August 22, 2008

The accuser in the Duke rape case is publishing a memoir.

And LaShawn Barber says:
If Crystal Mangum had any grace, she’d ask for God’s grace, get on with her life, make amends the best she can, and raise decent children. But she’s still trying to get paid.
According to the linked article, she's thinking of going to law school. Well, we'll see what she does with this memoir. Even if people buy this book, it won't work as a moneymaking scheme if it provokes a defamation lawsuit.


lurker2209 said...

Well, of course INAL, but it seemed to me that the one reason why the Duke students pursued a lawsuit against the school, but failed to file one against the accuser was the assumption that the accuser had little to no assets. If she changes that, couldn't they go after her? I'm seeing some sort of weird reversed parallel of OJ Simpson's memoir. Or maybe they'd actually rather sue to stop the book from going to press than sue for the proceeds from the sale. Actually, that strikes me as the more classy option.

vbspurs said...

Crystal Gail Mangum

Wait, Crystal Mangum was her REAL name? I thought it was her stripper name, a riff on for "Cristal Magnum".

Fook me.

X said...

Ann, do law schools ever adccept students without a bachelors degree?

rhhardin said...

I'd suggest skipping law school and running directly for prosecutor.

lurker2209 said...

X--According to the the article she graduated from North Carolina Central University last spring. And according to a comment on Barber's blog, Jesse Jackson gave her a scholarship for it!

The Drill SGT said...

NCCU apparently has a less than stellar set of academic standards for awarding its degrees.

I'd love to have Crystal apply to UW or Duke Law school. We'd see just how biased the admissions staff would be.

And of course her bar application would be another example of creative writing. Drug convictions, hooking, multiple false gang rape claims...

However, the book might do well in sales after all those Afro-American Studies Profs put it on their reading lists.

J said...

There isn't really any way to protect profits from criminal activity is there?

chuck b. said...

Maybe Cedarford can ghost write it.

Meade said...

rhhardin said...
"I'd suggest skipping law school and running directly for prosecutor."

That is funny!

Roger J. said...

You can't make this stuff up. Gaia have mercy on us all.

cardeblu said...

OT, but is anyone else having trouble with the rest of the main page loading past the McCain video?

Kirby Olson said...

The Democrats should put her on their ticket as soon as she's eligible. She can have the DA as her VP. Ayers can be the Attorney General.

Brian Doyle said...

Ah, the Duke Rape Case. Where else could wingnuts find such conclusive evidence that white people can't get a fair shake in this country anymore?

Methadras said...

The accuser in the Duke rape case is publishing a memoir.

That no will read.

Tari said...

So she's selling herself again - not a big surprise. We've already established what she is, now it's just matter of price ...

Kev said...

Wait, Crystal Mangum was her REAL name? I thought it was her stripper name, a riff on for "Cristal Magnum".

Well, she certainly could have been named after the champagne. After all, Halle Berry was named after a now-defunct Cleveland department store, and more than one sports-obsessed family has named a son ESPN.

Roger J. said...

Doyle: you were not troubled by the issues raised in the Duke rape hoax? I thought progressives stood for the rule of law and rights of defendants. Not so?

vbspurs said...

Kev, my current favourite is Timberland. ;)

But this guy's name is actually totally cool. His father must've been the Great Kreskin.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Who are the lowest of the low?

Class action attorneys or Used cars salesman or Book publishers?

KCFleming said...

The lowest of the low?

Duke professors.

Brian Doyle said...

I thought progressives stood for the rule of law and rights of defendants.

That's right. And conservatives stand for torture and indefinite detention without trial.

I don't wish the poor lads had gone to prison after having been falsely accused, but the reason it was made into such a world-historical event by wingnuts was because the victims were rich white lacrosse players and the villains were a black woman (women? I didn't follow the case very closely) and an ambitious politician capitalizing on resentment of rich white people.

