September 26, 2008

Live-blogging the big debate.

7:22 Central Time: Yes, I'm here, ready to go. Eager. This is big!

7:58: In the comments, we're setting the terms for the drinking game: I said:
Take a sip if McCain says "my friends" or if Obama says "uh."
Palladian said:
Dear God, woman, are you trying to kill people? Alcohol is poisonous in large quantities!
8:03: May the best man win. Jim Lehrer sounds stern! First question: take a position on the finance crisis.

8:04: Obama: "Move swiftly... and wisely... have oversight...." Don't pad the bank accounts of the rich. The whole problem is the fault of the other party. McCain: He begins with "thoughts and prayers" for "the lion of the Senate," Ted Kennedy, who's in the hospital now. He emphasizes that Republicans and Democrats are working together in dealing with the crisis.

8:08: Lehrer pushes them to take a position on the plan. Obama says he hasn't seen it. Ooh, I just saw Jon Stewart savage McCain last night for saying he hadn't read it. Obama's not taking a position. Come on! Take a position! He doesn't. McCain says "sure," he'll vote for it but immediately veers into an anecdote about Eisenhower and railing against greed. "Greed is rewarded." Both candidates look fresh and sharply outlined on the HDTV.

8:13: Lehrer wants them to talk to each other, but they don't much seem to want to. Next question: Are there fundamental differences between what McCain and Obama would do about the economy? McCain says we need to get spending under control... "earmarking as a gateway drug." Obama's a big spender. Obama said earmarks are abused, but earmarks are only $18 billion of the budget and McCain wants $300 billion in tax cuts. So the difference (in what they promise) is clear: McCain would cut spending and Obama would collect more taxes. McCain says those earmarks corrupt people, and Obama is proposing $800 million in new spending. Obama looks annoyed. He doesn't know where that number comes from. McCain looks a little pleased, I think, because he knows he's gotten to Obama.

8:20: McCain says pork-barrel spending is "rife," it's appalling. We see Obama raising a finger. He wants to be called on. Lots of arguing back and forth about who supported what.

8:26: Lehrer asks what sacrifices will be required. Obama mainly talks about things he wants to spend on. McCain says we've let government get out of control. He'd cut ethanol subsidies. (Good!) He'd eliminate cost-plus contracts. He speaks of saving $6 billion on one deal. Lehrer presses them, and Obama starts talking about spending again. (By the way, he is not saying "uh.") Lehrer gets excited about doing something different to deal with the current crises. McCain mentions a spending freeze. Obama objects and mentions another thing he'd like to spend on (early childhood education). Lehrer reasks the question: What difference will the crisis make? Obama talks about values. McCain talks about spending cuts. Obama questions McCain's record. McCain says, for a second time, that he wasn't elected Miss Congeniality in the Senate. (Should have put that in the drinking game.)

8:39: What have they learned from Iraq? McCain says we've learned how to fight the right way and to avoid defeat. Obama thinks we've learned we shouldn't have started the war in the first place.

Whoops. I've been calling Lehrer MacNeil... corrected.

8:44: McCain excoriates Obama for failing to support victory and for not acknowledging victory. Obama says the difference in opinion was only about whether there was a timetable or not. There's a hot dispute here. McCain gesticulates and smiles. Obama looks a little pissed off and interrupts a few times with the muttered phrase "That's not true."

8:51: Obama calls Pakistan "Pah-ki-stahn." Repeatedly.

8:52: McCain is not prepared to threaten Pakistan. You don't aim a gun if you aren't prepared to pull the trigger.

8:54: Obama denies that he talked about attacking Pahkistahn. He's just ready to "take out" al Qaeda if we know they are in there. He teases McCain about singing "bomb bomb Iran."

