September 7, 2008

On Sarah Palin avoiding interviews for now... and the dumbest things Obama and McCain have said.

I've been thinking about the way Sarah Palin is avoiding interviews. She can't keep doing that, but I think it's wise for her to take some time to bone up on things and to develop rhetorical strategies. She's going to be severely tested, and she's got to take some time to get ready. Her opponents are right to make a big deal out of every minute she delays, but the price of making a mistake is great. You know any dumb thing that slips out is going to be used to the hilt. And something dumb is inevitable.

With this in mind, I was wondering what is the single dumbest thing Obama and McCain have said? Something has to be the dumbest. I'm thinking, for Obama:

For McCain:

The remix:


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vbspurs said...

Palin is between a rock and a hard place.

Even her staunchest supporters want her to start doing interviews (I do), since they want her to project confidence and knowledge; but they're also fearful of the gotcha questions which could derail a candidate unfairly.

"Senator Palin, who is the President of Kyrgyzstan?"

And actually, that's a tame gotcha question.

There are 30 Democratic lawyers on Alaskan soil now, trying to dig up slush on her. The questions and stories will be spun like Tasmanian devils.

She has less than 60 days to prove her mettle and competence to be the second most important political person in the world. This is both good and bad.

Good, because the American public couldn't take 19 months of Palin's private life (Mooseburgers! US Magazine's Name the Grandkid contest! National Enquirer's Is Todd stepping out with Cindy!) like they did with Obama.

Bad, because she needs to cram in information. I've been reading Alaskan newspapers, and one from that Anne Kilkenny woman. By all accounts, she's incredibly smart, and a quick study.

Will it be enough?


vbspurs said...

/Governor Palin...

chuck said...

I can't see any reason for her to submit to an interview until the media starts playing straight. Might happen in a month or so, but I kind of doubt it. Avoiding those bums is a definite plus in my book. Meanwhile, there is the earlier cspan interview to get you through.

chuck said...
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Ruth Anne Adams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jon said...

AP says she will do an interview with Charlie Gibson of ABC later this week.

vbspurs said...

I can't see any reason for her to submit to an interview until the media starts playing straight.

Chuck, I can't agree with that. It would make her look scared, and actually the American public deserve better.

Right now, she's got the upper-hand. Because media went overboard with Bristol's pregnancy, people realise they just want an opportunity to trash her, and then cynically have a panel show, "Is this topic fair game for media to discuss?" (thank you, Larry King).

But this good feeling will wear off if she doesn't have a sit-down interview with, say, Tom Brokaw at one point. She could start by doing the rounds of the morning talk shows sometime next week.

I think it's a good strategy for the McCain to keep her under-wraps right now. It builds excitement. The ratings for her RNC speech were Olympian. That's because from Sunday to Wednesday, she was no where to be seen.

But you know, she has to be more visible sometime.

Annie said...

I just had my first baby a month ago so maybe I am just a sucker for videos with babies in them at the moment but I really liked the remix.

I suspect you liked the remix a bunch too because I am sure that McCain has made more substantive gaffes during this election. That 100 years deal certainly comes to mind. Cruel neutrality destroyed by babies. It is always the last people you suspect.

Joe said...

You forgot Obama's latest; he has said he won't rescind the Bush tax cuts if the country is in recession since it would deepen the recession. To be blunt; Obama has admitted that the Bush tax cuts have helped the economy and to rescind them would hurt the economy. So why is insisting on rescinding them?

The man is a moron.

Ann Althouse said...

I also thought of the "bomb bomb Iran" thing... after I put up the post.

The thing about the dehydrated babies clip is that I laugh hysterically every time I see it.

Simon said...

I join Ruth Anne's comment, but
I'll add that the best strategy for her may well be to be honest and to come out swinging. "I don't know the answer to that, and let me tell you why it doesn't matter."

MikeR said...

The avoiding interview thing is fun. It will drive people nuts for a while, and the media will get more and more excited about it if it goes on for very long.

She should take her time. The minute she starts giving regular interviews, the meme will vanish completely, and look foolish. Who cares if she used to be afraid of interviews?

The more fuss the media makes about it, the more it will go on the growing list of ways that the average American likes Sarah Palin a whole lot better than the media.

Ann Althouse said...

You don't even need to say "I don't know." You just need techniques to finesse and navigate.

For example:

1. Move to a higher level of abstraction. Palin could keep returning to fundamental conservative principles.

2. Characterize the issue as complex and important and assure people that you will assemble highly qualified advisors, listen carefully to them, and endeavor to find a workable solution. (Obama constantly uses this one.)

Trooper York said...

I think she should just say that the media are just lying sacks of shit and she didn't come to please the inside the beltway scumbags like Sally Quinn and Maureen Dowd and Helen Thomas and David Gregory.

Doing interviews with local news people who are more honest than the national poohbahs is the way to go. Screw 'em.

vbspurs said...

Bomb Bomb Iran is one, but the "rich" being anyone who earns more than 5 million dollars is another.

And I still think the "above my paygrade" crack by Obama stinks.

chuck said...


Palin's got the upper hand, they need her more than she needs them. So, time and place of her choosing. We'll see how it goes. Here is the cspan interview from 2/28/08.

Simon said...

Some humor couldn't go astray - "I'd like to change categories and go for 'questions that matter.'"

Also, it's worth considering what Palin's actually going to be doing all day. Remember the meme that Palin didn't know what the veep does? That came from a rhetorical question in an interview with Larry Kudlow where she made it pretty clear that she wasn't going to accept the offer of the veep position without having some kind of concrete assurances of some kind of portfolio. If she comes out swinging and explains what she's going to be spending her time doing, she can very effectively belittle the "who is the President of Elbonia" questions, and moreover, if the interviewer tries to point out that she may become President if McCain keels, that's a golden opening to savage Obama on the inexperience point. Repeat it loudly and often: Palin may take over if we vote for her; Obama will take over, and there's simply no comparison between her experience and his. The idea of liberals criticizing Palin's experience is a joke, and that's the message McCain and Palin need to push.

vbspurs said...

"who is the President of Elbonia"

Rufus T. Firefly?

Trooper York said...

The best defense is a good offense. Take it to them right in their face. The media will never be her friend. It would never be even try to be fair. Haven’t you been watching lately? Take it too the bastards. Tell to their face that they are lying, manipulative, plagiarizing, fabricating partisans who can't be trusted to pour piss out of a boot. Most regular Americans would give her a standing ovation. Screw 'em.

