September 11, 2008

Barack Obama goes to Harlem... to spend some time with Bill Clinton.

The NYT says it's a " a long-discussed get-together that is intended, in part, to sooth [sic] any ill will left from the primary campaign and to give the two men more time to get to know each other."

In sooth
, I think there clearly is some thriving ill will:
The lunch menu, according to the campaign, was a choice of sandwiches and flatbread pizza from Cosi, plus salad. Beverages were not specified.
Sandwiches from Cosi? Cosi is a modestly upscale fast-food lunch place, but that's all they serve you in Clinton's fabulous 14th floor hangout overlooking Central Park?
Mr. Clinton said he had agreed to do “a substantial number of things” on behalf of Mr. Obama this fall, and would hit the campaign trail as soon as his Global Initiative conference concluded on Sept. 26.

“We’re putting him to work,” Mr. Obama joked.

Asked for his opinion about the state of the presidential race, Mr. Clinton replied, “I predict that Senator Obama will win and win handily.”

“There you go,” Mr. Obama added. “You can take it from the President of the United States. He knows a little something about politics.”
Can't you hear Clinton's thoughts? Yeah, I know a little something about politics... I know you stole the nomination from Hillary after twisting and distorting some little thing I said to make me look like a racist... And here I am in Harlem... When were you ever in Harlem? You had to come to Harlem to see me... I hope you're enjoying your Cosi flatbread and unspecified beverage...


Anonymous said...

What does it say about Obama that he is spending very valuable time anywhere in New York, and trying to assuage people there?

vbspurs said...

Bill: "If you had picked my wife, you wouldn't be up sh*t's creek you know that."

Obama: "Uhh, well, uhh BBbbbill. Yeah, bbbut you ssssee. Muh-mmmichelle."

Bill: "I hear you."

Anonymous said...

I don't think Obama didn't pick Clinton.

vbspurs said...

Cosi is featuring a limited-time offer of pulled pork sandwich.


An Edjamikated Redneck said...

HAs Bill been out of office long enough to be an asset to Obama?

Or is this a sign of how desperate he is?

George M. Spencer said...

"In July 1985, after spending two years as a writer for a business newsletter and as a coordinator at City College in Harlem for an environmental and consumer advocacy group, Obama left New York for Chicago - where he found a job, a wife and, eventually, a political career."

The above from a fascinating article from the Seattle Times (references in a leader in today's WSJ) in which the paper tracked down Sen. Obama's college roommates.

It's fair to say that he was an alienated, unhappy guy in college, but on the plus side he seems to have been a babe magnet.

Unknown said...

Clinton, who never even got a majority vote, was and is still despised by at least 50% of the country. Only in media-land do they think Clinton is "popular". This will not help Obama's doomed campaign.

Trooper York said...

Did the Senator put some lipstik on him?

Ron said...

Palin opposes earmarks on no Cosi for her!

Can Hillary meet Palin at Per Se and have Obama pick up the tab?

Unknown said...

Lets be honest here. No way, no how Bill Clinton wants Obama to be the next president.

knox said...

I thought the Rev. Wright took care of Obama's street cred.

vbspurs said...

No way, no how Bill Clinton wants Obama to be the next president.

No, but he wants his ego massaged by Obama, and to make him suck up to him big time.

Wait, this is another sneaky porn thread by Ann, isn't it?

Harwood said...

The lunch menu, according to the campaign, was a choice of sandwiches and flatbread pizza from Cosi, plus salad. Beverages were not specified.

Oh, waiter? Could I have a side of wormwood and gall with that grilled cheese?

Angst said...

The Anchoress has a amusing post a couple of days ago.

(Now if I can just figure out how to do that
embedded link thingie!)

Paul said...

Bill Clinton became president because of one thing: Ross Perot. Last time I checked, Bob Barr/Ron Paul were not garnering 19% of the Independent/center-right vote.

garage mahal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Paul said...

Bill Clinton is going to smile and lie his face off to Obama. Because if he wins, then his wife almost certainly gets a cabinet position. And if he loses, Hillary is the party's last, best hope. Both bill and hillary like McCain well enough (as much as they "like" anyone, I'd bet). And they have a lot of reason to dislike a know-nothing upstart from illinois. If Obama loses, Bill Clinton will not lose ONE MOMENT of sleep.

Paul said...

garage mahal said... Dude, it doesn't drive us crazy at all. Because if it's one thing Republicans know, it's that Bill Clinton is only out there for Bill Clinton. We don't mind him campaigning for Obama because we know it's not in his best interest for Obama to win. it's that simple.

vbspurs said...

