WaPo: "Obama Campaign Vows Aggressive Response to GOP Attacks." NYT: "Obama Plans Sharper Tone as Party Frets."
Why not just get tough? And we'll be the judge of whether you're tough.
Personally, I'd rather you show me you're going to get tough on our enemies... and not just that you're gearing up to go ballistic on Sarah Palin.
By the way, if I were judging those 2 newspapers based on those 2 headlines, I would say that it's WaPo that's trying to help Obama and the NYT is subtly mocking him. Vows vs. plans, aggressive vs. sharper, response vs. tone and, most tellingly, the difference in motivation: WaPo has Obama vowing to respond aggressively because the GOP is the first aggressor. The NYT has Obama planning to speak in a sterner voice because the people on his side are fretting. WaPo's Obama is a warrior in a grand battle. The NYT pictures a party of nervous worries and their candidate who's got the wrong tone of voice and who needs to make a plan to sharpen it.
1 – 200 of 421 Newer› Newest»WaPo has Obama vowing to respond aggressively because the GOP is the first aggressor
How is that? It was Obama's continual distortion of McCain's remark ["in Iraq for a 100 years"] that was the first dirty trick. Hell, Obama even continued to distort it after admitting he knew the true context.
Some much the "new" approach to politics. I guess civil discourse is the first victim of a losing campaign. What a fraud he is.
To quote Jay Nordlinger who quotes Joe Louis. "If you have to say you are [tough], you aren't." He also quoted Reagan: "Nobody ever picked a fight with Jack Dempsey."
the whole post is a good read.
Fen, I'm only saying what the words portray. Nothing about whether it's accurate. I've said it looks like they're trying to help Obama.
Note to Obama:
Saying that Palin is a "Mother. Governor. Moose shooter (pause for audience laughter). No, that's cool. Moose shooter. That's cool", isn't tough.
That's bitchy.
Makes you seem like a jealous middle-aged woman leaning across the kitchen table, having a giggle with your BFF over the new floozy who moved in next door.
P.S.: Did LBJ and Clinton ever have to announce they were getting tougher? Or did they just rip out the eyeballs of their opponents, without so much as a how-do-you-do? Sheesh.
You can see the new "tough" ad here.
Pretty weak sauce.
Now if only the left would work up as much anger and froth against America's enemies as do they for Sarah Palin... Talk about misplaced priorities.
Obama reminds me a bit of Bush Sr. Kinda wimpy.
Fen, I'm only saying what the words portray. Nothing about whether it's accurate. I've said it looks like they're trying to help Obama.
Yah, that wasn't directed at you, but at Wapo and the Obamafans.
But Ann, how do you like the new tone he promised to bring to politics? ;)
Not the man you thought you knew?
Pretty weak sauce.
LOL! Rubik's Cube.
They should've reached farther back to "The Game of Life" or ooh, I know! One of those two old guys playing "Battleship". How apropos is that?!
BTW, if McThuselah needs any email tips, he can ask Sarah Palin for tips. She's constantly on her Blackberry and checking her emails.
When Palin asked Piper to explain to viewers what a Governor does, the kid chirped, "I dunno...check emails all day?".
Fen said...
But Ann, how do you like the new tone he promised to bring to politics? ;)
Not the man you thought you knew?
12:29 PM
Oh, but the evil GOP started it! Obama is just responding.
Now if only the left would work up as much anger and froth against America's enemies as do they for Sarah Palin... Talk about misplaced priorities.
Isn't it delicious to hear liberal men and feminists tell Palin what she's allowed to do with her career?
The Don't Really Believe In The Things They Lecture Us About.
somewhat off-topic, but I think the public at large will tire very quickly of this "they hit me first" whining. Even more annoying is the fact that after initiating and repeating every single anti-Palin talking point, they turn around and say "Funny, the Republicans are the ones mentioning it". They then proceed walk around in circles, chanting "lalalalala" while keeping their ring fingers firmly inserted in their ears.
Isn't it delicious to hear liberal metrosexuals and feminists tell Palin what she's allowed to do with her career?
Personally, I'd rather you show me you're going to get tough on our enemies...
Clearly you have not been paying attention. Once he is elected, we will no longer have enemies only national leaders whoom we have not yet come around to seeing their point of view.
Just heard Eva Longoria diss Palin, another cheap slime attempt. I think liberals are killing themselves with all this vitriol, but they can't help it. They are like wounded, raging beasts lashing out because it is their instinct to do so. I pity them.
All that tough talk has done wonders hasn't it. Putin and Ahmadinajad are scared shitless judging by their smiles and rhetoric. After McCain said Putin's incursion into Georgia was unacceptable, Putin hightailed it right out of there. But then again John McCain is a serious person who knows how to win wars and catch Bin Laden if we'd only just elect him to do it. Simple.
Just heard Eva Longoria diss Palin, another cheap slime attempt.
Well I was done with Palin when Jason Bourne said that she believed dinosaurs roamed the earth 4000 years ago.
You want to see real toughness (and bravery). Watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TG4fe9GlWS8
garage - you admit Putin thumbs his nose at the US. What do you suggest we do - talk nice to him? He's a thug.
integrity - I agree celebs have a right to express their opinion. Ann has a right to call them asshats. You seem to think that calling them an asshat is taking away their rights. You are deluded.
All that tough talk has done wonders hasn't it. Putin and Ahmadinajad are scared shitless judging by their smiles and rhetoric.
You're absolutely right garage. I mean we really need to follow our European brethern on how to deal with Putin and Armageddonjad. I mean after all, after almost 5 years of negotiating, the Iranians are only 'almost' ready to develop nukes.
We need more soft diplomacy and we need it now.
Integrity: Conservatives are allowed to shit all over democrats, but we are supposed to sit there and shut up. Screw off.
"The Poles are allowed to shit all over Germans, but we are supposed to sit there and shut up"
See Integrity, your hatred of conservatives is based on agitprop you picked up on DU or HuffPo. You're exactly the type of person Himmler targeted. And if you didn't have a legit reason to hate conservatives, you'd just make stuff up. You NEED to hate.
Ever since McCain said the word Sarah, it's like all the liberals, Dems, MSM, and Obama jumped in a pool ... and forgot how to swim. They're just flayling around in there.
