September 2, 2008

Live-blogging night 2 of the Republican Convention.

5:22 Central Time: Just setting up the post. Let's watch!

5:31: Ugh. CNN is still going over and over the hurricane. Would they be making so much of a hurricane of this dimension if it was the Democratic Convention?

5:32: I'll have to run off at some point to go to a hair appointment. Feel free to tell me how you think I should get my hair cut. Pictures especially appreciated.

5:49: The subject is whether Sarah Palin should stay home with her "special needs" child. Can you be a mother and pursue a career? Gloria Borger, a self-identified "working mom," says you can't make "generalizations," and everyone must make her own decision.

5:57: Wolf Blitzer is pushing the meme -- which I've heard elsewhere -- that McCain is a "maverick" and that means he makes impulsive decisions like the choice of Sarah Palin. He doesn't add -- but there are versions of this meme where it is added -- that this supposedly gut level choice of Sarah Palin should stand as a warning about the way he will make decisions about foreign policy.

6:38: Super-serious singing of the the national anthem, but I really don't like the singer's enunciation. Weird to have the flag waving on a digital screen.

8:22: I'm back. Hair cut. Just scrolled through all the stuff I missed, and it seems like virtually nothing.

8:43: Very moving presentation of the story of a Medal of Honor winner, Michael Monsoor. I see from the NYT that Senator Lieberman spoke, but I didn't see that in my scroll-through, so I didn't mean to count that as "virtually nothing." What I saw was a lot of Blitzer et al. commentary. [ADDED: No, that was just a preview. I didn't miss it.]

8:53: It's Laura Bush, extolling her husband as a man of principle and resolve. She praises his achievements: the appointment of women and 2 new Supreme Court Justices, the faith based initiative, the fight against AIDS -- "you might call that change you can really believe in" -- "and let's not forget, President Bush has kept the American people safe." Will Laura's husband ever be honored? Does she believe he will? She introduces him.

8:56: And here he is, on the video screen. "I know the hard choices that fall solely to a President. John McCain's life has prepared him to make those choices. He is ready to lead this nation."

9:09: A film clip about Reagan. In the car, I heard the film clip about Abraham Lincoln. The Republican Convention, much more than the Democratic Convention, highlights the heroic individual. This fits the party's ideology. John McCain was "a foot soldier" in "the Reagan Revolution." Reagan "broke the self-confidence of the Evil Empire of Communism." And he had Nancy. He put "country first." ("Country First" is the new McCain campaign slogan.)

9:14: And now: Fred Thompson. Ah! He springs to the defense of Sarah Palin. "I say give me a tough Alaskan Governor who's taken on the political establishment of the largest state in the Union and won over the Beltway 'business as usual' crowd any day of the week!"

9:18: Fred says Sarah has got the other side "in a state of panic." And she knows "how to field dress a moose." Now, he's telling the story of John McCain's life, "putting his country first." He's putting a lot of passion into the delivery. The harrowing story of McCain's imprisonment. "We hear a lot of talk about hope these days. John McCain knows about hope. That's all he had."

9:29: Remember. After the comments go over 200, you need to click on "post a comment" and then "newer" to keep the conversation going. I know a lot of you know how to do that.

9:35: "The respect [John McCain] is given around the world is not because of a teleprompter speech designed to appeal to America's critics abroad... *ahem*.... no, it's not that."

9:38: Obama is "history-making" all right: he's the most inexperienced, left-wing candidate the Democrats have ever run -- says Thompson.

9:52: The CNN commentary is insufferable. After Thompson, they all just kept saying "red meat."

9:55: It's Joe Lieberman. I kind of love this guy. I voted for him one time. Man, he is a boring speaker though. I can't imagine him as the VP candidate. Palin is a much better speaker.

9:59: "I'm here to support John McCain because country matters more than party."

10:05: "Eloquence is no substitute for a record," Lieberman says of Obama. Now, he compares Obama to Bill Clinton. Clinton stood up to interest groups and worked with Republicans for major achievements. [ADDED: He was saying Clinton was better than Obama: "In the Senate [Obama] has not reached across party lines to get anything significant done, nor has he been willing to take on powerful interest groups in the Democratic Party. Contrast that to John McCain’s record, or the record of the last Democratic President, Bill Clinton, who stood up to some of those same Democratic interest groups and worked with Republicans to get important things done like welfare reform, free trade agreements, and a balanced budget."]

10:07: Sarah Palin is a "great lady."

10:12: He's warming up. Maybe it's not so boring now. "These are not ordinary times and John McCain is no ordinary candidate." He says what he thinks is right... ah... too much repetition. John McCain has character and experience....

10:17: After-speech commentary. Donna Brazile is talking fast but stumbles in a way -- "Look, Joe... Lieberman is a man... " -- "speaking at this conviction, this convention" -- that makes me feel sure she's reading from a teleprompter.

10:21: David Gergen thinks Lieberman has "extremely annoyed" some Democrats by not only supporting his old friend McCain but also really going after Obama "in a very personal way."

10:43: That's it for me. A decent convention night. The highlight was Fred Thompson's dramatization of McCain's Vietnam experience. Or was it Joe Lieberman telling everyone we should vote against his party?


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Simon said...

I claim the 200th post!

MC said...

I'm an atheist, I support McCain/Palin and am totally happy with the GOP winning.

Anonymous said...

Nice night, light breeze. Who's got the troll spray?

Sorry, that only works on live oganisms.

Michael S said...

oaf -- you seriously need to get out get some fresh night air. Your own hot air has deprived you of any sense of humor...

Anonymous said...

Let's see, how many times have the Christers taken over the GOP so far?

No wonder the Lifelong Republicans don't feel at home there any more.

Simon said...

Damnit, MM beat me to it. :)

VariableSpin said...

LoafingOaf said:

"I thought Rudy was the keynote speaker at this convention? Oh, that's right, the Christianist pro-life religious nuts pulled off a coup in the GOP despite losing soundly in the GOP primaries. So, instead of McCain being able to pick his first or second choices for VP (Lieberman and Ridge) he's stuck with this ultra-right-wing woman from Alaska who doesn't just oppose Roe but wants to OUTLAW abortion for everyone in every circumstance, including rape and incest.

