September 21, 2008

Michelle Obama, back in Madison, tomorrow morning.

Does the campaign consider our little lefty city women's work? Why don't we get Biden? (He's off tending to folks the press calls "lunch-bucket Democrats.") Why don't we get Barack Obama? (He's too valuable to use getting too few more votes in a city that is certain to vote overwhelmingly for him.)

Michelle was here last February, the day before the primary. I attended. That was the speech where she said "For the first time in my adult lifetime, I’m really proud of my country," something that didn't even stand out to me in what I thought was an excellent speech. I'm used to hearing what I'm used to hearing in our little lefty city.


Lem Vibe Bandit said...

When Hillary campaigned for Bill their pitch was get two for one.

I would like to know if we get the same deal with Obama ;)

ricpic said...

The Obama campaign knows to keep Michelle away from the lumpen whites in the vital states of Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania, who instinctively and correctly will be repelled by her.

Useful college town idiots in Wisconsin? Have at 'em, devil woman.

MadisonMan said...

Doors open at 9

There are no doors at the park, so I'm wondering if they'll fence it off.

I hope to watch from the top of the building I work in. It has a great view of Camp Randall.

vbspurs said...

Michelle was here last February, the day before the primary. I attended. That was the speech where she said "For the first time in my adult lifetime, I’m really proud of my country,"

Wow, you were there for that? That's amazing.

As for Michelle come no one ever writes a song about her, huh?

Even Sarah Palin now has her own song.

Moose Shootin' Mama! ;)

My favourite two stanzas:

She’ll help the prez keep our taxes down
And clean up Washington
Get them pork-barrel boys on the run
Man, this is gonna be fun

And it’s drill, baby, drill
Cause we’re paying way too much
Maybe what this country needs is a woman’s touch

Sure does!

Maybe P. Diddy might write a rap song about Joe Biden. Or maybe not.


Methadras said...

She's there make sure your little lefty city stays in line.

Peter V. Bella said...

As for Michelle come no one ever writes a song about her, huh?

When Obama said families are off limits, he meant his family only.

David said...

You nailed it, Ann. She's there to preach to the choir.

Trooper York said...

Not a good sign if they are worried about Madison.

What's next?


Palladian said...

I can't imagine anything worse than going to a political rally where the speaker and audience agree with each other 100%.

In fact, I can't imagine anything worse than going to a political rally.

Anyway, I can imagine Michelle screaming at the pasty, head-nodding Madisonians: CAN I GET AN AMEN, WHITEY?

AllenS said...

She's there for one purpose only, to make sure you keep your pledge of cruel neutrality.

le Douanier said...

I'm used to hearing what I'm used to hearing in our little lefty city.

Or, in context it was obvious that she was talking about her unmatched excitement regarding what the campaign was doing and could do, rather than the accusation that she was sending the message that she only became proud of America when her husband ended up on the short list for a P nomination because she's a "devil woman."

The interesting question is: was Althouse's mind more or less clear before the right wingers trained her to re-understand Michelle's comments? As a follow up, is it sad our joyous to be retrained in this circumstance?

1775OGG said...

"They" say Michelle's not hostile or bitter, she's just focused and intense!

Of course, "they" might be wrong!

Ben (The Tiger in Exile) said...

Not a good sign if they are worried about Madison.

They're not worried about Madison -- they're worried about Wisconsin. (Kerry took it by what, 10,000 votes last time?)

Need to get turnout high in Madison to offset rural votes.

Palladian said...

"As a follow up, is it sad our joyous to be retrained in this circumstance?"

Didn't you used to claim that you were a Republican? Who retrained you? Was it sad or joyous?

Trooper York said...

I hear that Madison is shitting green that Dallas is going to bitch slap Green Bay tonight.

Of course since the WORLD CHAMPION NEW YORK GIANTS squeeked out a win today, I don't care.

A win is a win even in overtime or in the electoral college.

Did I tell you lately that the Giants won the Super Bowl?

dick said...