J. Cricket said...

Why does she need to "bone up" on anything?! She's ready DAY ONE. That is what John "Country First" McCain said would be the most important thing in choosing a VP.

And hey, after all those high-stakes decisions she had to make for the Alaska National Guard, she should be ready right now!

bearbee said...

Seems to me the Biden-Palin debate (will there be one?) will be the crtical test.

Biden may be a blowhard but he has 35 years in the Senate, member of various committees including 7 years member and current Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations.

He has surely amassed a lot of knowledge in many areas.

Anonymous said...

She'll do fine, just needs some time to get up to speed on McCain's positions on the issues, do some practice interviews with staff members posing as hostile members of the press, etc., etc.

Much ado about nothing.

The Drill SGT said...

screw the press, at least the NYT and the other venues like Time that are organs of the DNC. Start doing interviews for local outlets and people that aren't compete Obamanuts

Anonymous said...

Well, the team is winning now, without doing interviews, so why bother?

BTW videos still not working. Firefox problem?

vbspurs said...

Seems to me the Biden-Palin debate (will there be one?) will be the crtical test.

There are traditionally two VP debates, I believe.

I think Biden will do better than expected in the first one, but he won't land a knockout punch.

(I'm watching Part 1 of the C-SPAN video. She's just taking her first caller, and it was an anti-Bush question. She's doing so makes me proud. Not sure why but it does -- thank you, Chuck!)

vbspurs said...

PatCa, yes. I heard from an Althouse commenter that if the video stops at 0:02, it's a script problem with the browser. You have to either click on comments and access it there, refresh, or quit Firefox altogether and load it again.

Or use IE...

Peter V. Bella said...

bearbee said...
Seems to me the Biden-Palin debate (will there be one?) will be the crtical test.

That will not be a debate. Biden will keep talking, right through the commercials, if need be. Gov. Palin will never get a chance to even say hello or good bye.

Peter V. Bella said...
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Peter V. Bella said...

She should wait until the craziness of the smear campaign dies down. Then she whould play the Clinton card- control the interview. If they get out of line, she cuts off access.

That is why Clinton was only given puff questions and never had to answer a serious question- like who is the president of Islamabaksinrobbins Land.

Anonymous said...

Ann, don't you think it's likely she's waiting out the worst of the idiotic media sh*tstorm before she gives interviews? I would...

vbspurs said...

Re: C-SPAN Palin video comment.

I noticed that a caller from Anchorage, AK pronounces the State just like she does, "Ah-laaaaa-ska". Reminds me of the Minnesotans, who say, Mi-neh-soooda.

We've touched on her quirky pronunciation in the past, but do all Alaskans speak like her?

Or is it an idiosyncrisy like the Kennedys and their "Bostonian" accent (which is nothing of the sort)?

Lastly, whenever I hear her say "Thank you", my mind automatically spells it THANG-Q just like Ann did during the RNC.

J. Cricket said...

Great game!

So, what's the dumbest thing Althouse has said?

I nominate: "I have taken a vow of cruel neutrality"!

Anonymous said...

I can play the video on other sites...will watch it on Youtube I guess.

Ruth Anne Adams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
umgrantb said...

Maybe Obama's "bitter" ought to be his greatest miscue.

McCain's got loads more gaffes than this baby one...
- 100 years in Iraq
- Iraq-Afghan border
- bomb Iran
- In the 21st century, nations don't invade other nations
- His bit about having voted with the President 90 percent of the time

If Sarah Palin needs time to study up for media interviews, maybe she needs time, oh say, four years or so, to study up on other things she ought to know before being VP.

blake said...

"I think I'll run for President."

Jim Hu said...

The two clips are very different kinds of dumb statements, and Obama's is worse because it's an extended policy statement, not a slip of the tongue. IIRC, he also passed on the chance to say that he meant something more like what Clinton and Edwards said.

The equivalent of "hot bottled water" is "57 states". Somewhere in between is the bitter clinging, which in the end may be the one that's most harmful to his chances.

McCain's gaffes that are more significant than hot bottled water include 100 years, $5M, how many houses, and saying the economy is basically robust.

I'm sure I've missed other worthy nominees from both candidates.

vbspurs said...

to study up on other things she ought to know before being VP.

I'm fairly sure this was already addressed. She needs to be intimately aware of domestic and foreign policy issues, and the positions taken by Senator McCain.

But by all means, please set the bar lower. In fact, I'll join you.


mrs whatsit said...

PatCA, I, too, have the problem of videos stopping two seconds in -- here at Althouse and also at some, but not all, other blogs. They play just fine at YouTube.

I've tried Victoria's suggested fixes on the videos in this post and they didn't work for me. If anybody has any more thoughts on the problem, I'd love to hear them. The only way I've found to watch Althouse videos is to paste the URL into an IE window when necessary. Quite annoying.

Sloanasaurus said...

McCain's got loads more gaffes than this baby one...

Your kidding. Biden is the biggest Gaffer of them all. Biden opposed all of Ronald Reagans policies to bring down the Soviet Union. Biden was always there ready to vote against funding the contras, funding starwars, etc... In the end Biden was proven so wrong.

Synova said...

This "avoiding interviews" thing makes it seem like she's hiding.

I didn't *go* but she was here yesterday with McCain doing a campaign stop and speeches and all that "not hiding" sort of stuff.

It seems she has a choice and it's not between giving interviews and not, but between giving interviews and getting on the road and meeting people. What is the smart thing to do? Spending her time talking to the people who think they count more than others is probably *not* the smart choice.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Billy Mays here: Dehydrated babies!!!. Just add water and PRESTO a baby of your very own. No muss, no fuss, no inconvenient 9 months of pregnancy!! Chose the eye color, hair color, height and IQ of your dehydrated baby(caution results may vary.) Act now an you will recieve your Dehydrated Baby kit for $19,999.95 plus shiping and handling. AND that's not ALL. If you act now you will receive a full year of instant disposable diapers.

Everytime I hear Glenn refer to the Insta Wife, I think the same thing, or of the inflatable autopilot on the movie Airplane.

umgrantb said...

Hmm, if Biden similarly denied requests for interviews, wouldn't the Republicans seize on that? Most likely yes.

Is this a new idea - setting aside time in a sixty odd day campaign for familiarization with issues?

vbspurs said...