You can have this Republican Party, Christianists. Your take-over on the eve of the convention shows me that that Party has no place for anyone but the Religious Right."

Wha...? Giuliani is speaking tomorrow. And I'm sure all those "Christianists" are fuming ;-) Of course when he does speak, I'm sure you'll call them all hypocrites for sacrificing their principles and letting a pro-choice divorcee take the podium out of political expediency.

You guys have the craziest imaginations.

LoafingOaf said...

Remember how althouse said Obama made a responsible choice for VP, and a responsible choice for VP appeal to people like her? She has not blogged one single word of concern for this Palin character who has barely spoken a single sentence about foreign policy. Is Althouse okay with a potential President Palin (should anything happen to McCain) leading a superpower during wartime? She won't say. Seems like a reckless and irresponsible choice to me.

And how come Simon isn't concerned that Palin wants to outlaw abortions for everyone everywhere. I thought he "wasn't religious" and just wanted things left up to the states?

This GOP has now been taken over by Christianists. Andrew Sullivan called it in his book. Kudos to Andrew Sullivan. His book is gonna be remembered in history.

You can have this GOP. I'm voting Obama.

Ignorance is Bliss said...


Here's my two cents:

1) Never aim at someone you don't intend to shoot.
2) Never shoot at someone you don't intend to kill.
3) Never kill someone you don't intend to eat.

MadisonMan said...

So I guess I should ask: are the people reacting favorably to Fred watching on TV or listening on the radio as I was? Maybe I missed the good parts, but he sounded sleepy when I was listening.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Speech design to appeal to Americas critics abroad

Dead on!

MadisonMan said...

Sorry Simon. :)

Unknown said...


Eat that red meat, LoafingOaf.

Ben (The Tiger in Exile) said...

I'm glad that Fred's speaking.

He and McCain are old friends -- he was McCain's national co-chair in 2000.

He is the right choice.

Sounds like someone forgot to leave him a glass of water up there, though.

Simon said...

"This is not reform and it's certainly not change, it's the same old stuff they've been pedling for years" - GO FRED!

Anonymous said...

Al said, re Victoria's gun questions: "The CZ line of pistols is very good as well."

It is. Perhaps the best off-the-shelf compact semi-auto on the planet, the CZ 75 P-01. I own one, and it is highly recommended. It's a 9mm, but you can shoot +P ammo all day long. Extremely tough and reliable, and it had to pass a brutal NATO qualification, where it finished top of class. Take a look.

On the light side, sorta:

The scariest sound in a gun fight? "Click."

Simon said...

MM, I'll give you this one...

Oh man! Fred is on fire!

Ruth Anne Adams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The convention is showing signs of life!

Here come the red meat!

LoafingOaf said...

The fact is, Palin is being plucked out of the blue because McCain was told the Dobsons rule the party now. McCain PROMISED his VP pick would be someone who was fit to be Commander in Chief from Day One. He was set to pick either Lieberman or Ridge. Then he was told he had to go with the fave of the Religious Right. he didn't even meet with her more than one or two times. His vetting team got to Alaska the day before he anounced the pick. What a joke. McCain blew all his credibility.

Freeman Hunt said...

Anyone see that CBS, NBC, and ABC all have talking head stuff cutting into Fred's speech? Shameless bias. It's appalling.

Christy said...

Tom Brokaw is either drunk or his dentures are slipping. Do people have dentures any more?

Simon said...

Freeman, surely you remember how they cut into Obama's speech repeatedly to deliver trite little remarks. No? Hmm.

LoafingOaf said...

Fred Thompson is not a good speaker in any way, shape or form. They'll pretend it was a great speech, though, because he wants to criminalize abortions.

Simon said...

Fred. Kicked. Ass.

AlphaLiberal said...

Here's another testimonial about John McCain from a former Academy classmate and fellow POW.

"testimonial" may not be the right word.

A similar interview was posted on during the primary.

(And, please resist trashing the veteran just because he disagrees with you.)

Ben (The Tiger in Exile) said...

Fred's a great speaker.

But I'm wondering if he's a little under the weather -- kept on making little coughs throughout the speech.

Freeman Hunt said...

Simon, ha. Not only were they cutting into make trite comments, but the comments were extended and had absolutely nothing to do with Fred's speech. Mostly they cut in to question the choice of Palin. Unreal.

reader_iam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
garage mahal said...

Man after watching Fred Thompson speak at this man-made disaster I can see why the Palins are so seduced by the Uncle Festers in the Alaska Independent Party.

Simon said...

Gosh, Mark Shields is such a tool...

Unknown said...

I think it's clear. LoafingOaf is actually Andrew Sullivan's secret lover. He'd been trying to hold it all back but this lefty anti-Christianist bile just boiled over.

Freeman Hunt said...

Fred's was a great speech, but few will have seen it as the networks only showed snippets of it.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Hey it's Joe's turn...

Simon said...

Freeman Hunt said...
"Simon, ha. Not only were they cutting into make trite comments"

I suppose you could look at it like this: when Obama was speaking, there was no need to interject trite remarks. The candidate was doing that for himself.

garage mahal said...

Oh Christ. I spoke too soon.

Simon said...

Hey Joe...

Sloanasaurus said...

You can have this GOP. I'm voting Obama.

Wow. What a revelation.

Revenant said...

Remember how althouse said Obama made a responsible choice for VP, and a responsible choice for VP appeal to people like her? She has not blogged one single word of concern for this Palin character who has barely spoken a single sentence about foreign policy.

Obama's choice was responsible because Obama himself doesn't know shit. If he had chosen a vice-president who didn't know shit either, that would have shown some astoundingly bad judgment. There still isn't a person on the ticket who knows how to hold an intelligent conversation with a member of the Joint Chiefs, but what can you do.

John McCain provides his own foreign-policy expertise for his ticket. He doesn't need to recruit people who know how to find Iran on a map; he's got that part covered in person.

vbspurs said...


Unknown said...

