Wow. Hysteria? I remember when feminists would rip into you for attributing "hysteria" to a woman. It was a per se sexist term. Now, a woman who fancies herself a feminist applies the word to every woman she knows and the condition is caused by the elevation of a particular woman to a high position.
The quote is from Josh Gerstein's piece in the New York Sun about women who are freaking out about Sarah Palin.
This is a great example of the kind of crap that passes for *feminism* today.
Sounds like a new syndrome is being born. I'll bet feminist therapists were making a killing.
Were the hysterical women blinking and sweating too?
In reality it shows that feminism is rife with hypocrisy.
It's a class thing. Upper middle class urban sophisticates can't abide the elevation of one who hails from peasant stock.
These women obviously have way too much time, and not enough medication, on their hands.
from the article:
"I think a lot of women felt insulted by the idea you could just take any woman," a longtime editor of women's magazines, Bonnie Fuller, told The New York Sun. "A lot of women feel it was a very cynical decision. ... What got some women's backs up was the idea she didn't earn her stripes."
Well, of course, Palin didn't have a husband elected President, and then run for Senate and win on his coattails. That's how you do it.
After reading the women's reactions, I'm trying to figure out how Andrew Sullivan could display the same exact outward symptoms. There has to be lots of repression involved here.
I believe the technical term is 'vapors'. I'm sure Sir Archy could enlighten us about how commonplace this was and the lessons we could learn in its apparent reappearance.
"Hysteria" is my favorite Def Leppard album.
Obviously Josh needs to meet some different women.
Silly justification and/or topic deviation in...3...2...1...
There are two women I will likely not speak to for at least the rest of the year. One, who abandoned her half Kenyan child, said that Palin needed to stay home and take care of her children. Right - makes perfect sense coming from someone who couldn't be bothered to raise her own son.
The other - well, she is probably just hysterical, and Palin's nomination sent her into a massive hissy fit. So long - won't miss you at all.
And this is yet another reason I quit reading "women's magazines." They assume we all live in NYC, are liberal, slutty, and abort like we brush our teeth.
I just wanted to see some clothes and makeup........
All us kids are on the other post making fun of Joe Biden. Ruth Ann snitched on us. She is a dirty little snitcher with cooties.
It drives feminists crazy why? Because they want to totally control the discourse? They are the ones who insisted that women get into higher office. All they said was "women."
Palin is a woman. They should be delighted.
I'm delighted, and I'm not even a woman.
It seems like the same thing with Condi Rice and Clarence Thomas. Why isn't there more delight?
You just can't please some people.
Perhaps it's really a victory for feminism.
Women have proven they can be just as shallow, vindictive, hateful, stupid, ignorant, and hypocritical as men.
It's not just anger. It's high anxiety .
This article will continue to provide mineable quotes for quite some time.
Revised Onion headline: Women Now Empowered by Everything Except Being Elected Governor.
The word itself derives from “hystera,” Greek for uterus, and ancient doctors attributed a number of female maladies to a starved or misplaced womb.
Unofficially, a host of inoffensive synonyms for “hysterical” have appeared: functional, nonorganic, psychogenic, medically unexplained.
That's your NYT speaking- feminists and postmodernists all.
AA- How's that home delivery special working out?
Wikipedia details some treatments that will interest my fellow amateur gynecologists. I shoulda been a real doctor.
Starved or misplaced womb, hahahahaha, that's some funny shit.
The NOW has no shame, does it?
PJ said:
Women have proven they can be just as shallow, vindictive, hateful, stupid, ignorant, and hypocritical as men.
Sad, but true.
These women are an embarrassment to females.
Also, they keep talking about jumping out of windows but they never do it.
Do feminists get hysterical about hysteria or its etymology? Gk hystera, uterus.
"Ms. Kricorian, who is a coordinator for the anti-war group CodePink"
I keep waiting for Madeline Albright to come to Sarah Palin's defense. After all, the quote from Albright on my Starbucks cup says, "There is a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women."