Just hope McCain has some people in Milwaukee to watch for the dead bodies voting and protect the vans from the sons of the city councilwoman and the rep. Lst time they had more votes than population in big parts of the city. Even worse than Chicago and Seattle. Also got to watch out for the bus service between Chicago and Madison.

bleeper said...


MadisonMan said...

The voting thing is interesting to watch. McCain's campaign sent voter registration flyers to a slew of folks in Middleton. Alas, the mailing address for the registration was in Madison. But this attempt to disenfranchise voters is met by a Who Cares? by the Republican Attorney General, who is too busy jumping through hoops for the National Republican Party.

Chris Althouse Cohen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Peter V. Bella said...

I do not think the Secret Service lets people on roof tops during those types of events. Better find a back-up location.

BTW, exactly what office is Michelle running for again andwhy would anyone want to hear what she had to say?

chickelit said...

McCain's people had considered air dropping campaign leaflets over the city and also broadcasting via Radio Free Madison. They backed out when they heard Michelle was coming.

Joe said...

Why don't we get Biden?

The same reason national republican candidates don't show up in Utah; the vote's already going that direction.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I’m really proud of my country," something that didn't even stand out to me in what I thought was an excellent speech. I'm used to hearing what I'm used to hearing in our little lefty city.

When you stand in shit all day, it doesn't smell so bad. Ask any plumber. Getting out of the cesspool and jumping back in.....whoooh.. what a difference.

le Douanier said...

Who retrained you?

I've lost faith the the non-stop BS about lowering taxes and unleashing business. I've looked past the rhetoric, and I've seen the record.

I see the budget deficits, and more importantly, the percentage of the budget dedicated to interest payments. I see that in some ways we survive because of foreigners buying Treasuries. I see that Rs use the government to funnel tax money to businesses. I see that our economy is loosing it's manufacturing and infrastructure base (which are rather important aspects of capitalism.) I see that the private sector (while depending on the the gov via medicare/medicaid/schip) is continuing to make health care more expensive.
As a percent of GDP we spend more than is sustainable, and this will get worse as entitlement demands grow (consider that, when comparing percentages of GDP, our current gov contribution to health care expenses is similar to the amount spent by Canada for their entire system.) I see unsustainable foriegn adventures fueled by bravado, shallow thinking, and a welcome dependence on oil.

The Ds came to realize that their welfare ideas sucked. Presumably the Rs will eventually realize that the various expressions of their corporate welfare theories suck, then they'll change, and I'll switch back--unless the Ds keep one step ahead, which seems unlikely.

Ann Althouse said...

Wisconsin is now listed as one of the undecided states. And in fact Barack Obama is coming here tomorrow, but he's not wasting his magic on Madison. He's going to Green Bay, where John McCain just went.

You know I'm the highest-traffic blogger in Wisconsin, and maybe Wisconsin will decide the election. And I'm undecided, avowedly so. Isn't that funny?

MadisonMan said...

Ann, here's a question I've been asking myself lately, so I'll ask you too. There are 4 same-sex couples within four blocks of my house. I have a nodding acquaintance with all of them. In addition, I work with half a same-sex couple. (I'm sure you know the other half of this couple).

Why should I vote for a party that devalues their relationships? These are relationships that I see are just as committed as the one I share with my wife.

Anyway, that's what I've been thinking. It makes it much harder to consider McCain and any Republican in Wisconsin.

Simon said...

1jpb said...
"The interesting question is: was Althouse's mind more or less clear before the right wingers trained her to re-understand Michelle's comments?"

A couple of years ago, my wife and I went to see U2 in Chicago. It was the show that they ultimately put out on DVD. We attended. It's a funny thing, you know: watching the show in person, there's a lot of little mistakes that I hear on the DVD - lots of things that I notice - that I didn't see while I was there. Understand?

Althouse said...
"I'm used to hearing what I'm used to hearing in our little lefty city."

I think that's why she said it, and perhaps it's why the audience didn't react. Michelle is used to hearing such sentiments. She was among friends, in a little lefty college town; she said how she felt. The difference between the right and the left (once you get past the silly efforts in some quarters to claim she either didn't say what she said or that she didn't mean it if she did), these days, could be boiled down to whether or not such feeling is acceptable.

