September 6, 2008

"According to Lucille, the waitress serving her table at the time and who asked that her last name not be used..."

Incredibly weakly sourced anti-Palin crap. (Via Memeorandum.)
But being openly racist is only the tip of the Palin iceberg. According to Alaskans interviewed for this article, she is also vindictive and mean. We’re talking Rove mean and Nixon vindictive.


paul a'barge said...

Rove mean and Nixon vindictive?

Oh darn. Yet more reasons to vote for Palin. Who is she running with again?

David said...

But you are passing it on, which is what they want.

This isn't weakly sourced. It isn't sourced at all.

You can use unrevealed sources if you are a news organization with some credibility.

But for a 4th tier blogger, this has to be viewed as completely made up.

Eric said...

I'm not sure this one really merits the journalism tag.

TMink said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TMink said...

"I'm not sure this one really merits the journalism tag."

Journigotry? No, sounds racist.

Statistics? Nope, already used.

Propagandalism? Getting there!

Ohh, I got it, propovandalistic journalism.


Athena DePaul said...

That article was hilarious. Thanks for the laugh!

Joan said...

Athena: I kept checking to see if was The Onion... it was a parody, right? The writer found very creative ways around saying "anonymous source" for every single statement.

Bissage said...

Not to worry.

President Obama’s Department of Justice will launch an investigation to determine whether there is any evidence of a crime.

joewxman said...

They just won't stop will they! They just keep it going and pouring it on and the odds of a McCain/Palin win just keep increasing.

kent said...

Flailing desperation and balls-out panic have a tangy, pungent scent uniquely theirs, and theirs alone.

Pastafarian said...

Yes, I'm sure she's a racist -- particularly against those dirty damned Eskimos.

And in order to disguise her racism, she went to all of the trouble of marrying an Eskimo and having 5 filthy little half-Eskimo babies.

And that "Sambo" reference -- I'm sure that she used it. I sometimes find myself uttering things like "Sambo" and "Step-n-Fetchit" and similar slurs from the 1930s, and I'm about Palin's age.

I can't wait til they start uncovering Palin's past as a devil worshiper. She doesn't just shoot moose -- she sacrifices them to her Dark Lord and Master, Satan. At least that's what somebody overheard someone else saying in a diner outside of Turdhammer, British Columbia.

Pastafarian said...

But let's face it -- who isn't prejudiced against Eskimos? Filthy snow-monkeys. Always out hunting and fishing; get a job, you lazy bastards!

David said...

What is about women named Lucille?

Lucille, please come back where you belong
Lucille, please come back where you belong
I've been good to you baby
Please don't leave me alone
(Little Richard)

You picked a fine time to leave me,Lucille
With four hungry children and a crop in the field.
I've had some bad times,
lived through some sad times,
this time the hurtin' won't heal.
You picked a fine time to leave me, Lucille.
(Kenny Rogers)

Lucy, you got some ‘splanin’ to do.
(Ricky Ricardo)

Alex said...

For just a little fun, a Kos Diary that had linked to this was deleted.

Zachary Sire said...

Reminds me of how the fringe on the other side treats Obama.

It's embarrassing that they would run this, but scrolling through the comments, there are plenty from good liberals who call the "reporter" out on his bullshit. There are plenty of facts about Palin that we can find reprehensible, we don't need "unnamed sources."

William said...

The way Franciscans take a vow of poverty, the left has taken a vow of malice. Sarah Palin and her family are good people. This total commitment of resourceful reporters to discovering the lies and hypocrisy she demonstrated during her PTA tenure, is unseemly. They will eventually find some small scandal and draw the obvious parallels with Lucretia Borgia....Check out the covers of the current Newsweek and US. How hard do you have to search to find an unflattering photo of such a photogenic woman?

B. said...

As her husband and kids are on the Inuit tribal rolls (I don't know which tribe) doesn't this seem unlikely?

George M. Spencer said...

I'd love to see the photo of her with the M-16 posted side-by-side with the recent photo of Putin with a rifle.

The moose hunter vs. the tiger hunter.

It's easy to imagine her across the table from Putin. And dressing him down.

The lady's got a pair.

vbspurs said...

there are plenty from good liberals who call the "reporter" out on his bullshit.

I was happy to see that, ZPS. I agree with you.

But it's also sad that I have to agree to compliment people for doing the right thing.

Tout passe...I read this last night via the Diggbats.

Roger J. said...

Inuit or Yupik--I think Todd Palin is an enrolled Yupik--but all those eskimos look alike (sarcasm)

Pastafarian said...

Zachary -- I agree, there are plenty of things about Palin that we can use to smear her with. Like polluting the human gene pool with a bunch of stinky little half blubber-chewers, just to cover her own racism.

