September 2, 2008

Live-blogging night 2 of the Republican Convention.

5:22 Central Time: Just setting up the post. Let's watch!

5:31: Ugh. CNN is still going over and over the hurricane. Would they be making so much of a hurricane of this dimension if it was the Democratic Convention?

5:32: I'll have to run off at some point to go to a hair appointment. Feel free to tell me how you think I should get my hair cut. Pictures especially appreciated.

5:49: The subject is whether Sarah Palin should stay home with her "special needs" child. Can you be a mother and pursue a career? Gloria Borger, a self-identified "working mom," says you can't make "generalizations," and everyone must make her own decision.

5:57: Wolf Blitzer is pushing the meme -- which I've heard elsewhere -- that McCain is a "maverick" and that means he makes impulsive decisions like the choice of Sarah Palin. He doesn't add -- but there are versions of this meme where it is added -- that this supposedly gut level choice of Sarah Palin should stand as a warning about the way he will make decisions about foreign policy.

6:38: Super-serious singing of the the national anthem, but I really don't like the singer's enunciation. Weird to have the flag waving on a digital screen.

8:22: I'm back. Hair cut. Just scrolled through all the stuff I missed, and it seems like virtually nothing.

8:43: Very moving presentation of the story of a Medal of Honor winner, Michael Monsoor. I see from the NYT that Senator Lieberman spoke, but I didn't see that in my scroll-through, so I didn't mean to count that as "virtually nothing." What I saw was a lot of Blitzer et al. commentary. [ADDED: No, that was just a preview. I didn't miss it.]

8:53: It's Laura Bush, extolling her husband as a man of principle and resolve. She praises his achievements: the appointment of women and 2 new Supreme Court Justices, the faith based initiative, the fight against AIDS -- "you might call that change you can really believe in" -- "and let's not forget, President Bush has kept the American people safe." Will Laura's husband ever be honored? Does she believe he will? She introduces him.

8:56: And here he is, on the video screen. "I know the hard choices that fall solely to a President. John McCain's life has prepared him to make those choices. He is ready to lead this nation."

9:09: A film clip about Reagan. In the car, I heard the film clip about Abraham Lincoln. The Republican Convention, much more than the Democratic Convention, highlights the heroic individual. This fits the party's ideology. John McCain was "a foot soldier" in "the Reagan Revolution." Reagan "broke the self-confidence of the Evil Empire of Communism." And he had Nancy. He put "country first." ("Country First" is the new McCain campaign slogan.)

9:14: And now: Fred Thompson. Ah! He springs to the defense of Sarah Palin. "I say give me a tough Alaskan Governor who's taken on the political establishment of the largest state in the Union and won over the Beltway 'business as usual' crowd any day of the week!"

9:18: Fred says Sarah has got the other side "in a state of panic." And she knows "how to field dress a moose." Now, he's telling the story of John McCain's life, "putting his country first." He's putting a lot of passion into the delivery. The harrowing story of McCain's imprisonment. "We hear a lot of talk about hope these days. John McCain knows about hope. That's all he had."

9:29: Remember. After the comments go over 200, you need to click on "post a comment" and then "newer" to keep the conversation going. I know a lot of you know how to do that.

9:35: "The respect [John McCain] is given around the world is not because of a teleprompter speech designed to appeal to America's critics abroad... *ahem*.... no, it's not that."

9:38: Obama is "history-making" all right: he's the most inexperienced, left-wing candidate the Democrats have ever run -- says Thompson.

9:52: The CNN commentary is insufferable. After Thompson, they all just kept saying "red meat."

9:55: It's Joe Lieberman. I kind of love this guy. I voted for him one time. Man, he is a boring speaker though. I can't imagine him as the VP candidate. Palin is a much better speaker.

9:59: "I'm here to support John McCain because country matters more than party."

10:05: "Eloquence is no substitute for a record," Lieberman says of Obama. Now, he compares Obama to Bill Clinton. Clinton stood up to interest groups and worked with Republicans for major achievements. [ADDED: He was saying Clinton was better than Obama: "In the Senate [Obama] has not reached across party lines to get anything significant done, nor has he been willing to take on powerful interest groups in the Democratic Party. Contrast that to John McCain’s record, or the record of the last Democratic President, Bill Clinton, who stood up to some of those same Democratic interest groups and worked with Republicans to get important things done like welfare reform, free trade agreements, and a balanced budget."]

10:07: Sarah Palin is a "great lady."

10:12: He's warming up. Maybe it's not so boring now. "These are not ordinary times and John McCain is no ordinary candidate." He says what he thinks is right... ah... too much repetition. John McCain has character and experience....

10:17: After-speech commentary. Donna Brazile is talking fast but stumbles in a way -- "Look, Joe... Lieberman is a man... " -- "speaking at this conviction, this convention" -- that makes me feel sure she's reading from a teleprompter.

10:21: David Gergen thinks Lieberman has "extremely annoyed" some Democrats by not only supporting his old friend McCain but also really going after Obama "in a very personal way."

10:43: That's it for me. A decent convention night. The highlight was Fred Thompson's dramatization of McCain's Vietnam experience. Or was it Joe Lieberman telling everyone we should vote against his party?


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EnigmatiCore said...

Interesting bit on CNN right now on the double-standard that Palin is facing.

rhhardin said...

Put scissors by the computer. Trim anything that feels too long. That's what I do.

I've must have saved millions on hair dresser appointments, not to mention time.

vbspurs said...

I'm flipping through Brit Hume on Fox News, MSNBC, and CNN.

BTW, Brit Hume quoted an African-American columnist, Fatimah Ali, of the Philly Daily News.

Commenting on the now full Republican ticket, she made a not so subtle threat, couched in prediction terms, in case Obama isn't elected.

If McCain wins, look for a full-fledged race and class war, fueled by a deflated and depressed country, soaring crime, homelessness - and hopelessness!

If she's not careful, she can be legitimising the impulse for people to burn cars on November 5th, in case her Obama wish doesn't come true.


J. Cricket said...

I know I don't have to tell you: but remember where your bread is buttered. No cruel neutrality tonight, even the faux version you have perfected.

Red meat and praise all night, Althouse.

I know you can do it!!

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Forget CNN watch on Fox and get some actual footage of the convention.

Try a Dorothy Hammil type of cut if your hair isn't too fine. I remember you are a natural redhead and sometimes that type of hair is on the thin/fine side. A nice short stacked bob would be very cute.

vbspurs said...

How about this hairstyle, Ann?

That's what I got, last Friday. It looks awesome with blondes.

vbspurs said...

No cruel neutrality tonight, even the faux version you have perfected.

Ann doesn't need trolls to tell her to dump out news prophylactically.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I vote to the Sarah Palin haircut.

chuck b. said...

