7:48: I'm just settling in for some serious blogging, and the first thing I notice is this open mike eavesdropping on Mike Murphy and Peggy Noonan. Peggy: "The most qualified? No! I think they went for this -- excuse me-- political bullshit about narratives... Every time the Republicans do that, because that's not where they live and it's not what they're good at, they blow it."
8:11: It's Mitt Romney. He's got a peppy, plastic style. It's hammy in a way that might work from farther back in the room. Down with the "eastern elites"! It's time for sun to rise in the west -- in Arizona and Alaska. Now, he's getting an audience chant going: "It's liberal!" "We need change all right. Change from a liberal Washington to a conservative Washington." Liberals don't understand business. They grow government and dependency. It's "death to initiative." Fight dependency "like the poison it is." "It's time for the party of big ideas, not the party of Big Brother." He does a pretty good job of sharpening up the line between conservatives and liberals and making the conservative side seem better -- especially in economics.
8:28: I'm watching on CNN, with a TiVo assist. I'm keeping up with the speeches. But I pause when a speech ends and then scroll through the commentary when it's time for the next speech. Are the CNN commentators interesting? I don't have time for it all. Let's stop. Here's Jeffrey Toobin saying that bitching about the news media is hypocritical coming from John McCain, because they always used to love him. How come suddenly they seem "hypocritical and biased against him"? Huh? What's hypocritical? That sounds like they were always biased, but they just aren't supporting John McCain right now. What the hell kind of a defense of journalism isn that supposed to be? I mean, I can see why McCain is pissed about it. But it's an embarrassing defense.
8:33: Candy Crowley snags Mitt on the convention floor. She poses a hypothetical. Hey, what if John McCain drops dead on day one, huh? What do you think about that? How is Palin up for it? Mitt responds exactly the way you'd expect: Well, Obama, if elected, would be Prez on day one and how's he going to do it? Yeah, you don't even need a death scenario for that, you know, Candy. Mitt-quote: "The question about experience raises a lot of questions about Barack Obama."
8:36: Now, Mike Huckabee is up. He admits he's disappointed not to be the nominee. But McCain was his second choice, he says. He's got "the character and the stubborn kind of integrity that we need in a President." He thanks the MSM for uniting the Republican Party. Obama "will elevate our taxes and our risk in a dangerous world." He's got a chant he's trying to get going: "You want something to change." But don't forget about the things you don't want to change, like our freedom. He mocks "Barack Obama's Excellent Adventure to Europe." We don't like "European ideas." We like our freedom -- in other words, we don't like big government. This is the anti-dependency message again. It's not what government will do for you, it's what you will do for yourself if government gets out of the way. "The only soap we ever had in my house is Lava." That's a great line. "I'm not a Republican because I grew up rich. I'm a Republican because I didn't want to grow up poor waiting for the government to rescue me." Hey! This is an excellent speech. Much better than Romney's. Nice rhetoric and delivery.
8:46: The digital backdrop -- a flag, I think -- is, on these closeups, just a throbbing red. It's hard on the eyes. They need to blue it up, like normal TV. [ADDED: When Sarah Palin speaks, they just turn if off and have a black background.]
8:51: Huckabee ends with a long, folksy story about a teacher with a lesson to students about how they could "earn their desks." Veterans carrying desks are involved. I respect respecting veterans, but don't really see what's so wonderful about taking little kids and lengthily instructing them about what men have done in far away wars. It's a little too Captain-Koons-Hello-Little-Man for my taste.
8:58: I just corrected a typo in the 8:11 entry. I'd written "It's hammy in a way that might work from father back in the room." My son John emailed me about the typo, and I indicated that maybe it was Freudian, and I really wished I could have Mitt Romney for my dad, and John sends me this pic...
... and reminds me that he always said that Mitt looks like the dad on "The Donna Reed Show."
9:05: It's Rudy Giuliani, and this should be good. He was great at the RNC in '04. (Closeup on Cindy McCain who suddenly has her hair curled. Did the memo go out to soften her up?)
9:07: Rudy is saying that electing a President is basically hiring someone to do a job. He recites McCains résumé. Then we have another man. "He worked as a community organizer." He pauses. Mutters "what?" The audience reacts. Rudy repeats: "He worked as a community organizer." "Maybe this is the first problem on the résumé." And: "He immersed himself in Chicago machine politics." (That's an important line that could take a lot more play.) The audience boos Chicago machine politics. On to the Illinois state legislature where he couldn't figure out whether to vote yes or no. "It was too tough!" "I didn't know about this vote 'present' when I was mayor of New York City." And Sarah Palin couldn't vote "present" as Governor of Alaska. Being able to vote "present" means you weren't in an executive position.
9:17: Barack Obama has never led people in times of crisis. "He is the least experienced candidate for President in at least the last 100 years." He's never led people in anything -- "nada, nothing." Hey, that's unfair! He led the Harvard Law Review.
9:19: And don't forget: He led his campaign for President.
9:23: Rudy says Obama talks about change, but it might be the wrong kind of change. We want the right kind of change. Like, we should drill for oil. The crowd is all: "Drill, baby, drill!"
