I believe Obama was in a position that, in order to advance through the ranks of the political machine, he had to go through Ayers to do so. So I'm not that uptight about the relationship at the moment. That said, the press must give this more than just a glance and waive it away as if the potential for a story doesn't exist, a la John Edwards affair. The thing I find more worrisome at the moment is how on Earth does Ayers become such a powerful player in Chicago politics.... Oh, it's Chicago. Nevermind.
Now watch as all the people who were bitching and moaning about Hillary Clinton not releasing her tax returns early enough rush to Obama's defense or ignore this issue altogether.
Ayers? Just some guy in the neighborhood. Wouldn't even recognize him if he burned a flag and stomped on it right in front of me. Might have bumped into him at the local Whole Foods once or twice. Arugula section, maybe.
Much as I dislike Hillary Clinton (and she is my senator to my everlasting regret) I think you are absolutely right in this case. There are just all too many questions that need answering on this guy that are not getting asked by the media and when the bloggers ask them they get fluffed off. Makes you think that there are some things under those rocks that the Obama campaign do not want to see overturned.
These questions should have been asked and answered long ago before Obama got this far and they weren't, just as there were questions about Edwards that should have been asked and answered long ago as well. They have been now that he is out of the political camps for this year.
I think he can get some sense of the truth from the list of folders and what they contain and he does have that. In that case I don't think you can call it strictly innuendo.
Thank you Ann for directing me and your readers to this article. It points out what so many people sense about Obama, that he is a dangerous, far left, thinker who has contempt for free markets, capitalism, and the American Way.
I know that you have taken the vow of neutrality. But neutrality is merely a technique (and you are truely a master at it!), not a state of mind. And I know, in your heart of hearts that you believe that Obama is a proponent of the all powerful state and represents a very real threat to our freedoms.
Continue to exercise the technique of neutrality, with a brilliance that only you can. However, please follow up, defend America, and support Kurtz's efforts to research the Chicago Annenberg Challenge records. Kurtz and his colleagues will then be able to mine these documents for the frightening truth about Obama.
all the people who were bitching and moaning about Hillary Clinton not releasing her tax returns early enough
Are you saying that the Annenberg Challenge did not release its tax returns? I'm pretty sure non-profits' returns are a matter of public records.
This all puzzled me so I tried to figure things out:
For decades, the vast majority of Chicago's public schools have failed to educate Chicago's youth. Many many things have been tried to shake up this sad state of affairs. Shifting authority from a distant central bureaucracy to Local School Councils was one such change. During this time, UIC Education Professor Ayers apparently had an idea that he persuaded the Annenberg Challenge to fund.
Neighbor and Joyce Foundation board member Barack Obama was asked to chair the board overseeing this effort. The Challenge terminated in 2001. Their boxed records were stored at the UIC library, presumably so that future grad students could write their dissertations on the success or failure of these school experiments. One Stanley Kurtz, not an education scholar, wants to be able to rifle through the records to dig up dirt on Obama. Law professor Steve Diamond has dug up a connection from the Challenge to another SDS member turned education expert.
Smearing people with the decades-old sins of their associates seems to be a favorite political pastime. Apparently ex-radicals want to educate children when their radicalism subsides. Who knew? Why don't they become i-bankers, or manage hedge funds, instead of working on "social justice issues"? Similarly, why don't more Young Republicans get PhDs in education?
Whenever any institution refuses to let anyone research something in their archives, it's for one of two reasons. Either the institution is afraid of what the researcher might find, or they know exactly what the researcher will find and can't think of any effective way to hide it. We should draw appropriate inferences of UI's behavior in light of this basic principle.
Christopher Althouse Cohen said... "Now watch as all the people who were bitching and moaning about Hillary Clinton not releasing her tax returns early enough rush to Obama's defense or ignore this issue altogether."
Absolutely right. I've been impressed by the sheer willpower displayed by Obama supporters in ignoring and rationalizing inconvenient truths this season. No defense -- no matter how silly -- will not be advanced if it's necessary to avoid uncomfortable conclusions about the candidate, as was most vividly illustrated by the public funding flip-flop.
You're right -- I believe Professor Ayers is afraid another tar baby might be hidden in those documents. Professor Ayers most likely can control or withhold access to these documents till he can riffle through them. The academic value of the documents is as a resource for education scholars, not muckrakers.
I believe these are not public records until they're made public. Many universities have received archives which are not open to the public for browsing, even after they have been sorted and catalogued.
Similarly, why don't more Young Republicans get PhDs in education?
If we take that as a true premise, the answer jumps out at anyone who has ever had anything to do with the Education Dept of most Universities.
Like the Theology, Sociology, and PoliSci Departments, they are a hot bed of Leftist professors. You get very short shrift if your politics diverge and it reflects in your writing.
Go to the Engineering Department or Med Schools, and the opposite is true.
This sounds like a job for Sandy Berger, or some other disbarred, Democrat, Chinese-espionage ignoring, former US National Security Advisor. Get the man some baggy trousers and saggy socks with rubber bands and get him moving.
With a writ to aid Chicago’s public schools, the Annenberg challenge played a deeply political role in Chicago’s education wars, and as Annenberg board chairman, Obama clearly aligned himself with Ayers’s radical views on education issues.
I don’t wonder why Obama would rather all this be kept under wraps. If they learned more of the grisly details it’s likely that many parents, certainly many black and Hispanic parents, would strongly oppose much of what Ayers and the rest of the leftist education schools have been foisting upon our public schools.
I am wearing black Nike shorts and sports bra, and I do look fabulous though. Victoria, pictures please (I mean of the storm).