Oh Mrswhatsit, what a shame. :(

Basically, when all else fails, I reboot the computer. I'm fearful people will get tired of Firefox because of this. Worse yet, the 3.0 version SUCKS.

Ruth Anne, thanks for the info! Did you check out the C-SPAN vid? The very last question is about her having been mentioned as a possible Veep candidate.

The interview is dated 2/24/08, and it must shortly have been done after she met that time with McCain.

What is refreshing is that she doesn't cutesily skirt her ambitions for higher office.

"I would absolutely love to serve on a national level, at some point."

Cheryl said...

I like TrooperYork's idea of using the local media for Palin. Between the Internet and networks picking up the video she'd get tons of exposure, and probably in a more neutral setting.

What struck me about the videos was that it took Obama about three minutes to say something stupid, but it only took McCain about 20 seconds. Really, how stupid can it be when 90% of the electorate won't wait to hear you say it?

I like the "straight talk" but admit that the avalanche of words has its use as well. Ugh.

blake said...

I've heard people bitching about Firefox 3, but it's virtually indistinguishable from 2, from what I can tell.

Except for the "smart" URL bar, but once you get used to that, it's more useful than the traditional one in ANY browser.

Chrome is cool, too.

Zachary Sire said...

Here is a handy breakdown of when other VP's in modern history "met the press" once they were nominated. Cheney? The same day. Ferraro? The day before. Sarah has set a new record.

MikeR said...

By the way: I hate this idiotic "gotcha" stuff. Is there someone with half a brain who thinks that Obama thinks there are 57 states? Or that McCain doesn't know Shiites from Sunnis? Both sides should speak out forcefully against idiotic talking points about the other side; the world would be better off.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, if Biden similarly denied requests for interviews, wouldn't the Republicans seize on that? Most likely yes.

Personally, I don't care if Biden or Palin give interviews. As the VP nominees, their role is to campaign for and represent the views of their respective presidential nominee.

In other words, their personal views on issues are subordinated to the presidential candidate's views.

So, if you need to know where the campaigns stand on an issue, you can just go to the top and be done with it.

Talking to the national press corp, I believe, is vastly overrated. Both campaigns would be better served by spending their time with local and state media outlets.

George M. Spencer said...

Well, he slipped this morning and mentioned his "Muslim faith" to Stephanopolous, and yesterday he said he was President.

Toss a coin.

vbspurs said...

*applauds what MikeR said*

Honestly, it's just blog-fodder and a way to cheaply produce an one-hour show on TV.

Does anyone remember one flub uttered by Nixon or Kennedy during their presidential campaigns? No? Probably because they didn't have 24/7 cable tv, wondering what Dick and Jack really meant.

Anonymous said...

One more thing, members of the national press corp are not entitled to interviews. What makes them so special?

Reporters in Wisconsin, Indiana, California, and other states are just as capable of asking questions, and are more likely to do so without playing gotcha games.

Personally, nothing would make me happier than to have both tickets tell the national press corp to go to hell.

Peter V. Bella said...

Is there someone with half a brain who thinks that Obama thinks there are 57 states? Or that McCain doesn't know Shiites from Sunnis?

Of course Obama believes there are 57 states. He was a community organizer in every one of them. As to the Shiite from Sunnis, who cares? It is not important. What is important is that McCain does know something Obama does not;

The difference between shit and Shinola.

Simon said...

Zach, your example of Ferraro blows a hole in the side of your own case. If interviews given before they were nominated count, Palin has met the press. Often.

Simon said...

Peter V. Bella said...
"As to the Shiite from Sunnis, who cares? It is not important."

Uh... It kind of is. But I have no reason to doubt that McCain understands the difference.

rhhardin said...

I don't care how smart she is; the talent needed is puncturing media gasbags.

Simon said...

I mean, I'm aware that he gave a speech and had a slip of the tongue. A slip of a tongue happens in speeches, and it's forgivable. That's why I defended Obama's remarks referring to his uncle who liberated Auschwitz when some other conservative blogs were readying the torches.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone remember one flub uttered by Nixon or Kennedy during their presidential campaigns? No? Probably because they didn't have 24/7 cable tv, wondering what Dick and Jack really meant.

I think that is right, but I believe the press also became more politicized and adversarial after Watergate.

Woodward and Bernstein motivated an entire generation of people to enter journalism filled with fantasies of bringing down high-powered politicians and toppling governments.

Add to that adversarial attitude very strong liberal to leftist political views, and you have a fourth estate that is quickly losing credibility and relevance.

Simon said...

Sloanasaurus said...
"Biden is the biggest Gaffer of them all. Biden opposed all of Ronald Reagans policies to bring down the Soviet Union. Biden was always there ready to vote against funding the contras, funding starwars, etc..."

He also voted against the Alaska pipeline, Robert Bork, and wanted to partition Iraq. I honestly struggle to think of a non-unanimous vote that Biden was on the right side of.

vbspurs said...

Add to that adversarial attitude very strong liberal to leftist political views, and you have a fourth estate that is quickly losing credibility and relevance.

Yes, because they are so many of them who share the same viewpoint. This is why it's in the national best interest to have another conservative cable news channel, to beat Fox News at their own game.

Because right now, it's 100 roosters going after the same tired hen.

...see, I blame Sarah Palin for my analogy. I never came up with barnyard allusions before she appeared on the scene. Who wants to go polar bear huntin'?

(Off for the day, see you guys tomorrow -- to DBQ, LOL. I want Vince from Shamwow next)


Jim Hu said...

Here's a link to the ABC blog on Palin being interviewed by Gibson. Note that the offer to do the interview was made on Friday.

Anonymous said...

Obama's questioner was pretty bad claiming Sadat went to Israel to meet with Begin in 1982. Sadat was murdered in 1981, went to Israel in 77, Camp David in 78 and signed the Egyptian-Israeli treaty in 79.

The McCain clip is funny because we all know McCain doesn't know nothin' about birthin' no babies.

And what's with the nerd princes at Firefox? Mine is dead in the water on any flash videos from any site.

Why wont they patch that up? I have to use IE now to watch vids.

rhhardin said...

Because right now, it's 100 roosters going after the same tired hen.

The tired hen is the soap opera audience, and they seem to lie back and enjoy it.

Simon said...

