September 11, 2008

"I didn't hesitate, no," Sarah Palin told Charlie Gibson.

"I answered him 'yes' because I have the confidence in that readiness and knowing that you can't blink, you have to be wired in a way of being so committed to the mission, the mission that we're on, reform of this country and victory in the war, you can't blink. So I didn't blink then even when asked to run as his running mate."


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AlphaLiberal said...

chickenlittle, do you catch your own "irony" wherein you accuse me of lacking substance and your whole post has nothing but insults?

To, whoever...Obama is qualified to have a his finger on the button because, unlike the hothead McCain, he is calm, reasoned and doesn't look to violence as a first resort.

Matt said...

Obama qualified?
Let me go with this answer [slightly altered] by John Stodder:
If perchance [Obama] becomes president, [he] won't be in a vacuum seal.... [He'll] be making decision based on the best advice this great country can provide [him]....

I don't think JFK or Reagan had much experience in foreign affairs either. One indeed does learn it on the job. But the point is where you stand on the issues. I for one do not believe you can pull someone off the street and make them a President. Palin is not just off the street but she hasn't been in a world leadership mindset for long. So, yeah, it gives me pause. At least Obama has been in the mindset for over a year. Does he makes gaffes? They all do. But I would still take a world view that the best Democrats have then a world view that the Republican one.

Dark Eden said...

Instead of a task from god, how about a task in our nations interest?///

You tend to talk to god and ask him to guide you when you're saying a prayer in a church. I know this might be shocking to some on the left.

Alex said...

mortimor - your pretty pathetic there. That Palin sought to clarify what Gibson meant shows her intelligence, not a gaffe. I would have done exactly the same thing. He was trying to lay a trap and she didn't fall for it.

What the left really means by "Bush Doctrine" is illegal preemptive war against innocent nations.

Synova said...

"Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also, for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending [U.S. soldiers] out on a task that is from God," she exhorted the congregants. "That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God's plan."

I don't know that this is so difficult. Though I suppose if someone insists on not understanding an American sub-culture that's their choice.

Evangelicals (and others) operate with the sovereignty of God as a base assumption. Thus we try to figure out God's plan because he's got one and whatever happens *is* God's plan. Which a whole lot of people have trouble with because it means that *bad* stuff is also, somehow, part of God's plan.

So the statement... automatically everything has to do with God. This isn't the same thing as asserting that God is one one side or the other. And that is why she is clearly saying that the prayer should be that the plan is God's plan. Not that God lines up with out plans but that we line up with his.

This is like, Christian Faith 101, and I do realize that there are a whole lot of people (some who post here) that have severe prejudice against "Christianists" and feel no need or desire to understand those people when ignorance and scorn is so very much fun.

Chris Arabia said...

How is that a bad answer--you can quibble on war v terror as opposed to islamic extremists, but she certainly didn't get it wrong. And notice CG did not actually define what he was asking. Total gotcha question.

Unknown said...

Mortimer Brezny - I think not knowing what the Bush Doctrine is qualifies as a major gaffe. Actually, her answer was spot on. "Bush wants to rid the world of islamic terrorism...there have been mistakes along the way...etc...etc" No, it's not the answer he wanted, but it was actually correct in terms of what the Bush Doctrine is.

AlphaLiberal said...

"Not ONE left leaner or Democrat is breathing a sigh of relief."

Why should we breathe a sigh of relief when such a terrible person may wield power in our nation's most powerful offices?

That's a pretty weak argument.

This Stengl guy keeps pitching softballs to McCain. "Your family is great and honorable. Is that hard for you?" Ugh.

Alex said...

To, whoever...Obama is qualified to have a his finger on the button because, unlike the hothead McCain, he is calm, reasoned and doesn't look to violence as a first resort.

7:28 PM

Wow, evidence?????

AlphaLiberal said...

I meant "terrible candidate."

Unknown said...

I do realize that there are a whole lot of people (some who post here) that have severe prejudice against "Christianists" and feel no need or desire to understand those people when ignorance and scorn is so very much fun.

The word you're searching for is:



Alex said...

Yes AlphaLIEberal, I do want Palin to be President!!!!

AlphaLiberal said...

McCain aides later confirmed the encounter with [the thief] Follieri, but said it was "entirely social and nothing came of it."

Who goes to Montenegro for their birthday and hangs out with an international thief? Whoa.

Alex said...

Obama advocates bombing Pakistan:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama said on Wednesday the United States must be willing to strike al Qaeda targets inside Pakistan, adopting a tough tone after a chief rival accused him of naivete in foreign policy.

Alex said...

So much for the peacenik Obama.

John Stodder said...

She did not know what the Bush Doctrine was.

Mortimer, are you stomping your feet until you get your way? Is that why you keep repeating yourself? Say it 10 more times, but it doesn't get any truer.

The fact that TPM interprets that exchange, which I quoted precisely from the same video clip, as her "not knowing what the Bush Doctrine is," doesn't mean anything. You might as well quote Paul Begala. TPM is an arm of the Obama campaign, and is second only only to Andrew Sullivan in Palin derangement.

Where's the quote that proves your point? There isn't one.

Synova said...

"To, whoever...Obama is qualified to have a his finger on the button because, unlike the hothead McCain, he is calm, reasoned and doesn't look to violence as a first resort."

I don't trust Democrats and particularly Obama BECAUSE he doesn't look to violence EVER. Which means that he's never really thought about it. It's a sort of deliberate and willful lack of understanding that says nothing at all about actually using the military or "the button". Democrat presidents have shown NO hesitation over using the military and in the heat directly after 9-11, would Gore have really been *less* likely to put his finger on that "button" than Bush... who didn't and (I'm sure) never considered it?

I don't trust Obama not to be violent. I trust that when it comes to it that he will be operating on emotion rather than consideration and understanding.

I'd far far rather have McCain whit his finger on the button because he hasn't spent his entire life avoiding thinking about what it *means*.

Chris Arabia said...

Obama claims running for President is a primary qualification, fine. But because he was presumably pissy he made a huge blunder and didn't pick Hillary, out of ego or spite--even Biden suggests the Biden choice was lousy. And strategically, he made McCain look like a genius with Palin.

What would Putin do to Obama?

UWS guy said...

All this talk (candidate forum on service) of forcing americans into indentured service to the State is creepy.

So far McCain...and I don't expect to be any more happy with Obama's performance.

"praise in dedication to this country"

fuck that, this country was founded on being left alone to till your farm and pursue your happiness.

Paul Shetler said...

the talking points on russia and saakashvili really turned me off - and i've been a big fan of hers.

there's still no way i'll vote for obidenama. but what is it with mccain's militaristic foreign policy? has he ever seen anything that couldn't best be resolved by war or a country that wouldn't benefit from american lessons in political morality - preferably at gunpoint?

Chris Arabia said...

AL--and Obama works closely with an unrepentant terrorist in the U.S. McCain shook hands with a greaseball--big deal. I knew a crook in Florida who had a picture of himself with Ted Kennedy--big whoop.

chickelit said...

@alpha libeler:

I will continue to insult you at will. The "factual backing" you bring to the table day after day after day is derivative, and reduces in the end to insult as well.

BTW, I enjoy insulting you!

former law student said...

Did he ask her about the move to impeach her over her vendetta against her sister's ex-husband?

Or why her town was the only one in Alaska that made rape victims buy their own $500 rape kits? Is she pro-rapist?

Chris Arabia said...


McCain opposed Reagan--publicly--on the Marine deployment to Lebanon in 1983, at great risk to his standing in the GOP. That mission ended in disaster, just as McCain had feared.

Unknown said...

Wow - just watched the last part of the interview tonight - she kicked his ass on the 'mission from God' stuff. They showed her youtube clip, which put the quote in the correct context of "prayer." And I love how she keeps using his name - it absolutely puts her on the same level as him.

Revenant said...

How is that "not knowing what the Bush Doctrine is?" A more reasonable reading would be that she was trying to get Gibson to clarify what was a pretty lame question to begin with.

Exactly. Gibson expected Palin to guess what he thought "the Bush doctrine" meant. One he decided to share his personal definition with her, she responded to that definition. Prior to that, she responded based on Bush's overall foreign policy and world view.

Chris Arabia said...


I hadn't heard that. Link? I'm not asking to be a jerk, actually would like to see it.


A-%$**-men. Service / charity is good. Compelled service / charity violates the 13th Amendment.

John Stodder said...

Palin is not just off the street but she hasn't been in a world leadership mindset for long.

Proving her sanity, if nothing else. If I suddenly lapsed into a "world leadership mindset," hopefully someone would medicate me.

This country is not an aristocracy. We're self-governing. The ultimate test of any candidate's qualifications is whether they can get a majority of the people in enough states to add up to an Electoral College majority, which makes them president for four years.

