That's from Chip Ahoy, who introduced it in the comments over here. The original photo was blogged here yesterday.
September 30, 2008
Obama in the rain, animated version.
That's from Chip Ahoy, who introduced it in the comments over here. The original photo was blogged here yesterday.
Wait till Rev. Wright finds out God is a White Man!
The kids singing in the Obama video on Drudge....
What will happen next? Will he descend from the clouds in a Ford Trimotor?
If you need an explanation to the above post, go here.
Obama phone home?
I love him...he looks so beautiful.
DTL - why does it matter who he associates with? Why do you care? Why keep bringing it up? You're gay, we get it. You're out, you're proud, we are over it. Move along.
I hear the rain. I hear the rain.
I hear the rain.
Got to kill the pain.
I hear the rain. I hear the rain.
I hear the rain.
Got to kill the pain.
Burry me out on a lone prarie.
Prarie water washin’ over me.
Burry me out on a lone prarie.
A friend who calls a coyote.
Burry me out in the lone city.
Sewer water color of my tea.
Burry me out in the lone city.
Sewer water wash we all down to sea.
She use to sit and watch and wait.
Now I think I’ll go and sit.
--Violent Femmes
It's alive! it's alive! cries Dr. Axelstein!
This is my only son. You will follow him!!!!!!
The kids singing in the Obama video on Drudge....
Apathetic Citizen, with respect, the problem with many people is that their only totalitarian reference seems to be Hitler and Nazism.
Nazism didn't encourage tenderness towards its Führer. In fact, that would've been un-Aryan.
But hat is Communism's approach with their Dear Leaders.
Obama Y Los Niños
I counsel Ernie and other Cubans not to click on that. You will get very bad memories of your (mandatory) Pionero days.
Americans, wake the f*ck up.
Chip Ahoy, the wingnut commenter, who refuses to associate with gay people.
Which, if I am not mistaken, and we have not been sovietized yet, is his constitutional right; freedom of association.
"Hate is not a family value." Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!
I deleted the insult that a couple people are responding to.
If only he weren't Black.
But Ann leaves this insult up:
"It's prurient homosexuals like you that give homosexuality a bad name. You don't care and why should you? Your malignant narcissism is rampant in the homosexual enclaves you delve in."
Ein Neger mit Gazelle zagt im Regen nie. (``A negro carrying a gazelle never falters in the rain.'')
That's a palindrome.
Add it to Obama amabo (``I will love Obama'') for the Obama palindrome vote.
Neither is up there with Esperanto ``Sane volema kara rara kamelo venas'' (``A healthily dear rare camel is coming'') for government commentary.
@DTL: What did "gay" have to do with this post? Why did you lob it into this thread? AA was right to expunge the original source of insult.
From Sen. Obama's website...
Establish 20 Promise Neighborhoods: Obama and Biden will create 20 Promise Neighborhoods in areas that have high levels of poverty and crime and low levels of student academic achievement in cities across the nation. The Promise Neighborhoods will be modeled after the Harlem Children's Zone, which provides a full network of services, including early childhood education, youth violence prevention efforts and after-school activities, to an entire neighborhood from birth to college.
The Harlem program is a "conveyor belt" of programs funded with $58MM in private funds that is "a cocoon of support and nurturance." According to the NYT, these "Promise Neighborhoods" would "be run as private/public partnerships, with the federal government providing half the funds and the rest being raised by local governments and private philanthropies and businesses. It would cost the federal government “a few billion dollars a year,” he acknowledged..." This is part of Sen. Obama's larger social engineering plans, accd to the NYT, for the government to get inside families, even before children are born, with "intensive support."
“We have to heal that entire community," says Sen. Obama.
Incidentally, rhhardin, a slut nixes sex in Tulsa.
Ann doesn't want it discussed in this thread, so I will respect her wishes. If you e-mail me, I can explain.
