৭ আগস্ট, ২০০৮

"Is Obama the End of Black Politics?"

Asks Matt Bai in the NYT Magazine.

১৮টি মন্তব্য:

bleeper বলেছেন...

Not if he loses.

TMink বলেছেন...

Ya know, Black people are tough. They survived slavery, they survived Jim Crow, they survived David Duke and the Klan.

The race pimps will find a way to make it work for awhile longer. I bet they see their increasing difficulties of selling their garbage in a loss of income though! And that makes me happy.


AllenS বলেছেন...

Not by a long shot.

Sloanasaurus বলেছেন...

Not even close.

Read Obama's energy plan. It's a joke. It's all about giving people stuff for free. It's about giving peole new appliances, new homes, stimulus checks, etc... all paid for by the wealthy.

That is black politics as usual.

I'm Full of Soup বলেছেন...

Bai is missing the bigger question. He should be asking if it is the end of "victim politics" not just black politics.

This election may be a tipping point between our current path that is dominated by capitalism, self-sufficiency and entrepreneurship vs. a new path offering Euro style socialism and more & more wealth re-distribution.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

This election may be a tipping point between our current path that is dominated by capitalism, self-sufficiency and entrepreneurship vs. a new path offering Euro style socialism and more & more wealth re-distribution.

One could argue that the 1932 election decided that question.

I'm Full of Soup বলেছেন...

History may be repeating itself Randy. Anyway, what was it like in 1932? :)

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Long before my time. According to contemporary and historical accounts, it was bleak, AJ. Very bleak. ;-)

Hoosier Daddy বলেছেন...

If Bambi becoming president would be the end of the race hustlers like Jackson and Sharpton who would then have to get real jobs cause the woe is me victim shctick wouldn't work anymore, I could live with it for one term (since that's all he'd have anyway).

Blue Moon বলেছেন...

The era of black politics will end when the era of white, working class resentment politics ends. So I vote no.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Who is Bambi?

AllenS বলেছেন...

I used to be part of the white working class. Guess what. Employers are hiring Africans from Africa, and minorities from other countries, and not boyz from the hood. Immigrants don't carry any bitterness, they just want to work and learn. White people want to work with people who also want to work. You should see the division and separation between Africans and blacks from the hood.

Hoosier Daddy বলেছেন...

The era of black politics will end when the era of white, working class resentment politics ends.

What exactly is white working class resentment?

TMink বলেছেন...

White working class resentment? That is me (a psychologist) and two Pediatricians and three nurses complaining about the people in America who won't get off their ass and do a day's work. That conversation happened immediately prior to me reading this post.

Resentment is from the makers who produce wealth being sick to death of freeloading ingrate takers.

It is not white, it is not working class (three of us were professionals and three were working class) it is resentment from people who work against people who will not work and expect me to pay them for it. Two of the nurses were black.

There is PLENTY of resentment. And most of it is the only thing that the takers in this society have ever earned.


blake বলেছেন...


Interesting point.

I don't see resentment against color, against immigrants or against class.

I do see that the working folk--I don't mean working class folk, but just the guys who hunker down and do their jobs, from the mail room to the execs--tend to get along, in and out of the office.

Methadras বলেছেন...

Randy said...

Who is Bambi?

Your god, Mr. Barely, the blessed little black boy. Come on, get with the program.

TMink বলেছেন...

Blake, I think that the working folk feel a kinship and that helps us get along. And we share the resentment against the freeloaders.

There is a HUGE connection between the freeloaders and the illegal immigrant problems. One thing that most of the illegals have is a work ethic, something that many of the poor in America have not had for generations! So as a country we are importing our poor who have a work ethic to replace the good for nothing vampires that we pay to stay poor and vote Democratic.

Not that I am fucking bitter and angry or anything. 8)


blake বলেছেন...

lol, no bitterness at all, no...

This is why I'm an open borders guy (though I admit the closed borders guys make good points). Living in L.A., I've met the illegal immigrant and they is us.

Well, sort of us from the '50s. A little more Catholic, but a lot hardworking, family-loving, grateful for the opportunity type folk.

(That said--and they'd agree with me--the real criminals got to go.)