August 31, 2008

"Stop prying into other people's vaginas, even if you happen to oppose them politically. What is wrong with you people?"

The insane obsession with Sarah Palin's pregnancy rages on.

This will all go down in the annals of feminism, people. So think before you write. Andrew? [AND.]

IN THE COMMENTS: The first comment is from Maguro:
Let me be the first to say that I've never politically opposed anyone's vagina.

Ha ha. We start with the grammar.

AND: I see I'm getting Google traffic from the search "Sarah Palin Is NOT The Mother," which currently returns 311,000 hits. The top one is a new Kos diary, from ArcXIX:
Now, I've known liars in my life. Their single core problem is not with themselves, but those around them. If they're never called out on their twisting of truths and fabrications, they simply continue to make larger lies.

Well, Sarah, I'm calling you a liar. And not even a good one. Trig Paxson Van Palin is not your son. He is your grandson. The sooner you come forward with this revelation to the public, the better.
Whew! That is ugly. Pictures are posted, with captions like: "Sarah's waistline never changed. Her wardrobe still remained tight and professional." Note the gratuitous insult to pregnant working women. They can't possibly dress in a professional manner. There are also enlarged photos of the 16-year-old daughter with comments about the shape of her abdomen. The whole world is invited to talk about that teenager's body.

Despicable, sexist trash. Shameful.

AND: ArcXIX displays a huge blowup of the picture of the 16-year-old and issues a faux-scientific opinion: "Bristol is pregnant in these pictures. She is not carrying belly fat, which grows outwardly wide, and does not become dome-shaped. That's because fat is generally evenly distributed around the abdomen and a fetus is not. Bristol's chest is sticking out, a normal body reaction when sucking in stomach muscles." Belly fat grows outwardly wide? Nonsense. People come in all different shapes, and female abdomens tend to protrude. If the girl was pregnant and inclined to hide it, why would she be wearing tight clothes and standing in proud half-profile? I apologize for asking that question, but I'm hoping to shake some sense into those who are pushing this story. They should be ashamed to stoop so low for the sake of politics. I doubt if the Obama campaign wants this kind of help, not that it's likely to be any help at all.

UPDATE: The first link in this post goes to a Metafilter thread that you can still read but that is deleted from the front page of Metafilter. The reason given for the deletion is: "you should probably keep this in the existing palin thread." Here is that first Palin discussion, which has 1420 comments as of Monday morning. Search on the page for the word "pregnant" to see how obsessed people have been about this. Since this thread was set up as a generic discussion of of Palin, it is a better gauge of the obsession. You can see how this issue popped up and seized the hive mind.


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The rule of Lemnity said...

Lem -- sorry, when I try to comment fast, my writing is even less clear than usual.

I'ts ok.. battleax to you.

The tomahawk is politically incorrect.

Go figure.

former law student said...

debates about the distribution of teenage body fat

A question for another day is why do so many teenage girls have noticeable belly fat? I noticed this for the first time in the spring (my autoparts store is near a high school), and it was confirmed by a visit to the mall today.

Anonymous said...

Including UWS, Peter, and all other brow beatens.

Not being combative with this question, but why lump Peter in with a lowlife like UWS?

hawkdriver said...

Sick. You people are just sick and sad. This is a watershed and gloves off moment for me. Never ever let me hear a liberal say Ann Coulter is shrill. Never ever let me hear a liberal say that conservatives are mean-spirited. You GD spiritless wretches. Is it worth it to you? You have no souls.

Simon said...

garage mahal said...
"Have we consulted either Mickey Kaus or the National Enquirer about the matter?"

Good point. The left is pushing a meme that even the national enquirer deemed too obviously false and black-hearted to run.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. Just as I don't want to be lumped in with that anti-Semite Cedarford and, in fact, a few of the righties on this thread, it's vital not to lump all the lefties here together.

Peter has been wonderfully reasonable. Madison Man. Those I expect. I have been really wonderfully surprised by a few others. I won't embarrass them by calling them out.

The best thing I ever learned at Althouse was about the wealth and distribution of opinion on the left.

EnigmatiCore said...

"Might they still have tried to trot this sort of ugly accusation out there, in order to undercut the candidate's lack of hypocrisy on abortion?"

We've never seen anything like this levied towards a male candidate, despite there having been tons of male candidates.

We have a female candidate, and this is thrown out.

While not proving sexism, it suggests it strongly.

rc said...

"I doubt if the Obama campaign wants this kind of help, not that it's likely to be any help at all."

But what if they do? How does anybody know they don't? What has he said to distance himself and his campaign from this trash? What did he do to distance himself from Wright and Ayers? Is it still 'Hope and Change' now?

UWS guy said...

WTF people, it's like I started the rumor or something. Anything and everything about a candidate is fair game. Say's who? Say's everybody. Muslim-manchurian candidate/Black love child/baby's not hers etc.

I'm not pushing the meme, someone asked if it's fair game, I said,'s fair game. If it's not true points for the republicans.

It's like you're protecting the honor of this woman. My position is no different than "FormerLawStudent's" and I don't see him catching any shit at all.

When the rumors went out about Obama=muslim the answer was = fight back/don't cry.

When McCain got accused of fathering a black love child he should have fought back.

If this Palin thing is pure smear then she should fight back. But this "defend the honor of a woman and her baby" and how dare yous and "more in sorrow than in anger" how-could-yous is silly.

If this were a male candidate and a rumor about him having a love child came out, everyone here would agree that it's dirty politics, but what I'm hearing here is that the virgin fucking mary is being sullied, and that reeks of "She's a woman, how dare you!"

I'm gonna quit before stick my foot further in my mouth apparantly.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Yeah. Plus, she's cleaner.

LOL. Just when you think they forgot.

Anonymous said...

It's not fair game, UWS. Everything you say that follows after that is useless.

Furthermore, the idea of protecting a woman's honor is itself sexist.

EnigmatiCore said...

No, uws, you just acted like it is reasonable to suspect. You didn't harm anyone but yourself with it, and you remain oblivious to why you harmed yourself.

Anyhow, here is someone who met the Governor back in April, and described (in April) her as being "pregnant."

I think we can put this nasty rumor to bed, while never forgetting those who propagated it and those who weren't repelled by it.

garage mahal said...

When you say the "left", how many people is that? How many blogs are we talking about? A diarist on DKOS, and .....?

Pierre said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Garage -- Keep that thought in mind the next time that Dobson guy says some ridiculous thing, okay?

Anonymous said...

Chill out, Pierre. Nobody's getting killed over this.

Godot said...

ADN article featuring comments from Sarah's family doctor

See the section EARLY ARRIVAL

Also of note (from the article):

Alaska Airlines has no rule or policy forbidding pregnant women to fly during the last 4 months of pregnancy.

hawkdriver said...

"If this were a male candidate and a rumor about him having a love child came out, everyone here would agree that it's dirty politics, but what I'm hearing here is that the virgin fucking mary is being sullied, and that reeks of "She's a woman, how dare you!""

I can't remember any rumor against a male candidate that required trashing a 16 year old daughter too. How is any of this trash okay by you? If you don't get that this is what makes this whole story so morally repugnent then I pity you.