Or shooting wolves from an airplane -- I heard that she used the rotating mini-gun from an A10 Warthog. Where's the sport in that? Or her membership in the Alaska Independence Party and the American Nazi Party, and her role in the Inuit Occupational Government (IOG), that vast cabal that enables the ice-bunnies to control our media, entertainment, and frozen novelties industries.

You wouldn't believe the lengths that IOG will go to in order to quash these facts. Check out this propaganda:

vbspurs said...

BB King's guitar was called Lucille, right?

I think Palin is going to play these fools like a banjo.

Roger J. said...

And BTW, Zachary--thanks for the honesty. I second Victoria's comment

Peter V. Bella said...

It was kind of disgusting,” Lucille, who is part Aboriginal…

I thought the Aborigines were Australians? This story is as phony as the L.A. Progressive. Are there that many untalented, unemployed or starving fiction writers in L.A.

rhhardin said...

According to Alaskans interviewed for this article, she is also vindictive and mean.

That's a plagiarized Ann Coulter line.

``Carter is so often maligned for his stupidity, it tends to be forgotten that he is also self-righteous, vengeful, sneaky, and backstabbing''

Peter V. Bella said...

William said...
The way Franciscans take a vow of poverty, the left has taken a vow of malice.

Yes, yes, yes. They have taken a blood oath to spread evil, vicious, false rumors against a qualified, experienced, strong, woman.

Unknown said...

One of the viral emails floating around tells of Barack Obama tapping Sylvester Stallone to be his VP, so that the ticket would be called "Sambo and Rambo".

Somehow or another they worked Nancy Pelosi in there too, to get "Sambo, Rambo, and Bimbo."

Unknown said...

According to Alaskans interviewed for this article, she is also vindictive and mean. We’re talking Rove mean and Nixon vindictive.

To quote another Palin devotee: oh, please don't tease me like that.

rhhardin said...

But being openly racist is only the tip of the Palin iceberg.

Nine tenths of the iceberg of bad character is underwater.

There's the crab of debauch, the octopus of weakness of character, the shark of individual abasement, the boa of absent morals and the monstrous snail of idiocy. (Lautreamont)

Peter V. Bella said...

There are plenty of facts about Palin that we can find reprehensible, we don't need "unnamed sources."

Really? There are many we can find on Obama but the media will not print them. They are cowards.

American Liberal Elite said...

But for Althouse, I would never have heard these allegations.

Maxine Weiss said...

Eskimos aren't black....they're actually native-Russian, and they live forever in their Tundra igloos. All that cold-water fish consumption preserves the circulation .

At least I hope they're not black. If I find out they are, I'll never take fish-oil capsules again.

Maxine Weiss said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ken Pidcock said...

Could this post have something to do with Ann's inability, when challenged by Jane Hamsher, to name a single Democratic politician or credentialed journalist responsible for unfair attacks on Governor Palin?

Just asking.

sonicfrog said...

For a moment, I thought I had accidentally logged into Andrew Sullivan's blog.

vbspurs said...

Political blogs are the gutter press of the 21st century.

The "respectable" journalists only hop on board once others have gotten their hands dirty first. That was even true of Rathergate.

Fortunately, political blogs are also the watchdogs of the watchdogs of the 21st century.

This is, in effect, what Ann is doing here.

Unknown said...

kynefski: really? You mean she couldn't recall Barack Obama himself? Bloggingheads must really cloud her brain.

Jim said...


I appreciate that you see through the obvious BS in this "article"; however I have to call BS on

there are plenty from good liberals who call the "reporter" out on his bullshit.

Ummm....I counted a few who were worried this would hurt the Obama campaign by backfiring on them or asking for further evidence, but liberals who called outright bullshit? Maybe a couple, but nowhere near "plenty"...

Most of the BS calling was by people who were obviously from the other side of the aisle. After all, you rarely hear liberals call each other "Marxists"...

Look at the trackbacks from other liberal bloggers picking this trash up and running with it as well as the overwhelming number of liberal commenters expressing their support of trying to mainstream this GROUNDBREAKING discovery...That is the more accurate picture of how the supposedly "reality-based" community is dealing with such an obvious fairytale.

reader_iam said...

american liberal elite: Your implication is clear, but there's a problem. The piece has been up at Memeorandum (which--note!--Althouse hat-tipped) for hours, and if you mosey on over there, you'll see the piece has been linked by a number of bloggers, left AND right, at least a couple of whom get more hits than Althouse, I'd warrant, even given this past week's spike.

So ... you're point is ... ? Be specific.