9:00: McCain stresses his empathy for soldiers. He's got a bracelet. Obama's got a bracelet too. He cares too. Jac writes (he's live-blogging too):
"I've got a bracelet." "I've got a bracelet too!" Are these serious adults running for president, or is this summer camp?
9:04: McCain gets fired up talking about Obama's willingness to talk without precondition with Ahmadinejad. Ahmadinejad is talking about exterminating Israel, he exclaims. McCain stumbles over the name Ahmadinejad a bit, and I'm not sure if he's expressing genuine hatred for the man or is just getting fired up about a strong line of attack against Obama. Obama doesn't seem that irritated. He laughs a little. When he gets his turn, Obama needles him about, among other things, Spain. McCain inserts what must be a prepared barb: "I don't even have a seal yet."

9:15: We get a "my friend" out of McCain as he says Obama is "parsing words" about "preconditions, and he emphasizes how long he's been friends with Henry Kissinger. (Obama had cited Kissinger for the proposition that we ought to speak to everyone.)

9:18: The subject is Russia. McCain accuses Obama of naivete. He says: "I looked into Putin's eyes and I saw three letters, a K, a G, and a B." McCain is reeling off names of people and places in Georgia and Ukraine. He's got a strategy of displaying experience and making Obama seem green. Obama's given a chance and he mainly says he agrees.

9:25: Much crossfire over nuclear waste.

9:26: The last question is about terrorism. The main distinction here is that Obama views Iraq as a distraction and McCain thinks it's central.

9:31: Both men have been sharp and clear, and I haven't noticed mistakes. As expected, McCain is more passionate, but he never crossed the line into irascibility. Obama is cooler, but he never fell into that professorial mode that he uses sometimes. He certainly didn't stumble and babble incoherently, which is what his opponents say he does.

9:48: They didn't much go for that idea of talking directly to each other, did they? I mean, other than Obama's frequent assertion that McCain was getting something wrong.

9:54: In the end, I'd say, McCain made more good points and got in more punches, but Obama stood his ground and maintained his stature on stage next to McCain, even as McCain repeatedly tried to portray him as a lightweight. I should add that McCain never seemed too old, short, or lacking in vigor, even on HDTV. Obama looked fine too, and I never saw that upturned face, with the eyes gazing downward, that made him seem supercilious in those old debates with Hillary Clinton.


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Ron said...

I still think Palin/Biden will be more interesting...

Roberto said...

This is funny...especially the last part:

After days of saying that John McCain would not attend Friday's presidential debate unless an agreement on a bailout package for the markets was "locked-down," the McCain campaign has gone back on its word.

On Friday, it announced that the Senator would head down to Mississippi even though, as they readily admit, much work remained needed on the bailout agreement.

The whole episode left even conservatives admitting that the McCain campaign looked erratic and a bit foolish with no apparent direction or guiding principle.

"It just proves his campaign is governed by tactics and not ideology," said Republican consultant Craig Shirley, who advised McCain earlier in this cycle. "In the end, he blinked and Obama did not. The 'steady hand in a storm' argument looks now to more favor Obama, not McCain."

Shirley added, "My guess is that plasma units are rushing to the McCain campaign as we speak to replace the blood flowing there from the fights among the staff."

Adding to the rocky perception was a McCain campaign web ad released this morning declaring "McCain Wins Debate!" -- put out even before the candidate had announced he was planning to debate.

Zachary Sire said...

I am humbly going to compete with Althouse as well, doing my own live blogging. Hey, at least check it out here for a might be surprised! Thanks Althouse.

Anonymous said...

I got the drinks ready!

Ann Althouse said...

Take a sip if McCain says "my friends" or if Obama says "uh."

David A. Carlson said...

McCain needs to smoke obama or Obama is going to have a major win just going away

Simon said...

Michael, while I concede that I construed McCain's remarks as having said that, and although I could be wrong, I don't think he ever actually said that he wouldn't debate until there was a deal. What he said was that he was suspending his campaign, and he called for an agreement to postpone the debate. That's not the same thing as the position you're attributing to him, and I don't think you can criticize him based on our overreading of his comments.

David A. Carlson said...

Mr. Kirk.

Shut up

No one cares

Get the debate on

Peter Hoh said...