The anti-Palin crowd was hoping she'd say something that would convince those who support her to change their minds. She didn't. So they're manufacturing this silent gaffe. This gaffe about nothing.

Chris Arabia said...


Nice implication on the sound and fury.

Methadras said...

AlphaLiberal said...

Why should we breathe a sigh of relief when such a terrible person may wield power in our nation's most powerful offices?

And there it is. Oh no a Conservative (A man or woman that practices the ideology of Conservationism) who just happens to be a woman is someone you are afraid of that may 'wield' power? Do you even understand what you are saying sometimes or does your moronic glibness just sort of ooze out of you like a tube of toothpaste. Does your idiotic ideology only lead you to be morose, miserable, angry, bitter, vengeful, and hate-filled towards those you disagree with? So much so that even if she had every qualification you would still rail against her because she doesn't bow to your ideology.

I thought your ideology was that of tolerance and open-mindedness. Apparently that's a bald-faced lie. A lie you live with every day it seems, since it makes it a convenient apparatus for you to exploit and project your nonsensical irrational hatreds towards those that don't agree with you or your ideology. Why do you cling to an ideology of hatred and self-loathing? Why do you cling to an ideology of the lowest common denominator that crushes hope and light wherever it's shadow crosses? Why do you cling to an ideology that is bereft of anything of meaningful value, that derides the value of humanity, that derides the intrinsic nature of human ambition and curiosity, and the need to become more than what you were before? Why do you cling to an ideology that seems to foment such vile and disgusting attacks on conservatives or people who are conservatively attuned? Why? Do you even know why you are a liberal or a leftist? Do you even understand the very nature of the ideology of death and gloom that you so lavishly try to portray to us in your writings on a near daily basis in that shrill and histrionic tone that lefties and liberals like you take? Why?

I meant "terrible candidate."

Sure you did.

Automatic_Wing said...

Meanwhile, Biden is out there telling some guy in wheelchair to stand up. Too funny.

chickelit said...

fls said: Or why her town was the only one in Alaska that made rape victims buy their own $500 rape kits? Is she pro-rapist?

You just can't make this shit up- so it must be true. You guys just need a bigger lie don't you?

Chris Arabia said...

On the rape kit issue, wouldn't the police object? Do they rifle the pockets of murder victims up there to pay for the chalk outline? What's goin' on?

Methadras said...

former law student said...

Did he ask her about the move to impeach her over her vendetta against her sister's ex-husband?

Or why her town was the only one in Alaska that made rape victims buy their own $500 rape kits? Is she pro-rapist

Are you one of the 30 DNC lawyers in Juneau now?

Matt said...

Alex said...
Obama running against Palin.

That is because he isn't running against Palin. The GOP just likes to make it seem he is. They get confused. They forget McCain is the nominee sometimes. And, true, she has infused his campaign with energy.

John Stodder said...

Just curious, to those who are pushing the rape kit story. Have they actually found someone who was forced to pay for their rape kit?

As I understand the story, the state was concerned that some Alaskan cities were billing victims for it, so they passed a law requiring the cities to pay. Wasilla was one of those cities. Was this something Palin, as mayor, fought the state over?

She came into power, as I'm sure you know, upending the local establishment. It would be ironic if at that moment, she became personally culpable for every dumb city policy she inherited that she couldn't instantly fix.

My guess is, she didn't know this was an issue. It's certainly not something I would inquire about on my first day. I would assume, intuitively but erroneously, that the city picks up the rape kit tab, seeing as how it is an evidentiary tool of the prosecution.

John Stodder said...

But I would still take a world view that the best Democrats have then a world view that the Republican one.

So you're admitting that the question of Palin's qualifications is only a smoke screen. You just don't like her "world view." Then just say that, folks, and back it up. You'll win more elections that way.

blake said...

Day 14 of the Sarah Palin crisis....

(I don't even read the threads any more. It's like watching a volleyball game without the hot bodies.)

MC said...

The Bush doctrine means different things to different people.

For example, I've heard described as a doctrine of pre-emptive strike against military threats.

I've also heard it described as the idea that long term peace cannot be achieved in the middle east until the region is democratic, and therefore wars to bring democracy to the region are good for peace in the long term, despite the short term.

It is entirely reasonable and intelligent to clarify what someone means when they use the term 'Bush doctrine', although hyperventilating leftists would currently like to pretend otherwise.

Unknown said...

Never has such an unqualified act of political tokenism threatened to undermine our democracy as the nomination of Sarah Palin for Vice President of the United States.

Want more government intrusion into the lives of women? Want a Supreme Court stacked against you? Want to roll back your hard-won reproductive rights to pre-1973?

Then you should vote for Palin. Just realize that it may be your last choice.

Help me spread the word, please buy a t-shirt, profits to Obama!

Matt said...

John Stodder
You wrote:
The ultimate test of any candidate's qualifications is whether they can get a majority of the people in enough states to add up to an Electoral College majority, which makes them president for four years.

Wow. My goodness! You're really not kidding are you? Do you realize that what you are saying is that it does not matter what you know, what experience you have or even if you can govern. But instead it only matters if the voters think you can govern. That's frightening no matter who gets into office.

No kidding ,this isn't an aristocracy. But to say qualifications are only based on perception is amazing. At least you are honest.

George M. Spencer said...

Anonymous writes above....sarcastically....

b. We invade Pakistan, whenever we feel like it.


Truth is that's our new policy, as reported in the lead story in the NY Times today...

President Bush secretly approved orders in July that for the first time allow American Special Operations forces to carry out ground assaults inside Pakistan without the prior approval of the Pakistani government, according to senior American officials.

“The situation in the tribal areas is not tolerable,” said a senior American official who, like others interviewed for this article, spoke on condition of anonymity because of the delicate nature of the missions. “We have to be more assertive. Orders have been issued.”

Details about last week’s commando operation have emerged that indicate the mission was more intrusive than had previously been known.

According to two American officials briefed on the raid, it involved more than two dozen members of the Navy Seals who spent several hours on the ground and killed about two dozen suspected Qaeda fighters in what now appeared to have been a planned attack against militants who had been conducting attacks against an American forward operating base across the border in Afghanistan.....

Analysts at the C.I.A. and other American spy and security agencies believe not only that the bombing of India’s embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan, in July by militants was aided by ISI operatives, but also that the highest levels of Pakistan’s security apparatus — including the army chief, Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani — had knowledge of the plot.

Translation: The new President inherits a much wider war in Pakistan.

Also, love the word "assertive," ya know, like we're talking about a problem with shyness when, in reality, the new strategy is: "Kill them all, and let Allah sort them out."

LoafingOaf said...

National Review's "The Corner" evaluates the interview:

Again, my biggest takeaway is: Why is so much is supposedly at stake with one interview?

I look forward to seeing a whole lot more of her in the coming days, off ABC.

Translation: Palin sucked, but we'll blame it on ABC and hope Palin studies harder for the next interview.

Revenant said...


I have no idea if she knew about the policy or not. She had been in office for four years when the Alaskan legislature passed its law, though, so that would certainly have been time to change the law if she WAS aware of it.

According to the chief of police at the time, the city would bill the victim's insurance company, not the victims themselves. The police chief's reasoning seems to have been that it was better for Blue Cross to pick up the tab than it was for the town to do so.

AlphaLiberal said...

Sarah Palin's handpicked Wasilla police chief demands that women pay for medical exams when victims, or suspected victims, of rape.

Gee, that Sarah Palin is a real feminist. Do they charge any other crime victims for forensic investigation? Why just rape victims?

Althouse ignores the story.


Alex said...

Translation: Palin sucked, but we'll blame it on ABC and hope Palin studies harder for the next interview.

8:06 PM

No, it just means she was competent and will do better. You can try to spin it as a "disaster" but it's not true.

George M. Spencer said...

Sorry. Here's the delightful NY Times article...

I bet two dozen SEALS can do a lot of damage. And they got air cover from an AC-130 gunship. Here is what one of these things can do.

Remember all ye fans of Sen. Obama, he has been very clear about wanting to escalate over there....

TDP said...

Mortimer, the Bush Doctrine is described in the NSS (National Security Strategy) document of September 2002. There are some eight or nine separate sections pertaining to different areas of International security and related strategies.

The Bush Doctrine covers many varied areas from WMD proliferation to HIV/AIDs policy to encouraging more open societies by helping create democratic infrastructures.

Gibson's question is as inane as asking her if she agrees with Webster's Dictionary...

Gibson's question made sense to him as a typical Liberal since like most liberals he thinks the Bush Doctrine is "Blow shit up and kill people".

Chris Arabia said...

"charged the insurance companies when possible"

Did any victims have to pay out of pocket?