Simon said...

Ann Althouse said...
"Wisconsin is now listed as one of the undecided states."

Bush's margin of loss in WI in the last two elections was tiny. No reason it shouldn't be in play for so much stronger a GOP ticket.

Simon said...

MadisonMan, isn't the obvious answer that there are things that really matter at stake, so focusing on one trivial issue -- a fortiori one that neither Obama nor McCain can do much about, and on which their positions aren't much different anyway -- is to rationalize how one's already decided to vote, not to reason ex ante how one will vote?

chickelit said...

MadisonMan There are 4 Marine or Navy vets on my block, include two brothers who did two Iraq tours. I have a better than nodding acquaintance with all of them (we swill beer together).

Why should I vote for a party and a leader that devalues their contributions? These are contributions that I see as more valuable than my own.

Anyway, that's what I thought when I read your question to Ann. It makes it much harder to consider Obama and any Democratic in California, even though I know my vote doesn't count.

Simon said...

chickenlittle said...
"I know my vote doesn't count."

Why do you say that?

Palladian said...

"I've lost faith the the non-stop BS about lowering taxes and unleashing business. I've looked past the rhetoric, and I've seen the record."

So in other words, you gave up, dropped your pants, bent over and said: "OK since I'm going to get fucked either way, come on Democrats and fuck me really, really hard!"

"Why should I vote for a party that devalues their relationships? These are relationships that I see are just as committed as the one I share with my wife."

Because it's a trivial issue that affects a very small percentage of the population and there are much, much more important issues facing the country at the moment. Of course we all have many disagreements with our chosen candidates. The point is to figure out which issues trump which other issues and vote for the least worst candidate.

Don't forget that the Democrat party also "devalues" the relationships of us queers. Barack Obama's position on "gay marriage" is not substantially different that John McCain's. We've had eight years of (as I'm told) "the most evil, theocratic, hateful, fundamentalist" regime and guess what? Absolutely nothing has negatively changed regarding gay marriage or gay relationships or gay people on a national level. The only things that have changed are the advent of legal "gay marriage" in several states and the Lawrence v Texas decision. The executive branch has little effect of such matters.

chickelit said...

Don't misread me Simon. I will vote in November, hell or high water. But I think my California electoral vote will be cast against my will, just as it was in 2004.

Simon said...

Palladian said...
"We've had eight years of (as I'm told) 'the most evil, theocratic, hateful, fundamentalist regime and guess what? Absolutely nothing has negatively changed regarding gay marriage or gay relationships or gay people on a national level."

I wouldn't say that nothing has changed, but nothing has changed as a result of said "evil, theocratic, hateful, fundamentalist regime." The issue of gay marriage was injected into the national conversation by its proponents, and turned into a campaign issue four years ago by the Supreme Court of Massachusetts. Every state constitutional amendment since then has been driven by a backlash among ordinary Americans to something that they don't want to happen. If the recent trend against gay marriage is regression for the gay community's goals, it was a self-inflicted wound. As much as the DTLs of the world may bloviate, it wasn't the Bush administration wot dun it.

chickenlittle said...
"Don't misread me Simon. I will vote in November, hell or high water. But I think my California electoral vote will be cast against my will, just as it was in 2004."

I understand, and that's a much better way of putting it, but I do question the idea that for one's vote to count, the person one voted for must prevail. I see that as being connected to what we're talking about in connection to Althouse's post above, about bipartisanship and frustration with the process of politics as normal.

MadisonMan said...

chickenlittle, my neighbor is a WWII vet, and my daughter babysits for a family who's Dad has been to Iraq 3 times.

Do not assume you can outdo me in association with vets.

Simon, it's interesting what you call trivial.

MadisonMan said...

(chickenlittle, especially because of the field of science I'm in, which should be obvious if you've read what I write for a while).

MadisonMan said...

...and let me add, before going to bed, that my opinion is that the Republican Party has done a piss-poor job of helping veterans. Veteran Hospitals are woefully understaffed. Consider the dreadful record of helping veterans of Iraq with brain injuries. Look how John McCain had to be dragged kicking and screaming into support of the new GI Bill!

