August 7, 2008

Hillary keeps hearing about that "incredible pent-up desire."

And she's thinking about how to satisfy it.

"People want to feel like, okay, it's a catharsis."


Harsh Pencil said...

It's 7:35 AM. Don't do this to us.

Anonymous said...

Frankly, I think the jist here is right. Obama's a failed candidate and, as much as I loather her, Hillary would be a far better leader and president...of this I have no doubt. If Obama takes the presidency, it will only be because Hillary lacked the audacity to knock him down, and the best the repubs could throw at him was a well-meaning and honorable geriatric.

George M. Spencer said...

Hill just sweeps the nice lady vote.

So polite!

Constant Comment Tea for everyone!!


Let's all yoga now!!

Ron said...

Let's see...ancient Greek reference...woman who foresees doom, but is not believed...oh yeah, Hillary!

Bissage said...

Right now, I don't have time to read the article or watch the video.

But just in case . . .

I'm going to type out the word . . .


bleeper said...

If she had dealt with that earlier her husband would not have been impeached.

Anonymous said...


Isn't this Hillary's way of telling Obama that he hasn't ... uh ... (cough) donated enough (cough) to buy her silence or support?

Isn't Hillary's newfound desire for a vote really her way of extracting some cash money out of the Obama?

Hasn't it always been about that?

rhhardin said...

She's used to free-range desire.

Simon said...

Yachira: Well, "Obama has lost ground among some of his strongest bases of support, including young people, women, Democrats and independents, according to a new ATV/Zogby poll." And that's Zogby! In the last month, "[a]mong voters aged 18-29, Obama lost 16 percent and McCain gained 20, ... [a]mong women, McCain gained 10 percentage points"; "[a]mong independents, Obama lost an 11 point lead"; and "[a]mong Catholics, Obama lost the 11 point lead he had in July and now trails McCain by 15." And then there's the poll that finds people are sick of hearing about Obama.

Simon said...

Slim999 said...
"Isn't Hillary's newfound desire for a vote really her way of extracting some cash money out of the Obama? Hasn't it always been about that?"

I thought the game was to find a way to do everything possible to ensure he loses while looking like you're a good sport who's doing everything possible to ensure he wins. That's her path to the "I told you so" nomination in '12.

Meade said...

I Know Why the Caged Hillary Hen Sings

Oxford Dictionary
catharsis, the effect of ‘purgation’ or ‘purification’ achieved by tragic drama, according to Aristotle's argument in his Poetics (4th century BCE). Aristotle wrote that a tragedy should succeed ‘in arousing pity and fear in such a way as to accomplish a catharsis of such emotions’. There has been much dispute about his meaning, but Aristotle seems to be rejecting Plato's hostile view of poetry as an unhealthy emotional stimulant. His metaphor of emotional cleansing has been read as a solution to the puzzle of audiences' pleasure or relief in witnessing the disturbing events enacted in tragedies. Another interpretation is that it is the protagonist's guilt that is purged, rather than the audience's feeling of terror.

Pity, fear, unhealthy emotional stimulation, disturbing events, guilt, terror. Should make for one hell of a Democratic Convention.

Christy said...

Video is down. Inquiring minds want to know what's up?

Anonymous said...

Someone yells out "vice president" to Hillary.

Would she take the VP offer? Would Obama make the offer?

Maybe I'm showing my ignorance of the Clintons (or newly-learned acceptance of their flaws), but I'm just not clear on these questions.

Willys said...

Why do the leftovers find it necessary to make the ol' gas bag feel good about herself.

Even when they giggle they sound like a gaggle of turkeys.

Simon said...

Quayle said...
"Would she take the VP offer?"

As Joe Lieberman and John Edwards were the most recent to discover, being the veep on a losing ticket buys you nothing four years later. And Hillary knows Obama can't win.

Anonymous said...

Words I can't make go together..

Hillary and desire

Does not compute

"Daisy, Daisy give me your answer please..."

AllenS said...

