September 18, 2008
Margaret Cho shoulders everyone else aside in the raging competition to say the most offensive thing about Sarah Palin.
Oh, settle down. She's a comedian. You have to imagine her saying it.
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
Anything coming from her is offensive so its not really news.
More sex talk from another comedienne. Gets gay, too.
I'm not saying it's news. I'm saying it's funny (if you have a taste for this sort of thing).
If she is a comedian, I can dunk on Shaq.
Oh, settle down. She's a comedian.
She's a clown. That's not the same thing as a comedian.
Why are so many female actresses/clowns/whatnots so bitter and spiteful?
Obama is supposed to be inspiring hope yet so many of his supporters are raging balls of hate.
They hate Bush, they hate Hillary, they hate McCain and they hate Sarah Palin most of all.
Like so many religious people before them they are not willing to simply embarace their saviour/redeemer. They need to hate and persecute the unbelievers.
They are the descendants of the kind of people who burned and tortured people in the name of Jesus.
Ann Althouse said... I'm not saying it's news. I'm saying it's funny (if you have a taste for this sort of thing).
I don't find it funny at all. But this is one of the funniest things I've seen in a while.
I don't think that's even remotely the most offensive thing anyone's said about Palin. It is hard to top "her only qualification is that she hasn't had an abortion" and the "that's not really her kid" memes, for example.
Ann said:
"I'm saying it's funny (if you have a taste for this sort of thing)."
LOL good one Ann.
Oh my. [/vapors]
Pogo said: "oh my (/Vspurs).
I fixed your post for you.
Margaret Cho- looks a pig with lipstick in the photo.
Nobody has done a Robert Service verse about Palin.
The pullman carman one is my favorite, but doesn't have any frozen bush.
Margaret Cho used to be pretty funny back when she had a TV show. But then she seemed to get angry and her stand-up routines got all "messagey". Now she isn't very funny.
You really can't serve two masters unless you are some kind of genius: Be funny or deliver a message.
Never assume you are a genius.
Maybe all these comedians and mooooovie stars can do like one big ad for Obama. They can show people what they really think. Include all th vulgarity,, sexism, ageism, obscenity, and profanity.
"I'm Barak Obama and I apporve of this behavior."
Or maybe all those meth-addicts in Wasilla can do a pro-drug ad for Sara Palin.
Small town values unlike those heathens in cali-forn-ia.
Isn't it funny how leftists especially comedic leftists spew the most hate-filled venom towards conservatives or frankly towards anyone who doesn't agree with them while those who receive such spew don't retaliate in such a guttural fashion?
This is the character and nature of a leftist, comedic or otherwise. It's the baseness by which they define themselves. There isn't a single thing uplifting or redeeming about them or their failed ideology. Not one.
I said it before and I will say it again, woman are not funny.
Or maybe all those meth-addicts in Wasilla can do a pro-drug ad for Sara Palin.
I doubt they'd want to. Most lower-class criminals are Democrats. :)
I used to love Margaret Cho. I think only I and her blood relatives actually watched her shortlived sitcom.
She had this standup routine where she pretended to be a Sally Struthers Third World kid in those Save a Child ads:
"I'm so poor, I'm going off to the market now, and sell a finger."
The way she said it, in that accent, oh man, awesome.
And then there was the whole "Morannnnnnn!" skit about her mother (that's how her Korean name is pronounced by her. Margaret is her anglicised name). Hilarious.
But suddenly, one day shortly after 2003, I picked up a DVD showcasing her standup routine, and found myself aghast.
She had SERIOUS BDS. Serious.
Heard she had since then discovered that she was bisexual, and like Andrew Sullivan, that broke any pretense of civility towards GW Bush.
Look, the "let's not get all defensive" post by UWS post notwithstanding, Cho missed the great point that Samuel Goldwyn made late in his life: "If you want to preach, get a soapbox".
Cho forgot that her bread and butter was comedy, not bringing people of different persuasions around to her conviction. The best people in Hollywood find a way to pursue their beliefs while not alienating those who disagree with them. Cho is one of those people who makes a point of hating those people she disagrees with.
There's not a big market for Magaret Cho. However, you'll notice that there's a big market for Ellen DeGeneres, who is just as liberal, and just as gay. Ellen is partisan, but has found a way not to alienate those who disagree with her. Ellen keeps her own show by making sure that she keeps her focus on comedy and entertainment, and deemphasizes her politics.