Republicans claim to be all about helping Veterans, but when push comes to shove, they'd rather fund bridges to nowhere.

Alex said...

Ann is eating up all this attention. Her already out of control ego will get even more massive in the next 5+ weeks.

chickelit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Simon said...

MM, gay marriage is a state issue, and any attempt to federalize it requires a Constitutional Amendment or a federal court decision. What the President of the United States has to do with the former two I don't know. So, yes: while I can see that some people might regard it as relevant when selecting a legislator or a Governor, it is absolutely a trivial issue when you're electing a President.

MadisonMan said...
"my opinion is that the Republican Party has done a piss-poor job of helping veterans."

No disagreement here.

"Republicans claim to be all about helping Veterans, but when push comes to shove, they'd rather fund bridges to nowhere."

Those are the kinds of Republicans that McCain and Palin are fighting against! No such dilemma for the Democrats: they'd happily fund both. The difference between the democrats and the republicans on pork is that pork is a corruption for republicans and a standard MO for Democrats. No comparison.

chickelit said...

(Fixed some typos)

Simon said: I do question the idea that for one's vote to count, the person one voted for must prevail.

Three things:
1) To clarify, my remarks about vote counting were probably inappropriate in my first post. They didn't mirror any part of MadisonMan's comment which was my intent.
2) By "count" I simply meant that my popular vote would not be counted electorally. But you're right about partisanship.
3) I'll cheerfully abide by the results of the election no matter the result. I'm a good sport. I voted for the losing side in 5 out of the last 7 election (didn't vote in '92).

le Douanier said...

Those are the kinds of Republicans that McCain and Palin are fighting against!

This is a fish in a barrel opportunity regarding McCain and benefits, and Palin and pork. But I'm too lazy, fill in the blanks yourself, or don't, I don't care.

Peter V. Bella said...

Why should I vote for a party and a leader that devalues their contributions? These are contributions that I see as more valuable than my own..

They are GIs. They are not community organizers; those brave souls that go out to hqand out pamphlets, organizing communities to do, um, eh, huh, em, heh, meh, um...

George M. Spencer said...

For every black guy who fantastizes about boinking Mrs. Obama, there are ten times as many white guys who are having the same thoughts about Mrs. Palin.

This is a problem for Sen. Obama, though not so much so on a personal level.

Anyway, New York Observer writer George Gurley went out on on the streets of Manhattan to ask dudes if they were having sexual fantasies about Mrs. Palin....He is what some guys said..

• "I want to have sex with her. Want to lick that face and drool on it like a dog."
• "During her speech at the convention: No cleavage? No fair. Slurp slurp."
• "I want her to take care of me. Nurse! Climb into bed with me and watch movies, cuddle, laugh, play footsie."
• "I see she had a tanning bed installed in the Governor’s mansion. That means no tan lines. Mmmm, me likey!"
• "Camping! Take a pontoon plane, go fishing for walleyes and northern pike. Listen to the loons. In the morning, she'd chase away a bear, then get back into the sleeping bag with me. Her husband can come along, too, I guess. Don't want to see his dick."
• "Just the two of us in a big suite [at the Regency]. Then she waits in the sitting room while I take a bubble bath — I like to lay in the tub for a half-hour with the shower water beating down on me."
I would like to smell her.

Palladian said...

"Stinger Assassin"

What the New York Observer didn't note was that those statements were the transcript of a lunchtime conversation between Elliot Spitzer and Bill Clinton.

chickelit said...

MadisonMan: I assure you that I wasn't trying to "outdo you with association with vets" (but I did mention my father and and brother?) :)

Truth be told, I was just ripping your "but what would the neighbors think" rationale for choosing not to vote Republican.

It's true that I have lots of USMC and some USN neighbors (who doesn't in San Diego County, unless you inhabit rarified La Jolla?)
It's also true that I respect the fucking hell out of them. But they're not why I'd vote against Obama tomorrow, which was your lame point.

I'm voting for McCain-Palin because I believe it's in the best interest for the entire country, not just a minority.