``healthily wishful dear rare camel''
I have been practicing La Internacional...just in case. One would be surprised how much that stuff stays in your brain *shudder*
Victoria, I had to click, sorry, and...*shudder*. Bad memories, bad memories...
rhhardin said: Ein Neger mit Gazelle zagt...
is that Plattdeutch or Dutch-German?
followed the link...gag a maggot..
I gotta' hope it goes viral.
I got it from Borgmann long ago, and it never seemed anything other than college German to me.
There's a site of the things, very amusing, I see here.
perhaps God also touched PJ O'Rourke...but not on the tip of his finger...
Ernie, I know dude. I'm so sorry. When I went to Cuba in 2000, I saw those little Pioneros in their cute little kerchiefs in a camelo (bus). I was told they were going to do "field service", which for those who don't know, is the mandatory yanking of kids from their families, to work the fields at the age of 10. The Communists try to palm it off as some kind of summer camp, but believe me, this is no Lake Wannatonka.
Lars,'s gag-inducing.
You know, liberals make a big stink about "Jesus Camp" type places, which are practically nonexistent, but when they are faced with children who have been encouraged or allowed to sing in chorus for Obama, looking like zoned out kidbots, they think they're "energised" by the process. Hurrah! A victory for inclusiveness and democracy!
Posit this orchestrated effort to the very spontaneous and cute Kenyan kids singing for Obama, via MP3.
That's the difference between pride and devotion, which coincidentally, is the difference between freedom and tyranny.
Is God pulling Obama's finger or is Obama pulling God's?
RE Obama Jugend
I couldn't watch it to the end..cringe inducing...political kiddie porn...ghastly ....
AA needs to see it.
Able was I ere I saw Joe Biden.
It's not camp at all. I worked 4 hours a day, Monday through Friday and every other Saturday on the fields, mostly with my bare hands from 7th to 9th grade. It was a way of "combining education and work future", according to the official propaganda. If you were sick, or your shoes were broken, it didn't matter. The teachers and mostly the die-hard hardcore propagandists (party cadres in the school) will give you a huge guilt trip about it. They would remind you how "the revolution is giving you everything, and this is just a modest contribution you must make". That's when they didn't blatanly punish you. Punishments ranged from just a note in your permanent record (the dreaded "Expediente") which would guarantee you would never get into college ("la universidad es para los revolutcionarios" = college is for revolutionaries ONLY) to get a gang of violent bullies in school to beat the living lighst out of you, to not allow you to go home and see your family in the weekend. I had to "make up" labor time a few times on Saturdays. this meant I would get to Havana at 7 or 8 pm on Saturday, and get back to school at noon on Sunday.
I could spend the rest of my life describing these things, and most here wouldn't believe them.
What really makes me mad is when people tell me that I shouldn't base my oposition to socialism on my personal experiences...seriously...
I couldn't watch it to the end..cringe inducing...political kiddie porn...ghastly ....
You know when something is so bad it stinks? When even Gawker is appalled:
The thought that an actual Obama supporter would round up a few dozen kids in the name of producing such nauseating vacuous reverse propaganda is too depressing, so let's just assume this is the diabolical work of some NRA-funded 527. But if it is not, it's a powerful statement as to the thing that has been so disappointing about this campaign: if Obama doesn't seem to be trying hard enough to seize the moment, make sense of the recent history that precipitated this particular economic situation and articulate a vision for the nation's future that actually changes minds — this may seem unnecessary for the purpose of winning, but as we just learned it's absolutely necessary for the purpose of getting anything done in Washington — it's because he doesn't have to. People want to believe he will save us from all that ails us because they are so stupid they lack even the faintest notion of what it means to be able to speak and vote and freely upload their inane videos to YouTube.
I linked to Gawker on my blog for the first time ever with this.
AA needs to see it.
She probably will, but don't expect a post about it. I don't think she's ever once blogged about any of the links I've ever shared as a heads up, so I stopped trying.
