September 27, 2008

"Did he just say 'orgy'?!"

ADDED: Did he just say "horseshit"? Come on, Andrew. It's a debate, not "Louie Louie."


Bissage said...

I laughed in spite of myself.

They had me at "lizard."

rhhardin said...

No mention of tailhook, when men were men.

Anonymous said...

"The LIZZARD!!!"

Eli Blake said...

Well, as a matter of fact, McCain DID say, 'horseshit.' Go listen yourself.

The McCain campaign is claiming he was saying 'of course it is'.

Yeah. And I suppose cowboys ride courses, too.

Beldar said...

eli blake, even Sullivan has admitted that he was wrong in thinking he heard that.

But so what if he did? McCain is a sailor. Sailors swear. McCain, famously, swears. If you don't want a president who sometimes swears, don't vote for McCain.

I say this as someone who was very offended when he shouted "F**k you!" to my home-state senator last year. Sen. Cornyn forgave him. McCain has generally done a good job on the campaign in keeping his temper in control, and given how fierce his temper is, that's actually pretty impressive.

Meade said...

"Well, as a matter of fact, McCain DID say, 'horseshit.' Go listen yourself."

Anonymous said...

Wow, we'll not only have to watch what we say, but how we color it too. Fantastic! It's Cuba redux! You Obamatrons are really giving a great picture of what life would be under your Great Dear Messiah One (PBUH).

Ann Althouse said...

Maybe he did say horseshit. Maybe the Kingsmen are spewing sex talk. The question is, should a grown man blog and blog and blog about it?

Anonymous said...

Ann Althouse said...
Maybe he did say horseshit. Maybe the Kingsmen are spewing sex talk. The question is, should a grown man blog and blog and blog about it?

7:38 PM

Sullivan has gone through regression therapy and never came back. Grown man you said? Not anymore.

Peter V. Bella said...

Sully is a teenager locked in an adult's body.

EnigmatiCore said...



Turkey shit!

Why the last is two words and the first just one is above my pay grade.

rhhardin said...

Multi-syllable words don't usually combine to form compound nouns written as one word.

Kensington said...

"The question is, should a grown man blog and blog and blog about it?"

Andrew Sullivan is a grown man in body only.

Anonymous said...

Did he just say "horseshit"?

I thought he said "Lynch the n***".

But what do I know? I thought Hillary snuck in the letters NIG on a kid's pajamas in a campaign add as a subliminal message to convince the viewers that Obama is a black guy who wants to kill their children late at night.

I thought that but I would never blog about it.

At least McCain didn't call him a c**t.

You know he wanted to.

As in - "That's SENATOR McCain to you you..******..*****...****....."

Fr Martin Fox said...

"heh heh--he said 'butt'! heh...heh..."

EnigmatiCore said...

"Multi-syllable words don't usually combine to form compound nouns written as one word."

So then it isn't above my pay grade; I just wasn't paying attention in school that day.

Or wasn't in school...

Chip Ahoy said...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Better than Mystery Theater 2000.

* glees *

Waaaay better than the actual debate!

chickelit said...

"Louie, Louie" according to Sullivan.

Sullivan is full of shit. He corrected himself.

Buffoon said...

Does it make me a communist because I laughed????

Fen said...

Andrew Sullivan is a NAMBLA sicko. No idea why you continue to give him attention.

Fen said...

The question is, should a grown man blog and blog and blog about it?

Or should a grown woman continue to enable him. C'mon Ann, have some standards.

Anonymous said...

Andrew Sullivan - "My husband insists that McCain said "Course not." I think now my hubby's right, although it's very muffled.

[Update III: I listened to it on headphones. Now I think my husband was right again. McCain says: "'Course ... Course not." Well: 'mutters angrily' conveys the tone better.]

What's with this "husband" talk. Is Andrew Sullivan married to some other guy?

And WTF!!..."My husband was right"?..."my hubby was right again."???

WOW, maybe in these gay marriages but for most guys those are words they will never hear that's for sure.

Too many jims said...

Fen said... Andrew Sullivan is a NAMBLA sicko.
Do you have anything to support the position that Andrew Sullivan in any way supports NAMBLA?

Roberto said...


One of the strangest non sequiturs came in the beginning when McCain brought up Eisenhower on the eve of the Normandy Invasion:

You’ve mentioned President Dwight David Eisenhower. President Eisenhower, on the night before the Normandy invasion, went into his room, and he wrote out two letters. One of them was a letter congratulating the great members of the military and allies that had conducted and succeeded in the greatest invasion in history, still to this day, and forever. And he wrote out another letter, and that was a letter of resignation from the United States Army for the failure of the landings at Normandy.