From George's link:

Obama had an international circle of friends - "a real eclectic sort of group," says Vinai Thummalapally, who himself came from Hyderabad, India. says he had some regular black and white American friends, too, but they are not mentioned in bunches like the international crowd he hung around with are.

Is he American AT ALL? I mean, come on now. I'm more American than he is.

And it took him 6 years total to finish "Oxy" and Columbia? I see no one raised the flags about this, like they did with Palin.

avwh said...

Back-to-back posts:

"Bill Clinton became president because of one thing: Ross Perot. Last time I checked, Bob Barr/Ron Paul were not garnering 19% of the Independent/center-right vote."

"Eat it wingers. Clinton was always much smarter than you, played the game much smarter than you, and always will be, in fact, much much smarter than you. And he will always be much more popular, and much richer than you. The sooner you come to terms with this, the sooner he won't haunt you and you can finally get him out of your head. But you knew this, otherwise it wouldn't drive you crazy at the thought of him campaigning for Obama. Because he wins."

I guess that Clinton is a great role model for Obama, since both are such great unifiers, and so post-partisan.

garage mahal said...

Eat it wingers. Clinton was always much smarter than you and played the game much smarter than you. And he will always be much more popular, and much richer than you. The sooner you come to terms with this, the sooner he won't haunt you and you can finally get him out of your head. But you knew this, otherwise it wouldn't drive you crazy at the thought of him campaigning for Obama. Because he wins.

Joe said...

“You can take it from the President of the United States. He knows a little something about politics.”

Good someone does, since Obama doesn't realize Clinton isn't the President of the United States.

garage mahal said...

We don't mind him campaigning for Obama because we know it's not in his best interest for Obama to win. it's that simple.

That makes alot of sense. He's campaigning for Obama because he doesn't want him to win. See my last post.

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen Clinton doing a lot of campaigning for Obama. What I see is Obama spending time at Clinton's office in a hotbed of leftism where Obama will win 80 percent of the vote.

Despite your hilarious vaunting, Garage, such a move does not exude confidence.

miller said...

I do not deny that Clinton, W is a brilliant politician.

And his wife, Rodham-Clinton, is no weak willy either.

However, both of them became extremely polarizing. HRC more than most.

We'll see how well JSM and SHP handle the changes that the Executive Office will bring to their lives and perceived personas.

BHO? Another useless Senator from Illinois. Part of a matched set.

Paul said...

That makes alot of sense. He's campaigning for Obama because he doesn't want him to win. See my last post.

Ok, since you're being willfully obtuse, I'll spell it out for you: In real estate, people looking for houses are advised not to work with an agent who is also a seller's agent. This is because there is something called CONFLICT OF INTEREST. It is not in the seller agent's best interest to find you a good deal, because they want you to spend as much as possible. Likewise, if Bill's number one goal is to see Hillary (and himself) into the white house, then it makes the most sense for the republican to win so that she can make a run in 2012. Therefore, even though he may be "campaigning" for Obama, he certainly is not going to do everything he can for Obama. He's just paying him lip service. After watching Clinton for 16+ years, it's clear to me that this is more likely than Clinton wanting Obama to win.

miller said...

I actually believe Clinton, B is campaigning for BHO to win, and I think HRC will come around to campaign more assertively as well. While they might be Machiavellian, they are also Democrat politicians. They will have a lot more power and respect with BHO in the White House than if he remains as "Senator Present."

Trochilus said...

Look for Hillary to sharpen her focus on Sarah Palin in the coming days. Neither Obama nor Biden can do it. She can.

One signal was that Geraldine Ferraro really backed off her criticism of Barack Obama yesterday on Greta. Suddenly, she developed a mouth full of mush. The other signal was Biden praising Hillary.

Obama is in enough potential trouble now that Bill Clinton earlier sensed the opportunity and invited the man to lunch for a little chat. The Clintons want things now as well. And, the Clintons want different things, depending on the outcome of the race this fall.

These guys are both politicians. The question, therefore, is what was the deal they cut.

The Counterfactualist said...

The Clintons want things now as well. And, the Clintons want different things, depending on the outcome of the race this fall.

Bingo. You've noticed Carville and Begala on the attack, too.

VariableSpin said...

Interesting that he says he'll start after Sept 26th. That's the day of the first debate.

It could either add to a momentum swing for Obama or blunt one for McCain.

Patm said...

Is it just me or did Barack seem condescending to Clinton?

Bob said...

That meeting must have been sweet for Bill and humiliating for Obama. To crawl over to Bill's place for some "sage advice". And both needed to watch the Godfather and reread The Prince.

One hopes Sarah is getting in some target practice and cinches up her protective vest. Because during the 2nd half of September she will be what's in season...

Roger J. said...

Patm: Obama is condescending to every one: "shes likeable enough..."