"combining education and work future" should read "combining education and work for the future"
@rh: Sorry to go all pee-dantic on you rh. It’s just that German would have sagt , despite pronouncing the “s” as a “z”. The Dutch cognate zeggen , wouldn’t give you zagt, as I don’t know Plattdeutsch, I though perhaps you did. ;)
The first "political activity" in which we were forced to participate, as far as I can remember, was in 1978-79, I was 5, and in "pre-school". We were taken around chanting against the Chinese invasion of northern Vietnam. I didn't understand why. I even said I was part Chinese (which I am, being the mutt I am)and my teacher, half-jokingly said "We'll put you in front of a shooting squad"
Ah, they cropped out the teleprompters.
Some people would take the hint.
Victoria - I watched the video of the Obama kids' chorus - yuck. Ironic that those same people were probably the ones who thought the kid wearing the anti-Obama shirt to school was coerced by his parents. Their precious little ones are enlightened of course.
but he was playing the best round of his life!
Where is Obama's little book and what color is it?
Jill wrote:
Ironic that those same people were probably the ones who thought the kid wearing the anti-Obama shirt to school was coerced by his parents.
BTW, I thought that act and the father who encouraged it were both obnoxious.
OTOH, I know this kid in NYC who wore a handmade t-shirt which said, "He's still not my President" written in marker. He wasn't expelled from his school.
Diff'rent strokes, I guess, Jill.
Their precious little ones are enlightened of course.
Does anyone foresee an even greater home schooling boon if Obama is elected President?
With the economic crisis probably lasting a while, I know I will not be able to afford the toney education my parents gave me, to my own future kids.
And there's no way I will allow my little ones to be exposed to similar type of mind control in the public sphere.
vbspurs said...
Does anyone foresee an even greater home schooling boon if Obama is elected President?
3:19 PM
There are already plans that will prevent this from happening: his Community Service Corps or whatever he will call them. They will be tied to the schools, and be mandatory thus making homeschooling practically impossible except for those exempt for medical reasons.
No poll updates? You usually post something when there is movement or a swing. And boy, there seems to be some movement. Thanks!
Actually looking back you seem to only post poll numbers when they swing in McCain's favor. Nevermind.
Where I live those who love Cuba most have the least understanding of what went on and still goes on. My ex-BiL was a '59 refugee and the stories he told were very chilling. Commie lovers should move there, not remake this country into a socialist utopia.
Obama is a stone cold commie and will do everything he can to ruin this country.
What does this have to do with homeschooling?
From what I can tell, this wasn't done as a school project and presumably the kids parents' knew of their involvement.
It's not my cup of tea, but then I wouldn't have my kid out stumping for any candidate, and I've certainly seen kids with their parents, or in groups, at rallies for candidates of various parties. I wouldn't even let him sing the Star Spangled Banner in a chorus in connection with ANY event that had ANYTHING to do with a political candidate or party, and I have certainly seen that. (And yes, I love the SSB, and yes, it was one of the earliest songs my son memorized apart from baby lullabyes.)
I think quite possible that the reaction here is more because it's related to Obama rather than the underlying philosophical issues.
1. It appears that Obama is creating God.
2. Ernie, thanks for the history. It reminds of my neighbor who grew up in the Cultural Revolution.
Have you written about it?
3. As for the creepy socialist video of kids singing:
It tells me that leftists have figured out that Obama walks like a socialist, talks like a socialist, and votes like a socialist, and that therefore he is actually a socialist.
So now they adopt Partyt activities common to socialist nations.
Not similar. Same.
"I think quite possible that the reaction here is more because it's related to Obama rather than the underlying philosophical issues."
Not for me, reader_iam.
Socialism is evil.
It's not just bad for economies or nations or democracies. It is the most evil form of government that has ever existed.
Anything even resembling it should be questioned severely and rejected often.
It ain't Obama. It's socialism that cuts me to the quick.