I made the mistake of telling my 13 y.o. daughter that I was hoping to go to a debate party. She thinks that sounds pretty lame. Don't know if I should explain about the drinking games that would take place.

Which happens more: McCain saying "My friends" or Obama saying "Um"?

Peter Hoh said...

I swear to God that I wrote my 7:34 without seeing Ann's 7:32.

Palladian said...

"or if Obama says "uh."

Dear God, woman, are you trying to kill people? Alcohol is poisonous in large quantities!

Peter Hoh said...

Simon, wanna answer how the Washington State fundraiser didn't belie the claim that McCain had suspended his campaign?

Peter Hoh said...

So what's the biggest gaffe possible?

McCain had better not start out with "Who am I? Why am I here?"

Palladian said...

"McCain had better not start out with "Who am I? Why am I here?""

This is not my beautiful house! This is not my beautiful wife!

vbspurs said...

Althouse Historian (not THE official Althouse historian, who is Ruth Anne Adams), vbspurs, reporting for duty!

Did you know that today marks the 48th anniversary of the first, still highly memorable Nixon-Kennedy debate?

It was the nation's first televised debate.

9/26/60 audience share: 66.4 million viewers (37% of the US Population)

The first George Bush-John Kerry debate in 2004 bounced back to 62.4 million.

(I was there in the audience at the Univ of Miami for this. I remember silver-medalist Lauryn Williams was introduced before either candidate. Weird)


For the debate, I think Obama will do better, and I think over 68 million people will watch this first debate.

The stakes couldn't be any higher, our pulses couldn't be racing any faster, our country is desperately looking for a good leader tonight.

Good luck to both gentlemen, Senators McCain and Obama.


Anonymous said...

Andrew Sullivan made the interesting point that if one wants to find a Palin defender these days you have to go to the Althouse blog.

Isn't that something?

Isn't it something that the cruelly neutral blogger is the last bastion of Palin aplogestics?


vbspurs said...

McCain had better not start out with "Who am I? Why am I here?"

Dear Admiral Stockdale. Back when Vice-Presidential candidates could be stumbling, bumbling, gaffe-o-matics and amateurs.

Oh wait.

Peter Hoh said...

My daughter has control of the remote for the next 12 minutes. She's flipping between "America's Toughest Jobs" and "Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?"

That's the presidential election in a nutshell.

vbspurs said...

I miss Titus. I bet you Andrew Sullivan has him imprisoned in his basement, and visits him wearing a latex body suit (so the rare clumbers don't slobber on him).

UWS guy said...

No, Obambi says "uh" too much people will die from alcohol poisoning.

You got it right, sip when McCain says "my friend".

Sip when Obama says, "As I've said before". Or," I agree with..."

vbspurs said...

LOL, Peter. Add "Deal or No Deal" to the mix and you could add the Executive and Legislative branches too.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

..but people keep questioning my faith.

To paraphrase Groucho Marx.
An untested faith is not worth having.

UWS guy said...

Take a large sip if McCain smiles.

Based on Michelle's dress, Obama will come out in a tiger striped zoot suit.

Peter Hoh said...

Here are the The Official Stranger Debate Drinking Game rules.

Palladian said...

"Andrew Sullivan made the interesting point that if one wants to find a Palin defender these days you have to go to the Althouse blog."

Gee, that is an interesting point! And if one wants to find a barebacking, Obama-fellating, PMSing, waffling British queen with skin-crawling obsession with the issuance of Sarah Palin's womb these days you have to go to the Atlantic online!

Isn't that an interesting point as well?!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Take a sip if McCain says "my friends" or if Obama says "uh."

Talk about sub prime ;)

Peter V. Bella said...

Take a sip if McCain says "my friends" or if Obama says "uh."

We will be drunk in no time.

Palladian said...

So which one will have the mysterious lump in the back of their jacket?

Chet said...

Has Mrs. Clinton's campaign debt been paid off yet?

Don't expect much more from her, until it's been paid. And if it's not being paid off fast enough.....I assume we'll see subtle leaning from her (or hubby) in the direction of McCain....

