September 3, 2008

"I'm the freaking Governor of Alaska. I didn't get there by just eating mooseburgers and popping out kids."

This is brilliant. (You will hear "fuck"... once):

ADDED: The second installment is not much fun at all.


AllenS said...

That was great! Conservatives have such a fantastic sense of humor. Democrats, not so much.

MadisonMan said...

I liked it.

Sloanasaurus said...

Awesome! Who wants to go polar bear huntin!

vbspurs said...

"Hold yer horses, Northern Exposure".


Anonymous said...

LisaNova also did a video about your hero, the pig man and drug addict, Rush Limbaugh!

Lisa Nova Does Rush Limbaugh

Anonymous said...

Hate to break it to you, Allens, but Lisa Nova is not a conservative.

Cedarford said...

"WE fail to see any reason to laugh while soldiers are dying instead of safe at home with their mommies. When noble Darfurans are being assaulted by noble Muslims due to the evil capitalist Wests mistakes.

You think that video was funny?

Tell it to the mothers of the dead, duped little children in Marine uniforms!
Tell it to the terrorists whose precious civil liberties were violated, suicide bomb vests seized without warrant!
Tell it to the poor Katrina victims in Ward 9 who are still traumatized by the difficult instructions to get looted flatscreen TVs working properly.

Except for that Christianist slut Palin, tell it to the women!"

Unknown said...


ricpic said...

McCain: one nut gone, one to go, courtesy Sarah.

Bob said...

Hilarious! And truly the best course for Palin to take in meeting all of the smears she's getting: with humor.

kjbe said...

Nice! Oh, for a little humor in all of this. Makes it tolerable, at least for the moment.

vbspurs said...

There is something very vicariously pleasing about watching/hearing these stand-ins cuss and shout.

Jackie and Dunlap had one called "Top Secret Audio" of that New Hampshire debate, where all the candidates met on stage, remember?

Minute 3:11.

"Are you my frienddddd?"
"Goddammit, Bill, for f*ck's sake!"


Simon said...

I'm sorry, but I couldn't even finish it. My sense of humor about this stuff is more or less shot through by five days in which the media has done everything possible - from deliberate overcredulity to misrepresentation to outright fabrication - to rip this woman apart. I didn't see a week of hit pieces on Joe Biden when he was chosen. I understand that because the media is not even minimally competent in following what was happening in conservative circles, it was honestly blindsided by this pick; and I understand that they need to figure out who she is. But that doesn't change the fact that within about twenty minutes on Friday, they figured out all they needed to know - that she was a threat to Barack, and have spent every waking second since then trying to destroy her. The other side and their MSM shills have dug down to a new low point in American politics. Sorry to say that for me, they have rebutted the presumption of good faith permanently.

I saw what you said yesterday evening, Trooper, and of course I understand that reasonable people can disagree, Trooper. But those who have set out to tear down Palin with a combination of fabrication, overstatement and above all else brutal misogyny aren't reasonable people.

Simon said...

And the sad thing, by the way, is that in the blizzard of slime being thrown at Palin, they have come up with not. one thing. amounting to a serious criticism. It's just a vortex of sexism, anger, and above all else, fear.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Oh come on, Simon. I mean, you know I'm on your side w.r.t. Palin and such. But if you can't enjoy a little humor, don't go dumping on the rest of us who can. I expected as much from the likes of LoafingOaf but now you. There's a serious thread coming soon I'm sure.

vbspurs said...

Simon! Darling, step back.

A few hours ago, I posted a blogpost which made my blood boil. It centered around an elitist attack on Palin, dripping in sexism as well. I was so upset, even though after this weekend's events, it's totally small potatoes.

That's when I went out, got some breakfast, took a deep breath of ocean breeze on the beach, and came back here.

The Anchoress also was upset, when she composed a post shaming the feminists who have kept quiet so far about Palin's treatment.

But there comes a point for our own well-being, that one has to lighten up else one's health might suffer!

Besides, the Governor is going to hit it out of the park today. I saw her do a run-through at the arena early this morning, and she was as cool as Alaska. Her confidence rubbed off on me, and maybe it can you too?

Check it out. :)


Unknown said...

Speaking of Red State Update I did like their commentary on Hillary's speech.

Simon said...

Governor Palin can rub off on me any time.


Unknown said...

OK, Simon, you want something funny but partisan, here's Newt schooling an MSNBC reporter on the floor of the convention.

Trooper York said...

Bullwinkle was devestated by what had happened to his party. He had been a life long Republican as had everyone in his family except for his unlce Kermit who was a life long friend and lover of Teddy Roosevelt who named the Bull Moose Party after him. Bullwinkle was a leader of the Log Cabin Republican Cartoon division and was eagerly anticipating supporting the Republican ticket. McCain was no religious extremist. He was the best hope for a homosexual moose who wanted to get married. When he picked a woman as his running mate, he was entused. But then the rumors started. It couldn’t be true. He must have vetted her. How could he pick someone whose favorite food is “moose stew.” THE HORROR!
(Jay Ward and Alex Anderson, Rocky and Bullwinkle, E True Hollywood Story)

vbspurs said...