She's got to be furious with her liberal friends!
AprilApple said...
yeah, you beat me.
I was disappointed tht they hid tha factiod till the last para. It would have saved me time.
Celebs, keep yakking.
All around suburban America millions of Moms are asking themselves:
"Am I more like Susan Sarandon, Margaret Cho, Pam "Suck it" Anderson, and Bonnie "Cosmo" Fuller, or am I more like budget-conscious Sarah Palin?"
We've all been brainwashed into thinking celebs are worth listening to about anything.
It's like being told by the French aristocracy to enjoy bread crusts.
Stephanie Carnes said...
She's got to be furious with her liberal friends!
Or maybe she is a hypocrite lke these women.
Serious, for a moment...
I get "hysterical" when it's used to describe emotional traits that are attributed only to women. That was almost always accompanied by the idea that she just needed to "settle down" and have babies and everything would be just fine.
I'm old enough to have heard variations on that.
How often do you hear about men being hysterical? Usually only if they are a comedian by trade.
The word is losing some of its offensiveness, but this article... wow.
They may be female, but they're not women yet, as in grown-up.
This reminds of that report that woman wrote after hearing Lawrence Sanders suggest that men might maybe could possibly sorta be genetically predisposed to certain fields of study.
In her description of hearing him suggest this, she basically swoons. She doesn't use that word, of course.
Can someone be so prone to outrage that they forget what it is they're supposed to be outraged about? I think so.
And I think that's hysterical.
Hysterical about that BITCH Palin.
I particularly enjoy the idea of remote psychoanalysis. Damn, that's good.
'I think that's like being a psychic or carnival astrologer or palmist, but without the responsibility'.
Wouldn't it be awful to live in a place where everyone had the same reaction. Someplace like Stepford.
I went to the Obama rally at the Univ of Miami today, which I had no idea was supposed to be a "Woman Rally".
My dears, wall-to-wall liberal vajajay. Eek.
I haven't written up my blogpost (tomorrow), but you can check out some preliminary snaps and his speech below.
Of Course I Went
When we were waiting to enter, I was in front of two women who were holding "Hillary Supporters 4 Obama signs". I saw many many signs today, but they were the only Hillary signs I could spot, and believe me my eyes were peeled for them.
As I stood there, someone referenced Sarah Palin to them, and my God, the reaction was Sandra Bernhardt-like:
Just like that. No coherent thought-process, just a need to throw out venom from their mouths in as fast a stream as possible about Palin.
It was really scary to see what I have noticed in liberal blogs, right there in living colour.
I'm thankful to you guys for telling me to go. I'm happy I did. But wow. I feel for Palin, and am glad she said last night she has thick-skin.
Wouldn't it be awful to live in a place where everyone had the same reaction. Someplace like Stepford.
I know you're not suggesting that our only two choices are mindless conformity and blind, unreasoning hatred.
But if I have to chose between a Stepford with enforced niceness and a hate-filled Daily Kos board, I guess I'd Stepford.
Was Donna Shalala wearing 'Naughty Monkey' heels?
Dr. Kill wrote:
Was Donna Shalala wearing 'Naughty Monkey' heels?
LOL! OMG, as if. She's a member of the Sisterhoood of the Travelling Pantsuits, with rumours about that to match...
She's a nice lady though. She's greeted me very cordially on many occasions, as she walks her dog on campus quite casually.
No doubt Ann knows her well from her time at UW-Mad.
I guess I'd Stepford.
Me too.
Stepford is a heck of a lot more welcoming than Nuremberg.
When hatred overcomes a Party this fully, due to the frustration of 8 years with a man they hate, and the scare of maybe another 8 with a woman they already loathe, I fear for the collective sanity of the people who tout peace and understanding above all.
Because from what I saw, it's a charade. A Potemkin Village of pretend harmony. Scratch below the surface, and all you see is ugliness.
Thank God, I know there are millions of people who will reject that in future. Because they MUST. Their Party is headed towards implosion if not.