Here's another testimonial about John McCain from a former Academy classmate and fellow POW.

Wait a minute. This can't be! I thought all military folks were loyal Republicans and John McCain fans. (rolleyes)

Chip Ahoy said...

Lieberman had the same tan spray as Thompson.

Sloanasaurus said...

Wow, Joe Lieberman speaking at the Republican Convention. America is a great country. Too bad he was the only Democrat left who is willing to stand up to our enemies.

AlphaLiberal said...

Fred reminded me of a stale loaf of bread.

Kind of awkward at points when he was talking about McCain with a stripper while they showed his Mom.

Hi, Joe.

Peter Hoh said...

And this time, I swear, Lucy will not pull the football away.

vbspurs said...

Ann wrote:

I'm back. Hair cut.


Just scrolled through all the stuff I missed, and it seems like virtually nothing.

Please check my update about Levi Johnson attending the RNC tomorrow, Ann. A very savvy move by Palin and Family.


Host with the Most said...


Obama is "history-making" all right: he's the most inexperienced, left-wing candidate the Democrats have ever run

Why is it that no Democrat can ever answer that?

XWL said...

What's the deal with Senators and saying, "My friends"?

Peter V. Bella said...

Will Laura's husband ever be honored? Does she believe he will? She introduces him.

Like Nixon, he will be honored several years after he has left office. History has a way of doing that.

Anonymous said...

Assuming facts not in evidence. Tell me: Are you stupid or dishonest?

Reader_Iam: I'd like to borrow your tagline for future use if you don't mind. I think "mentally ill" ought to be an option as well, though.

vbspurs said...

Dear baby Jesus, thank you for not allowing Joe Lieberman to be our VP nominee.

Peter V. Bella said...

Great do, by the way.

Alex said...

Leiberman talking.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Joe is about to say something...

I tell you what country matters more than party!

Good one! Real Change

vbspurs said...

What's the deal with Senators and saying, "My friends"?

I blame Facebook.

Einfahrt said...

OK. Decent speech, but Sarah did better here in Dayton last week.

A few good one-liners that might cut through the MSM filters: (paraphrasing, as I didn't capture it word for word)

o) Taxes, O!'s not going to tax your families, just someone else's; or businesses, which, unless you buy something, or get a paycheck won't affect you. "He's not taking it from your side of the bucket, just the other side."

o) McCain's POW status doesn't qualify him to be President, but it certainly tells something about character; better than reading teleprompter speeches designed to appeal to America's critics abroad.


Sloanasaurus said...

Fred Thompson is not a good speaker in any way, shape or form. They'll pretend it was a great speech, though, because he wants to criminalize abortions.

Everyone, what a surprise. Loafing is voting for Obama. Too bad for you we won in Iraq.

vbspurs said...

Who is that annoying guy yelling YEAH YEAH YEAH every pause in Lieberman's speech?

Roger J. said...

Alpha--I am an academcy graduate and have 581 classmates some of which are flaming liberals--so they d0nt agree with me or most of my classmates who are politically conservative; and we dont trash each other. We go to reunions together and we converse on our listserv. I think the psychologists would say we dont have boundary issues. we are a band of brothers and have learned that we keep our political opinions to ourselves; thats the purpose of the secret ballot--we are united only in the precept of duty honor country. for you, everything is political. So if one of John Mccains classmates dont agree with him, its a free country. None of my comrades in arms will criticize. there is a whole world out there you simply don't understand because everything to you is about partisanship and politization. Thats really sad, and you really need to grow up and become a man.

SleepingGiant said...

It was interesting to hear about the Forrestal fire. People know about his imprisonment, but that disaster at sea isn't as well known. McCain was very, very fortunate to escape with his life, given that the rogue rocket hit HIS Skyhawk.

As for the religious right controlling the party, I'm agnostic, and I feel more comfortable with the party that DOESN'T tell me how to think and how to act. Libertarian social conservativism: encouraging, but not legislating, morality. Sarah Palin has no history of legislating morality. So even though I may not embrace her views, I am excited for her candidacy. Her religious faith is part of her character. Character is important.

Go Liebs!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Dear baby Jesus, thank you for not allowing Joe Lieberman to be our VP nominee.


Simon said...

LoafingOaf said...
"[Althouse] has not blogged one single word of concern for this Palin character who has barely spoken a single sentence about foreign policy."

How could she? She's said that she's leaning 70-30 towards Obama, who has even less experience and who is running for PRESIDENT not VEEP!

"And how come Simon isn't concerned that Palin wants to outlaw abortions for everyone everywhere. I thought he 'wasn't religious' and just wanted things left up to the states?"

How fucking stupid are you? Do you really think that the only reason to be pro-life is because you're religious? Do you really think that just because my primary concern is that the decision should be made at the state level, I don't have an opinion of what that decision should be?

You have deeply wounded your credibility this week.

Host with the Most said...


Obama is "history-making" all right: he's the most inexperienced, left-wing candidate the Democrats have ever run

Why is it that no Democrat can ever answer that?

Revenant said...

I'm voting Obama.


SleepingGiant said...

This speech is reminding me why I supported Lieberman even when he was a Democrat. And voted for him in the last election.

LoafingOaf said...

Rev: Apparently Obama already proved to Althouse he was qualified to be Prez, given that she voted for him in the primaries.

Althouse went on about how Obama had to make a responsible VP choice. With McCain, she's busy planning Palin's daughter's wedding. No concerns at all. Hey, let's put Palin at the top of the ticket then. She's ready to be Commander in Chief! Because she wrestles moose, as Thompson said.

Well, anyway, the stuff will keep coming on Palin. Andrew Sullivan is one of the lead bloggers on this. See his blog for the nutty views of Palin's church leader.

VariableSpin said...

Lieberman is really underwhelming so far.

SleepingGiant said...

"God only made one John McCain."


vbspurs said...

This speech is reminding me why I supported Lieberman even when he was a Democrat. And voted for him in the last election.

Because he put giants to sleep?

Peter Hoh said...

I like the bit about taxes being taken out of your side of the bucket or the other side of the bucket.