Whew! Thought we had lost ya there. Now bring the sh*t home, Simon Dodd! Who wants to go huntin'.

Peter V. Bella said...

Simon said...
And the sad thing, by the way, is that in the blizzard of slime being thrown at Palin, they have come up with not. one thing. amounting to a serious criticism. It's just a vortex of sexism, anger, and above all else, fear.

Simon, with the Democrats it is never about serious criticism. Their idea of serious is vicious gossip. It is a vortex of blatant hypocrisy. They want us to do as they say, not as they do. They have nothing to offer but empty promises, utopian platitudes, and poetic musings. The war nonsense was a one trick pony. Now they cannot prove to the world they actually practice what they preach; diversity, equality, feminism, privacy, multi-culturalism, and breaking of class barriers. No, when faced with their own philosophy they revert to their ture form; hypocrites.

It is sad. The Democrats are nothing more than teenage boys in the locker room. Is this who we want in charge of a country?

Simon said...

Gingrich speaks for many of us.

tdocer said...

That's hilarious. A little levity is a good thing right about now.

the wolf said...

Funny! Would be even funnier if not for the realization that this is exactly how the media really sees the Republican ticket.

Original Mike said...

OK, Simon, you want something funny but partisan, here's Newt schooling an MSNBC reporter on the floor of the convention.

I wish that clip had gone on a little longer. I'd like to have heard the reporter's answer.

Anonymous said...

Simon said, "I understand that because the media is not even minimally competent in following what was happening in conservative circles, it was honestly blindsided by this pick."

I share your contempt for the media; on that, at least, we can agree.

But there's another reason why the media was blindsided by the Palin pick: her nomination was never in the cards. She was never on McCain's short list, and when McCain's staff briefed the press, they indicated that Palin was not being considered. She was a last minute selection when McCain's first two choices were rejected by top Republicans, including and especially the Pig Man Rush Limbaugh (who destroyed his own inner ears and went deaf as a result of snorting 50-100 ground up Oxycontin pills per day). McCain's selection of an unknown who he had not even vetted should give you pause about how seriously he takes his responsibilities, and the kind of president he would be.

The Palin choice is good for the Republicans, however, because it allows conservatives to assume their favored position: victim.

Spread Eagle said...

It lost me from jump street. To be funny satire has to resonate with truth. The jumping-off premise that McCain chose Palin because he was so desperate is a leftard meme, not the truth of it. McCain is not desperate. It's been his election to lose since about the time Obama went on his world tour.

Peter V. Bella said...

You see Barak Obama out there? He’s like a goddamn monster. He’s a speech writing monster.

Yep. That about sums up Obama. He is nothing more than a speech writing monster. Well, if he actually writes his own speeches, that is.

Sloanasaurus said...

And the sad thing, by the way, is that in the blizzard of slime being thrown at Palin, they have come up with not. one thing. amounting to a serious criticism.

I am with you Simon.

The left wants to get at Palin by smearing her daughter - putting her daughter's teenage mistake across the front page. Children of candidates used to be off limits. But, that is no longer true. Now they are fair game. Maybe next they will smear McCain's teenage daughter.

The left doesn't get it. They don't get that Palin could be the return of the Reagan Revolution - the tripart platform of small government, strong national defense, and social conservatism (Bush abandonded the small government part of it).

Conservatives have been waiting for Palin for 8 years. Because of this she has gained more political power in the last three days than any politician in recent memory. Smears about her daugter by democrats and the liberal media isn't going to change this fact.

If she has a good speech tonight, the Palin freight train is going to leave the station into history. She will be a national force for a generation even if she loses in November.

Roger J. said...

Simon--this will have blown over by the end of the sunday talk show cycle--the democrats, I think, made a huge mistake by creating a victim and firing all their "concerns at once." Recall how Ronaldus Magnus used humor to handle political insults.

Simon said...

Oh, sorry, MCG, we cross-posted! That is funny!

Original Mike said...

Oh, I get it. The reporter "sent it back to the desk".

Trooper York said...

Simon, don't let the bastards get you down. Have confidence in regular people. They know Sarah Palin. She is one of us. Her story is like that of our family. Messy divorces, kids getting knocked up, a DUI, a baby you love that the elitist fucks want you to abort. Trust in your fellow Americans. A lot more of them are like the Pallins than the Olbermans. Just wait and see.

Tank said...

Good laugh.

The vitriol this gal has inspired is amazing. Tells me that she was a good choice. I hope she hangs in there, and gives it back to them with both barrels. I kinda think she could do it.

Saw this at the corner, which I thought was good.

Why Do We Like Palin? [Victor Davis Hanson]

Much has been written why Palin both brings strength to the McCain ticket and is a gamble at the same time. Why then the growing wave of popular sentiment in her favor?

Various reasons, but one I think is that millions of Americans are simply tired of being lectured at by smug elites. Jetting Al Gore made tens of millions finger-pointing at us about our global warming. Obama's America, apparently unlike Rev. Wright's Trinity Church, is a cruel, downright mean and dysfunctional place. John Kerry's United States is one of the half-educated in need of Ivy-League enlightenment and tutorials.