How much stupid can there be? You wanna be tough, be tough. Announcing you're going to be tough .... is what non-tough people do.
Obama said he'd spot ten to O'Reilly in a game of one-on-one to eleven.
O'Reilly thought that was pretty cocky, but came back and said if he won, he deserved Secretary of State.
Obama looked confused. He wasn't expecting that.
There's an episode of Welcome Back Kotter in which the sweathogs inadvertantly end up in a debate contest.
Luckily the topic is something like "Resolved, that humans are naturally aggressive."
One of the sweathogs presents an inept argument in the affirmative.
Then one of their well-groomed opponents begins a rebuttal.
The sweathogs begin catcalling. In seconds their opponent loses his cool and starts shouting back at them.
Sweathogs win.
I assume Obama means he's going to get some knees broken. No more Mr. Nice Guy.
O'Reilly thought that was pretty cocky, but came back and said if he won, he deserved Secretary of State.
Obama looked confused. He wasn't expecting that.
Obama doesn't know what Secretary of State is. Using the Dems logic, of course.
Geez, did I ever misread those headlines! I read them as:
Obama campaign: "WaPo Vows Aggressive Response to GOP Attacks." Obama: " NYT Plans Sharper Tone as Democratic Party Frets."
If calling McCain computer illiterate and being old isnt tough, I don't know what is.
I am wondering what is going to happen when panic starts setting in among the Congressional democrats--Looking at those gallup numbers, they must be wetting their paints.
True Hoosier
The only other alternative to bluster and bombs is a herculean strawman comparison to the Euroweenies in your head. If Iran 'almost' has nukes after 5 yrs under the neocon doctrine, just think where we'd be without it? And why would Bush throw it all away by sending appeasing envoys to Iran and tell our enemies in Iraq when we're leaving?
better and better
garage - Iran almost has nukes after all that Euroweenie diplomacy. Has the US bombed Iran?
garage - btw I noticed that everytime a substantive point is made about Obama and the media, you change the subject to something else. Why do you do that? It's not nice in a conversation to just suddenly change the subject.
If calling McCain computer illiterate and being old isnt tough, I don't know what is.
The master plan is to lose Florida, but win Tribeca.
The only other alternative to bluster and bombs is a herculean strawman comparison to the Euroweenies in your head
Its not a strawman - Hoosier is simply providing the only examples Democrats have provided.
Obama thinks Ahmadinejad will respond to diplomacy. He's too inexperienced to see that Iran will just use talks to delay direct action until they get the nuke.
fen - those are fighting words! You might just get called a neocon by garage and AlphaLiberal.
The master plan is to lose Florida
Oh man, ain't that the truth.
During our now abortive attempt at having computerised voting, elderly black and white voters came up to me in a panic at the polling station (where I was Clerk).
"I've never used a computer before! Ya'll are doing this to make Democrats more confused!"
"Don't worry, ma'am. If you can use an ATM, you can use this to vote." (friendly smile)
"I don't know how to use ATMs!"
Yeah, this ad will definitely be a hit in Boca.
(What an amateur...)
I think today is the day that Obama's "different kind of politics" was officially (by their own bullet) put out of its misery.
Sure, Obama's campaign has steadily tracked toward conventional politics as the primary season expired.
Now, even the pretense is gone.
"Obama says he's going to get tough."
Yep, and I have the video of Obama's get tough announcement!!!
Why not just get tough? And we'll be the judge of whether you're tough.
He needs to explain to the media how to properly spin his upcoming behavior. He's been making nasty attacks on McCain for months, behavior the media has dutifully spun as "standing firm" or "raising questions" and the like. Since he'll be doing the exact same thing in the future, he needs to let reporters know what the new name to use for it is.
Hey, troll/astroturfer integrity, if you keep up with your four-letter outrage with nary a hint of a real argument, you will accomplish the same thing the media has accomplished lately: an increase in support for McCain/Palin.
patca - they lash out like wild enraged beasts. I pity them.
Another media hit piece on Palin:
The ABC News anchor flummoxes the GOP amateur.
By Jack Shafer
Patca -- Integrity has let on in other posts that he is engaged in some kind of performance art. He's best ignored.
Imagine how much cleaner the blogosphere comment sections would be if there were 1 rule:
If you make a logical fallacy and don't admit it, you get banned from that forum for a year.
Then please revel in it, and enjoy your guy's increased support. Geesh.
If that's how you pick your candidate, good for you.
1:27 PM
I am reveling in the left's implosion. I don't think it's good for our politics to have the left sliming Palin - but if that's what it takes to win so be it.
Also, what exactly does the media sliming of Palin have to do with how McCain picked her? I'm really anxious to hear.
He needs to explain to the media how to properly spin his upcoming behavior.
"Senator Obama is vowing to fight McCain's campaign team, led by ex-Rove acolyte, Steve Schmidt, against charges against his campaign has been too passive. For a while now, Democrats have been puzzled at his anaemic reactions to attempts at Swiftboating his courage and decency. The pig in lipstick remark has set a nastier tone, and he will be countering it, like-with-like."
Meet The New Obama. Same as The Old Obama.
Mr. Barely saying he is going to get tough is like a drag queen saying she's going to put on more make-up. This is so venal on Mr. Barely's part only because we know as a committed leftist he hates confrontations. If you have to proclaim that you will get tough, you essentially aren't and never will be. The wind has passed his sails, he's now being seen as an amateurish fraud and anyone who votes for him is complicit in that fraudulent endeavor.
I say I hope Hollywood types keep sliming Sarah Palin. Every time one of them does that McCain gains another 100K swing voters.
"If that's how you pick your candidate, good for you."
Yeah, integrity - we pick our candidate based on experience & character. You pick yours on rhetoric, apparently - no need for track record or experience.
How's that "hope & change" stuff working out, now that the One is hoping to "get tough" on McCain?
For Ann:
Gina Gershon does Sarah Palin
(Down boys! You wish)
BTW, straight off, she lies. It was 4 colleges not 5, in 6 years. And Barack went to 2 colleges in 6 years to finish his degree too.
Obama promised a different kind of politics and he broke his promise with one man. The dirtiest, most vicious, spiteful, and hateful person in the Democratic Party. Rahm Emaneul, another corrupt Chicago Democrat.