(If, by the way, your point really WAS that simply that you wish no one would be spreading this stuff as opposed to implying some specific flaw on specifically Althouse's part, I a) apologize and b) can concur. But I'm sorta doubting your point was simply the latter and rather more about the latter.)

vbspurs said...

That is the more accurate picture of how the supposedly "reality-based" community is dealing with such an obvious fairytale.

That's true.

Crimso said...

"Could this post have something to do with Ann's inability, when challenged by Jane Hamsher, to name a single Democratic politician or credentialed journalist responsible for unfair attacks on Governor Palin?"

Well, allow me to help her out a bit: Howard Gutman. Not merely a "Democratic politician" or "credentialed journalist" (forgive the snickers at that rather lofty-sounding description, the "profession" of journalism certainly isn't what it used to be), but a member of the Obama campaign no less.

Unknown said...

Like I said, who needs to work their way down to Howard Gutman, when Obama issues a whopper like this?

joewxman said...

If one wants to see what has happened to the MSM and their credibility one need only look here

Harwood said...

A story not worth repeating is ... guess what?

Not worth repeating.

Ken Pidcock said...

That was a stupid thing for Obama to say. But, c'mon, mcg, that's weak. The kind of crap tossed around in any campaign. The meme is that Palin has been subjected to an especially vicious line of attack. I want to hear something that would shock me, like the party implies is all around out there.

Simon said...

Eric's comment ("I'm not sure this one really merits the journalism tag") is about right. Every other meme that the Obama campaign's media and blogosphere surrogates have flooded political discourse with has turned out to be vapid, vaporous, gossamer, overinflated, or an outright lie. Why would this one be any different?

rhhardin said...

I don't see anything wrong with calling Palin vindictive and mean.

It backfires because of sexism, of course. You'll hurt the woman's feelings and she'll quit. It's the wilting-flower clause of feminism.

Call a guy vindictive and mean and it may be praise.

It's a good thing Bush is President because he's enough of a prick to pull the trigger, as Imus said right after 9/11.

Once written, twice... said...

I agree Ann. this is incredible weak sourced "crap." But why are you linking to this obscure article. in fact the first place I read about Palin supposedly having an affair with her husband's business partner (also incredible weak sourced crap) was also on your website. It seems you are going to all kinds of contortions to say that Palin is being smeared. It is interesting you have not done the same about the much more prevalent anti-Obama stuff out there. Talk about selective outrage...

reader_iam said...

You know, I'm getting just a little bit tired of people who, on the one hand, tout the power of the vaunted netroots and the amount of influence it does and should have and yet, at the very same time, want to say--it has no power! has no influence! what commenters (read: members of the masses belonging to the net roots) doesn't count! what bloggers write don't count! what diarists write have no influence! show me the mainstream journalist/commentator who's writing it! the rest doesn't count!

F'r cryin' out loud. Which is it, folks?

Zachary Sire said...

"Bullshit" was my word, not theirs. And I only skimmed the comments and focused on the ones that found the story ridiculous.

"No one is going to buy the waitress with no name and the official who isn’t supposed to talk to the press"

"ummm…her husband is part native. These web sites are a joke, completely nonsense."

"Not true. She appeared in Wisconsin and I believe Michigan too today with John McCain. I’m no fan of Palin’s. In fact, I abhor her positions. But let’s be sure of our facts. Because if we spout lies and misstatements about her, people won’t believe the truth when they hear it. Please people. It’s important to get your facts straight."

I agree most with that last comment. All of Sarah's statements about opposing the bridge, her positions on earmarks, and radical social conservative views are what interest me. Not crap from some "American" "journalist" who, heh, lives in Toronto. What an idiot.

reader_iam said...

This being the first place so many people are hearing about this, that a nd the other assertion COULD--dare I say it?--be a product of what and in what order people read things (and when they tend to read blogs).

I will say categorically: I'm pretty sure I've caught just about every thing thrown out there relatively quickly, and I'm 100% certain that in -0- (zero) cases did I first read it at Althouse.

Yes, that's categorically "100% certain that in -0- (zero) cases" was Althouse the initial source.

So what?

Trooper York said...

Isn't that Lucille Rameriez, Dan Rather's old flame?

Trooper York said...

The only thing worse than journalists are lawyers.

Trooper York said...

They just made this shit up which is what these "journalists" do 90% of the time.

Zachary Sire said...

The only thing worse than journalists are lawyers

The man who wrote the article that Ann linked to isn't a journalist.

And Trooper, if it weren't for journalists, how would you hear the news that the New York Giants won the Superbowl?

Trooper York said...

You know the difference between a journalist and a bag of shit?

Neither do I.

Get back to me when you figure it out.

Name Withheld said...