FLS - You are so right. Libraries, especially universities, should screen everyone before entering to ensure that only education scholars have access to their special collections. To let others read these materials will physically damage them and make them unpure.
I'm always curious about the memes that thrive during election season; it's curious to see which ones survive.
Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems like the ones that are taking hold Obama-wise are the "elitist" and "mysterious" ones. (As opposed to the "inexperienced" one, e.g.)
Those are the themes I'm seeing most repeated though.
I'm not seeing much stick to McCain, though. I mean, he's old, but that's just a fact, and "too old" doesn't seem to be sticking. "Irrascible" and "erratic" don't seem to be floating. And the McSame thing is a non-starter.
I wonder how much of this is because the press is just obsessed with Obama, and even when they're trying to cover for him, they're just reinforcing the ideas.
The academic value of the documents is as a resource for education scholars, not muckrakers.
I believe these are not public records until they're made public. Many universities have received archives which are not open to the public for browsing, even after they have been sorted and catalogued.
If it's a public funded university, then your type of fascism has zero relevance in terms of what is in those archives and where they are housed. If they are in a public university, then they are a matter of public record available for access to the public. End of story, muckraker or otherwise, or doesn't your beloved leftist ideology allow even the little people their ability to know what their tax dollars get spent on? What you believe is irrelevant. Hurts doesn't it?
Stanley Kurtz is a conservative. Conservatives, by definition, have no academic interests, goals, or motives. Thus, UI is of course right to not allow any of his kind to rummage through their archives like some common P.I. looking for dirt.
They should put up a sign in front of the library clarifying this reasonable policy, so as not to encourage other people like Kurtz to get uppity and try to play the part of their betters.
Speaking of investigative journalism (or muckraking according to your politics) Fox News is doing an one-hour segment on US Presidential Character -- Barack goes first today.
The background story about him and Tony Rezko, well, let's just say it's disturbing. He was supposed to be a different kind of politician.
``taking all my recommendations I went right over, in the morning, one hour after my arrival, to the Bodleian. The librarian seemed to know me (I didn't understand very well, she alluded to the difficulty my book seems to have given her), but this did not get me out of the oath. She asked me to _read_ it (it is a question of engaging oneself to respect the rules of the library, the treasures to be protected are priceless). Therefore I read it and handed her back the cardboard covered with transparent paper that she had tendered me. At this point she starts to insist, I had not understood: no, you have to read it out loud. I did so, with the accent you make fun of all the time, you can see the scene. We were alone in her office. I understood better the marriage ceremony and the profound presuppositions of Oxonian performativism. What would an oath that you did not say out loud be worth, an oath that you would only read, or that while writing you would only read? or that you would telephone? or whose tape you would send? I leave you to follow up. All that being said, she must have assured herself, while chatting, that I knew enough English to understand the text. Enough? She didn't notice that my mind was so elsewhere that I did not seek to translate for myself all the ``details.'' ''
I doubt you will ever care. However, if one goes back through Althouse's archives, they would find that I started out leaning towards Obama as my #2 choice (to Guiliani). When he was out, I was in the Obama camp. It was Wright and Ayers etc. who moved me squarely out of Obama's camp and into the "no freaking way" camp.
blake said... "'Education' has become like sausage-making. You don't want to know what's going on."
One of my very favorite quotes from Justice Scalia: "This case, involving legal requirements for the content and labeling of meat products such as frankfurters, affords a rare opportunity to explore simultaneously both parts of Bismarck's aphorism that 'No man should see how laws or sausages are made.'" Community Nutrition Institute v. Block, 749 F.2d 50, 51 (D.C. Cir. 1984).
If they are in a public university, then they are a matter of public record available for access to the public.
Not necessarily. It's my understanding that, depending on the open records rules of the state you're in, some materials donated to a university archive can be declared to be off-limits to public review at the request of the donor, at least for a certain period of time after the donation. I have no idea whether such a request has occurred in this case or if that's how open records rules work in Illinois, but just because something has been donated to a public university doesn't automatically make it available for public perusal.
Stanley Kurtz tends to be something of a hysteric about just about anything he writes about, so I woulldn't just go on his word about how this all went down, but this story may be something worth following.
I'm having to click thru 300 pages of photos to get what I want....I'm looking for the picture of those two boys in ties (Law students ?) when Althouse was at a symposium?....and they all went out to dinner....Althouse was sitting across the table from them.
Do you know what I'm talking about? Was this from a couple of years ago ?
I wish Althouse would organize her Flickr photos better, maybe create a special set for 'Symposiums' or whatever....I've got find the pictures of those two boys, she sat across the table from, in suits and ties...were they brothers?
If they are in a public university, then they are a matter of public record available for access to the public.
I agree with somefeller. Not necessarily. For instance, it took a lawsuit in Pennsylvania to find out salaries of some people at Penn State, the public University there.
If a donor stipulates privacy, the recipient will or will not acquiesce, depending on how much they want the item(s). Additionally, if the material are being used by a professor's ongoing, active research, good luck trying to pry it out.
Not knowing the reason, we are all free to attribute it to a vast conspiracy which is, after all, the American Way.
What would an oath that you did not say out loud be worth, an oath that you would only read, or that while writing you would only read?
This is the Oath every Oxford student takes on getting your Bod library card.
When I read it, the librarian administering the oath told me it was "secret" and that I must not reveal it to anyone. It was only much later that I realised he was taking the mick.
In case of interest, it's a solemn oath you will not bring destruction to any book inside the Oxford Libraries -- including most amusingly, setting them on fire.
My time at Oxford was the happiest of my life. Too bad Derrida didn't get it.