That is change. Change we can count on. Promises made, promises broken.
How is being a cigarette smoking sissy ever going to be tough on anything or anybody? Is he going to slap somebody or something? Having Mr. "He talk like a white boy" telegraph his punch is downright laughable. What next, Bambi, you going to threaten to grow a pair?
"Meet The New Obama. Same as The Old Obama."
Yup. Same as the old Dems. Just say "Karl Rove" and "Swiftboat" repeatedly until their eyes glass over and they mumble it back.
Why not just get tough? And we'll be the judge of whether you're tough.
Personally, I'd rather you show me you're going to get tough on our enemies... and not just that you're gearing up to go ballistic on Sarah Palin.
But bargainers [Obama] have an Achilles heel. They succeed as conduits of white innocence only as long as they are largely invisible as complex human beings. They hope to become icons that can be identified with rather than seen, and their individual complexity gets in the way of this. So bargainers are always laboring to stay invisible.
Shelby Steele
Obama's lipstick on a pig was Obama trying to get tough, and he is very like sorry he did.
Mr. Obama has said of himself, "I serve as a blank screen on which people of vastly different political stripes project their own views . . ." And so, human visibility is Mr. Obama's Achilles heel. If we see the real man, his contradictions and bents of character, he will be ruined as an icon, as a "blank screen." Shelby Steele
That is change. Change we can count on. Promises made, promises broken.
My God, the Sarah Palin pick was awful for Obama in SO but SO many ways. You can practically feel Obama's breathing getting more rapid from here.
The choice of Palin, given her personality and life history, handcuffs him not to be the Obamessiah that he so desperately wants to be to people.
He squeaked to the finish line after an 19 month battle versus the Dragon no one really wanted.
Now, he has to roll up his sleeves and fight dirtier, versus a young woman who is a breath of fresh air on the American political landscape.
Sarah Palin is too pretty, to family oreinted, too middle class, and too experienced to be a VP.
John McCain is too old, to out of it- the email thing- to entrenched in DC to be president.
Well, feminism and ageism just went out the window, so I guess the Dems will change those discrimination laws protecting women and people of age.
This is the desparation that some people will go through to make history for the sake of making history. The Dems make two cowardly mistakes; they did not tell Hillary and Obama not to run. They should have Backed Pelosi or Harold Ford Junior.
Conservatives are allowed to shit all over democrats, but we are supposed to sit there and shut up. Screw off.
After years of slimes directed at Bush (e.g. Chimpy, Shrub, comparisons to Hitler) and months of sliming directed at McCain (e.g. lies about 100 years in Iraq), I guess you believe that conservatives aren't allowed to respond. By your twisted reasoning, telling the truth about liberals is excreting on them. Perhaps. All conservatives are doing in pointing out that liberal ideas are like the Emperor's New Clothes. If I believed the things that liberals do, I'd be upset when someone pointed out the absurdity.
I went to 7 colleges or so in 7 years to get my degree. Does that make me evil?
Actually went to 5 in 7 years.
Harold Ford Junior.
Always thought he would be the first black President. Even when he was caught enjoying strippers (hard to imagine Obama doing the same).
Fortunately, I'm back to thinking that way.
Men or women strippers?
Always thought [Ford] would be the first black President.
If he had a different family he probably would have been.
Rev; Since he'll be doing the exact same thing in the future, he needs to let reporters know what the new name to use for it is.
It'll be like 2004, when the media held its response to the Swifties, waiting for the Kerry campaign to tell them how to handle it.
Vanity Fair believes that the Media has lost the election for Obama.
Let’s review what they’ve tried so far:
1. Fawning coverage of Obama (the candidate with a halo-like glow around him on the covers of Newsweek, Time, and Rolling Stone; Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews gushing so embarrassingly that they had to be removed from MSNBC’s anchor desk)
2. Digging dirt on Obama’s opponents (The Times’s innuendo-laced piece about McCain’s ties to lobbyist Vicki Iseman; the poorly fact-checked stories about Palin’s supposed book-banning and secessionist proclivities)
3. Tough but fair investigations into McCain and Palin’s various lies, bad decisions, and questionable policies.
Those are pretty much the only weapons in the media’s arsenal, and so far none of them have really worked.
Newsweek: Working Moms Bad for Kids.
No bias there, eh?
My God, the Sarah Palin pick was awful for Obama in SO but SO many ways.
Still, it seems like 'helping' Obama is a full time job, and everybody wants to chip in ;)
If I was Obama I stay as far away from Palin as I possibly could.
And I would ask Biden - What do you think you are here for?
If polls continue as they are, look for Biden to take off the gloves.
Personally, I'd rather you show me you're going to get tough on our enemies...
Yes, Ann, we all know the way to your heart is through unprovoked wars with Muslim countries. We get it.
Has Obama's greater commitment to Afghanistan than McCain gone completely beyond your notice?
integrity said...
Conservatives are allowed to shit all over democrats, but we are supposed to sit there and shut up. Screw off.
Conservatives shit all over Democrat ideas because they have no value and no substance. Furthermore, Democrats adopting leftist ideology as a foundation for the party has been the failings of the DNC. You've adopted an ideology that is worthless, mendacious, and is void of ethics or morals. At least conservatism tries to aspire to its ideological principals, but leftists and liberals shat on their principals long ago. Conservatives don't need to shit on you to show you what a crappy belief system and ideology you ascribe too. Instead Democrats have done a great job shitting on their principals and themselves all by themselves. Why have Conservatives do it for you when your already doing ito yourselves. We just sit back and watch you play 2 girls one cup.
Yes, Ann, we all know the way to your heart is through unprovoked wars with Muslim countries. We get it.
Has Obama's greater commitment to Afghanistan than McCain gone completely beyond your notice?
2:09 PM
Another straw man. Where did Ann suggest we start unprovoked wars? There's a big difference between being tough(like Reagan) and just starting wars. Can you see the difference through your partisan blinders?
Yes, Ann, we all know the way to your heart is through unprovoked wars with Muslim countries. We get it.
Wow - What day is it today again?