So along comes someone (unlike Biden's vastly inflated middle-class biography) who really is from the working class. She likes it—and finds snowmobiling, hunting, fishing and living in small-town America not as a wasteful use of carbon-emitting fuels, cruelty to animals, gratuitous depletion of our resources, or proof of parochial yokelism. Instead it is a life of action in an often harsh natural landscape, where physical strength is married to intelligence to bring us food, fuel, and progress.

Palin's symbolism is the antithesis of the metrosexual wind- or body- surfing politican, and hair-plugged, neurotic TV pundit So at this time, right now, millions apparently like Palin's atypical 19th-century profile. Again, it's a pleasant change of pace from Harvard Law School, DC politics, "community organizing" and the can't-do, 'they raised the bar on me' collective complaint.

If she can beat off the frothing Newsweek/MSNBC/New York Times inbred rabid wolves, and do it with the grace she has shown so far, she will fill a deep yearning among Americans for someone like her. A lot of Americans, if they watch reality shows, prefer truckers on ice or Bering Sea crab fishing to endless psychodramas of thirty-something suburban whiners.

So apparently they are eager to see a rare politican who is unapologetic about America's past achievements (cf. Obama's "tragic history" and need for more "oppression studies"), and who reminds us with pride that a muscular world of action, not community organizing, creates the bounty that others use and take for granted but so often sneer at the methods of its acquisition.

Right now, there are millions rooting for her in a way not true of Biden—and many who are criticizing her don't have a clue why that it is so.

09/03 12:42 AM

Sloanasaurus said...

McCain's selection of an unknown who he had not even vetted should give you pause about how seriously he takes his responsibilities, and the kind of president he would be.

It proves that McCain really is for change, while democrats just talk about it.

vbspurs said...

Here's the Palin run-through of the RNC stage this morning.

(Copy-paste that unto your Windows Media Player - no audio)

I loved her get-up on Friday, but even I was getting tired of the black dress. This colour looks stunning on her. And I notice they've given her a professional make-up makeover.

But the most important thing is how commanding, and relaxed she looks.

Simon, I swear you watch this clip, and you will feel 15 years-old. ;)

Simon said...

Sloan, your 9:16 AM reminds me of one of my favorite one-liners in American politics. Adlai Stevenson is out campaigning and some woman shouts to him, "Senator! You have the vote of every thinking person"; Stevenson replies, "lady, thank you, but that's not enough - we need a majority!"

Unknown said...

I wish that clip had gone on a little longer. I'd like to have heard the reporter's answer.

I don't believe he offered one.

Sloanasaurus said...

McCain's selection of an unknown who he had not even vetted

Oh and this is a media hyped lie that you are repeating. There is nothing about Palin that has come out that McCain did not know about. Moreover, the media has now reported that McCain had some 25 people pouring through records in Alaska.

Unknown said...

Was JOE BIDEN vetted?

tdocer said...

Oh Verso, just because the choice caught you unawares doesn't mean it was a shocker to many on the right. Palin's name has been floating around for months. That the Democrats weren't paying attention and got caught with their pants down ain't my problem.

KCFleming said...

The MSM is trying desperately to Eagleton Palin. They much prefer to run against McCain with Romney or anyone else.

I hope she has the balls to wait them out, or to tell them to shove it.

I have not watched three seconds of either of these two coventions, but I'll watch Palin speak tonight.

garage mahal said...

It's all a vast left wing conspiracy I tell ya ;)

vbspurs said...

Oh and this is a media hyped lie that you are repeating.

I've listened to MSNBC's Morning Joe THE WHOLE MORNING repeating this lie, based on a "bombshell" WaPo article on the vetting process.

The only positive was that Mika Brezinski (of all people, she's lovely but like her dad, whew, so Left) kinda-maybe admitted that the media treated the Switcheroo Palin baby rumours disgracefully. Gee, Mika, YA THINK?

Hoosier Daddy said...

Simon saidI saw what you said yesterday evening, Trooper, and of course I understand that reasonable people can disagree, Trooper. But those who have set out to tear down Palin with a combination of fabrication, overstatement and above all else brutal misogyny aren't reasonable people.

Which is one reason I stayed off the thread and played Word of Warcraft. There are plenty of immature kiddies rants that go on there and the bonus part is I get to PvP them.

I agree with Simon from the standpoint that it is simply incredible the absolute vitriol that has come out from the left and the MSM over Palin. How any liberal with an ounce of intellectual honesty can't see the MSM in the tank for Obama is beyond me.

The problem is the left is imbued with so much hatred that having any kind of intelligent conversation is all but impossible. Even garage who at one time posted reasonable critiques as resorted to hdhouse-like snarkiness. But rather than discuss her qualifications we're treated to BristolGate, fishing without a license, hubby got a DUI around the same time Obama was snorting coke and whether or not she was properly vetted.

Unknown said...