I'm still at work. Inside Edition is on. They are going on and on about Bristol Palin. And they're running a clip of Palin's mom and dad making moose stew. Use it just like beef.

vbspurs said...

I swear Fred Barnes was going to say, when he struggled to find the right analogy just now:

"It doesn't take a village to raise a family. Palin doesn't need to cross that bridge to nowhere."

Ann Althouse said...

My hair is very thick and not fine.

401kWire & MFWire said...

ABC News w/ Charlie Gibson just flashed a picture of the fiance/boyfriend. He is under 21 and not a public figure. How do they justify that!

Ruth Anne Adams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
vbspurs said...

Inside Edition is on

Wow, Chuck B. Where in the US is Inside Edition on before 7:00/7:30?

nd they're running a clip of Palin's mom and dad making moose stew.

Oh, I forgot.

Mr. and Mrs. Heath, Watching their Daughter Sarah Palin on Friday

That decor will drive Loafing Oaf and the Fluffy Bunny Brigade up the wall. *snicker*

Anonymous said...

I can hardly wait for the piece about that other unwed, pregnant teen-age girl, Stanley Ann Dunham.

You remember, she's Barack Obama's mum.

I'm pretty sure MSNBC is all over it. Just waitin' for the piece to air any moment now. Probably includes interviews with former neighbors, and the dad, or course.

Just waitin'......

vbspurs said...


Fringes, please. I don't want to imagine Ann getting banged.

Simon said...

Ann Althouse said...
"My hair is very thick and not fine."

Not in the sense of a synonym of "slender," perhaps...

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Could Biden give Ann some tips?
Kidding, kidding ;)

Unknown said...


Holy cow!

Nun's Oath Ale...

I finally get it.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chuck b. said...

Wow, Chuck B. Where in the US is Inside Edition on before 7:00/7:30?

It's 4 p.m. in California when it's 7 p.m. in Florida.

Anyhow, it's Judge Judy time now.

vbspurs said...

I guess they gave Chrissy and Keithy the night off, because David Gregory is the lead reporter covering the RNC for MSNBC.

My God, you can just feel CNN and MSNBC's hearts are just not into it.

Anonymous said...

Ah Victoria, each new thread reminds me again of how much I enjoy your writing.

Your comments thus far have included both "prophylactically" and "bangs".

And the evening is still young. Or Jung, depending on who shows up.

vbspurs said...


Promise to keep it to only 700 posts this time, though, M_H. :)

vbspurs said...

How does a guy with that snuffle speech-impediment like Tom Brokaw, get a gig as anchor for years?

Anonymous said...


Yes ma'am.

Peter V. Bella said...

Man, the vicious hateful Dem MSM will not give up the attacks on Palin and her family. They are still trying to make an issue out of a private family matter.

These people are beneath sub human.

vbspurs said...

Gloria Borger, a self-identified "working mom," says you can't make "generalizations," and everyone must make her own decision.

On CNN? That's generous. I was listening to NPR in my car around 5 PM, and they were interviewing allegedly Republican women in New Hampshire.

One woman, who had McCain as her "hero" for years, says he won't vote for him now, because of Palin. "If she can't run her family, she can't run a nation."

Okay, I am getting REALLY close to declaring myself a feminist. This is ridiculous.

Ann Althouse said...

Victoria, that is the most requested celebrity haircut these days, but in fact, I have been thinking of something pretty much like that.

vbspurs said...

I tried a new hairstylist this time, since I let my hair grow for 8 months prior. She said everyone wants that cut.

My version is slightly different, as my neck is not as long but I am blonder.

I think it'll look great on you.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Remember how frustrating it felt that the Monica\Paula Jones affair failed to hurt Bill in the polls? That was talking point #1 for his supporters.

Hitting Palin over the pregnancy may also have the unintended consequence of giving her name recognition.

All this free publicity may not be that bad for Palin.

Peter V. Bella said...

OK, go get the hair done, have a mani and a pedi, come back and post the new do with a survey. No fish eye just this once please.

Zachary Sire said...

I was listening to NPR in my car around 5 PM, and they were interviewing allegedly Republican women

Oh, I see how it is. Because someone who claims to be a Republican doesn't fall in line with Victoria's obsessive fascination with Palin, they aren't really a Republican. Lovely.

I went to a family gathering yesterday where my very conservative, life long Republican uncle cringed when I asked him about Sarah Palin.

With a pained look on his face, he said, "Well...she wasn't...the best...choice."

And, he happens to have a 17-year-old daughter who is pregnant, and not married. Just thought I'd throw that in.

If you want really cruel neutrality, be sure to check out my live blogging tonight!

Anonymous said...

AA said: "Can you be a mother and pursue a career?"

Has NOW threatened to send 1000 angry radical feminists from UWM to pee on your doorstep?

rhhardin said...

My hair is very thick and not fine.

A dickhead in the original German sense.

Republican said...

Layers with bangs--edgy.

You can totally carry it off with your coloring and personality.

Do it!

The Drill SGT said...

Victoria is British and they tend toward a certain level and style of sexual humor that I'll describe as "naughty"

she tries hard for naughty

Republican said...

Think blonde.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

I too vote for the naughty librarian haircut!

vbspurs said...

Victoria's obsessive fascination with Palin

It's called admiration, ZPS. I'm sure someone admires you, yes? :)

Good luck!

I'm off for some Starbucks. I need java to keep me going until 5 AM again.

vbspurs said...

thick blonde

More British double-entendres!

That's a nice cut, but it reminds me uncomfortably of the new Nadia Comaneci hairstyle.

I love her, but she looks like a bimbo. ;(

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

If Monica and Paula Jones did not raise to the level of impeachment.

Why does Palin raise to the level of disqualification?

john said...


Dang if everyone doesn’t seem to have a "life-long Republican uncle", who just happens to be there when we need a contrarian quote from him. How convenient for us.

It’s just as convenient as NPR is to New Hampshire. This is typical NPR fare: all their woman on the street interviews seem to play the same, and coincidently right to the point that NPR is making.

Speaking of the press, I am looking forward to them wildly cheering McCain’s acceptance speech.

Peter V. Bella said...

Lem said...
If Monica and Paula Jones did not raise to the level of impeachment.

Why does Palin raise to the level of disqualification?

Must we explain evrything to you. Bill Clinton was a Democrat. He could do no wrong. If he committed a murder on camera in the oval office, he would have got away with it and got reelected.

Sarah Palin is a Republican. Republicans are evil, according Diversity Lover's Companion vol 2.

Get it now?

Dark Eden said...

There's a phenomenon of Democrats posing as Republicans in news stories and as callers to radio shows. Next time you see a news story about a 'lifelong Republican' who has suddenly had a change of heart and loves (fill in name of Democrat candidate),' do a little citizen journalism. Write the name down, goggle them, and see who they are. Nine times out of ten you will find all sorts of references to them as Democrats.

