August 17, 2008

Asked at the Saddleback Forum "when does a[n unborn] baby get human rights," why did Obama say the answer is "above my pay grade"?

Roger Kimball finds Obama's "above my pay grade" feint on abortion "insulting and mendacious."
It is insulting because it ostentatiously evades the question while giving a little wink to his home team: “Oh, these religious morons and their obsession with abortion! Of course, I could care less about it, but I also know it’s impolitic to say so, so I’ll emit a brief rhetoric fog and hope no one will notice.” And it’s mendacious because when it comes to “pay grades,” no one’s is higher than the President’s.
"Above my pay grade" does seem like an awful expression in this context. It made a bad impression on me when I heard it last night. (I said it sounded "cold.") But thinking about it this morning, I'm pretty sure he meant to refer to God.

"Above my pay grade" is an expression of humility and submission to God: I don't purport to answer the question that belongs to God. He's trying to be folksy, coining a phrase akin to "the man upstairs." When someone says "the man upstairs," you don't start railing about how we're on the top floor, but that's because we know we're dealing with a folksy expression. People are too touchy on the subject of abortion to process the less common "above my pay grade" as an expression.

Obama may have thought that, in a church, talking to a pastor, with religion hovering around every question, listeners would understand that he was putting himself beneath God. But I didn't pick that up last night, Roger Kimball isn't picking it up, and, scanning the articles on the subject this morning, I'd say almost no one heard it as a religious statement, so we must judge "above my pay grade" as a rhetorical misfire. But we shouldn't say it's "insulting and mendacious."


Now, let's also look at Rick Warren's rhetoric. He asked, after a preface about abortion, "when does a baby get human rights in your view?" And, most obviously, his use of "baby" instead of "fetus" or at least "unborn baby" conveys a lot of opinion. But look at what else Warren is doing. He is not asking when does life begin?, a question that is much more susceptible to Obama's answer that only God knows. Warren is asking when do rights begin? That makes it a legal question. And Warren even appends the phrase "in your view."

So Obama's answer — that it's not for him to say — is inapt. Obama answered the question he expected to hear. But Warren had the wit to frame the question in terms of a legal opinion that Obama was fully equipped to give. When does the baby have legal rights?

And we know Obama's answer to that question, don't we? I think his answer is: When it is completely outside of the mother's body. Is it any more subtle than that? If it is, it's not much more subtle, and it's no wonder Obama chose not to answer the question asked.

ADDED: Rick Warren is asked whether the "above my pay grade" answer was good enough:
No. I think he needed to be more specific on that. I happen to disagree with Barack on that. Like I said, he's a friend. But to me, I would not want to die and get before God one day and go, 'Oh, sorry, I didn't take the time to figure out' because if I was wrong then it had severe implications to my leadership if I had the ability to do something about it. He should either say, 'No scientifically, I do not believe it's a human being until X' or whatever it is or to say, 'Yes, I believe it is a human being at X point,' whether it's conception or anything else. But to just say 'I don't know' on the most divisive issue in America is not a clear enough answer for me.


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Unknown said...
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Craig Hickman said...

I don't know a single person who didn't understand what Barack's answer meant.

It's a cultural expression.

p. rich,

I could say the exact same thing about John Dangerous McCain.

In fact, I will say it and take one step further:

Anyone who votes for Him Who Lies is voting for death. He wants war, war, war. Wars are pro-death almost by definition.

So a vote for John McCain is NOT pro-life, it's pro-death.

How anyone with a brain and a modicum of insight doesn't see that is beyond me.

Craig Hickman said...

vbspurs said...

"insulting and mendacious."

I have to say, I looked at the replay of this answer, and was absolutely aghast.

I'll go on record by saying this is the worst answer I've heard from any US Presidential candidate, EVER.

If you're being honest then you haven't heard much.

KQuark said...

I don't know when life begins and anyone else who says so is arrogant and presumptuous.

But thanks to McBush I know know if you make $1,000,000 your lower middle class.

Synova said...

I don't know if anyone is scrolling down here anymore but it seems several people have shown up to say that *of course* the only honest answer is "I don't know."

That would be fine, if that's what he said... and then went on to say what he *does* know or how we can morally deal with that lack of certainty.

And I'd just like to say that if you're standing at the pearly gates and you try to excuse inaction through the guise of supposed humility you're going to look like you are... someone making excuses for tolerating something terrible.

"I'm not God. Life could begin at any point but since I don't know when that is I refused to to be so arrogant as to protect it for fear I would make a mistake and protect someone who wasn't really a person yet."

I mean... really!

Because you (or I, or Obama) can not possibly KNOW all we can do is choose the mistake we are most comfortable with making.

I'm most comfortable with the idea of accidentally protecting a baby who isn't really a baby yet.

How about you?

Someone said that the only people with certainty are those nasty pro-lifers who refuse to admit that they don't know. It's not true.

None of us know.

We just chose in which way we prefer to be wrong.

Living the Life said...

OK..this is it plain and simple. You are a person with a soul and with rights at the time of conception. When you die, God will confirm this with you. For people who think abortion is right because of the wrong time, wrong person, etc.... then don't be having sex with them!! It really is as easy as that. Don't we have any self control? The problems with our society could be solved with a little self-control but we are a society of I want it when, how, and where ...I want it and now.

jobs.steve5 said...

He's moved into the Edwards/Romney classification in my mind-- a pretty face who says things merely for political expediency.

My impression was that he was saying God determines life, not me or anyone else. However pious sounding, that's not actually true. The Supreme Court did, and the President makes policy based on such a determination.

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