September 1, 2008

The Sarah Palin craze continues.

There are already over 350 comments on that last post. It seems as though you're ravenous for Sarah Palin posts. This is just a test. Would you like to talk about her earrings?
What earrings would you choose for visiting a national disaster?
Asks John Aravosis, displaying this picture of Sarah Palin wearing supposedly disrespectful hoop earrings while accompanying John McCain to Mississippi to speak about the approaching Hurricane Gustav.

You know what Aravosis is trying to say: She's too low class to be Vice President. She's... she's... trailer trash.


Ben (The Tiger in Exile) said...

Oh heck, Althouse, the "trailer trash" meme has more than earrings to go with it.

Ben (The Tiger in Exile) said...

The trouble for them, of course, is that those are precisely the voters they have to protect from Palin's appeal.

Bad call.

Anonymous said...

Althouse, you gotta read through those comments. You gotta see the absurdity.

Peter Hoh said...

Sullivan has posted a lame attempt at a retraction. But not a real one.

He links to a Kos story in which the writer says "we can drop this crap now."

Buford Gooch said...

This is going to be funny. The lefties are setting the bar very low. All Palin has to do is not be a complete moron in order to exceed expectations. When it becomes apparent that she is *at least* as good as Biden or Obama, the game changes.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I have never seen such fear, palatible fear in the creatures posting snotty, catty remarks at everything Palin says and does. You should be scared, it's over. Your gut has the sickly shot of adrenaline in it, like 80, 84', 88', 2000, 2004. It unmistakable, isn't it? Slipping so slowly away. And you were so tough this time! No 'swiftboatin' for us. We are gonna' fight back! Dinks.

Patm said...

They really are terrified, aren't they? And all of this is going to blow up in their faces.

No one should be treated like this.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Beggar that I'am I'm poor in thanks, but I thank Ann for starting a new tread.

Jason (the commenter) said...

She's the female Obama. She has her earings, he has his flag pin. She has pot, he has coke. I could go on and on.

I've heard people do nothing but compare the two for the last few days. If the Democrats were smart, they'd stop mentioning her name.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I got your back seven ;)

The rule of Lemnity said...

"Althouse, you gotta read through those comments. You gotta see the absurdity.

Seven don't speculate the battleground... It will come to pass, once victory is achieved.

Do you believe in McCain Pailin?
If you do - Do your duty.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Uh, looks like they're really trying to break Cruel Neutrality.

You know, I've never really believed the feminist critique in politics before. I do now. It's so blatant. Maybe because it's an election and so concentrated in time. Or maybe, being a man, it's easy to ignore until it's shoved in your face.

I wonder how many feminists were born this election?

chuck b. said...

I would rather talk about her than how Barack is all changey when he's so clearly not and never has been even for one second.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

BTW, reality check. Obama hasn't done any better than Kerry in the polls. They both cap out at 48%.

McCain is stuck at 46%. But here's the kicker.. so was W. Until September.

Obama got little or no bounce. Why? Palin. She may win the election for McCain.

Then she can wear her low-class earrings to the inaugural.

Seriously, Obama cocooning is getting out of hand. While we're obsessing over earrings and fake pregnancies, somehow McCain isn't losing. What's going on?

The rule of Lemnity said...

She's the female Obama. She has her earings, he has his flag pin. She has pot, he has coke. I could go on and on.

I got this one..

If females has exercised the power given them by majority do you think they would be begging for the #2,second plate, querida, job?

The rule of Lemnity said...

has sould be would - sorry profe.

XWL said...

Obama's campaign built up much of its head of steam in the primaries based on his popularity with web savvy, social network addicted, young kids who swooned over him and that got big media to doubt the Clinton inevitability and give in to their natural impulses to fall in love with this man.

Those same kids are going to kill his chances in the general election by fanning the flames of this sort of bigotry.

It's the good kind of bigotry, though, in their minds, everyone knows if you aren't in a major metro area, you are a hick, and it's OK to deride hicks cause they're hicks, and in their minds there's no doubt that this Palin chick is pure hick, so any and every little thing they can dream up in attacking her is perfectly OK.

All those folks in the fly over states are going to see more of themselves in Palin than they do in her attackers (I almost wrote critics, but so far this isn't 'criticism' so much as personal attacks), and in that process of identification, they're going to see that Obama may not be so far different from his own fanatics.

In just barely over 48 hours I don't think the question is, 'will McCain-Palin challenge Obama-Biden?' anymore, the question is quickly becoming 'will Obama-Biden damage down ticket Democrats?'

Part of having a massive grass roots movement behind you on the internet is that they may be enthusiastic, but they're also way beyond your control. Obama won't be able to stop his fans from screwing him over.

This might end up being a flame out of Howard Dean like proportions for the Democrats, except this time it'll happen during the general election instead of the primaries.

That massive pile of money Obama raised won't help, he can buy all the ads he wants, his campaign is getting defined by these kind of baseless attacks, even though these attacks aren't coming from his campaign directly, people who get angered by this stuff aren't going to make that distinction.

vbspurs said...