There aren't that many stories so far this century that are as politically handy for conservatives as that one, which I think is really what explains its continued discussion more than the actual injustice.

d-day said...

Aren't there laws preventing people from profiting from their crimes? Isn't making a false police report a crime? Or do these types of laws not cover this situation (ie: has to be a violent crime, etc.).

I'm Full of Soup said...


The "exotic dancers" were paid to provide a "fair shake" at the party. Heh.

Salamandyr said...

So Doyle, it would have been better for those young men to be wrongfully convicted, a (white) overzealous prosecutor to ride their persecution to fortune, than for conservatives to have a counter-example?

Brian Doyle said...

Me: "I don't wish the poor lads had gone to prison after having been falsely accused"

Wingnut: "So Doyle, it would have been better for those young men to be wrongfully convicted...?"

It's like you need hand puppets to make yourself clear to these people.

KCFleming said...

Doyle said...
I don't wish the poor lads had gone to prison after having been falsely accused, but the reason it was made into such a...
Yeah, what's the big deal, whitey?

[there's ALWAYS a 'but', ain't there?]

And conservatives stand for torture and indefinite detention without trial.
The only useful rejoinder to such a vile slur is 'Go to hell, asshole'.

Roger J. said...

Doyle--some conservatives may stand for torture and indefinite detention, although the relevance of that statement seems to have little to do with the Duke rape hoax. And says far more about your ability to stereotype based on your particular view of the world.

reader_iam said...

People are naming their kids after cable channels now?


reader_iam said...

Doyle: Would you name your kid "Mets"?

Brian Doyle said...

If they win the Series this year I'll give it some thought.

Steven said...

So, Doyle, how long should POWs be detained, if indefinite detention until the cessation of hostilities is objectionable?

Or do you deny that there's any war being fought in either Iraq or Afghanistan?

Brian Doyle said...

Steven -

"The struggle against violent extremists will not end with a single battle or campaign. Rather, we will defeat them through the patient accumulation of quiet successes and the orchestration of all elements of national and international power. We will succeed by eliminating the ability of extremists to strike globally and catastrophically while also building the capacity and resolve of local governments to defeat them regionally. Victory will include discrediting extremist ideology, creating fissures between and among extremist groups and reducing them to the level of nuisance groups that can be tracked and handled by law enforcement capabilities."

- Sec. Robert Gates

Automatic_Wing said...

Great quote, but didn't answer the question. How long are they supposed to be detained if not until the war is over?

Brian Doyle said...

Until they are tried, of course.

Simon said...

chuck b. said...
"Maybe Cedarford can ghost write it."

I didn't know she was planning on blaming everything on the jews.

Revenant said...

Or do you deny that there's any war being fought in either Iraq or Afghanistan?

Good luck getting a straight answer out of him on that one, Steven. :)

Brian Doyle said...

Well since the governments of both Iraq and Afghanistan are ostensibly American allies, we're not at war WITH either country.

But obviously I think the idea of people detained in the War on Terror being POWs in the traditional sense, and keeping them locked up until the endless struggle ends is the kind of thing that only morons subscribe to.

Brian Doyle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Revenant said...

Well since the governments of both Iraq and Afghanistan are ostensibly American allies, we're not at war WITH either country.

Case in point, Steven. You ask if he thinks we're fighting a war IN Iraq or Afghanistan; Doyle replies that we aren't fighting a war WITH Iraq or Afghanistan. Your actual question remains conveniently unanswered. :)

Brian Doyle said...

The world's a complicated place, Rev. Maybe someday you'll understand.

Will Cate said...

Ya know what, Doyle, you're right. We do look after our own, us rich white folk. Safety in numbers, ya know. With a Marxist like Barrack Obama running for President, we pretty much have to be ready for anything.

Brian Doyle said...

Actually, to stoop to your level for a minute, I will deny that we are in a war in Iraq.

Revenant said...

The world's a complicated place, Rev. Maybe someday you'll understand.

And the non-responsive responses continue...