Oh God - Charlie Gibson? What an excuse for a journalist he is. I remember about a year ago, the Ledbetter decision came down on the same day as something happened on the immigation front. I was interested to hear how JCG would report on the case, so I tuned in to ABC (alas, she'd left PBS by then), and caught the last section of their coverage of whatever the immigration thing was. And at the end of that segment, Gibson says something to the effect that he just couldn't understand why, when everyone seems to agree that there's a problem that needs to be fixed, they still can't agree on legislation. Unbelievable! We all agree that there's a problem, so why can't we agree on the solution! What an idiot.

Zachary Sire said...

your example of Ferraro

Ferraro met the press 4 days after being named the candidate. When I found that she was talking foreign policy the day before, I went with that side of it because it was more interesting, and still something Palin hasn't done. But if you want me to appease you, I can edit my post to say that it was 4 days after. Sarah, no matter how you spin it, is going on day 11.

Peter V. Bella said...

What an idiot.

Yes, but he is such a nice idiot, a polite idiot, the kind of idiot you wouldtake home and meet the folks but never marry idiot. The nice kidn of safe idiot you would let your daughter take to the prom. He is the quitnessential idiot next door.

Joe said...

Just out of curiosity, how many US territories with voting rights are there? Obama could have meant to say 57 states and territories. I count six (what's missing?):

District of Columbia
Puerto Rico
Virgin Islands
Northern Mariana Islands
American Samoa

Alex said...

I saw screw the same MSM that's trying to screw her over. No interview period. Nada. Zip.

In a military campaign you don't come out onto the battlefield when the enemy desires it, you do so at your time of choosing.

McCain's a military guy - he gets it.

Zachary Sire said...

I count six (what's missing?):

The South Side of Chicago

Alex said...

Also why reward the media for their smear campaign by granting interviews? Just go over the media elites head and grant interviews with journalist you know are fair and balanced. I wouldn't mind an interview with Shepperd Smith.

Zachary Sire said...

Just go over the media elites head and grant interviews with journalist you know are fair and balanced. I wouldn't mind an interview with Shepperd Smith.


Alex said...

Zachary Paul Sire:

Keep LOLing to Barry's defeat. I'm sure you'll be doing a lot of LOL on Nov. 4.

Simon said...

Especially for Zack: 69 rumors about Sarah Palin debunked. I've debunked several at SF, too. And didn't you lose a bet to someone here about her still being on the ticket after the convention?

Anonymous said...

I agree with those who are saying she doesn't do interviews. There are plenty out there, just not in the last week. I have watched the debates and many interviews (although not all yet). What I like about the C-Span interview is she took questions from callers.

I particularly like the question - as I am watching Chris Wallace questioning Alaska earmarks - about Alaska taking fewer earmarks with their windfall - and she said, great question, it's her goal to get Alaska off the dole so to speak. Direct and honest. Refreshing.

Also, do you see how she knows her stuff and there are no um um um errs?

As I keep saying, keep it up MSM, and when she does go on meet the press or Charlie Gibson, she will garner another HUGE audience. They will look like fools and their response will be, "she had Karl Rove prepping her!' or some dumb nonsense (as with last week's speech - nothing special here folks - move along - she had a Bush speech writer!)

Anonymous said...

Sorry - I meant to say I agree with those saying she DOES and has DONE interviews. (sheesh)

chickelit said...

vbspurs said: Because right now, it's 100 roosters going after the same tired hen.

She's going to do fine precisely because they will act like roosters, trying to outdo one another. By the time they figure out how to be like fox going after the hen she'll have learned quite a bit.

Uncle Foghorn told me so.

Trooper York said...

"Because right now, it's 100 roosters going after the same tired hen."

Hey cut that shit out. RH doesn't need the competition.

Harwood said...

"She's going to be severely tested ...."

She's going to be unfairly tested. Watch for it.

garage mahal said...

She's going to be unfairly tested. Watch for it.

She's trying out for the 2nd most powerful job in the world. If she can't handle the same press every other pol had to handle she isn't qualified for the job. That simple.

Alex said...

garage mahal said...

She's going to be unfairly tested. Watch for it.

She's trying out for the 2nd most powerful job in the world. If she can't handle the same press every other pol had to handle she isn't qualified for the job. That simple.

6:01 PM

I'm so looking forward to seeing the sad faces from weasly leftiest like you on Nov. 5th. So looking forward to it!!!!

Alex said...

BTW, Obama is cratering in the polls...

Harwood said...

She's trying out for the 2nd most powerful job in the world. If she can't handle the same press every other pol had to handle she isn't qualified for the job. That simple.

Read the words, Shit-for-brains. I didn't say she couldn't pass the test. I said it will be an unfair test.

Zachary Sire said...

Thanks for the list Simon. It's good that the Palin people are being more proactive than the Obama people were to address the smears. Nothing on the list came as a surprise to me, except for item 20. Where are the 3 media interviews she did yesterday?

Roger J. said...

Catherine31--I owe you a big apology--on a previous thread I attributed to you something you did not say and took you task--I was most definitely wrong and extend to you my sincere apology.

Anonymous said...

With this in mind, I was wondering what is the single dumbest thing Obama has said?



I'm picking McCain/Palin by 12%, 55% - 43%

Alex said...

In the end McCain will win about 400-138 in the electoral college taking 40 states. GOP will take back the House and Senate as well as governships, state legislates, city councils, school boards, etc...

Roger J. said...

Wonder boy George did a dance on Obama's head today. Obama misspoke and said "his muslim faith." Now conservative bloggers and getting their torches and pitchforks. Thats a shame when both sides seize on candidates slips of the tongue.

Of more interest to me is why Stephanopolis was so hard on the Senator--suppose he is in the Hillary camp? Or we could suppose that he is actually doing a journalist job of questioning. He challenged Obama about attributing the Muslim smears to the McCain campaign. And he, Obama, ended up admitting it wasnt the McCain camp, but those nasty bloggers (the same ones on his side of the aisle he cant control).

Anonymous said...

There are two reasons for Palin to avoid giving interviews. The first is obvious, to prepare herself. The second is more tactical. Delay creates nervousness, expectation and assaults by her adversaries. It sets up a low expectation again. If the democrats keep mocking the delay saying she is scared, when she shows up and succeeds they look foolish again. Palin is the new story in town, delay keeps her fresh and underexposed.

chickelit said...

roger j. said: Thats a shame when both sides seize on candidates slips of the tongue.

Well there are gaffes and there are gaffes that coincide with sensitive topics.

Bush's "crusade" gaffe comes to mind, but that wasn't a gaffe, just incredibly insensitive.

Bill said...