Let me get this straight:

1. Bill Clinton can use the N-word repeatedly in office -- with multiple sources who said so ON THE RECORD. But that isn't reported, while the slur you cite is.

2. Hillary Clinton can say Jewish slurs (many years ago) with multiple sources ON THE RECORD. But that isn't reported, at least not much.

3. A guy comes forward and claims ON THE RECORD that he had sex and did drugs with Obama twice in 1999 and that is not reported. But the National Enquirer reports one of her enemy's statements that Palin had an afffair, even though they don't indicate who the person is or how that person found out: he guessed it happened? Todd said so? Sarah said so? The other guy said so? They never say. And the Enquirer itself says that the charge is "INCREDIBLE," which literally means NOT BELIEVABLE. That's how they get around defamation laws. They report the slur and then say that it's not believable, using a word that most readers won't understand as actually undercutting the statement.

4. George W. Bush is depicted as a druggie (probably true), when no one comes forward to say that they did drugs with him. Al Gore does all sorts of drugs with people and two people go ON THE RECORD with their story and it doesn't get covered outside of Tenn. radio. The reason it's run there is that a radio host was one of the people he did drugs with and Gore published a news article early in his journalism career about hanging out with the radio guy's street gang.

reader_iam said...

Memeorandum, on the other hand, has been a frequent source--in the sense that it tends to point to such items. Certain aggregators and feeds, along with alerts, also point to them, not to mention blogs attached to various journalistic outlets. (Ahem. Andrew Sullivan anyone? Just for one exhibit.)

Trooper York said...

Sportswriters aren't jounalists Zach. They are drunken fat bastards just like me. That's why I believe them. We are simpatico.

reader_iam said...

I'm still fond of journalists, by the way, and I do NOT believe they just "make things up" 90 percent of the time. That's exaggerated silly season of a different stripe.

Beta Conservative said...

Sarah emailed me today. She didn't sign it or use her name, but she told me I'd been "pre-approved", and spoke of "longterm interest".

I think this time it's real. I hope Sullivan doesn't find out.

I hope Todd doesn't get hurt.

Unknown said...

And Trooper, if it weren't for journalists, how would you hear the news that the New York Giants won the Superbowl?

By seeing it for yourself. Not a single journalist necessary to do that. Media, yes, journalist, no.

Do you always make 'em this easy?

Unknown said...

I'm glad name withheld held his name because I'm not sure any credible person would want to lend their name to that post. It took me about 5 seconds to debunk the Obama gay story. I assume it took journalists about 10 seconds (I'm likely better with Google than they are) so that's the reason they didn't report it.

EnigmatiCore said...

"American Liberal Elite said..."

Right... that's why you are critiquing her.

Or, maybe, you would rather your side's shit get unnoticed, while you smear it all over each other.

When you do, it still smells and people do notice.

Trooper York said...

Reader I know you know that many if not most of the quotes journalists use are fabricated or "cleaned up." Maybe it was different back in the day when Hildy Johnson was on the beat but a lot of things are different then they were when people had integrity and didn't view everything through an ideological prism. I make no distinction between Newsweek and the Weekly Standard. They are all lying sacks of shit, and not to be believed.

And that goes for that fucking Jimmie Olsen too!

Trooper York said...

If you don't believe that journalists make shit up, I have two words for you:

Bob Woodward.

Trooper York said...

Wait two more:

Dan Rather.

Trooper York said...

Wait two more:

Jayson Blair

Trooper York said...

Wait two more:

Janet Cooke

Didn't she win a plagerism award or something.

Zachary Sire said...

Yes, let's take away all the journalists and we can just fend for ourselves by reading "LA Progressive" and listening to Rush Limbaugh.

No need for facts.

Trooper York said...

Hey, don't forget Mike Barnicle.

He didn't make shit up; he just copied off other peoples test papers... We need a new category for him...lets call him...I don't about Joe Bidenism.

Yeah that's the ticket.

Name Withheld said...

You missed my point.

I don't think the allegations about Obama are probably true. They are better sourced than the ones that the Natl. Enquirer and the LA rag are, and more deserving of being covered, but still not worth covering without more evidence.

As for the Clinton N-word stories and sexual assaults, I think these should have been tracked down and published if they can be verified, since they were quite plausible.

Trooper York said...

Hey I never said anything about doing away with journalists. They perform an important function in our society. Like rodeo clowns.

I mean they have a job to do, I just don't believe anything they say. They lie. That's their job.

Trooper York said...

Just like ambulance chasing, fee padding lawyers.

The only thing worse than journalists are lawyers.

reader_iam said...

Trooper: Do you think for one second that you have cited, or can cite, a single journalist who's been a bad apple that I don't already know about? Highly, highly unlikely. It's a long-term interest of mine, and I'm passionate and rigorous on the topic and have been for decades.

reader_iam said...

