7:48: I'm just settling in for some serious blogging, and the first thing I notice is this open mike eavesdropping on Mike Murphy and Peggy Noonan. Peggy: "The most qualified? No! I think they went for this -- excuse me-- political bullshit about narratives... Every time the Republicans do that, because that's not where they live and it's not what they're good at, they blow it."
8:11: It's Mitt Romney. He's got a peppy, plastic style. It's hammy in a way that might work from farther back in the room. Down with the "eastern elites"! It's time for sun to rise in the west -- in Arizona and Alaska. Now, he's getting an audience chant going: "It's liberal!" "We need change all right. Change from a liberal Washington to a conservative Washington." Liberals don't understand business. They grow government and dependency. It's "death to initiative." Fight dependency "like the poison it is." "It's time for the party of big ideas, not the party of Big Brother." He does a pretty good job of sharpening up the line between conservatives and liberals and making the conservative side seem better -- especially in economics.
8:28: I'm watching on CNN, with a TiVo assist. I'm keeping up with the speeches. But I pause when a speech ends and then scroll through the commentary when it's time for the next speech. Are the CNN commentators interesting? I don't have time for it all. Let's stop. Here's Jeffrey Toobin saying that bitching about the news media is hypocritical coming from John McCain, because they always used to love him. How come suddenly they seem "hypocritical and biased against him"? Huh? What's hypocritical? That sounds like they were always biased, but they just aren't supporting John McCain right now. What the hell kind of a defense of journalism isn that supposed to be? I mean, I can see why McCain is pissed about it. But it's an embarrassing defense.
8:33: Candy Crowley snags Mitt on the convention floor. She poses a hypothetical. Hey, what if John McCain drops dead on day one, huh? What do you think about that? How is Palin up for it? Mitt responds exactly the way you'd expect: Well, Obama, if elected, would be Prez on day one and how's he going to do it? Yeah, you don't even need a death scenario for that, you know, Candy. Mitt-quote: "The question about experience raises a lot of questions about Barack Obama."
8:36: Now, Mike Huckabee is up. He admits he's disappointed not to be the nominee. But McCain was his second choice, he says. He's got "the character and the stubborn kind of integrity that we need in a President." He thanks the MSM for uniting the Republican Party. Obama "will elevate our taxes and our risk in a dangerous world." He's got a chant he's trying to get going: "You want something to change." But don't forget about the things you don't want to change, like our freedom. He mocks "Barack Obama's Excellent Adventure to Europe." We don't like "European ideas." We like our freedom -- in other words, we don't like big government. This is the anti-dependency message again. It's not what government will do for you, it's what you will do for yourself if government gets out of the way. "The only soap we ever had in my house is Lava." That's a great line. "I'm not a Republican because I grew up rich. I'm a Republican because I didn't want to grow up poor waiting for the government to rescue me." Hey! This is an excellent speech. Much better than Romney's. Nice rhetoric and delivery.
8:46: The digital backdrop -- a flag, I think -- is, on these closeups, just a throbbing red. It's hard on the eyes. They need to blue it up, like normal TV. [ADDED: When Sarah Palin speaks, they just turn if off and have a black background.]
8:51: Huckabee ends with a long, folksy story about a teacher with a lesson to students about how they could "earn their desks." Veterans carrying desks are involved. I respect respecting veterans, but don't really see what's so wonderful about taking little kids and lengthily instructing them about what men have done in far away wars. It's a little too Captain-Koons-Hello-Little-Man for my taste.
8:58: I just corrected a typo in the 8:11 entry. I'd written "It's hammy in a way that might work from father back in the room." My son John emailed me about the typo, and I indicated that maybe it was Freudian, and I really wished I could have Mitt Romney for my dad, and John sends me this pic...
... and reminds me that he always said that Mitt looks like the dad on "The Donna Reed Show."
9:05: It's Rudy Giuliani, and this should be good. He was great at the RNC in '04. (Closeup on Cindy McCain who suddenly has her hair curled. Did the memo go out to soften her up?)