It's not a meme, but what I'm seeing is the people out there growing more and more leery and weary of the whole Obama schtick. I see it happening now, and it'll be long over for him by November. Wishful thinking? Maybe. But I'm not so sure.
Did Rudy blow any of your money? Or, were you smart enough to put some limits on your support of him?
Don't feel bad if you did donate, the media kept pushing the idea that he had a chance. I guess that, for some, it may have been hard to see that he never had a chance.
Don't some Oxford folks cringe at clumping all the colleges and halls as "Oxford?" I see that you are doing this. But I've heard other alumni balk at such. Maybe they were just pricks, definitely a possibility. Or, maybe there are specific situations where "clumping" is and is not acceptable. I'd like to pin this down.
I'll never forget in September 1979, there was a mannequin in the Men's Dept. of Bullocks' Department Store, with jeans rolled exactly like that, narrow at the ankle, with those same type of sleek shoes:
That was the look of 1979...everything was a very narrow, sleek silhouette, and you checked everyone's pant legs to make sure they were straight-leg and narrow at the ankle, and the good shoes !!!!
If you believe the University of Illinois should NOT be blocking access to these records, please email President White and share your thoughts.
To quote Stanley,
"Ask him to take immediate public steps to insure the safety of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge records, to release the identity of the Collection’s donor, and above all to swiftly make the Collection available to me, and to the public at large."
Support the freedom of knowledge! http://www.uillinois.edu/president/
When are you rubes gonna realize that he is bought and paid for? Why persist in this silliness. The only question is will he stay bought? That's the only measure of an honest politician.
"Don't feel bad if you did donate, the media kept pushing the idea that he had a chance. I guess that, for some, it may have been hard to see that he never had a chance."
Annenberg; ah that name rings a bell. A family that made its money with Al Capone and then the rest of the Chicago outfit and the Mafia. In the law enforcement parlance they would be direct associates of organized crime. So as Annenberg Chairman, can we assume that Obama is an associate of organized crime?
sonicfrog - That said, the press must give this more than just a glance and waive it away as if the potential for a story doesn't exist, a la John Edwards affair.
The Edwards Affair and the MSM conspiracy of silence, "lets not check" - is an excellent point to bring up.
If the rest of the media does not back Kurtz ability to investigate critical data on the man currently favored in polls to be President - they open themselves up again to being seen as covering up to help the political candidate they feel loyal to.
In their writings, the Founders said that the central reason for a free press was to not let powerful people limit information - given society working and voting in an informed manner depended on it.
When the press collectively fails this duty expected in reciprocation for their 1st Amendment Right, they are no better than a cabal of politicians secretly imposing religious tests for office and violating the intent of the 1st.
Cedarford said... In their writings, the Founders said that the central reason for a free press was to not let powerful people limit information - given society working and voting in an informed manner depended on it.
UIC stands for University of Illinois Chicago. Need I say more?
Chicago can do what it wants. We citizens do not call it the United Socialist Soviet Republic of Chicago for nothing, you know.
private collections can set up w/e arrangement they want with the universities that house them - if the university didn't agree, the private collection would go elsewhere. thats how, like, contractual arrangements work.
as for public records, which these probably aren't, to gain their access as joe blow you need to, like, make an actual request to the proper authorities for those records. and there are many exceptions under which your request can be denied.
"Vor dem Gesetz steht ein Türhüter. Zu diesem Türhüter kommt ein Mann vom Lande und bittet um Eintritt in das Gesetz. Aber der Türhüter sagt, daß er ihm jetzt den Eintritt nicht gewähren könne. Der Mann überlegt und fragt dann, ob er also später werde eintreten dürfen.
«Es ist möglich», sagt der Türhüter, «jetzt aber nicht.»"
As Kurtz reports, the library's representative ultimately told him that "the donor of the CAC records 'has alerted us to the fact that we do not have a signed deed of gift'" If true, the collection is not the property of the university. (In that case, the donor needs to call his tax adviser if he claimed a deduction on his tax return.)
As somefeller, MM, and the Exalted have already point out, not all collections donated to colleges are available to the public. Many donors place restrictions dictating a time period before the collection is available and/or limiting access to their donations to specific types of individuals.
However--and nonetheless--countervailing forces proceed and, when powerful enough, prevail. For that reason, wishin', and hopin', and thinkin', and prayin', plannin' and dreamin' won't get you into ... anywhere.
Amazing how the handling of every single issue by Obama and his campaign backfires in their/his face. Like the have the ultimate political tin ear or something. This will backfire huge.
Well, one thing is for certain whether anyone gets to see the records or not, this organization and Obama's role was a complete and utter failure or the "tingle-brigade" would have wall-to-wall coverage of its brilliant workings.
Which brings up the most idiotic of the media and other kool-aide followers of the "messiah", Obama is going to completely save the world and "restore America", but looking at his past projects and his district, he hasn't done any miracles or had any success at all? This shows the stupidity of the entire Obama campaign.
He can't show even one school or block in his district which highlights the brilliance of his leadership or where his actions produced a dramatic "change", yet the MSM and his idiotic followers seriously believe that he is the "one" sent to lead the world into our utopia on earth. Why?
For all the left shrifting of President Bush and his lack of "Obama-like intelligence", Bush had a very successful eight year governorship of Texas which produced tons of successful examples of his leaderships style and his ability to get both parties to work for the betterment of the people of Texas.
These questions should have been asked and answered long ago before Obama got this far and they weren't, just as there were questions about Edwards that should have been asked and answered long ago as well. They have been now that he is out of the political camps for this year.