You're contemptuous out of dislike and, perhaps (because I don't know), distance. I'm contemptuous out of love and passion, and familiarity. Now, one can argue that there's a need for both POVS. I certainly could. But don't let's pretend there's not a difference

Trooper York said...

I know sweetie but have you ever been interviewed by someone who mangled every single word you said and totally changed your quote. Or read an article about something you know about like your own neighborhood and they everything wrong up to and including the street names. Most journalists are lazy opinionated idiots. Now that's not necessarily a bad thing to be, after all I have that on my resume. But wake up and smell the coffee. Palin loses nothing by not talking to these lying, plagiarizing, fabricating scum bags. Go right to real people and talk to them. They know the score.

vbspurs said...

3. A guy comes forward and claims ON THE RECORD that he had sex and did drugs with Obama twice in 1999 and that is not reported.

Your first two points are scurrilous, but this is devilish.

FOR THE RECORD, I saw "proof" of his claims on Youtube, interviewed by a Spanish-speaking talk show host (I believe, a Puerto Rican one).

Such kind of rumormongering is scandalous, and evil, same as with the "Trig isn't Palin's" rumours. It beggars comprehension how people can think of such tripe as truth.

reader_iam said...

It beggars comprehension how people can think of such tripe as truth.

Well, because unlike journalists, your random person who knows at least how to hunt 'n pec speaks and reports the truth!!!!!!

Silly Victoria!

Trooper York said...

One of my best friend’s mom died and a journalist for the New York Times came in to interview him and his brothers. She ran a small coffee shop and this guy used to come in to get coffee and the papers. Anyway, he got everything wrong up to and including the name of his brothers and the fucking street the store was on, (where he had actually been many times). And he managed to extensively quote someone on the block who had a long time feud with his mom. He didn’t ask anyone to find out if he should have taken some of the invective with a grain of salt. The copy was too good. Maybe that's good journalism, I don't know. I do know I had to stop my buddy and his brothers from throwing this douche bag a beating when he showed up at the funeral all proud that he got the story in the paper. Jeeeez.

Trooper York said...

Don't believe the scurrilous rumors and innuendo you read on the net.

But don't believe "journalists either." They make shit up.

Name Withheld said...


I'm sorry I wasn't clear enough. I thought by juxtaposing the sourced Obama smear with the unsourced Palin smear my meaning was clear.

I don't believe the claim made about Obama, and I don't think the press should cover it, but if it did, it would be more justified than covering the unsourced Palin stories.

Personally, I think the lie detector test was a setup; the website that performed the test was until fairly recently a porn site. Obama's accuser strikes me as a kook, probably delusional. Probably it never happened but he thinks it did. He does not, however, strike me as a liar.

Name Withheld said...

By the way, I totally believe the accounts that Palin is vindictive.

She destroys her opponents if she thinks them corrupt. Let's hope she's not another Spitzer.

rcocean said...

This is obviously untrue. Palin always refers to Obama as "Darky" or "Pickaninny".

I believe the waitress's last name is Ramirez.

Trooper York said...

If you want a good hand book as to how journalism works, watch the last season of "The Wire." They nail it, big time.

(Written and produced by an ex-journalist who let out some trade secrets)

vbspurs said...

I'm sorry I wasn't clear enough. I thought by juxtaposing the sourced Obama smear with the unsourced Palin smear my meaning was clear.

I owe you a sincere apology. Sorry about that.

section9 said...

Personally, I suspect there are people from The Nation digging through Palin's trash for old copies of The Fiery Cross and of course, every bloggers old kneeslapper, Stormfront.

Let's get Jane Hamsher on this! We need an unalloyed degree of Leninist fanaticism that rivals Inspector Javert.

Elliott A said...

Don Henley said it all in the 2008 Out of Eden release, "Journalism is dead."

rhhardin said...

It was 1991, I think, when I figured out why every airplane crash story, not just this one or that one, was reported impossibly wrong.

It's because they're not trying to get it right.

In this case it's because technical detail puts off women.

If the story is reported technically correctly, it will be edited to be incorrect.

Women hate technical details.

You don't want them to tune away.

So the engine stalled on takeoff is what gets in the story. Women think : yes, that's happened to me too.

If you want aviation detail correctly reported, subscribe to a men's magazine like Aviation Week and get it there.

Everything there is plausible rather than impossible. It can be done.

Likewise any any news. If it isn't interesting to women, in the sense that they don't tune away at least, it won't get reported.

News is a business. Proceed accordingly.

Trooper York said...

Oh shit, now reader is really gonna be pissed.