Ellen understands what Samuel Goldwyn was getting at. She knows that she's in the tushie business: get the tushies in the seats. Cho never got this. If Cho left Hollywood forever, she wouldn't be missed for long.
Most Upper class criminals are democrats, too.
And most are working on the Obama campaign.
If you think woman are funny I have two words for you:
Janeane Garofalo
Small town values unlike those heathens in cali-forn-ia.
I have to say one positive thingfor those mooooooooovie stars, comedians, and celebrites. They have created new and expanding industries in drug reahbilitation and sex addiction. They created jobs for people who would actually hve to work for a living otherwise.
They also keep the LAPD and LACSPD very busy and employed.
Trooper York said...
If you think woman are funny I have two words for you:
Janeane Garofalo
Now that is really putting a pig on lipstick.
If you really insist that woman are funny, I have two more words for you:
Al Franken.
Trooper York said: I said it before and I will say it again, woman are not funny.
I guess that proves she's a woman, because why would she impersonate an unfunny man?
Trooper York said: Al Franken
Hey didn't he post here once?
Come on Al, are you still out there?
UWS guy said...
Or maybe all those meth-addicts in Wasilla can do a pro-drug ad for Sara Palin.
Tell you what, I'll trade you the Wasilia meth-head vote. Get each and everyone to vote Democratic (half do of the wastrels that ever do vote).
In return, I want the two million black men with felony records to vote Republican instead of for their man, Barack.
Cho. What to do if you are an ugly, short, angry lesbian with mental issues?
Answer, go to Hollywood. You'll fit right in and get your own TV show.
They only have women comedians on for political correctness. I mean they all suck moose cock. And not in a good way.
Margaret Cho, Janeane Garofalo, Rita Rudner, Carol Liefer, Paula Poundstone, Ellen Degenerous, Judy Gold.
I mean seriously. You got to be fucking kidding me.
The only woman is actually funny is Lisa Lampenelli. The exception that proves the rule.
I mean when most guys see a female comedian they say "Hey that was really funny... some great stuff... what a great blow me."
Not to say that women aren't great at a lot of things.They are capable of some of the greatest acheivments in human experiance. They can be airline pilots or engineers or doctors or even moose hunters.
But funny, not so much.
I mean Joan Rivers, Kathy Griffin and Judy Tenuta. Seriously, you got to be kidding.
I want to say that I respect the opinions of all the women who post here. Knox, Beth, Ruth Anne, Freeman, Victoria, even reader_iam when she writes in complete sentences. Except for Alphaliberal. She tends to get a little hysterical.
So don't take it as a shot. Nothing personal. It's just a fact. Women aren’t funny.
Michael is funny except when she's on the rag. Funny how that lasts for months at a time...
With everything else that's been said, it's not even a contender. Besides, at least Cho's being honest about what motivates her - it isn't as though those lefties who've been beating off those vicious attacks against her for the last few weeks aren't acting out from the exact same desire.
Not sure I understand the eskimo reference, but c'est la vie. Maybe Titus can show up to enlighten us.
"Seriously – I wanna eat her Alaskan pussy from behind. Like an Eskimo. What?! I'm just trying to keep warm! Although you know that thing is frozen and my tongue would probably stick."
Ann Althouse said:
"Oh settle down. She's a comedian. You have to imagine her saying it."
When I close my eyes to imagine anything about Margaret Cho I get a little throw-up in the back of my throat.
Clap humor.
I also used to watch Cho's show and enjoy it, along wit her early standup.
Also, Troop, I loooove Paula Poundstone. Joel Hodgson used to work on her very short-lived show, which was great.
And Sarah Silverman cracks me up.
So there.
When I close my eyes to imagine anything about Margaret Cho I get a little throw-up in the back of my throat.
Yeah, it's not like she's Salma Hayek doing Penelope Cruz, which is vaguely hot.
K***** her p****, from behind, Eskimo doggy-style?
This will be forever known to me as an Eskimo kiss.
Sarah Silverman dude, seriously.
I think you have been on that threadmill too long.
I'd do Sarah Silverman in a second.
Hey that's how she gets her gigs.
I mean she is certainly attractive enough if you like them boney with dirty feet but she is famous among other comics for screwing her way up the food chain.
vbspurs said...
I used to love Margaret Cho. I think only I and her blood relatives actually watched her shortlived sitcom.
She had this standup routine where she pretended to be a Sally Struthers Third World kid in those Save a Child ads:
"I'm so poor, I'm going off to the market now, and sell a finger."