I'm not endorsing the policy, just want to make sure we have it straight.

Also, did Palin herself voice an opinion? Was it within her purview to tell the police how to conduct operations?

These are relevant questions that require answers.

Had the PDS crowd not been so quick to trash SP, this issue MIGHT have had traction, but it is unlikely to based on the evidence thus far presented.

Revenant said...

You know, the sad thing about Alpha's endless parroting of leftie talking points is that he's usually the LAST of the left-wingers to present them here.

Look at the rape-kit story, for example -- Former Law Student obediently tosses it out there, then Alpha comes breathlessly running in thirty minutes later to repeat it, jumping in to the ongoing discussion of it to urge us to "discuss". :)

avwh said...

Gibson is a complete jerk. Has he EVER said to another political candidate so condescendingly, while looking down his nose, over those professorial glasses, “I got lost in that blizzard of words - was that a yes or a no?”

And this is the LEAST offensive network interviewer the McCain campaign presumably “rewarded” with the first exclusive?

The MSM ought to be ashamed of themselves - the way she's grilled and given all "gotcha" questions, while Obama has the same MSM bowing at his feet for 19 months.

Of course, by the next Presidential election, the MSM may be deservedly bypassed altogether, since they do their job so poorly and have been so exposed by online and alternative media.

Alex said...

Hmm. I think I know what happened to Andrew Sullivan. Reading his older work from 2002, he was a sane man. Then he flipped when Iraq wasn't going well. I guess he became part of the insane left so he wouldn't have to withstand their daily, withering attacks.

Revenant said...

"charged the insurance companies when possible"

Did any victims have to pay out of pocket?

I'm curious about that myself. I would think the city would have picked up whatever the insurance wasn't willing to pay for, but so far the only actual interviews I've seen are with (a) Democrats or (b) Palin associates. So nobody you can really trust to tell the story straight.

avwh said...

"Who goes to Montenegro for their birthday and hangs out with an international thief? Whoa."

You're right, AL - Obama doesn't have to leave his backyard to hang with an unrepentant terrorist, a convicted felon who he traded financial favors with, and a bigoted, anti-American pastor who was his spiritual mentor. No need for those tiring international trips when your neighborhood has all those classy cronies.

Oh, and that international thief was in business with Clinton, too - hate to break it to you.

Revenant said...

Gibson is a complete jerk.

Sure, but complaining about him is counterproductive. It makes Republicans look like a bunch of whiners.

Any Republican President is going to be hated by the media. Reagan was, both Bushes were, and McCain and/or Palin will be if they end up in the office. The ability to deal with hostile press is a necessity in a Republican candidate. Besides, the whole "baptism of fire" thing prepares Republican candidates for the debates. :)

Revenant said...

Oh, and that international thief was in business with Clinton, too - hate to break it to you.

Yeah, wake me when Bush sells the guy a pardon.

Synova said...

"Also, did Palin herself voice an opinion? Was it within her purview to tell the police how to conduct operations?"

Well... since it's obviously not within her purview to so much as ask the librarian a question... I doubt it. ;-)

Peter V. Bella said...

AlphaLiberal said...
To, whoever...Obama is qualified to have a his finger on the button because, unlike the hothead McCain, he is calm, reasoned and doesn't look to violence as a first resort.

He will send in the community organizers instead of the military. That will show those Islamofacists and all ofthe other mean people in the world.

Obama is the miggest myth and fairytale in politics today.

Unknown said...

Agree with most of the observations about CG demeanor. And as odd as this may seem, the 'what-is-wrong-with-this-picture' factor for me was that he was not wearing a suit.

A blazer is always a sign of informality. And I don't recall a single interview that he has conducted with the other candidates - the men - when he was not wearing a suit. It is just a basic sign of respect.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Over 250 posts and counting. It's just fascinating that Palin is such a lightning rod.

The subtext on the left at this point seems to be: Please, please fuck up!

Peter V. Bella said...

AlphaLiberal said...
Why should we breathe a sigh of relief when such a terrible person may wield power in our nation's most powerful offices?

Oh, yeah, I would be terrified too if that terrible Obama was elected to wield power in our nations highest office. Especially with that Hair Club for Men guy.

Mark said...

"Yes, I noted this, too. She just kept saying, "We don't second-guess Israel," as if she had no actual understanding of policy and was just robotically saying what she had been prepped to say."

I am curious, what do you geniuses think she should have said?

Mark said...

Anyone who claims the Bush Doctrine refers to preemptive invasion and only preemptive invasion is more ignorant than they claim Sarah Palin is.

Sloanasaurus said...

Gibson is a complete jerk. Has he EVER said to another political candidate so condescendingly, while looking down his nose, over those professorial glasses,

I agree with Rev. Complaining about it makes it worse.

Actually Gibson is one of the best the MSM has. He made a big gaffe himself in relying on the MSM to quote Palin correctly. Gibson should feel like crap after that, especially after going double down on Palin.

Palin did a fine job. She said all the right things which is what really matters in the end (i.e. She did not say we need to pass the "global test.")

Simon said...

Interesting that the only thing that Palin's critics can find in here to throw at her is that she wasn't willing to give a broad answer to a question about an amorphous, ill-defined term, and instead sought to clarify exactly what Gibson had in mind. You're trying to squeeze out more juice than there is orange. If she'd done otherwise, Gibson would have offered some other definition of the term that broadly sQuares with Wikipedia and berate her for not knowing what she was talking about. That way he gets another gotcha moment - his credibility for this interview vanished when he pulled off that Mo Do Ninjitsu with the God question. Her answer was smart, careful and aware of the situation. Well-played.

I'd also be interested, if someone has Lexis access handy, to know how many stories used the term "Bush doctrine" prior to today. This isn't a talking point, I'm dead serious - go into Lexis, search mainstream media outlets for "Bush Doctrine" and give us the number.

Peter V. Bella said...

I do not get this. Obama is running against John McCain, yet he keeps talking about, insulting, and having his supporters smear Sarah Palin.

What is wrong with this picture? Palin is running for VP.

Oh, now I get it. Obama just cannot standthat someone is more popular and generating more buzz than he is, especially a woman. Worse, she is not only a qualified woman, but she is way more qualified than he is. He is a tyro compared to her.

Sexsim and jealosuy. The hallmarks of the new progessives.

Unknown said...

Just caught the broadcast out here on the West Coast.

1 - This interview will not cost Sarah Palin one undecided voter - she was great!

2 - Democrats: Be Sacred. VERY Scared!

Mark said...

"Why should we breathe a sigh of relief when such a terrible person may wield power in our nation's most powerful offices?"

That is a pretty pathetic argument coming from an Obama supporter. The only reason Obama named Biden as his VP choice is because Obama's grasp of foreign policy is absolutely horrible, period. He is running at the top of the ticket, whereas Sarah Palin is running for VP.
There are probably quite a few substantive arguments to be made against Sarah Palin, but lack of experience and lack of foreign policy expertise are probably not the topics Obama's supporters should be harping on, especially when you consider the fact those are his two biggest weaknesses as well.

Asking Charlie Gibson to clarify his question on the Bush Doctrine is a heck of a lot better than claiming the leaders of North Korea and Iran are rational leaders who should be met without preconditions.

Unknown said...

Also saw the Pres Forum at Columbia:

John McCain: A

Barack Obama: A

Obama had an extremely favorable audience vs. McCain, which surely increased Obama's comfort level.

That said, Obama brought his A-game. He certainly learned from his Saddleback experience.

This election is ON!

Mark said...

"Who goes to Montenegro for their birthday and hangs out with an international thief? Whoa'

Who has a man who would later be convicted of multiple felonies help him get a house at a bargain? Who goes to the house of an unrepentant terrorist to launch his political career? Who is married by and listens to the sermons of a bigot so vile, he makes David Duke look good in comparison? Whoa.

Roberto said...

Brent: "Browsed some 2000 comments on the left wing blogs and ABC News open thread."

Do YOU really want to admit something like that?

Roberto said...

I think what made me feel better, and I didn't even have to watch the Palin interview: Today John McCain put my energy concerns to rest when he said:

"Sarah Palin knows more about energy than ANYONE in the country."


I'm Full of Soup said...


Re day 14 and you don't bother reading the comments.

Good point - it is getting tedious. Let's get the election over with so we can all fight over what the new prez did or did not do. Heh.

Mark said...

"Never has such an unqualified act of political tokenism threatened to undermine our democracy as the nomination of Sarah Palin for Vice President of the United States."

Replace Sarah Palin with Barack Obama and Vice President with President and you are right on target.
And how exactly does the Palin pick undermine our democracy? If the McCain-Palin ticket wins the necessary amount of electoral votes, they win, if they don't they don't. The assumption of office by someone with whom you disagree does not mean the end of democracy, regardless of how much hysterical hyperbole you use.