Especially if cocky Obama continues to rise in the polls, and things he can blow off the Clinton's and that campaign debt of hers.

Nothin' doin.

vbspurs said...

Peter linked to:

Put on lipstick and kiss your dog if:

• The pitbull/lipstick/hockey mom thing is mentioned.

And this is weird or unusual, exactly how? I do that every day.


Palladian said...

The Mysterious Lumps in McCain's cheeks are definitely suspicious, and Obama's ears would make the perfect radio transmission antennae...

Chet said...

I'd say Mrs. Clinton had done about all she's going to do, until that debt is fully paid off.

She did her part. She did the webcast with Joe Biden and appearances.

Now it's his turn to pony up, and she's given him an October deadline to pay it all off.

...before sabotages him directly.

Take care of the Clintons, whether he's risen in the polls or not.

vbspurs said...

Take care of the Clintons, whether he's risen in the polls or not.

The elephants in the room are not the Republicans, but both Clintons and George W. Bush. This election is all about the past 16 years, and neither player is present.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The rain delay is over at Fenway and I dont have picture in picture.

I think Im in trouble.

Peter Hoh said...

OMG: Columns!!!

Mark said...

As long as Obama doesn't screw up in a major way, MSNBC and CNN are going to declare it a big victory for Barak Obama.

Peter Hoh said...

that is: there were columns on the NBC graphic that opened their coverage.

vbspurs said...

Will Biden and/or Palin be present?

It would benefit Palin more, though her gubernatorial debate (seen her on C-SPAN) showed her very proficient.

vbspurs said...

It's ON!

Trooper York said...

I will be over at the movie thread.

Peter Hoh said...

The Stranger has a pretty cool live blog.

Simon said...

peter hoh said...
"Simon, wanna answer how the Washington State fundraiser didn't belie the claim that McCain had suspended his campaign?"

Never heard of it, so can't comment.

Paddy O said...

It's BIG!!

Peter Hoh said...

The Stranger liveblog:

And Savage is in the house.

Paddy O said...

Perfect first question.

The biggest one.

David A. Carlson said...

security and solvency - Financial recovery plan

That is a win for Obama, just asking that question

Paddy O said...

Does Obama look thinner?

Peter V. Bella said...

ANd and and and and

vbspurs said...

Good strong opening by Obama. Commanding and practical.

However, he better not do the Kerry thing, of academic listings of problems. I do that all the time, and it's too eggheady.

Patm said...

Obama looks thinner. And he sounds rehearsed. But it's only the first question.

Paddy O said...

Vague goals by Obama.

8 years of failed policies.

How much of that had a Democrat congress?

Chris Althouse Cohen said...

Ugh, CNN HD has disgusting graphics all over the screen, lined with a pie chart for each pundit in which they individually rate the performances, and then at the bottom of the screen is a moving line chart for how their focus group responds. Just let me watch the debate and decide for myself. I'm capable of watching it without continuous punditry!

vbspurs said...

Kennedy is back in the hospital, what a shame. :(

Jim Hu said...

was there an answer in there?

Peter V. Bella said...

Obama looked like a scolding parent. Somehow it does not ring true.

Patm said...

So far: McCain is talking to people, Obama is talking at. McCain is talking as a person to people, Obama is talking as policy wonk to subjects.

Paddy O said...

PBS is lovely and clean.

Peter Hoh said...

There's the forced smile.

Paddy O said...

patm, quite right.

McCain seems much more personable.

vbspurs said...

My goodness, McCain is super nervous. His voice is trembling, I think. This is when age and experience are negatives -- he knows that this is it. He has one shot. Obama has 12 years worth or more, of trying.

Obama is like Tiger Woods in his first Masters. If he lets it rip, he'll win by 20.

Peter V. Bella said...

Obama did not mention the Democratic pork in the package. For example- money that goes to Acorn and La Raza; organizations that enable subprime borrowers. I guess he forgot about that.

