama is winning. Not because he is compelling - because he is equally boring.

Host with the Most said...

I loved how the media liked to set-up McCain as being really good at this so that they can say Obama was surprisingly good.

Sign me: happy the day I hear that Olbermann is dead.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

The Magyars will kill you! Uralic? The chutzpah!!!

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Wait, is Rudy in the hall??

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Whenever I hear the word 'earmarks' I think of that crud that gets stuck in the ears when you don't clean it probably.

Or when you go swiming

John Stodder said...

So, you're saying that old people are me first and who gives me more rather than country first.

Yes. Unfortunately, they're no better than the rest of us.

However, these people thought they were doing for themselves, not expecting anyone to help them. They are furious that their years of saving (as well as real estate flipping and second mortgages, which we were all encouraged to do) have been damaged by a bunch of smart assholes on Wall Street combined with slick politicians. I don't think they want a bailout. They want government to pour some secret sauce on the financial markets to bring back stock prices and home prices soon enough so they can see some benefit.

Palladian said...

Can we all make a pact to ignore "Michael" tonight? It's time to quit picking at this scab so it heals up and goes away.

vbspurs said...

Obama brings up 9/11. Yeah, I remember what I was doing on 9/11, Senator. I was reading Bill Ayers saying he was sorry he didn't blow up more Americans back in the day.

Dody Jane said...

Bush isn't running - someone tell Obama

al said...

Is Obama doing the Al Gore '*deep sigh*' thing?

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Leadership inside and outside of energy?? Not in my house!

Rose said...

I'm trying CNN so I can watch that audience graph (which I hate).

So far - Obama's doing his usual thing - It sounds like he is saying something because he is reflecting back at you, but he isn't actually saying anything concrete...

One thing he keeps saying is he wants to 'make college affordable' - as if!

As if he can. As if he will. and I am already burned on that one because when Clinton put in his tuition tax credit I thought that was great! Inspired, and important. Come to find out, with two kids in college at $30,000 a year, I'm not 'eligible' for the tuition tax credit, nor will most people with both parties working be eligible. It's a lie. A front. It's pandering of the worst kind, and grotesquely unfair to those who pay taxes.

Otherwise - I'd say, they better do something soon or the WWF in all of us will have us turning it off.

Host with the Most said...


" A lot of you remember 9/11"

Obama is such a patronizing mother fucker.

vbspurs said...

I am so bored, I will actually check out what Ann is writing in the front page...

Dody Jane said...

vbspurs said...
Obama brings up 9/11. Yeah, I remember what I was doing on 9/11, Senator. I was reading Bill Ayers saying he was sorry he didn't blow up more Americans back in the day.

8:31 PM

OOOO Best slap -

vbspurs said...


Mark said...

Does Barak understand that corporations just pass tax hikes on to the consumers?

Anonymous said...

Dull, dull, dull. Time for s PIPE WRENCH FIGHT!

Roberto said...

Dody Jane said..."Bush isn't running - someone tell Obama."

McCain voted with Bush 90-95% of the time.

If you don't think it's relevant, you're dreaming.

Palladian said...

"One thing he keeps saying is he wants to 'make college affordable' - as if!"

LESS people need to go to college.

vbspurs said...

Tom Brokaw is drunk.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

palladian said...
Can we all make a pact to ignore "Michael" tonight? It's time to quit picking at this scab so it heals up and goes away.

8:31 PM

I second that!

Dody Jane said...

Let's get drunk like Wall Street!

John Stodder said...

It seems like whenever either candidate is talking, the lines go up near to the top. Women more than men.

So what's the point of this pseudo-science?

Rose said...

I'm also tired of him asking our kids to 'serve' in nursing homes - I want mine working, supporting themselves and their families and deciding when they want to volunteer - not have it forced on them by somebody like him living in a million dollar home.

Palladian said...

"I am so bored, I will actually check out what Ann is writing in the front page..."

Ann who? OH! I forgot!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Obama has a bad haircut.

vbspurs said...