UWS guy said...'re now the 3rd poster in this thread who has used the threat violence.


The rule of Lemnity said...

If the hits on palin's pregnancy prolong beyond Britney's "C" does that mean we are gaining on the french?

Pierre said...

What is worse than the disgusting Palin "theories" is where this sort of talk is bringing this country. Does the left actually believe that those of us on the right will simply sit on our hands forever? Is this where they want to go? Because if we cannot argue and debate like civilized men and women then the only place left to solve our differences is at the point of a gun.

Honor and justice are not merely words. Forsaking them does not bring us closer to the truth but closer to desperation and war.

former law student said...

uws guy -- I started off by arguing that the "facts" used to argue in favor prove nothing. I agree with jim that it's laughably easy to refute.

blake said...

You're all missing the obvious.

Palin wasn't pregnant in those pictures because she's A MAN, BABY!

Todd's the mother.

That's just how transgressive these Alaskans are!

OCCAM'S RAZOR, people!

EnigmatiCore said...

"A diarist on DKOS, and .....?"

All of those who recommended the diary on Kos, and all of the moderators at Kos who left it up, and Andrew Sullivan, and the posters on Althouse who defended it as plausible or fair game, and we all know that for every person online posting, there are a thousand just like it not posting.

Peter Hoh said...

I can't find an authoritive source that confirms that Rove was the person behind the smears, but here is the most authoritive source I found that links the Bush campaign to the push polls.

The Nation might not be the most reliable, but the author of this article names Rove as being behind the smear campaign.

Here's what looks like a Right-wing blogger also attributing the smears to Rove.

Anonymous said...

Pierre -- posting that garbage a second time does not make civil war or the death of anyone any closer.

One of the best things about Althouse is that the loons generally stay away. Let's please keep it that way.

UWS said some dumb shit and should own up. That said, saying more over-the-top stuff doesn't help. Stop.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Seven machos, you are target happy.

keep it up!

Trooper York said...

I second what Seven Nachos said.

The decent people on both sides make themselves felt in times like this.

I have never had more respect for Madison Man than in his earlier comments on another thread about this matter. But then he is a father of a daughter and knows.

Some people are honorable and some not. It's easy to tell. To separate the sheep from the goats. From your posting we will know you. All the excuse and plea bargaining in the world don't cut it. Some things are just wrong and it will destroy you and the cause you support.

Take a breath and remember the basic decency of your character.

If indeed you are a decent character.

Gemini said...

I'm with the Host with the Most...let the left continue so that the McCain/Palin victory is that much more lopsided.

What business is it of your's/our's if it were her daughter's? Does the left *really* want to break ground on a woman's right to privacy? I'm guessing they don't see how that will affect Roe vs. Wade...heh, this would be so rich to see the liberals shoot themselves in the face to spite their foot.

Pierre said...'re now the 3rd poster in this thread who has used the threat violence.

Exactly why do you think manners evolved? Was it to keep folks from picking up swords and killing the other guy when they are being disrespected.

Or does the left actually believe that if they think happy thoughts while they insult us that we will not at some point or the other tire of their shenanigans?

Violence is a tool...I am not afraid of it. I just hope that it never becomes necessary.

Anonymous said...

Peter -- If it was a push-poll, then it obviously came from the campaign. What I see in your links is allegations that it was a push-poll. That's a big difference.

The Bob Jones University guy is roughly the equivalent of a Kos diarist.

As I recall, McCain's problem in South Carolina was that he went in there and told them he hated the confederate flag. Now, I hate the confederate flag myself but it was an unwise decision on McCain's part to attack it the way he did.

Cedarford said...

The rise of nutty believers on the Left and Right, our inability to compete with authoritarian contries and fix massive problems DC cannot seem to face - makes me think we need a military coup.

1. Scrap the Constitution and come up with a better, modern document.

2. Limit the voting franchise. Exclude any who are 9/11 Truthers, that Palin is a secret grandmother, and that Obama was secretly born in Kenya.
Exclude people that don't pay taxes from the right to vote to tax the 30% that still do pay significant taxes.

3, Get control of our Borders, the Globalists, the reckless spending and entitlement crises, failed educational system, and those that corrupt our domestic and foreign policy with bribes.

4. Then slowly transition back to a democracy.

Anonymous said...

Pierre, you are a cunt. Go away. You are a despicable embarrassment to the conservative movement and I sincerely hope that you lose your next duel.

Unknown said...

Townhall points out the kos pics of her daughter with the belly bump were from 2006

Also, they dated an outdoor image to be "late 2007" but if you zoom out and look at the whole picture, you would see the girls wearing thin dresses with a snowless mountain top in the background. These clueless jerks should remind themselves they live in Alaska. It gets cold and tend to snow late in the year.

Anonymous said...

5. Throw out the Jews.

Don't forget that vital plank, Cedarford.

This is becoming sad.

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna quit before stick my foot further in my mouth apparantly.

It's far too late for that as its sticking out your ass now. What you've just told us that anything and everything goes as far as you are concerned. That there are no boundaries to human decency. That you bear no responsibility for repeating the unfounded vicious slurs of others.

Your behavior and your justification for it is stomach-turning. I realize you will never accept this, but normal people do not engage in such vile filth as you have reveled in here.

And they don't threaten vigilante violence to others, either, pierrelegrande. You're just as bad. Piss off.

UWS guy said...

Whew, for a second I thought I was gonna remain the worst person in this thread.

The rule of Lemnity said...

The sex and politics connection is not new - it's just that it worked for so long it's like a fallback.

Lazy if you ask me.

Jason (the commenter) said...

Thanks for lancing the boil, Ann.

Pierre said...

Pierre -- posting that garbage a second time does not make civil war or the death of anyone any closer.

Garbage? So you are of the opinion that nothing that either side says or does can bring us to war against each other?

Wish I were so optmistic. I am not arguing for violence I am arguing for basic manners so we can avoid violence.

Perhaps I have it wrong...perhaps it is not only talk that brings two sides against each other but it sure seems that it cannot help to viciously attack each other 24/7.

Anonymous said...

I love the smell of liberal fear in late summer, I really, really do. It smells like....victory.

The self-destruct sequence clearly has been activated, now stand aside and don't interfere. It will all be over in a few weeks.

EnigmatiCore said...

"Whew, for a second I thought I was gonna remain the worst person in this thread."


And we all know exactly what you mean.

Peter Hoh said...

Here's the take of a local Alaskan blogger regarding the vetting process and the rumors.

Dave J said...

"You can't suggest that someone's teenage daughter had a baby with a serious disease and that the mother is pretending that the baby is hers without catching a bunch of righteous shit."

Not just righteous shit in a moral or political sense, either. The term is "actual malice," people: look it up. I'll even give you the cite: New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254 (1964). Everyone spreading this baseless vile garbage is exposing themselves to a libel suit and I, for one, would LOVE to see that.

Anonymous said...

This is becoming sad.

Sick. Sick. Sick. I am so outta here!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, UWS. All of a sudden, your absurd posts look like pillars of considered reason.

Way to go, Pierre.

john marzan said...