"There are two women I will likely not speak to for at least the rest of the year. One, who abandoned her half Kenyan child, said that Palin needed to stay home and take care of her children. Right - makes perfect sense coming from someone who couldn't be bothered to raise her own son."
My dear boy, you spoke to Barack Obama's mother. How exciting.
Wouldn't it be awful to live in a place where everyone had the same reaction. Someplace like Madison.
There I fixed it for you Madison Man. You are welcome.
I wouldn't want to live in a place where it was all sunshine and love and harmony re: Palin either. That would also be Stepfordy.
Victoria, are you at the U of Miami???
Rush had a lovely Donna Shalala theme back in the 90s, hmm I have it somewhere, here real audio.
It led me to the acoustic Clapton version, which was the only decent one.
Trooper, it would surprise you to know that there is plenty of variability in the reactions to Palin on my very own street.
However, we are all unanimous in thinking that the Green Bay Packers will win the Super Bowl. In that respect we are very Stepfordy.
Trooper York said: Wouldn't it be awful to live in a place where everyone had the same reaction. Someplace like Madison.
Yep. I asked my brother (who lives upstate) last weekend: So what's wrong with Wisconsin? His reply: Madison
Seriously, MadisonMan. Are there any visible signs of McCain-Palin support there?
Victoria, are you at the U of Miami???
Ex-Med School. That's the Coral Gables campus, not the one I attended for a while. :)
Madisonman said: there is plenty of variability in the reactions to Palin on my very own street.
But that's just Wisconsin code for sympathy, not support. Sort like the way people say "that's different" instead of "I don't like that".
There's a fun story in the LA Times today about Sarah Palin's Road to Nowhere. The laughs keep on coming.
If the shoe fits
Trooper, it would surprise you to know that there is plenty of variability in the reactions to Palin on my very own street.
Not at all.
Some think she's a pig in lipstick.
Others, a royal bitch.
A faux-woman.
A closet KKK member.
Lots of variability!
(I keed the fine people of Madison.)
Victoria, I was there (CG campus) during the Tad Foote era. I have to say Shalala has done a good job there. I had my reservations, but she's done well, IMO.
However, we are all unanimous in thinking that the Green Bay Packers will win the Super Bowl. In that respect we are very Stepfordy.
You would not care to, ah, um, eh, oh what the hell, make a slight wager on that would you?
What got some women's backs up was the idea she didn't earn her stripes. It's been so hard for so many women to get ahead both in business and in the political worlds and she just seemingly slips in."
I think they have a point...
McCain himself (at the lowest point of his life) abided by a sense of duty and fairness to those that were in captivity before him in Hanoy.
Sarah should have turned McCain down and ask that others who "been there" go first ;)
Sure, I've met Tad Foote, Caro. Went to his house for the annual BBQ, as I'm sure you did too. :)
I heard he tried to make Univ of Miami the "Oxford of the South". Now, I love UM, but I'm sure you'll agree, there is no chance of that any time soon. ;)
-- For those who may not know, he's the son-in-law of Senator Fulbright of Arkansas (yes, THAT Fulbright) and as you can imagine, a big Clinton supporter. Shalala just received the Medal of Freedom from President Bush this summer. She and Bob Dole were in charge of overseeing the VA Commission. She doesn't seem like an Obama supporter, and in fact, held herself a little back at the rally today. --
Liberal women are scared of conservative women. Can't say I blame them, though. Sarah Palin could kick any liberal feminist's ass.
Yup, I was at Tad's house. :-) I love that he had a wife named Bozey.
I don't think Shalala is all that enamored with BO, either.
Go 'Canes!!!
I'm sure Shalala was a huge Hillary! fan in private. I think it's foolish for a University Head to be too political. One never knows when the Political Winds will change flavor.
Sissy, this is great:
We sold our Governor a pair of red Double Dare Naughty Monkey shoes a couple of weeks ago,"
I can't in a kajillion months of Sundays imagine even a young Hillary Clinton wearing red Double Dare Naughty Monkey shoes.