Revenant said...

Actually, to stoop to your level for a minute, I will deny that we are in a war in Iraq.

Thank you for "stooping" to the "level" of honesty.

You are, however, mistaken; Congress declared war on Al Qaeda and all its allies in September of 2001. Al Qaeda is in Iraq, and we are fighting them there, ergo we are fighting a war in Iraq. QED.

bleeper said...

I know too much about this case and Durham. That NCCU would matriculate this blue eyed blonde is not a surprise. It is a school with absolutely no standards.

NC AG Roy Cooper would not bring charges against Crystal as he thought her too demented to face charges. She is not well, but she should have been tried.

Mangum is the name she got from the owners of her ancestors. There are many Mangums in NC, but in Durham, they are mostly black.

She has 3 children, and even though I thought it witty to suggest, back when she was pregant right after she pressed false charges, that either Nifong or John Edwards was the father, truth is, she has never pinned paternity on anyone, and the state pays for all her children.

She is a complete and absolute mess of a human being, with no redeeming values.

To learn more, read "Durham in Wonderland" or "Until Proven Innocent". Then see if you can pull the lever for a race-baiting democrat.

Asante Samuel said...

The young woman in question is eminently qualified for admission to the Duke University School of Law. She is a minority female, a local girl, a state resident single mother with diverse work and life experience, and now a published author. Any admissions committee would be star-struck by her many and varied impressive recommendations, from Nifong to Brodhurst to Sharpton to Jackson to the famous Gang of 88. I'm not laughing, I'd read her book anyday.

She has a future in entertainment law or celebrity representation.

garage mahal said...

Al Qaeda is in Iraq

How in the hell did they get in there? They weren't in there before 9/11.

Jeremy said...

"but the reason it was made into such a world-historical event by wingnuts was because the victims were rich white lacrosse players and the villains were a black woman"

Misremembering? I'm pretty sure this story was huge long before we realized it was a fraud. Maybe you don't remember the 24/7 news coverage, the marches, the protests, the speechifications by the good right revs? All that was very early on. It was an event because it played into the standard stereotype of whitey man vicitimizing the poor black kids. It stood for a metaphor for the racial division in the town.

Asante Samuel said...

Being a graduate of a school with low or no standards, or being a complete and absolute mess of a human being with no redeeming values never kept anyone out of law school. These arguments are fatuous, not pertinent. If you don't believe me, ask the Robert W. & Irma M. Arthur-Bascom Professor of Law at the University of Wisconsin Law School.

They can admit anyone they want, anytime.

bleeper said...

Her story started to fall apart within a week. Only the true believers still believe that "something happened". She behaved in a crazy manner when interviewed by the AG's office, but questions remain as to whether or not she was acting.

She probably has Brodhead's number on her speed dial - they are tight.

Cedarford said...

"So, Doyle, how long should POWs be detained?"

Doyle - Until they are tried, of course......But obviously I think the idea of people detained in the War on Terror being POWs in the traditional sense, and keeping them locked up until the endless struggle ends is the kind of thing that only morons subscribe to.....

Yeah, that's real genius. The ACLU types and others ignore that in days before Geneva, enemy prisoners were slaughtered or enslaved, sometimes purchased back by their side...but no obligation of their care existed. Geneva imposed obligation to treat captured enemy safe and well, by listed standards, provided there was RECIPROCITY

Since the Islamoids do not abide by Geneva, fight out of uniform and outside rules of law, and blast the brains out of any prisoners they take or slit their throats, the ACLU geniuses and others of their ilk say that that
makes them civilian criminal suspects.
Entitled to not just Geneva rights, but US Constitutional rights as "merely accused, innocent until proven guilty lads".

And unless we can summon the witnesses that can prove each enemy engaged in criminal activity, under our US Court evidentiary standards, they should be let go.