9:24: The Dems worry that it's politically incorrect to say "Islamic terrorism." They're afraid of insulting terrorists. The big digital screen is used to show a big skyline of NYC.
9:26: The surge was right. McCain got it right and Obama got it wrong. John McCain has taken unpopular positions and political risks. When, Rudy asks, has Obama ever done that? He was for an undivided Jerusalem for one day, only one day, when he was in Israel. The idea is that Obama is a man who played it safe, ingratiating himself in one way after another.
9:31: Palin has had "more executive experience than the entire Democratic ticket combined." He doesn't throw in John McCain and say she's had more executive experience than all 3 of them put together. He mocks the Dems for mocking her for being a mayor of a small town... where they cling to religion and guns. And now she's the most popular Governor in the country with an 80% approval rating. "You never get that in New York City." She fought corruption. She stood up for what is right. She and McCain "are going to shake up Washington." And "how dare they question whether Sarah Palin has enough time to spend with her children and be Vice President. When do they ever ask a man that question? When?!"
9:36: And now! It's her! Sarah Palin! Black skirt. Silver jacket. Oh, when do they ever say that about a man?
9:37: Huge cheers. Cute kid closeup. "Thang-Q. Thang-Q. Thang-Q so much."
9:38: She introduces her family -- her son, who is going to Iraq, her 3 daughters -- the cute youngest waves -- and the baby Trig, the special needs child. And she looks out directly on America, as though she sees all the people who have special children in their families -- and pledges that we will have a friend and advocate in the White House.
9:48: She tells us about Todd, the fisherman, her "guy," and don't forget that Yupik ancestry. She's got a Native American husband.
9:50: She praises small town Americans (like her!). Don't disrespect them! They are the salt of the earth.
9:52: "I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a community organizer... except that you have actual responsibilities." And in small towns, they don't know what to make of a candidate who "lavishes praise" on them when he's around and then, behind their backs, "talks about how bitterly they cling to their religion and guns." Don't talk about us "one way in Scranton and another way in San Francisco." Ouch. John McCain is the same man wherever he goes.
10:00: In power, she fought corruption and government excess. "That luxury jet was over the top. I put it on eBay." "Nearly half a billion dollars in vetoes."
10:11: She's laying into Barack Obama. What is he, once those styrofoam pillars are dragged off the stage? It's all show. And the real plan is the old tax and spend.
10:13: "The American presidency is not supposed to be a journey of personal discovery."
10:19: She retells the story of John McCain, with the emphasis on character and authenticity. Elect "a great man" as the next President, she implores... to fabulous applause. We see the newly-curly-headed Cindy in the audience. She's pumped. The Palin family files out onto the stage. Trig is awakened. No baby would understand what the hell is going on, but he's gazing around at the lights and colors. The pregnant Bristol is there with her hunky hockey boyfriend. And now McCain trundles out. He raises his arms as high as he can to wave to the crowd. His tie is the color of the pantsuit Hillary wore for the DNC. [ADDED: He's sending the secret tie signal.] "Don't you think we made the right choice for the next Vice President of the United States? And what a beautiful family." He leans over to respond to something the little girl said. He shrugs. I guess he didn't know whatever it was that she didn't know.
10:32: Maybe it was: "Are you the next President?"
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 739 of 739Anyone still think Palin was the wrong choice?
Homerun, baby!
The left has to be totally dejected that they couldn't hurt this woman.
Sarah Palin will be the first woman president of the United States.
Wa wa wa wa wa wa!
(Just doing my laughingoaf imitation.)
Woof woof woof!
(That's my other dog imitation.)
Governor Palin obviously has a terrific sense of humor.
PBS' panel are not upbeat. "Hockey mom sort of way", but their heart is not in it.
They look stunned.
They are thinking - there goes the American Endowment for the Arts ;)
Michael in IL: How old are you, fool?
Talking the talk about Vietnam and why we lost?
Shut the fuck up.
The Corner is reporting that MSNBCers are depressed.
My wife, who cares not a whit about politics, was in a cab during the 2004 election and the driver was listening to NPR. She said that it was amusing to hear the NPR people talk about the election returns.
Overjoyed voice: "And Maine goes for Kerry!"
Sad, dejected tones: "Reports from Kentucky indicate a win for Bush."
I would bet that Obama is on the phone right now to his pal Markos. He is telling him to restart the vicious personal campaign against Palin again and to ratchet it up to full, blown scatological mode.
Hey, Oaf, the tow truck get to you yet?
mc said Anyone still think Palin was the wrong choice?
I thing effingloaf will say she was- that's how well I know his mind.
benjamin said,
I think that's one reason I was a teensy-weensy put off: a lot of the time it really felt like she was performing other people's material.
Excuse me, but surely you are not serious. Sarah is obviously a natural speaker. She is in Clinton and Obama territory here, dude.
And gifted, natural speakers only get better with practice.
Even Chris Matthews is smitten.
