October 16, 2008

Joe the Plumber...

In the new McCain ad:

In the new Red State Update (NSFW):

ADDED: What's with this bizarre snobbery from Marc Ambinder:
(... Joe The Plumber's name isn't Joe, and he's not officially a plumber. Discuss.)

Actually, he's "Sam The Guy Who Does Plumbing," technicallly.

His voter registration application misspells his name, btw. ("Worzelbacher.")
And, btw, you misspelled "technically," technically. I mean, what the hell? Many people go by their middle name. Mitt Romney's full name is Willard Mitt Romney, for example. It's not deceitful. And guys who do plumbing are plumbers. So he's not a licensed plumber? Isn't that like being an accountant but not a certified public accountant? Wasn't this man in his own front yard when Obama came up and talked to him and responded to a question by promoting the redistribution of wealth? Who gives a damn how pure Joe the Plumber is, anyway? He just by chance provided the occasion for Obama to say something that deserves attention.


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Toyuwa H. Newton said...

Joe the plumber is exactly what this country is about. Hard working guy struggling to pay his bills. Looking to do better for his family.

El Presidente said...

Why the concern for a Kulak?


Good job breaking a few eggs.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Who knows, but an interesting observation. Wednesday, I drank some beer with 3 friends who are high school teachers, and all 3 were for Obama.

Of course they were. They are union employees and all have tenure. They aren't in the least worried about their jobs and not smart enough to think about the economic ramifications of a socialist Obama Presidency or concerned about the lost of First Amendment rights.

Meade said...

Darcy said...



Indeed you are. Thanks for noticing, Darcy.

blogging cockroach said...
...mom makes a little back of the hand
french gesture and says pfff...

Made me hohohoho

Meade said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I don't see why some of you are defending Palin. She was not "ambushed in interview after interview." She was asked VERY simple questions that should not have posed the slightest problem to someone who has the wherewithall to be in that office.

SHE'S the scary one. Good Lord.

Gary Thison said...

I think that Joe and McCain are both on Plumbers Crack. It seems that McCain's big problem is vetting (see Palin). Read my blog and see the SNL video at http://www.clickoncomedy.com/comedyblog

Unknown said...

I like JtP, we are much alike. We both don't like to pay taxes, want to buy a company with no money, lie about how much money we will make in the future and bold.

Shad said...

WOW, leave the guy alone he made a comment that carried with it truths most of you socialist Dems are afraid to admit to. I could care less where he works he is mainstream American, and the truth hurts dont it, I was in Iraq and I know exactly where he is coming from on that statement. Go back to hugging tree's and saving ants leave the business of Freedom to real Americans like McCain....

Shad said...

WOW, leave the guy alone he made a comment that carried with it truths most of you socialist Dems are afraid to admit to. I could care less where he works he is mainstream American, and the truth hurts dont it, I was in Iraq and I know exactly where he is coming from on that statement. Go back to hugging tree's and saving ants leave the business of Freedom to real Americans like McCain....

Shad said...

WOW, leave the guy alone he is mainstream American, alot like most of us, concerned for himself and his childrens futures. The truth hurts dont it? Most of you socialist Deomcrats should start thinking about what your Savior wants for this country, it really isnt Rocket Science he has lied, he promises to raise taxes, how long before everyone over 150 or 100 thousand gets taxed, I was in Iraq Joe the Plumber is right on when he talks about the war in Iraq. You never see the good stuff, most of you dont even realize that more Americans Die every month from some kind of violence at home than has died in the entire Iraq war I dont see you anyone crying about them., yet cry havoc we are losing our youth. I was an American youth once I have fought in the gulf since 91, and have been over there 9 seperate times. I will continue to promote freedom no matter what. I KNEW WHAT I WAS DOING WHEN I ENLISTED>>>>>I AM AN AMERICAN SOLDIER, do you think those words dont have meaning to any of us?

Joe; God bless you brother for telling it like it is,.

miller said...

Yeah, that Palin is SCARY.

I don't understand. Is she a lightweight or is she a monster?

It's like the Democrat Party's duel with George W. He's an evil genius making them do his bidding, and he's a shtoopid chimp.

Which is it?

Revenant said...

It seems that McCain's big problem is vetting

I like the leftie meme that McCain didn't "vet" Joe -- as if the McCain campaign had secretly masterminded Barack Obama's decision to make an idiot of himself in the dude's driveway, but just picked the wrong plumber to do it with.

Peter Hoh said...

There's at least one good thing about this story: my kid's Halloween costume is going to be easy this year. He's going to dress up as Joe the Plumber.

Joe Wurzelbacher isn't running for office, and I don't think he deserves to be under the microscope. Sure, it's easy to blame the media, but they do what they do, and they are starved to find some new angle in an otherwise boring campaign. If the mainstream media wasn't poking around, somebody else would be.

We've all seen ordinary people thrust into the media spotlight. Usually they are victims -- child abduction cases spring to mind. The other category are suspects, such as Richard Jewell. Of course, if you can manage to be both the parent of an abducted child and a suspect, well, then you hit the big time.

I wonder if the McCain campaign talked to Joe before the debate Wednesday. It would seem a simple courtesy, since bringing up Joe's exchange with Obama was something that the McCain campaign chose to do. They could have asked him if he was ready to receive a shitstorm of media attention. Knowing that he owed back taxes, perhaps he might have declined the publicity.

reader_iam said...

