৭ আগস্ট, ২০০৮

"I ate orange slices topped with crushed olives, oil, and fennel seeds... I ate cabbage and beans with garlic and oil, and even that was mesmerizing."

Posh vegetarian cookery.
[Marco] Folicaldi believes in using “too much” garlic, and he’s not shy about large quantities of olive oil or cheese either, so the food is consistently strong-flavored and rich.
Vegetarianism is no more a weight-loss strategy than meat-eating.

৭টি মন্তব্য:

Bob বলেছেন...

I remember reading Eueull Gibbons' books years ago, and he used to accept challenges to eat his mostly-vegetarian, gathered-naturally meals at places like New York's Central Park, and he would almost invariably gain weight from doing so.

It's just a matter of metabolism and caloric intake, whether the raw material is vegetable in nature or animal.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Sure, fine, okay. Vegetable are good.

Now let's move on to more important matters.

Doggone it Trooper, now you get both Eli Manning and Brett Favre playing for your home teams.

Can yo imagine a Jets/Giants Super Bowl? That is soooo unfair.

Enjoy the Favre show while it's in your town.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

I was a vegetarian for 3 years back in the 90s and it definitely caused me to gain weight. You naturally compensate for the loss of the concentrated nutrition of meat with increased fat and a bizarre wolfing of low nutrition carbohydrates.

knox বলেছেন...

Same for me when I was a vegetarian.

Peter V. Bella বলেছেন...

Is it just me or does that chef resemble Rasputin?

blake বলেছেন...

And yet...

You ever watch one of those shows where they're interviewing vegetarians and non-vegetarians?

It's always clear who's who.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Oranges with crushed olives? That would take my breath away, too, and not in a good way. But I guess I'm morally of a lower order--I like animal protein and accept nature.

The South Beach Diet, which I love, explains why eating carbs all the time makes you crave more carbs. So, yes, a vegetarian diet would do that, unless you ran a marathon every day.