Aww man, WTF Professor. Another thread, another 400 chances for me to say "good night!".

Oh heck, Althouse, the "trailer trash" meme has more than earrings to go with it.

Have you read the commentaries?

From a 67 year old woman.... she is absolutely.... ADORABLE. Love her already like my own daughter. Also my young grandaughter and her mom.... my daughter who is 38 yrs old think that she is cute, cool and so refreshing. This election is over. Stick a fork into the dems.

What my neighbour in the corridor behind the chesterfield said, and I quote. "Already love her like she's my sister.".


Sucks to be Hillary.

Akiva said...

I like XWL's analysis. Further, the Repub's I know are seriously enthused by this choice. Previously, they were lukewarm on McCain and depressed by all the Obama overwhelming glee.

Now they're enthused they have a matching ground breaker in their corner, McCain has shown something special, and all the various niche groups of the GOP feel they've been attended to (NRA, anti-abortion, xian right, etc).

Regardless of what this does or doesn't do to the Democratic talkers, this has seriously pumped up the GOP base.

vbspurs said...

Yeah, Jason, the latest Gallup Poll has Obama 49% to McCain 48%.

What speech?

The rule of Lemnity said...

I would be grateful if comments could be kept to so many 'hundreds' of words or less.

It is the mantle of literature... Ann?

Somebody needs to tell them that if one scrolls no one trolls (reads) ;) Contrariedad.

XWL said...

But, about those earrings, there's never a bad time to wear hoochie hoops.

(a pair of those, a braided gold waist chain, and an anklet are just about all the jewelry any woman should ever choose to wear)

(and huge bonus points if that's all a woman is wearing, in a private moment)

(although, yes, that'd be wholely inappropriate for a visit to a pending natural disaster, but what Palin wore in MS today looked fine to me)

What I really want to know is, what the hell is it about this woman that is driving all the gay political pundits in this country absolutely nuts?

The rule of Lemnity said...

And another thing...

Why sould I be arguing a "craze"


I think you can do better.

vbspurs said...

Akiva wrote:

Now they're enthused they have a matching ground breaker in their corner, McCain has shown something special, and all the various niche groups of the GOP feel they've been attended to (NRA, anti-abortion, xian right, etc).

And this is why the liberal media bias so many of us Conservatives feel is palpable, becomes especially striking in Palin's case.

Almost EVERY article on McCain's choice for VP has centered on choosing Palin just because she's a woman. It was a cynical ploy to get the Hillary PUMAs.

That may be somewhat true, and certainly factored into the choice, but it is NOT the reason he chose her.

Palin energises Republicans. She's the complete package of what we like in a Conservative. Tough. Principled. Comfortable with the traditional and the modern.

But all MSM can keep pushing is that she was chosen because she was a woman (p.s. because McCain is a horndog).

This is what Rachel Maddox said on MSNBC all but out loud. "I guess we know now the kind of woman McCain likes -- beauty pageant queens".

But the foreign papers are all saying the same thing.

What a weak analytical generation of reporters we have. Thank God I'm on the blogs.

Beta Conservative said...

This is a pretty cool BO/Palin comparison:

The rule of Lemnity said...

If I have to scroll to read, I'm calling in the bullpen.

No more bases on balls.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Sorry again - the rule is, If nobody scrolls, nobody trolls.

vbspurs said...

Jim, that comparison sheet is something else.

It redoubles the belief that poor Obama (yes poor Obama, I am starting to feel sorry for him!) is elitist.

This is a killer:

Union affiliation

PALIN: Union member, married to Union member

OBAMA: Endorsed by a union

...says it all.

Athena DePaul said...

Oh please, who doesn't want to get in touch with their trashy side every now and again. Has no one here ever been invited to a White Trash Party? The trailer trash business is just going to make her more identifiable.

I have to say that I'm a pretty conservative Gen-Y'er who thought all of this pro-choice "they're coming for my uterus" crap was (sorry) hysterical. Now I actually see that it's true. Pro-choice apparently means abort or give up your demanding professional career.

But I'm also becoming more sympathetic to the fears of the motives of the far right abortion demagogues as well.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Oh please, who doesn't want to get in touch with their trashy side every now and again.

At what expense?

Beta Conservative said...

Sarah Palin might be the most authentic national candidate of my lifetime. This does not necessarily qualify her for high office, but I am starting to be awestruck at the lack of pretension and down to earthness (is that a word?) of her, Todd, and her family.

Her story so far does not dissemble in any way, and I think that's what drives the other side nuts.

vbspurs said...

Her story so far does not dissemble in any way, and I think that's what drives the other side nuts.


The Left is bothered by her being Pro-Life. The Right is delighted that she is Pro-American Life.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Oh please, who doesn't want to get in touch with their trashy side every now and again.

Lets trash African Americans

you see?

The rule of Lemnity said...

White Trash Party? The trailer trash business is just going to make her more identifiable.

There you go..

Synova said...


I'm thinking of trading my tiny little hoops (they don't poke like earrings with backs) and get some hoochi-hoops. Better than a flag pin for sure.