Too bad that Medicare, Part D drilled a big f*@ing hole in the bucket.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...


Sloanasaurus said...

Why is it that no Democrat can ever answer that?

They do... with hoots, cheers, and a celebratory reading of Das Kapital.

vbspurs said...


If we can send a man to the moon, why can't we have a glass of water for RNC speakers?

Tired of the *clear throat*s.

garage mahal said...

"Immigration and global warming".

2 golf claps.

LoafingOaf said...

Simon, McCain has deeply wounded his credibility, and the GOP is obviously being taken over by religious extremists. Commander in Chief Sarah Palin because she kept her Downs Syndrome baby! LOL! She can stick her mooseburgers up her ass.

Anonymous said...

Lieberman is really underwhelming so far.

He usually is, as a speaker.

SleepingGiant said...

Because he put giants to sleep?

I never claimed he was an enthralling speaker. But his points are decent.

Simon said...

Funny how Palin gets even bigger cheers than McCain.

Peter Hoh said...

Did Thompson say "wrestle" a moose?

I thought he said "field dress" a moose.

vbspurs said...

If Fred was the "Support John McCain" speaker, is Joe Lieberman the designated "Attack Barack Obama" one?

Because he's sucking at it. I've seen more fangs from a fluffy poodle.

Peter V. Bella said...

LoafingOaf said...
Remember how althouse said Obama made a responsible choice for VP, and a responsible choice for VP appeal to people like her? She has not blogged one single word of concern for this Palin character who has barely spoken a single sentence about foreign policy.

Foreign policy and Democrats? That is a laugh. The only foreign policy the Democrats care about is what the French think about them. They just lovvvvve the French. The Democrats really big foreign policy worry is if the French decide to stop the supply of Brie and cheap wine to the US.

BTW, what foreign policy experience does Obama, or for that matter Hillary have? Hmmm? None. Joe Biden has a little, but not any that is relevant.

VariableSpin said...

"...the nutty views of Obama's church leader."

Fixed that for ya ;-)

LoafingOaf said...

Obama will win: Guaranteed.

Let the GOP become the fringe party its Christianist wing wants it to be. Fuck them.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

If Thomsom gave us redmeat, Joe is handing out orderves

vbspurs said...

I thought he said "field dress" a moose.

That's it, I think.

And I loved the Teddy Roosevelt line. Since one of the Althouse commenters (I think MadisonMan) mentioned the similarities, it's nice to know Fred reads Althouse.

Sloanasaurus said...

Well, anyway, the stuff will keep coming on Palin. Andrew Sullivan is one of the lead bloggers on this.

Good for you. I am sure you will relish in commenting on her boobs, clothes, make-up style and what ever other non-substance issue that meets your fancy. It won't change the fact that Palin has energized the Republican base. Idiots like you attacking her femininity will only bring it on.

reader_iam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SleepingGiant said...

"Because he's sucking at it. I've seen more fangs from a fluffy poodle."

I doubt they'd put Lieberman in that position.

Simon said...

Yeah, I know that he's not a great speaker. But let me just say this to all those Democrats reading who threw Lieberman out and now want to punish him: hope it hurts like hell.

Anonymous said...

Too bad that Medicare, Part D drilled a big f*@ing hole in the bucket.

Peter, I'm not being partisan here but you can be sure that Medicare Part D will drill an even bigger hole in that bucket if Obama is elected. The "donut hole," for example, will disappear.

vbspurs said...

Fuck them.

What Angry Left?

Roger J. said...

Oaf--why don't you go over to Kos--you'll be much more comfortable there. And be happy to know my vote for mccain will cancel yours for obama

vbspurs said...

Joe Lieberman calls Al Gore's judgement into question.

VariableSpin said...

"The real ticket for change in America is the McCain-Palin ticket."

And there you have the theme for the rest of this campaign. Expect this to be pounded over and over and over again. Wouldn't be surprised to see that line in upcoming McCain ads.

Simon said...

By the way, anyone else notice that we've won Ann's argument with Bob Wright for her this week?

Peter V. Bella said...

AlphaLiberal said...
blah blah blah.

Now, be a good little boy and go and play with those evil KOS kids.

Anonymous said...

Let the GOP become the fringe party its Christianist wing wants it to be. Fuck them.

Yeah, guess you better vote for that other guy, you know, the one who was a 20-year member of a Black Liberation Theology Church.

No cause for concern there.


Simon said...

Roger J. said...
"Oaf--why don't you go over to Kos--you'll be much more comfortable there."

Yeah. You don't have to think there - you can just repeat lies to your heart's content, and the more you lie there, the more you'll be applauded.

vbspurs said...

What's your goal? To be validated, or to prevail?

I'm not a McCain campaign operative, but I'd say they wish to prevail by validating what they believe in.

If the country doesn't accept it this go around, so be it. But our Party is genuine.

Our message is not pro-Life.


LoafingOaf said...

I love when you guys claim to be foreign policy experts when you're the last 15% still backing Bush's completely incompetent foreign policies that have done so much damage to America's reputation and credibility it will take generations to repair it. Even McCain noticed bush was a bit of a fuck up. The man you're voting for this election! Oh yeah, that;s right. You actually hate McCain (the RINO you wanted to run out of the party), but will now vote for him because you got a religious nut on the bottom of the ticket and figure McCain will kick the bucket at any time.

SleepingGiant said...

McCain and Palin are about as gay-friendly as the Republicans get. Palin's a hard Pro-Lifer, but she never tried to push abortion legislation in office, despite opportunities.

I know liberals love to call any Republican that mentions the word "God" a bible-thumper, but I think we know a bit about their judgment. There's nothing wrong with having leaders with strong religious convictions, as long as they don't try to legislate it. And I see no evidence that McCain or Palin have any designs of the sort.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Joe praised Bill Clinton and the audience was respectfull

I don't remember a kind word for any republican at a democrat venue... ever.

Roger J. said...

Oaf--we can only asume you werent breastfed--I dont think you are going to convince anyone on our side and as long as you continue to beshit yourself, you are looking like a jerk--you dont see that do you. Thats really sad.