Trooper York said...

The only other person I ever heard talk about the "Bush Doctrine" was Titus.

Do you it possible...could it Charles Gibson really...Titus.

Mark said...

"Then you should vote for Palin. Just realize that it may be your last choice."

This is, without a doubt, one of the most idiotic comments I have ever read about Sarah Palin and this election.

Roberto said...

Brent offers up this nugget of advice:

"Democrats: Be Sacred."


Mark said...

"Again, my biggest takeaway is: Why is so much is supposedly at stake with one interview?

I look forward to seeing a whole lot more of her in the coming days, off ABC.

Translation: Palin sucked, but we'll blame it on ABC and hope Palin studies harder for the next interview."

Evidently you didn't read the rest of what was writtne, because that was not the conclusion that was reached at all. Perhaps you should actually read what is written at The Corner instead of relying on hearsay posted on left-wing blogs.

Chris Arabia said...

Anyone think Biden's admission and the Clinton lunch = groundwork for Hillary joining the ticket?

Roberto said...

Simon says: "amorphous, ill-defined term"

I say: Insecure?

Jeff with one 'f' said...

Jessica Valenti rules that Palin is not a feminist:

But Michele is!:

Anonymous said...

Here is what I think: Obama offered Clinton. She declined. She was the best choice, then and in retrospect. This explanation also explains the poor roll-out.

If she didn't want to help Obama then -- an eternity ago when he was riding high -- why would she help him now when he is losing and sinking fast?

No, if I'm either Clinton, I do the minimum to ensure that I look good but nothing to help Obama win.

Mark said...

It is absolutely hilarious that many Obama supporters are sarcastically claiming that conservatives should boycott ABC. Wasn't it just a few months ago that the Democrats were saying the same exact thing after Obama was absolutely embarrassed in a debate against Hillary in Pennsylvania. Wasn't it the Democrats who pulled the ridiculous "cone of silence" nonsense at Saddle Back after Obama came off worse than McCain. Maybe Palin should have just said it was above her pay grade. That answer was enough for Obama's supporters.

Peter V. Bella said...

Mark said...
"Who goes to Montenegro for their birthday and hangs out with an international thief? Whoa'

Who lets himself be picked by a corrupt Chicago pol to run for office and then lets that corrupt Chicago pol lead him by the nose? That is what Emil Jones did with Obama. Obama does what Emil tells him to do.

Who gets involved with known a corrupt businessman and does real estate transactions with him? Tony Rezkow was known for many years as a bag man and corrupt go between. Obama knew what he was when he decided to do business with him and let Rezko raise money for him.

Who allows themself to be part of the Corrupt Democratic Party machine in Chiago and Illinois and then tells people he is honest and represents change? That's your pal, Barak.

No qualifications, no experience, part of a corrupt political machine, and associating with known felons and terrorists.

Yeah, he would make a good president; president of the Hyde Park Community Organizers Association.

Peter V. Bella said...

Trooper York said...
The only other person I ever heard talk about the "Bush Doctrine" was Titus.

Yeah, all he talked about was a hog in the hand was better than two pigs in the bush.

integrity said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LoafingOaf said...

Evidently you didn't read the rest of what was writtne, because that was not the conclusion that was reached at all. Perhaps you should actually read what is written at The Corner instead of relying on hearsay posted on left-wing blogs.

I was linked by InstaPundit to the post I quoted. Haven't read any left-wing blogs today.

InstaPundit didn't see the interview. I hope when he gets around to it he won't do what some of you guys have tried: Going by only the printed transcript to try and spin that Palin may have known what the Bush Doctrine is. The video of the interview is clear: She had no idea what the Bush Doctrine is.

No surprise. In 2006 she was asked about Iraq policy and she said she wasn't paying attention to it.

I warned you last week: She's not ready for the office she seeks.

And, boy, did she seem shakey. She's gonna fall flat on her face well before November.

Anonymous said...

She's gonna fall flat on her face well before November.

Please, please fuck up! It's our only chance.

Chris Arabia said...


Obama couldn't get through 5 minutes with O'Reilly before completely changing his analysis of the surge--and not in response to changing events.

Did Palin do anything like that?

Which version of the Bush Doctrine was Gibson referring to? One of the versions different from whatever Palin would have answered.

Chris Arabia said...

Shakey is the guy who started that west coast pizza place.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Please, please fuck up! It's our only chance.

Nothing else seem to be working.

Unknown said...


Brent offers up this nugget of advice:

"Democrats: Be Sacred."


Okay by me!

michael, I am being to like you more and more. Humor always wins out.

VietPundit said...

Just caught the interview on the West Coast. Some observations:

1) Gibson was acting like he was giving her a pop quiz.

2) The exchange about the "holy war". I've read transcripts somewhere that contain this:
a) GIBSON: You said recently, in your old church, “Our national leaders are sending U.S. soldiers on a task that is from God.” Are we fighting a holy war?

b) PALIN: You know, I don’t know if that was my exact quote.

c) GIBSON: Exact words
The version that I saw on the West Coast does NOT have (b) and (c) above. Also, they showed a YouTube clip with the longer, more complete version of her statement. Did all the complaining about how he quoted her out of context make them edit the version shown on the West Coast, to make it more fair? Did anybody see (b) and (c) above on the East Coast?

Unknown said...

that's "beginning " to like you ...

Where is that darn spellcheckthingy?

Anonymous said...

All this talk of the Bush Doctrine is interesting. Fascinating, really. You dolts are still flailing around with your script. Come on, McCain, geezer! Come on, Palin, you trashy backwoods moose shooter! You are supposed to be advocating four more years of policies identical to Bush's. It says right here in the script we made for you.

It must really suck not being able to come to grips with reality.

Peter V. Bella said...

Miss Piggy has had enough of the insults of Barak Obama. Miss Piggy is going to work for Sarah Palin. She was very offended by the lipstick on a pig comment and claims it is demaning to female pigs. She plans on wearing her brightest shade of red lipstick and her best perfume in public to show that lipstick and perfume on a pig is fasionable and acceptable. She is also insulted by Obama's use of the term pork barrel spending, as it is highly insulting to pigs.

Kermit, whose diversity hit song, It's Not Easy Being Green, is extremely dissappointed, horrified, angry, and upset with Obama. He released a statement saying that he cannot believe that in the Twenty First Century that racism and sexism are alive and well in progressive circles. He is donating all of the profits from his song to Republican causes.

Kermit is urging the Muppets to go on the road and protest at all Obama campaign stops. The two old crumedgeons were the first to sign up.

Big Bird will not participate, as he was Obama's original choice for VP. Elmo, who has taken a vow of cruel neutrality, was crushed by the behaior of Barak Obama. He is quoted as saying- "Elmo is mad. Obama is not a nice man. No, not a nice man. Elmo is mad, mad, mad."

Unknown said...

I also noticed that the interviews were re-cut for the West Coast.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm . . . . . .

Revenant said...


Here is what I think: Obama offered Clinton. She declined.

I used to think that, but now I'm skeptical. SOMEBODY would have leaked by now, especially from inside the Obama camp. Not picking Hillary made Obama look like an asshole and cost him some of Hillary's supporters at the same time. You'd expect at least a few damage-controlling leaks about how he wanted Hillary but she wouldn't accept, even if he can't openly admit that's what happened.

The available evidence indicates that he honestly didn't want her for the job. My guess is that he just doesn't like her (why would he) and figured he could win without her. Which he still, in my opinion, probably can.

LoafingOaf said...

BTW, I find it amazing that the hyperpatriots here are perfectly okay with a Palin and McCain saying their policy is that anything Israel might ever do in the future with their military will never, ever be questioned. So America IS just a poodle to Israel?

Why would I want the U.S. government taking that view towards ANY foreign government?

And I support Israel. I do want my candidates to stress they support Israel and its right to defend itself from existential threats. But what's with this "never second guess anything they might do in the future" crap?

That's not an attack on Palin. She was programmed to say that over the past 10 days by McCain's people. It's an attack on McCain and his advisors. The attack on Palin is that she's pretending to be ready for the Vice Presidency when she is not. She should get off the stage and let us be free from this recklessness with the fate of my country. She should go back to Alaska and harass more librarians with her "loyalty tests" to make sure they would ban books if she asks them to. Dear Lord.

Unknown said...

"Muppets for Obama" reported today that they will be closing all field offices due to the increasing number of Muppets switching to McCain.

In other news:

Newly organized "McCain's Muppets" filed today for 527 status.

Revenant said...

Did all the complaining about how he quoted her out of context make them edit the version shown on the West Coast, to make it more fair? Did anybody see (b) and (c) above on the East Coast?