And yeah, obviously the "trailer trash" meme is a winner.

Give me my guns, my religion, and my hoochi-hoops.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Obama is beyon race, but Palin is stuck in gender?

Is Hillary in on this?

vbspurs said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
vbspurs said...

Is it too early for the coinage?


fivewheels said...

Speaking of long comments, kind of, I had to go over to Kos and look at some of the source material.

The "this ends it" diary had 980 comments! Who the heck would read them? Do people actually do it?

In a thread with 30 comments I'm likely to read every one. In a thread with 500, I'm very likely to read zero.

Sorry to derail. But really...

The rule of Lemnity said...

This post has been removed by the author.

What does that mean?

Is it Ann or is it the "author" getting stuck down by his horse?

vbspurs said...

When it says Blog Administrator, then it's Ann's doing. She very rarely deletes anyone else's posts, though.

But I removed it myself, due to PIMFing, Lem. :)

Beta Conservative said...

What happened to the "Cheers, Victoria" as your signature? I think I miss it.

vbspurs said...

I am using it sparingly due to my frequent posting this weekend.

I'm using it more to to soften my words at the end, if it's a tougher tone than usual, etc.

Victoria ;)

The rule of Lemnity said...

But I removed it myself

I get it... Thanks. It's a nessecity.. A subltle scurge.. I think ;)

You must be in tune with Ann?


ron st.amant said...

I have a question that hopefully takes the discussion in a different direction...
Palin did not inform anyone of her pregnancy until she was seven months along. There are many reasons why people don't talk about their pregnancies until a certain point and I understand them all completely. Yet some questions:

As an elected official, is she (or any other pregnant woman) obliged to tell the electorate of the pregnancy?

Is pregnancy in an elected official different than other medical 'conditions'?

Does the pre-screening of Down's Syndrome in any way affect the privacy versus public argument? (vis-a-vis the potential for additional care and the time/attention it might require)?

The rule of Lemnity said...

Ok maybe..

a benign dictartorship?

vbspurs said...

Well, it's the first time I've been told I'm in tune with Ann! ;)

Actually, we usually are. Scawy.

Night, Lem, guys!

Anonymous said...

Does an elected male official have to tell you when he knocks somebody up?

Anonymous said...

And another thing, Ron. Your insinuation that a woman cannot give their full attention to their job because they have a baby or a sick baby is alarmingly sexist.

Your comments here generally have not impressed me.

Synova said...

Ron, the answer is "no."


Unless she's elbow deep in gene twisting chemicals or doing something high risk, a woman doesn't have to inform anyone she's pregnant. I don't think an office job qualifies.

Pregnancy is not a disease or disability (even if most of us feel like crap for a good chunk of it.)

Many women do not tell anyone (other than dad) they are pregnant until well into the 2nd trimester in case they miscarry... and pregnancy seems to last forever and early announcements seem to drag it out even more. I'd expect that first pregnancies get announced far sooner than subsequent ones do.

Add knowledge of complications to the pregnancy and the desire to have the most time possible to deal with this with some measure of privacy is something I'd expect.

And frankly, I think that the oh so gentle questioning of what is clearly and obviously very normal and understandable behavior on her part is insidious and likely deliberately so.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Is pregnancy in an elected official different than other medical 'conditions'

Name the male equivalent that would make a possible exemption moot?

the equal protection clause? let's start with the easy stuff.

Title Nueve? Hay caramba.

Ben Morris said...

Since this seems to be something of a Sarah Palin open thread, I'd like to note that Mortimer Brezny completely ignored my acceptance of the $1000 bet he offered that this pick would hurt McCain in the polls. I did not see him respond to my comment, nor did he email me to make arrangements as I requested. Certainly Brezny would not offer this bet now, as McCain has already gained in the polls since Friday (even before the start of the Republican Convention).

I know I shouldn't expect a random blog-commenter to have good gambling etiquette, but if you have second thoughts about a bet you offered, or you were really just bluffing and weren't willing to put up $1000, at least have the guts to say so.

The rule of Lemnity said...


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I'm back, Lem. But I'm leaving now. Really. I swear. Because I can walk away any time I want. For good.

Benjamin -- Shocking, that Mort did not put his money where his mouth is. It's really a nice metaphor for Obama's entire candidacy: a lot of big talk and nothing else.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Machos? come in machos?

Athena DePaul said...

Getting in touch with your trashy side = wearing the ticky tacky earrings or anything else you like even though it isn't cool. My trashy side likes Mexican beer and cutoff shorts and glam rock. At what expense? It scares off the cool kids. Ergo, no expense.

If you're having trouble with the White Trash Party, just think of it as a way for subcultures to reclaim the stereotype, a la the belief of certain African-Americans who use words to describe themselves in words others aren't permitted to.

The White Trash Party celebrates those of us whiteys who grew up in poorer neighborhoods by letting us throw off the shackles of conformity with the oppressive homogeneity of the culture at large and indulge in our collective longing for Van Halen (David Lee Roth only, obviously), pickup trucks, and fist fights in the few venues our culture allows.