Ann has exactly 3 updates in the front page. One at 6 PM, two at 8 PM.

She wrote at 8:20 PM her time.

The 2 men seem mainly to be recycling their old talking points more than speaking directly to the crisis.

Says it all.

Dody Jane said...

palladian said...
Can we all make a pact to ignore "Michael" tonight? It's time to quit picking at this scab so it heals up and goes away.

8:31 PM

I second that!

8:33 PM

I third it

I'm Full of Soup said...

McCain should add the DEMS looted Fannie Mae and got drunk.

Franklin Raines made $90 Million; Jamie Gorelick made $26 Million.

Mark said...

Bill Ayer's protege shouldn't mention 9/11/2001.

Host with the Most said...


"A lot you remember 9/11"

Obama is such a patronizing mother fucker

George M. Spencer said...

Glad I'm not watching.

vbs...I also remember reading Ayers in the NYT on 9/11. What fun that was....

Tom Brokaw is 68. He dropped out of The University of Iowa, where he says he majored in "beer and co-eds" before receiving his B.A. degree in Political Science from the University of South Dakota in Vermillion in 1962....Wiki.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

palladian said...
"One thing he keeps saying is he wants to 'make college affordable' - as if!"

LESS people need to go to college.

8:33 PM

Sacrilege! Most people go to college for very important majors, like English, and Philosophy! How else we'll we have servers at our restaurants??

vbspurs said...

McCain is meandering away when Obama is talking. He looks like a homeless guy wandering around and changing chairs in the public library.

Mark said...

My billionaire Senator pays federal tax at a 12% rate.

I don't believe he'll pay any more under Obama.

Roberto said...

Palladian - Blow me.

vbspurs said...


Dody Jane said...

GOD! Not the scalpel

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

McCain needs to get mad - stop saying my friends and bring out the barracuda!

al said...

Nailing down Obama's tax plan is like nailing jello to the wall.

That was funny!

vbspurs said...

Why didn't McCain mention that he is a child of the Great Depression and remembers people's pain?

Oh right.

Methadras said...

HA!!! Nailing Jello on a wall. Funny, but meaningless. God, I'm really going to get tired of saying, President Barely.

Roberto said...

ElcubanitoKC - Am I interrupting the suckfest?

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

vbspurs said...
McCain is meandering away when Obama is talking. He looks like a homeless guy wandering around and changing chairs in the public library.

8:35 PM

I thought I was already drunk...

vbspurs said...

However, having said that...McCain is STARTING to wake up.

My God, it was a tactic! GO JOHN! Come on now, ramp it up!

Dody Jane said...

I have been reading The Charrterhouse of Parma - I just finished the battle of Waterloo

I hope there aren't any parallels

Host with the Most said...

What's wrong with the camera man on the split screen and not keeping up with McCain whikle it shows the NOBLE Obama?

Palladian said...

Jello is neither Kosher nor Halal.

VariableSpin said...

God, why can't John McCain make the pro-growth argument for taxes? Did he sleep through all of Reagan's speeches?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Tom is not giving in!

Oh right Tom!

chickelit said...

$3K to $7k/chld. I'll buy that.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

"Sit down and wait for the next question!"

vbspurs said...

Methadras wrote:

Funny, but meaningless.

No one laughed. He didn't wink.


Rose said...

It's weird - the women on CNN like McCain better than the men.

al said...

Great - increase credits for kids just when mine move out.

Nice work by Brokaw in cutting Obama off.

Dody Jane said...


Roberto said...

Obama is still winning.

vbspurs said...

Jello is neither Kosher nor Halal.

What really? I'm pretty sure I saw the K with the circle on the Jello-pops.

BTW, happy early Yom Kippur to all to whom it applies!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Entitlements are off the table with Obama!

Rachel Russell said...

I'm happy for the night. Obama said "hatchet", "scalpel", and "federal budget" all in one sentence. He also just tried to argue with Brokaw, but Brokaw wasn't having any of it.

They should've chosen Brokaw for the first debate. Ifill was boring; Brokaw is not.