Hmm. vbspurs, thank you for that video. But I'm a little suspicious. I mean, the jacket of that pantsuit looks a little tighter than it should, and in profile she seems to have a little bit of a bump. I'm thinking she's pregnant again. Furthermore, word on the street is that she's carring Bristol's third baby as a surrogate (Trig being the first of course) so that when Bristol and Levi get married they can hit the ground running with three kids. Because of course, as Christianists, they have to pop out as many as they can muster. It's like in the Bible or something.

ricpic said...

Gaurantee you Palin is no different than any of the others when it comes to protecting our borders. They're ALL complicit in the destruction of America!

clint said...


I know Governor Palin is going to give quite a good speech... but...

Consider Fred Thompson's excellent speech from last night.

Apparently CBS and NBC didn't even show his speech -- so if you weren't watching Fox or CNN, you wouldn't even know he spoke.

If you were watching on CNN -- which has the largest viewership for things like this -- they did a couple of interesting things. Just as he was building momentum, they cut to a really bizarre camera angle -- Fred was in profile, nearly from behind, and you could read one of the teleprompters in front of him. It was literally brilliant -- even I, enjoying his speech, eating up the red meat, found myself sidetracked thinking about "process" rather than about the substance of what he was saying. And nobody looks good from that angle. To top it off, the second he was finished, they cut away to let a democrat tell you what an awful speech it was and repeat Obama's talking points.

If they pull the same kind of shenanigans, or worse, tonight with Sarah Palin's first and only real chance to introduce herself to a watching nation...

... what exactly is our recourse? Pay those same networks tens of millions of dollars to try to get her story out in advertisements?

Simon said...

Verso said...
"I share your contempt for the media; on that, at least, we can agree. ¶ But there's another reason why the media was blindsided by the Palin pick: her nomination was never in the cards. She was never on McCain's short list, and when McCain's staff briefed the press, they indicated that Palin was not being considered."

That's the meme. The only problem is that it's totally false. Palin's name was in circulation since McCain sewed up the nomination, and she was being vetted in May.

vbspurs said...

Was JOE BIDEN vetted?

There's apparently some kind of scandal a-brewing about Joe Biden's lobbyist son. And let's not forget the Annenberg situation which could explode on Obama's face.

On Palin's side, they're trying to create a Rev. Wright situation for her, with her pastor. They're saying she was present when an anti-semitic sermon was being intoned.

All things being equal, I think the election is down Palin's speech tonight.

She has to be spectacular today, and do well in at least one of the two debates with Biden.

Hoosier Daddy said...

verso said:But there's another reason why the media was blindsided by the Palin pick: her nomination was never in the cards.

Really? Her name was being floated months ago.

She was a last minute selection when McCain's first two choices were rejected by top Republicans, including and especially the Pig Man Rush Limbaugh

Well considering that Palin has fired up the conservative base in a way that a liberal democrat and a RINO wouldn't tells me that the top Republicans were right.

McCain's selection of an unknown who he had not even vetted should give you pause about how seriously he takes his responsibilities, and the kind of president he would be.

This has been thoroughly been debunked, please come up with a new talking point.

The Palin choice is good for the Republicans, however, because it allows conservatives to assume their favored position: victim.

You're kidding right? GOP playing victim politics? Next thing you'll be saying is that we want to increase welfare spending and ban all oil drilling.

vbspurs said...

MCG wrote:

I'm thinking she's pregnant again.

With a moose!

Apparently CBS and NBC didn't even show his speech -- so if you weren't watching Fox or CNN, you wouldn't even know he spoke.

Perhaps the most outright DISGRACEFUL shows of partisanship I've ever witnessed, real-time. I switched to Fox...

However, if they do that with Palin tonight, you might as well not hold an election. People are starting to get real pissed off about the way she was treated. The chatter is increasing out there, especially with the "moms".

bearbee said... which the media has done everything possible - from deliberate overcredulity to misrepresentation to outright fabrication - to rip this woman apart. I didn't see a week of hit pieces on Joe Biden when he was chosen.

I had not be paying much attention pre-primaries but can someone remind me when the media 'vetted' Obama?

If he had been campaigning to become the presidential candidate for, what, 2 years, wasn't it in just the last several months or so that all the stuff about Unity Church, his connections with Rezko, Aryes, his brief US Senate stint and general lack of experience, etc, was surfaced or discussed and then advanced primarily by blogs?

Or am I way off base?

vbspurs said...

Palin's name was in circulation since McCain sewed up the nomination, and she was being vetted in May.

McCain met with her in February. Culvahouse was seen in Juneau in May.

I wrote in the WaPo comments section that given the absolute hysteria displayed by media about her nomination, it seems bloggers knew more about her than they did. Beldar, Ruth Anne, Ann, Simon, me, Benning as early as February! were all blogging about her being a dark horse.

How come we all knew she was a strong possibility of being short-listed in the Top 3, but media had no clue?


Anonymous said...

The MSM played a very large role in making Obama a star but the way they are dealing with Gov Palin, would seem to render their judgement suspect.