Fortunately for you, Lem, the WT philosophy doesn't discriminate against outsiders the way other subcultures do. If you like beer, you're in. If you're ever invited to a White Trash Party, think of it as an anthropological excursion. Then ask the natives how they're voting.

The rule of Lemnity said...

machos you are an officer of light, you are never off duty!

Anonymous said...

Theo -- Don't worry, and stop channeling Cass Sunstein. The Golden Age of American Political Discourse never, ever was and never will be.

Take the 1950s, generally seen as some kind of period of wonderful communality. Absolute bullshit. Anyone who is willing to go and read opinion pieces of the era can see it easily.

Okay, that's it.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Machos I need you!

blake said...

I wouldn't worry about it, Theo.

The Internet makes big talkers of people.

We're not really a red country or a blue country, we're a purple country.

The rule of Lemnity said...

We're not really a red country or a blue country, we're a purple country.

Purple? a color only a cousin could love.

I got 3 C's, I did what I could whithin the alloted time ;)

blake said...

I was born at 6AM on a Monday morning.

At 9AM my mother called the office and said, "I won't be coming in today. I had a baby."

She'd hid her pregnancy successfully for 33 weeks. She didn't want to get fired--or treated differently.

Also, my mom loves a surprise.

Anonymous said...

More Sarah Palin photos here:

Ofc. Krupke said...

I miss the "Cheers, Victoria" signoff. Please bring it back. :(

vbspurs said...

The White Trash Party celebrates those of us whiteys who grew up in poorer neighborhoods by letting us throw off the shackles of conformity with the oppressive homogeneity of the culture at large and indulge in our collective longing for Van Halen (David Lee Roth only, obviously), pickup trucks, and fist fights in the few venues our culture allows.

And here I always grew up believing that the White Trash Party, -- or to put it in reflexively offensive terms -- the Party of the working-man, the big hair woman, the hootchi-hoops waitress, and walking the beat cop was the Democratic Party.

That changed in the 70s, and it hasn't stopped since.

One of the weirdest things about observing the Democratic reaction to "Le Cas Sarah Palin" is that they look shell-shocked at seeing a real live working family troop before them, with shiny scrubbed faces wearing their Sunday best, and not some Laura Ashley-summer dress Biden version.

Of course, Palin and family are anything but scruffy. They have a natural dignity about them, but also a naiveté that is like a wonderful breath of fresh air.

The Democrats think they are the only Party the Waltons would be comfortable belonging to. Guess what? It's not 1940 anymore.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Blake? push push...

Synova said...

I should figure out how to do links... more pictures at It's Palin's visit with deployed Alaska National Guard.

Also... as a teaser... the first two pictures look like she might have a breast milk leak.

(I figure that will be endlessly interesting to people, hm?)

vbspurs said...

More Sarah Palin photos here:

Bravissimo, thanks!

But then I got to this one.

Only a few hours ago, this tiny helpless child was being used for cynical ends by soulless people.

My eyes swim in tears looking at this little baby and writing this.


The rule of Lemnity said...

You nees to get some w/in a single sentence.. you are waisting bullets..

Try again

Alex said...

The Air America hosts think they're real hot shit(Maddow, Rhoads, etc..).

I've seen their pics - truly gut wrenching stuff.

Alex said...

I'm literally trembling with rage at all the leftwing of this country for their ghoulish behavior. They will pay for this.

The rule of Lemnity said...


you are good... If anybody even thinks of shooting at those.. all we have to do is step back and let them commit suicide.

blake said...

Actually, Lem, more pull-pull. She just barely made it to the hospital on time.

Victoria, no one has said it, but I'm guessing the Palin's are easily the least wealthy family involved in the race. Palin needed a scholarship to get to college, hence the pageant.

These guys seem truly middle-class.

Tell me that's not gonna have some weight.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Actually, Lem, more pull-pull. She just barely made it to the hospital on time.

You are right.. I red about how Trig was born.. I got carried away seeking how far stupidity would go.

I got stupid myself.

blake said...

I was talking about my mom.

Trig was born after induced labor, is my understanding.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Palin needed a scholarship to get to college, hence the pageant.

My father is a minister, you don't want to know what people have had to do to reach the American Dream.

I see Palin and I see a classmate. signing up on all the clubs lest she would be excluded from a chance to scholarship....

Nedless to say, and yet needed to be said, because I was a minority and i could play baseball i did very well.

Is that fair to Palin? what... she was a beauty queen therefore?

What is this I read here? did you people go to school? did you have female classmates WTF?

vbspurs said...

Blake, she and her husband have less money than Joe Biden (who to his credit about this, is listed as one of the LEAST rich men in both Houses of Congress. Something like #535, with only $350,000 +- p/a).

This is from the "Wild Speculation" thread yesterday, via Jim Howard. Sarah Palin's financial record in her own hand.

Palin has made full financial disclosures available from the State of Alaska's web site:


Note that they are all filled out in her own hand.

There is something so genuine, so downhome in seeing her list, in her loopy long-hand, her daughter's earnings as a Barista.