So, will sarah palin do an obama and hold a press con at the convention and fight the smears and whisper campaign of the pro-Obama and liberal blogs?

Jeremy said...

This has gone beyond fringe sites like KOS and whatnot, I've seen it mentioned on public forums on my local newspaper (admittedly a very liberal place) and a dating site (OKCupid...)

Pierre said...

Pierre, you are a cunt. Go away. You are a despicable embarrassment to the conservative movement and I sincerely hope that you lose your next duel.

Ah...sorry but you know I never did personally attack anyone. Maybe you need a break from being the moderator...

Anonymous said...

Hey, everybody, have manners or I'll fucking kill you.

Jesus! How ridiculous can you possibly be?

Anonymous said...

Peter -- The problem with all that is that McCain desired secrecy. Now, having secrecy and doing a good vetting job are perhaps two jobs that are impossibly at odds with each other. I will stipulate that. However, it's something that is important to note.

I feel as though we are having a polite conversation in a foxhole, you and me.

JAL said...

Well. All this is a bit of an overreaction, me thinks.

I had a kid at less than 7 months gestation. Caught almost everyone by surprise.

I had another kid when I was 44. Surprised a lot of people. (My 16 y/o daughter wanted me to tell people, as she went to boarding school and didn't want people to think it was hers. She must have known someone like Andrew Sullivan.)

There are reasons one doesn't tell that are not nefarious.

For Andrew Sullivan and Co. to consider this worth speculating on is bizarre, much less what they are speculating.

Seems like the left can't deal with the real challenge Palin presents them with.

EnigmatiCore said...

"This has gone beyond fringe sites like KOS and whatnot"

Consider it tracers. You can follow just how badly the disease has spread.

There are some really scary people out there. It is long past the time that we just laugh them off.

Anonymous said...

Pierre -- I will take a break from moderating as soon as there is some moderation.

Everybody here hates you. Go.

peacelovewoodstock said...

To the extent that any of this bizarre craziness gets any kind of MSM attention only helps the McCain campaign ten-fold.

This is just routine Kos lunacy exposed to the light of day.

Bring it on!!

Einfahrt said...

When your (political) enemy is making a mistake, don't stop him.

Unless of course, innocents are being hurt. I think the 16 year-old counts as an innocent.

Anonymous said...

If you look up incidence of downs syndrome vs maternal age, you will find that at age 20-24, it is 1/1562, at 33 it is 1/725, while at 44 it is 1/41. The stats don't even go back to age 16. This is medical fact. Given this, who do you think is more likely the mother?

Barbara said...

Andrew Sullivan has been transformed into a Obamanite Ann Coulter in drag, except without a sense of humor. It is the most amazing degradation I've ever witnesses. No one will ever take anything he ever says again seriously.

The rule of Lemnity said...

War is hell, if you are not ready move away form the kill box ;)

Pierre said...

Hey, everybody, have manners or I'll fucking kill you.Jesus! How ridiculous can you possibly be?

Take the red pill.

Not once have I attacked anyone personally or threatened them. What I have done is bemoan the state of politics in this country.

But I stand corrected...apparently nothing any of us say or do will ever cause a civil war...cause you know those sorts of things never happen in this country. We can act as crazy as we want to and scream at each other forever and nothing will come of it.

Fine ok I understand.

Godot said...

I don't hate Pierre or anyone else. I do despise those who presume to speak for everyone else.

Peter Hoh said...

seven, I know the feeling.

If the vetting was not thorough, it speaks to McCain's judgment. He put the tactical value of the surprise announcement ahead of getting the facts before making a decision. That concerns me.

my email is in my profile. drop me a line sometime.

Anonymous said...

Okay, Pierre, this is the last post I am going to aim in your ridiculous direction: the Civil War was a complex disagreement over culture, over the entire economic alignment of the country, over slavery, over the format of legislative bodies, and over much else.

Here, we are talking about who mothered a child.

Do you see the difference?

Zachary Sire said...

Well, one thing is for certain. John Edwards is the mother of Sarah Palin's baby.

JAL said...

Occam's razor.

As I mentioned on another thread -- I am waiting for the left blogs and MSM to vet Obama as vigorously.

And speaking of medical records -- where are Barack Obama's?

JohnVS said...

Check Google Trends. Variations on this theme ranked high today.

The rule of Lemnity said...

If you cant stand Pierre put on the AC.


Muggins said...

I'm appalled by these reprehensible attacks on Palin. I resent the left for lowering the already low standard of politics in America. If Obama has a ounce of credibility, he'd denounce these attacks, and the attackers.

Barry Dauphin said...

Actually, Palin should grant an interview on TV to Andrew Sullivan. When she lays the issue to rest, she should then proceed to publicly humiliate him for this, grind him right into the ground with no let up.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, I was looking for the Ann Althouse blog. Apparently, I stumbled into the Kos/Rush group therapy session.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Here, we are talking about who mothered a child.

If you get rattled by Pierre you are not ready.

Peter Hoh said...

Muggins, how could Obama denounce these rumors without airing the rumors?

I'm sure his staff is asking themselves that question.

LoafingOaf said...

Every time I start to think it's okay to stick up for Andrew Sullivan again he goes and posts something too nutty to defend.

The Kos diary was pathetic, but it as just a Kos diary. Andrew Sullivan linking to that Kos diary has to make anyone question Sullivan's sanity. It's too bad, because he was raising a lot of legit concerns about Palin. Now he confirms that he can't be trusted to remain rational during his crush on Obama.

Anonymous said...

You are right, Lem. It's important to me to fight this stuff because it's exactly the caricature of the right in, say, the West Village.

Maybe Pierre is a first-rate satirist. If so, excellent, excellent work.

Anyway, I'll not bother with it any more.

Godot said...

Seven Machos said:

...the Civil War was a complex disagreement over culture, over the entire economic alignment of the country, over slavery, over the format of legislative bodies, and over much else.

Strike slavery and that list encompasses many of the disagreements we are experiencing now.

Of course there are some on the left who wouldn't even be willing to strike slavery from the debate.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Barry Dauphin?

Is that you from Roger's Zabar?

LoafingOaf said...

Of course, there's nothing lower about these attacks on Palin than the 2000 Bush campaign's attacks on McCain.

Which means some Kos diarists and Andrew Sullivan have sunk as low as Karl Rove.

Anonymous said...

Yeah. A day doesn't go by when I don't hear about how we should change the way the senate and the house of representatives are organized.

Look, Glen, if you want to have a civil war, you are more than welcome to start a secessionist movement. It would be pretty funny to talk about you doing that, actually.

Anonymous said...

Oaf -- Peter and I have been having that discussion. I contend that there were allegations of push-poll but nothing more. Without proof, it's all merely allegations.

caseym54 said...

You would think that Obama would cut Kos off at the knees for this. This is just ugly.

Obama should return all donations transmitted through the Daily Kos site.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Anyway, I'll not bother with it any more.

Seven! - tha't not the one been wayting for ;)

Is it?

Pierre said...

Okay, Pierre, this is the last post I am going to aim in your ridiculous direction: the Civil War was a complex disagreement over culture, over the entire economic alignment of the country, over slavery, over the format of legislative bodies, and over much else.