Dody Jane said...

is that 95% of the people who pay?? Does that mean FICA? WHAT DOES IT MEAN?

vbspurs said...

It's weird - the women on CNN like McCain better than the men.

Women on CNN are weird.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Can we vote for a Palin/Biden ticket?

al said...

Is Obama using the new question time to rebut the previous discussion?

Mark said...

Obama is pulling a "Palin" and talking about what wants to and not the question asked.

Given Obama's record, I just can't believe his claim that those who make $250K a year will get a tax cut. His math doesn't add up.

Palladian said...

"Women on CNN are weird."

Women ... are weird.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

What is Obama talking about?

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

He'll answer the question!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...


vbspurs said...

Can we vote for a Palin/Biden ticket?

I'm serious. These two jokers will be so deadly boring when talking to the American public as Presidents, I might gouge my eyes on November 5 either way.

George M. Spencer said...

On the new '90210' before the debate everyone and every couple was multi-racial. McCain is very white.

Tom Brokaw has been married to Meredith Lynn Auld (a former Miss South Dakota and author) since 1962. They have three daughters, Jennifer Jean, Andrea Brooks and Sara Auld....wiki

Host with the Most said...

Obama's got charm.

He's lying about small business.
What he's not pointing out is that Obama wants to tax the small business earnings, not the income of the small business owner - that's what he won't tell you.

mom & pop bloggers said...

Obama answers the same regardless of the question...I keep hearing the same responses from him... his worse performance so far..

vbspurs said...

Women ... are weird.

At least we have fannies!

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Palladian, dear, watch out for that flying papaya coming toward you!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Obama votes present!

al said...

"I'll answer the question Tom"

McCain scores!

Anonymous said...

Health care, all reet! Obama's going to fix entitlements by creating a giant new one!

Host with the Most said...

McCain is right on every point, none more than Obama, when he's had the opportunity has failed every time.

But, dsadly, McCain can't get it across well.


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Gosh we need Palin!

BJM said...

Obama's flat out lying about the small business tax situation, it's not "BUSINESS' taxes but Subchapter S. Owners filing as individuals, not businesses. Go look it up on wikipedia.

vbspurs said...

I miss Lehrer. This Town Hall blows.

Dody Jane said...

I always thought Fannie Mae was weird - who names a major corp Fannie Mae

vbspurs said...

Palladian, dear, watch out for that flying papaya coming toward you!


George M. Spencer said...

So far, I would say that Prof. Althouse's best sentence is....

"He's got a casual way of sitting on the stool."


"8:28: An old woman emails in her demand that people be asked to make sacrifices."

I am so glad I'm not watching this.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I just had two pork chops for dinner. Damn if I had waited til next year when Obama is prez, they would have been cheaper and maybe came with free roto-rooter for my arteries. Just part of the great new Obama health plan.

vbspurs said...

who names a major corp Fannie Mae

A farmer who just lost his wife or his cow?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Climate change is part of energy independance!

Oh Mac what are you talking about?

al said...

At least we have fannies!

That's why we men hate to see you go but love to watch you leave :)

JAL said...

Do not forget Bridget McCain.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

bjm, he's counting on his bots ignorance.

JAL said...

You know -- walk the walk ....

VariableSpin said...

Ingrid Jackson: "Green jobs"? A question apropos of a plant.

vbspurs said...

"I was on nuclear ships who had power plants"

That would explain the dual melanoma.....

Dody Jane said...

I have been diverted by McCAin's little burst of energy!!!

chickelit said...

Obama's healthcare = rationing end of story
I hope there's an opt-out

Nuclear power: too cheap to meter

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Obama annnnddd

Host with the Most said...

A black woman asks a question. An "undecided" black woman? Is that possible?

According to polls, at least 89% of that woman is already planning to vote for Obama.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

vbspurs said...
"I was on nuclear ships who had power plants"

That would explain the dual melanoma.....

8:44 PM

You owe me a gin on the rocks.

Anonymous said...