Unknown said...

[VariableSpin said... Interesting that he says he'll start after Sept 26th. That's the day of the first debate]

Translation - "Let's see how you do after your first debate. If you don't look like an idiot, and things are close, and you have the money to pay off Hillary's debt, I'll lend a hand"

Sloanasaurus said...

Since Obama is running one of the greatest smear campaigns in history already, he doesn't need much help from the Clintons.

Anonymous said...

Not long ago, Obama supporters liked to point out just how inevitable his victory was by pointing out he was the overwhelming favorite on political betting sites like InTrade. At the moment, McCain is the favorite by a small margin. As more recent state polls started coming in this week, those electoral vote calculators that were held up as proof that Obama had an overwhelming advantage don't look so good after all. Still, it is a long way until election day, and GOP partisans shouldn't be making any firm plans to attend John McCain's inaugural ball.

smith jones said...

Will Bill Clinton be paid for his help? More generally, do campaigns typically pay guest speakers (even past Presidents)?

KCFleming said...

One possible scenario:

Sarah: "Duck season!"
Barry: "Wabbit season!"
Sarah: "Duck season!"
Barry: "Wabbit season!"
Sarah: "Duck season!!"
Barry: "Wabbit season!!"
Sarah: (reversing the flow) "Wabbit season!"
Barry: "Duck season!!!"
Sarah: "Wabbit season!!!"
Barry: "I say it's duck season, and I say, FIRE!"

Freeman Hunt said...

There's no way Clinton wants Obama to win. Obama wins, the Clintons are old news, yesterday's party leaders. Obama loses, everyone comes crawling back.

Given that, I'm glad Clinton is planning to "help," but I can't believe Obama would be foolish enough to accept it.

Methadras said...

garage mahal said...

Eat it wingers. Clinton was always much smarter than you and played the game much smarter than you. And he will always be much more popular, and much richer than you. The sooner you come to terms with this, the sooner he won't haunt you and you can finally get him out of your head. But you knew this, otherwise it wouldn't drive you crazy at the thought of him campaigning for Obama. Because he wins.

Oh, there is no doubt that Clinton the He was/is the masterful politician. Enough as to make even the Caesars weep. However, he is also a vengeful, backstabbing fuck and I have no doubt in my mind that whenever he stares at Obama's backside, he is wondering between which rib(s) he's going to stick it Mr. Barely with.

Like I said before and I'll say it again, McCain has already fucked Obama and he didn't even see it coming, now it's the lower lip biting, down-home yuk-yuk, aw-shucks glad-hander Clintons turn to astroglide Mr. Barely.

Teri said...

Okay, so I read the Paglia article. Can just one person please explain to me where they get this idea that Obama is capable of bringing in change? He has no record of doing that during his political career. He does not have a history of reaching across to the opposing side. He seems to be somewhat tone-deaf as a politician (making snide remarks about rural whites, disrespect to women, enough verbal gaffes to rate at least one book). Yet these people continue to project this mantle of change on him.

For months, political junkies have been complaining that Obama can't close the deal. And here we are yet again. The Biden choice was so stupid, yet all we hear from the media is how Dan Quayle-like that McCain's choice was. How dumb is that? All the mud that the Left is slinging at Palin is going to come right back at women voters, who do not like the behaviors they are seeing. And I don't think having the Clintons suck up and campaign for him will help much either. If he's that great of a candidate, why did they oppose him in the first place??

Anonymous said...

Make no mistake about it ... this is about naked power.

Home boy had to go to Harlem.

To pay respect.

Bill Clinton, the first black President, just made Barack Obama his house negro.

Synova said...

I wonder... CAN Hillary attack Palin?

I mean, it would seem that a woman could attack Palin far better than a man could attack Palin but if some of the Woman on Woman verbal violence I've read in the last few days is any indication, attacks on Palin have the potential to be even worse coming from women.

Because people do not *like* the shrill sort of feminism, or the exclusionary sort of feminism. Men don't, and women don't either. And being SEEN to carry water for the men? How can Hillary carrying Obama's water work for him in any way?

Peter V. Bella said...

The Clintons want things now as well.

They want Obama to pay off Hillary's campaign debt- reparations, I guess. The Clintons are about the money and only the money.

George said...

Clinton telling Obama he'll help him in two weeks...and feeding him fast a 100 percent snub.

Gray said...

"Can't you hear Clinton's thoughts?"
No, most of us readers can't. And if you continue to hear other people's thoughts you should really seek professional psychiatric help, Althouse!

Swen said...

I agree with some earlier posters: It is telling that Obama went to see Clinton and not the other way around. Teh One must be getting a bit nervous and it sounds like Clinton just voted "present".

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