But Rachel Maddow (who sadly comes off as a Christian-hater)is practicing the Democrat spin of how she is so disappointed in Sarah for being mean and nasty in her attacks on Obama.
The spin is SOOOOO predictable from the Democrats that I already correctly predicted:when Sarah spoke of herself good. But she just didn't seem real when she belittled Obama.
mc - You mean autobiographies.
Because one just wasn't enough to contain all his amazing accompli...
oh never mind.
It was fun watching Sarah get out the knife and carve the Obamaturkey, smiling all the way.
Great job, Vice-president Palin.
Benjamin said..."On the other hand, does anyone else think that all this focus that is being given to the fact that she didn't write the speech is kind of sexist? When do they say that about a man? When??"
Well, we could start with Biden and Obama's speeches last week.
Read much?
Outstanding Speech by Governor Palin. Democrats tried to destroy her, but she persevered.
The biggest meme I got from the speech was that she knows what people are like in small towns, because she has lived it - in contrast to Obama who despises people small towns.
Again, she really did great. Wow!
Why not Romney, Ridge, Fiorina, KBH, Meg...
The speech. Romney, Meg, and Carly all gave speeches tonight, and they don't compare to Sarah.
I LOVE what Mitt, Meg, and Carly have doen in the private sector. Seriously, I'd love to have their children (especially Meg, since she's ridiculously loaded). But they just aren't as good as politicians as Palin. Don't have the touch, the connection, the feel.
They all should be in cabinet. Nearly all the big name speakers tonight should be in cabinet (Mitt, Romney, Carly, RUDY). Heck I think Rudy should be sec def, director of national intelligence, director of the FBI, and Attorney General. But Palin is a breed all her own. My entire body is tingling, to coin a phrase.
Peggy Noonan's column today had the most accurate line of any today - "And leave hr kids alone, bitch" Sarah is going all Rigley on the Democratic party, and it ain't gonna be pretty. If they're lucky it will just be nuclear bombardment from orbit.
Simon said...
So, everyone: let's have a sweepstakes. How will the print media slander Palin's speech tommorow?
Oh, they will probably say she is the daughter of aliens and that she was their pick to take over the world. Pictures of flying saucer at eleven.
You actually think she wrote the speech?
"Instead, it's fun just to shove shit in your face and watch as you prove how intellectually dishonest you are."
Uh Loaf, as your head is permanently mounted up your ass, none of your shit gets past your mouth...
John Stodder said...
"Watch CNN. They are extremely impressed. I don't think the MSM is going to do the Groucho Marx "Who are you going to believe, me or your own two eyes?" They have to give her props."
Sadly, I promise you that they have to do no such thing. Tommorow's press will be full of more attacks on Palin. The reports were written before Palin took the stage.
Kerry wrote his own speech. The salute was his great idea.
Anyway, as we know, as I have said, all Republicans depend on evil overlords to write their speeches. All Democrats write their own speeches.
Why don't the evil overlords simply run for office themselves if they are so gifted? It's because they are too evil.
mc said: "Anyone still think Palin was the wrong choice?"
I don't know. I need to hear Peggy Noonan weigh in first (not!).
(That's my other dog imitation.)
Whew, I thought you were doing me, and that I was going to get a spankin'.
(Scroll 200 posts before, in case this doesn't make sense ;)
brent: Excuse me, but surely you are not serious. Sarah is obviously a natural speaker.
You see, you cannot say a single disparaing or even semi-critical word about SAINT SARAH. She has been canonized by the Religious Right.
So, surely you are not serious. Saint Sarah is obviously chosen by God to lead us. Oh yeah, technically she is McCain's running mate, but he'll kick the bucket soon and Saint Sarah and God will run this country together.
Overjoyed voice: "And Maine goes for Kerry!"
Sad, dejected tones: "Reports from Kentucky indicate a win for Bush."
I remember something like that!
It sounds also like Randi Rhodes' dismissive words in "Left of the Dial" on HBO.
Co-worker: "Look at the MAP. It's ALL F*CKING RED. From coast to coast!"
Randi: "That's just the middle, they don't count"
I hate their elitism. I hate their snobbishnes. And I am SO HAPPY there is a person like Sarah Palin around to rub Average America in their faces.
After the Democratic Congress cut funding, what was the option?
Do you mean the same big bad scary Democratic Congress that McCain would have to work with? Oh dear, what can he do? He wouldn't have a chance, would he?
Save your votes, McCainsters and Palinites. That way you won't be muttering "Stabbed in the back" 40 years later.
seven: your pal simon was the one claiming saint sarah wrote her own speech.
Fox is re-airing Sarah!
its a twofer!
Governor Sarah Palin, who sold the executive jet on eBay!!
"It is McCain, not the community organizer, who has given us freedom of the press. It is the McCain, not the friend of terrorists, who has given us freedom of speech. It is the McCain, not the former head of the Harvard Review, who has given us freedom to demonstrate. It is the McCain, who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag, and who's coffin will be draped by the flag, who allows Democrats to burn the flag"
Oaf -- Why does it bother you that people are arguing that the speech was good and that Palin is a good candidate?