I'd guess that the McCain people handed ABC the video and explained Gibson's mistake. Kudos to ABC for trying to correct it -- and in the best way, too. Letting people see the video lets them make up their own minds about what Palin said and meant.

Unknown said...

This just in:

"McCain's Muppets" has decided to join with the recently formed "Palin's Puppets" in order to maximize resources.

Calls to "Obamabots" for reaction were not returned.

CarmelaMotto said...

Two comments - Palin looked nervous and she never looked that way in other interviews I have seen on line.

However, Charlie Gibson was a complete asshole. Someone above said it would hurt him. But I don't think he cares. He wants to make sure the Bumiller's of the world invite him to their cocktail parties. He was a rude dick.

By the way, am I the only one who was shouting at the tv DID ANY ONE AS BILL CLINTON IF HE MET WITH FOREIGN LEADERS? I am sorry I am not much of a swearer, but I was swearing at that ASSHOLE. If he were truly balanced he might say, you know, Bill Clinton didn't meet with foreign leaders before he was President, but do you think that is important - when have you traveled outside the US

On the other hand, the fact that he was an asshole, makes her look good.


Anonymous said...

She was programmed

So we are going with the Reagan actor meme, then? Not the rich Bush I meme or the dumb Bush II meme.

They all work so well.

Revenant said...

I find it amazing that the hyperpatriots here are perfectly okay with a Palin and McCain saying their policy is that anything Israel might ever do in the future with their military will never, ever be questioned.

I would find that amazing as well, particularly since it would mean I'd fallen through a wormhole to a parallel universe where that actually happened.

So America IS just a poodle to Israel?

And to think that just last week you were accusing her of being a Buchanan supporter.

garage mahal said...

You are supposed to be advocating four more years of policies identical to Bush's. It says right here in the script we made for you.

This is where I think Democrats are blowing it. They should be saying McCain is worse than Bush. Now there is some separation. We got a good taste already of President McCain jumping all over the Georgia breakaways saying fool things like "we're all Georgians now". Fuck that, I ain't no Georgian, and I ain't fighting for some piece of shit strip of mountains, and certainly ain't going to risk a nuclear war over it. I think even Bush has the sense not to get his arm mauled off poking that bear.

Anonymous said...

Pro-Israel? Anti-Israel? Does it really matter? The important thing is to prove that Palin is not as qualified as Obama. For some reason.

Synova said...

"No surprise. In 2006 she was asked about Iraq policy and she said she wasn't paying attention to it."

You know... this doesn't bother me at all. Should it?

Just because she wasn't going to act like an expert on Iraq policy when she wasn't? Haven't we had enough of that? Isn't it better for someone to say they aren't prepared to say what for?

Or is the real problem that she didn't say something like, oh, suggesting that we redeploy to Okinawa?

Unknown said...

Scandal in Muppetland:

The Muppet with the long blond hair, closed eyes and huge lips was seen exiting the back entrance of Bill Clinton's office just prior to the former President's meeting with Barack Obama.

Staying with the story . . .

Anonymous said...

From a geopolitical perspective, it would be useful to have as many allies as possible in the region in and around Russia.

Synova said...

Or... insist that the Surge wasn't working... and then insist that it wasn't the Surge at all... and then decide that he's sounding stupid and has to admit that it was the Surge.

Maybe Obama should have admitted that he wasn't really paying attention to Iraq past knowing that his base wanted to hear him say we were losing and should go home instead of just making stuff up.

Synova said...

"From a geopolitical perspective, it would be useful to have as many allies as possible in the region in and around Russia."


As with a whole lot of regions of the world that matter more to our future security than what Europeans might think of us if we don't elect Obama.

blake said...


Good point - it is getting tedious. Let's get the election over with so we can all fight over what the new prez did or did not do. Heh.

Guaran-damn-teed that if McCain wins, serves two terms, then Palin wins, and serves two terms, that in the year of our Lord Two Thousand and Twenty, these mooks will be talking about Trig being her grandson.

Peter V. Bella said...

Sesame Street has banned all community organizers and has given them one hour to leave for their own safety. This was in response to a petition signed by over ninety percent of its angry denizens. Oscar the Grouch summed up the anger of the citizens; "Community organizers? We don't need no stinking community organizers. He then threw a rotten tomato at one passing by."

Barak Obama fears that the community organizers may be in danger and is urging federal action. Bill Clinton has offered to send Hillary to dodge cookie fire if necessary.

Jimmy Carter and Jesse Jackson are enroute in case they are needed.

Anonymous said...

Rev -- I really think McCain is going to win handily. You could be right about Obama and Clinton and the lack of a leak certainly is a point in your favor.

On the other hand, we haven't read a single story (or, at least, I haven't) about the negotiations between McCain and his choices or between Obama and his choices.

Neither Clinton nor Obama has anything to gain at this point by leaking. Both would look bad in their own ways. And you have to assume that anything that happened only involved a handful of people.

Synova said...

"We got a good taste already of President McCain jumping all over the Georgia breakaways saying fool things like "we're all Georgians now". Fuck that, I ain't no Georgian, and I ain't fighting for some piece of shit strip of mountains, and certainly ain't going to risk a nuclear war over it."

Gandhi was right.

If we just leave be, the violence will end on it's own.

This is True.

But what does it do to us if we refuse, not just to act, but to determine and proclaim what is simply *wrong*.

I suppose we avoid getting any of our people killed and we avoid the *risk* of escalation... but what does it do to us to refuse to defend, even by word, those who are attacked?

Unknown said...

In my life, I recall two extreme cases of "buyers regret".

The first was when a friend got out of high school and bought a brand-new Yugo instead of a used Camero.

The second was when Barak Obama picked Joe Biden instead of Hillary Clinton.

The Yugo lasted 2 months. I don't expect Biden will last much longer.

Unknown said...

The New Republic has decide to send a woman writer out to a McCain/Palin event, and all she could come back with was an article deriding the way the women dressed and talked.

Keep it up, Democrats!

In the comments on that article, several pro-choice women take the author to task, and - AND - talk about how thankful they are to find someone they can actually relate to, even if she is pro-life.

Palin supporters - breathe easy tonight. Go out and enjoy yourself.

It's gonna be a bumpy road for the Scared S***less Democratic Party.

Peter V. Bella said...

AlphaLiberal said...
It's hilarious that Republicans try to tell us she's ready to be President, to have her finger on the button.

Um what button are you jabbering about? Your belly button? There is no button. There never has been a button. And there never will be a button. You watch too many movies.

CarmelaMotto said...

OK - more anger. Forget Bill.

Was Obama subject to this line of snearing gotcha. Have you ever been out of the country.

Honestly, this will ring with a lot of us normal folk because as a non-sophisticate new yorker, and someone who went to school part time (which proves I am a loser to the manhattan crowd), I had been abroad as part of a 92nd street y trip in 1993 (super cheap, no snow innsbruck, austria ski trip). And in 97 was my second, more touristy trip was to London. I was so excited. I will never forget the snarky comments from my "friends" at the time, "Oh my God, you have never been to LONDON? Do you even have a PASSPORT? You know you need a passport right." I cut those assholes off then and said, Guess what folks, most people, especially ones who got married and started families early, didn't get that JUNIOR YEAR ABROAD SHIT.

So, yeah, not only has Palin not been to France and has not taken a meeting with Chirac or the ambassador to the USA, she is also like all of the other people in this great nation who like me did not have the MEANS or the vacation time (all my friends who traveled so much when young had parental FF miles, parental cash, or my fav, trust funds.)

I despise snobs. Despise. It. Sick of it. Go F yourselves.

I am reminded that Gibson's wife is or was a headmaster at one of the seven sister schools on the upper east side (won't bother to google which one) who famously said, "I look forward to the day that we have bake sales for the military," and the schools get all the money they deserve.... or one such thing all the other...and the left all nods with approval. Made her the toast of the town. Charlie wants to keep those invites coming.

Did I mention he was a snarky asshole? Just want to make sure....

Unknown said...

Well, isn't this convenient. Looks like ABC News edited one of Charlie's more unflattering moments out of the interview.

Chris Arabia said...


What are the two old fogeys up in the balcony saying about all this?

Unknown said...

Breaking News:

Bert and Ernie, co-chairs of "Same-Gender Muppet Marriage for America 2008", stunned Democrats and pundits earlier today, announcing their endorsement of the McCain/Palin ticket.

"We are shocked and saddened by the sexist and misogynnist smear efforts of the Obama/Biden campaign towards Vice Presidential Nominee Sarah Palin and her family. As everyone knows, Bert and Ernie have spent their entire lives as advocates for tolerance and acceptance. Those qualities have apparently been abandodned by the Democratic Party of 2008. Please join us as we work to make the ticket of McCain/Obama the winning ticket for all Americans!"

