He's a big celebrity, like Britney Spears and Paris Hilton... and gas prices are terrible.... get it? Being really famous and popular often goes along with being an empty nitwit, so if Obama is famous and popular, he's probably an empty nitwit. And gas prices are terrible.
∴ McCain.
It's logic!
IN THE COMMENTS: Bissage sings:
Life goes on, brah!
La la how the life goes on.
I don't know if this will work. Also, I was wondering if they need to get Brittany and Paris's permission to put their pictures in his ad.
Blogging Cock with a sun hat on.
Being really famous and popular often goes along with being an empty nitwit
Well, it's not too far a leap from "empty nitwit" to "empty suit," which is what they're really getting at. But yes, there's a bit of mixing in that message.
Re: Titus, you might be right. Like that other add that had some copyrighted pop ditty in it, they might have to take this one down soon.
At least it wasn't the picture of Brittany with her shaved cooch-that would of been funny though.
Actually, wait, not the subjects' permission -- probably the artists' permission. Or whoever published them, I guess.
Actually, Obama is very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very smart. I mean REALLY smart.
It goes with the territory when you are a world-class salesman, unctuously oozing the balm of empty words and vacuous promises of a future filled only with wealth and happiness, rainbows, lollipops, ice cream, and kittens.
I’d put Obama in the same league as a Joel Osteen or a Tim LaHaye - guys that have perfected the skill of "for-profit" ministries. They are both the same, one using religion, and one political and social salvation.
“Give me your money (or your vote) and I'll give you God and Heaven and Utopia in return.”
What a deal. I’m reaching for my wallet right now. Where do I pull the lever?
Or the picture of Paris washing a car with a Hardees burger-that would of been good too.
Joel Osteen
I don't think that guy's very smart. I've never seen anyone flailing about as badly as he did with L King's soft balls.
I don't follow the guy, maybe that was just a bad day for him.
Enough with the ∴!
I like the ad Ann- Obama is starting to sound like he is in too deep..uh uh uh uh uh.. and your law school fisking shows he is an empty vessel like Paris but at least I'd like to have drinks with Paris.
However to maintain your net neutrality you hafta put up a link to Ted Stevens doing the perp walk when it is available.
If John McCain has nothing better to spend his money on than crap like this, then it really must be true that he has little to offer the American people in the way of character or issues.
Eat your heart out Oprah.
Joel Osteen has his bead on a particular nerve of a whole lot of people, and Joel knows how to stimulate that nerve so they give him amounts estimated at $50M annually.
And that is brilliance. Not surprisingly, that is what a ton of other “self-called, self-appointed, self-promoting, for-profit evangelical ministers for ‘Christ’” call brilliance, and flat out envy.
Ironically, that is what some people (a lot, actually) claim is God and Christ's ministry.
Go figure. I sure can’t make out any semblance of godliness in that.
Semi-effective ad. If the McCain people had ended the ad with DRILL HERE! DRILL NOW! instead of the limp and confusing FOREIGN OIL it would have been a winner.
Joel Osteen is the antichrist... just kidding... sort of. He sure knows how to sell that snake oil. It's not Obama and Oprah that are a good match, its Oprah and Osteen. Both serve up that feel good "There are no obligations in this world except to just 'be nice' and 'believe that good things will happen.'"
Sorry about the rant, but Osteen makes me feel like some on this board feel about Obama.
How about Madonna in a cone bra.
Where is she?
She is more famous in the world than Brittany or Paris.
If I was Madonna I would be pissed.
Actually a picture of Madonna getting pissed on from her SEX book would of been perfect.
Are you joking?
You didn't get the McCain=America, BHO=notAmerica memo.
Do you suppose, when this tidal wave is over, that we'll all be washing our hair with Obama shampoo and brushing our teeth with Obama toothpaste?
(With due credit to Chris Rock)
John Edwards has the shampoo market cornered.
Weak ad. But nice work tagging Obama as just another fad.
One must not mock Dear Leader. He will lower the oceans and his shampoo will fix split ends.
He is a God that walks among people. Chuck Norris has a bracelet that reads "WWOD?".
lower case 'g' please.
"Being really famous and popular often goes along with being an empty nitwit ...."
Sometimes it does. But I don't think "nitwit" was the quality they were evoke, mostly because O is plainly far from a nitwit. Instead, the rock star stuff suggests "legend-in-his-own-mind" and "arrogant jackass" even more strongly, a target that is inviting because Team O has consistently been getting itself in trouble on that score. Just as Hillary! was making some progress with the elitist charge, especially in the rust belt states, in April/May, the McC campaign is trying to tag Team O in the same way. They're doing it (for now) with a lighter touch, and it may be so light as to be ineffective. (Hillary took a much more direct and blunt approach.)