Are you yourself not allowed to criticize Palin from the rooftops, with sad and classless vulgarity? Haven't any number of lies been spread about her? Hasn't a great deal of truth about her personal and political background been spewed by your fellow kooky leftists?
Who exactly is keeping you from saying what you want?
I heard there is a major hazmat situation. Andrew Sullivan just beshat himself. The are eveacuating whole blocks as we speak.
Anyway, as we know, as I have said, all Republicans depend on evil overlords to write their speeches. All Democrats write their own speeches.
When the only criticism you are hearing is whether or not she wrote the speech means that even the liberals believed it was a great speech!
Wow, she was fantastic. I can't wait to hear more.
My only criticism is she needs to work on explaining the oil and gas issues more simply, she is an obvious expert on what is a very complex subject.
She touched on the subject that oil and gas is really the root of almost all complex foreign policy issues we have today. Something she is an expert in. I can't wait to hear more.
Donna Brazille: "She had a great speech because it was written by the people who gave us the last 8 years."
Does she even realize how stupid she is?
I confused sleepinggiant's quote of another commenter's post as his own opinion in his/her 10:08 comment...and hurled my misplaced invective at him/her at 10:17.
I am mistaken, and very much apologize, sir/ma'am, and beg your forgiveness for my error.
Simon considers all criticisms and questions about Saint Sarah's backround and her selection as McCain's running mate, and the process by which McCain came to that selection, completely out of bounds. If anyone in the media gets into that stuff they are just out to get Saint Sarah.
I LOVE what Mitt, Meg, and Carly have doen in the private sector. Seriously, I'd love to have their children (especially Meg, since she's ridiculously loaded). But they just aren't as good as politicians as Palin. Don't have the touch, the connection, the feel.
Hey wins the thread! :)
That's exactly how I feel too. Politics is about performing on cue. But it's not enough to hit your marks on the floor, and talk.
You have to reach out to the crowd, and draw them into your corner using moxie and giving them a reason to root for you.
She did that tonight.
You save your vote, FLS. It's not like it's going to put Obama over the top.
I've watched most of the speeches in the last two weeks and not once did I see the talking heads say, "Well, that was a good speech, and well delivered, but obviously he didn't write it."
But Palin is a good speaker; she took a rather disjointed speech (with a few real zingers in it) and made it work.
I love the way this thread evolved from quoting Peggy Noonan to expressing shock that Palin would employ a speechwriter.
What a sad, little man the oafloaf is.
Okay, folks. I just heard that the loafingoaf is safe. AAA showed up. It took two tow trucks and a wrecker. It was a difficult situation; one of the worst they ever encountered. But they accomplsihed their mission. They pulled loafingoaf's head out of his ass.
Variablespin wrote:
Does she even realize how stupid she is?
Simon said tomorrow's articles were written before the speech.
The same can be said for the "Democratic strategists" on the cable shows.
Except I don't think the American public is buying it anymore.
Oaf -- Why do you give a single solitary fuck what Simon thinks? Particularly since you agree with him about nothing?
I guess it's because, at the end of the day, you know he makes his point far better and with more eloquence than you could ever hope. That must make you feel small and sad.
Simon claimed Saint Sarah wrote her own speech. People said otherwise, with facts. Now you're saying we can only attack her on the grounds she didn't write her speech so we have nothing. LOL
Meanwhile, the blogosphere is filled with reasons to be extremely concerned about the pick of Palin. None of which you partisans are concerned about at all.
Roland Martin: (paraphrasing) "She has incurred the wrath of the community organizers of this country."
I guess that's gonna be the line of attack. Al Sharpton's getting warmed up now I'm sure.
Honestly, I think from a technical standpoint the speech had some problems. It dragged in places, she didn't quite know how to handle all the applause, and the finish was weak. Again, that's all technical.
In terms of the rhetoric I thought it was extremely well done. Strategically it was extremely well done. I think it did a great job at poking fun at Obama---both in the process of defending herself from recent negative talk, and simply taking Obama down a peg. Some (but not all) of her pit bull talk was the best stuff of the speech.
Also good was the serious talk about energy (and its foreign policy implications), and lauding McCain. I think the personal biographical information was enjoyable and helpful, especially as she tied it into issues of the economy.
Definitely a very, very good speech. Not perfect, by any means, but I think it got the job done and then some. I think the consensus will reflect that. I mean, let's face it, Keith Olbermann said, "People who like this sort of thing will find this... the sort of thing they like." Come on, Bathtub Boy, you can rip it better than that, right? I think they know it worked, even if it wasn't perfect.
CSPAN2 has the convention again.
You see, you cannot say a single disparaing or even semi-critical word about SAINT SARAH. She has been canonized by the Religious Right.
So after about 96 hours of non-stop slander of Palin -- after smear after smear was attempted, only to be soundly refuted -- LoafingOaf has been reduced to whining about "Saint Sarah".
We win.
PatCa, where and with whom did you watch it? I just want to reach out. :)
seven -- be kind to him. He's really, really worried.