Among the dumbest things Obama has said is this:

10,000 dead from tornado in Kansas (Youtube).

Steven said...

By not talking to the press, Sarah Palin is getting the press to repeat her convention-speech message — that she's not a typical politician — over and over. Every time somebody compares her reticence to Cheney or Ferraro or whomever, the message gets drilled in a little bit deeper.

Further, it draws out the attention she can get. If she was interviewed right next to the convention, then it's all part of the "Here's Sarah" rollout. If she waits a week, well, then "Sarah's first interview!" becomes the lead story in a completely separate news cycle.

It also doesn't hurt that the delay has all the Obama supporters yelling about her being incompetent, which lowers expectations and makes it that much easier for her to shine.

So, tell me; why should she give up all of these benefits and give an interview on the press's schedule instead of her own?

garage mahal said...

Read the words, Shit-for-brains. I didn't say she couldn't pass the test. I said it will be an unfair test.

There are no unfair tests when applying for her job title, shit for brains. This is big leagues, not city council, not picking up kids from hockey, not some piece of crap of town no one has ever heard of in Alaska and no one cares about. Not that you care of course.

Joe said...

Why does the press feel it has such a special right to talk to someone. Maybe they should get off their lazy asses and, I don't know, actually do some reporting?

Alex said...

chickenlittle - I couldn't give a flying fart that Muslims found that remark offensive. They can go take a long walk off a short plank.

I'm Full of Soup said...

The MSM has their collective knickers twisted. Sarah Palin has not graced them with her presence and "it's been nine days since she was announced as McCain's VP choice". That is a quote from Chris Matthews this morning.

I recommend McCain give Palin free access to a Meet The Press type press conference BUT instead of MSM types, he should use informed & randomly-selected taxpayers to ask the questions.(I suggest Simon & Beth to start off fairly).

Call it "MEET THE TAXPAYERS". And no one from the Beltway is allowed. This would be a maverick move for McCain. He has no downside since polls consistently show voters don't believe nor respect the MSM anyway.

This would create a new paradigm.It bypasses and replaces the biased dinosaur media with real no-bullshit type regular citizens to ask questions to the candidates. Hell Rick Warren (for God's sake heh) did way better than any MSM type.

Peter V. Bella said...

garage mahal said...
She's trying out for the 2nd most powerful job in the world. If she can't handle the same press every other pol had to handle she isn't qualified for the job. That simple.

If Obama’s tender sensitivities are wounded because he cannot handle sarcasm from a VICE PRESIDENTIAL candidate, then he is not even qualified for a job as a community organizer, let alone the most powerful position in the world.

Zachary Sire said...

Can I just say that Alex is my favorite new Althouse commenter? Why is someone so profound and prolific using a blocked profile?

Please, Alex, share more insightful electoral college predictions and enlighten us with your thoughtful take on Muslims.

blake said...

There are no unfair tests when applying for her job title, shit for brains.

Unfair tests when applying for title of Vice-President of the USA:

1. Blood test (O- required to pass!)
2. Skin swath test (must match skin tone to White House wall paper).
3. Rabbit test (the rabbit must die!)
4. Garage mahal approval test
5. StarCraft tournament
6. Biathlon
7. 100m swim vs. Mihael Phelps
8. The elite Beltway insider circle jerkathon...

Just to name a few that wouldn't seem fair.

Roger J. said...

I'm still not clear why Sarah Palin "must" give an interview to the MSM--if she can connect with people outside the reach of the MSM she is communicating with the constituency she needs to--Come on folks--is the only news out there that which is filtered thru sunday talk shows?

I wouldnt care if Governor Palin NEVER gives an interview to the MSM. Shes already connected, and the nasty truth in politics is that the voting public really doesnt give a damn about issues. She's McCain's attack dog, except she wears lipstick. You are supposed to be voting for the top of the ticket, not the VP. Remember? (and please can the actuarial analysis of McCain's imminent demise).

garage mahal said...

If Obama’s tender sensitivities are wounded because he cannot handle sarcasm from a VICE PRESIDENTIAL candidate, then he is not even qualified for a job as a community organizer, let alone the most powerful position in the world.

He didn't whine, he said he was called worse on the basketball court, then proceeded to go on O'Reilly. Next stupid fucking observation?

reader_iam said...

I think she should get out there and do interviews and with various outlets. Then we can all decide how she did--and, for that matter, how whatever journalist did.

I get this is a game, but ultimately it's not about Palin OR the press OR your favorite political party. It's about us--we the people and potential voters--and, damnit, I want to hear and see for myself. And I don't mean just a bunch of speeches. I want interviews. A bunch of them.

This goes for all of them, by the way, but especially Palin because she's latest on the scene and therefore, naturally, most lightly exposed.

Peter V. Bella said...

garage mahal said...
This is big leagues, not city council, not picking up kids from hockey, not some piece of crap of town no one has ever heard of in Alaska and no one cares about.

Hey, shit for brains. This is the big leagues, not community organizing in some south side Chicago piece of crap ghetto neighborhood no one has ever heard about and no one cares about.

reader_iam said...

I wouldnt care if Governor Palin NEVER gives an interview to the MSM. Shes already connected, and the nasty truth in politics is that the voting public really doesnt give a damn about issues.

Speak for yourself--which of course you ARE, but you know what I mean.

Roberto said...

This is the many 95% of the people on this site want to be President:

On Sunday, McClatchy Newspapers published a story on Sen. John McCain's oft-discussed temper, detailing one incident in which McCain allegedly pushed a woman in a wheelchair.

According to McClatchy's report, in 1996, McCain was met in the Senate office halls by a group of family members of POW-MIAs who had been pressing him to pursue more information on their relatives.

Six people present have written statements describing what they saw. According to the accounts, McCain waved his hand to shoo away Jeannette Jenkins, whose cousin was last seen in South Vietnam in 1970, causing her to hit a wall.

As McCain continued walking, Jane Duke Gaylor, the mother of another missing serviceman, approached the senator. Gaylor, in a wheelchair equipped with portable oxygen, stretched her arms toward McCain.

"McCain stopped, glared at her, raised his left arm ready to strike her, composed himself and pushed the wheelchair away from him," according to Eleanor Apodaca, the sister of an Air Force captain missing since 1967.

McCain's staff wouldn't respond to requests for comment about specific incidents.

Unknown said...


What could it be? He's not potty trained yet?

Roberto said...

People here keep referring to Palin not wanting to be interviewed by the MSM.