9:07: Rudy is saying that electing a President is basically hiring someone to do a job. He recites McCains résumé. Then we have another man. "He worked as a community organizer." He pauses. Mutters "what?" The audience reacts. Rudy repeats: "He worked as a community organizer." "Maybe this is the first problem on the résumé." And: "He immersed himself in Chicago machine politics." (That's an important line that could take a lot more play.) The audience boos Chicago machine politics. On to the Illinois state legislature where he couldn't figure out whether to vote yes or no. "It was too tough!" "I didn't know about this vote 'present' when I was mayor of New York City." And Sarah Palin couldn't vote "present" as Governor of Alaska. Being able to vote "present" means you weren't in an executive position.
9:17: Barack Obama has never led people in times of crisis. "He is the least experienced candidate for President in at least the last 100 years." He's never led people in anything -- "nada, nothing." Hey, that's unfair! He led the Harvard Law Review.
9:19: And don't forget: He led his campaign for President.
9:23: Rudy says Obama talks about change, but it might be the wrong kind of change. We want the right kind of change. Like, we should drill for oil. The crowd is all: "Drill, baby, drill!"
9:24: The Dems worry that it's politically incorrect to say "Islamic terrorism." They're afraid of insulting terrorists. The big digital screen is used to show a big skyline of NYC.
9:26: The surge was right. McCain got it right and Obama got it wrong. John McCain has taken unpopular positions and political risks. When, Rudy asks, has Obama ever done that? He was for an undivided Jerusalem for one day, only one day, when he was in Israel. The idea is that Obama is a man who played it safe, ingratiating himself in one way after another.
9:31: Palin has had "more executive experience than the entire Democratic ticket combined." He doesn't throw in John McCain and say she's had more executive experience than all 3 of them put together. He mocks the Dems for mocking her for being a mayor of a small town... where they cling to religion and guns. And now she's the most popular Governor in the country with an 80% approval rating. "You never get that in New York City." She fought corruption. She stood up for what is right. She and McCain "are going to shake up Washington." And "how dare they question whether Sarah Palin has enough time to spend with her children and be Vice President. When do they ever ask a man that question? When?!"
9:36: And now! It's her! Sarah Palin! Black skirt. Silver jacket. Oh, when do they ever say that about a man?
9:37: Huge cheers. Cute kid closeup. "Thang-Q. Thang-Q. Thang-Q so much."
9:38: She introduces her family -- her son, who is going to Iraq, her 3 daughters -- the cute youngest waves -- and the baby Trig, the special needs child. And she looks out directly on America, as though she sees all the people who have special children in their families -- and pledges that we will have a friend and advocate in the White House.
9:48: She tells us about Todd, the fisherman, her "guy," and don't forget that Yupik ancestry. She's got a Native American husband.
9:50: She praises small town Americans (like her!). Don't disrespect them! They are the salt of the earth.
9:52: "I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a community organizer... except that you have actual responsibilities." And in small towns, they don't know what to make of a candidate who "lavishes praise" on them when he's around and then, behind their backs, "talks about how bitterly they cling to their religion and guns." Don't talk about us "one way in Scranton and another way in San Francisco." Ouch. John McCain is the same man wherever he goes.
10:00: In power, she fought corruption and government excess. "That luxury jet was over the top. I put it on eBay." "Nearly half a billion dollars in vetoes."
10:11: She's laying into Barack Obama. What is he, once those styrofoam pillars are dragged off the stage? It's all show. And the real plan is the old tax and spend.
10:13: "The American presidency is not supposed to be a journey of personal discovery."
10:19: She retells the story of John McCain, with the emphasis on character and authenticity. Elect "a great man" as the next President, she implores... to fabulous applause. We see the newly-curly-headed Cindy in the audience. She's pumped. The Palin family files out onto the stage. Trig is awakened. No baby would understand what the hell is going on, but he's gazing around at the lights and colors. The pregnant Bristol is there with her hunky hockey boyfriend. And now McCain trundles out. He raises his arms as high as he can to wave to the crowd. His tie is the color of the pantsuit Hillary wore for the DNC. [ADDED: He's sending the secret tie signal.] "Don't you think we made the right choice for the next Vice President of the United States? And what a beautiful family." He leans over to respond to something the little girl said. He shrugs. I guess he didn't know whatever it was that she didn't know.
10:32: Maybe it was: "Are you the next President?"
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 739 Newer› Newest»OK, I do think that delegates should be required to have teeth.
Trooper, you still in Vegas?
I talked to the bartender at the cigar bar where Rudy met Judy. He said that Rudy knew Judy was the girl for him when he couldn't do that live long and prosper sign in her cootch.