The leftward bias of the MSM is a tired subject, but the Obama phenomenon has really put it in stark relief like never before. It's a perfect demonstration of how the bias is driven by sins of omission more than anything else: they simply omit anything from their coverage (which is practically fawning) that is potentially harmful to Obama. They did it to get rid of Hillary, and now they do it to try to get rid of McCain.
Where is sheer journalistic curiosity... or the desire to uncover a good story? Both are completely absent when it comes to Obama. For a candidate that the media obviously adores and otherwise can't get enough of, there is obviously no real desire to find out anything of substance about him. Journalists are supposed to be "hungry for the truth." Instead it's obvious they just want to get their man elected.
And to think that sad old crone Mary Mapes spent something like 5 years trying to get Bush on his National Guard service...
Similarly, why don't more Young Republicans get PhDs in education?
Well speaking for myself, I wasn't a conservative when I was in college. But that aside, I can't think of a more utterly pointless enterprise than that one. The reason why our schools are in the shitter is precisely because of all the pinheads with these degrees "experimenting" with a system that wasn't broken to begin with.
"experimenting" with a system that wasn't broken to begin with.
I hardly thought I'd find a staunch defender of public education among the Althouse commenters.
Teaching the young isn't my thing; moreover my participation was not necessary because half the girls in my class said they wanted to be schoolteachers when they grew up.
Further, I was taken aback when I saw my 7th grade homeroom teacher selling men's clothing in a discount department store one summer. Having to supplement one's teaching income by working retail part-time left a lasting impression.
has Obama released that birth certificate yet?
The document on Obama's web site is Obama's official birth certificate. As I found out some years ago when I needed a copy of my own bc, public records agencies no longer routinely provide photocopies of the original document. Mine, from a different jurisdiction, is in the same format as Obama's. My parents' occupations, home address, etc. are no longer recorded.
McCain's birth certificates are available on the Ron Paul web site, by the way. His claim to have been born in the Coco Solo hospital is debunked -- that wasn't built till 1941. McCain was actually born in the Republic of Panama, and not the Canal Zone at all. The birth certificate does attest he was born to Roberta Wright, and that McCain was legitimate.
sonicfrog said... I believe Obama was in a position that, in order to advance through the ranks of the political machine, he had to go through Ayers to do so…
The thing I find more worrisome at the moment is how on Earth does Ayers become such a powerful player in Chicago politics.... Oh, it's Chicago. Nevermind.
What political machine are you talking about? Ayers is not part of the political machine in Chicago or anywhere else. He is not a power player in Chicago. I live here and worked for the city for almost thirty years. Now, he may be a big wig at UIC, where he is a professor, but that is something else.
I hardly thought I'd find a staunch defender of public education among the Althouse commenters.
FLS, You're forgetting the part where I said "our schools are in the shitter." How exactly is that a defense of public education?
Our public schools certainly were probably never perfect, but certainly in the 60s and 70s when the intellectuals came up with "social studies," new ways to do long division, and other pointless exercises, things started going downhill.
Apparently ex-radicals want to educate children when their radicalism subsides.
That's a generous interpretation of the word "educate."
Hey, FLS, I got curious and went looking anyway. The theory is bunk. The birth certificate records his birth in Colon - which, despite Newsbusters' contention to the contrary, was within the PCZ.
Either the institution is afraid of what the researcher might find, or they know exactly what the researcher will find and can't think of any effective way to hide it.
The third reason: now that they know somebody is interested in the records, they need time to sanitize them before release.
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I believe Obama was in a position that, in order to advance through the ranks of the political machine, he had to go through Ayers to do so. So I'm not that uptight about the relationship at the moment. That said, the press must give this more than just a glance and waive it away as if the potential for a story doesn't exist, a la John Edwards affair.
The thing I find more worrisome at the moment is how on Earth does Ayers become such a powerful player in Chicago politics.... Oh, it's Chicago. Nevermind.
Now watch as all the people who were bitching and moaning about Hillary Clinton not releasing her tax returns early enough rush to Obama's defense or ignore this issue altogether.
Ayers? Just some guy in the neighborhood. Wouldn't even recognize him if he burned a flag and stomped on it right in front of me. Might have bumped into him at the local Whole Foods once or twice. Arugula section, maybe.
Lacking the truth we have just innuendo.
That should lead to a nice little crescendo.
Disturbing? Yes. Surprising? No.
Much as I dislike Hillary Clinton (and she is my senator to my everlasting regret) I think you are absolutely right in this case. There are just all too many questions that need answering on this guy that are not getting asked by the media and when the bloggers ask them they get fluffed off. Makes you think that there are some things under those rocks that the Obama campaign do not want to see overturned.
These questions should have been asked and answered long ago before Obama got this far and they weren't, just as there were questions about Edwards that should have been asked and answered long ago as well. They have been now that he is out of the political camps for this year.
I think he can get some sense of the truth from the list of folders and what they contain and he does have that. In that case I don't think you can call it strictly innuendo.
"dick" wrote "fluffed off". Heh heh...
Bet Edwards wishes he had thought of that...
Stipulate Obama is in with unsavory associations up to his ears.
Clean and articulate overcomes it all.
Someone should sue -- and cite the Jack Ryan case as precedent.
Thank you Ann for directing me and your readers to this article. It points out what so many people sense about Obama, that he is a dangerous, far left, thinker who has contempt for free markets, capitalism, and the American Way.
I know that you have taken the vow of neutrality. But neutrality is merely a technique (and you are truely a master at it!), not a state of mind. And I know, in your heart of hearts that you believe that Obama is a proponent of the all powerful state and represents a very real threat to our freedoms.