Yes, that daughter. :((

I urge you to check it out. It's fly on wall, but wholly innocuous.

P.S.: I hope that's not her current telephone...


The rule of Lemnity said...

I remember helping a girl classmate get into the soccer team because she thought she need it to prove she could play.

She thought soccer was very hard.
I had no idea what she meant.
She was out to prove something.

This is still going on?

1775OGG said...

Gee, what kind of earrings would John Ava. wear to Hurricane Gustav?

Yeah, Lady Prof. also what 7 Machos said!

The rule of Lemnity said...

The burden of proof we would not ask OJ to carry, we ask Sarah to carry.

Is that American?

The rule of Lemnity said...

I don't have to work today so...

The rule of Lemnity said...

Show me a male politico that has had to prove that he was anatomically sincere?

And maybe you would approach what Sarah is getting asked to prove.

(NOT EVEN) but it's a start.

Paul Ciotti said...

If the posts here are any indication, McCain's choice of Palin has scared the panties off a lot of Democrats. They were expecting McCain to act like an old Fuddy-Duddy, someone who hasn't had a new idea in 50 years, and he pulls this Alaskan dynamo out of his hat. They say she's trailer trash, that she lied about her baby, that she never should have flown back to Alaska after her water broke (what difference does it make if she isn't the baby's mother anyway?). and that her husband can't keep it in his pants.

I don't know. A mother who would adopt her daughter's Down's Syndrome baby as her own is to me a mother who would do whatever she could for for her family, a rather impressive character trait I would think.

Everyone keeps saying this trainer trash mom with a Mongoloid kid is going to be sitting one step away from the presidency. But so is an old plagiarizing draft-dodging garrulous fool like Biden and no seems to mind that.

The rule of Lemnity said...

A mother who would adopt her daughter's Down's Syndrome baby as her own is to me a mother who would do whatever she could for for her family, a rather impressive character trait I would think.

My point almost exactly.. but better.

vbspurs said...

Theo wisely wrote:

Replacing these are deeper differences of religious vs. secular, conservative vs. liberal, urban sophisticate vs. hick, and, of course, the modern, almost Byzantine variants of racial and language divisions.

The Obama/McCain campaign has become, expectedly, a symbol of all this.

And the proof is in the pudding.

Are you Ready, America?


blake said...

Wow. Good stuff.

You know, I'm totally willing to do a do-over on this whole primary.

If it were poker, I'd hold Palin and ask for three new cards. (Okay, four-card-stud I've never heard of but I'm on a roll, dammit!)

blake said...

Draw, dammit. :-)

The rule of Lemnity said...

Are you ready America?

I'am, these are the people that just because I could help their daughter (and I did as I would have anyone) they invited me into their home (with very little english) and it began to dawn on me the sacrifice my dad made to bring me to country was worth it.

Lynn, Mass 1979.

MagicalPat said...

I think the left is upset because Obama no longer has that new candidate smell.

It's as if someone just farted in your new Lexus.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Because my father had been a Dodger fan, that world series we were Pirate fans.... But as soon as that was over, It was made clear to me we were Red Sox fans.

And of course, I have been a Red Sox fan ever since.

Ben Morris said...


you could be playing badugi:

bearbee said...

re: earrings, *sigh*, an egregious misstep:

Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, what were you thinking. Something a tad more subtle was definitely in order:

For that low key patriotic look this to compliment this and obligatory glasses to complete the ensemble


to satisfy your retro passion, perhaps this gentle Woodstock '60's look with accompanying headband.

Sarah Palin might be the most authentic national candidate of my lifetime.

As I mentioned in another thread, she is not a lawyer. That alone which gives her points.

Anonymous said...

vbspurs said...The Obama/McCain campaign has become, expectedly, a symbol of all this.

And the proof is in the pudding.

Are you Ready, America?


Great photos Victoria and as a Romney supporter I have to admit this is going to energize things for McCain in ways Mitt and his 5 sons couldn't.

I can't imaging Ann putting up a post titled - "The Mitt Romney craze continues".

But I am a little nervous. It does look like the girls are taking over.

I'm a right winger most of the time and I don't know that I can handle all this.

It's like they know they're taking over the planet.

Even the macho Alaska dude is a stay at home dad.

Athena DePaul said... The White Trash Party celebrates those of us whiteys who grew up in poorer neighborhoods by letting us throw off the shackles of conformity with the oppressive homogeneity of the culture at large and indulge in our collective longing for Van Halen (David Lee Roth only, obviously)

So the Palin fans have Van Halen and Obama has the rappers and Madonna and Melissa Ethridge.

McCain/Palin 08

blake said...


There ya go. Good save.

Don't you people sleep?

The rule of Lemnity said...

Guess what. after much resistance, instant replay is coming to Baseball.

Meaning... The idea that something could be stolen is unacceptable..

If we let Obama's Chicago steal the general election... it will be because we let it happen just like Hillary did..

EnigmatiCore said...

"Oh heck, Althouse, the "trailer trash" meme has more than earrings to go with it."