Why does this scene from Stripes come to mind after all this tough talk by the Obama campaign?:
Psycho: The name's Francis Sawyer, but everybody calls me Psycho. Any of you guys call me Francis, and I'll kill you.
Leon: Ooooooh.
Psycho: You just made the list, buddy. Also, I don't like no one touching my stuff. So just keep your meat-hooks off. If I catch any of you guys in my stuff, I'll kill you. And I don't like nobody touching me. Any of you homos touch me, and I'll kill you.
Sergeant Hulka: Lighten up, Francis.
Where did Ann suggest we start unprovoked wars?
Ann was/is a huge fan of the Iraq War. She thinks it was a great move by Commander Codpiece, and mistrusts Obama because he opposed it.
There's no actual understanding of foreign policy at work with her, just her gut feeling that we're all safer when there's a reckless and deceitful warmonger in the Oval Office.
There's no actual understanding of foreign policy at work with her, just her gut feeling that we're all safer when there's a reckless and deceitful warmonger in the Oval Office.
For someone who seems to be for more diplomacy you sure dont want to practice it with Ann.
Doyle said...
Where did Ann suggest we start unprovoked wars?
Ann was/is a huge fan of the Iraq War. She thinks it was a great move by Commander Codpiece, and mistrusts Obama because he opposed it.
There's no actual understanding of foreign policy at work with her, just her gut feeling that we're all safer when there's a reckless and deceitful warmonger in the Oval Office.
2:20 PM
Wow that's quite a slander. I'm sure Ann's position is far more nuanced then that. But I gather you haven't checked the archives to make absolutely sure right?
For someone who seems to be for more diplomacy you sure dont want to practice it with Ann.
That's because any American who disagrees with the left-wing is an enemy, not deserving of any pity or mercy.
That's because any American who disagrees with the left-wing is an enemy, not deserving of any pity or mercy.
Jesus I'm not burning her house down I'm calling her an idiot on her blog. She can take it.
Jesus I'm not burning her house down I'm calling her an idiot on her blog. She can take it.
Who knows what is in your evil heart.
Attacking McCain's age is idiotic. He is dissing the most dependable and biggest voting block. Aside from Florida, I heard Pennsylvania has the largest population of seniors.
Offending a voting block to make a political point is not smart at all.
The WaPo has shown repeatedly that they're in the tank for BHO. For instance, smears like this one, that a lot of people fell for.
AnneKornblut offers another example. She was recently looking for real questions for Palin. That follows her, AFAIK, never asking BHO a real question when she had the chance. And, it preceded yet another WaPo smear against Palin, that one written by Kornblut (about Iraq).
Popular Mechanics puts Obama on the Cover
Also, this Jesus was a community organizer meme by Hollywood elitists, etc is so asinine. They are offending religious people big time in equating Obama with Jesus. Not only that, Jesus was a carpenter.
It is very interesting to see how some peoples minds work.
Not only that, Jesus was a carpenter.
And he tapped a fisherman to carry on his work.
ABC News Jake Tapper:
Is this the 3rd or 4th pair of gloves that Obama's taking off?
Another unbiased report from the AP on recent poll results: "Seven in 10 said Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin made the right decision in becoming McCain's running mate, despite the demands of a family whose five children include a pregnant, unmarried teenage daughter and an infant with Down syndrome. Men were slightly likelier (sic) than women to back her choice, and even Obama supporters were split evenly over whether she did the right thing." Good Lord. The AP has now descended to level of Reuters--
The most concerning thing to me right now is Obama leading in New Mexico, Colorado and Nevada. I don't understand why those more libertarian leaning states would vote for such a statist.
After years of slimes directed at Bush (e.g. Chimpy, Shrub, comparisons to Hitler) and months of sliming directed at McCain (e.g. lies about 100 years in Iraq), I guess you believe that conservatives aren't allowed to respond.
That is so true. It's like being in a bar at the end of the Super Bowl with equal numbers of rabid fans of both teams. Only this has lasted eight years! When did politics become a competitive sports rivalry? End of comment on that one.
As the mother of two sons, I have learned to tune out the "he started it" whines.
Here is a typical, commonsense way to handle a conflict of this type: (a mother's example) If your brother lies and says that you didn't do your homework, then why would you attack him by saying he didn't make his bed? Seems to me the easiest solution is to produce said homework and prove that he is lying. Screaming that "He is lying about my homework and, oh by the way, He didn't make his bed today" is not going to prove your maturity and competency to me, and it's only going to test my patience with BOTH of you.
Now if that didn't make any sense, then you haven't had to deal with children.
Has Obama's greater commitment to Afghanistan than McCain gone completely beyond your notice?
Apparently it has gone beyond yours. Increasing troops and our presence in Afghanistan could be a disaster. Afghanistan is not Iraq. Winning in Afghanistan may not be possible. Our strategy instead should be to contain the terrorists and keep them from establishing any sort of state there.
Bush never risked another Vietnam in Iraq, because the Iraqi people have the resources to eventually take over and fight on their own. This isn't true in Afghanistan. Afghanistan has no resources. Obama risks another Vietnam with his agression in Afghanistan.
BREAKING: Next week, Palin on Hannity & Colmes.
That's Hannity AND Colmes. Obama went to O'Reilly, and then whimpered back to Olbermann the same night.
Alex--how recent are those state polls. Pre or post conventions.
Obama went to O'Reilly, and then whimpered back to Olbermann the same night.
Has McCain gone on Olbermann?
Are they trying to lose this election?
Does anyone remember FDR?
You've got a huge voting bloc of old Democrats in KEY swing states like -Florida-which actually if you have been following the polls-ain't swingin' it's gone Republican-but you still have-
Ohio, and Pennsylvania.
Demographically-those coud be two of the oldest states in the union-other than Florida.
So let's see he's going to make fun of the older FDR voting bloc's lack of comfort with one medium on the medium that they are very much still tuned into-
I swear they don't want the Executive this year.
They don't want to take responsibility for anything they want to be able to snipe away from the House and the Senate.
Really, really unbelievable.
roger - recent polls. Obama has around a 2-4 point lead in those states. I wonder if the young voters will doom the GOP regardless of the Palin-effect. They've been so brainwashed by their leftist teachers.
Obama channels Ralph Kramden: "One of these days, one of these days...Pow! Right in the kisser."