Peter V. Bella said...

Seven Machos said...
Rev -- I really think McCain is going to win handily.

I do not know about handily, though i think they will win. If Obama keeps making stupid mistakes and keeps taking the low road, then yes, they win handily. If his supporters keep up the smear campaign and make Palin a lightening rod and a martyr, McCain wins by a landslide.

Let's hope Obama stays stuck on stupid.

Revenant said...

Looks like ABC News edited one of Charlie's more unflattering moments out of the interview.

Short of interrupting the interview with a screen saying "warning: the following segment contains footage of our reporter being smarmy and wrong at the same time" I don't see how else they could have handled it. :)

Peter V. Bella said...

Stephen Snell said...

What are the two old fogeys up in the balcony saying about all this?

Expletives- too many to count- deleted.

LoafingOaf said...

The fact is, she had absolutely no idea what the Bush Doctrine is. And for those saying people have different definitions, Gibson asked her to state what she believes it is. She just flat out had never even heard of it before.

But I found her answer on Pakistan the most disturbing. Like Gibson, I got lost in her blizzard of words. We're in much better hands with Obama, who made very clear he will act on good intelligence to take out al Qaeda in Pakistan. I know a lot of Republicans have forgotten about Usama bin Laden and, 7 years on from 9/11, apparently don't find it a high priority to capture or kill the perpetrators of that atrocity. I want a clear answer on this from Palin. No more B.S. from the hockey mom.

Fen said...

Mortimer Brezny: I think not knowing what the Bush Doctrine is qualifies as a major gaffe.

1) Palin knows what the Bush doctrine is.

2) Gibson doesn't. He got it wrong. Hint: its not just about taking preemptive action.

3) I doubt you, Mort, even know what the Bush doctrine is, though I've been educating you on it for the last few years. Please answer the question for yourself: what is the Bush doctrine?


I did not like Palin's response re "imminent" threat. We reserve the right to attack BEFORE the threat becomes imminent.

Chris Arabia said...

I lived in Russia for 2 years, mostly outside Moscow and St. Pete, and have travelled to about 20 countries.

Numerous times, lefties have responded to my (informed, I believe) opinions on certain foreign policy issues by saying "Well maybe if you traveled you'd understand things better."

A peace corper I knew said that because most of his p.c. comrades were leftists that obviously left-wing positions are correct. The "useful" part is subject to debate (some worked, some were glorified stoners).

Yeah, I used both spellings of travel(l)ed.

Fen said...

The fact is, she had absolutely no idea what the Bush Doctrine is

You too Loaf. What is the Bush doctrine?

Unknown said...

Financial Times is reporting:

Democrats on Capitol Hill fear Obama fallout

John McCain’s jump in the polls has stoked fears of a Republican resurgence.

A Democratic fundraiser for Congressional candidates said some planned to distance themselves from Mr Obama and not attack Mr McCain.

garage mahal said...

I suppose we avoid getting any of our people killed and we avoid the *risk* of escalation... but what does it do to us to refuse to defend, even by word, those who are attacked?

First of Georgia was the one that "attacked" Ossetia. Second, I'm reminded of Twain who remarked "I was dead for millions of years before I was born and it never inconvenienced me a bit". Did it bother you all this time not defending Georgia and it's interests? Seriously, who cares about Georgia? Since when do we die for the birthplace of Stalin?

LoafingOaf said...

Yes, Alpha. Not only do the Religious Right (which I guess now means the whole GOP) think Palin is fit to be VP, you know they actually would prefer her to be at the top of the ticket over McCain. It doesn't seem to concern them that they are exposing themselves as not caring whether the Commander in Chief knows a freaking thing at all about foreign affairs. I guess it all comes down to abortion and religion to them. Glad they've finally confessed.

Revenant said...

Andy McCarthy has a pretty good rebuttal to the whole "Bush doctrine" meme Obama's guys are trying to push.

Anonymous said...

first off, Gibson himself was wrong. The Bush speech he referred to was actually in June, 2002 NOT September 2002. So much for Mr Know it all Chuckles there.

Secondly, she was right to ask which aspect because the Bush doctrine has many aspects. With us or against us, holding natoins responsible for who they harbor, preemption, wmds, the PSI, lots of things.

In any event Bush himself has abandoned the Bush Doctrine so the whole question is moot

Also, I love how these leftys are saying she wants to go to war wit Russia. Guess what Josh Marshall? Obama does too. He wants Georgia and Ukraine in NATO. He even wants Macedonia in NATO. And Coratia and Albania. Are you ready to go war with Russia over Macedonia or Albania? Barack is.

That said, her answers were fine. Not spectacular, but as good as any one else;s would be. Certainly no worse than Obama's blatant lying on BOR.

Obama said Iran isnt the same as AQ because they're Shia and wont work with Sunnis. Is Obama aware that Iran is the top sponsor of Hamas, a Sunni group. That they tried to send 50 tons of high level weaponry to the Palestinain authority, also Sunnis. That they are close allies with the regime in Khartoum and Omar al-bashir and Hassan al-Turabi, more Sunnis. That veen the 9/11 commission listed instances of Iran and AQ collaborating?

Or is he just stupid?

He lied about going to church twice a month as he told the Chicago Sun Times that he went every week.

He lied about never hearing Wright talk about white people as he admits in his book that the first sermon he heard Wright preach and that brought him to the church was about white folks' greed.

He lied about Bill Ayers and how it was 40 yrs ago. Obama met Ayers 20 yrs ago. He tried to pass him off as just some guy he came into contact with when the relationship is much closer.

He lied when he said he'd said before the Surge was successful and had said it numerous times.

He lied when he said it succeeded beyond anyone's wildest dreams.

the list goes on

Palin was fine, especially considering foreign policy is her weak point and I suspect she'll be better tomorrow

Revenant said...

Not only do the Religious Right (which I guess now means the whole GOP) think Palin is fit to be VP, you know they actually would prefer her to be at the top of the ticket over McCain.

So would the sensible atheists. :)

Sloanasaurus said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sloanasaurus said...

The fact is, she had absolutely no idea what the Bush Doctrine is

Palin did a brilliant job of not falling into this trap. Gibson wanted Palin to take the bait and try to define it herself. She was too smart for Gibson.

Gibson also made a gaffe when he double downed on the misquote from the AP. Gibson should admit his mistake.

Chris Arabia said...

South Ossetia is part of Georgia. While their decision to try to assert their sovereignty was ill-advised, the situation would be akin to the U.S. "attacking" Rhode Island if it were taken over by Petoria and declared independence.

Do we really want to dismiss countries because of past leaders? Should we let Germany / Austria and France be rolled b/c of Dolph and Nap?

I think I just brought up Hitler without violating Godwin's Law.


Anonymous said...

Man, talk about drinking the Kool-Aid. I just saw answers to teh questions concerning the Bush Doctrine, and let me tell you, she is not ready, and it's painfully obvious. She looked totally out of her depth about the #1 aspect of our foreign policy for the last 7 years. You know, the right to launch a pre-emptive strike, etc. She did not even know what he was talking about. It was ebarassing for her. They should set her up with an ear piece and transmitter like they did Bush in the 2004 debates. Then they can feed her the answers in real time, instead of depending on memorization.

For anybody who says she is more experienced than Obama on foreign policy and national security, you really need to look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself if you are delusional. The difference is profound.

Maybe she SHOULD have blinked. Personally, I fear for the future of our country if McCain is elected, and then dies. There is no way any intelligent person who is sincerely cares about the future of a very dangerous world can vote for him after watching this. I can't believe that he thinks she is qualified to step in if he is incapacitated. She is totally and utterly out of her depth. I fear this is going to end very poorly for them, if this is any indication.

The Exalted said...

the "bush doctrine" is well publicized, easily articulated, and was lovingly embraced by the bush administration.

but 2003 was a long time ago in wingerland, hard to recall i'm sure.

/5th biggest city in alaska! hurrah!

Chris Arabia said...

mtbomber is literally paranoid.

TmjUtah said...

Biden will be gone by Monday.

Wonder if they'll be able to announce a replacement?

Talk about a job nobody wants. LOL.

Fen said...

mtbomber: Man, talk about drinking the Kool-Aid. I just saw answers to teh questions concerning the Bush Doctrine, and let me tell you, she is not ready, and it's painfully obvious. She looked totally out of her depth about the #1 aspect of our foreign policy for the last 7 years. You know, the right to launch a pre-emptive strike, etc.

You want to elaborate on the "etc" or just admit you don't know what you're talking about?

Oh yeah, try to remember to alter the talking points just a tad so I don't see the same sorry syntax all over the net. Geez, who writes these up for you guys?