In the talk radio world these folks are called Seminar Callers, and a clear giveaway is they say, "I'm a lifelong Republican BUT" and everything following but is the exact talking points of the DNC.

Hint to all fake Republicans: if you have to tell people you are a Republican, you probably aren't.

Revenant said...

Oh, I see how it is. Because someone who claims to be a Republican doesn't fall in line with Victoria's obsessive fascination with Palin, they aren't really a Republican.

Skepticism is called for for the simple reason that the media in general, and left-wing media like NPR in particular, have a long track record of finding "life-long Republicans" to interview who turn out to have voted Democrat in the last two or three elections. When a "Republican" offers an opinion sharply at odds with typical Republican voters, it is always a good idea to ask if the person is actually a Republican or simply claiming to be.

Obviously one can be a Republican and not agree with Victoria; one can certainly be a Republican and not want to vote for McCain. And there are almost certainly women out there who will refuse to vote for a man who nominates a woman with a pregnant daughter to be his Vice President; there are 310 million Americans, after all, and it is inevitable that some of them will be idiots. Frankly I'd be happier knowing that people who think that way aren't voting. :)

Anonymous said...

Althouse -- You really mean to tell us that you would have gone to get a haircut during the Democratic Convention? And miss Mark Warner? I doubt it.

That is a violation of Cruel Neutrality.

AllenS said...

How about cornrows. Big thick cornrows. Or maybe, just get it braided. You'll look like totally hot!

Anonymous said...

I remember seeing a number of CNN interviews with Democrats saying that they were uncomfortable with Obama because he has no experience whatsoever. Standard stuff. They'd cut to Wolf Blitzer nodding all serious like he does.

Ben Morris said...

Between the morbidly sensationalist coverage of Hurricane Gustav last night to the blatantly partisan (if not sexist) treatment of Gov. Palin, I don't think I've ever been as disappointed in cable news as I am right now.

MC said...

Yeah, I've been seeing a ton of those comments, too. It's the '08 version of a letter to Penthouse.

"As a lifelong Republican.." is the new lead in for zero credibility.

AlphaLiberal said...

Is Sarah Palin a traitor?

Here is a video of Sarah Palin praising the Alaskan Independence Party (AIP), which seeks to secede from these United States.

Note how she doesn't say one word in favor of the USA! But she loves the AIP.

How much more unpatriotic, dare we say treasonous, can you get!!

And her husband was a member of this traitorous party until she started running from office. This party leader curses the United States and our flag. The leader of the party Palin admires professed "Hatred For The American Government" and hatred for that "Damn Flag."

Steven said...

The all-volunteer military is majority white, disproportionately Southern, and drawn more from top-quintile neighborhoods (25%) than bottom-quintile neighborhoods (11%) . . . and that's the enlisted ranks, not the officers.

So, in the case of a "full-fledged race and class war" in this country, well, who do you think is going to come out on top?

Holding a gun to your own head and shouting, "Gimme what I want or I'll shoot!" is not the brightest of tactics.

chickelit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MC said...

LOL, question the patriotism!

Anonymous said...

I don't think I've ever been as disappointed in cable news as I am right now.

Hurricane Katrina comes to mind. Their performance today is very reminiscent of those days immediately after New Orleans flooded.


It is my understanding that political tradition in Alaska is that the sitting governor, of either party, makes an appearance at the AIP convention.

Anonymous said...

Dare we say treasonous? I don't know, Alpha. Dare we?

I find you hilarious, Alpha, because you pop over here from time to time expounding little vignettes that you obviously learned from your wacky far-left websites. You are essentially a mouthpiece. A cad.

However, when people respond to you, you invariably retort that people on the right have these things you call talking points. Can you get any sense of how delightfully stupid that is?

chickelit said...

The first hydra have arrived. Will there be an "AlphaLiberal" and an "alphaliberal" tonight?

chickelit said...

vbspurs said: How about this hairstyle, Ann?

Cute cut. Would look hotter in red. I think Ann should revert.

john said...

MC said - It's the '08 version of a letter to Penthouse. That's funny.

Even excitable Andy once said NPR was "unrelentingly leftist". (Of course, he wouldn't consider that a pejorative expression now.)

Anonymous said...

Out here in God's country, we call NPR National Pinko Radio.

AlphaLiberal said...

Dismissing without reading or viewing the evidence, eh? She's praising a party that seeks secession. The party's leader cursed the USA in far greater terms than Rev Wright.

But that's fine with you because she's a Republican. There's a word for that: "hypocritical."

Dogwood, do you have any evidence that previous Alaska governors spoke to this group?

Anonymous said...

The governor elected in 1990 spoke to the group, of course, he was the AIP's gubernatorial candidate.

AlphaLiberal said...

"Will there be an "AlphaLiberal" and an "alphaliberal" tonight?"

Wha? They're both me. Blogspot does that. I don't know why. Nor why you bother to notice.

These days most computer systems are not case-sensitive, outside of passwords...

Always weird here...

Anonymous said...

Come on, Dogwood. Stop spouting Karl Rove's talking points. We all know McCain picked a governor who wants to secede. And we all know Karl Rove is behind the pick. Because Karl Rove is brilliant. And Republicans are idiots who would make such a pick.

It's confusing, I know, but the truth is messy.

AlphaLiberal said...

Okay, Dogwood, care to fill in the other 18 years? (Not that yuo linked to anything)...

Let me aid your search. Two former AK Govs:
Tony Knowles
Frank Murkowski

" nation, Under God, indivisible..."

Don't tell Sarah Palin.

AlphaLiberal said...

More on the Alaska secessionist party that the GOP Vice Presidential nominee adores:
"The founder of the Alaska Independence Party -- a group that has been courted over the years by Sarah Palin, and one her husband was a member of for roughly seven years -- once professed his "hatred for the American government" and cursed the American flag as a "damn flag."

The AIP founder, Joe Vogler, made the comments in 1991, in an interview that's now housed at the Oral History Program in the Rasmuson Library at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks.

"The fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the American government," Vogler said in the interview, in which he talked extensively about his desire for Alaskan succession, the key goal of the AIP.

"And I won't be buried under their damn flag," Vogler continued in the interview, which also touched on his disappointment with the American judicial system. "I'll be buried in Dawson. And when Alaska is an independent nation they can bring my bones home."

Still time to pull the plug on Palin, gang. Better get on the phones to your state Republican Party. This train is going over a cliff!!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"As a lifelong Republican.." is the new lead in for zero credibility.

It reminds me of the "seminar callers"...

Anonymous said...

Damn it Seven,

Stop talking about the plan, okay? You are NOT authorized to provide those details to anyone for any purpose.