Somehow we’ve lost that accountability. I’ve been heavily criticized because I called for the resignation of the chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission. We’ve got to start also holding people accountable, and we’ve got to reward people who succeed.

The problem is, McCain doesn’t know his history and doesn’t realize that it’s easy to fact check:

Int eh second and thankfully unnecessary letter that General Eisenhower wrote on the eve of D-Day, it concludes with the words, “If any blame is found attached to the attempt, it is mine alone.”

In other words, he never offered to resign. Where McCain got that idea from, I have no idea. Wasn’t that remark prepared in advance?

Roberto said...

erniecu73 - That quite the poll and turnout on your blog.

It's amazing the final tally stayed so close.

Anonymous said...

Michael said...
erniecu73 - That quite the poll and turnout on your blog.

It's amazing the final tally stayed so close.

9:56 PM

Why thank you

Anonymous said...

michael, did you even know about this event before McCain mentioned it?

Ah, no, you googled it.

john said...

Michael, that's mean. You shouldn't ridicule startups.

On the other hand, you probably bumped his blog traffic up some, by one at least. I'll vote.

The Tensor said...

[re: bullshit and turkey shit] Why the last is two words and the first just one is above my pay grade.

Probably just a frequency effect. Collocations that occur often enough become lexicalized as new compound words. It can be hard to tell compounds from non-compounds in written text, though; if it's pronounced as a single word (e.g. blackbird with a single primary stress vs. black bird with two) it's probably a single lexical item, even if it's written as two.

Multi-syllable words don't usually combine to form compound nouns written as one word.

Nope. Here are a few results from a project I did a few years ago to probabilistically detect compound words in text, run on H. G. Wells' War of the Worlds. Note that I give the stem form (i.e. understand instead of understood).







Other types:


john said...

Sorry erniecu73, I refuse to create an account just to vote.

Fen said...

"Andrew Sullivan is a NAMBLA sicko."

Too many jims: Do you have anything to support the position that Andrew Sullivan in any way supports NAMBLA?

Supports? He's a participant.

john said...

Jesus, how can anyone listen to a tape 2 dozen times to try to detect a dirty word?

Little boys can. Excitable Andy can. Poor kid.

Anonymous said...

john, thank you anyway. The reality of that "blog" is that it wasn't ever intended to be a high traffic site at all. It's where I go, from time to time, to post and discuss things with people I know. In fact, most entries are "friends only" because they are personal stuff. In more than 6 years, I only have 750 some entries. I don't live from it or for it.

I thank you again for your support!

Roberto said...


Over 40 Current Campaign Fundraisers, Top Advisers Tied To Gambling Industry...

Senior Aides Worried McCain Gambled Too Much...

Casino Lobbyists In McCain's Inner Circle Pushed Abramoff Probe To Pick Off Clients, Settle Scores

Roberto said...

Fen said..."Supports? He's a participant."

You know this to be true?

Roberto said...

erniecu73 - You consider the Ike story to be obscure?

Do you ever read books?

Take a class?


Roberto said...

john said..."Michael, that's mean. You shouldn't ridicule startups."

It's not really a start-up, it's basically an extremely puffy extension of you-know-who.

And anyway, it's fun to be mean.

As John McCain.

Too many jims said...

Please give me a reference to how you know he is a participant.

Chip Ahoy said...

Oh Lordy, the edumakashun I get from reading this blog. My pastor would not approve. That's a lie. I'm pastorless.

Didn't know what you're talking about with the reference to Louie Louie. Snopes answers. They provide alternate lyrics circulated before I was musically aware. Before I was aware. OK FINE ! Before I was.

blake said...

"Andrew Sullivan is a NAMBLA sicko."

Too many jims: Do you have anything to support the position that Andrew Sullivan in any way supports NAMBLA?

Supports? He's a participant.

I'm sure Fen is just "raising issues", legitimate questions we, as the public, have a right to know.

If Sully wants to prove that these allegations are false, he only needs to produce all the boys he's never had sex with.

I believe that's the standard pioneered and promoted by Sully himself, so he should be pleased.

Fen said...

/hat tip to blake

Meade said...

Brilliant thinking, Blake.