I think that elitist meme might just stick on the Obamacans.

rhhardin said...

I just heard the serious deserted man in the street New Orleans interview that ABC radio is using, trees beginning to sway, rain, a storm so vast that it's affecting the Republican Convention all the way up in Minnesota, and haven't stopped laughing.

A man would need a heart of stone etc.

Small earrings would be called for, except it doesn't seem to be shaping up as the hoped for disaster. This things always disappoint.

``It can't be too bad if news babes are wearing earrings,'' would be a good line, if anybody interviews you.

garage mahal said...

One Kos diary, and now THIS?


EnigmatiCore said...


If I could, you know I would
If I could, I would
Let it go...

This desparation
In temptation
Let it go

And so fade away
To let it go
And so fade away
To let it go
And so to fade away

I'm wide awake
I'm wide awake
Wide awake
I'm not sleeping
Oh, no, no, no

Ben (The Tiger in Exile) said...

I think that elitist meme might just stick on the Obamacans.

Every point they bring up drives another few voters into Palin's camp.

Bissage said...

She's... she's... trailer trash.

Exactly right!

Drag the hopes and dreams of ordinary Americans through the Artic National Wildlife Refuge, you never know what you’ll find.

Host with the Most said...


Almost 5 am here on the left coast and the Sarah threads are still running!

Is this the first all night Althouse thread?

Can't say if Palin is gonna win, but she sure seems to have thrown the Dems into a massive panic.

bearbee said...

"Oh heck, Althouse, the "trailer trash" meme has more than earrings to go with it."

I think that elitist meme might just stick on the Obamacans.

Wasn't that the Paul Jones meme? I am always amazed me that people in an administration would use such vile rhetoric against a private citizen and not get ripped by the media and general public. That and the obvious targeted tax audit that was conducted.

garage mahal said...

Clever by half picking Palin I think. Bad internal polling? Completely out of ideas? Nab the 80's chick you knew (or wanted to know) in high school and go into mass faux outrage at all the perceived slights against her. Look Middle America! They're laughing at you.

It's all mooseburgers and hoop earrings from here on out.

Nichevo said...

good, make sure all the twentysomething horndogs look through those photos and see if she's MILF-worthy (cougarrific? fully loaded?) or not. I think they will decide Yes and it seems, from my 22yo fresh graduate cousin from Santa Cruz, that kids do indeed prefer to vote for hotties and not someone who "looks like your mom."

I defecate thee not. Any youth vote has every chance of going Palinward, especially if she deals with those bangs. Like to see her in a pantsuit! (Hmmm.)

Obama Girl my tighty whities! At least I bet the Governor is clean, not that I would ever want to know ;>.

No, I don't think the Governor bears thinking about for some, which is why some post and yet express no thought. It is better to be silent and be thought a fool...

I agree this is pretty likely deniable by Obama-Biden '08. Is it understood how this started being bruited about, by whom? Within how many hours of her selection? (Did someone mention AS' page? Rarely go there anymore, sigh.)

The scum go too far. The people will eventually gag on it. It would be nice for one candidate pair to receive over 50% of the vote; it would tell us where we stand.

Imagine the press or a party or faction slagging Mary Todd Lincoln upon the death of her son! I do not remember now but I think there may have been limits back then, just maybe, though they did call Abe things like The Original Gorilla - coinage reimaged for Bush as the chimp and the moron and so forth. To PROFIT!!!1!!!2! O RLY?

Amateurs discuss tactics. Professionals talk logistics. What is the state of the electoral apparatus? Where will the media's 15% come in? Will it be 15% this year? How many ringers in Chicago or NO or Newark? How much street money, how much a head? Have they hired MSFT heaven forbid?

But no party-pooper I; have it out, I say, get your ya-ya's out. Let you keep checking out Palin's rack while she steals your wallet, y'all.

Nichevo said...

Blogger Bissage said...

She's... she's... trailer trash.

Exactly right!

Drag the hopes and dreams of ordinary Americans through the Artic National Wildlife Refuge, you never know what you’ll find.


jagcap said...

Obamania never was and is not now about policies. Isn't it self-evident that Obama occupies an important emotional space (without characterizing that space) in the minds and hearts of his fans?
Well, Sarah Palin occupies a space of equal (or perhaps greater significance) for us. Sarah powerfully reminds of us of many of the cool women we've known: she's the sister who you could always count on; she's the girl in high school you weren't going to date (she'd been going out with that other guy forever) but you admired and who was fun to know; she's the one who got things done on the job or the charity board, made it look easy and made you feel like you really contributed. Criticize her earrings and you're criticizing the present we gave her last Christmas that we're psyched to see her wearing on national TV. I don't think you guys get it.

Terri said...

Pardon me for being naive because I truly am new to all this political stuff (and I'm sure you can understand why I've avoided it). So I just want to go back to the vagina thing again. I always thought that feminists were "pro-choice", the key word being "choice". So they are NOT pro-choice, they are pro-abortion. Because if you exercise that "choice" and "choose" to have your baby, then you are just no good. Perhaps a better tack would be for them to say "We admire and respect Gov. Palin's CHOICE to have her baby. We are happy to live in a nation where women currently have that CHOICE to make and we want to make sure women continue to have a CHOICE."