Continue to exercise the technique of neutrality, with a brilliance that only you can. However, please follow up, defend America, and support Kurtz's efforts to research the Chicago Annenberg Challenge records. Kurtz and his colleagues will then be able to mine these documents for the frightening truth about Obama.
all the people who were bitching and moaning about Hillary Clinton not releasing her tax returns early enough
Are you saying that the Annenberg Challenge did not release its tax returns? I'm pretty sure non-profits' returns are a matter of public records.
This all puzzled me so I tried to figure things out:
For decades, the vast majority of Chicago's public schools have failed to educate Chicago's youth. Many many things have been tried to shake up this sad state of affairs. Shifting authority from a distant central bureaucracy to Local School Councils was one such change. During this time, UIC Education Professor Ayers apparently had an idea that he persuaded the Annenberg Challenge to fund.
Neighbor and Joyce Foundation board member Barack Obama was asked to chair the board overseeing this effort. The Challenge terminated in 2001. Their boxed records were stored at the UIC library, presumably so that future grad students could write their dissertations on the success or failure of these school experiments. One Stanley Kurtz, not an education scholar, wants to be able to rifle through the records to dig up dirt on Obama. Law professor Steve Diamond has dug up a connection from the Challenge to another SDS member turned education expert.
Smearing people with the decades-old sins of their associates seems to be a favorite political pastime. Apparently ex-radicals want to educate children when their radicalism subsides. Who knew? Why don't they become i-bankers, or manage hedge funds, instead of working on "social justice issues"? Similarly, why don't more Young Republicans get PhDs in education?
Whenever any institution refuses to let anyone research something in their archives, it's for one of two reasons. Either the institution is afraid of what the researcher might find, or they know exactly what the researcher will find and can't think of any effective way to hide it. We should draw appropriate inferences of UI's behavior in light of this basic principle.
Christopher Althouse Cohen said...
"Now watch as all the people who were bitching and moaning about Hillary Clinton not releasing her tax returns early enough rush to Obama's defense or ignore this issue altogether."
Absolutely right. I've been impressed by the sheer willpower displayed by Obama supporters in ignoring and rationalizing inconvenient truths this season. No defense -- no matter how silly -- will not be advanced if it's necessary to avoid uncomfortable conclusions about the candidate, as was most vividly illustrated by the public funding flip-flop.
"Nothing sickens me more than the closed door of a library" -- Barbara Tuchman
You're right -- I believe Professor Ayers is afraid another tar baby might be hidden in those documents. Professor Ayers most likely can control or withhold access to these documents till he can riffle through them. The academic value of the documents is as a resource for education scholars, not muckrakers.
I believe these are not public records until they're made public. Many universities have received archives which are not open to the public for browsing, even after they have been sorted and catalogued.
Similarly, why don't more Young Republicans get PhDs in education?
If we take that as a true premise, the answer jumps out at anyone who has ever had anything to do with the Education Dept of most Universities.
Like the Theology, Sociology, and PoliSci Departments, they are a hot bed of Leftist professors. You get very short shrift if your politics diverge and it reflects in your writing.
Go to the Engineering Department or Med Schools, and the opposite is true.
This sounds like a job for Sandy Berger, or some other disbarred, Democrat, Chinese-espionage ignoring, former US National Security Advisor. Get the man some baggy trousers and saggy socks with rubber bands and get him moving.
Titus-like, let me interject that waiting for TS Fay to pass over us finally is boring. I've turned off the computer a million times today.
Apart from a few squalls, nothing.
I am wearing black Nike shorts and sports bra, and I do look fabulous though.
Dr. Kill said:
"sounds like a job for Sandy Berger" LOL.
Please tell us more about your preferred attire for hurricanes. And don't forget to include your Google satellite coordinates too. Heh.
Hey Vick, Phil Ferro predicts you're gonna get 5-7 inches tonight. Rain, that is.
With a writ to aid Chicago’s public schools, the Annenberg challenge played a deeply political role in Chicago’s education wars, and as Annenberg board chairman, Obama clearly aligned himself with Ayers’s radical views on education issues.
I don’t wonder why Obama would rather all this be kept under wraps. If they learned more of the grisly details it’s likely that many parents, certainly many black and Hispanic parents, would strongly oppose much of what Ayers and the rest of the leftist education schools have been foisting upon our public schools.
Thanks for this post.
These matters don't concern you.
"Education" has become like sausage-making. You don't want to know what's going on.
Hell, you can't handle what's going on!
I'm lubed and ready, Dr. Kill!
(Heh, AJ. In another forum, I once mentioned a jacuzzi dip, and suddenly there was talking of a jacuzzicopter)
BTW, has Obama released that birth certificate yet?
I am wearing black Nike shorts and sports bra, and I do look fabulous though. Victoria, pictures please (I mean of the storm).
FLS - You are so right. Libraries, especially universities, should screen everyone before entering to ensure that only education scholars have access to their special collections. To let others read these materials will physically damage them and make them unpure.
I'm always curious about the memes that thrive during election season; it's curious to see which ones survive.
Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems like the ones that are taking hold Obama-wise are the "elitist" and "mysterious" ones. (As opposed to the "inexperienced" one, e.g.)
Those are the themes I'm seeing most repeated though.
I'm not seeing much stick to McCain, though. I mean, he's old, but that's just a fact, and "too old" doesn't seem to be sticking. "Irrascible" and "erratic" don't seem to be floating. And the McSame thing is a non-starter.
I wonder how much of this is because the press is just obsessed with Obama, and even when they're trying to cover for him, they're just reinforcing the ideas.
Anyone up on their meme theory?
former law student said...
The academic value of the documents is as a resource for education scholars, not muckrakers.
I believe these are not public records until they're made public. Many universities have received archives which are not open to the public for browsing, even after they have been sorted and catalogued.