Who would you consider to NOT be a member of the MSM??

zeek said...

Obama believes we have at least 57 states and confirms he's Muslim.

Mcain has some foreign policy confusion.

blake said...

Ah, good, now we're back to talking about the Real Issues! McCain is CRAAAAZZEEEE!

Roger J. said...

Garage: I fear the chosen one is a whiner..thats what the evidence so far indicates to me. YMMV of course.

Unknown said...

Michael, I'll bet you're unaware that there are people who to this day consider McCain a traitor for his work to normalize U.S.-Vietnam relations. And no we're not just talking about Ted Sampley.

Godot said...

Obama's "My Muslim faith" slip has got to be the most DOH! slip to date.

The silliest slip? "I've now been in fifty seven states. I have one left to go."

Roberto said...

I've never threatened a woman in a wheelchair.

Have YOU?

Roger J. said...

Reader--I always speak only for myself. And we will have to disagree on this. If you believe an interview with MSM is informative, thats great. Having seen the crap that passes for "interviews" from the MSM I don't have much confidence in them.

Joe said...

It would be a hoot for Palin to ignore the national main stream media and give interviews only to blogs and local news outlets.

Roger J. said...

Reader--I have an alternate suggestion--how about a town hall type forum where Gov Palin takes questions from the audience--unscripted and no plants from opposing campaigns. no MSM moderator. How would that work for you.

Anonymous said...

I recommend McCain give Palin free access to a Meet The Press type press conference

I would like to see them put Palin in a room with a bunch of bloggers from the right, center, and if possible, someone sane from the liberal side.

Granted, most of the latter have gone bat shit crazy since Palin's nomination, but surely there is at least one who is still somewhat lucid.

Roger J. said...

Dogwood--I'd buy that approach too

Recall that the late ABC anchor peter jennings never finished high school but was considered a sage.

I could definitely go the blogger route

Simon said...

ABC News provides an example of the kind of cutting questions that the MSM is dying to ask Palin.

garage mahal said...

Hey, shit for brains. This is the big leagues, not community organizing in some south side Chicago piece of crap ghetto neighborhood no one has ever heard about and no one cares about.

And that's why he did 20+ debates, went on every major media outlet to answer questions, including Fox News 3 times [would McCain or Palin EVER go on Olbermann or any hostile surrounding?].

Obama did duck reporters in Chicago about Rezko - Lynn Sweet called him out on it, and he sat down for half a day answering questions to the satisfaction of every reporter in Chicago. That's the difference.

Where's Sarah?

I'm Full of Soup said...


Obama ducked Fox until his poll numbers tanked. Why?

He could not opt out of the Dem debates unless he wanted to lose the nomination battle.

He and his handlers refused to do weekly townhall meetings vs. McCain. Why?

And he still has not told us what went on at the Annenberg Challenge board meetings he held with BillAyers. Why?

What is he hiding?

Anonymous said...

Where's Sarah?

Home in Alaska spending a couple days with her son before he leaves for Iraq next week.

Seriously Garage, enough with the media hard on. The Gibson interviews are scheduled and more will follow.

The campaign would be smart to schedule interviews over several weeks while milking the media backlash for every vote it is worth, and it is worth plenty.

The McCain campaign now has a new brand on its hands and they are going to manage the brand very, very carefully.

Bill said...

garage mahal: She's trying out for the 2nd most powerful job in the world.

If I were Ben Bernanke, I'd take exception to that remark. Come to think of it, there're probably a lot of people in the world who think their jobs are more powerful than the U.S. VP.

Michael S said...

So Palin needs to spend some time getting 'up to speed'? Big deal.

Obama has spent far more time representing his interest in the world's most powerful job than he has in doing the job he was elected to do as my United States Senator.

Unknown said...

I've never threatened a woman in a wheelchair. Have YOU?

Only when they ask me nice.

Anonymous said...

It's not... uh.. the dumbest...uh...thing...he's ..uh...said...but

Roberto said...

Puruant to being a community organizer:


“It’s curious to me that they would mock that, when I, at least, think that that’s exactly what young people should be doing.

“I worked with churches, who were dealing with steel plants that had closed in their neighborhoods, to set up job training programs for the unemployed and after-school programs for youth, and to try to deal with asbestos in homes with poor people — community service work — which John McCain has been talking about, putting country first and extolling the virtues of national service.

I would think that’s what we want all our young people to do. I would think that that’s an area where Democrats and Republicans would agree.”

Roberto said...

You impress me as someone who would threaten a woman, whether she be in a wheelchair or not.

Macho bluster.

Unknown said...

What's most fun about it is that if you catch 'em fast enough they can roll 20-30 feet before they can slow the wheels down.

Look, idiot. What part of "composed himself" do you not understand? He was pissed, tempted to lose his temper and do something stupid---and didn't.

Roberto said...

It really take balls to criticize Obama as a speaker...considering McCain has a hard time connecting more than three or more words together.

Of ALL the silliness, this is really funny stuff.

Anonymous said...

Palin anecdote.

A couple weeks ago my wife was having a conversation with some of her friends, one of whom admitted she was going to vote for Obama and had even ordered bumper stickers for their cars.

The day after Palin's speech, the friend emailed my wife asking if she had watched the speech.

Long story short, the Obama stickers are going in the trash and the friend is voting McCain/Palin in November. Or, more accurately, Palin/McCain.

I imagine this is happening is thousands, if not millions, of households countrywide.

Anonymous said...

I would think that’s what we want all our young people to do. I would think that that’s an area where Democrats and Republicans would agree.

Personally, I would prefer that my daughters run for mayor of our small city. Can't imagine why Obama would mock such people, though.

Roger J. said...

I am genuinely curious--do our resident left of center folks actually think the MSM questioners ask difficult questions? Do they ask difficult questions to candidates on either side of the aisle? Do they ask questions designed to get at underlying beliefs and philosophies? And do they follow up when the candidates are nonresponsive and regurgitate campaign talking points (and both candidates do)

I think not, but perhaps you do

Would appreciate your honest responses, if you dont mind.

Roberto said...

A man who has to "compose" himself before hitting a woman...but didn't?

Did your father teach you that?

Good lord...

Roberto said...

Who do YOU consider the MSM?


Rush, Hannity, Savage, O'Reilly?

Name a few.

Unknown said...

Oh cut the crap, Michael. If you've never been so mad that you were tempted to do something you regret, then you and Jesus can go have a beer together.