You save your vote, FLS. It's not like it's going to put Obama over the top.
Tonight's speeches kept setting off my bullshit detector. When it registers 10 on the modified Richter scale, I can't keep silent.
A truly exceptional speech, given under what most of us would find to be absolutely terrifying conditions. I think she quite rightly took the media to the woodshed and delivered an extremely sound beating. On top of that, there must have been at least ten comments that stung Obama and Biden like nobody's business. Wow. Still, you get a woman who hunts bears as your VP pick, you are not going to get someone who backs down in front of a bunch of pantywaisted media types, are you!
Again, WOW!
Ann, if you should happen to read this, a poll would be awesome.
I see Jonathan Adler basically echoing what I felt about the energy portion of the speech. As I said, what it allowed her to do was not just showcase her expertise in the area but also tie in foreign policy at the same time. I agree with him that she might not (yet) have been convincing had she launched into a completely independent discussion about foreign policy.
I think she needs to build up the rhetorical credibility first. But of course this was a great step in that direction and she should have it down by the Biden debate---when she will proceed to clean his clock.
Seven? Simon is nothing but a pretentious Scalia fanboy who tries to write like a lawyer on mere message boards. He often tries to present himself as standing up to all the dishonest people in the media, but he has time and time again revealed he's not an honest person but an ideological propagandist. He also will call you a liar and then when you present him with a sourced New York Times story proving him wrong he'll call the New York Times a completely unreliable newspaper rather than admit he was wrong.
Well, say your prayers for Saint Sarah tonight, folks. Goodnight. Jesus will love you for standing up against the Satanic leftists in their evil smear campaign on Saint Sarah.
I'm totally enjoying the comments. Wilf's especially, but Mrs. Whatisit's, P. Rich's, MC's, Sloan's.
Most are super positive except from and towards the resident Angry Left troll.
I enjoyed the speech - it was funny, it had good zingers, and it made me laugh.
I enjoyed Ann Richards take-down of Bush I, too. She was witty, enjoyed herself, and she was comfortable speaking words that were written for her but became hers in speaking.
Nice to see that in 16 years we've gone back to the point that wimmen should let their betters do the politickin' so they can stay in the kitchen.
This lady seems to have been entirely unaffected by the media's trashing of her name. Did she tremble? Did her lip quiver? Did she betray nervousness for her first time in the media spotlight?
No. She walked on like it was the most normal thing in the world.
Love the reference to Barry's two memoirs even though he's done just about nothing with his professional legislator career.
I just watched it at home, but I felt like millions were with me!
I talked to several people, liberal and otherwise, this weekend who are excited about her, and I bet are even more excited after they heard her speech.
Oh no
[ADDED: He's sending the secret tie signal.]
That was the Clinton Monica signal. The signal says I'm thinking of you - to Hillary fans.
Poor Hillary - she gets the horns twice if not tree times. Her Husband, her party and now her followers.
Wolf Blitzer: "Obviously, the Obama camp had no problem dealing with some woman called Hillary Clinton."
But Hillary, for all her accomplishments, is the same-old-same-old politician.
Sarah Palin speaks almost a different American language, because she's from a different reality.
"But Rachel Maddow (who sadly comes off as a Christian-hater)is practicing the Democrat spin of how she is so disappointed in Sarah for being mean and nasty in her attacks on Obama."
Michelle Obama should be scared of her. She wants to have Barack's children.
I admit, I was really nervous. I shouldn't have been since I have watched almost every sarah palin video available on you-tube.
The key to a great politician is being able to persuade and energize your followers. She was tremendous at this.
She will be hammering Obama day after day about how he hates small towns. How he says one thing about small towns to one audience and another thing to another audience. Obama is like the Yassir Arafat of American Politics.
What's best is that the media wanted her to fail so bad, and she crushed!
I just watched it at home, but I felt like millions were with me!
I talked to several people, liberal and otherwise, this weekend who are excited about her, and I bet are even more excited after they heard her speech.
PatCa, great! I hope you keep chatting with people, and hearing stuff like that -- the best people are genuine people, without navel-gazing journalism and bloggism telling you what to think. :)
LoafingOaf said...
Seven? Simon is nothing but a pretentious Scalia fanboy who tries to write like a lawyer on mere message boards... He also will call you a liar and then when you present him with a sourced New York Times story proving him wrong he'll call the New York Times a completely unreliable newspaper rather than admit he was wrong.
1.) There is no such thing as a sourced New York Times story.
2.) The New York Times has been a completely unreliable paper for very many years. It is the epitome of the partisan hack. The National Enquirer is more reliable; and more profitable.
There are hopes in journalism circles that the Enquirer will buy the NYT.
On CNN, the theme is already forming: "Wasn't she a little mean to that nice guy Obama?"
Which of course will quickly evolve into "What a bitch!"
Gotta love the enlightened left of this country!
michael said to me,
You actually think she wrote the speech?
No, Michael, I don't. I never said that, or anything close to that. Never implied it, either.