One more slip like this, and I will have to discuss it with Karl.



Ben Morris said...

Senator Obama supports Senator Daniel Akaka's Hawaiian sovereignty bill, which is a big step toward Hawaiian secession (or at least a new annexation vote). Obama accepted Senator Akaka's endorsement despite his long-time association with radical sovereigntists.

Does the Obama-loving media pursue this line of inquiry with the same vigor with which they pursue Todd Palin's membership in the far less extreme Alaska Independent Party?

Anonymous said...

Alpha -- Do you have any idea how amusing it is to watch you come over and have your panties in an absolute wad? How do you live? How do you handle the stress of all these breathtaking scandals you report?

Obama will lose. John Edwards had a kid outside his marriage. Bill Clinton beat off into the sink in the Oval Office. Eliot Spitzer had sex with semi-attractive whores. The world continues to rotate calmly on its axis.

Anonymous said...

It's the leftist version of elevating the dialog, Steven, from "If you don't vote for Obama you are a racist." to "If you don't vote for Obama we goan be all over yo white ass." Refreshing, isn't it?

vbspurs said...

LOL, question the patriotism!

Unlike John McCain who NEVER mentions both his military sons, Sarah Palin made it known immediately that her son was serving in the Army, and will be shipped out to Iraq in 10 days.

She did that not (channelling Liberals' knee-jerk reactions) because she's a flag-waving, nationalist warmongerer, but because she's proud of her son's service -- as would be any mother. As is Joe Biden of his son, who personally mentioned his forthcoming service in Iraq.

But also she knows people need to know more about her lifestory.

Having mentioned that McCain never refers to his sons' Naval service, one of the best visuals we could have on Wednesday or Thursday, is to show all 3 boys in their uniforms, front and centre as McCain and Palin give their speeches.

I hope they do run with that anti-American meme. It'll explode on their faces.


Anonymous said...

Does the Obama-loving media pursue this line of inquiry with the same vigor with which they pursue Todd Palin's membership in the far less extreme Alaska Independent Party?

Obama is just standing up for the hometown crowd, so it okay.

Anonymous said...

Why are panties-in-a-wad lefty looks like Alpha so concerned that McCain drop Palin? It's not like you were thinking about voting for McCain. Seriously. What motivates your deep, deep concern?

We all know what motivates it, of course. I just want to hear your attempt at an explanation.

Roger J. said...

Alpha my friend (to quote your hero John McCain for whom you were going to vote for before the palin pick): aint gonna happen. Palin will be the VP nominee so I guess you are going to have to pull the lever for Obama. I love representative government. And we will all know in November how this all worked out, wont we. If I knew I wouldnt be wasting my time posting here--would be buying futures and retiring to the bahamas.

vbspurs said...

and that's the enlisted ranks, not the officers.

And the Marines, yes? I heard they are disproportionately white.

Who cares, ultimately. I say this not to question anyone's service, but since the point is raised, let's be honest about it.

Southern white males are the backbone of America. It's not surprising they often decide elections.

Anonymous said...

I just want to hear your attempt at an explanation.

Will probably be more entertaining than the convention speeches.

vbspurs said...

"If you don't vote for Obama we goan be all over yo white ass."

Next week, my mother are going to join the NRA.

We were leaning towards doing that for years, but my mother motivated me at long last, after cannily observing my admiration of Sarah Palin's gunskills.

So you know, we're ready in case the sheet goes down.

MC said...


I'm just so breathlessly angsty about $LATEST_PALIN_SCANDAL_ATTEMPT!

As a lifelong republican, I can't believe what McCain has done to his party!!

Roger J. said...

fortunately for the republic our military and its officers are above politics--Its part of the training, and they are a very disciplined lot. so that kind of garbage suggests no understanding of your military who protects liberals and conservatives alike. I trust them far more than I trust their elected leaders.

Anonymous said...

I dunno...maybe Alaska should secede. They could get the oil out of the ground right quick without interference from Washington.

Alaska. It's the new Dubai.

vbspurs said...

As a lifelong republican, I can't believe what McCain has done to his party!!

Alex, is that youse?

Roger J. said...

Ah the fair Victoria--Can't speak for Drill Sgt, but I suspect we can both give you advice on the appropriate firearm.

Anonymous said...

They could get the oil out of the ground right quick without interference from Washington.

It would speed things along quite a bit. Maybe we should do a fund drive to help AIP.

Revenant said...

Note how she doesn't say one word in favor of the USA! But she loves the AIP.

The transcript of the speech:

I'm Governor Sarah Palin and I am delighted to welcome you to the 2008 Alaskan Independence Party convention in the golden heart city of Fairbanks. Your party plays an important part in our state's politics. I've always said that competition is so good, and that applies to political parties as well. I share your party's vision of upholding the Constitution of our great state. My administration remains focused on reigning in government growth so individual liberty and opportunity can expand. I know you agree with that. We have a great promise to be a self-sufficient state made up of the hardest-working, most grateful Americans in our nation. So as your convention gets underway, I hope that you all are inspired by remembering that all those years ago, it was in this same city that Alaska's constitution was born, and it was founded on hope, and trust, and liberty, and opportunity. I carry that message of opportunity forward in my administration as we continue to move our state ahead and create positive change. So I say good luck on a successful and inspiring convention, keep up the good work, and God bless you.

Wow. What "shocking" sentiments. What hatred of America; what shocking "praise" of the AIP. Why, she even goes so far as to support upholding the constitution... and supporting individual liberty... and, most shockingly, bringing "positive change"! Who does she think she is, Barack Obama or somebody? :)

Ron said...

Vic, I'm seein' a Diana Rigg-Avengers do for you...

Ann, a 'Joan Holloway' (from Mad Men), minus the red, of course!

I'm workin' a 'Franciscan tonser meets Sid Vicious' myself... It may be time for the Head Zamboni!

vbspurs said...

No, Roger, seriously, we would totally appreciate it!

My father is an ex-Army officer, as I might've mentioned in the past. He's got 3 service revolvers in the house, but he hasn't kept up with the firearms out there.

I'm 5'6", athletic, and have fired handguns before. I want it for personal security, but I wouldn't mind going to a gun range once in a while.

Any advice, on my blog or here, would be most welcome. Thanks! :)

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"As a lifelong Republican.." I'm watching the Redsox beat the Orioles 10 to 1 ;)

There is a God in heaven!

vbspurs said...

Ron wrote:

Vic, I'm seein' a Diana Rigg-Avengers do for you...

Rrrr. Woman crush. That voice curls my toes, Ron.

Ann, a 'Joan Holloway' (from Mad Men), minus the red, of course!

I was going for Lara Croft, myself.

garage mahal said...

Next week, my mother are going to join the NRA.

Good move. Especially if you're visiting St. Beijing MN this week.