The way she said it, in that accent, oh man, awesome.
And then there was the whole "Morannnnnnn!" skit about her mother (that's how her Korean name is pronounced by her. Margaret is her anglicised name). Hilarious.
But suddenly, one day shortly after 2003, I picked up a DVD showcasing her standup routine, and found myself aghast.
She had SERIOUS BDS. Serious.
Heard she had since then discovered that she was bisexual, and like Andrew Sullivan, that broke any pretense of civility towards GW Bush.
6:28 PM
My feelings exactly, except for the sitcom. I only saw a few reruns. I think it ended before I came to the US.
Even my most liberal friends think she got too preachy, not funny enough. It's a shame, really.
She has a new show I was forced to watch at a party the other night. She was making a sex tape with her midget assistant where she sits in a bucket of ice cream. Then she watches it with her parents. It was just about the worst ten minutes of TV that I ever saw.
I didn't realize it was Margaret Cho because she had all these tats. At first I thought it was that tattoo show, but it wasn't. Now that show sucks moose cock, but it is Shakespeare in comparison.
The trouble with outrageous topical humor like Cho's is that, like much modern art, it relies on shock value for the laugh. But there;s nothing shocking anymore. So no laugh.
John Cleese has described real laughs arising from the creation of tension relieved by a sudden violation of expectations. But to be successful, it has to be a violation within certain expectations of normality. However, Cho is no longer saying things in violation of expectations; the expectation is that she will say something exactly like this. No tension, no laugh.
Hell, it's not even outrageous. It's like watching a gorilla fling feces for the 32nd time. By then the fun is out of it.
Yes, Margaret, I know. You made the poo all by yourself.
vbspurs said: This will be forever known to me as an Eskimo kiss.
I guess that pretty much trumps what I learned as a kid. eskimo kiss
Sigh. another perfectly good term co-opted.
You know I always thought that was the eskimo hair pie.
Ann: I didn't mean to imply you thought it was news. I've been here long enough to know that but anyone making a BFD about anything she says hasn't been paying attention.
In any case, I don't think she's funny.
vbspurs said...
And then there was the whole "Morannnnnnn!" skit about her mother (that's how her Korean name is pronounced by her. Margaret is her anglicised name). Hilarious.
Oh, the bits imitating her mother are hilarious, but her she's gone off the deep end with her lefty shtick.
vbspurs said...
I'd do Sarah Silverman in a second.
Only if I was a gay jew. It's always about the jews.
Have you ever heard Cho before?
Calling her a comedian is abuse of the term.
"Have you ever heard Cho before?"
Click the damned tag!
UWS guy said...
Or maybe all those meth-addicts in Wasilla can do a pro-drug ad for Sara Palin.
That story has already been debunked. Bet there are more meth addicts crack heads, and crack whores per square mile in the land of fruits and nuts; California.
Trooper York said...
If you really insist that woman are funny, I have two more words for you:
Al Franken.
That is putting lipstick on a horses ass.
While offensive, Margaret's remarks are refreshingly uncritical of Mrs. Palin. They speak only to Margaret's character defects.
"They speak only to Margaret's character defects."
True, although cataloging the defects alone requires two full time staff, who are guaranteed a "bottomless" coffee supply, a Paxil dispenser, and the occasional Zofran.
Cho started out in the bath houses of SF playing to rooms full of naked gay men. Her bits about her mother were pretty funny, but that was years ago.
Anymore she may as well be back in the bath houses. The whole routine is aimed at gays and lesbians, and that's pretty much who you'll find in the audience.
Trooper York said... If you think woman are funny I have two words for you:
Janeane Garofalo
Funny and funny stand up comic are two different things.
Lucille Ball on I Love Lucy was brilliant.
Amy Poehler on SNL is great.
Great female stand ups? Wanda Sykes might be the best. But there just aren't many.
Stand up is a very male kind of comedy. It's like serial killing. Who do the women have? Eileen Wuornos and occasionally some old motel owner who kills off old guys for their pension checks.
Women are just not good at certain things.
But I'll still vote McCain/Palin.
uws -
I propose a trade: all the meth addicts in Wasilla (a town of 7,000) for all the crackheads within a 20 mile radius of Obama's house...
You still want to play this game?
Aren't you liberals supposed to be the smart ones? Did they let you in on some kind of affirmative action program?
Great female stand ups? Wanda Sykes might be the best. But there just aren't many.
To each his tastes, but I couldn't disagree more here, Jdeeripper.