If it's a public funded university, then your type of fascism has zero relevance in terms of what is in those archives and where they are housed. If they are in a public university, then they are a matter of public record available for access to the public. End of story, muckraker or otherwise, or doesn't your beloved leftist ideology allow even the little people their ability to know what their tax dollars get spent on? What you believe is irrelevant. Hurts doesn't it?
What is the difference between a muckraker and an investigative reporter? Is it like the difference between a whistleblower and a stool pigeon?
I'm really worked up about this, too.
It's soooooooooooooooooo "disturbing."
Being disturbed isn't good. Do they have medication for this sort of problem. Maybe a bunch of us can get a bulk deal?
Stanley Kurtz is a conservative. Conservatives, by definition, have no academic interests, goals, or motives. Thus, UI is of course right to not allow any of his kind to rummage through their archives like some common P.I. looking for dirt.
They should put up a sign in front of the library clarifying this reasonable policy, so as not to encourage other people like Kurtz to get uppity and try to play the part of their betters.
Speaking of investigative journalism (or muckraking according to your politics) Fox News is doing an one-hour segment on US Presidential Character -- Barack goes first today.
The background story about him and Tony Rezko, well, let's just say it's disturbing. He was supposed to be a different kind of politician.
``taking all my recommendations I went right over, in the morning, one hour after my arrival, to the Bodleian. The librarian seemed to know me (I didn't understand very well, she alluded to the difficulty my book seems to have given her), but this did not get me out of the oath. She asked me to _read_ it (it is a question of engaging oneself to respect the rules of the library, the treasures to be protected are priceless). Therefore I read it and handed her back the cardboard covered with transparent paper that she had tendered me. At this point she starts to insist, I had not understood: no, you have to read it out loud. I did so, with the accent you make fun of all the time, you can see the scene. We were alone in her office. I understood better the marriage ceremony and the profound presuppositions of Oxonian performativism. What would an oath that you did not say out loud be worth, an oath that you would only read, or that while writing you would only read? or that you would telephone? or whose tape you would send? I leave you to follow up. All that being said, she must have assured herself, while chatting, that I knew enough English to understand the text. Enough? She didn't notice that my mind was so elsewhere that I did not seek to translate for myself all the ``details.'' ''
- Derrida, The Post Card (19 July 1979 entry)
I doubt you will ever care. However, if one goes back through Althouse's archives, they would find that I started out leaning towards Obama as my #2 choice (to Guiliani). When he was out, I was in the Obama camp. It was Wright and Ayers etc. who moved me squarely out of Obama's camp and into the "no freaking way" camp.
Maybe there is only one me.
Or maybe I'm a canary in the coalmine.
I hear whistling in the dark...
blake said...
"'Education' has become like sausage-making. You don't want to know what's going on."
One of my very favorite quotes from Justice Scalia: "This case, involving legal requirements for the content and labeling of meat products such as frankfurters, affords a rare opportunity to explore simultaneously both parts of Bismarck's aphorism that 'No man should see how laws or sausages are made.'" Community Nutrition Institute v. Block, 749 F.2d 50, 51 (D.C. Cir. 1984).
If they are in a public university, then they are a matter of public record available for access to the public.
Not necessarily. It's my understanding that, depending on the open records rules of the state you're in, some materials donated to a university archive can be declared to be off-limits to public review at the request of the donor, at least for a certain period of time after the donation. I have no idea whether such a request has occurred in this case or if that's how open records rules work in Illinois, but just because something has been donated to a public university doesn't automatically make it available for public perusal.
Stanley Kurtz tends to be something of a hysteric about just about anything he writes about, so I woulldn't just go on his word about how this all went down, but this story may be something worth following.
Where is the 'photos & drawings' link?
I'm having to click thru 300 pages of photos to get what I want....I'm looking for the picture of those two boys in ties (Law students ?) when Althouse was at a symposium?....and they all went out to dinner....Althouse was sitting across the table from them.
Do you know what I'm talking about? Was this from a couple of years ago ?
I wish Althouse would organize her Flickr photos better, maybe create a special set for 'Symposiums' or whatever....I've got find the pictures of those two boys, she sat across the table from, in suits and ties...were they brothers?
...and look what I stumbled upon---
When was this? I don't remember a blog post that went along with those 'John At A Cafe In Soho' photos.
I thought Althouse had long left NY by June.
There are dozens and dozens of photos in Althouse's Flickr album that didn't get a blogpost !!!!!
How can she have not blogged the cafe in Soho ??????
And look at the ankles:
He took Maxine's fashion advice and started wearing his jeans narrow at the ankle with a sleeker black shoe !!!
A super-narrow cuff which almost hits the floor, as per Maxine's instructions !!!
It's be better not to have a cuff, but if he must...then that's how it's done.
I'd really prefer a darker denim, and the flimsy T-shirt with the stretched out neck.....what do these boys do to the necks of their T-Shirts ?????
There is a trick to getting the neck of a T-Shirt to keep its shape. It's called a Singer sewing machine.
But, anyway, I just can't get over how sleek those shoes looks with a narrow-ankle cuff !
If they are in a public university, then they are a matter of public record available for access to the public.
I agree with somefeller. Not necessarily. For instance, it took a lawsuit in Pennsylvania to find out salaries of some people at Penn State, the public University there.
If a donor stipulates privacy, the recipient will or will not acquiesce, depending on how much they want the item(s). Additionally, if the material are being used by a professor's ongoing, active research, good luck trying to pry it out.
Not knowing the reason, we are all free to attribute it to a vast conspiracy which is, after all, the American Way.
What would an oath that you did not say out loud be worth, an oath that you would only read, or that while writing you would only read?