Unknown said...

LoafingOaf, you still alive? Sure hope you didn't bust a vein there when Lieberman not only endorsed McCain but that evangelical Christianist abortion opponent red meat eater fembot.

Simon said...

Reader_Iam said...
"What's your goal? To be validated, or to prevail?"

I want to see those scumbags on the other side buried. I want fifty states. I want Obama a footnote to a footnote in history. I want the New York Times bankrupt and everyone on its payroll on the streets. And I can't repeat in polite company what I want for the lefty bloggers who've spent the last few days pouring a big bucket of slime over Sarah Palin.

MadisonMan said...

revenant @ 9:40, I actually have a problem with that argument. I hope I can articulate it here.

Democrats face the problem that citizens elected a person of slim experience. Well, I suppose they see something in him (I've been against Senators on either ticket from the start). I don't fault him for being cagey enough to derail the Hillary! express, in fact I welcome it. Of the two Senators, I much prefer him to her. But I think Obama recognized a weakness in his ticket and sought to balance it by adding someone whose experience was a little more substantial. Again, I'd prefer a non-Senator, but I've seen very little chatter that Biden would be unable to assume the Presidency and immediately do a compentent job. So credit Obama with a reasonable choice for VP.

The McCain problem is that he's old and you never know when an old person might drop. And as I've said elsewhere, it's not the age so much as the mileage. (And he's a Senator, too. Bleah.) So shouldn't he also choose someone who is immediately able to step in a do a competent job? Isn't the need even greater than with Obama, a younger and presumably healthier Senator? But for whatever reason he didn't. I have no doubt that a more experienced Sarah Palin could be an excellent President.

I see a difference between rank and file Democrats -- who should know better, maybe -- nominating a slimly experienced man (Obama) vs. a Presidential Candidate -- who definitely should know better -- doing it (i.e., McCain nominating Palin) Okay, she's not a man, but you know what I mean.

I've seen posts that note that other successful Presidents have picked people with scant experience. (Ferraro, for example). Yet Walter Mondale (a) had no chance of being elected and (b) possessed a body with much less mileage than McCain's. I don't think the danger to the country was as great back then.

So that's my dilemma. I want to like Sarah Palin and her entertaining family. I think she had spunk and I'm no Lou Grant. She is a breath of fresh air. But fresh air is not the only thing needed when cleaning up the stench of Washington or the problems abroad.

I'll be very interested to learn more about her in the next 8 months. I expect to learn very little useful information from the Convention, however, so I will follow that from afar, like I did with the Democrats.

SleepingGiant said...

I don't remember a kind word for any republican at a democrat venue... ever.

Kind of hard to be bipartisan when you can't acknowledge the decency of the men and women across the aisle.

Freeman Hunt said...

Cheers, Simon!

Unknown said...

Log Cabin Republicans endorsed McCain, but everyone knows they're not really gay. I mean, they can't be. Everyone knows only lefties can be authentically gay.

vbspurs said...

I never claimed he was an enthralling speaker. But his points are decent.

You're right, of course.

I'm sure you understand that comments during speeches tend to quick and brezy.

But Joe Lieberman is just an all-out decent guy.

It's to our discredit (myself very much included) that people like electrying people sometimes, over the ones who bring substance and stand for understated elegance.

He is all of that, and I for one am truly grateful he bucked his Party, and came over to our convention.

Thanks, Senator Lieberman!


vbspurs said...

/quick and breezy PIMF.

Zaplito said...

Do the Repubs have any speakers younger than 60 plus years old scheduled? I'm feeling a real lack of energy. It's geriatric.

SleepingGiant said...

Poor Joe really doesn't have anywhere to go. Republicans don't accept him, and Democrats loathe him. If they get a bigger majority in the senate, they won't need him, and he'll get kicked to the curb.

Change we can believe in.

VariableSpin said...

Donna Brazille has critized both Thompson's and Leiberman's speeches as not being able to change America.

Talk about setting a high bar.

LoafingOaf said...

"Our side" -- admitting that the Althouse commenters consider themselves uniformally ultra-right nand anyone else should go to Kos. I thought this was a "neutral" blog?

Well, I look forward to being here when Palin is ruined and the McCain compaign goes down the toilet bowl. McCain was pressured and manipulated into not going with his first or second choice for VP and instead going with someone he knew almost nothing about in order to please the Christianist wing of the GOP. The wing that got soundly defeated in the primaries.

I look forward to being here on the day Obama is sworn into office.

He's gone up in the polls since the Palin pick, in case you didn't notice.

AlphaLiberal said...

Joe Lieberman, the vain man rejected by Democrats in 2004 and spiteful ever since. Rejected by CT primary voters as an incumbent in 2006.

Twice rejected by Democrats and he gets up on that stage and lies to us about being a Democrat. Sleazebag.
but I came here to see if anyone else noticed Laura Bush seemed to be gagging when she spoke. It was like she kept throwing up in her mouth a little.

Poor woman.

Michael McNeil said...

Ann said:
Remember. After the comments go over 200, you need to click on "post a comment" and then "newer" to keep the conversation going. I know a lot of you know how to do that.

That's certainly news to me, and I've been reading you pretty regularly. I suggest you put the directions for doing that into your template at the point where one would click on "post a comment" so one can get a clue as to what's going on. Moreover, when I do click on "post a comment," a visual and/or string search on the resulting page reveals no "newer," so obviously the foregoing needs some additional details.

Simon said...

*raises glass of Merlot to Freeman.

vbspurs said...

Zaplito, I really liked the bit where Barbara Bush took out her dentures and waved it to the crowd.

Simon said...

Michael McNeil, it has been said several times lately.

SleepingGiant said...

"Donna Brazille has critized both Thompson's and Leiberman's speeches as not being able to change America.

Talk about setting a high bar."

I think Donna Brazille thinks Obama can will new jobs into existence and build houses on foundations of hope.

MadisonMan said...

"God only made one John McCain."

Then why is he John S. McCain IV!!?