Seems to me they are blowing it big-time. It is all about the spin, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

" Nab the 80's chick you knew (or wanted to know) in high school and go into mass faux outrage at all the perceived slights against her. Look Middle America! They're laughing at you."

If true, how stupid, then that liberals keep falling for it, eh?

One Fine Jay said...

Ann, it's just funny watching all these folks criticizing her for these smallest of things. It's like, I ask myself: "IS THAT ALL?" (Then again the last time I saw "someone" ask that question they got their lower jaw ripped off.)

But really: "IS THAT ALL?" Innuendo on a faked pregnancy to save face, a t-shirt that betrays the youthfulness of her youth, and now her taste in earrings?

It's an attempt to tear down her glamour the way the right has torn down BHO's, but the left's attempt to do so is far more crass than poking fun at his celebrity. And now that the right has used that weapon, BHO's followers can't do a "me too!" and have at it.

The Palin pick has basically disarmed McCain's enemies of conventional weaponry. All they have left are polemics. Like a car on fire at the side of a road, I WILL rubberneck for this one.

Peter V. Bella said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Peter V. Bella said...

It is truely amazing that the leftists who are against bigotry and sexism are the real bigots and sexists. They are the wolves in sheep’s clothing.

I really enjoy it though. I love seeing them exposed for what they really are; the haters of the world.

Roger J. said...

Garage: god/ess bless. You are the kind of liberal that gives liberalism its rightful good name--And yes, Hillary is looking better all the time.

Your political instincts were right on. And too all: the people who post on Kos are not liberals; they are something beyond the pale. Liberals are Tony Lewis and EJ Dionne--don't agree with them but they are decent.. So, let us not slur liberalism (yeah, I've done it) by judging real liberalism on what a bunch of flaming moonbats say on a moonbat site.

AllenS said...

I'm not surprised to see men from the left that comment here, saying some of the nastiest stuff about Palin. Especially the comments about her pregnancy and the fact that she had a special needs baby, that maybe, maybe isn't hers, but her daughters. I expect it. What bothers me most though, is the media/democratic feminists not standing up and telling the nutroots to just shut up. I expect more from feminists, but I guess I shouldn't have expected anything.

PunditJoe said...

So far we have - Faked pregnancy, trailer trash, they don't like her earrings or clothes so she ain't fit to lead, she is dumb, and she is in the pocket of "big oil".

I'm sure there are more, but these are some of the sillier attacks I know of.

To me, and I may be wrong, it seems that the Dems has become the party of strange accusations since the 2000 elections.

Many of them see conspiracies within conspiracies on everything from 9/11, to the Iraq war, to Katrina response, to massive election fraud claims (oddly, only when they lose. lol), to Repubs cheating in debates, etc. etc...

This wouldn't be much of a concern if we only heard such things from a few low level individuals, but many of these are echoed by the rank and file as well as high ranking members. What has happened to the Dems?

Roger J. said...

AllenS--point well taken, and if there were ever a time for Barack Obama to weigh in on this and exercise some moral leadership this would be it....He could help himself greatly by disavowing these comments even though I believe he didnt start them nor did his campaign. I am guessing he will remain silent, but I do hope I am wrong.

Peter Hoh said...

I'll ask it again: How is Obama going to repudiate these smear tactics without giving them more play?

AllenS said...

Roger: And if Hillary could step up and say something, I think her image would also be greatly enhanced. I'm not expecting it. G. Ferraro, maybe.

ron st.amant said...

Seven Machos, I could care less whether I've impressed you or not.
My questions were not despigned to insinuate anything, there were questions to which I actually have no opinion, or mixed opinions.

I'm not trying to attack Palin, or any other woman and I could care less how she, or anyone, decides to live their life. And since I'm not voting for her I have even less interest in her life and choices.

I was trying to ascertain whether people think pregnancy falls under a different category of public disclosures of health aspects.

You chose to blow off the questions rather than actually give them a thought, and then insult me on top of it.

Yes, you are a paragon of intellectual debate yourself.

In the last year I've seen the Althouse comment section because a vast wasteland of right-wing yahoos who have no interest in respecting a different point of view. I guess I shouldn't expect anything else from folks who buy into the 'liberals hate America' meme. Fear not, Machos, you won't have to ever be unimpressed by me and my thoughts again...enjoy your echo chamber.

Roger J. said...

Peter (and thank you for representing liberals well in this "debate"): by exercising moral leadership in the face of a possible political backlash from his netroots constituency. That would be my response. I dont think he has the stones do it however.

Simon Kenton said...