Palin is not afraid to be feminine, and somehow this is a red flag for the women who hate her.
You'll note also that those who have come out the most strongly against her, like Bernhardt and Cho, are ambiguous sexually.
The other ones just seem to be incredibly offended there is a woman like Palin around, who is off the reservation in every imaginable way.
I also believe she unconsciously triggers Martha Stewart syndrome in these women, where They feel that having a SuperMom woman like her, who has her act together, contrasts badly to their own shambolic lives.
She's really threatening to some women, through no fault of her own. I mean, she's doing what a feminist SHOULD do -- be successful on her own terms, not society's.
I see McCain bumper stickers -- not as many as Obama, of course. It's still too early for yard signs -- I think there's a law that prohibits them until a month before the election, or something like that.
One of the challenges McCain supporters face in this town is that the Wisconsin Republican Party contains a sizeable element that is very hostile to Gays. Just about everyone in Madison knows at least one or two Gay couples. Why support a Republican party that considers your friends to be second-class citizens?
Similarly, the State Republican Party also contains some notable anti-UW people in the Legislature. Again, hard to show support of that Republican party when you work at a World-Class institution like the UW that some Republicans are constantly trying to tear down. Indeed, they make their political fortune on it.
I love that he had a wife named Bozey.
LOL! Like Oscar Wilde's lover, right. :)
I think there's a law that prohibits them until a month before the election, or something like that.
No way, seriously? Not down here in SoFla, at least. Or is it that you live in a very toney neighbourhood?
Coral Gables, the Mayfair or Park Avenue of Miami, is like that. I believe there is an ordinance on the books that if your garage door is open for more than 87 seconds, your neighbours can call the cops on you.
And they do.
But that's because they are excessively image conscious. It doesn't happen anywhere else.
What got some women's backs up was the idea she didn't earn her stripes. It's been so hard for so many women to get ahead both in business and in the political worlds and she just seemingly slips in."
I love these poltroons; she didn't earn her stripes. It is a joke. The woman has virtually worked her butt off her whole life. What, she did not go to protest marches or [insert here] ins?
What dues did Hillary pay, aside from standing by a serail lothario? She was handed her senate seat when Giulliani had to drop out. If women should be angry, they should be angry at her. Oh, I forgot, she advocates and espouses. There is the cred.
Palin paid her dues and earned her stripes. Obama could have picked any of several qualified women- governors, senators, mayors, congressmen; instead he picked Mr. Bland. Obama could have shown his advocacy to women instead of lip service. He failed the test.
Actually, MM, it's much the same situation the Rep party here in CA, not with homosexuals, but that they're so hard to support because they're, you know, morons.
The GOP just plain gave up here.
As a result, we have the worst of all possible governments: a single party gov't.
Palin paid her dues and earned her stripes. Obama could have picked any of several qualified women- governors, senators, mayors, congressmen; instead he picked Mr. Bland. Obama could have shown his advocacy to women instead of lip service. He failed the test.
He referenced Michelle and his grandmother as "strong women" in his speech today.
But then he had to go back and mention "lipstick and pigs" thing.
That floored me. I actually gasped out loud. I think that gave me away...
It's still too early for yard signs -- I think there's a law that prohibits them until a month before the election, or something like that.
You are joking right? You cannot put a sign in your yard, on your own property, until a predetermined time before an election? Is it like a felony or something?
Man, I thought I lived in a Soviet style republic.
Victoria, I was able to move into my neighborhood. By definition, then, it is not in any way toney.
The law -- I believe it is city-wide -- was discussed in the paper sometime ago -- because someone complained about a sign somewhere in town.
She's really threatening to some women, through no fault of her own. I mean, she's doing what a feminist SHOULD do -- be successful on her own terms, not society's.
Yes, but she is doing it while not claiming to be part of the victim sisterhood. Big, big, no no.