Trooper York said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Elliott A said...

BTW, did you notice the very liberal but real journalist with McCain in the convention movie when they were talking about his visit to N.Vietnam?
Walter Cronkite. Never made stuff up. The definition of "reporter".

Trooper York said...

I do think the Poultry Report is relatively accurate.

And of course you have to love the stories in Playbird.

I know you only get it for the stories RH.

reader_iam said...


reader_iam said...


George M. Spencer said...

Journalists do indeed make things up.

Long ago and in another country I worked for your basic foreign correspondent-type guy who was with your basic TV network. Heckuva guy. Dead now.

One time I asked him who all these sources were, you know, the ones he kept referring to, the ones I never saw him interview. In his reports, he said things like "Diplomats here say..." or "Foreign observers believe..." or "American officials say...."

I asked him because all I ever saw him do was do the Lou Grant thing with his desk drawer, if you know what I mean.

He looked around the room, put his finger to his lips like he was whispering, and then pointed at his chest. Of course, he never interviewed anyone for all that background stuff. C'mon. Takes a lot of energy that interviewing.

You'll just have to believe me on this. It's a true story.

Simon said...

vbspurs said...
"It beggars comprehension how people can think of such tripe as truth."

She's their political enemy. These days, that's enough. Nothing the left could accuse her of wouldn't be believed by the base. These are the same people who chant "Bush lied." The Truth is the claim that best serves the needs of the Party. And the Party is All.

Trooper York said...

Hey George I think Peter Arnett is still alive.

reader_iam said...

What IS pissing me off is the state of the tomato crop in my neck of the woods this year, and not just our own. Disappointing AND expensive.

Had I known, I would have carted back a couple-few bushels from other places.

Rats. Rats! This winter will be the first in years where I won't have sauce put up. Plus, I'm nowhere near my summer-caprese satiety.

It's to weep.

reader_iam said...

No one said journalists never make things up. But people DO say that all journalists make everything up all of the time. Big difference. Let's not be obtuse, okay?

Unknown said...

It's rather telling how your, um, commenteriat goes from vehemently denying the veracity of the story to upping the ante (cf. rcocean) on the supposedly bogus quote. And you, Althouse, don't find it bothersome in the least.

Okay, piranhas, have at.

Unknown said...

I do think I understand you better now, Name Withheld, thanks for hanging in there.

Unknown said...

And you, Althouse, don't find it bothersome in the least.

You kidding? It's what she lives for :)

Trooper York said...

Reader I never said that they make everything up.

Only 90% of the time. About 10% is proably something they researched. I mean usually the get the name of the movie correct. Isn't that so Glenn?

Trooper York said...

Reader, go to the farmers market at the end of the day and make a deal for the ripe tomatoes that they have left over. I buy a few cases at a time when I want to put up sauce. You can get a deal if they don't want to bring the stuff home. And of course the really ripe stuff is great for making your sauce. Along with some basil. Good stuff.

reader_iam said...

No, no, Trooper--what you're not getting is that I mean around here in general. We just went to the farmers' market earlier today, and my husband goes regularly (1-2X per week). Poor pickin's, even from regular vendors who recognize us and save stuff back. And expensive!

I am so sad.

(And mad, at myself--to think of all the states [!!] I was just staying in or passing through! I mean, I could have slashed the kid to the roof and filled up the vehicle! Uh, well, at least filled up remote space with bags of tomatoes.

As I said, it's to weep.)

Trooper York said...

I gave up on sauce the last few years though. Now it's pickled eggplant and caponata.

Trooper York said...

"And mad, at myself--to think of all the states [!!] I was just staying in or passing through! I mean, I could have slashed the kid to the roof and filled up the vehicle! Uh, well, at least filled up remote space with bags of tomatoes."

Holy Mitt Romney Batman!

vbspurs said...

This thread is better than sex on silk sheets.

reader_iam said...

Trooper: You tease. I culled enough substandard to make a good-sized zucchini/tomato bake tonight, but ... that's basically it.

On the tomato front, it's no sex on silk sheets for me. Or even foreplay. Or even silk sheets.


/my hijack

Trooper York said...

You slide around too much on silk.

Now on a polar bear skin rug that your wife shot in front of a picture of Al Gore:


Peter V. Bella said...

Trooper York said...
Hey George I think Peter Arnett is still alive.

Too bad. It is a shame we no longer execute traitors.

rhhardin said...

I want to know if you have sex in space, if there's a wet spot on the sheets.

Joe said...

I have it on good authority that she has is second only to Glenn Reynolds in puppy blending!

Trooper York said...

I don't know about a wet spot RH but wouldn't all those stray feathers get distracting in zero gravity as they floated all over the place.