It looks to me like competing tribalism. You might think women on the left would be members of the woman tribe, or the feminist tribe (where I am equating feminism with delight in the accomplishments of women), or the mother tribe. But they aren't. They are members of the dem tribe and the celebrity tribe. Who were Clinton's big supporters in his rape and harassment scandals? Who backed Teddy Kennedy in his? I would think they would feel even a moment's revulsion at the attacks on a teenage girl. Of distaste for the hypocrisy of attacking someone for exercising her power of choice. Of contempt for attacks as snotty as hoopie-gate. But they never do. They are dems and closet Lohan groupies and that's it. I live in Boulder, I share their checkout lines - I get to see what magazines they leaf through and ease into the shopping cart (after they've looked furtively around to see who's seeing them).

I've been waiting a long time to use a classic phrase and by God, here goes. The dems just don't get it. Not one of the people I know who is excited about the Palin identifies as a Christian rightwinger, or even a Christian at all. All of them are 'pro-choice.' What seems to unite them is that this just might be change we can believe in. When Obama leads an effort to jail Mayor Daley, he'll regain their votes.

Anonymous said...

Sarah Palin is a breath of fresh air and she is a serious threat to the Obama clan. When I saw the earrings I thought it was cool, a bold move. She's not afraid to be herself. She doesn't belong in a box. She's real, charismatic, and a proven leader. I can't wait for the debate between Palin and Biden. I predict Sarah Palin will answer her critics at that moment. I'm sure she can't wait!

Fen said...

Simon Kenton: It looks to me like competing tribalism. You might think women on the left would be members of the woman tribe, or the feminist tribe (where I am equating feminism with delight in the accomplishments of women), or the mother tribe. But they aren't. They are members of the dem tribe and the celebrity tribe.

Simon, someone's already put your thoughts to paper - you'll like this snippet:

Now, for the rest of you, let�s get past Republican and Democrat, Red and Blue, too. Let�s talk about these two Tribes: Pink, the color of bunny ears, and Grey, the color of a mechanical pencil lead.

I live in both worlds. In entertainment, everything is Pink, the color of Angelyne�s Stingray � it�s exciting and dynamic and glamorous. I�m also a pilot, and I know honest-to-God rocket scientists, and combat flight crews and Special Ops guys -- stone-cold Grey, all of them -- and am proud and deeply honored to call them my friends.

The Pink Tribe is all about feeling good: feeling good about yourself! Sexually, emotionally, artistically � nothing is off limits, nothing is forbidden, convention is fossilized insanity and everybody gets to do their own thing without regard to consequences, reality, or natural law. We all have our own reality � one small personal reality is called �science,� say � and we Make Our Own Luck and we Visualize Good Things and There Are No Coincidences and Everything Happens for a Reason and You Can Be Whatever You Want to Be and we all have Special Psychic Powers and if something Bad should happen it's because Someone Bad Made It Happen. A Spell, perhaps.

The Pink Tribe motto, in fact, is the ultimate Zen Koan, the sound of one hand clapping: EVERYBODY IS SPECIAL.

Then, in the other corner, there is the Grey Tribe - the grey of reinforced concrete. This is a Tribe where emotion is repressed because Emotion Clouds Judgment. This is the world of Quadratic Equations and Stress Risers and Loads Torsional, Compressive and Tensile, a place where Reality Can Ruin Your Best Day, the place where Murphy mercilessly picks off the Weak and the Incompetent, where the Speed Limit is 186,282.36 miles per second, where every bridge has a Failure Load and levees come in 50 year, 100 year and 1000 Year Flood Flavors.

The Grey Tribe motto is, near as I can tell, THINGS BREAK SOMETIMES AND PLEASE DON'T LET IT BE MY BRIDGE.

I can't repeat it enough. We're excited about Palin because its obvious she's from the Grey tribe.

Ahermitt said...

I don't like her at all, but as far as the earrings are concerned... they are not much different than the ones I wear everyday... and I wouldn't be caught dead near a trailer park...

Of course, if I were running from VP, I might start wearing my pearl earrings and necklace that I save for special occasions... Everyday is a special occasion when you're running for VP... causal attire will not do.

Roger J. said...

sorry ladies: hoops are HOT--deal with it

SarahW said...

Oh, come on now. Those are completely awful earrings. But I like the idea that it's an (unintentional) backhand slap at the ladies who can't do much more with 700 bucks than buy a pair of earrings.

Anonymous said...

Not to worry, sweets! Whole lines of precious gem & metal jewelry for men and women will be made to honor Sarah Palin. Hunting clothes, guns, outdoor wear: all Sarah! Alaska is the next Hollywood destination.

Suck it up Obamaist; you're cult figure is collapsing like the blowup Statue of Liberty in Denver. Your slanders wither in the light of this woman. Our next VPOTUS, "CUDA" to the Secret Service (or should be), embodies what every real American man would like to remember of his mother, and, if married, would like to believe their wife is capable of emulating. She's the one for VP, not THE ONE like Obama imagines himself to be. Scissors cut paper - Obama loses.

M. Simon said...

Oh please, who doesn't want to get in touch with their trashy side every now and again.

At what expense?

A lot less than a tuxedo.

former law student said...

Apparently Aravosis is auditioning for Queer Eye for the Straight VP Candidate.

Anonymous said...

she is a trailer trash.