Ultimately it was about the fact that folks had given up trying to understand each other and treat each other with honor. I believe that the Civil war could have been solved with much less bloodshed had folks not given up on being civil.

The left in this country is starting to act like they have the only answers and because of that they believe that any tactic and any lie is accceptable because the ends justify the means. Dangerous territory. Sorry that you don't see it.

former law student said...

speaking of medical records -- where are Barack Obama's?

Unlike a certain septuagenarian whose "15-year history of skin cancers, including a minor case in February, [who] had bouts with precancerous polyps in his colon, kidney cysts and bladder stones" accounts for over 1000 pages of medical records, Senator Obama, a basketball player in his 40s, is in excellent health:

LoafingOaf said...

Let me state again that - although I like Sullivan's blog - one of the thing's I hate about his blog is that he'll post something and then pretend he doesn't see any of the other bloggers taking him to task for it. Sullivan should directly link to some of his critics and reply to their posts. I've seen Althouse comment on some of his posts for many months and I don't recall him ever acknowledging a single one of them. What's the deal with that? Bloggers directly engaging each other would make things much more interesting.

Unknown said...


That's the whole issue. They've got nothing. They have nothing to claim for themselves, and they can't find anything against Palin.

"Just a small-town mayor"
And governor with a track record in less than two years that outshines Obama and Biden put together.

But her record outshines....

So they're left with making stuff up.

Maybe they need to go back to Claude Pepper's experience in the 50s, where his incumbent opponent claimed Pepper was a known homo sapiens and that his sister was an admitted thespian. At least those were original.

But as others have said here, and I think this is the most important: The self-styled party of diversity is showing what they really believe on the subject.

Bugs Bunny got them right: "What a bunch of maroons!"

Anonymous said...

It's interesting that some people cannot see a difference between John Edwards fathering a child in an adulterous relationship, while running for president and receiving a father of the year award, and Sarah and Todd Palin having their fifth child as a married couple.

I actually think it's a pretty disgusting issue to bring up - especially from the crowd that preaches respect for women's reproductive lives. Sensitivity, feminism, and tolerance? I'm pretty confident that such attacks will soon be revealed as embarrassing and repulsive - and rightly so. Disgusting.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Seven. You are good, you don't need me to tell you that.

keep your eye on the ball.

I tell you what, how can we get Ann to post a new thread?

DaLawGiver said...

No friends or hospital staff blabbed to the Enquirer yet for a million bucks?

Wow, Palin is good, she's real good.

Peter Blogdanovich said...

Ann, now that we're done grinding this silliness into the dirt where it belongs, in the interest of balance and fairness, I insist we entertain comments on how well Obama is endowed
(well, you know he's half black so, what, ten inches plus 6 inches, divide by two, that's like 8 inches )
I say he's packin 8 inches of stud muffin goodness. What say all the rest of you? Hmnn?

Peter Hoh said...

Democrats the stupid party? Amen to that.

LoafingOaf said...

Wow, f actually go to the Kos diary that Andrew Sullivan linked to, it's absolutely astonishing that Sullivan would've favorably linked to it. I guess he really has lost his mind.....

goy said...


And here I always thought "choice" meant that one could pick one OR the other.

Silly, gun-clutching me.

Anonymous said...

Pastafarian said:
Suppose a male pro-life candidate had chosen, with his wife, to bring a Downs baby to term. Might they still have tried to trot this sort of ugly accusation out there, in order to undercut the candidate's lack of hypocrisy on abortion?

No. It wouldn't occur to them. They would attack him on the basis that he "wouldn't really have to bear the burden" because everyone knows that in right-leaning households, the woman has to do all the work of raising children.

The attack would be on the unfairness of all of this to the male candidate's wife, whose womb was held hostage to the eeeeeevilllee right wing man's whim.

Slightly OT credentials-identifying portion of this post. I am a registered Independent. I have voted for both Clintons and Bushes. And right now I am so disgusted by the misogyny evidenced from the left that I am practically speechless.

From now on, my motto is this: unless I read it in the National Enquirer, I won't believe it's true.

inmypajamas said...

This is very much connected to the Obama campaign and its quick-attack troops. They are playing dirty politics straight by the book - neutralize your opponent's strengths by any means necessary, including outright fabrications. Palin's moral strength and character in keeping Trig is a powerful positive that Obama just can't let stand, so his team desperately lies, lies, lies. Why do you think there have been questions regarding whether McCain's POW experience was "real" or not? Obama and his team will stoop to any level to achieve their power goals.

Obama at this point resembles nothing so much as a Mafia don with his handlers and his "people" to keep him above the fray while they do the thuggish dirty work. He has no moral compass; it disappeared the day he sat down as a full-fledged member of Rev. Wright's church. His creepy siren song is beginning to disgust me.

And, sorry, peter hoh, but your facile tu quoque argument removes not one dot or tittle from the disgusting baseness of this completely fabricated, malicious lie. This smear stands on its own.

Godot said...

Oh seven... there you go jumping to unwarranted conclusions again. You listed some of the issues that caused the U.S. civil war and I simply pointed out that we are once again divided over similar issues. But I never alluded to wanting a civil war.

Pierre's earlier posts didn't advocate civil war either. Although he knows what side he would fight against if it came to that.

For this you called him a cunt. An ironic choice of words considering this thread's original topic.

rcocean said...

I'm really surprised Sullivan would write this considering he's a Christian, extremely honest, and a conservative*.

* = Not.

Synova said...

"A question for another day is why do so many teenage girls have noticeable belly fat?"

They always have.

The issue now is that pants styles are for waists that ride below the belly bulge. Lots of teen girls have "handles" too, for the same reason.

I don't understand it. I think the styles are unflattering to nearly everyone. My kids think it's more comfortable not to have their belly pinched. As I recall doing the lying-flat-sucking-in-stomach thing to get my jeans zipped when I was young... they may have a point.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Come on, man. We're drinking Nun's Oath Ale?

The seal change? is that from West Wing?

Comon Ann.

benergy said...

Right on.

Totally with you, girl.

SukieTawdry said...

"she has a down syndrome baby, we should vote for her" That is the line by the right. She made her baby part of her schtick.

She has a Down baby, that's a fact of her life, not a "schtick." No one suggests it's a reason to vote for her. But it tells us something about her. Her pro-live position is a moral/ethical conviction and she not only talks the talk, she walks the walk, even when the path gets rough.

She's not like politicians who spout "legal, safe and rare" in public and then work behind the scenes to make abortion on demand as widely and readily available as possible. Or the practicing Catholics who say "Well, personally of course I'm pro-life, but I would never think of imposing my values on others" and then work behind the scenes to make abortion on demand as widely and readily available as possible. They are hypocrits. Sarah Palin is not. You may disagree with her position all you wish, but that will not negate the fact that she has the courage of her convictions. Some voters think this is important information to have about a candidate. Idiot.

If you ridiculous people don't come to your senses soon, you are going to bury your candidate under your pile of vituperative bile. And in November when you're licking your wounds, you won't have anyone to blame but yourselves.

vbspurs said...