This is the Oath every Oxford student takes on getting your Bod library card.
When I read it, the librarian administering the oath told me it was "secret" and that I must not reveal it to anyone. It was only much later that I realised he was taking the mick.
In case of interest, it's a solemn oath you will not bring destruction to any book inside the Oxford Libraries -- including most amusingly, setting them on fire.
My time at Oxford was the happiest of my life. Too bad Derrida didn't get it.
I want those shoes !
>>taking the mick
Obama-Wan: These aren't the records you're looking for.
Stanley Kurtz: These aren't the records we're looking for.
Obama-Wan: He can go about his business.
Stanley Kurtz : You can go about your business.
Obama-Wan: Move along.
Stanley Kurtz: Move along... move along.
Anyone up on their meme theory?
It's not a meme, but what I'm seeing is the people out there growing more and more leery and weary of the whole Obama schtick. I see it happening now, and it'll be long over for him by November. Wishful thinking? Maybe. But I'm not so sure.
'It was only much later that I realised he was taking the mick.'
Sounds dirty. Is the aforementioned lube involved?
Has Sandy Berger made a recent visit?
Did Rudy blow any of your money? Or, were you smart enough to put some limits on your support of him?
Don't feel bad if you did donate, the media kept pushing the idea that he had a chance. I guess that, for some, it may have been hard to see that he never had a chance.
Don't some Oxford folks cringe at clumping all the colleges and halls as "Oxford?" I see that you are doing this. But I've heard other alumni balk at such. Maybe they were just pricks, definitely a possibility. Or, maybe there are specific situations where "clumping" is and is not acceptable. I'd like to pin this down.
I'll never forget in September 1979, there was a mannequin in the Men's Dept. of Bullocks' Department Store, with jeans rolled exactly like that, narrow at the ankle, with those same type of sleek shoes:
That was the look of 1979...everything was a very narrow, sleek silhouette, and you checked everyone's pant legs to make sure they were straight-leg and narrow at the ankle, and the good shoes !!!!
1jpb, you can use it plurally without shame, especially when you've moved on. Also, I don't wish to mention my specific College. :)
If you believe the University of Illinois should NOT be blocking access to these records, please email President White and share your thoughts.
To quote Stanley,
"Ask him to take immediate public steps to insure the safety of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge records, to release the identity of the Collection’s donor, and above all to swiftly make the Collection available to me, and to the public at large."
Support the freedom of knowledge!
When are you rubes gonna realize that he is bought and paid for? Why persist in this silliness. The only question is will he stay bought? That's the only measure of an honest politician.
Dr kill is one funny dude.
"Don't feel bad if you did donate, the media kept pushing the idea that he had a chance. I guess that, for some, it may have been hard to see that he never had a chance."
You are an Obama supporter, right?
Ms. Morrisette wants to sing to you.
Annenberg; ah that name rings a bell. A family that made its money with Al Capone and then the rest of the Chicago outfit and the Mafia. In the law enforcement parlance they would be direct associates of organized crime. So as Annenberg Chairman, can we assume that Obama is an associate of organized crime?
"Dr kill is one funny dude."
A joy, even.
sonicfrog - That said, the press must give this more than just a glance and waive it away as if the potential for a story doesn't exist, a la John Edwards affair.
The Edwards Affair and the MSM conspiracy of silence, "lets not check" - is an excellent point to bring up.
If the rest of the media does not back Kurtz ability to investigate critical data on the man currently favored in polls to be President - they open themselves up again to being seen as covering up to help the political candidate they feel loyal to.
In their writings, the Founders said that the central reason for a free press was to not let powerful people limit information - given society working and voting in an informed manner depended on it.
When the press collectively fails this duty expected in reciprocation for their 1st Amendment Right, they are no better than a cabal of politicians secretly imposing religious tests for office and violating the intent of the 1st.
Because he is a professional fag hater?
Cedarford said...
In their writings, the Founders said that the central reason for a free press was to not let powerful people limit information - given society working and voting in an informed manner depended on it.
UIC stands for University of Illinois Chicago. Need I say more?
Chicago can do what it wants. We citizens do not call it the United Socialist Soviet Republic of Chicago for nothing, you know.
"...the Founders said..."
Excellent point. Now I, like many others here seem to be, am really, really, really, super-ultra-mega-duper "disturbed."
This is unconstitutional!!!!!!!
Constitutional Crisis!!!!!!!!
private collections can set up w/e arrangement they want with the universities that house them - if the university didn't agree, the private collection would go elsewhere. thats how, like, contractual arrangements work.
as for public records, which these probably aren't, to gain their access as joe blow you need to, like, make an actual request to the proper authorities for those records. and there are many exceptions under which your request can be denied.
but yea, fascism communism obamaism blah blah.
"Vor dem Gesetz steht ein Türhüter. Zu diesem Türhüter kommt ein Mann vom Lande und bittet um Eintritt in das Gesetz. Aber der Türhüter sagt, daß er ihm jetzt den Eintritt nicht gewähren könne. Der Mann überlegt und fragt dann, ob er also später werde eintreten dürfen.
«Es ist möglich», sagt der Türhüter, «jetzt aber nicht.»"
Franz Kafka
Keep trying Stanley!
As Kurtz reports, the library's representative ultimately told him that "the donor of the CAC records 'has alerted us to the fact that we do not have a signed deed of gift'" If true, the collection is not the property of the university. (In that case, the donor needs to call his tax adviser if he claimed a deduction on his tax return.)
As somefeller, MM, and the Exalted have already point out, not all collections donated to colleges are available to the public. Many donors place restrictions dictating a time period before the collection is available and/or limiting access to their donations to specific types of individuals.