Unknown said...

Yeah, Trooper, they do get the name of the movie right, generally. They can also be moderately observant in other respects. For instance, I notice that Lee Lee's Valise and P.J. Hanley's are the only business establishments on Court Street with "We Reserve The Right To Refuse Service To Anyone" signs in their window.

I do okay in Hanley's, but my breasts aren't quite big enough for me to try my luck in Lee Lee's yet. Care to buy me a few rounds, chief?

reader_iam said...

Sheesh. It seems that our conversation about tomatoes is too literal for RH. You can see the yearning for metaphor and greater meaning!

Poor guy.

reader_iam said...

He wants to see soap opera in freakin' tomatoes! So sad.

Trooper York said...

Dude I pass you every night while you are sitting outside at Abilene.

I would be happy to buy you a drink. Just no politics ok. We can just be happy drunk guys together.

By the way you should check out Blakes blog THe Bit Maelstrom. He really writes great posts about movies that I think you will really enjoy. I am sure you can add some prespective to a lot of his threads.

Zachary Sire said...

Oh look...the "journalist," Charley James, who wrote about Lucille the waitress and Sarah has his own blog, and he's taken to it to write an "explanation" as to why his reporting is so shitty:


Trooper York said...

I reserve the right to refuse service to abusive people. Do you have any idea how angry skinny chicks get when they can't buy our very fashionable clothes. They freak out.

Plus I had a big problem with people who want to bring dogs into the store to piss on my rugs. No go chief.

Smilin' Jack said...

Trooper York said...
They are all lying sacks of shit...And that goes for that fucking Jimmie Olsen too!

Let's see you say that about Clark Kent.

Trooper York said...

Plus, dude you are at least a 34C cup.

Unknown said...

Trooper—it's a deal. And I'll do the buy back. Just gimme the high sign when you pass by. (If only I knew what the high sign was...)

I will check out The Bit Maelstrom post haste. Thanks.

Trooper York said...

The high sign is when you hold on to the mail box with one hand and try to puke without getting it on your shoes.

rcocean said...

"It's rather telling how your, um, commenteriat goes from vehemently denying the veracity of the story to upping the ante (cf. rcocean) on the supposedly bogus quote. And you, Althouse, don't find it bothersome in the least."

I too weep at Althouse's vow of cruel neutrality. And I love the phrase "supposedly bogus quote" - like there's no convincing evidence but it sounds true to liberals. AKA "Truthiness".

reader_iam said...

Just gimme the high sign when you pass by.

Please don't tell me this is a metaphor for "adjust your shorts." Please.

Trooper York said...

I miss Titus. He brought a lot to the table.

vbspurs said...

Me too.

vbspurs said...

He insists that sheets be woven at the dizzyingly high thread count of 240 to 300 per square inch (compared to the usual 180). His off-the-shelf cotton-and-polyester top sheets range from $182 to $420 king-sized; silk would run as much as $750. Asked about Porthault, his equally expensive prime competitor, Athos replies: "Our designs are similar but more modern, cleaner and stripped to the essentials." Like an old haute couture house, Pratesi presents his new collection annually at Florence's Pitti Palace, no less.

Mmmm. Sex on Pratesi sheets is da sheet.

Peter V. Bella said...

Trooper York said...
Plus I had a big problem with people who want to bring dogs into the store to piss on my rugs. No go chief.

What if they bring dogs in to photograph them urinating on your rugs to post them on blogs?

Peter V. Bella said...

and he's taken to it to write an "explanation" as to why his reporting is so shitty:

I wonder if he wrote all the comments complimenting himself on his journalsitic skills and professionalism.

Is he a Canadian fiction writer?

Cedarford said...

According to Alaskans interviewed for this article, she is also vindictive and mean. We’re talking Rove mean and Nixon vindictive.

I'd dispute that. Rove has never come across as "mean" in the sense that Harry Reid, Howard Dean, Tom DeLay, even LBJ - delighted to punish or belittle someone with less power than them.

And one mark of Nixon, complicated, twisted soul he was -- was not paying back people who had crossed him and he prevailed over - not like FDR, Truman, Jimmy Carter were where anyone that crossed them once were forever held to be disloyal and backballed.

THAT is vindictiveness.

Nixon, by Nixon's rules, felt it was all part of the game of politics to go after present individual enemies hard, but not continue warring on those people from his past who were no longer in a position to harm him.