If nothing else, even in loss, Palin can inspire millions to take up arms and become pro-life zealots and to point them in the right direction on how to secede from the Union from his or her state.

A Shessiah !

Unknown said...

5:22 Central Time: Just setting up the post. Let me set up five boxes of wine to tap sequentially as the evening progresses. Hic!

5:31: Ugh. CNN is still going over and over the hurricane. Stupid nearly-drowning people. Who cares? I look out my own window. It's all high and dry! Speaking of wine!!!

5:32: I'll have to run off at some point to go to a hair appointment. Feel free to tell me how you think I should get my hair cut. Pictures especially appreciated. I don't even know how I'm getting there. Can someone drive me? Can maybe my blogger son, who is somewhat less inane than me strictly by virtue of not being me, create some sort of virtual car that can take me to my hair appointment withought ectually invulving me in gedding indo a car? That wood be mytee appreshated, thanx

5:49: The subject is weather Sharia Plan shud stay home with her "speshzull needz" child. Can you be a mother and purse a career? Chlorine Burger, a self-identified "wanking mom," sez you can't make "generalizations," and everyone must make her own decision. How shud I doo m hare?

5:57: Wolf Blitzer is pissing the meme -- witch V herd elzware -- that McCain is "maverick" and that means he makes implosive decishinns like teh joyce of Sarah Palin. He dozen add -- bit there are virgins of this meme where it is ddded -- that this posedlee gut levl cherce of Rah Plin shd stand za warng bout the way he will mak decision bout reign plic.

6:38: Sheez-att shizzleyshitsingg of the the national nthe, but I rillydon lak te singers fuctupsingin. Weird to have the flag wavion a dig it all screen.

Revenant said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
vbspurs said...

Megyn Kelly is going ballistic over the sexism in this election. She's defending Hillary, Michelle and now Sarah versus the attacks they have received this campaign!

Oh dear, she actually said, "Where's the Sisterhood, ladies!".

I'm on board, but I'm not joining the Travelling Hood of the Sista Pants any time soon.

Einfahrt said...

(NTO John Lynch)

The convention? hello thread topic?

Camera lingers on really old white guys struggling to get to their seats?

Mother Teresa?

I'm sure there are some more sterotypes we can work on here.

Revenant said...

The party's leader cursed the USA in far greater terms than Rev Wright.

So the meme here is that Palin is married to a guy who once belonged to a party whose vice presidential candidate recently cursed out the US government. And that this is somehow not merely equivalent to Obama personally giving organizational and financial support a bunch of Jew-hating anti-American racists for twenty years, but somehow worse than it.

Yeah. Good luck with that one.

Roger J. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
vbspurs said...

A Shessiah

Im-Palin to the cross.

Roger J. said...

Victoria I think an army 45 caliber m1911 style pistol--has a nine round magazine and bullets are still fairly cheap--and it has the advantage of being able to knock down almost anything it hits anywhere it hits including extremities. It isnt concealable, however, but unlike your dad's revolvers (I assume british army) its easy to reload. It is designed for close combat so it is not at all accurate--but you don't use a pistol for long range shooting. Aim center of mass and keep squeezing the trigger until the perp goes down--which wont take long.

Peter V. Bella said...

AlphaLiberal said...
Is Sarah Palin a traitor?

Day after day you continue to prove one single point; you are incredibly immature and intellectually deficient.

MC said...

I'm loving the Palin pick so much right now, and laughing so hard.

All sorts of pundits already can't resist critiquing Palin's experience, which is then naturally compared to Obama. And no matter which way you lean on who's more qualified, it's much worse for Obama because he's at the top of his ticket.

Next they're going to try and push this AIP thing as the Palin version of a Wright/Ayers thing. Of course, that will drag the Wright/Ayers thing back into the press to be compared with it. But Palin's never been a member of AIP, her comments to them never endorse successionism and her son's enlisted in the US army. So it will also hurt Obama much more.

Keep trying guys, I'm just loving it. It's like watching an animal attack itself in the mirror.

Roger J. said...

and since you are interested in personal protection, ask your instructors for combat training rather than target shooting. Entirely different techniques.

vbspurs said...

but unlike your dad's revolvers (I assume british army) its easy to reload.

Yes, they're a nightmare to clean. I believe two are Smith & Wessons, so I may be mistaken about all of them being 'service revolvers'.

I TRULY appreciate your advice. I'm c/p your selection. Mwah! :)


Richard said...

6:38: Super-serious singing of the the national anthem, but I really don't like the singer's enunciation.

Jeez. You'd think the GOP could at least get that part right. The Cactus Cuties would have blown the roof off.

vbspurs said...

and since you are interested in personal protection, ask your instructors for combat training rather than target shooting. Entirely different techniques.

My mother wants that pricey concealed weapons permit (I believe that's what it's called -- the one where you have to be over 21, pay $1000+ and get extensive training on).

Well, it's already on 103 comments, so let me not dominate with this story. But truly thanks! :)

Anonymous said...

Glenn -- Too bad, isn't it, that you have no sway over opinion and no platform whatsoever? You really should consider a drink. It will make you feel better about your sad, meaningless lot in life.

vbspurs said...

Newt Gingrich is always able to get to the crux of the arguments being pushed by the Left a topic.

Rudy Giuliani was on Neil Cavuto earlier, and he was on fire. I can't wait for his 'keynote' tomorrow -- although I think Fred Thompson tonight will be electrifying.

Anonymous said...


Glock has several models that are very concealable. Check out the .40 G27 or the .45 G30.

I wouldn't go with 9 mm because I don't think it has the necessary stopping power. The .45 drops'em like a rock, but is heavier. The .40 seems to be a nice compromise between carrying comfort and stopping power.

Just make sure the gun you buy is comfortable, because if it isn't, then you won't wear it and that won't do you any good.

vbspurs said...

Glocks are too sexy, Dogwood. Thanks too!

Didn't Nancy Reagan carry a little .22 in her handbag, back in the day? With an MOP handle.

I'm not the Althouse Annie Oakley, but I'm not going for anything too girlie either.

Zachary Sire said...

Ha ha...did you hear the co-chair of the RNC call Sarah "Sarah PAWLENTY."

Anonymous said...

$1,000 for a conceal carry permit? I bought a lifetime conceal carry permit in Indiana for $100. Yeah, you read that right, lifetime!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

If McCain wins, look for a full-fledged race and class war.

If John Kerry is elected president people will get out of their wheelchairs and walk again.

As a lifelong Republican... I would never say something that stupid ;)

Roger J. said...

Victoria--you and your mums personal protection are considerably more important that the tripe that is showing up on this blog. They make smaller pistols, eg a 40 cal which is also lighter and concealable. Experiment with a variety until you find the one you are comfortable handling.

vbspurs said...