Victoria, I was able to move into my neighborhood. By definition, then, it is not in any way toney.
Yeah, yeah, Mr Groucho Marx. ;)
The law -- I believe it is city-wide -- was discussed in the paper sometime ago -- because someone complained about a sign somewhere in town.
That IS crazy. It's the dictatorship of the minority. Literally.
The good thing about Florida, is that this is a "no fault" State. That legalese carries over to the culture, creating a libertarian ethos where everyone does their own thing, and no one complains.
This is why we are truly a very a-political town, or more specifically, one that is weird politically.
Where else but at an Univ of Miami rally would there be a "Black Students against Obama" section, who interrupted him and had to be escorted out?
In a million years, you wouldn't get that in Madison, I think.
I wasn't quite right. Monona, a neighboring city, says they may be up from 30 days before to 7 days after the election. Madison limits the number of signs that can be put on a property.
Here is a story on it.
So let me reiterate that it is Monona, a cheesy non-city city that exists solely to drive through on your way to someplace else, that bans the signs. Madison only controls them.
Two days later, Dombrowski awoke to find his Obama sign ripped to pieces, which he deems "a real infringement on democracy."
I actually agree with that. That law is too restrictive.
In the UK, after Parliament is dissolved by the Queen after the PM's calls for general election, since it's traditionally only 4 weeks from that date, you don't get much in the way of signage and campaigning.
That's a little like Madison, I suppose. Perhaps it's seen as more civilised (understated, less rancourous), in the British sense.
Yes -- well, as the story says, Monona's law is likely unconstitutional.
Baron, I did not speak to a dead woman. But I shall not divulge more information, other than to say that I have known this woman and her son for over a decade. I wish her well, but she has some serious issues that she refuses to engage constructively.
The other woman has worked in the school system all of her life. Slopped at the public trough. Never had to earn a profit or account for money. Total socialist - if the state doesn't control it, it can't be good.
Maybe I won't speak to them ever again. Not a bad outcome, all in all.
"However, we are all unanimous in thinking that the Green Bay Packers will win the Super Bowl. In that respect we are very Stepfordy."
That's just sad man.
You know even your future Hall of Fame quarterback knew that New York WILL WIN THE SUPER BOWL AGAIN.
Except as is typical for people who eat too much cheese, he opted to join the wrong team. You know sort of like the way he liked to throw the football to the guys with the different jerseys.
I mean the WORLD CHAMPION NEW YORK GIANTS would have been happy to have good ol'Brett be a back up or a ball boy or something so he could be around a real team and all.
"So let me reiterate that it is Monona, a cheesy non-city city"
I mean isn't cheesy a good thing in Wisconsin. It's sort of what you guys are known for. Like in New York where we are know for being pushy arrogant assholes. Just sayn'
The person I really feel sorry for is Beth. A terrible disaster is about to hit her beloved NOLA. A catastrophe of monumental proportions. A tragedy of epic scope. It will drive everyone to despair. Make grown men weep. Have families climb up to the roof and beseech God for deliverance. Hurricane Shockey will soon be ravaging the city.
I fear for the dykes.
Leave the dykes alone, Trooper.
Speaking of dykes, Bill O'Reilly has a memoir called "A Bold, Fresh Piece of Humanity" next week.
Queer title.
Madison only controls them.
That is how it always starts. First they control, then they ban. So, you wanna bet on the Packers or what. Screw all this politics man, we are talking sports here; a real issue.
Speaking of dykes, Bill O'Reilly has a memoir called "A Bold, Fresh Piece of Humanity" next week.
Queer title.
Are you sure you read or heard right? Could it be a "Bold Fresh Piece of Hannity"?
Now thatwould be a Queer title.
Could it be a "Bold Fresh Piece of Hannity"?
You're a pinhead. Trooper is a Patriot.
I am not a Patriot. I am a Giant.
In many different respects. I will let you chew on that for a while. So to speak.
I thought hysterical meant you found something terribly funny and couldn't stop laughing.