Currently THE best stand-up comic out there is Sarah Silverman.
But how about?
Phyllis Diller
Joan Rivers
Totie Fields
Lily Tomlin
And that generation of cut-throat comics? Don't you think they were better than Alan King, Buddy Hackett, and Don Rickles? I do.
Ellen DeGeneres had almost an Seinfeldian vibe. She was an observational comic, but a very good one. Rosie O'Donnell just flat out sucked. Whoopi...was so awesome, but she was not edgy anymore.
To be hyper mega offensive, you have to say something offensive in the subdued tone of someone trying to score a point in rational debate. The comment about Palin being chosen because she never had an abortion still takes the cake...."Bust a curl"--is that lesbo slang for an orgasm?....For women breaking the homosexual taboo is like breaking the incest taboo with a cousin. For men breaking the homosexual taboo is like breaking the incest taboo with a sister.
When men say a woman has a good sense of humor, they generally mean that she laughs at their jokes. There really are women that inspire jokes and good humor. Sarah Palin has that quality. If you were around her, you would try to think of something amusing to say and feel very gratified if she laughed.
Sarah Silverman is not funny. She's not even interesting. Margaret Cho used to be funny, now she's just gross.
Sarah Silverman is not funny. She's not even interesting
I couldn't disagree more. She goes to a place vacated by Lenny Bruce, and it is very very insidiously done.
I love her.
"For men breaking the homosexual taboo is like breaking the incest taboo with a sister."
Um, no. Maybe it's just you. I've broken not a few men's homosexual taboo and it was not at all like fucking my sister, though I wouldn't really know because that would be gross and I don't have a sister. And I like men so I wouldn't be fucking her anyway. Now if I had a brother...
"I couldn't disagree more. She goes to a place vacated by Lenny Bruce"
I wish she'd go to the place currently occupied by Lenny Bruce...
vbspurs said... Currently THE best stand-up comic out there is Sarah Silverman.
No. I think you might be blinded by sexual desire here. She has a few ok counter-pc lines that work coming from a squeaky voiced girl.
But how about?
Phyllis Diller
Joan Rivers
One of the few women who qualify as a good stand up in her prime.
Totie Fields
Not really a stand up. Crazy, tubby Jewish broad. Amusing as a Mike Douglas/Merv Griffin guest but not a stand up with much of an act.
Lily Tomlin
Not that good as a stand up. Talented comedic performer.
And that generation of cut-throat comics? Don't you think they were better than Alan King, Buddy Hackett, and Don Rickles? I do.
Not even close. But King, Hackett and Rickles were very different. Only Rickles was really cut throat.
Being a loud, outrageous woman going for laughs playing against the expectations of female decorum is not the same as have a full stand up act.
Ellen DeGeneres had almost an Seinfeldian vibe. She was an observational comic, but a very good one. Rosie O'Donnell just flat out sucked.
I zone those two out. There's a void there. Same with Elaine Boosler.
Whoopi...was so awesome, but she was not edgy anymore.
She did have her moments...long ago.
You're giving some of these women too much credit because you find it amusing that women are doing something that's more of a guy thing.
It's like the bears in the Russian circus. They get points for walking around the ring on their back legs so people are amused and applaud.
I've been walking around on two legs for years and nobody cares.
Men are naturally funnier than women.
A couple of opinions:
1. The Cho bit was hilarious, and so much less offensive than the retarded things other celebrities have said (comic or not).
2. Sarah Silverman is awesomely underrated. She's like Andy Kaufman but *actually* funny. Even when her show or routine sucks, it's normally because the joke's on you.
Here we go: Sandra Bernhard: Palin Would Be Gang-Raped By Blacks in Manhattan
yashu said... Here we go: Sandra Bernhard: Palin Would Be Gang-Raped By Blacks in Manhattan.
I'll bet Fran Drescher, Kelly McGillis and Connie Francis don't find this funny at all.
Gilda Radner
very funneh!
But, more like the exception that proves the rule.
Actualy Whoopie Goldbergs stand-up is funny when she's not engulfed in bashing Republicans. So's Roseanne Barr.
While listening to the XM Comedy channel, if a female stand-up comes on, I change the channel...unless it's this lady:
Kathleen Madigan. Funny as hell.
(Sorry if I didn't correctly paste that link in there.)
What's most hilarious is how Cho is comfortable using "fuck" and "pussy", but refers to Palin's clitoris as "thing".
IE: I want to lick her thing.
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