Roger J. said...

your ability to rise above partisanship assumes you share the same vision of america--I tried to lay that out for Alpha way above. When you fail to acknowledge that most Americans want a good america we are not enemies as Bob Dole said. We disagree on means not ends--its clear that vision is not universally held. what a shame And the path to the ends should never rely on personal assasination as has been done to Sarah Palin. But there it is .

Simon said...

And Mark Shields continues to be an utter tool. How is this guy taken seriously?!

Ben (The Tiger in Exile) said...


Next Secretary of State.

vbspurs said...

Poor Loafing. Reading comprehension skills never were a strong suit.

Revenant said...

Rev: Apparently Obama already proved to Althouse he was qualified to be Prez, given that she voted for him in the primaries.

All that demonstrates is that she thought he was the best choice of those available. Given that the Democratic field in the Wisconsin primary had the collective political gravitas of a hamster that isn't saying much.

Part of what makes a good VP pick is filling weaknesses. Obama had weaknesses in everything besides "giving speeches" and "being black", and Biden's been in politics since shortly after the battle of Thermopylae, so that was a good fit.

McCain's got military and foreign-policy credentials. Palin has executive experience, something McCain (and the entire Democratic ticket) lacked. She's a good fit.

SleepingGiant said...

"Joe Lieberman, the vain man rejected by Democrats in 2004 and spiteful ever since. Rejected by CT primary voters as an incumbent in 2006.

Lamont had nothing, and I mean NOTHING on Joe except the Iraq War. When Republicans and Independents had their say, Liebs thrashed him.

Zaplito said...

Newt just nailed MSNBC reporter Ron Allen. Spanked him.

vbspurs said...

Then why is he John S. McCain IV!!?

Thanks for reminding me about that hunk!

Did you see he and his brother in mufti? They weren't wearing their uniforms, as I had suggested them to do.

And you know what? That was classy.

Synova said...

I find it difficult to take anyone who uses the word "Christianist" seriously.

Not that I try. *shrug*

But really... Obama can go to his Black Liberation Theology church for 20 years and he and any other Dem politician can give speeches in Churches on Sunday morning and go on and on and on about how much their faith means to them and...

Somehow everyone just figures they're lying, apparently, because if a Republican mentions God, or even if they *don't*... it's this terrible Christianist threat to freedom and all that is right and good in the world.

I know that Democrats are just regular people who have only *very* slightly different ideas about government than their near clones the Republicans but... a person has to wonder if they're SANE.

Roger J. said...

God Oaf: you keep babbling--get help man or follow Oliver Cromwells advice

SleepingGiant said...


Next Secretary of State."

Well, McCain loves him, and foreign policy is just about the only thing they actually agree on.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Mark Shields

He is still waiting for Gergin to come back..

Simon said...

MadisonMan, can you explain why you can't see a Governor and former mayor being President, and yet (presumably) you can see a man with zero executive experience and very little experience of any kid being President? I really struggle to see how anyone who isn't a die-hard unreconstructed 60s liberal could even entertain the possibility of voting for Obama over Palin.

Peter V. Bella said...

LoafingOaf said...
...that have done so much damage to America's reputation and credibility it will take generations to repair it.

Enough with your bovine excrement! List, in painstaking detail the damage done?

List the countries that hate us, will not do business with us, and refuse to allow their citizens to come here.

List the countries that are boycotting America.

List the countries that refuse the billions of dollars of foreign aid we waste on them.

List the countries that have thrown out our troops and shut down our bases on their soil.

List the countries that ban our citizens from travelling there.

While you are at it, list the cvountries that Americans are fleeing to in order to escape this despotic paradise.

Moslem countries do not count, as they automatically hate anyone who is not Moslem. The UN does not count either, it is not a country and is useless.

This I gotta see. Damage, my ass.

Zaplito said...

Unscientific survey (channel flipping): MSNBC keeps the crowd response sound level lowest of the three cable news networks.

SleepingGiant said...

"Democratic Senate is preparing the excommunication papers as we speak."

That's about right.

Joe's a pol, but to me, he's an honest pol. He feels McCain is right and Obama is wrong, and he's fed up with the Obamamania that's infected the Democratic paper.

garage mahal said...

Good riddance you lying sack of shit. May that door that hits your ass on the way out be embedded with a million white hot treble hooks that takes a million years to remove at the procotologist. What a foul human being. That's about the nicest thing I could come up with to say about Lieberfuck.

Synova said...

"Do the Repubs have any speakers younger than 60 plus years old scheduled? I'm feeling a real lack of energy. It's geriatric."

There's Sarah Palin.

(And Giuliani isn't geriatric... though for all I know he's over 60.)

MadisonMan said...

Wait, which is the candidate? III or IV? Which is the only John McCain!?

See, this is why MadisonMan's Son is not MadisonMan II or Jr. No confusion.

vbspurs said...

Good riddance you lying sack of shit. May that door that hits your ass on the way out be embedded with a million white hot treble hooks that takes a million years to remove at the procotologist. What a foul human being. That's about the nicest thing I could come up with to say about Lieberfuck.

What Angry Left?

Peter V. Bella said...

SleepingGiant said...
"Donna Brazille...

No one pays attention to her. Not even Black people. She is just a token minority to show media diversity. A bobble head who cannot sqay anything without a cue card.

LoafingOaf said...

As bad as Bush has been as a Prez, at least he had a better convention than this so far. He had Rudy and Zell Miller and others drawing blood on Kerry all convention long.

They drew no blood on Obama tonight. Fred Thompson (given the spotlight to further please the Religious Right) says we should vote for Palin cuz she kills moose!! LOL Even Karl Rove thinks Thompson was a dud and Lieberman was better. Lieberman was McCain's first choice for VP but he's pro-choice so he couldn't be VP or have the convention spotlight tonight.

vbspurs said...

See, this is why MadisonMan's Son is not MadisonMan II or Jr. No confusion.

Heritage sometimes trumps confusion.

Peter V. Bella said...

garage mahal said...

That hate is not a family value unless it is directed against people it disagrees with. Hey, isn't it way past your bedtime child?

AlphaLiberal said...

Boo hooo. Leave John McCain Alooone!