It's.....Mrs. Hornblower ! said...

Hi Christopher !

Are you keeping out of the sun? You have to stay out of the sun, because of your beautiful light skin.

Don't let your skin get dark.

I hate black people.

CarmelaMotto said...

Can anyone find where 2 years ago where Obama called the crisis?

And I would love to see that letter.

What kind of regulations do you want.

Paddy O said...

Is there documentary evidence for Obama's warnings?

I hadn't heard that. But all the Obama people here talk about is McCain.

Lisa said...

Obama lied about McCain supporting these policies. McCain (and Bush) have been trying to get the Dems to do something about Freddie and Fannie.

Obama has taken so much $$$ and advice from those folks.

vbspurs said...

Obama looks thinner.

Patm, Pastor Jeff mentioned that he looks greyer, too. I said his Chinese moustache lines were more pronounced.

Chickenlittle agreed, and even said Obama is beginning to look like Cantiflas!

It's.....Mrs. Hornblower ! said...

Is there anyway to photoshop a live webscast to make someone's skin lighter?

And also straigten someone's hair ?

ktmnyny said...

isn't it Dwight?

Peter Hoh said...

I like the McCain plea for accountability.

vbspurs said...

Shut your gobs, Maxine.

CarmelaMotto said...

Obama, is your friend Franklin Raines going to give his $30million back?

CarmelaMotto said...

Is anyone else sick of hearing Wall Street vs. Main Street.

It's not one or the other.

Peter V. Bella said...

Obama is borrowing Jesse Jackson's line- the Wall Street Main Street..

vbspurs said...


"Afraid I couldn't hear ya".

Dody Jane said...

YES! People must be held to account!!!! YES YES - Strong answer - Obama - laundry list of blather

Peter Hoh said...

McCain wins that laugh line -- about hearing.

vbspurs said...

Oh dear, Obama is starting to sound stentorious and I-told-you-sos.

Note to Obama, you can't I told you so, if you haven't been there to tell you so.

vbspurs said...

McCain to world: America is the GREATEST, YEAH!

Paddy O said...

Nice reminder that the fundamental strength is still there.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Obama said.

Senator McCain is absolutely right.

Peter Hoh said...

The "fundamentals of the economy" does not equal "faith in the working people of this country."

CarmelaMotto said...

They are both SO boring.

Jim is TRYING to get them to stop using boilerplate.

vbspurs said...

I liked how McCain worked in the Eisenhower reference by Lehrer. It showed he was paying attention. The laugh line helped.

Obama sounds overrehearsed.

Patm said...

McCain sounds better. He certainly has credibility on cutting spending.

Peter Hoh said...

McCain's doing a good pivot off his party with spending and earmarks.

vbspurs said...

Andrew Sullivan: "This is kinda old, lol, just like you, John!"

Jim Hu said...

Leave the damn bears alone!

CarmelaMotto said...

No pork barrel spending.


CarmelaMotto said...

when did he suspend earmarking? Obama when.

John Stodder said...

New wrinkle to the drinking game: Every time McCain makes reference to himself or his personal belongings as old.

Chet said...

Is there anything else on TV for people that don't want to watch this?

vbspurs said...

OH NO. Obama started the stutter, always a sure sign of trouble. McCain doing a better so far.

JUST IN TIME! "Let's be clear". DRINK.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Senator McCain is absolutely right

says Obama

Lisa said...

Obama's comment about lobbyists are bullshit. He's taken beacoup bucks from the failing banks... more than almsot everyone else.

He's pretending he's clean.

My ass.

Lisa said...

McCain needs to call Obama on the BS Obama is saying about him.

Alex said...

McCain just absolutely destroyed Obama on earmarks.

Paddy O said...

Obama seems like he's stumbling a bit over his words.

vbspurs said...

Obama is less sharp than I anticipated...he's started his talking points.

Daddio said...

I don't recall seeing Lehrer trying so hard to get the candidates to engage each other. Is he trying to set a trap for McCain's reputed temper?

Anonymous said...

