১৮ অক্টোবর, ২০০৮

George Hamilton, on "The View," revealing that he had sexual relations with his step-mother when he was 12.

And it wasn't an evil stepmother, as far as he's concerned. He's still pleased with the relationship, and notes that the woman was beautiful and the couple reprised their affair when he was an adult.

Unless you're interested in "Dancing with the Stars" or his tan, scroll to 4:28:

The Viewsters don't get that outraged about it. Joy Behar informs him that it was molestation, like "the teacher thing" we hear about these days. And Whoopi Goldberg reminds us that those were different times, when fathers brought their pubescent sons to "an older woman to initiate them." Barbara is all "But his father didn't exactly suggest it."

"You don't know what's right and wrong. It's on-the-job training, excuse me. Could I vote present?" They called it "cuddling," Hamilton says. Joy Behar -- who's got her left hand rather lewdly buried in her crotch -- wants to get this straight: "You went there?" She waves her right hand, vaguely gesturing there. Oh, he assures us, yes, he's "virulent."

৩৫টি মন্তব্য:

Meade বলেছেন...

Herpes no doubt.

Palladian বলেছেন...


George Hamilton nude, like being screwed by a walking carrot, like "cuddling" with knock-off Louis Vuitton duffel bag soaked in stale Aramis... Joy Behar's cootch... Barbara Walters... "Cuddling" with Barbara Walters... Incest. Whoopi Goldberg's father taking her to a whorehouse...

OK, I'm never having sex again.

Methadras বলেছেন...

Man, what do you say to this kind of stuff? And why on God's green earth would you reveal this in a book much to the shame of your family and friends. On the View no less. Oh, I forgot, money. Hope it was worth it you piece of living leather.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Back in the day Summer of '42 set many teenage boys "hearts" aflutter.

Wince বলেছেন...

Joy Behar -- who's got her left hand rather lewdly buried in her crotch.

It looks like she's trying to keep something contained "down there," perhaps a small rodent.

Meade বলেছেন...

What goes on in Joy Behar crotch?

Trooper York বলেছেন...


Bissage বলেছেন...

Maybe people approve and maybe people disapprove, but it seems to me that the relationship between the young George Hamilton and his step-mom was kind and loving. That’s something of a mitigating circumstance.

But this thing about a father taking his boy to a prostitute is major sleaze, in my opinion. To call it an “initiation” makes it sound like the lesson to be learned is that sex is a profoundly selfish act to be inflicted upon a woman who’s worth money but never genuine affection. Too many guys see marriage as institutionalized prostitution already without fathers promoting the idea.

There’s a third way, however. An adolescent male age fourteen can learn to control his problems with premature ejaculation by forcefully squeezing his glans between thumb and forefinger until the urge passes. I learned that from my mom. After a dozen or so clinical sessions I learned how to keep pumping long enough for her to have one shrieking orgasm after another. She said it kept her from divorcing my father (so it was good for my younger siblings) and frequently, as my reward, she would bake up a batch of oatmeal-raisin cookies. My favorite!!!

Bissage বলেছেন...

Yes, I know, I know . . . I’ve become totally predictable with the naughty stuff.


Bissage বলেছেন...


Mrs. Bissage did not preview that comment, but she just read it and said it was "gross but funny."

So blame her.

She's a bad influence.

(Not like good ol' mom!)

Meade বলেছেন...

Premature by who's criterion?

Trooper York বলেছেন...

"Yes, I know, I know . . . I’ve become totally predictable with the naughty stuff."

That's what makes you a wonderful guy.

I just wish you would do more of that gay spaceman stuff. That was really funny.

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

If you think that some adult having sex with you when you were twelve years old was no big deal, I would guess that the experience had a deep and negative effect on your view of relationships. What a horrendous step-mother.

Meade বলেছেন...

Hey how'd I miss the gay spaceman stuff? Was it frontpaged? Is it googleable?

michaele বলেছেন...

I was amused that George got away with this comment

"You don't know what's right and wrong. It's on-the-job training, excuse me. Could I vote present?"

which was quite the dig at Obama. It was pretty daring of him since all but one of the Viewsters are so besotted with Barack.

Trooper York বলেছেন...

You don't remember Johnny Nucleo and his spaceship of sperm the Millennium Fanook? With his huge hairy grunting Wookie sidekick Andrew Sullivan?

George M. Spencer বলেছেন...

There's an article in Oprah magazine about this...boys sexually abused by women.

He's used his book and TV appearance to continue to rationalize that what happened to him was okay. Pretty horrifying.