Has McCain gone on Olbermann?
Olberman does not compare to O'reilly. A better comparison to Olberman from the right would be Ann Coulter. Is Obama ready to sit down with Ann?
McCain = 5 1/2 years of Vietcong torture couldn't break him.
McCain = Is scared of Keith Olbermann.
OMG! Neo-neocon also watches Family Guy.
Pow! Right in the kisser.
Give me a break-you watch that guy and you have to wonder-
Whose butt does he butter at NBC.
Doyle = Trumpit
Has McCain gone on Olbermann?
Will Obama go on Michael Savage?
Whose butt does he butter at NBC.
Nothing so venal (or sexual) as that. ;)
It's just that he speaks for a lot of them. He looks bad, they don't. Olbermann is being used, but he doesn't mind so long as he has a platform.
Terri, excellent analogy.
John McCain would rather lose his integrity than lose a political campaign. It’s hard to say if Sarah Palin ever had any to lose.
If Obama can go on O'Reilly, McCain should be able to take Olbermann.
You can pretend that Olbermann is much more antagonistic than O'Reilly but the more honest of you won't.
I just heard Lanny Davis on O'Reilly's radio show. He said three things:
1. Palin aquitted herself very well with Gibson over all.
2. He wouldn't have known what the Bush Doctrine was either and he stressed that he is a foreign policy junkie. He thought it was unfair as a question.
3. What the Democrats don't want to talk about is the fact that if Palin is unprepared to be President, then by comparison of experience so is Obama.
If a prime Clintonista is that far off the Democrat talking points then you know they want BO to lose so Hillary can run in 2012.
John McCain would rather lose his integrity than lose a political campaign. It’s hard to say if Sarah Palin ever had any to lose.
Smear and hate. Hate and smear.
Smear and hate. Hate and smear.
That's the McCain playbook alright. Did you SEE the "sex ed" ad?
Did I mention I hate Bob Costas...
Just thought I'd toss that in there.
I mean hell, if Keith is qualified why not Bob?
To be serious-only the big three networks get ratings worth a candidates time.
Or better yet-go to the local guys and gals in the states that matter.
They are actually sane and still a part of their community.
Alex--Real Clear Politics for NM has Obama way a head based on the strength of a Registered Voter Poll in August--Post conventions polls, both Likely Voter samples, have McCain up by 2-3 points. Nevada has McCain up by 1; and Colorado has Obama up by 2. All look to be within the margin of error.
@Brent (2:46pm)
Thank you for the post; I was thinking the same thing as the ABC blogger. I just wish he had provided / sourced the prior dates that Obama has said this same thing.
Obama's use of the '100 years' thing continues to bother me, since it's so hypocritical in light of the 'lipstick' remark fallout of the past week.
...and out of curiosity, is the 90% voting record in-line with Pres. Bush line based on an actual study or research? I know that McCain has made comments to that effect, but I've never seen it sourced.
roger - it's all pretty close. It will come down to turnout on Nov. 4th.
What the Democrats don't want to talk about is the fact that if Palin is unprepared to be President, then by comparison of experience so is Obama.
I disagree. Democrats want to talk to the heavens about Palin's credentials but they eternally fail to realize that this foolish strategy will only implicate Obama's lack of credentials. At the end of the day, this dynamic is what is at work in this election.
Has anyone ever seen a "tough" metrosexual?
Didn't think so.
"Pretty weak sauce" Right-o, Vic.
I watched the ad and came away with the belief that America must have a new president, one who can use Twitter, Facebook, My Space, Text Messaging, Email, Instant Messages, etc.
That'd be, like, so totally awesome! The prez would be, like, my BFF!
Obama needs to watch more episodes of Little Rascals.
"Little men shouldn't hit!"
Have you seen the McCain ad about Palin that places the word "Disrespectful" in large letters to the right of Sen. Obama's face?
Everyone down South knows exactly what that means.
And don't say you don't either.
Heavy weather coming in.
We seem to have a bunch of angry lefties today. Why so angry? Are you worried?
Tell me loons: what is going to be the conspiratorial reason this time? You've suggested a number of them, here alone. And there's always the race card. Which do you think you'll settle on?
Obama's use of the '100 years' thing continues to bother me, since it's so hypocritical in light of the 'lipstick' remark fallout of the past week.
Yes those two things are totally equivalent.
Sloanasaurus said...
Obama risks another Vietnam with his agression in Afghanistan.
So he would be the Linden Johnson of our time. Yes, how (in)appropriate.
George -- Which southern states do you suppose McCain is worried about losing?
George, and exactly what does that mean? Sorry, I am a bit lost on that one.
bleeper said...
Doyle = Trumpit
Not as stupid or as insane, and a litte less shrill.
George is playing the race card because he believes that America is full of racists and his sorry excuse for Obama's forthcoming loss will be white racism.
Right, George? Face it. You are already writing the obituary in your head. Sad.
That's the McCain playbook alright. Did you SEE the "sex ed" ad?
Well for the record John McCain didn't have any sex-ed for 5 1/2 years. Obama should have done what John McCain told him to do and participate in some townhalls and this all would have never happened.
"Maybe 100. As long as Americans are not being injured or harmed or wounded or killed, it's fine with me and I hope it would be fine with you if we maintain a presence in a very volatile part of the world where al Qaeda is training, recruiting, equipping and motivating people every single day."
Obama repeatedly uses the 100 year line to suggest continual hostility and casualties in Iraq. The actual comment disclaims exactly the context that Obama is using the statement to present.
It's every bit as intentional a misrepresenation as Obama claims the lipstick line to have been.
That's right, if McCain can't feed off the honesty of the live audience he's rendered incapable of telling the truth.
It's interesting that so many here are so upset with Charlie Gibson, yet do not appear to be the least bit upset that Sarah Palin didn't even know what the Bush Doctrine is.
I hear conservatives say that most people don't know, and that it really isn't that important, but we all know that is simply not the case.
Try to imagine any previous President or Vice-President coming into office and not understanding exactly what the current President's policies were, relating all elements of affairs of state and war. (How would they possibly govern the nation if they did not understand what guidelines, etc. were in place?)
Does anybody here think Reagan and Bush Sr. didn't know? Clinton and Gore?