We know already that such trials, as shown in the terror cases we let into civilian court like Moussaoui, Cole bombers, and the '93 WTC bombers, will be horrifically expensive to the US taxpayer and tie up huge numbers of people now fighting terrorists in trial paperwork instead.

About 20 million a Jihadi trial appears to be the average cost in lawyers, diverted military/FBI manpower.

That, with the coming sacrifices that must be asked of the public in the form of higher taxes and reduced government programs and services - is likely to be highly unacceptable to the public on cost and diverting key resources from the fight against those wishing lots of infodel deaths. And, since Muslim terror organizations have become adept Learning Organizations, they would be remiss at not having an agent or sympathic Lefty lawyer getting all the information they can about how the Jihadi was caught, what sources and methods were involved, the names and hometowns of the soldiers or FBI agents involved. Then passing all they learned to block new captures and take countermeasures against the Americans hunting them. As they did in the '93 trial when they learned we were monitoring terrorist satellite phone calls - and "went dark" within two days.

We had about 2 million Nazi POWs in WWII. While conflict was underway, not a single one was given a lawyer or a trial. After the conflict ended, a select few thousand of that number got trials. Most were inexpensive, 2 to 4 day wonders in front of military tribunals.
Only about 100 Nazis, well after the war was one and no one was trying to kill Allies - got the "deluxe" package Doyle and the ACLU wishes to give each Muslim fighter.

The public will not go for that. Justices Stevens, Ginsburg, Souter, and Breyer nonwithstanding.

They will say "enough!" when they are in misery over the fiscal austerity that will come due to the Bush deficits and see terrorist lawyers getting rich off their tax dollars. Or they will say "enough!" when some terrorist the court releases is caught killing GIs again in terror ops.

The other day, the Taliban overran a French patrol and captured 4 soldiers. Who they ended up executing within hours. How many US prisoners are alive and in Islamoid custody since the war started with them on 9/11? We have thousands in Gitmo, Iraq, Afghanistan that the Left sobs over how many American prisoners are in Islamoid hands and how are they faring?

The answer, of course, is that they hold no prisoners, except for a few days while they set up a head-chopping execution video.

The ethical thing to do is treat them like we treated Japs in WWII. Since the Japs rarely took prisoners on the battlefield, and treated the ones they did get brutally and outside Geneva, even civilians - causing mass POW deaths....The Allies, from the British in Burma, to the Chinese and Soviets in the Far East, to the Americans and Aussies learned to treat them in like fashion. No Quarter given by the enemy side? OK, then the enemy is subject to the same...

This actually can modify treatment in wartime for the better. Reciprocity in treatment has made many enemy starting with "take no prisoner" campaigns change behavior as their civilians and soldiers learn that they will be treated the same.

Way OT on the subject of the whore Crystal Gayle Mangum....
But the less said about that lying skank the better.
Unless she shows up with Jesse or at an Obama rally.
(Come on, Republican dirty tricksters! 10K is a lot of money, but as payment for a picture of the stripper/prostitute "Precious" hugging Barack? Priceless!)

Revenant said...

"Al Qaeda is in Iraq"

How in the hell did they get in there?

Mostly by crossing the border from Syria and Saudi Arabia.

They weren't in there before 9/11.

Not in significant numbers, no. A different enemy was controlling the territory in question at the time. After we defeated that enemy, others tried to take advantage of the power vacuum to establish power in the area. That's around the time when Democrats began insisting we immediately surrender and retreat back to America.

Fortunately we stayed, and have been doing a pretty good job of defeating the Al Qaeda factions operating in Iraq. We also scored something of a propaganda victory in that Al Qaeda's relentless killing of innocent Muslim civilians really cost them support among the so-called "moderate Muslims" of the Middle East.

Revenant said...

Misremembering? I'm pretty sure this story was huge long before we realized it was a fraud. Maybe you don't remember the 24/7 news coverage, the marches, the protests, the speechifications by the good right revs? All that was very early on.