Within hours they belaboured every potentially negative point while questioning whether McCain had done as good a job vetting her, as they had done. Meanwhile they reluctantly, if at all, discussed questionable aspect of Sen. Obama's record for the last two years.

clint said...


"The left doesn't get it. They don't get that Palin could be the return of the Reagan Revolution - the tripart platform of small government, strong national defense, and social conservatism (Bush abandonded the small government part of it)."

Oh, yes they do.

They get it.

Hence the outrageous tactics Obama's media surrogates are stooping to.

I wonder if a class-action lawsuit by people without cable who tuned into NBC or CBS with the expectation that they were going to get to see the Republican Convention would have any traction?

ricpic said...

Sarah's lovability factor is like thru the roof! MSM shenanigans aren't going to break her connection to reg'lar Amurricans.

vbspurs said...

Trooper summed the situation up perfectly. As usual.

"Mrs. Smith Goes To Washington", they call her.

The only problem is, that's exactly what people want after 20 years of Bush-Clinton-Bush. Our nation needs a break.

bill said...

levity: Woody Allen and moose hunting (audio)

Jenny said...

This is not a surprise to anyone who has been paying attention. I didn't have a clue about her until I saw her name mentioned around May/June. That's when I started reading about her and thinking she would be a good pick to run with McCain. I don't agree with either of them on a couple of issues, abortion and immigration, but I'm not going to buy into the Roe/Wade and immigration fear mongering, it can't be worse than 8 years of Reagan and 8 years of Bush.

Actually I had thought to myself it would really shake things up - and it certainly has. They might not have my heart (like Obama's minions) but they will get my vote. The MSM is done, they are crapping their pants instead of reporting the facts.

bill said...

vbspurs said... "Mrs. Smith Goes To Washington", they call her.

I'd be careful of that comparison, because another description of that movie would be: "Naive idealist goes to Washington and the first thing he does is draft a pork bill to spend money on a pet project."

vbspurs said...


Rasmussen Poll pitting Hillary v. Palin, head-to-head.

52% Hillary, 41% Palin.


In the head-to-head match-up, 87% of Democrats support Clinton, while 85% of GOP voters support Palin. Unaffiliated voters go for Clinton 48% to 39%.

White voters are evenly divided at 47% each between the two candidates, but African-Americans prefer Clinton by a whopping 83% to eight percent (8%) margin.

Ninety-two percent (92%) of those who plan to vote for Obama like Clinton over Palin in a presidential race, with only three percent for the Republican. McCain voters are only slightly less partisan, with 81% for Palin versus 12% for Clinton.

41% for a gal that burst into the national 4 days ago. Wow.

Anonymous said...

Simon said, That's the meme. The only problem is that it's totally false. Palin's name was in circulation since McCain sewed up the nomination, and she was being vetted in May.

Simon, I thank you for the link and the alternate point of view. But I don't believe it. What I believe are the reports that virtually no one in Alaska was ever contacted about the Palin VP selection. When her name surfaced, Republicans and others close to Palin all started calling around and none of them were ever contacted by McCain's vetting team. It didn't happen.

Just yesterday a reporter went to the tiny little town where Palin gained all that valuable executive experience and was told she was the first person to ever ask for the records.

She wasn't vetted. And even if there was a little something that you could describe as a type of vetting, she wasn't vetted thoroughly or properly.

Still: It's probably a moot point. McCain may well have chosen her even if he did vet her. All we've really found out about Palin since last Friday is that she's a typical member of the GOP base.

garage mahal said...

Even garage who at one time posted reasonable critiques as resorted to hdhouse-like snarkiness.

The press corps has definitely turned on McCain. But I'm not sure what you think liberals are supposed to do about it. They smell blood.

"Sharks patrol these waters".

Anonymous said...

41% for a gal that burst into the national 4 days ago. Wow.

Don't you think Pary ID has something to do with it? What were Republicans going to say, that they'd vote for Hillary because they didn't know Palin well enough (or at all)?

Of course not. The poll indicates that Republicans vote for Republicans and Democrats vote for Democrats. Not remarkable.

vbspurs said...

"Naive idealist goes to Washington and the first thing he does is draft a pork bill to spend money on a pet project."

But the pet project uncovers graft and underhanded doings by corrupt legislators and Machine Party bosses!

Plus, I can see Sarah Palin doing bird calls, can't you?

Roger J. said...

Verso reaches this startling conclusion: "All we've really found out about Palin since last Friday is that she's a typical member of the GOP base."

Verso: here's clue: ya think that is why John McCain chose her? To shore up his base? That, and she is a reformer and change agent like Mccain fancies himself.

This choice really wasnt about you at all (you being the dems).

john said...

Which is one reason I stayed off the thread and played Word of Warcraft.

Hoosier Daddy - me too, except I play Halo (Sidewinder map, usually). Last night (after giving up Althouse about post 300) I repeatedly got behind reds base and went Running Riot! There's nothing like racking up 8-10 kills in 30 seconds when you really need to get away.

Take that, and that. All for Sarah.

Unknown said...