It was over at the 0:03:00 mark. Roll tape:

0:00:00 Barack Obama lies with a straight face to the American people about the economy.

0:02:00 John McCain changes the subject. Praises 'message of hope' of My Little Ponies.

Don Meredith begins to sing...

vbspurs said...

Al, not that that wasn't funny or true, but just to reiterate, fanny means the female pundenda in British-English.

Or in good old Anglo-Saxon, the cootch.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Obama's bunch of goverment scientist?

Sofa King said...

Obama says he favors nuclear energy, but he didn't say whether or not he favored reprocessing, the point that McCain actually made.

al said...

I think Obama just redefined the DARPA/Internet project as a computer.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

The *INTERNET* was invented by the military. The computer is different. And personal computers came from the private sector!

vbspurs said...

According to polls, at least 89% of that woman is already planning to vote for Obama.

I've met two black guys who are voting for McCain/Palin. It's possible, if improbable.

Michael S said...

Who invented computers?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Obama's talking points.

I'm Full of Soup said...

The temperature here in the Philly area has actually gone down slightly when you look at the last three years.

The only thing significant that could be achieved in two years (per the young lady's question) is only drill, drill, drill can do much in two years. Hate to break it to you honey. Please return to your seat.

vbspurs said...

Obama needs to call Al Gore to explain the internet to him.

Rose said...

Obama's losing the men when he talks about Global Warming...

knox said...

"Climate change and Green Jobs"

Green Jobs ??

These questions are dumb

George M. Spencer said...

Stuck my head in the TV room.

Looks like they're broadcasting from the surface of the planet Mars.

And what's with all the bored white people in the audience?

Everyone on '90210' is multiracial.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Do the garages!!

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

NO! Not this time!

I'm Full of Soup said...

"Who invented computer's?"

The US govt if you asked Obama.

vbspurs said...


"That one"


chickelit said...

Why reinvent the Manhattan project?

Mark said...

Where that comment about giving Communist China energy come from?

What drugs is Barak Obama on?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

McCain had an idea about sponsoring a price for replacing gasoline...

he forgot allready.

vbspurs said...

Original George wrote:

Looks like they're broadcasting from the surface of the planet Mars.

Scientists have found a link between the colour red and taste buds salivating. That's why Chinese restaurants are heavy on the red and the soy sauce.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

chickenlittle said...
Why reinvent the Manhattan project?

8:48 PM

Because people learned about it in school, and think it was "soooo coool"

al said...

vb - sorry for the misunderstanding. I'm a good old (well getting old) American boy and when I hear fanny, especially in reference to females, I think of their rear ends.

vbspurs said...

Hey, is that Bewitched?

I'm Full of Soup said...


Do you think people are generally honest to you.

Dody Jane said...

They will get him for 'that one" RACISM

vbspurs said...

Al, not to worry. I think of fannies the same way now. :)

Although I still giggle when I hear about "fanny packs".

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

This are some of the most boring audience questions EVER!

blake said...

Hey, is that Bewitched?

Nah, the witches have their own herbal remedies.

Anonymous said...

If I had a nickel for every time McCain's said "my friends" I could bail out Wall Street and we could stop hearing about it.

vbspurs said...

Do you think people are generally honest to you.

AJ, wow, deep man. My answer is: I think so!

RR Ryan said...

Did Obama really say, "A lot of you remember 9/11"? Wow.

Michael S said...

Better 'that one' than 'you people'

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

I don't even want to get drunk anymore...this is really dull. Who selected these people?

They are all fired.

Simon said...

vbspurs said...
"Anything can happen in the 29 days left to the election ... Politics is a game. We could land on Boardwalk any moment. Have freaking faith."

29 days left. But that isn't much time, and Obama is winning 349 to 174. Four years ago, Bush lead Kerry 264 to 253. Polls give leads Obama in Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida and Virginia; North Carolina is tied and Indiana is heading that way. Unless we are to assume that the polls are off by an astonishing margin, I just don't know what could happen to turn around a vote deficit on that scale. What is boardwalk? Obama could be caught burning flags and reciting incantations to Marx while having sex with Paris Hilton and I don't know that even that would be enough. Short of a nuclear attack on the west coast, I don't know what will change the fundamentals of this election.