Jim wrote:

Excuse me while I get my credit card out and visit the McCain site.

I am energized for the first time in this campaign season.

GOOD JIM. ME TOO. Just gave another $50.

I paid with PayPal, so if you guys have that option, go with it.


vbspurs said...

Guys, I haven't read the thread. I don't want to.

But I did want to give you this link.

The Audacity of Hypocrisy Debunks the Palin Fake Pregnancy Smear (with PHOTOS)

Added to the two others I posted yesterday.

Sarah Palin Pregnat Photo #3

The best yet.

Scrutineer said...

former law student - This is like the right's "Michelle Obama Hates Whitey" tape, hardly worth distinguishing with a response.

The "Michelle Obama Hates Whitey" tape rumor was started by lefty-Clintonite blogger Larry Johnson and widely dismissed as probable b.s. by right wing blogs.

former law student - Bottom line: Mrs. Palin's story about her flight home cuts in favor of her being pregnant, because it raises questions.

Excellent point, and I'm annoyed I didn't think of it.

Anonymous said...

Glen -- I chose the word cunt specifically as an inside joke for some of the regular, reasonable posters here.

The issues in this election do not remotely approach civil war. We are talking about the tax rate, the scope of the federal government's involvement in health care, and drilling for oil or not. That's child's play relative to the issues that were at stake in the run-up to the Civil War, and that had festered since at least 1789. The fact that you know none of this merely demonstrates your historical ignorance.

former law student said...

Just gave another $50.

At some point, doesn't McCain have to stop taking contributions? Because he went with the public financing option?

The Monster said...

Phillips has been active in the Ted Stevens re-election steering committee and remains in close touch with Sen. Lisa Murkowski and other party leaders, and she said nobody had heard anything about McCain's people doing research on his prospective running mate.

Given that Palin defeated Lisa's father in the primary to get the Republican nomination for Governor, she and "Bridge to Nowhere" Stevens are the last people I'd expect anyone to get good info from.

Besides, the lawyer running the vetting process knew he had to be discreet. He wouldn't have called up and said "Hi, I'm from the McCain campaign, and I want to check out your governor!"

Peter Hoh said...

I'm not trying to argue that this smear is anything but disgusting. It is disgusting, and all who propagate it will have a hard time cleaning off the stench.

I am arguing that idiots who support a candidate are not the same as the campaign. I remember 2000, and I remember that there was very little concern about the smears on John McCain back then. Just look at the way Chalrie Condon talks about it toward the end of this article.

Unless you have proof that the Obama campaign is behind this, then you, inmypajamas, have just smeared them.

vbspurs said...

If I may, I'd like to defend Peter Hoh too. He's a gentleman I am proud to comment alongside.

But in this thread I have personally become extremely impressed with the behaviour and logic expressed by Seven Machos.

Sometimes people fail to compliment each other for fear it comes off condenscending or treacly.

At this point, after the pond scum we have waded in in this thread, I think it's imperative to say the truth, and keep saying it loud and clear.

Seven Machos, my new hero.


The rule of Lemnity said...

I've lost Sam Dash - Judge Starr, during Monica/Clinton.

And I've lost Seven Machos. Can you match that?

MossyMo said...

Democrats really are vile people.

Anonymous said...

There's no way Obama was behind this.

Stosh2 said...

"Feminists" are not interestged in woemn. They are interested in their own power and control. This was proved during the Clinton administration. Old news.

Peter Hoh said...

TheMonster: The point is not that she had not been contacted, but that after the announcement, no one told her that they had been contacted. In the small circle of the Alaska GOP, that seems remarkable.

The rule of Lemnity said...

There's no way Obama was behind this.

Even if it may not be as you say, I'm glad it's you saying it seven.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest that most feminists will find this slur to be absurd. Take Althouse, for example.

Ken said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
vbspurs said...

DBQ wrote:

I wonder what other demented and disgusting ideas the left can come up with. Ooooooh I know. The baby is really Track's with his own sister and that's why he is being sent to Iraq. Can this get any more sickening? I'm afraid it can.

The Kos thread produced one that left even me reeling. I mean after all the CRAP we've heard, I thought I had heard it all.

But the person suggested, and was updinged for saying that her daughter had been raped by the ex-brother-in-law and that's why Palin had tried to fire him.

The Conspiracy Perfect Storm.

There's a word being used over and over in this thread, and it applies now too -- despicable.

vbspurs said...

(Two can play at this game).

Not on Althouse please. :(

Anonymous said...

Just to set the record straight, vis-a-vis the Michelle/whitey business: that was floated by a Hillary supporter, and was widely considered suspicious by the right side of the blogosphere.

Oh, and: Excitable Andy and the Kos people are despicable.

Anonymous said...

I've always said that Obama is a remarkably likable guy with great charisma. He's obviously very smart and he has proven himself to be a canny politician. He's just entirely too far to the left and too inexperienced for the presidency.

Anyway, let's focus on the canny part. No candidate with any canniness would touch such a crazy slur. Look at how much it has fired up conservatives without even making it into the mainstream press. It wouldn't take too much prescience to predict this outcome.

The rule of Lemnity said...

most feminists will find this slur to be absurd.

Ok... When was the last time they elected a vice president?


We are on the same side, for once.

Peter Hoh said...

Thanks for the kind words, Victoria. And yes, Seven has shown himself very favorably tonight.

You might never guess, but on a lefty blog, I'm considered a conservative. Go figure.

vbspurs said...

This is a conspiracy theory so dumb that it makes the 9/11 truthers look like rocket scientists.

YES. I mentioned that in my debunking post yesterday. That the extreme Left-Wing of the Democratic Party is currently rife with conspiracy theorists, or people at least willing to keep an open mind.

And when I say open, I mean empty.

Dash said...

Note date

Note ... weight =p

Note reporting on it, including that she breast feeds:

Anonymous said...

...and then Ken does his part to deflate a perfectly helpful thing for McCain by making nutty accusations. Excellent work.

Ken, here's something fun you can try. Go to Craigslist. Go to any big city's page and go to Casual Encounters. Then follow the link to the one for gay men. Explore. Get back to us about how easy it must be for gay men to find a bareback hookup.

Andrew Sullivan is an irresponsible, libelous person who jumped the shark long ago. However, calling him a child molester is silly.

vbspurs said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SuperDave said...

This has the same feeling that I remember when watching the videos of the the service for Paul Wellstone after his untimely death. A strong sense of revulsion is the only thing called for here.

Unfortunately, it is apparent that quite a few folks on the left side of the blogosphere never had a mom who told them that there are words that can't be taken back.

As for Governor Palin, I look forward to her response as she appears to be the kind of person that shouldn't be messed with.

vbspurs said...

You might never guess, but on a lefty blog, I'm considered a conservative. Go figure.

Believe me, Peter, I suspect I am too on the flip side, because for some politics is not a sport. It's their very raison d'être, and anything which counters their side "winning" means they must annihilate you.

You know how you know you're getting old?

When politics becomes more important than sex.

And yes, Dogwood, quote away! ;)


Zachary Sire said...

A well-known man like Andrew should have no problem obtaining any kind of sex he wants from gay men.