Sure is nice of McCain to take the time out to remind America that all the Republicans in Congress are corrupt, right before a lot of them have to win re-election.

"Us Republicans came to Washington to change it, and Washington changed us." Wow. Thanks for reminding everyone how corrupt you Republicans are!

Heckuvajob, Johnnie.

Anonymous said...

Thank G-d I am holding back...I'd be plastered by now!!!

Patm said...

I think McCain is being very strong here, talking about corruption. Obama is policy wonking; McCain has history.

Paddy O said...

McCain needs to not laugh.

vbspurs said...

This is very good by McCain. OOH, not the laugh though.

Paddy O said...

Obama is going for alpha male status.

Mark said...

Obama is hopping we're bad at math. His "cuts" don't come close to what he wants to spend.

Alex said...

Now Barack is just lying.

CarmelaMotto said...

fill up on this gas that is killing me.

"let just be clear" Obama is getting rattled....and angry.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Obama interrupts McCain?

vbspurs said...

I've heard Obama say John many times. Haven't heard one Barack from McCain.

Jefferson-Jackson-Who? said...

"line-by-line"? there is a line item veto?javascript:void(0)

John Stodder said...

My least favorite Obama campaign pledge: To cut taxes for 95 percent of the American people.

First, his cut has no philosophical coherence. It's a giveaway like the stimulus package. There is no goal to it. It's pure pander.

Second, it won't amount to much. At least it's not an increase but it won't make much of a difference to anyone's family.

Third, it is funded by tax increases on someone else. There's no growing the pie. It's just take money out of that guy's pocket and give it this guy.

It's one thing if you're taking money from a rich guy to pay for senior care, or feeding poor children. But to "reward hard-working Americans?" How is that justified?

Fourth, he's lying because he has promised so much additional spending, he won't be able to follow through with it.

It's a focus group pander, not a serious proposal. He should drop it.

vbspurs said...

"Let me give you an example", awesome stuff by McCain.

Talking of the Lion of the Senate, he is one right now. Obama looks like a scatter-brained cub.

Paddy O said...

McCain is hoping we're good at math.

Paddy O said...

That's a 24% difference between us and Ireland!

vbspurs said...


Patm said...

McCain is more fluid. All Obama has is policy and talking points. He has no depth. And I am waiting for him to pause and say "That's what I said!"

Peter Hoh said...

My friends, was that the first just now?

Paddy O said...

Are there any Obama supporters here?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...


Paddy O said...

Bad stumble!

JAL said...

Score for McCain.

Why would companies stay here if the taxes go up more and make it really unprofitable to stay here (and make jobs...)

Jobs are how people have day to day pay checks ...

Patm said...

I notice McCain calls Obama "Senator Obama." Obama calls him "John."


Paddy O said...

good Obama rebuttal.

Mark said...

Obama is starting to stutter. He is getting rattled.

JAL said...

Obama's handlers have been working with him.

Peter Hoh said...

The split screen makes Obama look better. McCain is smirking too much.

Paddy O said...

Whether it's true or not.

Simon said...

Hallelujah, someone finally called out Obama on this ridiculous fantasy that he's going to cut taxes just because one side of his face says he will while the other side promises massive spending increases on things that are important. I suppose that in Sen. Obama's world, if it's important enough, the money appears out of thin air. Now if McCain could explicitly point out the flaw in Obama's static revenue assumptions, I'd be even happier.

Patm said...

Obama blah blahs it. He uses many words, says little.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Obama interrups again!

CarmelaMotto said...


Now this is getting fun.

Paddy O said...

Brutal comeback by McCain.

Put up or shut up.

Alex said...

I wish McCain would have answered on the tax loopholes.

vbspurs said...

Obama looks annoyed. He doesn't know where that number comes from. McCain looks a little pleased, I think, because he knows he's gotten to Obama.

There are two narratives about these men.

One, John McCain is too aged and out of touch to be President = old.

Two, Barack Obama is too foreign and too wonky = empty suit.