Donna Hanover, not so much.
Sustenance. Sustenance is a better word than relief. Our political caste doesn't even comprehend, never mind need, cultural sustenance. The descent of man.
Nah I got home yesterday. That's why I am bored and bothering everyone here.
OK, something's up. I know they've had their schedule jumbled from the beginning, but Governor Lingle was not scheduled to come on until the next hour. How are they going to fill that time?
Honestly though I am glad she's not speaking right before Palin. She is a serious yawner.
On Fox, at least, we're swamped with T. Boone Pickens energy plan ads touting the importance of natural gas, and Pickens was just on talking about the importance of natural gas. There's not a politician in America more qualified on the topic of natural gas than Palin. Is the McCain campaign looking to piggyback on the Pickens energy independence campaign?
The Governors of Alaska and Hawaii, both women, are both Republicans!
I don't know about that. Fred Thompson looked like he had a lot of gas.
I wouldn't want to be standing behind him at the burrito bar.
She is a serious yawner.
"Did I mention Sarah was tough" (said in a voice like Enya singing a modern dirge). Oy.
Is the McCain campaign looking to piggyback on the Pickens energy independence campaign?
Maybe, but I do know that Pickens supports aggressive drilling.
I imagine Rudy must be very determined in the sack. But not moreso than McCain. NO ONE moreso than McCain
Well, I don't care why they moved her from the next hour, I am really glad she did. Damn she's boring.
You know, it speaks well to the Hawaiian character that they were able to elect this lady. I've met History professors more rivetting than she. Plus she speaks in monosyllabic Agatha Christie sentences.
"She ran for office"
"And she won."
"Put simply."
"She's a WINNER."
Remember those six posts about Biden? That's because Republicans were worried he would affect the race. Scared to comment.
Amazing how little the Althouse commenters care about Sarah Palin attending sermons by an insane "Jews For Jesus" nutter who sounded pretty pro Palestinian terrorist while Saint Sarah was in attendance.
I took Obama's association with Rev. Wright seriously, as did the Althouse commenters. Funny how it turns out many of these Althouse commenters don't care at all about the weird goings-on at Saint Sarah's church. What a bunch of frauds.
Has it been confirmed yet that Saint Sarah wanted to ban books from the Wassilla library and tried to fire the librarian who didn't want to? I've seen more reports of this but Saint Sarah hasn't yet confirmed or denied. I guess we're not suppoed to care. Hell, why have an election at all. Let's just have a coup and implant Saint Sarah as our leader. We know she's qualified because she didn't abort a Downs Syndrome baby, she eats mooseburgers, and she looks hot with a gun.
Here's Jeffrey Toobin saying that bitching about the news media is hypocritical coming from John McCain, because they always used to love him.
It's like when Saddam's son's in law defected and Saddam asked them back saying all would be forgiven if only they returned.
We Like McCain, as long as he's not running for president ;)
LoafingOaf said...
The Religious Right has proven they are mentally ill. They have now canonized Sarah Palin to Sainthood
Didn't the Obama smear machine answer all the questions you need to know about her this weekend?
Pickens spoke positively of Obama's speech. He says we need to reduce our dependence on foreign oil 30% and said Obama is pretty close.
He says he's waiting to hear what McCain is going to do.
Rudy! Rudy! Rudy!
Trooper, isn't Rudi one of those half-Gorn, half Ferengi combos? Or is that the ex-gov, ol' whatshisname?
Goffman is a dead sociologist. Wrote with irony. Very entertaining reading.
His obit mentioned that he was hell to go out to dinner with. He could not resist creating incredibly awkward social moments.
If I remember correctly from Sociology 110, he had a tendency to hide under dinner tables and listen in on conversations. Might have been someone else.
I think that the Republicans do need to talk about the economy, and present the free market with minor government oversight as a plausible solution. Whether we're in a recession or not, and though the Democrats love to blow economic woes out of proportion to make America sound like a third-world country, it's a legitimate concern.
Interesting commentary on CNN.
When Democrats said in December 2006 that they want a clear exit strategy from Iraq, the Althouse commenters attacked. Saint Sarah said the same thing in one was one of only about 3 sentences she has ever uttered in her political career on foreign policy. They don't care. She didn't abort a Downs syndrome Fetus and she wants to outlaw all abortions. What else do you need to know? Make her Commander in Chief tomorrow.