True story:
At the beginning of this summer, my son was into Obama, primarily because his little friends were (because most of their parents were, and are). My husband and I were mostly amused. We said the normal stuff about when you grow up and can really vote, you'll need to decide what's important to you, read up on positions etc., and then make your own measured decision for yourself; we told him you don't vote for "x" just because your friends do or what other people say, you make up your own mind and vote your own conscience. Basically, we gave the standard spiel and moved right along.
O-O-O-k-a-a-y. We took him East for the summer, where he spent most of the time at my in-laws house. Everyday son would take walks with my father-in-law (whom I love, by the way) and then tag along with him when they went to breakfast with friends of grandpa's. He'd hang out in the car with grandpa, waiting for grandma or whomever, and listen the radio to which grandpa listens.
Have you guessed the punch line yet?
My son came home an outspoken GOP candidate supporter--not "for" McCain, mind you, but against that liberal Obama who will ruin the country. Amazing, the stuff that has come out of his mouth.
My father-in-law's favorite talking head/talk radio host? Sean Hannity. Second favorite? Rush Limbaugh. Third ... well, I think you get the drift. He's a hard-line, hard-right kinda guy.
Luckily, both DH and I have a sense of humor ... and a strong commitment to raising our son to think for himself and resist undue pressure, from frieds, family or anyone else.
It may be an uphill battle ... .
reader_iam, I think the bigger issues are the personality cult, the use of kids as propaganda, the ominous parallels it already has, and the horrible memories from past and present places that it arises.
be afraid
You are a charm. The swaztika could be replaced by a peace sign or something.
You didn't think it could get any worse, did you?
"With Obama, Yes Yes We Can"
That was creepy. It will probably be played on the campaign trail.
My son is relentlessly right wing, too, though he's not been exposed to Rush or Hannity or anything of that sort. He has been exposed to US History, though.
His nearest sister is of a more "lefty" bent, but she is also wildly pro-America. She gets excited when she sees an American flag.
It's interesting to me because that certainly wasn't how =I= grew up.
Ernie, I lurk here in the Althouse comments often, though I rarely post, and I've come to feel like I know you and the other regulars as well as anyone can through reading a bunch of comments to a blog. I wanted to say that your recollections of your childhood in Cuba brought tears to my eyes. I had to stop lurking long enough to post that I am so sorry for what you went through. In the midst of all the ridiculous partisan BS of the last few months, your story reminds me of why I continue to love this country fiercely. And I realize that your story isn't necessarily unique. It is humbling to me.
Anyway, I'll probably go back to lurking, but I read this thread at work this afternoon and made a note to post this comment when I got home. Thanks for sharing.
Tony Rezko is talking to the Feds to get a sentence reduction. I wonder if Obama will come up? Rezko was involved in all sorts of business activities that required City and State politicians to pave the way for him. Obama was in the thick of it, as well as many others, including our Governor.
Stay tuned folks.
Patricia, sorry for the delay in my response. I thank you deeply for your words, and I'm sorry my recollections brought tears to your eyes. You understand, others not so much.
Pgo, the thought has crossed my mind. One of these days I may sit down and do it.
If anyone would lack the common sense not to stand out during a thunder storm, it's this dummy.
Is it time for those who does not support Obama to accept the reality that he's going to be the next president?
Obama leads in all these areas:
1. Newspapers
2. Blogs
3. Commentaries
4. Polls
5. Children singing...
And coming soon:
1. Radio
"President Obama"
That was creepy. It will probably be played on the campaign trail.
Oh yes. The group already played for his sister, Dr. Maya Soetero, at one campaign stop...
I'm too sexy for my halo.
Before, it was Bill Clinton, and now it's Bama.
How is it that the
"sophisticated" left swoons on the candidates that are touched by a miracle?
To bad God screwed up and put Ima Leftist's brain in him.
With the image -- it would work even better if it were split into _four_ layers -- background, then lightning/God, then Obama, then rain.
That way the lightning would properly be behind him.
here's a better obama animation,
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