Barack O'Bama on Bill O'Reilly on Thursday!

Take that, Koskraps!

Simon said...

An aside if I might:

Sarah Palin is for abstinence-only education, the meme goes (actually it's not clear that she is, but let's assume it arguendo) - but her daughter got pregnant, which demonstrates that abstinence-only education is a failure. This post is typical of the type.

The obvious flaw in the theory is its dubious assumption that if Sarah is for abstinence-only education, ergo that was the sex ed. that Bristol got. It appears that Bristol went to public school, however, and received a standard sex education. So the meme seems to reduce to something quite unimpressive: if Bristol had received abstinence-only education (which she didn't), the same thing would have happened (probably). Like most of the Palin memes it turns out to be insubstantial.

Roger J. said...

dogdwood: if you are from washington state you can carry openly and as long as you holster it openly don't need a CCP

vbspurs said...

Dogwood, I forget the exact name of this special category. I'm certain from what you said, it's not a concealed weapons permit.

Roger, that's incredibly gracious of you!

As a lifelong Republican, I salute you.

Roger J. said...

and I apologize for the thread hijack--its just that I enjoy shooting perps with a 45 (kidding). Will catch you on your blog Ms Victoria

AlphaLiberal said...

Peter V. Bella sez....

nothing of any substance, actually. Day after day....

Zachary Sire said...

It appears that Bristol went to public school, however, and received a standard sex education.

Well whatever sex ed. she got, she certainly wasn't being guided or parented well enough by her mom!

vbspurs said...

GHW and Barbara Bush entering the centre to a very effusive greeting.

Hope they get to speak...

Anonymous said...

if you are from washington state you can carry openly and as long as you holster it openly don't need a CCP

Very nice, although my personal preference is to conceal carry rather than open carry. Although there is an interesting open carry movement gaining momentum around the country.

AlphaLiberal said...

Revenant, thanks for the transcript. And, please note I never said Palin exhibited or mentioned any "hatred of America." The leader of the AIP did.

And, by her mentioning America in her speech, in the context of lauding the secessionists, doesn't mean she spoke well of it to this crowd. She mentioned it. Hoo boy.

Hey, Ron Paul on CSPAN2!

Anonymous said...

...she certainly wasn't being guided or parented well enough by her mom!

Yeah because teenagers ALWAYS do exactly what their parents want them to do.

Geez, what a goof.

vbspurs said...

Well whatever sex ed. she got, she certainly wasn't being guided or parented well enough by her mom!

ZPS, my parents raised me not to steal.

But I once five-fingered discounted a pack of 64 Krayola crayons.

When my mother noticed it in my room, she marched me back to the saleslady and made me confess to my crime.

You can inculcate every value on earth to your child, but ultimate kids make mistakes. It's how the family deal with it, that shows you their character.

BTW, I wasn't punished or had to go to juvie or anything.

Besides, I was 23 years-old.

john said...

As one who didn't/couldn't keep up with the 700+ comments on the Bristol thread, I would like to suggest that we keep this thread on topic and the number of re-posts to a minimum. That way more than the few verbose contributors can follow without the rest becoming overwhelmed by the sheer volume and just give up.

Alternatively maybe the professor can open up two parallel threads.

AlphaLiberal said...

Here's a funny video collection of Holy Joe Lieberman, back when he was running for the Dem nomination. Man, he bashes George Bush and the Grand Oil Party!

Love the timing! hee, hee...

(hello, Roger, my friend. I'm a good shot, too).

AlphaLiberal said...

Roger that, john. (er....)

I'll leave you with this:
Gallup Daily Obama Hits 50 First Time

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

As a lifelong republican.. I say to thee. thou art Palin, and upon this nominee I will build the party, and the gates of Koos shall not prevail against her.

Roger J. said...

Alpha--ok will rise to the bait--a daily tracking poll isnt worth much inasmuch as presidential elections are determined in the electoral college--moreover they have to be done with likely rather than registered voters. and they have to be looked at state by state. and you have to know the number of like democrats vs likely republicans--ie properly weighted. So no, a daily tracking poll is impressionistic and nothing more. Lots of time to go before Nov 4,, but if you want to pop the champagne corks now, be my guest.

The Drill SGT said...


to lighten things up, note rule 24

1. Bring a gun. Preferably, bring at least two guns. Bring all of your friends who have guns.

2. Anything worth shooting is worth shooting twice. Ammo is cheap. Life is expensive.

3. Only hits count. The only thing worse than a miss is a slow miss.

4. If your shooting stance is good, you're probably not moving fast enough nor using cover correctly.

5. Move away from your attacker. Distance is your friend. (Lateral and diagonal movement are preferred.)

6. If you can choose what to bring to a gunfight, bring a long gun and a friend with a long gun.

7. In ten years nobody will remember the details of caliber, stance, or tactics. They will only remember who lived.

8. If you are not shooting, you should be communicating, reloading, and running.

9. Accuracy is relative: most combat shooting standards will be more dependent on "pucker factor" than the inherent accuracy of the gun.

10. Someday someone may kill you with your own gun, but they should have to beat you to death with it because it is empty.

11. Always cheat; always win. The only unfair fight is the one you lose.

12. Have a plan.

13. Have a back-up plan, because the first one won't work.

14. Use cover or concealment as much as possible.

15. Flank your adversary when possible. Protect yours.

16. Don't drop your guard.

17. Always tactical load and threat scan 360 degrees.

18. Watch their hands. Hands kill. In God we trust. Everyone else, keep your hands where I can see them.

19. Decide to be aggressive ENOUGH, quickly ENOUGH.

20. The faster you finish the fight, the less shot you will get.

21. Be polite. Be professional. But, have a plan to kill everyone you meet.

22. Be courteous to everyone, friendly to no one.

23. Your number one option for personal security is a lifelong commitment to avoidance, deterrence, and de-escalation.

24. Do not attend a gunfight with a handgun, the caliber of which does not start with a "4."

ricpic said...

So far we've had neoconservatives and paleoconservatives.

Could Sarah Palin be our first trailer park conservative? ;^)

vbspurs said...

Ann just sms'ed me via her iPhone, a photo of her getting her hair cut.

Jon Voigt would approve!

john said...

At least she's not wearing those hootchie earings.

Chris Arabia said...

Can we put together a collection to bribe ZPS to stop with his pathetic begs / links to his blog? Sheesh.

The Drill SGT said...

looks like some cuts I have had and given :)

Those were Marine Corps Rules for Gunfights BTW.

Revenant said...

So the meme seems to reduce to something quite unimpressive: if Bristol had received abstinence-only education (which she didn't), the same thing would have happened (probably).

The meme's better than that, Simon: since Bristol received birth control instruction and got pregnant anyway... that proves birth control instruction is better than the abstinence-only approach?