I have taught speech for 24 years. One of my former students is now in the White House, and he's frankly hoping to get on with McCain. I know a little bit about speech writing and speech giving.
Now my question for you, Michael:
Can you read?
Or are you blind with hatred for Sarah Palin and her possibly becoming the next Vice President?
So, let's play a game:
It's the final question for and the question relates to world affairs / terrorism / international relations with allies. The world's existence is at stake.:
You can make one call:
Sarah Palin - Degree in Journalism, Idaho, University, PTA, Mayor, Governor of Alaska
Obama - Degree in political science with a specialization in international relations, then attended Harvard Law School, elected president of the Law Review, the first black president graduated with a Juris Doctorate, magna cum laude, taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School for twelve years, and as a Senior Lecturer for eight years.
Who would you call?
Sarah Palin speaks almost a different American language, because she's from a different reality.
Watch Obama playing hockey in tree two ...
Easy. The one that's had to work out the issues on the job and not in airy classrooms.
Politicians have speechwriters? Fuck.
Meanwhile, the blogosphere is filled with reasons to be extremely concerned about the pick of Palin.
I know people are concerned that Obama may just fold after this speech. Obama has to be bummed big time. He could have picked Hillary. He could have done it. Obama, you IDIOT!
Ah, Rudy had a great line about Obama's flip flops "Joe Biden, you better get it in writing!"
Beer number 2, the afterglow continues.
What's best is that the media wanted her to fail so bad, and she
Sloanasaurus, your take down is exactly how I feel about the situation.
(I watched everything about her online. If you want to check out photos, Ron has a great blogpost on that in his Fluffystuffin blog)
I honestly believe, Sloany, that these journalists are truly wondering how a person can come from some little Pleasantville background, in their minds, and did what she did.
Today, I also noticed that our national culture is very small. It's Brit-Brit this, TomKat that, and the View, and the talk shows, and all this nonsense.
People like Sarah Palin ARE NEVER part of the national dialogue.
Why is this?
You get the sense that to CNN, MSNBC and the rest, common people are just byways to some tragedy they report on, or something to laugh at on Springer.
The diarists on Kos hated the speech. They thought it really sucked. A few commenters dare to say, "um, she was actually good, don't underestimate her." But from the response to such statements, you won't see that a lot.
I find it utterly hilarious that people give a shit who wrote it. Do you think Obama wrote his speech all by himself? Do you think Biden wrote any of his speech? Hillary? Bill? Guiliani? Thompson? But for Palin, using a speechwriter equals, what, cheating?
All politicians, including good writers like Obama, use speechwriters. Even bad writers ultimately are responsible for the speeches they give, and anyone who's looked at archives of political leaders can see that.
All major political speeches are group efforts. All of them. Get over it.
Here's what's sad. It's easy to mock loafing oaf for his obsession with this barely relevant idea. But the speech's authorship was the main thing Obama's spokesperson had to say about it! Weak!
I admit, I was really nervous. I shouldn't have been since I have watched almost every sarah palin video available on you-tube.
Me too. the attacks have been so vicious I was afraid maybe it would be overwhelming.
But then the opposite happened - the attacks may have made her excel.
Laura Ingraham just got an email from an Obama operative:
"Snide is going to lose you votes, Laura"
So here we have the first reaction, and it's wussy, touchy, and half-threatening.
Do you think she wrote the speech?
Dear Lord. I've actually been to and graduated from law school (Case Western Reserve University), and passed a bar exam, unlike Simon, and my legal writing and research instructor - when teaching us how to write like lawyers - agreed that it was a fucking annoying shame we had to write like that and should write like that as little as possible (though there's no way around it, entirely).
I don't claim to be an eloquent or good writer at all. But to write like a lawyer on a message board is pretentious beyond belief. And to have a web site titled "Stubborn Facts" when you're a proven propagandist, liar, and hypocrite is just shameful.
Don't worry. The Saint Sarah worshipper can have these boards to themselves for the rest of the night. Post away about how perfect she is, shutting your eyes to all the stuff coming out about her that reveals she's unfit for command and McCain barely knew anything about her when he was pressured to pick her by the Religious Right.
Sarah Palin - Degree in Journalism, Idaho, University, PTA, Mayor, Governor of Alaska
Obama - Degree in political science with a specialization in international relations, then attended Harvard Law School, elected president of the Law Review, the first black president graduated with a Juris Doctorate, magna cum laude, taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School for twelve years, and as a Senior Lecturer for eight years.
Who would you call?
It depends. If you wanted help on your paper regarding black lawyers working abroad. Definately Obama.
If you needed to make any sort of decision that affects people, Palin is the definate choice.
I certainly wouldn't call that gaseous windbag Biden, Michael. Jesus! Three o'clock in the morning? I don't want to be up all night listening to his bullshit.
I wouldn't call Obama. No experience and no credentials. Majored in international relations? Took eight classes in it? OOOOhhh.
I believe I would call McCain about international crises.
Crowd reaction on Fox:
"Can Sarah Palin take a punch?"
"Oh boy can she, and she can give them right back"
Oh, Reid's pissed.