One last thing MadisonMan. I need to be on your good side. You're the only one ever who answers my stupid "olden times" queries about Madison:)


Ruth Anne Adams said...

You know I'm the highest-traffic blogger in Wisconsin, and maybe Wisconsin will decide the election. And I'm undecided, avowedly so. Isn't that funny?

ALTHOUSE: King-maker

Anonymous said...

Alex said...Ann is eating up all this attention. Her already out of control ego will get even more massive in the next 5+ weeks.

But it will never be as massive as her head. Huge noggin.


vbspurs said...

What I want to know is, what did Chris post about, delete, and then not repost it? Was it something naughty?


vbspurs said...

I just saw "Lakeview Terrace" and I swear the Samuel L. Jackson character was based on Michelle Obama.

Along the lines of:

"I am sick and tired of these motherf*cking whiteys in this motherf*cking country!"

Not that I ever believed in the existence of that Whitey tape, but you know, it wouldn't flabbergast me either.

Methadras said...


Why are you undecided at this point in the game? What is it you are waiting for outside of your vow of cruel neutrality? Surely, there must be something that you are looking for that will tip you over the edge, no?

Anonymous said...

ATTENTION: alpha liberal and other Obamadroids!!

Your boy Barry is a LIAR!

He's trying to frighten old ladies.

He's trying to convince them that the Old White Devil Lil' MaC wants them to eat cat food in the dark with no air conditioning or heat.


A Muslim is permitted to lie to an infidel

Somebody needs to ask Michelle Obama about this.

MadisonMan said...

Was it something naughty?

No, just a reminder/correction.

So I biked past the G.A.R. park -- I wonder if she'll mention that? -- and the barricades are up. I'm not sure how swell the view from the top of the building will be -- I'd forgotten about all the trees. I'll see the crowd, sure, but maybe not the lady herself.

I'm still wondering if I can get up there.

Simon said...

Methadras said...
"Ann, Why are you undecided at this point in the game? What is it you are waiting for outside of your vow of cruel neutrality? Surely, there must be something that you are looking for that will tip you over the edge, no?"

I think that part of it is that she doesn't want to let the candidates off the hook - once they've got your vote, they can move on. If she waits until election day to make up her mind, the candidates have to (so to speak) keep earning her vote right up to the wire.

(Also, perhaps she has a bet with JAC over which of her GOP-leaning commenters will keel over first from the anxiety: will she? won't she? AHHH!)

Anonymous said...

Simon said...(Also, perhaps she has a bet with JAC over which of her GOP-leaning commenters will keel over first from the anxiety: will she? won't she? AHHH!)

Ann Althouse is a life long Democrat despite what it says on the Google page referencing an old wiki article.

She has lived in The People's Republic of Madison for too long. She has inhaled so much secondhand leftwing wacko smoke that she has developed leftwingatosis.

I don't know why so many Conservatives and gays of both parties have migrated to this site but Ann is a liberal Democrat in every way as far as I can tell with the exception of the post 9-11 sympathy for Bush on Iraq.

Just as you can barely tell this is the blog of a stodgy old law professor you also would never know this is the blog of a life long lefty.

Simon said...

jdeeripper said...
"I don't know why so many Conservatives and gays of both parties have migrated to [Althouse's blog]...."

Because she's extraordinary.

No one here is unaware of her political background, either. More than "liberal" or "conservative," I think she's idiosyncratic, an individualist. A liberal, yes, but a liberal who rejects the liberal groupthink and nonthink, and one who I sometimes think has Burkeian instincts.

bethechange said...

I was at the rally today. It was inspirational. Sorry you missed it.

Anonymous said...

Simon said...jdeeripper said..."I don't know why so many Conservatives and gays of both parties have migrated to [Althouse's blog]...."

Because she's extraordinary.

I think you mean fabulous!

..I think she's idiosyncratic, an individualist. A liberal, yes, but a liberal who rejects the liberal groupthink and nonthink..

A contrarian. I don't think she liked to be held as a baby.

But still on most things a big lib.

Simon said...

JD - you can pick whatever superlatives you prefer for her. :)

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