I disagree. Have you seen what Andrew looks like? I wouldn't fuck him with Ann Coulter's dick.

And don't get me started on having to listen to him actually speak.

Whiskey said...

This is the Democratic Party, pure and simple. Feminism also.

Is anyone surprised at this?

After all, Palin represents in her personal life: married to her High School sweetheart, with five kids, while working, a huge and direct challenge to Feminism.

Let's be honest about what Feminism is:

All these smears at Palin. Because feminists hate kids, hate marriage, hate men, and hate women who get married to men (instead of women) and have kids instead of aborting them.

What, anyone shocked. This line of attack is straight out of anything written by Friedan, or Kate Millet, or Steinem, or Germaine Greer.

Palin's marriage and kids are the threat. Even worse of course that the kids were by a working class guy. That cannot stand. Hence the smear attacks.

From those who get all upset when people note Obama was born a Muslim (to a polygamous Muslim anti-American socialist father and a 17 year old mother), raised a Muslim, and spent a summer in College in a Madrassa in Pakistan, during the height of anti-Soviet Jihad. All stuff from his book, in his own words.

Godot said...

Seven Machos said:

The issues in this election do not remotely approach civil war. We are talking about the tax rate, the scope of the federal government's involvement in health care, and drilling for oil or not. That's child's play relative to the issues that were at stake in the run-up to the Civil War, and that had festered since at least 1789. The fact that you know none of this merely demonstrates your historical ignorance.

Pierre's point wasn't about the issues of this election. It was about the divisiveness in this country. The fact that you continue to misrepresent this merely demonstrates your ethical ignorance.

Stephen said...

This UWS chap is supposed to be what? Perspicacious?
Can't spell Sarah correctly even when Ann spells it out at the top.

But this eagle-eye can spot a pregnancy in an online photo?


Ben (The Tiger in Exile) said...

Can this thread break 400?

vbspurs said...

Seven Machos wrote:

There's no way Obama was behind this.

None, zero, zilch.

I said it earlier, and I continue to believe it strongly.

Actually, I also think that Hillary wouldn't stoop this low either. Yeah the feminist thing might rile her, but you get the sense that neither Obama nor Hillary want any part of the Troofer/Code Pink nexus.

Being politicos of the savvy kind, they know that stuff ends up hurting them far more than helping.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest that most feminists will find this slur to be absurd.

I used to post on Koos, but I found myself posting to Clinton klingons.

I just gave up.

Imagine my surprise when they sold Hillary down the river for a few pieces of Obama.

Go figure.

chuck b. said...

Bill Maher is pretending like he doesn't know how to prounouce "Palin". Just a huge, giant, jerk-off. I feel embarrassed. I don't know why, I just do.

(the only reason he's even on my television right now is because I am super, super durnk.


Synova said...

The reason that the National Enquirer would never touch this (and did go for Edwards) is that they can be sued for Libel.

And *that* is what makes this whole thing "off limits."

It's not the fact that people are involving children in their slander... it's that it's slander. It's not "questions". Not even close. It's out and out fabrication.

KOS and Sullivan feel free to pass on rumors like this without even coming up with the barest evidence because they know there will not be legal consequences to them for doing that. It would be politically deadly to dignify the rumors with legal action (though KOS or Sullivan might be identifiable and subject to that sort of suit in other circumstances) so they KNOW that they will not be called to task for this.

And random individuals posting to KoS? There is no way anyone will ever ever take them to task for slander. They can say anything they like at all with no more basis than something sounds like a good story.

Yes, people should ask themselves if this is decent, but more than that they should ask themselves that... if they were someone who wasn't anonymous, someone with assets, could they be sued in a court of law for slander.

If the answer is YES it should be a really big clue that the rumors so gleefully passed on are NOT NOT NOT "fair game".

Pierre may have expressed himself badly, but it's a simple fact that the lack of consequences does not make as a better society.

Peter Hoh said...

Yeah, the Wellstone memorial service debacle was another one of those moments that earns the Dems the stupid party label. So was picking Walter Mondale.

Daryl said...

If the girl was pregnant and inclined to hide it, why would she be wearing tight clothes and standing in proud half-profile?


Anonymous said...

I'm going to go out on another the limb: the extent to which the country is divided, however deeply, is reflected in elections.

Suzie Nolen Bennett said...

Palin seems to feel free to poke around in the reproductive organs of all other women (abortion and birth control being verboten in her mind).

I haven't 'officially' chosen a candidate, but whether this rumor is true or false, she's going to have to 'fess up. I'd say the same if the rumor were about Michelle Obama.

nick said...

GOP taugh tthe world to peer into sexual escapedes

take back some of your own medicine

Unknown said...

"When she lays the issue to rest, she should then proceed to publicly humiliate him for this, grind him right into the ground with no let up."

I'll bet she can do it, too! And I'll bet she's too nice to (or will do it ever so sweetly).

Don't forget to read ALL her resume. Besides being a beauty contestant: She's "Sarah Barracuda" the competitor. She hunts it, shoots it, then cooks it. She runs the fishing boat. You think you can "take" her. Go ahead and try.

Anonymous said...

abortion and birth control being verboten in her mind

Wait. I thought Palin was untested and unknown. You must have information that everyone else lacks. Perhaps you could provide it instead of making totally unsubstantiated charges.

What's that? You can't? Oh, well, in that case, why are you wasting everyone's time?

Synova said...

"Andrew Sullivan is an irresponsible, libelous person who jumped the shark long ago. However, calling him a child molester is silly."

I didn't think anyone was calling Sullivan a child molester... just that there was equal evidence for it as he seemed to think adequate to suggest that Trig is Sarah's grandson.

The point being that by his own standards, it flies.

Anonymous said...

And now come the leftist moonbats. Okay everybody, I've done my part. I've fought the battles. It's late.

Best of luck.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Koos is a cult of personality.

But if the other side does it, well it's just wrong.

I enjoyed Lieberman's victory because what Koos tried against him and failed was a Godsend. Remember this happened when Iraq was bad.

Ken said...

Let me ask you something. Do you think the Dems are saying these things because they believe them?

They are not.

They are doing the political equivalent of what Hannibal did at Lake Trasimene: attacking the innocent in order to either get the Romans/Republicans to overreact, or else discrediting them as cowards who won't defend the innocent.

However, I'm with Pierre LeGrande here. I don't think that they CAN defeat us in open battle. They can, however, discredit us if we act like cowards and let them attack women and children.

And make no mistake about it: they don't just attack them with vicious rumors. Practically every day we hear about these pigs running old women off the road for a Bush/Cheney sticker, or pushing old women down stairs, or attacking little girls.

Please spare me the bit about a perfectly good thing for McCain, too. I intend to vote for Palin/McCain, but that does not give either of them the right to veto my protection of my loved ones.

Stop whining about the mean Democrats.


Anonymous said...

One final post: Ken, they got me, man. They fucking got me. Too much absurdity and my sarcasm meter went dead.

I owe you a sincere apology. My total bad.

Good night.

mbabbitt said...