I like it.
And yes, Wolf, he's referring to Palin with the word shrill.
Well, except for Howard Dean.
One more secret for you:
Jay Leno, David Letterman, Jon Stewart and Barack Obama don't write their own jokes, either.
Try not to take it too hard.
It's not that liberals are ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so. (Sorry Ron)
when teaching us how to write like lawyers - agreed that it was a fucking annoying shame we had to write like that and should write like that as little as
Wow! Did you use the word "fucking" in all your legal writings? How original.
Have you ever stopped to think, lunkheads, that comparing Obama to Palin might be kind of a losing battle?
Sarah Palin - Degree in Journalism, Idaho, University, PTA, Mayor, Governor of Alaska
Obama - Degree in political science with a specialization in international relations, then attended Harvard Law School, elected president of the Law Review, the first black president graduated with a Juris Doctorate, magna cum laude, taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School for twelve years, and as a Senior Lecturer for eight years.
Who would you call?
Anyone else see the hilarious irony here?
Psst. Sarah Palin isn't running for president.
If she ever becomes president, it's probably because she'll be able to add vice-president to that resume. And that will finish her qualifications.
The other mistake in posing your question this way is, you completely discount the value of executive experience. A state governor and a mayor is drilled on crisis response. A senator is shown where to hide his ass til the problem blows over.
I pick the journalism major because she has common sense and understands how the real world works, i.e. evil exists and nations do what they do out of self-interest.
The Ivy Leaguer has been indoctrinated into an anti-American, everything is our fault, evil doesn't really exist, moral equivalence worldview that has nothing to do with reality.
I used to work at a public university and some of the dumbest people I know have a PhD.
When you have to choose between street smarts and book smarts, go with the street smarts because those people know how to survive.
Yes, there were a few technical issues: She did drag in the middle, and there were some minor timing problems. Overall, she did fairly well with the crowd, especially for someone who is not used to speaking to such a large audience.
She's obviously a natural. She connects with people. And, from what I've seen, she is very good without notes, too. She also does well in small group situations, which is, of course, where she came from.
Her Midwestern accent grates on some people, but I find it funny and a good rhetorical tool. If it weren't for extreme political differences, some of her zingers sounded like she could be a regular on Garrison Keillor.
My scores:
Technical 8.3
Content 9.1
Connection with crowd 9.0
Asthetics & style 8.7 (lose the hairdoo)
Not bad for the first round. On to the semifinals.
xtorquexmonsterx said...
I know from an ex-boyfriend that x----x means you're "straight edge". He was.
Hey, just wanted to say hi to you! :)
Well, say your prayers for Saint Sarah tonight, folks. Goodnight.
Storming off in a huff doesn't work unless you actually, you know... leave.
How will the print media slander her tomorrow?
Does it matter? I think she wants to wear media criticism as a badge of honor.
Like Truman running against Congress, McCain and Palin would love to make this election a referendum on the press.
michael, you just asked a question that I answered 11 comments before you asked again.
michael, can you read? Is someone reading selections out loud for you and then typing youyr comments for you?
Seriously, I'm getting concerned now.
peter hoh said...
"Does it matter? I think she wants to wear media criticism as a badge of honor. "
It matters for the people who didn't see the speech.
And in small towns, they don't know what to make of a candidate who "lavishes praise" on them when he's around and then, behind their backs, "talks about how bitterly they cling to their religion and guns." Don't talk about us "one way in Scranton and another way in San Francisco."
I dont know if you all notice but Obama has developed a twang. It's condesending.
I really enjoyed how both Giuliani and Palin ripped "community organizing." It's a risky attack. I have high regard for community orgainizers. It can be a worthy cause. Some in the media will attempt to say Palin is being "insensitive."
But, its Obama's fault. He opened himself up to fair attack when he ripped being a mayor of a small town.
Obama opens himself up for attack a lot. Lets hope he isn't elected and opens America up for attack by our enemies.
Great courage, that gal. Tremendous pressure to perform, and she was enjoying herself. And she had to follow Giuliani, who is an excellent speaker. Had she faltered, it would have been painfully obvious.
I watched this speech uninterrupted on ABC. The pundits in the booth, liberals all, were left close to speechless.
On the scientific front:
Recently released research indicates widespread distribution of the crapweasel gene among leftist politicians, media, pundits and posters. External symptoms include inexplicable anger, frequent pouting and repetitive irrational speech. The disease is presently considered untreatable.
Have you ever stopped to think, lunkheads, that comparing Obama to Palin might be kind of a losing battle?
LoafingOaf said...
"Dear Lord. I've actually been to and graduated from law school (Case Western Reserve University[)]"
Your clients should ask for their money back if this is the best you can do.
Bambi gives great speeches full of soaring rhetoric. But -- it's not how people actually talk. Great to listen to. But then...?
Sarah gave a plain, down-to-earth speech with funny zingers and given with a sense of humor and self-deprecation. I don't think she's going to worry about whether she's the "one" we've been waiting for - I have the feeling she's just going to get up and do it while the "one" is waiting to be chosen.