Here's funny. The Today show brought in world-renowned political expert [I]Dr. Phil[/I] to talk about Bristol, as well as the trooper at the center of the Troopergate controversy. Yes, the one who threatened her father's life, tasered his son, accosted Bristol, etc.

Simon said...

Verso - Unbelievable! I prove that she was being vetted months ago and your reply is, thanks for the alternative point of view but I'm going to keep peddling the lie because it's more convenient for my party!

God Almighty! The intelletual dishonesty on the left is just staggering!

john said...

Garage Mahal said -

The press corps has definitely turned on McCain. But I'm not sure what you think liberals are supposed to do about it. They smell blood.

I think you're exactly right here. Especially by not starting a new paragraph after your first sentence.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Which is one reason I stayed off the thread and played Word of Warcraft. There are plenty of immature kiddies rants that go on there and the bonus part is I get to PvP them.

LOL. Exactly! Nothing more satisfying that an evening in Alteric Valley. For the Horde!

KCFleming said...

I wonder what Althouse and other women will do if Palin were to withdraw.

It's just like the 1960s radicals. They talk a good game about equality and all that shit, but the wimmen-folk still get shoved off the stage when there be men's work to do.

Biden, Obama, and even McCain haven't had this sort of treatment. Democrat women just seem to roll over and take another one for the team.

Methadras said...

Simon said ...

God Almighty! The intelletual dishonesty on the left is just staggering!

Simon, what do you expect from the left to begin with? They just lie. It's irrelevant whether or not it is steeped in any intellectual capacity or from a fact based opinion. Dishonesty is the foundational premise for the left.

Unknown said...

Here's some more funny:

Poll: Bullshit is Most Important Issue for 2008 Voters

h/t commenter Katherine in another Althouse thread.

Hoosier Daddy said...

LOL. Exactly! Nothing more satisfying that an evening in Alteric Valley. For the Horde!

Yeah but not when the queue is 10 minutes and by the time I get in, you Hordies are sitting in a turtle and we're down 50 to 250.


Ally sucks. I should have gone to the darkside a long time ago. I just moved to a new battlegroup and its worse than my last one. Nothing like taking a week to do the PvP daily.

Chip Ahoy said...

How difficult are moose to hunt anyway? All they ever do is stand in shoulder deep ponds eating algae and other varieties of wet salad. They stand there, BANG, you drag them out of the water with your ATV. I'm imagining. Hunting moose, seems to me not really knowing, is more like going out and just getting one. I'm open to correction.

Richard said...

This is brilliant???

No. This is blonde.

Peter Hoh said...

I don't see Palin bowing out. The shitstorm can provide a nice foil for her, and if she nails her speech, I'll be happy.

I bet Tina Fey's agent has started donating as much as possible to the McCain campaign.

Cedarford said...

Sloanasaurus - The left doesn't get it. They don't get that Palin could be the return of the Reagan Revolution - the tripart platform of small government, strong national defense, and social conservatism (Bush abandonded the small government part of it)."

Republicans would do well to remember that trying to recreate the past, govern as in the past, resurrect old policies 30 years after another successful era did - is folly. Dems lost in 1968 and 72 by saying we should time-travel back to the Glorious Years of FDR and Do as Saint Franklin would do.

Blacks have been screwing themselves by pretending since the 80s that it is still the Wonder Years of civil rights marchers and Saint Martin.

Republicans wishing to travel back and Do as Saint Ronnie did will fall in the same trap of living in the past.
Bush did more than abandon the small government part of it. He wanted a new, great campaign against The Evil Empire - and gave us the Axis of Evil, neocon goading that caused Russia to become our enemies again, and the economic policies that fueled China's 13% per annum GNP and military growth.
Bush gave us a new round of tax cuts and pork for the wealthy, but without any competence and with even less "Trickledown" than Reagan's voodoo economics did. While tolerating more corruption and cronyism than Reagan ever did.

Sloanasaurus - If she has a good speech tonight, the Palin freight train is going to leave the station into history. She will be a national force for a generation even if she loses in November.

Just like whoever the guy was who ran with Goldwater, Fords losing VP from '76, Dan Quayle, and Jack Kemp were, as losers?

Palin melts down, she could very well be back in 10 years to gutting salmon on a fishing boat.

As for losing Dem VPs being national forces for a generation, look at Shriver, Dukakis's pick, Gore, Lieberman, Silky Pony Boy.

plutosdad said...

chip ahoy moose are pretty dangerous. They will attack with little provocation, provocation meaning you are standing somewhere nearby and they don't like it. They have been known to attack cars and RVs as well.

So if you live in Alaska and you see a moose pounding your car with it's huge horns (happened to my friend's neighbor), you just wait inside for it to leave. You don't go out and try to stop it unless you want to get trampled.

joated said...

Jeeze! That was beyond awesome.

Will Cate said...

Drive this shit home and stop being such a pussy...

Amen, fake-Sarah... amen.

Very funny stuff.

TmjUtah said...