Anonymous said...

When my mother noticed it in my room, she marched me back to the saleslady and made me confess to my crime.

My seven year old took a chocolate Easter egg from WalMart this year. We took her back to the store the next day, made her confess her crime to the store manager, and then pay for the egg using her own money.

Lesson learned, but no guarantee she will never do it again, because she is a kid and they are not known for having excellent impulse control.

Simon said...

Roger, you'll find this site right up your street:

It's not perfect, but it at least asks the right question. The only catch with it is that it presents something of a misleading picture because not every state is updated every day; right now, it shows Obama leading 278-247, but Iowa, for example, has not been updated with a new poll since August 13th.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

If McCain is elected president that's exactly the haircut everybody will get ;)

vbspurs said...

10. Someday someone may kill you with your own gun, but they should have to beat you to death with it because it is empty.

This is my favourite, Drill SGT! Reminds me of all those firearm safety lessons my grandfather taught me.

(He preferred Purdeys, unlike my dad)

BTW, did you see Sean Coombs/P. Diddy mocking Alaska?

Obama has trouble getting his message across to W. Virginians/Kentuckians etc. not because he's ONLY black (sure, that's a component for some), but because he's so urban.

Black Americans are not all urban. There are plenty of country boys and girls who are black.

But they haven't had a voice since Charley Pride.

garage mahal said...

So the GOP platform this year is "Kids will be kids! There's not much we can do about it, no matter what we try". And the last 25 yrs was complete bullshit, and forget everything they said.

Oh, and no abortions. No exceptions.

Revenant said...

please note I never said Palin exhibited or mentioned any "hatred of America."

I never said you did, although I'm confident you will eventually. What you said was that Palin is as unpatriotic as a person can be, and probably a traitor as well.

And, by her mentioning America in her speech, in the context of lauding the secessionists, doesn't mean she spoke well of it to this crowd.

Anyone who looks at the transcript or watches the video can tell you're lying about her "lauding" the AIP, so we'll say no more about that. Suffice it to say that only a patriot speaks of herself as being among "the most grateful Americans in the nation".

Roger J. said...

Simon--surely you don't think that I don't have it bookmarked do you?

I think it will take some time for this dem/msm assault on gov palin to seep into the public's consciousness--right now its primarily what someone called an "attentive public" thing. and for sure the pundits have always underestimated the middle class. Its what happens when you live in that particular coccoon.

If Obama is still up by 10 points in the middle of Oct then i will start squirming--until then too much yet to happen.

This Palin thing will be pretty much gone by this weekend--I suspect it is a tactical ploy by the dems to distract from the convention. We will see.

vbspurs said...

"Kids will be kids! There's not much we can do about it, no matter what we try".


Republicans emphasise family values, not family certainties. As another poster put it, family values are goals.

Democrats act as if this lapse means that family values should be derided since they cleared don't work!!

That's pathetic.

8 years ago, the Bush Twins were rolling around the floor, having gotten drunk with fake IDs.

Today, one, after working with AIDs patients in Africa, and the other, married and having written a book narrating an immigrant's story, they are both successes.

Sometimes what's past is prologue.

And sometimes it's just the past.

al said...

Victoria, If you're after the Lara Croft look then you need to get an H&K USP. Personally I think they are a bit on the large size to carry. The smaller Glocks are very nice. The CZ line of pistols is very good as well. They don't make a compact as small as Glock does but the size of the gun you carry will depend on how you carry. Don't be swayed by the .40 and greater crowd. Odds are you won't find one willing to be shot with a 'puny' 9mm. :-)

Buy a gun (or three). Join the NRA (I think I have some free 1 year memberships to give away if you're interested) and find a good instructor.

Roger J. said...

simon: one caveat of course--that mccain doesnt toss out Gov Palin and she hangs in there--and given who they are I dont see that happening--its a ham handed attempt by the left to smear them and hope it sticks. aint going to work--the dif between a hockey mom and pit bull is the lipstick thing. I should put that on my puter.

vbspurs said...

Laura Bush on. I'm guessing she'll introduce Dubya's broadcast.

(Red dress this time. Another naughty librarian)

I'm off for the moment guys! ;)

Ben (The Tiger in Exile) said...

That little anecdote from Bill Kristol made my day.

Alex said...

Michael Savage called on Sarah Palin to withdraw immediately for the good of the GOP. He's ranting and raving about it.

vbspurs said...

Alex, he's an idiot, and I fear so are you.

Now please tell us all about that "Hussein" guy again.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Laura looking good in red.

blake said...

That's be awesome for the GOP if Savage switched to being a Dem.

Just the contortions from people who had painted him as a villain lauding him as a hero would be worth it.

john said...

roger j. said I suspect it is a tactical ploy by the dems to distract from the convention.

No, I think that would have been Gustav.

blake said...

I wouldn't go with 9 mm because I don't think it has the necessary stopping power.

Has...has Flordia been invaded by zombies or something?

Does Victoria need a lot of stopping power because of the assaults of the undead?

You know, she has that built-in "icy glare" thing going....

bleeper said...

Redheads are hot.

Simon said...

Alex said...
"Michael Savage called on Sarah Palin to withdraw immediately for the good of the GOP. He's ranting and raving about it."

Well, Alex, as I said a year ago, "Savage has always been a prick." And as Trey noted last February, Savage is part of our "lunatic fringe."

blake said...

Well whatever sex ed. she got, she certainly wasn't being guided or parented well enough by her mom!

ZPS--you're 31? Really?

Do you remember 17?

Synova said...

"Well whatever sex ed. she got, she certainly wasn't being guided or parented well enough by her mom!"


This is getting on my nerves. I love the fun and games and frankly, politics should be entertaining... but *really*... are people suddenly of the opinion that parental attention is going to stop the 17 year olds who are having sex from having it?

Isn't the "attention" that Sarah is supposedly supposed to have been giving her daughter the "I'll drive you to the doctor, hun, and get you the pill, now don't bother me?"

Lets be honest shall we?

By the time kids are teens they will do what they will do. Some of them are sexually active. Some are not. But in *any* case, about the stupidest, dumbest, thing a parent can do is try to live in the kid's back pocket.

So please let us be honest. NO ONE complaining about the parenting that Bristol received really thinks that the girl was acting out due to neglect! The "parenting" they figure she should have got was a package of pills on her way out the door.

Stop lying about this.

Anonymous said...

Just the contortions from people who had painted him as a villain lauding him as a hero would be worth it.

I'm sure heads would explode coast to coast.

VariableSpin said...

AlphaLiberal said:

"Man, [Joe Lieberman] bashes George Bush and the Grand Oil Party!

Love the timing! hee, hee..."

Great counterpoint to the whole "McSame" meme isn't it?