What is the matter with these people? Why is being a viscious smear merchant a badge of honor today? Whatever happened to having class, to honor, to decency? When I read these attacks on Palin, I find myself speechless with disbelief. Is this where Progressivism and Liberalism has brought us? If so, give me some old-fashioned retrogression.

peter jackson said...

You know what? I just read this entire disgusting thread and this is it. I'm sick of these people. Winesaver asshole, you're a fucking creep and a sociopath, and so is Andrew Sullivan. I'm through dealing with people like you. And frankly it's time for the American body politic to be through with people like you. The truth is we actual liberals have been humoring you for thirty years now. We've been humoring you since Reagan and the fall of communism. You have been out of things to contribute for decades now, and we've been trying to bring you along, reintroduce you to the percepts and implications of liberty and real-world economics when we get a chance, when you're not so defensive and susceptible to reason, which was almost never, but hey, we tried. But not any more. I'm convinced that where maybe there once was a caring person with some mistaken notions of how the world works, there is now nothing, nothing living or capable of growth. I'm sure that if I were able to look into uws guy's eyes I would see nothing, no spark, no light, nothing. Just the dead eyes of a sociopath. Well creeps, I understand now that trying to work with you has accomplished nothing other than to put human progress in a holding pattern, waiting for you all to die, to get out of its way. To call you a parasite in the gut of our species would be an insult to gut parasites everywhere. Your relentless, fanatical will to power is dangerous, and by capitulating to you politically over the last thirty years we've gotten no cooperation from you, no quid pro quo, much less any useful fucking idea or insight. We've gotten nothing from you except the shitty outcomes of your ignorant ideas. You will go down in history as the biggest speed bump to human progress since the bubonic plague. There is no value to be had listening to you, or working with you, or dealing with you. Fuck you all, and get out of humanity's fucking way.

Shane said...

I think it's all rather obvious. Sarah Palin's pregnancy was an inside job, and until Ron Paul is elected, we're never gonna know the whole truth.

I'd even include Cynthia McKinney as a possible choice if you 8/29 troofers want to pull the skirt off this conspiracy, but I'm pretty sure that McKinney actually has Down's Syndrome.

I'm waiting for the video - Not Without My Daughter's Vagina - The Baby Mama Story.

You Kosmonauts make me sick...

Stephen said...

Someone just told me that Suzie Nolen Bennett sustains herself on fetus soup.

I haven't 'officially' chosen to believe this, but whether this rumor is true or false, she's going to have to 'fess up. I'd say the same if the rumor were about Suzie Nolen Bennett's aborted fetuses, were there any.

vbspurs said...

Sukietawdry wrote:

She has a Down baby, that's a fact of her life, not a "schtick." No one suggests it's a reason to vote for her. But it tells us something about her. Her pro-live position is a moral/ethical conviction and she not only talks the talk, she walks the walk, even when the path gets rough.

Precisely. It's the equivalent of Obama's mother raising him on foodstamps, and he turned out a success. It says something about their life story (that they had it rough but perservered) that is instrincally tied to their ethos as human beings.

As for the need to 'fess up, please. This is just a backdoor way of getting the story out there.

We're on to you, now go away.

Palladian said...

"GOP taugh tthe world to peer into sexual escapedes

take back some of your own medicine"

oK, I wwil take back sum of my own medecine.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I'm with you seven.

this is like night of the living dead.

kent said...

Whew, for a second I thought I was gonna remain the worst person in this thread.

Pray it never actually comes to an open vote.

Unknown said...

Ladies and Gents:

has anyone looked at these pix? She looks pretty pregnant.

Anonymous said...

Wait. Ken. Maybe I don't owe you an apology. Maybe you were serious. If so, please stay inside for the duration of your life.

Thank you.

Unknown said...

Palladian said...

"If so, please stay inside for the duration of your life."

Oh, I think that was already in the cards.

VariableSpin said...

Un-freaking-real. There's more evidence Barack Obama has been endorsed by space aliens (saw a picture at the check out stand the other day).

Here's a pic that ought to dispel this talk but instead will likely just generate a whole new layer on this batshit crazy conspiracy theory.

On the bright side, at least the morons that even considered this smear as credible have exposed themselves as such.

Cousin Bob said...

Here's the real deal:

Palin's a Witch.  Not some New Agey Wiccan Womyn. (Although she sometimes wears clogs like one)  Nope.  A real, Satan-worshiping, pentacle-dancing, Lilith-covenanting Witch.

Has anybody seen her actually run 10 miles?  I bet she just sets off, and, presto! shows up at the end of the course just like that.  I've read there's a picture of her really flying on her broom.  Somebody link that one up!

How could she do all the rest of the stuff she's supposed to have accomplished?  With 4, now 5 children??

Witchcraft, I'm telling you.

And "Trig" (a Pagan name if I ever saw one) really isn't the daughter's baby by the brother-in-law trooper.  Nope. That baby is the spawn of Satan!  Witch Palin wasn't worried about flying back to Alaska with broken water.  That baby can't be harmed, because he isn't human!

All this Christian happy-family crap is a smoke screen to cover up a serious coven of witches.  Her daughter missing most of the school year with "mononucleosis?"  Nonsense!  She was preparing for the initiation rites!

I think if McCain is finally going to look into all this, he got to have an expert in spectral evidence to do it.  Otherwise, it's all going to be a whitewash.

I'm telling you, they did things right in back 1692.

Fen said...

TalkLeft; Jeralyn: "It also gives me another excuse to remind commenters that this site supports the Democratic ticket and comments expressing support for McCain/Palin or opposition to Obama/Biden are limited to four per 24 hour period."


Zachary Sire said...

The next piece of evidence that Kos will present?

Oh no!

Palladian said...

Zachary, that picture highlights the INJUSTICE of Amerikkkan society, that limbless, headless black torsos are forced to wear a WHITE PERSON COLORED fake pregnant pillow. And I thought that Band-Aids and "flesh" colored Crayolas were bad!

Synova said...

LOL, Cousin Bob.

The rule of Lemnity said...

"It also gives me another excuse to remind commenters that this site supports the Democratic ticket and comments expressing support for McCain/Palin or opposition to Obama/Biden are limited to four per 24 hour period."

Exactly.. Ann's idea of brutal neutrality is an alien concept.

vbspurs said...

Jackson whew. ;)

You know, actually I think this thread has turned out to be like a decompressing chamber, or to let off steam.

It's been catharctic for both Left and Right-leaning commenters.

I'll go further.

This disgusting smear has made me more attune to future smears -- including those directed towards Obama by either PUMAs or Republicans.

It's one thing to ask legitimate questions. It's another thing to reek of desperation by libelling without any facts whatsoever, apart from "you can't let that side win!!".



Stephen said...

Time for idiots to slink away.

vbspurs said...

Oh no!

Oh sh*t!

The rule of Lemnity said...

By alien I mean outerspace.

I'm a alien born in the Dominican Republic.

I became a US citizen back in the late 80's.

Keioki said...

Sen. McCain meets and talks to Gov. Palin in Feb. of this year. Then several more times till Fri. She has her baby in April. Do you think anyone would have noticed she wasn't pregnant at that first meeting and then been surprised by the birth announcement and still let the vetting process continue? The vetting team would have let that little discrepency slide?

vbspurs said...