Anything can happen in the 29 days left to the election. A new scientific discovery for instant boners. Tina Fey...."

Tina Fey isn't said discovery? ;)

knox said...

Al, not that that wasn't funny or true, but just to reiterate, fanny means the female pundenda in British-English.

Someone should have told Jane Austen! There's a character named "Fannie" in Sense and Sensibility.

vbspurs said...

LOL, Paul.

I think we could get rid of the national debt for every uh from Obama.

VariableSpin said...

Does Obama ever answer the question?

Q: "Should health care be treated as a commodity?"

A: "Huh? I can't infer your preferred answer to that question so.... Let me just tell you about my health care plan."

Dody Jane said...

He is so full if S--T - I hope McCain sets the record straight on the tax your benefits crap

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

What was all that drivel about?

vbspurs said...

What is boardwalk?

Our version is Mayfair. :)

Darcy said...

Uhh...yep. A snoozefest. And I think this format makes McCain look sort of...ancient. Yeah. He shuffles around like Tim Conway, too. Aww, John.

Dody Jane said...

My husband is snoring - I wonder how many other millions are sound asleep

knox said...

"Let's have walk-in clinics"

I actually believe this could rescue the health care system if we can get enough of them built before some doofus forces universal health care on us.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I don't even want to get drunk anymore

I dont think I could even if I tried!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I don't even want to get drunk anymore

I dont think I could even if I tried!

vbspurs said...

OMG, McCain just lost the election.

Heart transplants.

Roberto said...

Obama is still winning.

vbspurs said...

My husband is snoring - I wonder how many other millions are sound asleep

I knew this was going to be bad, even with the talk of McCain going ballistic, but I never expected this piece of dreck.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Of course health care is a commodity!! Mofo dumbass question.

Obama the great will strip out all the excess expenses from health care (at least 30-40% per Daily Kooks). When Obama automates shit he will save about 1/100th of 1% of every dollar. Yippee! We can a free kickass happy hour every millenium or so!

And those jobs in health care which Obama eliminates will be converted to green jobs and you even will get green jeans with your green job.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Trick question! Right or responsibility

knox said...

Hair transplants?!

What'd Biden ever do to you?

Simon said...

Dody Jane said...
"[W]ho names a major corp Fannie Mae[?]"

Fannie Mae - FNMA - Federal National Mortgage Association.

muddimo said...

Shorter debate:

McCain: My friends, we need to work together.

Obama: Senator McCain is right, but...

Dody Jane said...

This group is deadly - they aren't in the mood for jokes. Look at them... geez -

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Is McCain offering Hillary care?

chickelit said...

Individual responsibility!

al said...

I think he said hair transplant not heart.

vbspurs said...

Barack getting angry about his mother who married two Anti-American men, who lived half her life outside of her country, dissing it until her death, but who didn't get health care from said country.

Simon said...

Michael said...
"Obama is still winning."

I agree. This would be a sufficient performance by McCain if he was winning - as by all rights he should be - by thirty, forty, fifty points. When he's trailing, it just won't do it.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sofa King said...

Wait a minute. One minute Obama is blaming Republicans for bankrupting the country and causing a financial meltdown, and not health care should be "right" because we live in such a wealthy country?

muddimo said...

Obama is running out the clock and McCain is letting him get away with it.

vbspurs said...

I think he said hair transplant not heart.

Heh. I know. :)

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Obama care sounds like Newt republican care.

Dody Jane said...

Fannie Mae - FNMA - Federal National Mortgage Association.

Oh I know - but to actually put it on the SIGN? I always thought that was so odd - I work for a brokerage firm and I always thought it was so silly

Roberto said...

Obama is still winning.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

elcubanitokc said...
What?? He didn't just use his mother!

8:57 PM

vbspurs said...

Okay, where's the rota on the troll Tilt chore?

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