Roberto said...

That's total bullshit and you know it.

I'm Full of Soup said...


I have seen that reaction in some of the commenters here. Not yet in Althouse though.

I talked to my nephew a college junior about McCain's sppech. My nephew told me many of his classmates were unaware (until watching the speech) of McCain's military and POW record.

Roberto said...

I've never considered hitting a woman.

But I have a feeling you have.

Roger J. said...

I'm also curious as to why the MSM hasnt asked Joe Biden about his lobbist sons. who work for the people joe biden wrote a bill to protect. where are our watchdogs when we need them--pregnant 17 year olds are a much more serious business.

Unknown said...

No, I have not. But I have considered doing things I would seriously regret. Have you?

Roberto said...

aj lynch,
I'vwe love to know where the "classmates" attend school.

They've NEVER heard about McCain's military experiences or that he was a POW??


Roger J. said...

Michael asks me to name a few: WAPO, NYT, AP, Reuters, McClatchy, Time, NEWSweek, US News, WSJ, the cable and broad cast networks including fox.

That enough for you?

Roberto said...

The story wasn't about things we've all "considered doing," it was about hitting a woman.

And we're not running for President.

And you know it, too.

Peter V. Bella said...

garage mahal said...
Obama did duck reporters in Chicago about Rezko - Lynn Sweet called him out on it, and he sat down for half a day answering questions to the satisfaction of every reporter in Chicago. That's the difference.

It is not hard to satisfy reporters who have been in your corner from day one. It is not hard to satisfy Chicago reporters. They are satisfied by anyone would talk to them.

He never, ever, explained his ties to the very politically corrupt Emil Jones; his "Godfather", or the corrupt Daley machine, who sposored him and got him elected to state and federal offices. Oh, and he did not satisfy them on Rezko. They asked puff ball questions he gave pat answers.

BTW, I fucking live in Chicago. I spent almost thirty years as a cop here. I know Chicago, its neighborhoods, its politics and how things really work here. Do you? Or are you just another gas bag who believes everything they read in the media?

Roberto said...

Those are ALL part of the MSM.

Are you daft?

Roger J. said...

actually no, Michael I am not daft at all. I answered your question; now please grace us with whom you consider the MSM to be

Roberto said...

Biden was on Meet The Pres this morning and addressed all.

Miss it?

No TV?

Roberto said...

Damn near ALL of them are part of the MSM.

Do you live on the planet Earth???

Unknown said...

No, I don't "know it." What I do know is that you are aghast that any little piece of evidence that shows *gasp* that McCain isn't a perfect human being doesn't immediately turn us off.

Look, if you can forgive Obama for being a lying sack of shit I'm within my rights to forgive him for having to consciously restrain himself from doing something he'd have seriously regretted later.

If you've never been tempted to do something you'd seriously regret, than like I said, go pow-wow with your buddy Jesus. But if you have, then no, there is no distinction that matters. Zip.

Unknown said...

Good news, looks like Drudge's early warnings were a bit of a false alarm. Here's what he's saying now:



Roger J. said...

No michael I dont own a tv--sorry to break that to you. You asked me whom I considered the MSM to be and I answered you. You may not agree with my selections, but by all means, tell us who YOU consider the MSM to be.

Simon said...

Michael said...
"They've NEVER heard about McCain's military experiences or that he was a POW?? ¶ BULLSHIT."

It may stun you to know that there are lots and lots and lots of people in this country who don't watch the news, don't follow politics and know very little about politicians.

Peter V. Bella said...

I would think that’s what we want all our young people to do. I would think that that’s an area where Democrats and Republicans would agree.

He touts that being a community organizer is experience for being president. Then when he is criticized and laughed at about it he changes his tune to how it is something young people should aspire to.

Talk about dishonesty.

Unknown said...

Roger: I think you misread michael:

Who would you consider to NOT be a member of the MSM??

But don't sweat it, the guy isn't interested in a serious discussion. He's just trying hard to play gotcha.\\

Roger J. said...

Recall Michael, you asked me to name who I consider the msm to be--and then you suggested some individual right wingers as somehow you assumed I listen to them. well, I dont. And then when I named off some exemplars of the MSM you said that WAS the MSM and accused me being daft.

So please.. you apparently agree with me about which organizations constitute the MSM. Do you understand my confusion on this issue?

Henry said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Peter V. Bella said...

Michael said...
Biden was on Meet The Pres this morning and addressed all.

And of course the belived him with no investigation, fact checking, verification or vetting. Right?

I'm Full of Soup said...


Screw you asswipe. Don't ever address one of your whackjob comments to me again.

Roberto said...

Why not lay out ANYTHING you've ever done...EVER.

The denigration of being a community organizer is nothing more that right wing talking points to dissuade people from voting for Obama.

Anybody with a computer can Google Obama and see exactly what he did while helping those less fortunate.

Talk is cheap: Tell us what YOU'VE ever done or accomplished.

Trooper York said...

Palin should just talk to The Field and Stream Media.

They would at least know what she was talking about when she talks about dressing a moose.

Henry said...

Then there was that time that McCain got pissed at FDR and shoved him and his wheelchair right over Eleanor. That could have turned out badly if FDR didn't back up and do it again.

Roger J. said...

No, Michael--please read your 8:11 post again. I answered it. And you apparently agree with me. So what the fuck are we arguing about?

Roberto said...

aj lynch has not real response because he knows what he posted was bullshit.

As do we all.

Trooper York said...

When they asked the main stream media about how to a'dress a moose, they replied:


I'm Full of Soup said...


There are signs that Obama's team has given the word to backoff Palin due to backlash against the MSM.

So perhaps the NYT will do a soft story about the Palins and delay their attack tactics for a few days.

Roberto said...

roger, you asked the following: "I am genuinely curious--do our resident left of center folks actually think the MSM questioners ask difficult questions?"

Well, exactly WHO do you think should pose the questions if you don't trust what you refer to as the MSM?

Rush Limbaugh?

Sean Hannity?


Roberto said...

aj: "back off?"

The woman hasn't had to answer a single question.


reader_iam said...

RogerJ, regarding your idea about the townhall, I say sure, bring that on, TOO! In addition. For all of 'em.

Sometimes less is NOT more. Sometimes more is more. In this context, I want more, and the more the better.

Roberto said...

henry: Funny.

So you're okay with hitting women, too?

Trooper York said...

Regis Philben.