God bless, Governor Lingle. Goodness knows I'm but a henroach compared to her, but DEAR GOD, if Democrats want to talk about someone not ready for primetime, talk about this lady.
Sarah Palin is a superstar comparatively.
OH! Wait she was a mayor a Maui.
She finished on a superhigh note, "The People of Alaska and Haw aii, Sarah and I are doing just fine".
Folks, stick with CSpan or UStream.tv. (or GOP convention 2008's web site). Who needs talking heads when you have liveblogs?
Mr. Pickens can make a buck. He can sell ice cubes to ... penguins, matter of fact.
But I don't want my money going for windmills and Ngas cars... not unless I see a prospectus and get stock. Thank you very much.
"John McCain can't do addition until he does fortification."
That's about right.
OK, Drudge is saying Sarah Palin's remarks are going to run for 40 minutes.
Barry is probably all about a quick thrust and then rolling away as fast as possible to avoid getting his head bitten off by Michelle.
"He says we need to reduce our dependence on foreign oil 30% and said Obama is pretty close."
If we let Obama near the White House, we'll regulate and tax what manufacturing we have left right out of the country.
That will take care of that 30% and more, make no mistake about it.
Ann wrote:
8:46: The digital backdrop -- a flag, I think -- is, on these closeups, just a throbbing red. It's hard on the eyes.
I'll go on record that it's a boring backdrop. Me the flagwaver, go figure.
Can't wait to hear Ann's remarks about dear Governor Dingle-Lingle.
You should change your name to pinchedloaf cause you are talking out of you poop shoot.
Wolf Blitzer is either senile or getting Daily Kos rumors confused.
The guvnah of Hawaii is getting in some nice zingers
OK, Drudge is saying Sarah Palin's remarks are going to run for 40 minutes.
Hmm. Both Hillary and Biden kept it at 25-30, tops.
I think people are rivetted by Sarah Palin, and she should keep them wanting more, not less. We'll see.
ricpic -
*in the honeymoon suite*
"Baby... what is this...? Looks like a red HOURGLASS TATOO.. Oh MY GO..."
Just sayin'....
"Why IS OBAMA qualified to be President and why should anyone vote for him?".
The First Dude is in da house
Oh my. Devilish clever of you there, Host.
Cruel. But necessary.
Loving Mrs. McCain with her hair down, looking pretty, in a pretty green dress, sitting next to Miss Palin and the baby.
Very supportive!
And Cindy McCain, the future First Chick.
I watched Linda Lingle on CSPAN. I think she's a good governor and I like that she has broken the democratic stranglehold on Hawaii, but god what a boring speaker.
Piper Palin is pretty adorable.
I wonder if McCain gave Sarah the Vulcan sign test.
I mean that's what they mean by fully vetted.
OK, Drudge is saying Sarah Palin's remarks are going to run for 40 minutes.
Tivo Alert, Ann! Adjust your DVR!
Hmm. Sounds like we might actually be able to arrive at a bipartisan consensus on that one point.
it's rudy time
Where's Touchdown Jesus? Oh, he must be at home with Michelle.
Boy, I'm getting the strongest deja vu reading the comments on this...
Hey, what if John McCain drops dead on day one, huh? What do you think about that? How is Palin up for it? Candy Crowley
When Hillary posed the historical fact of Bobby Kennedy's death in the middle of his election for president the media went nut's against her.
It seems as though a republican president's death is not as revered as a democrat.
The vibe in the room is weird, IMO.
It's at once excited, but Rudy's reception lacks the sizzle that Fred Thompson (who played him on Law & Order) engendered last night.
His speech is so-so. His first zingers, not too good.
I think he cribbed a little from Govenor Lingle's notes.
Lem, well said.
"sacrificed as few do?"
C'mon Rudy.
And more with the POW story. It was effective last night with Fred, but they need to go somewhere else occasionally.
bleeper says:
Ok, I can take a lot of misspellings of the American language, but dammit, it is Pearl Harbor, not Harbour. It's in the US, not some colony. Next thing you'll tell us is that Captain Cook was somehow involved in mapping it or something... sheesh!
Really! I mean, one would think there was a British Union Jack on the Hawaii state flag or something! Oh, wait….