If you are attacked by a moose, run downhill. They carry their weight forward, over the front legs, and the bulls are half again as massive than the cows. If there are trees, so much the better, it will slow down the bulls.

And if you are trapped in water, make sure to throw your hat or rod onto the bank. Later the searchers can find your body, which will have been smashed feet - deep into the mud.

The video was good for a laugh; something the other side just can't seem to grok.

Telford said...

This is hilarious (even if its premise isn't true).

What struck me is how unlikely a parody like this could be with Obama as the target instead of McCain and Palin. His fans would shriek. And I wonder how he would react himself.

Americans need leaders we can mock. It's an important safeguard against tyranny.

pettyfog said...

" not a conservative!"

Duh! Political satire, done well, is FUNNY. Doesnt matter who did it.

What a total bunch of JOYLESS losers libs are.

Jim Howard said...

I don't know what McCain was thinking, but when I spent this July in Alaska I knew that Palin was being talked about for VP.

That's why I went out of my way to ask just about every Alaskan I met about her. To a person they loved her up there, even the ones who disagreed with her on specific issues.

nick said...

She got there because of Bush and Mcccains friends corrupt senator Stevens
and beating Gov Murkowski in primary - racists alaskans would never vote for a black man.

JBlog said...

"Americans need leaders we can mock. It's an important safeguard against tyranny."

Which is precisely why an Obama presidency would be a disaster -- the Jon Stewart and the other late-night yuckleheads pretty much soak through the Depends just thinking about what would happen if they made fun of him.

If Obama is elected, it's going to be a long, dull, humorless four years.

pettyfog said...

She got there because of Bush and Mcccains friends corrupt senator Stevens
and beating Gov Murkowski in primary - racists alaskans would never vote for a black man.


The KOS, MSM have got these idiots tied in KNOTS... read carefully:

She was IN the system, before she went against it! She was FOR the bridge until she thought about 400Mill for a bridge to serve 50,000 people.

She was appointed to Oil/Gas commission by the crooks to get her out of the way. She looked, she saw, She got the cronies kicked off the state/corporate kickback trough.

She reassigned a guy SHE APPOINTED who didnt meet his performance objectives, so he quit; THEN the OLD BOYS tried to get back at her through that.

YOu libs SAY YOU WANT CHANGE... but evidently anyone taking it past outraged speeches, you dont like so much!

K T Cat said...

Hilarious! If you weren't Ann freaking Althouse and getting Instalanches every other hour, I'd throw you a link on this one!


hombre said...

laSenora imagines a conversation.

Sarah to NYT reporter:

What is the difference between a hockey mom and a vampire?

Reporter: I don't know. What?

Sarah: It takes more than one stake through the heart to kill a hockey mom. So bring it on!

halojones-fan said...

"humped"? Whoever wrote this must be a Joss Whedon fan.

[Redacted] said...

"I didn't see a week of hit pieces on Joe Biden when he was chosen."

So you believe that the level of coverage has to be exactly the same, even if one VP candidate is embroiled in various current scandals, and the other isn't? Certainly anyone would agree that if Edwards was the Dem VP, and McCain had picked a drama-free VP, Edwards' affair controversy would deserve more coverage, right? Or, under your logic, would the media be required to make up controversies for the Republican VP?

Joe said...

let her go hunting with Cheney. :~)

Joe said...

ooops typed too fast. i meant to say DON'T let her go hunting with Cheney.

Squarejaw said...

I'm going moose huntin' and trout fishin' Friday, out for about 10 days. Yes, I live in Alaska, and I can tell you something about Sarah. If you think she looks tough shootin' that M-4, wait 'til you see what she does to the "foreign affairs expert", Joe Biden in a debate. I pity the fool! She'll go through him like a griz through ice cream!

Banshee said...

A guide to hunting moose from Alaska's state government. Note that it points out the sensitiveness of moose senses -- jeans are too loud to hunt in.

Banshee said...

Sorry. Forgot the link.

blake said...

I'd be careful of that comparison, because another description of that movie would be: "Naive idealist goes to Washington and the first thing he does is draft a pork bill to spend money on a pet project."

No, sir! The Willet Creek project would be paid for by the nickels--no more than a dime!--of the boys themselves!

The Federal Government has enough on its plate!

(bill hasn't seen "Mr. Smith" in a while....)

blake said...

It's not bad. Neither characterization seems very accurate, which is the essence of good satire. Exaggeration, yes, but there needs to be something fundamentally recognizable.

I've seen one--conservatively done, I'm sure--of Obama that's basically an extended fight scene. In between the fighting Obama and the guy fighting him debate various policy points.

It suffers from the same problem, in that it's hard to imagine Obama being engaged in hand-to-hand combat. It's also less comedy and more action oriented, so it almost works more as a parody of "The Matrix" than of Obama.

swassociates said...

Biden will be begging for mercy like the little boy he is after the debates.

Richard Fagin said...

Where'd she get the damn mooseburgers? I can't find them at HEB, Target or WalMart.

Brian said...

God Bless America. We get parodies out in record time. I loved it.

jeff said...