And don't ask tough question when they're shoveling the talking points.

SleepingGiant said...

"Somehow everyone just figures they're lying, apparently, because if a Republican mentions God, or even if they *don't*... it's this terrible Christianist threat to freedom and all that is right and good in the world."

Look, I have issues with the Catholic church in which I was raised. But many people in my family are deeply religious. It's unhealthy for a country to completely turn against something that's done so much good. The charity work they do (more the government can muster), the hope they provide to those in need, the comfort they can offer. Sure, there are nuts, but they are the exception, not the rule.

And I'm sure that some Democrats are really religious. But they are forced to just pay lip service in a way that just makes them look like shallow asshats.

vbspurs said...

Unscientific survey (channel flipping): MSNBC keeps the crowd response sound level lowest of the three cable news networks.

Zaplito, no I noticed the crowd noise sounded less loud this time.

I was watching it on Fox, so there cannot be shenanigans there, I assume.

I just think the acoustics must be different in this arena, than in Denver.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Good riddance you lying sack of shit. May that door that hits your ass on the way out be embedded with a million white hot treble hooks that takes a million years to remove at the procotologist. What a foul human being. That's about the nicest thing I could come up with to say about Lieberfuck.

As a lifelong republican that is the meanest thing I've ever red.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

i claim 350

LoafingOaf said...

Christianist is a perfectly good word that describes many of you.

Peter Hoh said...

Lem @ 10:00: I don't remember a kind word for any republican at a democrat venue... ever.

I'm sure that they said a good word about Lincoln at least once or twice.

Roberto said...

Bruce Hayden said...

A slight bit off topic, but hopefully not much. Apparently someone on the left, with maybe Democratic party affiliations, has released a lot of Gov. Palin's personal information, including her social security number. It was apparently also done two years ago to Michael Steele.

Got an objective link to this?

SleepingGiant said...

We do need to see some brutality with Obama tomorrow. And can we get some water up there?

Host with the Most said...

Anyone else here notice that the anti-McCain/Palin commenters here have absolutely nothing - ZERO - to say about why Barack Obama is qualified to become President of the United States?

Because they can't accomplish the impossible.

vbspurs said...

You're wrong. The word that best describes me is marvellous.

Peter V. Bella said...

Joe Lieberman showed a lot more courage than Barak Obama, Joe Biden, and Hillary Clinton combined.

None of the three condemned the vicious attacks made against Sarah Palin and her family over the weekend. They sat by and approved each and every message. Oh, Barak and Joe made some tepid comments; about two days late.

They are Democrats and they approved the message; destroy the woman, her family, and burn and salt the earth they live on.

Unknown said...

LoafingOaf, I've got news for you. It's not individuals on our side of the aisle committing acts of violence against individuals and groups outside of both conventions. It's not an individual on our side of the aisle that is promising a "full-fledged race and class war" if Obama is not elected. (link) It's not members of our side of the aisle that threaten to leave the country if they don't win. It wasn't our side in 2004 that needed therapy for post-election stress syndrome.

Fact is, we want to win and we're going to do what we can to see that we do. But if our side loses---we'll live. No, we won't just suck it up and be quiet for four years. But we're not gonna burn cars or renew our passports or commit suicide or drink ourselves into oblivion, either. We'll actually survive.

I honestly wonder if people like you and AL will be permanently damaged goods if someone like McCain wins. It's sad.

vbspurs said...

Well, I sense another 700 post thread, but I'll catch you later guys! :)

Host with the Most said...


and paranoid- schizophrenic is a perfectly good term to describe you.

Roberto said...

"I just think the acoustics must be different in this arena, than in Denver.

Or of course, there may be less to applaud.

AlphaLiberal said...

From a friend:
"Joe Lieberman is Senator Palpatine in a suit."

vbspurs said...

Or of course, there may be less to applaud.

Or, of course, they may have more to listen to.

Roberto said...

mcg, Republicans are SO mature.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Christianist is a perfectly good word that describes many of you.

As oppOsed to Leninist?

Peter V. Bella said...

Clinton stood up to interest groups and worked with Republicans for major achievements.

The Republican legislature was the best thing that happened to Clinton. He had no major achievements until they took over and passed legislation that he gladly signed and took credit for. They do not call him Slick Willie for nothing.

Anonymous said...

Roger J: Assume you meant this:

You have sat too long for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!

I wonder if everyone here shouts Cromwell! he'll disappear.

No such luck, I guess.

Will Cate said...

MadisonMan - sorry it didn't come across well on the radio - - Thompson gave a fantastic speech. Just about the best I've ever seen him give.

Simon said...

Victoria - I think you're marvellous. Most of the expats I know take this country for granted and revel in its benefits, yet bad mouth and condescend it. And then wonder why I don't return their cals. You're one of the few who actually gets it.

VariableSpin said...

"Good riddance you lying sack of shit. May that door that hits your ass on the way out be embedded with a million white hot treble hooks that takes a million years to remove at the procotologist. What a foul human being. That's about the nicest thing I could come up with to say about Lieberfuck."

LOL - Sounds like his speech was effective.

Really -- when all you have is vile spittle-ridden epithets to spew, why bother typing anything at all?

Peter V. Bella said...

AlphaLiberal said...
Boo hooo. Leave John McCain Alooone!

And don't ask tough question when they're shoveling the talking points.

Oh Christ, he is back. And he brings the Barak Obama campaign smear machine with him. KOS, bought and paid for by Barak & Co.

Host with the Most said...

C'mon losers


Tell us why Obama is qialified to be President, and why anyone should vote for him.



You lose trolls.

LoafingOaf said...

Krauthammer on FOX News just now: Plain is "obviously" not ready to be Commander in Chief.

See, some conservatives have a grip on reality. Only a few.

LoafingOaf said...


Peter V. Bella said...

vbspurs said...
You're wrong. The word that best describes me is marvellous.

More like maaaaaaavellous!

reader_iam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Simon said...

LoafingOaf said...


Host with the Most said...


Finger diddling you ass?

Answer me loser>

MC said...