"Maybe it's not the first problem on the resume".
He worked as a...
...community organizer!
***crowd goes wild***
Slightly different context, I think, lem. The question of whether Palin would be able to take over in the event of tragedy is completely fair, and I wish the media would stick to that stuff instead of trying to out-slime the National Enquirer.
Voting yes or no... was too tough!
Oh-oh. Ann just approved a Premium Blogspot ad, advertising McCain campaign doodahs.
She will now take up a vow of cruel vaginality.
I think it was Capt. Crunch who discovered the Sandwich Islands. That Duke guy ripped him off and all he got was to be on a cereal box. Bummer.
"Obama could not figure out if he should vote yes or no."
Hit them on the "present" votes. It's a great point.
Pretty rich a guy who's city got bombed with a Republican in charge lecturing us we need Republicans to keep us all safe. The chutzpah is mind boggling.
[And what's up with half the crowd wearing cowboy hats]?
The present vote thing is going to resonate. It's on-topic, and goes to the utter lack of "experience" he has.
Least experienced President in the last one-hundred years.
A zinger about Chet Arthur!
Hey, Rudy's killing. I'm almost glad he didn't get the nomination, he's really good in this attack dog role.
Not a single "9/11."
Well, besides the banner behind him.
Giuliani is pretty awesome. Why is it that losing brings out the best in everyone? Al Gore in 2000, Hillary after the primaries, Thompson, Huckabee and Giuliani all at this convention: all suddenly dynamic and confident and even presidential.
I think he got his zingertron dialed in.
He's all over the target, for devastating effect.
Hey, Rudy's killing. I'm almost glad he didn't get the nomination, he's really good in this attack dog role.
They all are. Thompson, Huckabee, Mitt, now Rudy.
Where were these speeches during the campaign?
If Fred Thompson and Rudy Giuliani give speeches that rip Obama's credibility to shreds, but the MSM doesn't report it, did the speeches happen?
"Pretty rich a guy who's city got bombed with a Republican in charge lecturing us we need Republicans to keep us all safe. The chutzpah is mind boggling."
If you think 9/11 wouldn't have happened with a Democrat running NYC, you are beyond delusional.
"Pretty rich a guy who's city got bombed with a Republican in charge lecturing us we need Republicans to keep us all safe."
You've got to be kidding. Rudy was supposed to break out the AAA and shoot the planes down? Nice argument.
The chutzpah is mind boggling.
You mean yours. Next you'll blame the woman for walking at night for being raped.
Was Huckabee's point that Vietnamese children got napalmed so that our kids could have desks in school?
I hope that teacher was fired.
"Change isn't a destination and hope isn't a strategy." Cute.
"Change is not a destination, Hope is not a strategy."
"Change is not a destination just like hope is not a strategy."
Go Rudy!
Keep it up Rudy!
God I hope she knocks it out of the park...
Is there a (right-wing) echo in here or is it me?
Donna Reed had completely unforced sex appeal. That's the thing about the '50s, unforced sex in the air, everywhere. Totally the opposite of what the libs would have you believe. NOW is the ersatz time, not then.
Drill baby drill
Dust off the tshirt printing machine.
"Drill baby Drill?"
As I listen to and enjoy Rudy's speech and its reaction ("drill baby drill"), I have to say he is speaking in disjointed sentences, unlike Fred last night.
I understand this is a cheerleading speech, rather than the storytelling speech of Thompson last night, or the forthcoming Palin speech tonight, but it lacks substance.
Probably an unpopular opinion, since the crowd are eating it up. Here too.
vbspurs said...
"Next[, the left wi]ll blame the woman for walking at night for being raped.
They've already done that, more or less, in their claim that Palin is a bad mother for bringing her kids into the national spotlight where the kids will endure the torrent of filth that the left is hourly pouring out.
Hitting them on the p.c. issue...nice.
And we have our first "9/11"!
Why is it that losing brings out the best in everyone?
The pressure's off.
garage mahal -
You are an ass.
If the Democrat in office when bin Ladin was training his strike force in Florida and Arizona had had the guts to offend Muslim donors - much, much less to pull the trigger on a self-acknowledged murderer against America on any of the THREE opportunities he had - then we wouldn't have to go back over "who's party is most at fault for 9/11?", would we?
Just damn.