But Nixon, like Jackson, Lincoln, Truman, and LBJ kept lifetime class resentments against those that treated him like presumptuous dirt trying to rise above his station - born to a poor farmer.
Nixon hated wealthy East Coast elites all his life. And he also hated the Jewish media and intelligensia. First because they had never stopped their vindictive
attacks on him for his anti-Communist activities, but foremost because he saw those Jews in publishing and universities as elites that were even more class-driven than the East Coast WASPS and more than once noted that the Jews only went after sons of poor working men who were anti-communists, while giving witch-hunters Robert F. Kennedy, Roy Cohn, and JFK near-complete social and political passes for their prosecutions.

Then being Nixon, and a walking contradiction, he hired in a number of liberal, East Coast Jews and WASPs to fill positions in his Administration.

Grames said...

I don't understand why anyone should be shocked, shocked! by what goes on at the url I didn't even click on it, I can guess.

Unknown said...

Well, I'll take much of the above as a "no."

So much for detente, even among Carroll Gardens guys. Then again, Rufus T. Firefly and Ambassador Trentino were never able to work it out, either.

Yes, Trooper, my girthage has expanded into the excessively girthsome, it's true. The complacency of married life could be called in as an excuse, but I suspect doing so would only open up a whole other can of worms.

Still, don't you think I look younger since I lost the beard? (Rhetorical question.) time you spot me outside at Abilene and want to bellow or mutter over a beer, me and my girth would love to spot you a round.

Zachary Sire said...

I just put up a post on my blog about this idiot where, for once, some of you might partially agree with me on.

XWL said...

Overheard at my local billiards establishment . . .

One old liberal guy, "Did you watch that Palin chick"

Other old liberal guy, "I don't want to talk about out, It'd just aggravate me".

Gov. Palin, aggravating lefties nationwide since September, 2008!

(also, Gov. Palin, aggravating corrupt Republicans in Alaska since January 2004)

Trooper York said...

Hey Glenn I was just busy. No problem
we are on for a beer. I was just out for dinner. I know it seems like I am always in front of a computer, but its not true.

Plus I am about a 36F cup myself.

Although Abiliene is a tad too nerdy for me. Hanley's or Leo's is more my speed.

Catch you later.

vbspurs said...

One old liberal guy, "Did you watch that Palin chick"

Other old liberal guy, "I don't want to talk about out, It'd just aggravate me".

MWAHAHA. Awesome, XWL.

Although I'm in danger of becoming the Will Rogers of Althouse, with all my anecdotes, I have one more.

My favourite Starbucks barista, who I always perceived as leaning Lefty told me, after I asked about the conventions:

"Didn't see them yet"

"What's the word on the street, that you've heard"

"Word on the street is that Palin did awesome"

"So, if I may ask, how are you leaning?"

"Well, you know...I kinda lean Democrat"

"I know. I can tell" (smile)

"But when McCain chose her, well, I'm on board"

"YES! I'm on board too." (grin)


Michael The Magnificent said...

How much bullshit do leftists think they can throw at the wall, hoping some of it will stick, before they consider the downside of convincing the majority of us likely voters not to listen to a damned word they say because - shocker - they've demonstrated they're nothing but bullshit flinging monkeys?

Michael The Magnificent said...

Also, you might want to keep this link bookmarked, which is an archive of the bullshit the lefties have been throwing, along with links debunking said bullshit.

former law student said...

Who is Sarah Palin and why are all those people saying terrible things about her?

Palin Asked City Librarian About Censoring Books, Insisted It Was “Rhetorical.” In 1996,
according to the Frontiersman, Wasilla’s library director Mary Ellen “Emmons said Palin asked her
outright if she could live with censorship of library books.” Emmons said, “This is different than a normal
book-selection procedure or a book-challenge policy…She was asking me how I would deal with her
saying a book can’t be in the library.” Palin said in response, “Many issues were discussed, both
rhetorical and realistic in nature.” [Frontiersman, 12/18/96]

This purports to be a copy of a document the Democrats prepared on Palin in 2006. Every paragraph is sourced, so have at it:

rkfinnell said...

Lucille the waitress is a fictional character used in books and movies. She does not exist. This is why she does not have a last name.

Briarpatch by Ross Thomas

Lucille the Waitress in a film from 1914.

Once written, twice... said...

And of course Ann Althouse has not written a peep about how conservatives are again attacking Obama for supposedly being a secret Muslim today.

Look here at Free Republic

Once written, twice... said...

And of course Ann Althouse has not written a peep about how conservatives are again attacking Obama for supposedly being a secret Muslim today.

Look here at Free Republic

The Badgerland Conservative said...

The book banning allegation has been proven to be false. The barking, screaming moonbats are using a list of books generated from an Internet website which includes books published after 1996. Same with the allegation that Palin was a member of the secessionist Alaskan Independence Party and had an affair with her husband's ex-business partner.

In short, she's driving the Drive Bys and the Left so absolutely insane they have to make things up.

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