So far, Obama is living up to his reputation the most in this debate.

Ruth Anne Adams said...

It's starting to feel like Hannity and Colmes.

vbspurs said...

Okay, enough by McCain, you're dominating too much. And Obama stop interrupting. You sound churlish.

Alex said...

Now it's getting testy. McCain accused Obama of raising taxes on people who make 42K.

Patm said...

Obama looks pissed off, and he's going to start stammering.

Peter Hoh said...

It's grin like a pirate day.

Dody Jane said...

I thought this was a foreign policy debate? Hello? Hello? Obama is bugged

Paddy O said...

"It's starting to feel like Hannity and Colmes."


vbspurs said...

It's starting to feel like Hannity and Colmes.

LOL! Or, perhaps more appositely, Kornheiser and Wilbon.

John Stodder said...

Good question Jim.

Peter V. Bella said...

Obama keeps bobbling his head.

Alex said...

Victoria, wonkiness isn't a problem if you know what you're talking about. Reagan was a policy wonk in 1980 but he came across as knowledgeable and decisive. Barack just has some empty talking points.

Patm said...

I have two dem college students in here with me. THey both say McCain is kicking Obama's ass.

vbspurs said...

Obama needs to get it together. He's falling apart. He can make his followup points later -- Lehrer will help him.

Alex said...

Just wait until this gets to foreign policy, McCain is already winning the economic debate.

Chris Althouse Cohen said...

I feel like they're just having the debate they wanted to have before the financial crisis became what it is now. Neither of them took a strong position on the current situation or did anything to assure us that they had a plan, and they proceeded to recite the same talking points they've had about each other for months.

Paddy O said...

"We have to fix healthcare"

That's a way to save money?

Simon said...

"I have put forward a plan in energy independence"... Alas, the required unicorns are in short supply

Alex said...

Obama is rambling now.

Anonymous said...

Is that smoke coming out of The One's ears?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Obama said "it's hard to anticipate...."

Is it talking about Palin again?

Get over it man!

Dody Jane said...

Obama does not realize yet that due to the 700B bail out - the healthcare thing is off the table for a while -

Paddy O said...

We have to do good things that will make everyone happy!

That's how to save money!

vbspurs said...

Broadband lines?! This is as left-field as Bush mentioning steroids testing in his State-of-The-Union.

Patm said...

No, No, NO Not "College affordable for every young person." Not everyone needs college - college is overvalued. And I like hearin Obama talk about the powergrids. Too bad the Dems would not work with Bush on an energy policy.

Mark said...

Obama is dealing in hand waving broad strokes. Very lacking in details.

Paddy O said...

But it's a good answer, because he can't be blamed for cutting something.

He should have been called on it.

Pi Guy said...

This is the most bizarre foreign policy debate I've ever seen! Not bad for an economic debate, though.

It seems like McCain's play to put the focus on economics is working!

Robert Talbert said...

Not only is Obama not answering the question, he's answering the opposite of the question.

Paddy O said...

"I oppose ethanol subsidies"

Hooray for McCain!

Simon said...

Paddy O. said...
""We have to fix healthcare" That's a way to save money?"

Yeah, really. Obama still doesn't get - and McCain still doesn't want to say - that entitlement spending is the problem. This whole "let's give everyone federalized healthcare" concept is bad enough as a matter of normative policy, but as fiscal policy it's loony tunes.

vbspurs said...

OH NO! McCain got in a good shot about "it's hard to lean across the aisle, being so far to the left".

And then blew it by laughing that creepy laugh.

Alex said...

McCain gives real specifics, while Obama speaks in generalities.

Dody Jane said...

Plus - $4000 isn't going to go far at Yale

Paddy O said...

McCain is specific.

Obama gave vague, feel-good, stuff that didn't have anything to do with saving costs.

John Stodder said...

Another stupid promise from Obama: In 10 years, we'll be independent from Middle Eastern oil. A pipe dream's pipe dream. He has no "plan" to do this, because nobody could write such a plan without disclosing that it would require massive costs on every American on almost everything, increase unemployment and require not just conservation, but wealth-reducing sacrifice tantamount to putting America on a war footing.