Well, I see the crowd was chanting "Zero! Zero!" and making the zero sign with their hands when Obama was mentioned by Rudy. That was classy.
You see Rudy is from New York and you know that on the subway it is always the dirty smelly wino guys who ask you for change.
That's the strategy.
You've got to be kidding. Rudy was supposed to break out the AAA and shoot the planes down? Nice argument.
It's the gall to say we need them to keep us safe because the others guys can't, when, in fact, it was under their watch. Watching Guiliani I'm amazed he got that one delegate. One creepy motherfucker.
Keep on the offensive against terrorism here and abroad.
That's what I wanna hear.
The Democratic Party gave up on America generations ago.
tmjutah said: I HIGHLY recommend the NPR coverage. Better than Milton Berle between the speeches.
Yes-I can't believe they get away with that shit. Who's the bitch live-snarking it anyway? She was on last night. Thank God that's over (the drive).
For those of you watching one of the cable networks that didn't air all the speeches, "Drill Baby Drill" was Michael Steele's mantra earlier tonight.
The chanting caught Rudy off-guard, so he just rolled with it.
The most important desicion of this election Obama got it wrong!
They've already done that, more or less, in their claim that Palin is a bad mother for bringing her kids into the national spotlight where the kids will endure the torrent of filth that the left is hourly pouring out.
Wasn't going to say anything, but my hairstylist today (an effeminate gay man) told me the same thing.
"What kind of a mother is she to allow her child to get pregnant at 17? She shouldn't be President."
I felt like getting all Palladian on him, but it sounds bad coming from a straight woman.
(JERUSALEM mention by Rudy, ouchies Obama)
In the single biggest policy issue in this campaign McCain got it right and Obama got it wrong.
"Biden should get the veep thing in writing." Stinging.
"If I were Biden, I would want to get that VP thing in writing"
I take it all back!
Now he is realting the total hypocrisy of Obama.
Joe Biden get the VP thing in writing.
Yeah. Go Rudy go!
If I was Joe Biden I want to get that VP thing on writing!
Thanks, bjk. I was wondering where that came from.
"As I listen to and enjoy Rudy's speech and its reaction ("drill baby drill"), I have to say he is speaking in disjointed sentences, unlike Fred last night.
I understand this is a cheerleading speech, rather than the storytelling speech of Thompson last night, or the forthcoming Palin speech tonight, but it lacks substance.
Probably an unpopular opinion, since the crowd are eating it up. Here too."
The herky-jerky style is irritating, I see where you are coming from. But the substance is great.
I'm a Georgian from Savannah, though.
Sounds good from Rudy. Very good speech, just as he did four years ago. Unfortunately, McCain caved to the Religious Right and selected Sarah Palin as his running mate, someone completely unfit for command.
The same Religious Right who don't consider Rudy a real Republican, but a "RINO", because Rudy is pro-choice.
It all comes down to abortion for these nutters who have taken over the GOP completely. They can't really claim to care much about the War On Terrorism anymore when they think Sarah Palin should be the potential Commander in Chief just because she didn't abort a Downs Syndrome Baby.
McCain could've won this election. He blew it. Very sad. He also ruined his reputation.
The moderate Republicans could beat Obama. Palin shows the moderates aren't in charge. that trainwreck of a VP choice will send McCain down the toilet bowl.
300 comments. Where is the real Titus?
Sorry, I'm not a Georgian.
Sleeping, yes, I take it all back.
Now he's going for the crux of the argument against Obama, lawyer-style.
"Next time, call John McCain!"
Wow, this is freaking sweet, Rudy.
Oh my God, Rudy!! " If I were Joe Biden, I would want to get that VP thing in writing"
Next time call John McCain!!!!!!
Next time call J Mcain!
I love it.
Israelis don't even favor an undivided Jerusalem...
"we're all Georgians?" Back when the fascists over ran spain, people who cared (Orwell et al) picked up a gun and went and defended democracy on their own.
Hop to it. I'm sure the foreign legion is taking new applications.
That biden line was funny though...
Not much cheerleading here; Giuliani has just ripped Obama's credibility on leadership, foreign policy, and experience to shreds.
OH! killer line and a great wind up.
"I'm sorry that Barack Obama doesn't feel that her hometown isn't...COSMOPOLITAN enough...glamourous enough...maybe they cling to religion there".
Maybe they cling to religion there!