And boy, would I love to hear what people here would have said, had the question been posed to Obama or Biden, and they had responded the way Palin did.
All hell would have broken loose, with many here screaming to high heaven that this was proof positive that they were unqualified to lead, uninformed, and that anyone running for such an office should obviously know exactly what the policies of the current President and administration are...especially a specific "Doctrine" relating to affairs of state as important as our interests in the Mideast and terrorism.
What we got from Palin was nothing more than a regurgitation of the talking points she has memorized, and if it had been Obama or Biden the discussion here would have been entirely different.
That's right, if McCain can't feed off the honesty of the live audience he's rendered incapable of telling the truth.
So says you.
Democrats want to talk to the heavens about Palin's credentials but they eternally fail to realize that this foolish strategy will only implicate Obama's lack of credentials. At the end of the day, this dynamic is what is at work in this election.
What they fail to understand or appreciate is with the Palin selection McCain has put their fingers in a Chinese finger puzzle. They're jerking as hard as they can to free themselves, but that only tightens the trap.
Could you find a picture of Obama lifting weights during his world tour?
But McCain did say that there are conditions under which it would be okay for US troops to stay there for 100 years, right? His contention is that those conditions are strict (i.e. no casualties), and indeed they are. But they're so strict that it's implausible to think they'll be met anytime soon, and if there's no violence or threat of violence... why keep the troops there?
In any event, he was definitely talking about Iraq whereas Obama wasn't definitely talking about Palin.
I wonder if the left will still be going apeshit on Palin after January when she is sworn in?
Seriously. What is wrong with you stalkers? You've become quite deranged. It's funny and sad and weird all at once.
They're jerking as hard as they can
Actually that was the Republican response to the Palin selection.
Michael said...
It's interesting that so many here are so upset with Charlie Gibson, yet do not appear to be the least bit upset that Sarah Palin didn't even know what the Bush Doctrine is.
Hey, michael, is school out already?
if there's no violence or threat of violence... why keep the troops there
Indeed. Germany comes immediately to mind, along with other European nanny states.
I don't think Ross Douthat has unlocked his office door since the convention :-)
Michael_H: Give me an example of an executive position, with the kind of responsibilities and authority a CEO, President, Vice-President, CFO, or any other top level management position would have...that someone could apply for and be hired...and didn't require being computer literate.
At last night's Forum, McCain invited Obama to come out and share the stage with him. They would then, he said, hash out the issues face to face without all the washday miracle, super new ingredient advertising. The invitation was declined. Those on the left who excercise their anger over McCain's lies and deceits should address why their candidate is reluctant to go one on one with McCain.....It is interesting to note how a ten minute interview with Palin completely overshadowed the Presidental Forum.....Getting tough: Gibson really bore down and demanded that Palin parse the prayers that she offered for her son before the congregants of her own church. Way to go Charlie. Save the nation from demented mothers offering prayers for their son. Follow up with a five part series on Cindy Sheehan to show the way a truly admirable woman handles grief and loss.
erniecu73: If you have something of interest to say, say it.
Otherwise don't waste my time.
See it's the exact same way you size up a baseball team.
You don't ask about the manager on the opposite team and size him up as opposed to your guy. You only worry about the bench coach. The second in command who gets to manage if the manager gets thrown out of the game.
Hey if he is not experienced enough then there is no way they should win. Makes sense right?
william, I hadn't heard or read anything about an offer to share the stage being declined.
Got a link?
trooper - trying to reason with liberals is like spitting in a gale force wind. Pretty useless. They never admit they're wrong about anything, and never acknowledge any good points made by a conservative.
Methadras - I don't know - let him get spooled up, let his titration get a bit more out of whack, and I don't think there will be one bit of difference - that boy is plum KREZEE!!!
Lucky -- Just as your posts are almost entirely ignored, you may feel free to ignore the posts of others.
michael, your continued and truly baseless obsession with this trivia question, shows exactly the extent of your intellect. You learned it yesterday (well, you did "google it") and it is now some sort of newly discovered measurement bar on which to base your judgement of another seemingly very capable person.
You think trying to reason with liberals is hard, try reasoning with New York Giants fans.
Michael said...
william, I hadn't heard or read anything about an offer to share the stage being declined.
Got a link?
3:49 PM
Google it
Ooooh you're sooo persuasive-winnin' them over to your side all the time,ey?Gawd-the McCain campaign should hire you to charm 'em all over the webs.
Anyways- here-
Middle English, from Anglo-French & Latin; Anglo-French, from Latin doctrina, from doctor
14th century
1archaic : teaching, instruction
2 a: something that is taught b: a principle or position or the body of principles in a branch of knowledge or system of belief : dogma c: a principle of law established through past decisions d: a statement of fundamental government policy especially in international relations e: a military principle or set of strategies.
AJ Lynch said...Ann:
Could you find a picture of Obama lifting weights during his world tour?
Here's a photo of Obama working out over in Europe during his Messiah World Tour.
Doyle said..."But McCain did say that there are conditions under which it would be okay for US troops to stay there for 100 years, right?"
Of course he did, and he's been running away from it from ever since he said it.
Questioner: President Bush has talked about our staying in Iraq for fifty years…
McCain: Maybe a hundred. Make it one hundred.
Hey there is a reason you can't reason with a New York Giant fan.
Who remain world champions for another six months and we are gonna revel in every minute of it.
Did I tell you lately that the Giants won the Super Bowl?
Doyle said...They're jerking as hard as they can.
Actually that was the Republican response to the Palin selection.
As opposed to all you liberal, sensitive guys who developed performance anxiety driven erectile dysfunction once you saw a strong, beautiful, confident woman you realized was way out of your league.
But at least you guys still have that man crush on Barack.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
I really want people like Seven Machos brought to their metaphorical knees
Democrats good. Republicans bad.
Plus who the hell is gonna beat the Giants?
I mean Belichick is a great coach and is real experienced and all that crap, but I heard the special teams coach has no experience. He doesn't even know what the Reggie Bush doctrine is. What a dick.
Try to imagine any previous President or Vice-President coming into office and not understanding exactly what the current President's policies were, relating all elements of affairs of state and war.