Let's work toward something realistic, getting off all fossil fuels -- in 50 years. Even that would be breakneck pace.

Roger J. said...

just a small nitpick, but for the benefit of all the interviewer is Jim Leher and not Robin Macneil.

Back to your commentary and it seems like the drinking game kicked in early

Peter Hoh said...

McCain is coming close to promising to micromanage.

Alex said...

McCain - "we have to scrub every agency of government"

Obama - um ah whatever

Patm said...

Wow. McCain is very impressive. He's got details and specifics. Obama has "I'm going to make everyone feel good."

Paddy O said...

"Deferred and delayed"

"like what?"

"I want to invest..."

Dody Jane said...

I will not give up the dream!!!

XWL said...

Haven't read all the comments, has anyone mentioned that it's Jim Lehrer hosting this debate (poorly so far), and not Robert MacNeil?

MacNeil retired in 1995.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"Johns right" - again?

Peter V. Bella said...

Obama keeps saying Mccain is right.

Mark said...

Third time in a row that Obama started his answer with a stutter.

Peter V. Bella said...

Tom. eh, John?

Ron said...

first one to offer me an iPhone gets my vote...

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Tom, dick, harry, John,

Paddy O said...

Wonder what Tom Coburn is going to say?

vbspurs said...

Just did a drive-by at the Kos Kooks. Our commentary section is kicking their ass.

Alex said...

McCain just promised a spending freeze.

Paddy O said...

"spending freeze"

That is confusing to a lot of people.

But Obama wants to save money by spending more.

Patm said...

Increase childhood education spending? We're spending a fortune on that.

Paddy O said...

McCain is letting himself get walked over by Obama and Lehrer.

Eli Blake said...

McCain talked about the 'corrupting influence' of earmarks and how some members of Congress are under indictment.

What he forgot to mention is that one of those members under indictment is Rick Renzi (my congressman.) In 2006 as the news broke that Renzi was being investigated by the justice deparment, McCain recorded a robo-call on behalf of Renzi.

I happened to transcribe the full text of the robocall on my blog.

This is what McCain said:

This is Senator John McCain. I'm calling to urge you to support my friend, Representative Rick Renzi for Congress. Rick has represented the first district of Arizona with tenacity, honesty and integrity beyond reproach. I work with Rick every day and can report to you his total dedication to the people of Arizona and the United States. Please join me in supporting rural Arizona's workhorse Congressman on November 7. [Paid for and authorized by Rick Renzi for Congress]

So which is it, John? Is Renzi corrupt or does he have honesty and integrity beyond reproach? Obviously the investigation has unfolded to the point that he has been indicted but even as early as 2003, Renzi had made the list of the 13 most corrupt congressmen.

Alex said...

McCain - we need alternative energy AND offshore oil and nuclear power!!!

Obama - um whatever

Dody Jane said...

Spending freeze - vital issues - Early childhood education - Blah blah blah - yeah - let the three year olds defend the country

Patm said...

McCain did not "promise" a spending freeze...he said it should be considred.

vbspurs said...

LOL, Ron.

At what point will Americans turn off their television sets? Seriously. This isn't a debate. It's McCain schooling a very green rookie politician.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Obama opposes energy alternatives

home run McCain!

Alex said...

eli - spare us your lies.

Roger J. said...

xwl: welcome to the reality based community which at this point seems to consist of you and me. Now I will say that I have fallen in love with dody jane! Damn that icon pic is good

Patm said...

Lehere is such a crabass

CarmelaMotto said...

Ugh I was wondering when he was going to get to early childhood education. It's a crock. It doesn't matter if they master kindergarten if they are not graduating highschool. In 30 years of headstart, and 70% of kids going to nursery and kindergartem, students who came through that program did not do better by highschool

Paddy O said...

Did you see that smug look by Obama while McCain was talking?

That was great.

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