Was homegirl Janet Reno among the hysterical, swooning, Danish-Americans in attendance at the revival in Coral Gables?
Reno and Shalela could be O- lineman for most D-II schools. Seriously. I wouldn't fuck with them, not after Waco.
vbspurs said...
Could it be a "Bold Fresh Piece of Hannity"?
You're a pinhead. Trooper is a Patriot.
I'm just trying to have a little fun and you call me a pinhead. Worse, by calling Trooper a Patriot, you are saying he sucks.
So let me reiterate that it is Monona, a cheesy non-city city that exists solely to drive through on your way to someplace else, that bans the signs. Madison only controls them
I have a corner lot in Monona! They won't bother you if you don't have more than one sign up. My concern is people speeding with so many little ones around so I have "Slow Down" signs on both sides of my lot.
Garage you live in Wisconsin?
Sorry dude that explains it.
Naughty Monkey shoes, $89.00.
You know, that's a very good price for a pair of well made women's shoes.
That proves beyond doubt this woman can straighten out our national finances.
I had a girlfriend who kept all her shoes in their original boxes. Stacked by the dozen in her closet. When she dressed, she knew the shoe by the design printed on the box. She was a tad neurotic and we didn't last. She forced me to shop with her at boutiques on Larimer St., carefully explaining what to look for in styling and craftsmanship . I think she was using me to justify paying a couple of hundred dollars for a tiny pair of shoes with hardly any material to speak of and very little leather. I didn't understand anything she bought. She also paid a small fortune for bags.
I gave up trying to pick out things for her like jewelry. Her reasons for rejecting and her choices were inconsistent illogical and ultimately indecipherable.
To keep things on topic, I can add she was also given to hysterics. Suddenly, without warning, a perfectly reasonable conversation would become unbelievably shrill. This caused discomfort to my generally reliable gentle good nature.
Any New Yorker talking about football in September must be a Yankees fan.
If I were you, I'd be talking about football too.
you are saying he sucks.
If he's a Patriot, then Gisele Bündchen sucks, yes?
That proves beyond doubt this woman can straighten out our national finances.
Don't go there, Chip. Someone will just reply that she bought a Valentino jacket for $2500 for the RNC speech, and therefore is a total liar.
I'm not sure how that is a lie, but that has never troubled Democrats before.
Hey sweetie I have been talking about football ever since THE GIANTS WON THE SUPER BOWL AND BECAME THE WORLD CHAMPIONS.
You seem to be new around here. Welcome.
Nice photo of you flashing your cootch by the way.
Have I told you lately that the Giants won the Super Bowl?
Ya got me and good.
"If he's a Patriot, then Gisele Bündchen sucks, yes?"
Just not all that well otherwise why would Leonardo dump her bony ass and she had to settle for bozo from beantown.
Naughty Monkey shoes, $89.00.
This reminds me: On the way out of the building I work in, on Thursday, there was a man wearing those glove shoes, the ones with individual toe holders that the Professor was going to buy. (Or did she buy them?) He said they were very comfortable to run in, but MAN they looked very very odd.
Someone will just reply that she bought a Valentino jacket for $2500 for the RNC speech, and therefore is a total liar.
I would just ask for a comparison of before and after her Mayorage in Wasilla. Did the debt increase or decrease?
Merrill: Morgan, this crop stuff is just about a bunch of nerds who never had a girlfriend their whole lives. They're like thirty now. They make up secret codes and analyze Greek mythology and make secret societies where other guys who never had girlfriends can join in. They do stupid crap like this to feel special. It's a scam. Nerds were doin' it twenty five years ago and new nerds are doing it again.
Graham Hess: Its just static, Morgan. Frequency.
[Weird noises come from the baby monitor]
Morgan: It's a code.
Bo: Why can't they get girlfriends?
(Signs, 2002)
Just not all that well otherwise why would Leonardo dump her bony ass and she had to settle for bozo from beantown.
He is gay?