Is this your final answer Senator Obama?

You still have two lifelines left.

Roger J. said...

Read your 8:11 again Michael; and as I responded to reader, I propose a town hall meeting format with questions from citizens, no plants and no moderators; or as Dogwood suggested, bloggers left center and right.

I would no more want a question from rush limbaugh as I would from Randy Rhodes

Citizens, Michael, citizens.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Roger J. said...

Reader: then we are in absolute agreement that information is good thing. See what civil discourse can lead us to? Agreement.

Unknown said...


This is fun! I've got one for you. I hear that the first wheelchair marathon was invented when McCain shoved a parapalegic wheeling himself around San Francisco.

Roger J. said...

Michael--have I answered your question. this is a yes or no answer

Roger J. said...

And if that question stumps you look at my 8:37 post

Ignorance is Bliss said...

How about this one, from Berlin

Now the world will watch and remember what we do here - what we do with this moment. Will we extend our hand to the people in the forgotten corners of this world who yearn for lives marked by dignity and opportunity; by security and justice? Will we lift the child in Bangladesh from poverty, shelter the refugee in Chad, and banish the scourge of AIDS in our time?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Is that your final answer Senator Obama?

There are 50 er uh no 55 er uh no 57 uh eh things er parts er vegetables er uh ingredients in Heinz ketchup.

Unknown said...

Roger: remember, michael's the guy that suggested we couldn't find out who won the Super Bowl without journalists. Apparently, he considers them essential to all information transfer of any sort.

Roberto said...

McCain being interviewed by a member of the MSM, who NEVER asks the "tough" questions...according to Roger:

BOB SCHIEFFER: I want to ask you about the composition of the…of the convention. There were 36 African American delegates out of 2300 plus delegates there. How can you survive as a party if you become just the party of white people?

McCAIN: We can’t. We can’t. I saw a bit of information the other day that by, I forgot, I think…don’t hold me to it, 2042 or something like that, white Americans will be in the minority in the population of this country. We can’t. We’ve got to reach out; we gotta do a better job. We have to have the Hispanic as well as the African American voters. I’ve traveled all over this country. I’ve been to places where there were literally no Republican votes. I have to convince them I’ll be the president of everybody. And the Republican party has a job to do. And frankly, it’s a job that also spills over into other issues. You’ve seen the generic ballot difference that we have…[..]

SCHIEFFER: So what are you going to do about that?

McCAIN: Oh, education, economy, small business, create jobs….education, as I mentioned, civil rights issue of this century.

Great answer, huh?

Roger J. said...

mcg: I know, man--at this point I am just fucking with him. I like easy targets.

Unknown said...

This one's from my brother, who is "entitled" in the liberal sense to make jokes like these.

Parapalegics make fun of quadrapalegics.
Quadrapalegics make fun of head injury patients.
And head injury patients just feel lucky to be included at all.

Unknown said...

Ooh, this one's juicy, and apropos. From drudge:

MSNBC drops Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews from anchor chair... David Gregory will anchor news coverage of the coming debates and election night.... Developing...

Roberto said...

Oh, that's funny (although I have absolutely NO idea what the fuck you're talking about).

I notice whenever you can't respond to a question in an intelligent manner, you resort to what you consider funny.

Hitting or even thinking about hitting women is not funny. Especially when we're talking about a man who's running for President.

Roberto said...

McCain is a woman?

Roger J. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I notice whenever you can't respond to a question in an intelligent manner, you resort to what you consider funny.

Only the idiotic questions, michael.

Roberto said...

If I'm so "easy," why can't you or mcg actually answer a question in an intelligent manner?

You both sound like little kids who got caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

I'm Full of Soup said...

How about the latest US Today poll?

McCain leads 54-44 among likely voters (hattip Instapundit).

Roger J. said...

notice that I have answered Michaels question completely and he is changing the subject. To refresh michaels memory the issue was who is the msm and who should ask the question. I identified the MSM and suggested two possibilities for asking the question. Michael, however hasnt responded except to throw more poo poo.

Unknown said...

Hitting or even thinking about hitting women is not funny.

No, of course, it isn't funny. I have no doubt that McCain didn't think it was funny, either. It's your reaction that's funny.

Ken said...

If Palin waited for the media to play straight, she'd give an interview about a month after the New York Times went bankrupt. I don't care if she ever gives an interview to the lap dog media. She can talk over their heads to the American people. Why give your opponent's propaganda machine any help.

Unknown said...

You both sound like little kids who got caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

Are you kidding me? We're more like kids who got a bunch of free cookies. And you wanna know why? It's stories like this.

Roger J. said...

Michael--go back and review this thread; identify the questions you asked and the answers I gave.

Thats a simple task although, I fear, its beyond your quite limited capabilities.

All you have to do is this: say yes or no that I have answered your questions. Now I dont expect that you will agree with me, but at least acknowledge that I have answered them

Is it THAT hard?

Unknown said...

Remember that "economy" that Obama's camp said that the Republicans didn't talk about during the convention? Well, somehow, not talking about it caused him to go from 19 points down on the economy to only 3. Keep on not talking, McCain.

Bruce Hayden said...

I think that this was noted above, but Obama added another dumb statement today: Obama Admits Muslim Faith. This may not be his worst, or maybe even as bad as 57 states, but it does sound bad.

I commented elsewhere that I think that he inartfully was trying to say that McCain hadn't called him a Muslim. But that isn't how it came out.

Roger J. said...

And to all I apologize for my personal vendetta against michael and clogging up the thread. To all a good night--even you Michael.

Unknown said...

Come on, Bruce, that's a horrible clip. Please don't spread that one around. This longer clip makes the context absolutely clear. As should be clear I am not an Obama fan but that clip really is WAY unfair.

reader_iam said...

May I just say something off-topic, solely personal, totally anecdotal, without rancor or jeering, and all that jazz?

My husband and I--totally devoid of either glee or bitterness, but rather in the spirit of agog--just keep ending up shaking our heads and saying, at odd times to each other, and again tonight: This one was the Democrats' to lose! It should have been a cakewalk. What. the. hell.

Two months can be a surprisingly long time: this I know and question not. The outcome of the ultimate poll will, well, ultimately trump the lead-up.



EnigmatiCore said...

Boy, things are about to get really ugly with our most fervent lefties.

New USA Today/Gallup Poll has McCain up 4, by 10 among likely voters.

And Drudge says Olbermann has been demoted.

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