"that have done so much damage to America's reputation and credibility it will take generations to repair it."

Heh. Like how Sarkozy has been pulling away from the US? No, wait, not that, the opposite. Or Germany's Merkel? Who are you talking about?

Roger J. said...


Roberto said...

boring: a tedious public ceremony.


MadisonMan said...

Simon, let's leave the Mayor part off. That looks silly.

As I said, I think Sarah Palin could be an excellent President. I fail to see why you, for example, are so gung ho for her right now. What's her position on, say, Palestinians? Darfur? Any other of the myriad challenges that will face the next President? How would she balance America's interest in human rights in China with trade there? How does she propose helping China cutting back on toxic emissions that more and more are raining down on the west coast of the US -- including on her own state?

Yes, I know she's anti-abortion, and that's a BIG plus in your book. Well, I'm more generalist when it comes to voting. As I've said elsewhere, my vote for McCain would be to counter a strong Democratic Congress. Clinton's got nothing on me triangulation-wise. But I'm not going to vote to put someone who has not shown me anything as far as nation-leading ability is concerned into the Presidency. Leading a city does not equal leading a state or nation. Maybe she'll impress in the next 8 weeks. We'll see.

I do think that Senatorial experience is helpful for being a President -- not in the lack of decision-making way, but more in the overall understanding of everything that has to be done to maintain America's great stature in the world. But knowing what has to be done and actually doing them can be two very different skill sets. Obama and McCain both probably understand what has to be done. Which candidate possesses the doing-them skills? Obama's VP pick seems like a responsible one to me -- do you agree? I think Biden might have doing-them skills and he has the knowledge of what has to be done. Palin is more likely to have the doing-them skills -- but does she know what has to be done? That's a huge unanswered question in my book, and it does not reflect well on McCain that is it unanswered in the VP candidate that he chose.

So those are my convoluted thoughts. Presented convolutedly.

Simon said...

I'm going to bed. The Palin haters can go fuck themselves. Pathetic losers.

Host with the Most said...


Can't you put down the dildo and Crisco long enough to put up or shut up?

Defend Obama, asswipe.

Oh, that's right you can't.

Roberto said...

"that have done so much damage to America's reputation and credibility it will take generations to repair it."

MC aks: Who are you talking about?

How many guesses do we get...and do they all start with G.W.?

garage mahal said...

LOL - Sounds like his speech was effective.

Really -- when all you have is vile spittle-ridden epithets to spew, why bother typing anything at all?

Really. He's all yours. Please claim him so he doesn't soil the party that neither likes him, nor wants him. Sanctimonious, hypocritical lying through his teeth self serving camera hog in love with his own voice. He should fit right in.

Roger J. said...

Randy--why do you suppose historical allusions are losts on the modern left

Kirk Parker said...

Roger J.,

Advice the appropriate "firearm"? "Firearm" as in singular? What are you thinking???? :-)

Sure, it's ok to start slowly, but I'm pretty darn sure neither Ms. Victoria nor her mother have only a single pair of shoes, either. :-)

As far as specific advice, Victoria, that's a bit premature at this point. The thing to do is get some training/retraining if you need it, then (or as part of the same process) find a local range that rents handguns and try out a decent variety of different models. Some people love 1911's; some don't. Some swear by Glocks, others at them. The important thing is to find something that fits your hands well, and that you are comfortable operating.

The only other generic piece of advice I'd offer is to (seriously) think of at least 2 handguns: something suitable for self-defense, and a .22 for inexpensive practice. (You still have to practice with your self-defense handgun, of course, but with a .22 you can do an awful lot of basic skills training and practice for a lot less cost in ammo.)

Roberto said...

You are the biggest whiner I've ever encountered at any blog.

Go to bed little boy.

Peter Hoh said...

Simon @ 10:11 I really struggle to see how anyone who isn't a die-hard unreconstructed 60s liberal could even entertain the possibility of voting for Obama over Palin.

Right now, that's a hypothetical. Run Palin at the top of the ticket and then get back to me.

Host with the Most said...

michael (=obviously brain dead)

Can't break away from your child porn long enough to defend Obama?

Why is Obama qualified to become President and why should anyone vote for him?

You and your vermin kind come arrogantly into this (Alt)house and tear derisively into McCain/Palin supporters, nut you don't have the balls to answer my question.

Ball-less troll.

MadisonMan said...

Rats, I wanted that to be #400. Oh well. I'm off -- a class full of quizzes to grade.

VariableSpin said...

"Christianist is a perfectly good word that describes many of you."

Of course, because that word wraps up all the silly misconceptions you have about the people with whom you disagree politically. It's a short-circuit of the intellectual process that allows you to discount every opposing argument.

Great attitude.

LoafingOaf said...

Simon can keep on with his desperation line. Yes, I'm desperate to keep the USA a proper and decent country on the world's stager. Tossing Sarah Palin in there as a potential Commander in Chief (should anything happen to McCain) just because she didn't abort a Downs Syndrome baby is so irresponsible it's beyond belief. She has not uttered more than three setences in her political career about the pressing issues in U.S. foreign policy. Simon doesn't give a shit.

This GOP is for the birds.

Chip Ahoy said...

Everybody on camera has undergone the same tan-spray treatment. It's an HDTV thing. I'm convinced. Note the difference between their faces and the people in the background, and the difference between their faces and their own hands.

vbspurs said...

I'm going to bed. The Palin haters can go fuck themselves. Pathetic losers.

What Angry Left?


SIMON I LOVE YOU! I understand you are up to here with the trolls, malcontents, and general assholes which populate this blog. Remember the true Democrat commenters here, and let that keep your heart pure for the fight ahead.

And thanks so much for understanding that I get it about America.

It's a pleasure to find another Brit on here that does too. Sleep well, refresh yourself, and see you tomorrow. :)


Host with the Most said...

loafingoff (whackingoff)

Answer the question.

Speak from your asshole if necessary . . O, that's what you're already doing?

My mistake.

Answer the question, coward.

Roberto said...

Host with the Most,

Stop talking.

Peter Hoh said...

I got 400th post.

Neener neener.

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