"So you believe that the level of coverage has to be exactly the same, even if one VP candidate is embroiled in various current scandals, and the other isn't?"

I don't know if anyone is saying that. After all, remember all the pieces about Biden during the democratic convention about him being in the pocket of MBNA? And of his son taking a lucrative job with them right out of school? And who is now a lobbyist? Remember the countless stories about that?

I continue to hear about Troopergate and the abuse of office for personal gain, and yet for some reason the media stops right there. I saw CBS give only that information while describing one of the "scandals". My own hometown newspaper couldn't find the room to go any more in depth than that. Exactly what should be done with a state trooper who drinks in his patrol car, tases his 12 year old step son, hunted out of season and threatened to put a "fu**ing bullet" into the head of the governor's father should he assist his daughter with a divorce lawyer? What DO you have to do up there to get fired? Is this the activity that the left approves of in commissioned officers of the law?

Steve said...

Obama clowns around Europe imitating Dukakis in the tank, and these guys thing McCain was desparate by convention time?

Orion said...

*laughing* Oh my!!

Why do I imagine that come November, Palin's going to have the stuffed heads of Obama and Biden on her wall, and when the scandal breaks she'll say:

"What? What's wrong? That's how we DO elections in Alaska."


Anonymous said...

I didn't know he left his left nut in Danang.

Anonymous said...

DON'T let her go hunting with Cheney.

Hell, she's safer with him than in Ted Kennedy's car.

Anonymous said...

DON'T let her go hunting with Cheney.

She's a hell of a lot safer with him than in Ted Kennedy's car.

Anonymous said...

I hate blogger. Sorry about the double post.

NerdMom said...

I am a conservative and I thought this was hilarious! Frankly, I think some of us hope it is a little true;). I am not the biggest McCain fan and would love some one to bring him a little farther right of center.

Michael Drake said...

OMG! McCain was in 'Nam? Who knew?

Jim C. said...

Very funny vid! I'm not crazy about the portrayal of McCain, but the Palin was brilliant! It would be great if she's really like that.

Anonymous said...

Hahahah! This is simply hilarious!

Couple that with the latest boo boo by Republican Party biggies calling McCain's VP pick Sarah Palin, bullshit, who needs Democrats to thrash 'em Republicans?

Seriously, if Republican Party strategists are saying McCain's

Click here to listen

Anonymous said...

Ooops, sorry about that, here is the link:

Listen to clip

Cincinnatus said...

"What I believe are the reports that virtually no one in Alaska was ever contacted about the Palin VP selection. "

Verso, you prefer to believe the reports as to what DIDN'T happen?

Moneyrunner said...

What is it with Hussein? I demand that his family take DNA tests to prove he's the father.

Hey, if the MSM bigs can do it, why can't I?

vbspurs said...

I showed my boyfriend this video, and he loved it.

The scary part about it is how prescient it looks, given that it's a comedy skit, but it turned out pretty much like the two comedians acted it.

"I'm gonna tell you how this is going to go down, John McCain. I'm going to put a smile on, and look real pretty (which is not hard...for me) and talk about being a hockey mom, and TAKE THIS SH*T HOME"

Which is EXACTLY what she did.

Then pan to John McCain in confused panic, that maybe, he bit off more than he could chew with this gal.



Unknown said...

Wow.... really, really good.

Easily the most hilarious VP video I've seen this campaign since the brilliant "Make Me Your VP" song:

There are a lot of talented young politicos out there....

blasianFMA said...

Lisa Nova is great. This was funny on so many different levels.

outofthefogblog said...

A heartbeat away and this fanatic (Palin) will have bombs dropped on Russia and military strikes in Iran and N. Korea. Vetted or not, she's hard to take seriously; obviously she was picked merely because she's FEMALE = sexist!!! Now if Obama had a pregnant, unmarried teenage daughter how would America view that? As a slip? More ammunition to prove how irresponsible and out of control black people are or would his family be granted the same soft spin as Palin? I doubt it. Biden at least has a history of working for the people of this country in positive, supportive ways. Doesn't it matter that Palin took the "bridge to nowhere" money? I want questions asked and HONEST answers from ALL the candidates not false shock from McCain claiming that lipstick on a pig is an insult to his lipsticked pitbull. Sarah Palin referred to herself as a vicious bitch, should we question that or accept that her nomination speech, the full assault on the democratic nominee, as just plain ole Replican fun? If you want the McCain Palin ticket to continue to run the country into the ground, take away the rest of your civil liberties, continue UNJUST, UNPROVOKED, EXPENSIVE, POINTLESS wars, assist oil companies to profit even more then if, and I hope that doesn't happen, they win you will get the government you deserve and in four years you'll wonder, "what the HELL was I thinking??!!??", just like Bush/Cheney 04 - a complete disaster. DON'T DO IT! Vote for a future we can be proud of, a country that is worth dying for - but that no one has to and policies that serve the interest of the attention, be less emotional and engage your brain - don't vote against your economic self-interests. OBAMA '08 & '12- seriously!

Fuzzy Slippers said...

What Simon said.

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