Anonymous said...

So please let us be honest.

What a novel idea!

(Wouldn't work, though ;-)

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The angry left.

Right on!

vbspurs said...


Wow, the "heart of a protector", great line.


Levi Johnson, Bristol Palin's future husband, to attend the RNC Wednesday

Very nice.

Anonymous said...

Michael Mansoor. Medal of Honor recipient.

Just the kind of guy Code Pink hates.

Unknown said...


Automatic_Wing said...

Will Laura's husband ever be honored? Does she believe he will?

Someday, maybe, but not soon.

Bruce Hayden said...

A slight bit off topic, but hopefully not much. Apparently someone on the left, with maybe Democratic party affiliations, has released a lot of Gov. Palin's personal information, including her social security number. It was apparently also done two years ago to Michael Steele.

Personally, I question whether we want a party that routinely discloses its opponents private personal information for their own gain in power. I remember the last time that the Democrats were in the White House, and one of the first things that they did was pull FBI files on a large number of Republican politicians. Seems that to at least the Democrats at the top of their party, privacy is only important if it doesn't stand in the way of overcoming their enemies.

Roger J. said...

john--but that means god is a democrat--not likely IMO

Will Cate said...

re Zachary Paul Sire: she certainly wasn't being guided or parented well enough by her mom!

Spoken obviously by a person who does not actually have any children.

Synova said...

"So the GOP platform this year is "Kids will be kids!""

The interesting thing about the chastity movement (where that exists) is that it is not imposed by adults. It's young people and young spokesmen and women who promote the self discipline of self control. (Frankly, along with an extra helping of hormones, young people have an extra helping of fire in their hearts for just about anything they set their minds to.)

For the rest... some of us have been trying to explain to them that sex matters, that the damage that can be done to emotions and future relationships matters. We're mocked for this.

And the others... they've been all on the "kids will be kids" lets at least be sure they don't get "punished" for being stupid thing...

So, logically, how do you think this will play out? All of a sudden a whole lot of people have discovered anew the idea that young people *shouldn't* have sex whenever they darn well want to?

It's just amazing.


Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Code Pink favors community organizers.

Roger J. said...

Blake: never been in a gunfight have you; and yes, I will sign my release form and post my DD214

Simon said...

I was disappointed with Bush's speech. I thought he would have done better to acknowledge that things haven't been peachy, that there is work started that is unfinished, work that will only be done if McCain is elected.

vbspurs said...

Neither Laura nor George Bush were at their best. But they got in some AWESOME soundbite critiques.

Those will be playing all day tomorrow.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I thought he would have done better to acknowledge that things haven't been peachy, that there is work started that is unfinished, work that will only be done if McCain is elected.

I think that's a fair point.

Jim Howard said...

Hey Zachary Paul Sire, I'm really looking forward to settling our $100 bet that Palin will still be on the ticket come Thursday.

I plan on donating your $100 to the McCain campaign.

Simon said...

Sad. "I hope never to see a day when she is not beside me." Of course, he never did - but he didn't recognize her toward the end.

MC said...

"Will Laura's husband ever be honored?"

Eventually. But for now, the old saying holds that if you want a friend in Washington, get a dog.

Simon said...

Go Fred! Kick their asses!

Revenant said...

Michael Savage called on Sarah Palin to withdraw immediately for the good of the GOP. He's ranting and raving about it.

Good. I always feel a little bit dirty when that nimrod agrees with me on something.

Jim Howard said...

9:11 CDT: Fred is giving out the red meat.

Ron said...

Continuing an earlier meme, Vic, you could be Mary Astor and shoot Miles Archer with your British revolver!

"He'd have licked his lips from ear to ear and gone up there with you precious. He was just dumb enough for that..."

XWL said...

OK, where the hell was this Fred Thompson during his campaign?

(except the throat clearing thing, that doesn't help him)

Nice and feisty!

"The only nominee from either party who knows how to field dress a moose!"

Ron said...

Ann, your haircut pic makes you look like Francis McDormand!

Simon said...

"John saw this as a record to be beaten." LOL.

Revenant said...

"she certainly wasn't being guided or parented well enough by her mom!"

Spoken obviously by a person who does not actually have any children.

Spoken like somebody who never once got laid during high school, for that matter. :)

LoafingOaf said...

I thought Rudy was the keynote speaker at this convention? Oh, that's right, the Christianist pro-life religious nuts pulled off a coup in the GOP despite losing soundly in the GOP primaries. So, instead of McCain being able to pick his first or second choices for VP (Lieberman and Ridge) he's stuck with this ultra-right-wing woman from Alaska who doesn't just oppose Roe but wants to OUTLAW abortion for everyone in every circumstance, including rape and incest.

You can have this Republican Party, Christianists. Your take-over on the eve of the convention shows me that that Party has no place for anyone but the Religious Right.

Chip Ahoy said...

Who does Thompson think he's fooling? That tan was sprayed on.

Anonymous said...

Your take-over on the eve of the convention shows....

Bullshit, it has been our party since 1980, thank you very much.

Simon said...

LoafingOaf said...
"[The GOP] has no place for anyone but the Religious Right."

Fuck you. This agnostic has always been made to feel very welcome.

Anonymous said...

You certainly live up to your name, LoafingOaf. Giuliani speaks tomorrow night.

Revenant said...

OK, where the hell was this Fred Thompson during his campaign?

Sadly absent. :(

LoafingOaf said...

Oh, so I see Governor Palin, who hunts moose for kicks and trophies, had a bumper sticker that read: "Vegetarian: Old Indian word for bad hunter."

I'm a vegetarian. Guess what, Palin? "Anti-Sex-Ed = Pregnant teen in shotgun marriage."

Fuck off.

Anonymous said...

Sadly absent. :(

LOL! I agree.

Simon said...

"Being a POW doesn't qualify you to be President. But it reveals character." Nice.

Einfahrt said...

Nice night, light breeze. Who's got the troll spray?

Simon said...

LoafingOaf said...
"Oh, so I see Governor Palin, who hunts moose for kicks and trophies, had a bumper sticker that read: 'Vegetarian: Old Indian word for bad hunter.'"

Palin's wrong. The old Indian word for "bad hunter" was "dead."

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

We will never have to ask ourselves who is this man?

Go Fred.

MadisonMan said...

I listen to so few speeches, but I caught snippets of F. Thompson on the radio while I was running an errand (retrieving my daughter's cell phone charger!) I didn't think he sounded good -- raspy, bad cadence and not in step with the audience -- this was while he was talking about John McCain. And he said My Friends -- but somehow it didn't seem so grating coming from him as it does from McCain.

So I've listened to approximately 3 minutes of speeches during the Republican Convention, and that's 3 minutes more than I listened to during the Democratic Convention. Three minutes I'll never get back :)

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