Now, back home in Indiana, we could hear the sexually explicit material in the lyrics of Louie Louie perfectly clear and that's why our Governor protected us from the Kingsmen by personally going from radio station to radio station there in Indiana - God's country - banning the filthy song from each and every airwave.

That was a long long time ago. Forty-five years. Governors don't protect the governed the way they once did. Heck, in states like Delaware, they probably never did. Which might explain why people there are so mean and rough. Unlike Hoosiers who are beloved by all and hated by none. But now it's up to us to protect ourselves.

If John McCain fails to clean up his language, if he insists on muttering more nine-letter-four-letter-words under his breath at the Debates, the DEBATES! then we'll just... we'll just...
we'll vote for a candidate who doesn't use foul words! Won't we eli?

Fen said...


Over 40 Current Campaign Fundraisers, Top Advisers Tied To Columbia Cartels

Senior Aides Worried Obama Smoling Too Much Weed...

Lobbyists In Obama's Inner Circle Pushed Teenage Girl into Ritual Sacrifice

Fen said...

Obama claims Sullivan touched him wrong when he was a child. Sullivan insists it was consenual.

Too many jims said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Too many jims said...


That would be a fine and good point if it had been raised as a question rather than stated as statement of fact. Sullivan may even deserve to be hoisted on his own petard but if it is to be done, it should be done correctly.

Roberto said...

Ohhhhhhhhh, that crazy Sarah!!

Sarah Palin told a customer at a Philadelphia restaurant on Saturday that the United States should “absolutely” launch cross-border attacks from Afghanistan into Pakistan in the event that it becomes necessary to “stop the terrorists from coming any further in,”...

...a comment similar to the one John McCain condemned Barack Obama for making during last night’s presidential debate.

Roberto said...

Fen, when you and blake get together, you know for those special occasions, which one of you does most of the work?

Roberto said...

A new USA TODAY/Gallup Poll shows 46% of people who watched Friday night's presidential debate say Democrat Barack Obama did a better job than Republican John McCain; 34% said McCain did better.

Obama scored even better -- 52%-35% -- when debate-watchers were asked which candidate offered the best proposals for change to solve the country’s problems.

More than six in 10 people or 63% in the one-day poll, taken Saturday, said they watched the first faceoff in Oxford, Miss. For those 701 people, the margin of error was +/- 4 percentage points.

Alex said...

Baghadad Mike - congrats, you can sleep well tonight with those polls. If it's all going SO WELL, why are trolling us?

vbspurs said...

Well, Governor Palin didn't make that rumoured cameo on SNL, but they did have a (rather long) opening skit with Tina Fey again.

Tina Fey does Sarah Doing Katie.


Freeman Hunt said...

Fen, when you and blake get together, you know for those special occasions, which one of you does most of the work?

Just the other day, maybe a week or two ago, a commenter on this very blog said that if you ticked off a liberal enough, he'd ironically start calling you gay.

Who was it that posted that?

Palladian said...

"Just the other day, maybe a week or two ago, a commenter on this very blog said that if you ticked off a liberal enough, he'd ironically start calling you gay.

Who was it that posted that?"

I don't know, but this is why I thought/think "Michael" is a re-inblognation of "Luckyoldson", whose favorite debate tactic was to sling gay innuendos (which are the equivalent of anti-gay taunts) at his opponents.

vbspurs said...

I don't know, but this is why I thought/think "Michael" is a re-inblognation of "Luckyoldson", whose favorite debate tactic was to sling gay innuendos (which are the equivalent of anti-gay taunts) at his opponents.

Wouldn't it be fabulous if they threw these purported slurs at a Log Cabin Republican?

I'd love to see their eyes bulge like squirrels trapped at Chez Althouse.

vbspurs said...


Government Bailout Deal Reached!

ShadowFox said...

Jesus, how can anyone listen to a tape 2 dozen times to try to detect a dirty word?

How can someone look at a pancake and see a sign from god?

blake said...

Jesus, how can anyone listen to a tape 2 dozen times to try to detect a dirty word?

How can someone look at a pancake and see a sign from god?

Wrong parallel. In the former case, we have someone determined to find significance in a particular place; in the latter, we have someone receptive to seeing significance anywhere.

Anonymous said...


Ann is just going to looooove the latest SNL skit with Tina Fey.

AllenS said...

luckyoldson once said: "someone has to be the turd in the punchbowl". Michael has now taken over the turd part.

walter neff said...

Michael is luckyoldson.

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