Quite right. The reason the story was such a big hit among non-leftist blogs is that it started out as a wet dream for the Left -- poor black "victim", evil rich white "rapists", etc. Just as the usual suspects were finished marshaling their lynch mob, the story completely fell apart. Even better, the members of the mob absolutely refused to see reason. Even the mainstream media stuck to the "rich kids = evil, woman = innocent" storyline well past the point where rational folk would have admitted error.

It was like shooting fish in a barrel... month after month. That's why it was such a big hit. Everyone with common sense was outraged at the behavior of Nifong and the 88, which meant that anybody looking to write an entirely justified yet scathing blog post had no end of juicy material for it.

blake said...

Apparently, the answer to any topic is IRAQ! ABU GRAHIB! GITMO! TORCHAAAA! (You have to jump to the very end, about 9:20 into it. YouTube should figure out a way to link into a video. It wouldn't be hard.)

The Drill SGT said...

Dr kill,

Rather than dump on your hostess, I would use as an example the:

"Clinical Associate Professor of Law" at Northwestern.

Her father in law got her the job.

Bill Ayer's wife: bernadette dohrn

A Law professor, unfit and unable to practice law in the state she teaches in.

KCFleming said...

What could she possibly write?

Shallow and egotistical, unable to control her desires or appetites, she is the ne plus ultra of the modern American, more: an exemplar of a 'citizen of the world'. She is a barbarian.

Her completely false accusation (a story that varied with her lucidity) was but the standard template for academic resentment studies, whether feminist, black, or gay, in which truth is malleable, nothing but the "projection of current grievances, real or imagined, used to justify and inflame resentment."

The professors played their usual role, trying to use the mass media to mislead and manipulate. Stupid, venal, and evil, they wanted to be like the Red Queen: 'Sentence first - verdict afterwards.' Even as the prosecution's story crumbled, they still went after these young men.

They have in their foucauldian methods, their deconstructionism, their balkanization of universities, their perpetual protests and complaints reflecting merely the adolescent "who has discovered with bitterness that being born privileged does not alter the conditions and limitations of human existence," these university professors have now set a pattern for women like this, to destroy for others what they themselves have benefited from.

And thus a liar tells her tale, lacking shame or any sense of the need to feel it, pursuing the fruit denied her with the first fiction, graduates in a town whose university dismissed her victims, and aims toward law (law!!) to further sate her demands on the world. Her community does not condemn her, nor does it hold accountable the mendacious teachers. They remain as ever, right justified.

This is now our state.

Peter V. Bella said...

Doyle said...
I thought progressives stood for the rule of law and rights of defendants.

That's right. And conservatives stand for torture and indefinite detention without trial.

Some of the worst civil rights violations against American citizens were committed by the administrations of Harry Truman, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Baines Johnson, and that pure hearted saint, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Progressives and liberals all. And their administrations are praised by the progressive left. Go figure.

William said...

Some time back I read the autobiography of Milton Berle. It was fascinating. The man had monsters in his closet and was blissfully unaware of their significance. On the day his overbearing stage mother died, he felt the need to don women's clothes and put on a show. He felt it was his duty to show business. Very few people are able to operate at that level of unself awareness....I think a memoir by Crystal, however self deluded, would be edifying reading. In fact the more self deluded it was the more it would tell us about her and about ourselves. A life as screwed up as Crystal's has many causes. If she can pass off all the cascading bad decisions in her life as the simple result of racism, it would speak less to her understanding and more to the power of that belief to distort understanding. People rarely understand their own lives, but some misunderstandings are truly staggering.

Methadras said...

Doyle said...

I thought progressives stood for the rule of law and rights of defendants.

That's right. And conservatives stand for torture and indefinite detention without trial.

This is fabulous moral equivocation and discourse on the though process of a delusional individual. What better example, then you Doyle, to illustrate why leftist are basically political pond scum. How is it that you have ascribed to a political ideology based on misery, inadequacy, injustices, failure, doom, and death. How do come to grips that you write the pablum that you spew while at the same time have a completely distorted view of how things are? Or is the veneer of your ideological vision so myopic that you simply are incapable of having a different viewpoint that doesn't include idiotic nonsense like the quote I highlighted above.