Not that there is anything wrong with that.
Garage you live in Wisconsin?
Sorry dude that explains it.
Explains that lifelong burning passion for a storied franchise unmatched in pro sports that no outsider will ever feel or be a part of? A town with so many titles they just give it that name? The trophy everybody plays for that is named after one of the franchise's coaches? Is that what you meant? :)
Just not all that well otherwise why would Leonardo dump her bony ass and she had to settle for bozo from beantown.
Uh, Trooper, I hate to break it to ya, and I'm saying this to you as a Dolphins fan who has suffered through years of thrashings at the hands of that bastard #12, but hear this:
Giselle's bony ass will be parked in a huge Great Room filled with several Super Bowl Trophies and lots of healthy Nordic offspring running around long after Leonardo has become the Next William Shatner.
Tragic man, tragic.
Dude, you'll know I'm right when you read about DeCaprio doing an undercard act in Vegas at the MGM in a few years. He'll be the warmup act for Wayne Newton's Last Comeback.
Giselle is a very strategic thinker. She knows what she wants.
Feminism is like a tired old woman who is hunched over carrying around a big sack of all the things that have affected her as she trudges through her miserable life. And when people ask her, "Hey Feminism, why are you letting that large bit of baggage hold you down? Let it go, stand up straight, free yourself from the self-imposed burden you've been carrying." and all she can say is, "Well, I've carried it around this long, I might as well carry it some more. Yeah, it's heavy, it's a burden, and it really hasn't done me any good, but what else do I have to look forward too? It's all I have left."
"Giselle is a very strategic thinker. She knows what she wants."
They used to call this being a whore.
section9 said...
long after Leonardo has become the Next William Shatner.
What? When did Leonardo DiCaprio displace David Caruso as this generations greatest over-acting William Shatner?
Tad Foote
When I was young, my best friend's aunt, maiden name Hopper, married a man named Foote and became S___ Hopper Foote.
Her grandfather was an early president of Stanford, so her two kids were smart and weird. Alas, the marriage didn't last; I don't know if she dropped the Foote.
Hey sweetie I have been talking about football
Yeah, all the Yankees fans I know have been talking about football during baseball season.
Don't try to deny you're a Yankees fan. A quick google search produced this instant classic from you:
Speaking as a Yankee, Giant, Knicks and Ranger Fan, the poor sad sack losers of the tri-state area
I couldn't agree with you more. Speaking of the Knicks, did you notice that the NBA CHAMPION BOSTON CELTICS visited the White House on Friday?
Hey Drooper, great news!
Mets rip sloppy Braves for four in eighth, take over first in NL East
Palin's a fast machine.
She's keeps her motor clean—
The best damn woman America's ever seen.
She has the 'Ayes'
Telling us no lies.
And the Braves ain't been the same since the Chef left.
And when I say Danish- American about women, you know what I mean, right? (Wink wink) It's code! This is such fun!
I love a feisty broad who gives you shit right back. A lesson for you liberal pussies who wouldn't know a joke if it bit you on the ass.
Of course I am a Yankee Fan sweetie. We had a transitional year this year. And a lot of injuries. But that's not an excuse. Tampa won fair and square and we will retool and come back stronger than ever next year. I will put the Yankees history up against any other team in the history of sports. The only two teams that are within shouting distance are your Celtics and Manchester United.
Now baby, don't tell me you root for the Mets, Jets, Nets and the Democrats. That's more suffering than any one should ever have to endure. Come over to the dark side. Win a championship once in a while. You will be glad you did.
The Althouse blog will retool when Michael and ALpha Liberal start posting again this morning.
Garage, the only reason Green bay ever won anything is that Pete Rozelle had some photos of Wellington Mara in a three way with Totie Fields and Angie Dickerson and forced him to let Lombardi go to the Packers and Landry go to the Cowboys. He had to do it for competitive balance.
Rozelle was one tough bastard. At least he didn't drown Wellington like he did Carroll Rosenblum.
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