I think the Clinton's see Obama's numbers starting to go south, and think that maybe, just maybe, there is an opening they can get their foot in. Once in, things might get ugly in Denver. Should make for some good blog postings. And the comments, can you imagine?

smitty1e said...

Mabye she could be McCain's VP? The give good photo together.

Peter V. Bella said...

Hillary who?

She is a loser and a has been. She is working with the Democratic Party on a plan and her vice presidential aspirations? Give us all a break here. She came in second. Second place in any competition is loser. The only thng she should and must do is to go back to being the junior Senator from NY and represent her constituents. Leave the rest to the winner.

Simon said...

MCG said...
"Second place in any competition is loser."

I'm reminded of a spoof motivational poster I saw a couple of years ago (you can imagine the accompanying picture): "The early bird gets the worm. But the second mouse gets the cheese."

Peter V. Bella said...

Simon said...
"The early bird gets the worm. But the second mouse gets the cheese."

Does this mean that the Dems are trading her to Green Bay?

TMink said...

Are Hillary's supporters as profoundly female as the video suggests or was that a women's only invitation?


Dewave said...

I don't think Hillary would take the VP spot, if offered, right now. Obama is looking weaker and weaker - why jump aboard the sinking ship?

If Obama fails she can say "I told you so" and be brilliantly positioned for 2012.

If Obama wins and she's the vice president, she doesn't really gain much.

And I don't even think Obama would offer her the VP...he is convinced he has it all sewn up, and has to worry that he'd be railroaded by the Clintons. People were worrying how much Bill Clinton would intrude with Hillary as president. With Hillary as vice president I think it would be, ironically, even worse, as you know he couldn't keep out of the spotlight :p

Chip Ahoy said...

Was a time when members of the electoral college placed votes for two people and the candidate with the lesser number of votes became the vice president. Those were the good ol' days? Wudn'nt? But then that dreadful Aaron Burr came along who couldn't get on and ruined the whole thing. I want another constitutional amendment reversing the twelfth, to get back to that. That way we can have the cake and eat the cake. Or have the cake and pick off the icing. Or have the cake and freeze a portion. Or have the cake, pick off some of the icing, give the extra icing to someone else and freeze a portion. OK forget about cake. It would just be better. We could get back to VP being meaningless island of isolation unless the Senate got stuck or the president died. See? everybody wins. Especially attractive with a fragile or elderly president.

Hillary. Now there's an ambitious and crafty maneuverer for you. Splendid presidential material.

Chris Althouse Cohen said...

I think if she isn't put up for the nomination and doesn't officially get the delegates she won (in the initial vote), it will make a lot of Hillary supporters angry. It's a legitimate concern, and pushing it aside is going to make it worse. She came a long way, and the real reward she gets from it is a sense of having run a historic campaign that went further towards the goal of electing the first woman President than anyone ever has before. The official delegate count is part of that legacy, and not acknowledging it in a significant way at the convention fuels the feelings of those who believe she was pushed aside. Obama giving her a little kudos and Clinton getting the chance to go up and endorse him again isn't enough. There needs to be an official recognition of the delegates she was awarded by her 17-18 million votes. And the media (Drudge) characterizing her as mischievous for even considering letting her delegates vote for her comes across as sexist to me and others.

Pax Federatica said...

Middle Class Guy: Simon said...
"The early bird gets the worm. But the second mouse gets the cheese."

Does this mean that the Dems are trading her to Green Bay?

If they were hoping to tap Brett Favre as Obama's VP, alas, they're not the early birds today.

And while we're on the subject of pro football: If Hillary, by some freakish turn of fate manages to pull out the Dem nomination from underneath Obama, will she give the acceptance speech at Invesco Field as Obama has planned? Seems to me that if she does, she’ll be doing it against a backdrop not of swooning followers, but of a giant Denver Broncos logo - as in, the pattern formed by the colors of that stadium’s empty seats.

Then again, if you stand back a ways and squint, that Broncos logo does kinda-sorta resemble the Democrats’ donkey.