Information wants to be, longs to be, yearns to be, free.
However--and nonetheless--countervailing forces proceed and, when powerful enough, prevail. For that reason, wishin', and hopin', and thinkin', and prayin', plannin' and dreamin' won't get you into ... anywhere.
Don't worry, people, the University of Illinois will release the papers shortly... both pages.
Is it my computer, or is blogger's comment section running like it's tires are underinflated?
Amazing how the handling of every single issue by Obama and his campaign backfires in their/his face. Like the have the ultimate political tin ear or something. This will backfire huge.
He makes Hillary look skilled.
Well, one thing is for certain whether anyone gets to see the records or not, this organization and Obama's role was a complete and utter failure or the "tingle-brigade" would have wall-to-wall coverage of its brilliant workings.
Which brings up the most idiotic of the media and other kool-aide followers of the "messiah", Obama is going to completely save the world and "restore America", but looking at his past projects and his district, he hasn't done any miracles or had any success at all? This shows the stupidity of the entire Obama campaign.
He can't show even one school or block in his district which highlights the brilliance of his leadership or where his actions produced a dramatic "change", yet the MSM and his idiotic followers seriously believe that he is the "one" sent to lead the world into our utopia on earth. Why?
For all the left shrifting of President Bush and his lack of "Obama-like intelligence", Bush had a very successful eight year governorship of Texas which produced tons of successful examples of his leaderships style and his ability to get both parties to work for the betterment of the people of Texas.
Obama has zero???
These questions should have been asked and answered long ago before Obama got this far and they weren't, just as there were questions about Edwards that should have been asked and answered long ago as well. They have been now that he is out of the political camps for this year.
The leftward bias of the MSM is a tired subject, but the Obama phenomenon has really put it in stark relief like never before. It's a perfect demonstration of how the bias is driven by sins of omission more than anything else: they simply omit anything from their coverage (which is practically fawning) that is potentially harmful to Obama. They did it to get rid of Hillary, and now they do it to try to get rid of McCain.
Where is sheer journalistic curiosity... or the desire to uncover a good story? Both are completely absent when it comes to Obama. For a candidate that the media obviously adores and otherwise can't get enough of, there is obviously no real desire to find out anything of substance about him. Journalists are supposed to be "hungry for the truth." Instead it's obvious they just want to get their man elected.
And to think that sad old crone Mary Mapes spent something like 5 years trying to get Bush on his National Guard service...
Similarly, why don't more Young Republicans get PhDs in education?
Well speaking for myself, I wasn't a conservative when I was in college. But that aside, I can't think of a more utterly pointless enterprise than that one. The reason why our schools are in the shitter is precisely because of all the pinheads with these degrees "experimenting" with a system that wasn't broken to begin with.
incidentally, FLA, why didn't you?
mean FLS
"experimenting" with a system that wasn't broken to begin with.
I hardly thought I'd find a staunch defender of public education among the Althouse commenters.
Teaching the young isn't my thing; moreover my participation was not necessary because half the girls in my class said they wanted to be schoolteachers when they grew up.
Further, I was taken aback when I saw my 7th grade homeroom teacher selling men's clothing in a discount department store one summer. Having to supplement one's teaching income by working retail part-time left a lasting impression.
has Obama released that birth certificate yet?
The document on Obama's web site is Obama's official birth certificate. As I found out some years ago when I needed a copy of my own bc, public records agencies no longer routinely provide photocopies of the original document. Mine, from a different jurisdiction, is in the same format as Obama's. My parents' occupations, home address, etc. are no longer recorded.
McCain's birth certificates are available on the Ron Paul web site, by the way. His claim to have been born in the Coco Solo hospital is debunked -- that wasn't built till 1941. McCain was actually born in the Republic of Panama, and not the Canal Zone at all. The birth certificate does attest he was born to Roberta Wright, and that McCain was legitimate.
sonicfrog said...
I believe Obama was in a position that, in order to advance through the ranks of the political machine, he had to go through Ayers to do so…
The thing I find more worrisome at the moment is how on Earth does Ayers become such a powerful player in Chicago politics.... Oh, it's Chicago. Nevermind.
What political machine are you talking about? Ayers is not part of the political machine in Chicago or anywhere else. He is not a power player in Chicago. I live here and worked for the city for almost thirty years. Now, he may be a big wig at UIC, where he is a professor, but that is something else.
I hardly thought I'd find a staunch defender of public education among the Althouse commenters.
FLS, You're forgetting the part where I said "our schools are in the shitter." How exactly is that a defense of public education?
Our public schools certainly were probably never perfect, but certainly in the 60s and 70s when the intellectuals came up with "social studies," new ways to do long division, and other pointless exercises, things started going downhill.
Apparently ex-radicals want to educate children when their radicalism subsides.
That's a generous interpretation of the word "educate."
"McCain's birth certificates are available on the Ron Paul web site, by the way."
I can't find it, which is no surprise since there are about a billion "Ron Paul web site[s]." Link?
"His claim to have been born in the Coco Solo hospital is debunked -- that wasn't built till 1941."
"McCain was actually born in the Republic of Panama, and not the Canal Zone at all."
When you make factual assertions, you bear the burden of supporting them with evidence. Don't expect other people to do your research for you.
Hey, FLS, I got curious and went looking anyway. The theory is bunk. The birth certificate records his birth in Colon - which, despite Newsbusters' contention to the contrary, was within the PCZ.
Either the institution is afraid of what the researcher might find, or they know exactly what the researcher will find and can't think of any effective way to hide it.
The third reason: now that they know somebody is interested in the records, they need time to sanitize them before release.
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