There's at least one good thing about this story: my kid's Halloween costume is going to be easy this year. He's going to dress up as Joe the Plumber.

Just curious: How did that come to be? Sounds like an interesting story.

skeens said...

You know what scares me? I feel that an axe murderer is sitting on my front porch, and we are about to hand him the key to the front door. We swore to the people that died in the twin towers that we would never forget, but we have. With all the associations Obama has had...Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers and ACORN, how can we be sure? I for one will not take a chance and vote for McCain. Yes, I think that national security comes first, before economic problems etc.

Peter Hoh said...

Skeens wrote: I for one will not take a chance and vote for McCain. Yeah, he seems kind of risky to me, too.

Reader, the kid in question is 16. Too old be be trick-or-treating, but not ready to give up on it. And his school throws a Halloween party for which most of the kids wear costumes.

He's big into Saturday Night Live and the YouTube comedy skits. I forget the specifics, but we were talking politics and he pointed out that Joe the plumber would be an easy costume. He's not sure that the kids at school will catch the reference, but I think they will.

If you email me, I'll send you some links to his attempts at YouTube political humor.

joethepleian said...

I don't care what your party affiliation may be. When the CEO to worker pay ratio has gone from 42:1 in 1960 to 411:1 as of 2005, there obviously has been some
"spreading of the wealth" and it hasn't been in the average person's favor. 250K/yr isn't incredibly wealthy depending on where you live but, at some point the table needs to be tilted back in favor of the average citizen.

Anonymous said...

If you need a reason to vote for John McCain... If you need a reason to vote against the marxist Barack Obama... If you need a reason to vote this year... Here it is...


mario said...


Unknown said...

My God you people are sure filled with a lot of hate and you know all your hatred is because Obama is not white. It just curdles your blood and scares you to death to think of having a black man as President. However, I am not complaining about your prejudice it is as American as apple pie and ongoing since the start of this Country, and it is an individual right. However, I find it rather amusing to think how you will feel if you get your wish, which is merely to not have a black President and therefore McCain. I believe your paranoiac hatred is so deep that you will not care if McCain reduces you to so much poverty that you are literally starving in addition to being unemployed and homeless, just as long as the President's face is white.

Yes it will be very interesting to watch. And lastly,
how do you sleep at night with so much hatred, consuming you, life is too short! For myself I feel there are truly too many personal problems that life presents to expend my precious energy toward a person I do not know but resent because he does not look like me or has a different life philosophy. Yes, I will still sustain my prejudice, because that is my right, but I refuse to be driven by paranoiac fear
because it motivates unwise actions that could affect my future happiness.

Just had to comment, because the strength of hatred here is so much and so intense, yet without the valid support to extend beyond a "dislike Obama".

Free.Date said...

Available now. "Fcuk you Joe" t-shirts...discounted to $ 9.50 because some things are worth the money!


Joe the Douchebag Shirts...hot off the presses!

wow said...

spread the wealth

wow said...


Unknown said...

Get your Joe the Plumber shirts at http://www.cafepress.com/popculturehumor

VoteForChange said...

I think that instead of listening to what others are saying that you should find out for yourself how much obama's tax cuts would save you. if you are brave enough you will click on the link to find out. I challenge you http://taxcut.barackobama.com/

blake said...

Well, Mr. VoteForChange, I did click over and, guess what? It's a big fat lie. It doesn't even try to be accurate.

McCain's offering a huge increase for people with children. That app only goes to 3+ on kids.

So what do I get for wasting my time? Probably a big freakin' tax increase.

VoteForChange said...

Well Blake, just like McCain, you don't know the facts. It's Mrs. VoteForChange. Let's just say, I am an Obama voter and you are a McCain. No Changing that. If you want to vote for the old man and the air head go right ahead. If McCain wins your in for more than a big tax increase. Unless you are the vice president of a fortune 500 company......

student1776 said...

Joe the Plumber asked a perfectly legitimate question. Obama uncharacteristically gave a revealing answer, an answer that clearly shows his redistributionist, essentially socialist economic outlook. Realizing the gaff of actually admitting his true position and knowing that he cannot defend it intellectually, morally, electorally or economically, he and his allies on the left exhibited their typical behavior - launching a campaign of vilification against Joe the Plumber - searching his life for some distraction to change the topic. The left are outrageously slimy in this behavior.

The problem with redistributionist economics is not just the fact that it has failed whenever tried (As Winston Churchill noted "the inherent vice of capitalism is its unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is its equal sharing of miseries."), is not the fact that using the coercive power of government to expropriate wealth created by some to buy the votes of others, it is the fact that in the course of time it inevitably leads to the destruction of democracy and liberty. This is not a new observation.

Sir Alex Fraser Tyler (1747-1813) noted a couple of centuries ago that,
"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship."

blake said...

Way to avoid addressing the topic, V4C.

Feel free to join the rest of the cut-n-paste trollers here.

Joe the Plumber said...


thanks for the support.
liberal media asshats.

JA Plumbing said...

Hello There. I found your blog using msn. This is a really well written article.

San Mateo Plumber

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