Gotta love her for that.
Simon - one correction - "your client" (singular).
John Stodder said...
"The diarists on Kos hated the speech."
After their guy gave that crummy failure of speech, they thought Palin sucked? Wow those guys are dumb.
"Do you think Biden wrote any of his speech?"
Neil Kinnock did, I think.
Sarah Palin can't be a saint because Pope God Emperor Obama hasn't said so.
Miller, I love you for your optimism (he managed to get one client).
former client
Obama is like the Yassir Arafat of American Politics.
Mmmmmm... .. ..
And now that pretty much everyone but the left coast is headed off to bed ... Nightline followed up tonight with some piece about "the Palin tapes." Sigh. And the National Enquirer has something about Gov. Palin having an affair with one of her hubby's friends...
I bet she knew it would be tough, but wonder if they had any idea ...
Simon, the Neil Kinnock line was perfect.
Simon, the Neil Kinnock line was perfect.
Whatever. Simon has blog comment writers do all this for him.
7machos - STOP! You're topping simon.
very angry, unhappy, digruntled former client
bitter former client clinging to his guns and his religion
former client who sued loafingoaf to ionsure that his name is never revealed
miller, you win
I don't know if you all notice but Obama has developed a twang. It's condescending.
I don't know if anyone noticed last night, but W. has gotten back his twang. Laura, too. In their minds, they're already back home in Texas.
I thought Huckabee, with polish conferred by lots of preaching, gave the best performance of the night. Giuliani was way choppy. Mrs. Palin was almost as good as Huckabee, and I would nominate her for Rookie of the Year.
Neil Kinnock did, I think.
Very Angry Left client who supported Hillary.
...Anyone else catch the crowd chanting
after Palin chided the media, followed by an immediate cut by the pooled cameras over to Bob Schieffer chuckling.
I think she came pretty close to saying "The Emperor! He has no clothes!"
"He doesn't throw in John McCain and say she's had more executive experience than all 3 of them put together."
Running a fighter squadron is rather like running a small town. Two years as governor though...
"He doesn't throw in John McCain and say she's had more executive experience than all 3 of them put together."
Running a fighter squadron is rather like running a small town. Two years as governor though...
"He doesn't throw in John McCain and say she's had more executive experience than all 3 of them put together."
Running a fighter squadron is rather like running a small town. Two years as governor though...
Notice in (the other) Michael's list, he omits Palin's service as head of Alaska's oil and gas commission, where she made a statewide name for herself. According to M., she somehow magically vaulted from small-town mayor to governor of the largest state in the Union.
Vice-Presidential candidates are supposed to:
1- Not do anything which might hurt the candidate
2- Be the bad cop to the good cop of the Presidential candidate
3- Debate proficiently at least twice, versus the opposing VP candidate
If anyone in America doubts that Sarah Palin was a good pick as running mate, given this criteria, they weren't paying attention tonight.
Did anyone notice that Huckabee misattributed to Abraham Lincoln a quote from another Republican President, the late great Gerald Ford?
... They know that a government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big [strong] enough to take from you everything you have.
9:24: The Dems worry that it's politically incorrect to say "Islamic terrorism." They're afraid of insulting terrorists. The big digital screen is used to show a big skyline of NYC.
Now I thought the Republicans won the election tonight, but this is just stupid yahoo-baiting. The people you don't want to insult aren't the terrorists, they're the moderate Muslims who should be on your side. They do exist.
Now I thought the Republicans won the election tonight
You know, I am dying to say that too, and I usually am more rash in my statements than you are, Amba, but anything can happen.
I fear MSM, having had a shot fired across their bow directly by Palin tonight, will just want to crush her totally now.
But I think it's going to be a question of "too much, too late", instead of the more usual other way around.
P.S.: I rewatched the whole speech, this time via MSNBC. Obviously a sour reaction straight off the bat by Olbermann, at the close of the speech. But I was delighted when the camera man panned to Bob Schieffer of CBS, laughing his ass off when the crowd chanted "NBC! NBC! NBC!" after her dig.
"Palin MUST expressly disown and renounce her pastor, her church and Brickner. Otherwise, how can Jewish voters ever trust her?"
Maybe they can ask BO's pals Rev. Wright and Louis Farrakan -- you know, the Zionists -- if she can be trusted.
(Seriously, wasn't she just vetted by some Jewish group yesterday?)
I'm pretty sure Chris Mathews was watching this speech and the tingle running down his leg stopped.
1) It's going to be Piper in '38 - remember I said this.
2) Waiting for the Norris/Palin quips.
Ok, I'll stop waiting:
Did you know that Sarah Palin knows how to shoot a moose?
-Yeah, it's down before she shoots a second glance.
Corny? Hey, it's your turn...
Ah, you want palinfacts.com.
Sarah Palin is the reason compasses point North.
Sarah Palin can win a game of Connect Four in only three moves!
Sarah Palin’s finishing move in the VP debate will be pulling Biden’s still beating heart from his chest & taking a bite.
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