Revenant said...

the "bush doctrine" is well publicized, easily articulated

Hard to explain how Gibson got it wrong, then. He even messed up the date; the original Bush Doctrine, "we will not distinguish between terrorists and those who harbor them", was articulated in September of 2001, not September of 2002, and made no mention of preemptive strikes. :)

MC said...

garage mahal said:

"We got a good taste already of President McCain jumping all over the Georgia breakaways saying fool things like "we're all Georgians now". Fuck that, I ain't no Georgian, and I ain't fighting for some piece of shit strip of mountains, and certainly ain't going to risk a nuclear war over it. I think even Bush has the sense not to get his arm mauled off poking that bear."

You don't get deterance, do you? Even if in a million years you would never, ever, ever want to go to war with Russia over Georgia, it's in your best interest to sound as though you would.

Because if you sound as though you might go to war over it, then maybe, just maybe, Russia will likewise think "I ain't fighting for some piece of shit strip of mountains, and certainly ain't going to risk a nuclear war over it". And if they do, futher war will be avoided.

Whereas if you say to the world that you aren't going to fight over it, then you're saying 'hey, take it if you want it because we won't stop you'.

I don't get how the left can be so keen on the use of soft-power instead of war, and yet not grasp that deterance is one of the best soft-power approaches to avoiding war.

Anonymous said...

PS - If Obama is running against Palin, McCain is running behind her. He looks lost and more than a little feeble when she is not there to pump the crowds up and give him a rise.

Roberto said...

This was one of my favorites:

Later in the interview, Palin was asked why exactly being the governor of Alaska made her an expert on Russia -- a claim that the McCain campaign has used to justify her national security bonafides.

Her response was to cite geographic proximity, claiming that from some points in her home state, one could actually see the increasingly confrontational nation.

PALIN: We have to keep our eyes on Russia. Under the leadership there.

GIBSON: What insight into Russian actions does the proximity of the state give you?

PALIN: They're our next door neighbors. And you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska.

Peter V. Bella said...

For anybody who says she is more experienced than Obama on foreign policy and national security, you really need to look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself if you are delusional. The difference is profound.

Looking in the mirror. I am not delusional. She is better than Joe Biden by a long shot. As to Obama, a summer vacation in Europe does not translate into foreign policy.

You people hanging on a question about the Bush doctrine are intellectual idiots and morons. The Bush doctrine is irrelevant to her. The Bush doctrine dies when Bush leaves office. The new prsident forms his own. All this talk about it is meaningless gasbaggery, ground noise, and static.. Her knowing it or not is meaningless. She is running with McCain, not Bush. Bush is not running for anything. If McCain wins, he forms his own doctrine. If Obama wins he forms his own doctrine.

Gibson asked the wrong question. He should have asked about the McCain Doctrine.

Man you people are retarded.

Sloanasaurus said...

Well, isn't this convenient. Looks like ABC News edited one of Charlie's more unflattering moments out of the interview.

Palin is clearly becoming Teflon to the MSM. I don't think Gibson intended to misquote Palin about the holy war stuff but he did but Palin caught him red handed. Gibson's gaffe was aserious journalistic mistake, especially after Gibson double downed on the quote. Gibson was in fact quoting the AP and not her. His mistake was trusting the AP, a mistake he will never make again.

This will be story coming out of this interview - how Palin is tough enough to take on the MSM even when they lie.

Moreover, the questioning makes it obvious that the media is anti- religious. Pull out any quote from FDR or JFK, or Truman and they say stuff far more holyish than Palin, (like we are on crusades or holy wars for God!)

When did the liberal elites stop respecting religion. What about their heroes FDR and JFK? Have their religious beliefs been whitewashed from history like some Politburo trick?

Revenant said...

Heh! I was catching up on Instapundit and came across this reminder of something I'd forgotten about:

Obama supported NATO membership for Georgia and the Ukraine. That's right; he supported going to war with Russia in the event they invaded Georgia.

Fancy that.

Synova said...

"Seriously, who cares about Georgia? Since when do we die for the birthplace of Stalin?"



Or whatever the heck place people are getting killed this week?

If Georgia is the bad guy, shouldn't we support Russia then? At least to say so? This isn't a suggestion that we send people to every hot spot. There are all sorts of other considerations.

But... to not even say anything out of fear of escalation? I don't think that's healthy.

We don't hear a lot about Burma anymore. I think it's because they've pretty much killed everyone. And we didn't have to do a thing.

MC said...


Jim Treacher on the next Palin interview:

"Gibson: What do you think of the Constitution?
Palin: ...Could you be more specific?
Gibson: [stares over glasses]

The rule of Lemnity said...

How much would it cost to have somebody from the Palin people video the interview behind the ABC cameras, as guarantee, as protection - and why would ABC turn down that request?

If McCain Palin are still willing to trust these people after all that's happened, I have a bridge to nowhere to sell them.

Obama can make all the gaffs, call woman pigs and do whatever, Palin says God is on our side in church and there is going to be hell to pay.

MadisonMan said...

What are the two old fogeys up in the balcony saying about all this?

That was wonderful!


I loved that!

Ah, that was great!

Well, it was pretty good.

Well, it wasn't bad...

Uh, there were parts of it that weren't very good though.

It could have been a lot better.

I didn't really like it.

It was pretty terrible.

It was bad.

It was awful!

It was terrible!

Take 'em away!

Bah, boo!

Peter V. Bella said...

Rape kit? I would bet that not one person here knows what a so called rape kit is. I would bet that not one person here knows what is entailed. Criminal lawyers excluded. You people are pathetic and grasping at greased straws.

BTW, I do know. They are not what you think they are or what some feminist thinks they are. I also know who they actually belong to and what they entail.

You people prove everyday you are morons, cretins, retards, and idiots.

Roberto said...


Obama: "Going forward, the United States and Europe must support the people of Georgia. Beyond immediate humanitarian assistance, we must provide economic assistance, and help rebuild what has been destroyed.

I have consistently called for deepening relations between Georgia and transatlantic institutions, including a Membership Action Plan for NATO, and we must continue to press for that deeper relationship."

From a "Membership Action Plan for NATO" get this?

"...he supported going to war with Russia in the event they invaded."

Anonymous said...

mtomber et al,

I would seriously recommend you all lay off the experience meme. You continue to come off as clueless and snobbish. Unless of course, that is precisely the image you want to portray.

Roberto said...

Peter V. Bella said..."Rape kit? I would bet that not one person here knows what a so called rape kit is."

You are one ignorant and digusting piece of work.

How in the world could you possible know who is here and what they may have experienced?

Roger J. said...

cant help but notice none of our observers have, themselves, defined thus bush doctrine--it is relatively straight forward--we reserve the right to strike others first before they strike us. That is what Golda Meir learned the hard way. That doctrine is imminently sensible. Now if someone has a problem with it, please tell me what it is.

as for the Nato question, Again, on target. the fundamental basis of the NATO charter is that attack against one is an attack against all. Were Georgia and Ukraine in the alliance it would be operative. In reality would it happen? No because the europeans are a fucking bunch of pussies. NATO is an anachronism, but the "Bush doctrine" is not. The Bush doctrine is a simple statement of national survival. Now who has a problem with that?

Roberto said...

lem says: "Obama can make all the gaffs, call woman pigs..."

When did he call a woman a pig?

vbspurs said...

I'm back for the Nightline interview. Did I miss any fireworks? Nahhh. Not on Althouse.


Anonymous said...

I guess it's fair to say that the sage advice from many sage people to the Obamers to ignore Palin has gone unheeded.

What is wrong with you people? Don't you realize that these perpetual attacks against Palin over experience and knowledge only serve to make undecided voters question Obama's experience and knowledge and feel reassured about McCain's? This is 101 stuff, people. Really, it is.

But whatever makes you feel good in the moment...

vbspurs said...


Good God.

(It's been a while, can you tell?)

Anonymous said...


vbspurs said...

"She is most definitely Christian".

Said as if to imply an evil cankerous growth on her brain.

vbspurs said...


What happened to the moppethead?

(Can you tell it's been a while?)

George said...

erniecu73, I'm pretty sure the Nixon Doctrine was coined while he was in office.

vbspurs said...

This is a repeat of what we saw at 6:30 EST.

It's still badly editted.

Revenant said...

From a "Membership Action Plan for NATO" get this? "...he supported going to war with Russia in the event they invaded."

The NATO Membership Action Plan is the process for bringing new members into NATO. It is how the last expansion of NATO was accomplished. The United States is bound by treaty to go to war with whichever country invades one of our fellow signatories. Ergo, "Georgian membership in NATO" equates to "we go to war with Russia if Russia invades Georgia".