Are you so deranged that you try to make an equivalence like that one and get away with it? You are trapped and mired in woeful hatred. That's the ideology of a lefist. Get out before it's to late.

Peter V. Bella said...

The Drill SGT said...
Dr kill,

Rather than dump on your hostess, I would use as an example the:

"Clinical Associate Professor of Law" at Northwestern.

Her father in law got her the job.

Bill Ayer's wife: bernadette dohrn

A Law professor, unfit and unable to practice law in the state she teaches in.

You left out the fact that, like her husband, she is a well "respected" professor and an expert in gobbledygook.

While we are on the topic, is it not truly amazing that the so called progressives never complain about the kids from wealthy families who commit heinous crimes in the name of progressivism- read radical- get away with them, and use their family’s wealth and political connections to become respectable. If you are a fat cat rich white progressive it is OK to bomb innocent people, cause property damage, and declare war on innocents in your own country, get away with it, and become a role model for others like you. Ah, those progressives. Aren’t they just wonderful people? They do so much good.

The Exalted said...

doyle, pogo, etc, you're totally locked in by ideological straitjackets if you think the duke LAX case blew up b/c of "left" or "right" agendas

unless you think ESPN is inherently "left" or "right"

ESPN was all over the story 24/7 from the getgo, it was nauseating, particularly b/c i thought it was total horsesh*t immediately

our national media, led by maroons like nancy grace, has degenerated into a glorified tabloid running to and exploding local story after local story into national "news."

it was the media, and nifong, that turned the case into such a debacle. then, as the *real* facts started dribbling out simultaneously with prosecutorial misconduct and Duke administration spinelessness/overreaction, the patent injustice kept it going in the national consciousness.

Peter V. Bella said...

Ya know,
If those guyswould never have hired a hooker, oops, stripper, oops, exotic dancer/performance artist, in the first place this would never have been news.

Ann Althouse said...

"What could she possibly write?"

She has an extremely interesting story if she is able to be brutally honest about what she did and how she felt at each stage. That's what makes a good memoir.

Cedarford said...

Peter v. Bella Ya know,
If those guyswould never have hired a hooker, oops, stripper, oops, exotic dancer/performance artist, in the first place this would never have been news.

Yah, and if many independent-minded women had not gone out alone on the town in revealing attire and had not gotten drunk - they never would have been raped.

And if someone had been smarter and gone to the ATM at 2 PM vs 2 AM, they never would have invited the street thugs that came by to rob and shoot them.

And if the seniors had only been smarter and more skeptical, they never would have given 10,000 for the nice guy to reshingle their roof and redo their driveway and who ran off with their money.

Always the victims fault, in Lefty minds, because they DRIVE the poor criminal to rape, kill, or rob.

Arguing that several dozen Duke students who engaged in lawful activity (hiring dancers for a party) brought the crime of false rape accusations on themseoves is more Lefty blame the victim, BS.

Asante Samuel said...

Dudes and dudettes, my posts have not dumped on AA, if that's the way they are interpreted, I apologize to all, especially AA.

I'm not dumping on Crystal, either. She does have an extremely compelling personal story, and many times they stand out to admissions committees, who have to cut through hundreds of plain old vanilla applicants. That's what I tried, apparently unsuccessfully, to say. Good luck to her. And I hope that AA would agree with that.

blake said...

She has an extremely interesting story if she is able to be brutally honest about what she did and how she felt at each stage. That's what makes a good memoir.

That requires sanity, which she has not demonstrated in copious quantities to date.

Anyway, I'm inclined to agree with The Exalted. Yeah, it's a leftist media and it fits a leftist narrative really well but the $$$ from the outrage is irresistible to the media.