Waht have they been waiting for?
UWS guy said...
"That biden line was funny though..."
I'll give Biden his due, his line about Rudy including a noun, a verb and 9/11 in every sentence was one of the funniest lines of the campaign.
I'll give Biden his due, his line about Rudy including a noun, a verb and 9/11 in every sentence was one of the funniest lines of the campaign.
It was awesome. The best jokes are always true.
Please stop channeling Peggy Noonan.
Giuliani! ! ! !
BEST speech of the entire campaign season ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rudy is on fire.
NICE! He's going after the Nina point about the mother/children/time thing.
"When did they ever ask a man that question?" Shoot, Rudy, when did they ever ask a liberal woman that question?!
Shakin' it up! Look out America!
Please stop channeling Peggy Noonan.
Nono. I'm channelling Todd Palin tonight.
Give Rudy get a medal ;)
A+ effort from Rudy.
Man. He killed.
God bless YOU, Rudy.
If people are asleep in America after this speech, they probably took Xanax before.
Okay, guys, I'm off to watch. SHE LOOKS AWESOME.
Go Sarah!
Here she comes.
Sarah is on!
"People have been reading a lot about her" says Jim Lehrer - yeah, you hope they have. Ghoul.
Here we go....
Come on. Hit it out of the park.
CNN - Overdoing the close-ups of levi. Where's the rest of the family?
I think these people are energised!!
Such an emotional reception. Half of this is leftover adrenaline for Rudy.
I love this moment. It makes this weekend almost disappear.
Obama is in trouble!
Man, I bet Hillary is tearing up the house by now, beating on Bill and kicking the pets, while screaming in the phone at Obama with the whine heard around the world.
Obama, you fucking idiot!!!!!!!!!
The teen couple look good. I'm sorry, I looked! I was supposed to respect their privacy, right? Oh well, their fault, they should have stayed home in Alaska while Mom went to the convention alone.
Just like Chelsea Clinton did when she was a kid.
no a big fan of cindy's dress. Don't like that green. But then again i have no sense of fashion.
I feel a tingle up my leg!
"Pundants." Look for that to be the new "nyoocular" in the msm.
The caliber?
bring in on!
Man, she makes Hillary look like a bad piker.
It was dumb to put her after Rudy, how do you outperform him?
I say we elect the speech writer.
Practiced, rehearsed, slick.
*A door to door sales presentation from the gitgo (sorry).
She's doing an outstanding job.
She's good at public speaking. Not so much a politician but a communicator.
Look on Track's face - "aw, Moooooom!"
It was dumb to put her after Rudy, how do you outperform him?
Because content does not need to perform!
lem feels a tingle up his leg.
Get out much?
I think Barry just soiled himself...
I don't lke how she's milking her son's service. Beau Biden made a passing reference to being deployed, and his father doesn't mention it at all. This seems cheap politics in comparison
Michael - I agree. She writes her own speeches.
Cindy holding the baby...a Kodak moment if there ever was one.
Sarah Palin making a speech about Iraq? She is already on record as saying she wasn't paying any attention to Iraq policy except in December 2006 she wanted there to be a clear exit strategy.
Oh, yeah, that's right. These people don't write their speeches. They hire people to do it for them. So this person who has not uttered more than three sentences on froeign policy before tonight (and one of them was in line with Obama, not McCain or Bush) is now trying to bluff her way to the Vice PResidency.
She can go back to Wassilla and try and burn more books at the local library.
A wheelchair ramp in every pot....
or something.
An advocate in the White House...nice.
Why is she talking so slow?
When she looked at the television camera, straight on, and said, "I pledge to you you will have an advocate in the White House", she looked so tough, it was Sarah Barracuda again.
Wow, "two decades later, he's still my guy".
"Quite a package."
Eskimo ancestry? Cool!
She can go back to Wassilla and try and burn more books at the local library.
You're a sad person. I'm sorry for you.
She's speaking to the Heart of America.
Yes, it's true her cadence is different. But her words are strong.
Props to Truman?
At least this is more interesting.
Vsuprs: Sara Palin called the head of the Library in Wassilla and asked, "How would you feel about banning some books?"
This has to be the cutest V.P. nomination speech in the history of American politics.
Keep in mind, this woman isn't accepting an Oscar or an Emmy...she could become the President of the United States.
The leader of the free world.