And poor Barbara Walters...30 years ago she actually did serious long-form talk shows about serious issues with serious guests; now she's reduced to staring into space as Whoopi Goldberg shares her creepy views of male sexuality.

exhelodrvr1 বলেছেন...

Double-standard by the View (and society). If it was a 12 year old Elizabeth Taylor having sex with her step-father, they would be outraged.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I don't know where the hell Whoopi grew up, but in sixty years I've yet to talk to a guy who's dad took him to "an older woman to initiate" him.

ricpic বলেছেন...

Bissage and his Ma,
Where was Pa?
Outback virulently waxing the cah.

Palladian বলেছেন...

"There's an article in Oprah magazine about this..."

Original George is the only man who has ever read an article in Oprah magazine. O! my!

Wince বলেছেন...

frequently, as my reward, she would bake up a batch of oatmeal-raisin cookies

Mom's post coital cookies, yumm. Better for you than a cigarette! And they won't burn the house down, unless mom in her orgasmic extacy forgets to shut off the oven.

Meade বলেছেন...

Interesting how Elizabeth Hassleback is the only View lady not greeted with a kiss and how her one and only comment, "How did [the statutory rape] end," befuddles George H. - "Good question..."

Trooper York বলেছেন...

Not true. I read "O" magazine as we have placed several dresses from Lee Lee's Valise in the fashion pages that lead to some great sales numbers. Ready "O" doesn't make you gay.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that

We also placed a beautiful purple winter coat in Essence magazine this month. Reading Essence doesn't make you black.

If Mort were awake he would say that there something wrong with that.

ricpic বলেছেন...

And poor Barbara Walters...

Poor Barbara Walters my foot! She was born a yenta, has lived out her miserable lightweight life a yenta and will die a yenta. And good riddance to the yenta's yenta.

Meade বলেছেন...

So a yentleman DOES kiss and tell. Unless his brain is damaged from staying out in the sun too long.

George M. Spencer বলেছেন...

Here are reasons to read "O":

1) To be amused by the highly digitally retouched photos of her;

2) To be amused by her back-page essays. This month she talks about her 21-day "vegan cleanse." Why? "The goal is to allow the body to rid itself of toxins." Sure.

A few months ago, she talked about a hike she took to the top of a mountain in Hawaii. Only when reading the essay, do we learn that the mountain is in her backyard in Hawaii! And she just happened to take along a photographer, make-up artist, and stylist to shoot her at the top.

3) She's a cultural weather vane, regarding any number of comical trends which millions will take seriously. "You can turn your cell phone into a green machine. Here's how."

4) She and Steadman just haven't found the right time or place to get married.

5) Finally, the best reason is that's she's a billionaire, and all billionaires bear watching, particularly those who are deeply involved in US politics and personal non-judgmental change!!! If Obama wins, she will end up as UN ambassador or maybe even Supreme Court Justice. If he loses, she picks up the pieces, runs, and wins. She's 54; Reagan was 55 when elected Cal. gov., 69 when elected pres. She's got the money, media skills, knows the issues, and has the name recognition. And she's not a secret Moslem terrorist.

TMink বলেছেন...

Sex at 12 with your step mom is incest. I bet George struggles with sexual addiction.

How many times has he been married? How many underage girls has he had sex with? I hope the answer is one marriage and no victims, but he is an untreated incest victim, and that does a number on you.


Moose বলেছেন...

People that disapprove of incest without understanding the emotional context are so... passe!

(Is that OK to use, Ann? "Passe"?)

Fatmouse বলেছেন...

I bet George struggles with sexual addiction.

In the past, Hamilton has bragged repeatedly about banging "thousands" of women.

Ugh. And we wonder why Hollywood is full of AIDS.

bleeper বলেছেন...

Who is George Hamilon?

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Thanks, bleeper. I would never have seen that.

George M. Spencer বলেছেন...

“I would exclude the idea that they have paedophile tendencies. The most you can attribute to them is a relationship between men and women different from that of us Westerners, in which — as in many parts of the Arab world — wives are often very young girls of 11, 12 or 13 who because of family negotiations are given in marriage to men much older than them. But that is not paedophilia, it is a question of Arab culture.”

UK Times article on Muslim terrorists sharing "operational secrets" with pedophiles.

cherrybomb বলেছেন...

Gosh- some of you can be so mean. It's just a story- who cares? He doesn't. Besides, I remember being very interested in sex at age 12. Good thing I chunky and not a great looking kid- I might have experimented too.

Revenant বলেছেন...

It isn't widely publicized, studies generally find that a large percentage of men who had one of these "Mrs Robinson" experiences in their youth consider it a positive one. Which isn't terribly surprising, men being what we are.