Stephen linked to Ace:

Okay, Drudge has the story. Townhall has the story. Ace has the story. The Audacity of Hypocrisy has the story. It's being Digged all over. And Alan Colmes made himself look like a putz (shockingly! I always thought he was one of the better guys).

So, it's easy for Fox News to come out and present the "smear campaign" for what it is, and to show the pregnancy photos.

If this happens, it will make the Left look UNBELIEVABLY BAD and give this woman a huge sympathy vote from ever more people.

Nice going, Koscraps.

Unless Palin farts on the RNC stage, or has a Girl Gone Wild Moment with Jill Biden, you just cost your candidate the election.

Peter Hoh said...

Sullivan has put up a white flag. Well, not really.

Bruce Hayden said...

Here are pictures of Gov. Sarah Palin pregnant, etc.. Also note that the picture of the daughter was in 2006, not 2008.

vbspurs said...

Sullivan has put up a white flag. Well, not really.

A rainbow one with glitter?

Peter Hoh said...


amba said...

*retching noise*

The Bridget McCain smear seemed about as low as you could go at the time. This seems even lower (do slimeball types feel freer to slime women more intimately?).

It is beyond revolting. The people who do this kind of thing tend to drive me into the arms of the other side (only, often, to find there revolting smears that drive me back again). Civilization is over, folks.

And it damages the candidate on whose "behalf" it is supposedly done. I agree with V -- Obama is surely appalled.

vbspurs said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
vbspurs said...

(do slimeball types feel freer to slime women more intimately?).

Yes. :(

Hence what 7 Machos believed, that sexism is dead, but then reappraised, that it is, means his latter hunch was the more correct.

vbspurs said...


I wanted to be present for 400, but it's best to say night-night.

Peter Hoh said...

I wish I could remember where I saw it, but on one of the liberal blogs, a commenter said that this was going to be like Rathergate. I think he or she was right.

Anonymous said...

There is a blood test you know.
Didn't the doctors give her an option to abort when they found out about the downs? If it gets out of hand Sarah just has to reveal the test and do something Edwards can't/won't do.

amba said...

I think Pierre is onto something.

It feels like a civil war is brewing to me.

The two sides in this culture war may already have passed the point where they are irreconcilable.

Roe v. Wade has been part of the problem, but if/when it goes down, I have this vision of "ideological cleansing" where the two Americas become physically as well as morally separate. We're already on the way there. The coasts are blue, like the two halves of original Pakistan.

I can imagine at least some elements of the two communities going to war. Speech lays tracks in the brain for action.

Ben (The Tiger in Exile) said...

No civil war here.

Not even a duel.

Just some sad people discrediting themselves by attacking a political opponent.

amba said...

The issues in this election do not remotely approach civil war.

Seven -- you kidding? Abortion being compared to slavery and the Holocaust?

Headmistress, zookeeper said...

I'm talking about a stranger to you and to me and to everyone on this blog.

She's a politician.

The 16 year old girl whose weight, shape, physical appearance, morals, and private life are under discussion is not. No 16 year old girl should be treated this way. It's despicable.

The nutcases have posted a picture dated 2006 as 'proof' that the baby born in 2008 is hers. I don't even think they could keep the girls straight- some commenters pointed to one girl in a family picture as 'obviously' pregnant, others pointed to the other one.

Daniel said...

I've been reading this thread in slack-jawed amazement. Is it actually possible that the question of Trig's parentage is being turned into a serious issue by a significant number of leftists? Or are people here just exaggerating the impact of a few insane left-wing commentators?

One word for everyone: DNA.

This is not a subtle question, which is subject to conflicting photographs of possible pregnancy or clever detective work involving hospital records and witnesses. If it were ever necessary, it could be proven conclusively that the baby was Sarah's rather than her daughter's (or vice versa, for that matter). The baby would share half of his genes with his mother, but only a quarter of his genes with his grandmother.

I fully expect the Palin family to laugh off any inquiries about Trig's parentage. If leftists are so suicidal as to continue pursuing this, and to ramp it up into something which would garner major attention from mainstream media, then at the appropriate time the Palin family can blow it out of the water with a simple DNA test, and thereby garner an enormous sympathy backlash which will seal an election landslide.

Anonymous said...

One of Obama's stated reasons for refusing public funding was that McCain wasn't willing or able to control the vicious attacks that his supporters were going to run against Obama. Seems McCain isn't the only one with command and control problems.

What makes you think Obama has C&C problems? In feudal Japan the Samauri was the epitamy of honor and integrity. No samauri would ever even think of doing something dishonorable. So when samauri ran into a problem they couldn't deal with honorably and with integrity they flipped open the phone and called the ninjas on speed dial.

The KOS Kiddies are Obama's ninjas. It's their job to sling his mud so he doesn't get his hands dirty. The minute he found out who McCain's VP choice was his people were down in the lobby on payphones calling the troops and telling them to "dirty her up a little". Nothing personal, just Chicago politics.

Ben (The Tiger in Exile) said...

Come on, 10 more comments! (9 now, I guess...)

James said...

They're handing it over to McCain/Palin the more they do this. They expose the ugliness of their souls and the sad state of their so called minds.

They don't even know the woman, but they want to destroy her and her family.

Because they know they are going to lose, once again. Even when they though it was going to be a cake walk.

Well, the cake is a lie. (Sorry, geek joke there.)

Squatch said...


Oh, dear. Somehow I've wandered into a performance of the 'Vagina Dialogues'...

Anonymous said...

Maybe they need to go back to Claude Pepper's experience in the 50s, where his incumbent opponent claimed Pepper was a known homo sapiens and that his sister was an admitted thespian. At least those were original.

Just for the record, Smauthers never made that speech: It was a hoax conceived by one of the reporters following him around on the stump. Both Smauthers and the reporters denied him ever making it.

Still funny as helly, though...

Peg C. said...

I thought the Left could not get any more repugnant. I was wrong. I am repulsed.

To go after a Down's Syndrome baby and a teenaged girl is truly beyond the pale.

vbspurs said...

Oh, dear. Somehow I've wandered into a performance of the 'Vagina Dialogues'...

It amuses me to contribute to this.

"Three Men and a Vagina: The Presidential Campaign of 2008"

"Gone With the Vagina: How Dumping Hillary and Choosing Obama Lost The Democrats The Election"

"My Big Fat Greek Vagina: George Stephanopoulos' DNC Journal"

vbspurs said...

Both Smauthers and the reporters denied him ever making it.

I'm not the Spelling Nazi, but it's George Smathers. ;)

The Univ of Miami has a building named after him. Very influential Florida family (and one of JFK's best friends), but somewhat eclipsed these days.

Anonymous said...

Legends of the Vagina is a lot more like it. Or Eternal Vagina of the Nutty Leftist Mind. Or Andrew Sullivan: Vagina Detective.

Ben (The Tiger in Exile) said...

"The Vagina Mutiny": overeager smear merchants create a giant backlash against their preferred candidate.

vbspurs said...

"Citizen Vagina: The Andrew Sullivan Story"

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