So I guess there are three possibilities; the one I mentioned above, and two others:

(2): Obama wants to bring Georgia into the NATO MAP but then keep them out of NATO itself, presumably because making NATO and Georgian diplomats waste their time on nothing is heaps of fun.

(3): Obama plans to tear up the NATO treaty.

Your guess which of the three he meant.

Paul said...

This looks like a repeat of the nightly news broadcast, without the brutal editing...

vbspurs said...

What with her dark, sultry looks and her vigourous usage of hand gestures, she could almost be French or Italian, rather than a blondey American like Hillary.

Paul said...


vbspurs said...

Ohh, we got a better reply in the "heads of State" question. This was editted to make her look really bad at 6:30. Sheesh.

Roberto said...

Peter: "...a summer vacation in Europe does not translate into foreign policy."

Has Palin ever been to Europe?

Peter V. Bella said...

Michael said...
Peter V. Bella said..."Rape kit? I would bet that not one person here knows what a so called rape kit is."

You are one ignorant and digusting piece of work.

How in the world could you possible know who is here and what they may have experienced?

Tell me what a supposed rape kit is? Come on? Give me your politcal defintion of a rape kit?

I do know what they are, how they are used, and by who? I also know the exact procdures to be followed and who the kit belongs to?

You have just demonstrated that you know nothing.

vbspurs said...

Rose/Orange revolution reference by Palin. Thank God. This is a much better response than the original.

Anonymous said...

The Seven Machos Doctrine

You dumb asses are never going to win by attacking the vice-presidential candidate for inexperience when your own candidate has about the same amount of experience.

Chris Arabia said...

Palin's accent reminds me--only vaguely--of Marge Gunderson. Obama is Jerry Lundegard then, and should bone up on his "real good, thens"--he has been utterly outsmarted by the geezer and the stewardess.

LoafingOaf said...

You people hanging on a question about the Bush doctrine are intellectual idiots and morons. The Bush doctrine is irrelevant to her. The Bush doctrine dies when Bush leaves office. The new prsident forms his own. All this talk about it is meaningless gasbaggery, ground noise, and static.. Her knowing it or not is meaningless. She is running with McCain, not Bush. Bush is not running for anything. If McCain wins, he forms his own doctrine. If Obama wins he forms his own doctrine.

Why don't you just admit she embarassed the hell out of you when she didn't have the foggiest idea what the Bush Doctrine is.

vbspurs said...

She hasn't only been to Europe, she's been to Landstuhl, to visit our troops. UNLIKE SENATOR OBAMA.

Roberto said...

I liked it when she winked at "Charlie."

She also said Charlie a lot.

vbspurs said...

"War is hell, and I hate war, and today is the first day I send my son overseas to fight for our country"


Sloanasaurus said...

Gibson said the Bush Doctrine is pre-emptive war. I always thought the Bush doctrine was that if you harbor a terrorist we will treat you like a terrorist. I had never heard that before so Bush has a right to claim it as his doctrine. The Bush doctrine was put in place right after Sept 11, not when Iraq was invaded.

The pre-emptive war idea was created by the Romans not by Bush.

Alot of people disagree about what the Bush doctrine is, but Gibson is clearly wrong.

vbspurs said...

Palin swearing count:

2 Hells.

Some Christian she is. ;)

The rule of Lemnity said...

They did - they re-edit the interview!

Roberto said...

vbspurs: No, numbnut.

I mean has she ever actually been to Europe.

Not on a runway or in a terminal.

You know, traveled, met actual Europeans?

Chris Arabia said...

Unless I'm mistaken, Palin has been to Germany and Kuwait.

Though anyone posing that question as if it means anything is a feckless dandiprat.

Like Vincent Vega said, they got the same shit there that they got here.

vbspurs said...

Palin's accent reminds me--only vaguely--of Marge Gunderson.

Nono, I for one agree. Another Althouse commenter mentioned that very point last week.

Anonymous said...

I'm paranoid? You think I am part of some organized net attack squad, which is a total crock, by the way, and I'm paranoid????? I'm just a person, who wanted to see Ann's reaction to her interview, and it's obvious that she, and many of her most avid readers, have blinders on when it comes to Palin. Sadly, I know more about foreign policy than she does, and I don't even pretend to be running for President. Do you people think McCain is correct when he ways that the Alaska is close to Russia shows that she understands Russian aggression? Because of physical proximity? Or is that the kind of answer that you would expect to hear from a mediocre student in middle school, or a midshipman at the bottom of his class? Seriously. Or is politics now that partisan that you don't even admit how insulting to the intelligence that kind of statement is. Like saying a mayor is a community organizer except with responsibilities. When Obama was a community organizer, Palin was no mayor, she was in high school, 5 or 6 colleges, and participating in beauty contests. That must be where she learned about bringing about world peace. When she was mayor of Wasilla, he was a young leader of the IL legislature, highly respected, in a district 20 times the population of Wasilla. He had plenty of responsibilities, And he learned first hand -- in state government -- how government affects people's lives at the community level. When she resinged her appointment to the oil commission, and went back to become mayor again, taking on $20 Million in long term debt to build a sports complex, while making rape victims pay for their own rape kits, and firing librarians for not taking books off the shelves, he was on the Foreign Relations committee, and
passing Congressional ethics reform and other bills. And when she became governor, he started a 19 month Presidential campaign in which over 18 million people voted for him after seeing him in 21 debates, hundreds of interviews, etc. I have made the judgment that he has the temperament, the intellect, the judgment and the inclusiveness, to be a huge success. As for Palin, all I know is one stump speech she has now repeated 10 times, a convention speech that exaggerated her own accomplishments and belittled his, and now a softball interview that reflects an incredibly ill prepared and shallow knowledge of national and international policy. Sound bites, gaffes, and a lot of thin empty rhetoric. I was wondering if she would do well, and what I saw was an embarassment. She may light up the party, but she has no business sitting a heartbeat away from teh Presidency. This is a huge gaffe for McCain, which has been obscured by the intense buzz and energy of the base's reaction to her -- quite impressive by the way, thank you for waking us up -- and then the distraction of exaggerations, outright lies, and mud-slinging by the Rove, Schmidt, Davis, Eskew team of scorched earth attack politics. But I now can see why they were hiding her from the press.

Take the blinders off before it is too late. You may disagree with Obama on every issue, but you cannot deny that he is serious, well versed and completely conversant with national security and foreign policy issues, can hold his own with heads of state, is already respected in Europe, and has been publicly vetted by a 19 month national campaign, 21 debates, hundreds of interviews, several real tests of character, and a challenge from the legendary Clinton political machine, and he remains consistent, very thoughtful and knowledgable on the subject of foreign affairs and national security, and a very good executive of his campaign. We've known her for what, 10 days? Based on these answers, it is safe to assume that Alaska's Governor is further from the lower 48 than we thought. And what we know about McCain is that when he is politcally deparate, he will take dangerous risks, and put politics ahead of country. Country First? Just empty words. The proof is in the pudding.

vbspurs said...

OH YEAH! "In what respect, Charlie". Totally called him on his attempt at a gotcha.

This lengthier interview shows her much feistier. Woo!

Sloanasaurus said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chris Arabia said...

I met some actual Danes in L.A. They were very disappointed that they were unable to salve their wienerschnitzel jones at Wienerschnitzel (true story).

Peter V. Bella said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Roberto said...

vbspurs - Obama visited the troops.

Why lie?

Paul said...

Definitely re-edited. More positive to her. Her bush doctrine answer was fine - this was edited to make it less like she was pausing and searching for an answer. Gibson's 'understanding of it' is wrong. THE ONLY REASON they would have done this is their knowledge that she understood the question.

Sloanasaurus said...

Why don't you just admit she embarassed the hell out of you when she didn't have the foggiest idea what the Bush Doctrine is.

Charlie Gibson embarassed himself. The Bush Doctrine apparently means many different things to many different people. Palin was right to ask him what he meant by the question.

vbspurs said...

And what we know about McCain is that when he is politcally deparate, he will take dangerous risks, and put politics ahead of country.

I'm sorry, but that is COMPLETELY wrong. His entire political career proves that point as a bald lie.

Peter V. Bella said...

Michael said...
Peter: "...a summer vacation in Europe does not translate into foreign policy."

Has Palin ever been to Europe?

Please oh wise sage tell us about all that foreign policy experience Obama has. Did he do community organizing in France or something?

This guy has less experience than Hillary Clinton and that is not saying much since she had none.

Look, if you want to make history and elect the first Black to office, be my guest. Then you could have healing or some other touchy feely thing.

I would rather be safe and secure.

Roberto said...

Peter V. Bella - I responded to a silly comment by asking a straight forward question.

If you don't know...move on.

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