September 29, 2008

"Every suspicion you have about MSM being in the tank for O is true."

Do you believe this? I do. Unfortunately. Tragic, the loss of professionalism.


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Unknown said...


I guess I didn't see where Glenn said he knows who the person was or knows for sure that person worked in the MSM (whatever that is defined as) or knows for sure that person is telling the truth.


You are mixing up "MSM" with op/eds and things of that nature. I don't know of any "MSM" source that reported she banned books. Yes, it was reported that she had a talk with a librarian about how she felt about banning books, which the librarian interpreted as meaning that she wanted to ban those books but now Palin's people have spun to mean something else. Yes, that's true. I don't see your point though.

Lots of things went unreported, too. And the MSM's been pretty soft on her re: "troogergate," her 300+ days of per diems for working at home, etc.

I just can't take you people seriously because in your world everyone should just ignore these facts, I guess....

Unknown said...


Victoria is a prime example of what's wrong with America (Britain?).

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

When conservatives said Obama was unqualified, it was fair game.

The point isn't what the conservatives said about Barry's qualifications, it's about what the media said. What's that you say? The media didn't mention it?

Experience only become a media topic when Palin joined the fray. Before that, Hillary and conservatives were just farting in the wind. Even today the media largely ignores his lack of qualifications.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

And by the way Ann, all the political posts are becoming tedious. We need more beautiful photographs instead.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Yeah Pogo it is depressing at times.

This morning CNN was blaring the end of times for parents who wanted upper mobility for their kids.

One expert they used was a guy from PEW Foundation. Well that group is about as far left as it gets. One of its agendas is to get states to fund all-day pre-school! (Psst... public schools suck and are endless money pits so let's add 4-5 more grades)

PEW does public opinion surveys too and is always referred to as non-patisan.

As you said, Libs have been very successful in taking over the big bucks "non'partisan" foundations.

I'm Full of Soup said...


I sound narcisistic?

Look at it this way. I am one of the best customers of the newspaper industry. I still buy and read 3-4 papers on average per day. But the people to whom I give my hard-earned money just refuse to report the news, the whole news.

My hometown paper, the Philadelphia Inquirer, ignored the Rev. Wright story until Obama apologized and threw the Rev. under the bus.

Think about that for a moment. A news agency ignores a big story for days and maybe weeks but then wprints a story about Obama's mea culpa. A consumer who read only that piece of crap paper would be left wondering what the brouhaha was all about!!

Do you see my point? If you don't you are an idiot.

Unknown said...


You are misrepresenting what happened. Having watched these reports, the stories went something like this. McCain has been criticizing Obama for lack of experience. Now he chose Palin. What does this do to McCain's campaign centerpiece about Obama's lack of experience?

I think that's fair.

Of course, you have conservatives saying inane things on the main stage of the RNC like "Palin is governor of the largest state in the union" and people are going to have to respond to that nonsense.

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