Does anybody here think Reagan and Bush Sr. didn't know? Clinton and Gore?
Can't answer the question honestly, can you?
What a truly gutless crew we have here.
Try to imagine any previous President or Vice-President coming into office and not understanding exactly what the current President's policies were
Ooops, you're logic is getting a little flabby here.
Not knowing the exact subjective definition of the phrase that Gibson had in mind (i.e. "What specific aspect of the Bush Doctrine do I have behind my back?) is hardly the same as "not understanding exactly what the current President's policies were."
Please try avoid such sloppy analysis in this august forum.
No, michael, they didn't know them to the level that you know the current's. They lacked Wikipedia and Google.
I wonder if the left will still be going apeshit on Palin after January when she is sworn in?
I'm hoping most of their heads will explode in November, but I'm sure some will survive.
And I would ask Biden - What do you think you are here for?
Gravitas. Biden is there for gravitas.
Jesus I'm not burning her house down I'm calling her an idiot on her blog. She can take it.
As he stuffs rags into bottles of gasoline.
Clearly, all this criticism of Palin is having the desired effect.
If crazy is continually doing the same thing and expecting a different result, what are the Democrats?
I mean, come on. Even Tom Coughlin reportedly made some coaching adjustments eventually.
That's the McCain playbook alright. Did you SEE the "sex ed" ad?
It was true. There is even paperwork with Obama’s handwriting on it. He changed a bill to allow sex ed in Kindergarten. Next.
October 26th.
Now the Reggie Bush doctrine is one that I heartily endorse.
That is you need a lady with a little junk in the trunk. You know with a nice caboose.
Not one of those skinny waifs like Olsen skanks who make you want to sit in their apartment taking drugs till you off yourself.
And you don't one of those skinny celebutards like Paris Hilton or Lindsey Lohan. I mean when they get dressed up you are really putting lipstick on a pig.
Baby got back. You need a lady with something to hold onto.
Like that wet hot mess Kim Kardashian.
Reggie Bush's Doctrine, get yourself a lady with a nice ass.
Something we can all agree on.
God Bless America.
Let's just hope that Pretty Boy Brady-didn't dump Gisele so he could-well you know save it for game days.
Democrats good. Republicans bad.
April 2001, I'm sitting on the couch in my wife's hospital room holding my newborn daughter, who is less than five hours old.
She opens her dark blue eyes and I say Kate, repeat after me, Republicans Good, Democrats Bad. Republicans Good, Democrats Bad.
Did the same thing when my second daughter was born in August 2004.
Just can't be too careful, especially these days with all the bat shit crazy people running loose.
And if you want to cover that trunk nicely, make sure to visit Lee Lee's valise!
Michael: I'm sure the debate will be re-broadcast on CSPAN soon. McCain did not make his offer to share the stage with Obama in a chest thumping, bring it on way. His point was that the campaign should not be a contest between advertising teams but between two men and their ideas. I took his point....McCain and Obama are both admirable and likable men, well able to enunciate their beliefs. I would like to see them sit down together and argue their case.
Seven Machos said...
I wonder if the left will still be going apeshit on Palin after January when she is sworn in?
Yep. They have been going apeshit over Bush since he was sworn in the first time. It is all they have. Apeshit, that is.
erniecu73: HEY, I just visited your blog site.
WOW...that is REALLY something to behold!! All of those pictures and stunning graphics...
But, you know what? Two things immediately came to mind: pomposity, and of course, why aren't there any visitors or comments?
Can we assume your special brand of insight garners little or no interest from the masses?
I feel bad for you, Dude.
Anybody who would go to those lengths to get people (and when I say "people" I really mean two people, including me) to visit your nifty site, to shower you with love (I bet you're a Sally Fields fan)...and then have nobody show up...damn, that must hurt.
Oh, well. You can always fall back on all those languages you can read.
Why is it that Obama -- so smart, so savvy, so knowledgeable about computers -- wants to restrict the number of debates and the conform the setup of the debates to the boring, ossified form we have come to know and detest?
What's such a brilliant orator so afraid of?
Hey madawaskan, I think that calls for a little wager?
Try to imagine any previous President or Vice-President coming into office and not understanding exactly what the current President's policies were, relating all elements of affairs of state and war.
I think George W had a pretty hard time figuring out what the Clinton administration's anti-terrorism policy was.
But the Clinton folks have been working hard to backfill one into the history books.
Anyway, as Palin's answer made clear, she has a very good understanding of Bush's policies, she just didn't know what Gibson meant with his buzzword.
And for this, you get all bent out of shape? You guys are like Shrevie in Diner, the guy who knew the B-side of all his records and couldn't figure out why his wife was unimpressed:
Shrevie: See? You don't ask me things like that, do you? No! You never ask me what's on the flip side.
Beth: No! Because I don't give a shit. Shrevie, who cares about what's on the flip side about the record?
william, I have no idea why you throw out the "chest thumping" comment.
I haven't read anything relating to McCain or anyone for that matter, offering a stage-sharing scenario.
It's my understanding the rules were set and both parties agreed.
Michael said...
Michael_H: Give me an example of an executive position, with the kind of responsibilities and authority a CEO, President, Vice-President, CFO, or any other top level management position would have...that someone could apply for and be hired...and didn't require being computer literate.
Any one of them. They have people to do that for them. Warren Buffet, I am sure you heard of him, does not use a computer. Donald Trump does not use a computer. They hire people to use computers.
Computer literacy is a fraud if you have nothing else to back it up with, like Obama. Big deal he can email and text. Those are not leadership skills.
I'm computer-literate. You lefty loons feel free to write in Seven Machos if you want.
Oh ya-
What's ya got?
Henry said..."I think George W had a pretty hard time figuring out what the Clinton administration's anti-terrorism policy was."
Henry, unless you've been sharing a cave with Osama Bin Laden over the past eight years, you'd know that George W. Bush has had a hard time "figuring out" damn near anything.
If you want to tell yourself that previous Presidents and Vice-Presidents aren't fully aware of the previous Presidents policies, and especially anything to do with potentially aggressive actions, you're dreaming.
And by the way...9/11 occurred on George W. Bush's watch.
You don't understand. The Patriots are liars and cheats. Karl Rove wrote their playbook. Brady really didn't bust up his knee. Gisele just gave him a badly sprained dick.