I mean, they fought reporting on Lewisnky until Drudge forced their hand--but once he had forced their hand, it was an orgy of coverage (along with a lot of self-flagellation about whether the orgy of coverage was seemly, which is something you don't see when it doesn't fit the left-leaning narrative).

But we would see--and I think we have seen, historically--that a right leaning media would behave more or less the same.

Christy said...

I sincerely hope that this poor excuse for a mother has cleaned up her act. If I remember correctly, it is as Bleeper noted, she was so obviously incompetent to stand trial that no one objected heartily when when wasn't prosecuted.

It could be an interesting memoir, guys. She could talk about how Tara Levicy, when Crystal was still stoned and just barely conscious planted the seeds of what would become the story of the awful rape. She could tell us that Victoria Patterson convinced her she would have a huge payday if she went through with it. She could tell us that the lead investigator (whose name I forget, but you remember, he was the gospel singer) came to her and said her story didn't fit the evidence and here is how they could change it so that it did. She could share the help she received from the Gang of 88. She could tell us of all the Durham officials who used her services regularly. Now that could be a best seller.

Peter V. Bella said...

Ah, Cedarford,
I am no lefty. BTW, I thought us brutal righties were the "blame the victim" people. According to the left, everyone IS a victim. I have no pity for those poor innocent Duke students.

Trooper York said...

Two things that won't happen in this century.

The Mets winning the World Series.

Doyle reproducing.

William said...

It is a melancholy fact that the more you screw up your life the greater need you have to project the guilt for your failures onto others. Crystal has certainly done a good job of rolling her life into one big ball of crap and getting others to roll that ball up the hill for her. Honest self-analysis will never be one of her strong points. What would be revelatory would be the lies she tells and which of those lies we choose to believe.....During one of his routines, Chris Rock said that if your daughter is a stripper, you are a failure as a father and no two ways about it. Don't expect any insights like that from her or her family.

Christy said...

No redemption for Crystal. Here is one of the defense lawyers talking about this.

KCFleming said...

Trooper York said...
Two things that won't happen in this century.
...Doyle reproducing.

Unless by spores or pseudopods.

Peter V. Bella said...

Trooper York said...
Two things that won't happen in this century.

The Mets winning the World Series.

Doyle reproducing.

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd, the Red Sox still suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

reader_iam said...

If I should, by some act of, if not miracle, then insanity, pop twins, specifically girls, I'm thinking of naming them after Ted's and Rupert's spawn:

CNN and Fox. (As ESPN is pronounced "Espn," so CNN is pronounced "Sin," please note.)

reader_iam said...

Should I pop one that is not my husband's***, DH is suggesting I name the child after the History Network. With "HSN" being pronounced "hs'n," of course.

***As little chance as there is that I will pop any, there is even less that he or she (much less they) would NOT be DH's. But for the sake of the gag, we're both willing to hint at the possibility for posterity on the intertubes.

Trooper York said...

Well if he is the DH then he is the designated hitter. And you would be the designated hittee.

Just goes to show that you are an American League team

reader_iam said...

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd, I'd still take the Red Sox over the Yanks. Or Giants, for that matter. Or Mets. To mix both metaphors and sports.


; )

reader_iam said...

Trooper: Don't you mean catcher?

reader_iam said...

Ewwwww. But better I say it first. Right?

blake said...

How's Vegas, Troop?

Any prospective Mangums?

Daryl said...

Should I pop one that is not my husband's***, DH is suggesting I name the child after the History Network. With "HSN" being pronounced "hs'n," of course.

That's the "Home Shopping Network"

And there probably is someone out there named named "Quivec"

How I pity that child . . .

Trooper York said...

In baseball hetero sexual terms, the hittee is the young lady that when you see her you say "I'd hit that."

In both baseball and homosexual terms, a catcher is Mike Piazza.

Trooper York said...

Vegas updates are posted on my blog, no need to stop the Joe Biden talk.

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