Does she really sound like the leader of the free world?
The Religious Right has proven they are mentally ill. They have now canonized Sarah Palin to Sainthood.
You can thank the media and the leftosphere for that. This phenomenon occurred when the speculation started about Palin's baby being her grandson. At that point, she became a cause celebre, a martyr, and a unifier of the previously fractured GOP.
I don't think that's what the left had in mind when they started muckraking her life.
Simon is claiming Palin wrote her speech whne it's already been reported that former Bush speechwriter Matthew Scully wrote it.
At times Michael sounds an awful lot like Luckyoldson.
Go Sarah!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This will play very well in flyover country.
Vspurs is the official Peggy Noonan of Althouse.
...."still my guy."
Mr. Obama, history calling: nice try.
"Always proud of America."
Uh...shan. "milking"?
She could have just sent a damned post card, yes, but this is an introduction.
Geeze she's got them in the palm of her hand.
"lipstick". And I expected it.
When did Oaf become unhinged?
You gotta be kidding me. LoafingOaf and Michael are criticizing Palin for giving a speech, when even Hillary Clinton gets that the only thing Obama brings is speeches? Gooooood lord.
LOL licking the hand, smoothing the hair!
And they are allways proud of America!
"I don't lke how she's milking her son's service. Beau Biden made a passing reference to being deployed, and his father doesn't mention it at all. This seems cheap politics in comparison"
Sarah Palin is the anti-Cindy Sheehan. That's important.
We all know you are a Christianphobe, and hate Sarah Palin because she's a Christian.
Why don't you answer the question Host asked earlier?
I don't watch this piffle. Can anyone give an objective analysis?
Insert knife, twist. Ouch
Veterans carrying desks are involved. I respect respecting veterans, but don't really see what's so wonderful about taking little kids and lengthily instructing them about what men have done in far away wars.
Just my opinion, but that teacher imprinted a lifelong impression on those kids. They will remember the day they stood with no desks. The lesson could have been seeing 20 taxpayers come in with the desks.
The point is that all too many kids, and the NEA believe that school is just some automatic right that comes out of thin air and they owe NOBODY for that right, and chance of opportunity. So if it just comes like air, why work, why try?
They maybe learned that 400,000 Union soldiers died in a war that ended up with blacks having the freedom to be educated. Then in Little Rock itself, they learn that Eisenhower ordered the 101st Airborne in to enforce the Federal Will that 5 black schoolkids go through the door of an all-white school.
That many of their classmates might not have even existed but for the bravery of men who "gave their present for other's tomorrows".
Nice lesson. Wish I had been given it as a kid. I may have been one of the ones inspired to give school 100% effort rather than just get by.
This speech is taking it to the Democrats' talking points about her, and instead of being apologetic for who she is, she's schooling MSM, and the elitists like Sally Quinn.
She slammin Bama.
Yeah. Keep slammin him. Do to him what his people did to you!!!!
There's not doubt in my mind that she wrote the major portion of this speech. As much as ninety percent, with maybe a little input on talking points.
This one's going to leave a mark.
"I'm not a member of the permament political establishment" and now she goes after the media...
As admittedly great as McCain is, why did the Republicans think W. was far to be preferred back in 2000? Did McCain improve that much in only eight years?
Oh, the media is going to be pissed. SHe just dissed them.
Where have I criticized her for GIVING a speech? I criticized her for speaking on McCain's courage on Iraq policy to support the surge when at the time Palin's only comment on Iraq policy was that she was not paying attention to it but wanted a clear exit strategy and assurances that our troops were being treated well and had adequate eqquipment.
When is Simon going to be comment about the nutty goings-on at Palin's church while Palin was in attendence? His silence is deafening. Remember, Simon claims he's honest.
Did Sarah Palin just call out Peggy Noonan?
Where was this Rudy during the campaign.. damn crappy staffers.
Sarah is KILLING. Jeffrey Dahmer has nothing on her.
As to since when Oaf has been unhinged? er... always.
Can anyone give an objective analysis?
Watch it, she is doing very well.
Huckabee's line about Biden getting fewer votes as candidate for Pres than Palin did as mayor, its massively wrong! Recently posted at Political Wire, Biden got 15K votes in Florida Primary alone. That's almost double the size of Wasilla. Lies make great jokes, but they're still lies.
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