Can't go on the field when your penis is in a splint.
Same thing happened to Romo in the playoffs.
Look Giants are my second favorite team because my boy is a fanatic from Queens-but ya -
I'm feelin' the Steelers baby!
{wait that just doesn't sound right...}
Oh ya speakin' of appendages I don't think McCain has Obama by the finger in Zeb's Chinese finger puzzle.
Just sayn'...
If Pittsburgh wins, I will send you an autographed photo of Frenchy Fuqua that I have with him wearing a big purple hat and those seven inch heels with the gold fish in them.
If THE WORLD CHAMPION NEW YORK GIANTS WIN, then you have to end each of your posts with the words
"Have I told you lately that the Giants won the Super Bowl."
peter, I know you're not the brightest bulb on the block, but if you really think the upper-most management of our major industries "have people to do that for them" you're out of your mind.
As for Buffet, Trump of some others, of course there are exceptions to any rule, but to serve as the President of the United States and not know how to send a frigging email is rather hard to comprehend.
We have a dolt in the White House right now and we ALL know how wonderful that's worked out for everybody.
Computer literacy is a fraud if you have nothing else to back it up with, like Obama. Big deal he can email and text. Those are not leadership skills.
And what many people don't realize is that for security and privacy reasons, the President doesn't use email in the Oval Office. I don't believe Bush even uses it in the family quarters.
It is a non-issue, but I do appreciate Obama doing everything he can to tick off the entire state of Florida.
Trooper York said..."You don't understand. The Patriots are liars and cheats. Karl Rove wrote their playbook."
Is this some kind of Football Freudian Flip?
Dogwood, If you think the leader of the free world doesn't have to know how to operate a computer...that's your opinion and you're welcome to it.
I find it embarrassing.
Most people call it sarcasm Michael.
Just can't be too careful, especially these days with all the bat shit crazy people running loose.
Oh God, Jesus Christ on a pregnant chad, Dogwood! NO don't do this.
I have an awful awful flashback to my dad telling me one day, hand on the doorknob, about to go out to work (we had just had a political discussion at the breakfast table, I'm about 13 years old):
"Just remember, Liberals are better human beings"
He smiles. I smile back. Flash forward 10 years, I'm a Conservative. Poor guy.
Still, Dogwood, don't let Kate and your second daughter turn out to be me -- in reverse. *cringe*
Some people are irony deficient.
They have pills for that now.
(nto John Lynch)
Obama is going to respond aggressively? What ... send a strongly worded letter to ... ?
What has he, his camp followers, media backers, and the rag-tag assortment of groupies not already said?
That Palin's had an affair (the previous high-water mark in scandal.) Check and quite a bit further.
That McCain's more of the same as the one denoted "Hitler" (the high water mark of ad hominem.) Check.
That anyone who agrees with and supports McCain/Palin are ignorant, red-necked, bible-thumping, Evangelical, retarded, ignorant, provincial, don't know what's best for them, too old, too white, to female, too male, too stingy, too non-respectful ...
His groupies have already used flame-throwers, leaving no oxygen to ignite new controversy.
I'm looking forward to what getting tough means from here. Maybe we can discover how low the bar of political persuasion can go.
They have pills for that now.
Cialis and Viagra duked it out in the Boner Bowl. Do they have an Irony Bowl?
And by the way...9/11 occurred on George W. Bush's watch.
And he's killed 100K terrorists in response. He's a good decider guy.
February 26, 1993: The World Trade Center in New York City.
Attack on U.S. Diplomats in Pakistan, March 8, 1995: Two unidentified gunmen killed two U.S. diplomats and wounded a third in Karachi, Pakistan.
Bombing of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City, April 19, 1995: Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols destroyed the Federal Building in Oklahoma City with a massive truck bomb.
Attack on U.S. Embassy in Moscow, September 13, 1995: A rocket-propelled grenade was fired through the window of the U.S. Embassy in Moscow, ostensibly in retaliation for U.S. strikes on Serb positions in Bosnia.
Saudi Military Installation Attack, November 13, 1995: The Islamic Movement of Change planted a bomb in a Riyadh military compound that killed one U.S. citizen, several foreign national employees of the U.S. government, and over 40 others.
Athens Embassy Attack, February 15, 1996: Unidentified assailants fired a rocket at the U.S. Embassy compound in Athens, causing minor damage to three diplomatic vehicles and some surrounding buildings.
Khobar Towers Bombing, June 25, 1996: A fuel truck carrying a bomb exploded outside the US military's Khobar Towers housing facility in Dhahran, killing 19 U.S. military personnel and wounding 515 persons, including 240 U.S. personnel.
Empire State Building Sniper Attack, February 23, 1997: A Palestinian gunman opened fire on tourists at an observation deck atop the Empire State Building in New York City, killing a Danish national and wounding visitors from the United States, Argentina, Switzerland, and France before turning the gun on himself.
U.S. Embassy Bombings in East Africa, August 7, 1998: A bomb exploded at the rear entrance of the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya, killing 12 U.S. citizens, 32 Foreign Service Nationals, and 247 Kenyan citizens. Approximately 5,000 Kenyans and six U.S. citizens were injured. The U.S. Embassy building sustained extensive structural damage. Almost simultaneously, a bomb detonated outside the U.S. Embassy in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, killing 10 Tanzanian citizens, and injuring 1 U.S. citizen and 76 Tanzanians. The explosion caused major structural damage to the U.S. Embassy facility. The U.S. Government held Osama Bin Laden responsible.
michael, my livejournal is not for anyone but my friends to comment on, it has been so since 2002, and they do. I am sure you are not familiar with the site, but that's ok. You have reached a new level, congrats, you still have a few more to descend. I have no doubts you will cross that threshold soon.
On your issue of foreign policy, political doctrines, and their names; yes, I am sure they all were familiar with their predecessor's policies. However, I would be extremely surprised if any of them knew them under anyone's particular name's doctrine. If you have proof to the contrary, please do produce it.
Alex - Be sure to pass that along to the families and friends of the 3,000 victims of 9/11.
And I have absolutely NO IDEA were you come up with that "100K terrorists" number.
Are you drunk?
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