The target audience is still the blue collar/middle income voter in the rust belt and fly-over country as it was for Hillary, among other reasons because that demographic/geographic will quite likely decide the election. And I think the message is resonating with the target audience (just as it did for Hillary!) because Team O has given them a lot to work with.
Predictably, this commercial is being denounced as racist for having a white woman in it. As it would have been if it had a black woman in it... or a black man... or a white man. Or a dog or a cat.
Really? Why? He is a God. Ask his disciples. He is the bringer of Hope and Change. The smoker of Menthol Cigarettes. He is the one True God for us all. He cannot abide a lower case anything. Learn To Fear His Wrath, as it is Mighty.
...and I should vote for McCain why, exactly, based on this ad?
When a Senator is running for President, and he complains about something not working right in America -- offshore drilling, for example -- I have to wonder what he's been doing in the Senate for the past 20+ years.
Phil Gramm was right. McCain is a whiner.
If my many years of attendance in religious schools taught me anything, I learned that there is only one capital 'G' god, even in jest or hyperbolic politicking.
And, the lower case shouldn't really weaken whatever it is you expect to accomplish.
And, to further add to my picking; should you have used WWBD in your original comment?
And, speaking of smoking; did you catch the dust up ("Mr. Waterworks" v. Dingell) on the house floor today, they just played it on Fox--Funny.
It's a pretty effective ad.
But, what is McCain looking at at up in the air at the end? I think he's just trying to stretch out his neck so his wattles don't show.
When a Senator is running for President, and he complains about something not working right in America -- offshore drilling, for example -- I have to wonder what he's been doing in the Senate for the past 20+ years.
So McCain is disqualified from criticizing anything that's occurred over the last 20 years because he was in the Senate during that time?
Somehow I doubt you applied this rather harsh standard to John Kerry when he was running 4 years ago.
All I'm saying is that there's no need for scare quotes around "tragic" when referring to slavery, which did actually happen, regardless of how guilty you may or may not feel about it.
Slavery was, and is, a tragedy. What is silly is singling out American history as especially tragic in that regard; it is like referring to America's "tragic" history of homophobia, as if the entire rest of the world didn't also have an equivalent history.
Logic isn't the goal. The goal is to take Obama's strength--his popularity and crowds--and make them a handicap. In one ad, McCain has taken away the images of cheering Europe.
He's also doing us all a favor. Instead of playing up his popular appeal, Obama will have to counteract this ad by proving he isn't in fact vacuous like Britney or Paris.
Maybe he can show this by having a debate or a town hall meeting or something with McCain.
McCain is pushing Obama to put up some substance and put aside the Obamania. I think that makes for a better campaign season all around, and will make Obama a lot more interesting if he's able to step up.
This is only an effective ad if Obama lets it stay effective by doing what he has been doing for the last month. McCain is starting to take command of this political game. Pretty logical really, strategy-wise.
Somehow I doubt you applied this rather harsh standard to John Kerry when he was running 4 years ago.
And on what do you base that incorrect claim? My disdain for Senators running for President is not bounded by party.
I'll tell you why McCain is running this ad: Because he has nothing at all new to offer America. His only chance of being elected is if people overlook this. The exact same thing can be said of Obama -- with the exception that -- my opinion of course -- I think it would be noteable to elect a relatively young non-white non-male to the Presidency. Is that the best reason to elect a President? No. But we're choosing between two lousy Senators.
Mad Man:
Why do you feel McCain is a lousy senator? And do you feel there are any senators who are not lousy? If so can you share a few names with us?
The interesting thing about this ad is how it is an attack on Obamamaniacs. McCain is giving up on them and trying to drive a wedge between the crowd and those Obama leaners suspicious of crowds.
If I were running McCain's campaign, I'd just pound the theme that Obama is inexperienced accompanied by video of liberals who have suggested he is is too inexperienced.
So far my list would include Geraldine Ferraro, Mara Liassion of NPR/ Fox, Jane Hall (American University/ Fox) and Hillary of course.
MM: I think he's running this ad because his recent events were sparsely attended, he's made a number of inconsistent statements about raising taxes and Iraq. In other words, like his campaign, his legislative record and his voluminous press, he's been erratic and unfocused.
TitusSpartacusAmI said...
"I don't know if this will work."
It won't.
And on what do you base that incorrect claim?
On the basis that the vast majority of political criticism is all about whose ox is being gored. If you applied the same criticism to Kerry in 04, I stand corrected.
I think it would be noteable to elect a relatively young non-white non-male to the Presidency.
Nice typo - I'm sure you didn't mean demean Barack's manhood. ;-)
Anyway, you're right it would be notable, but the novelty would wear off pretty fast. I certainly don't recall the election of Dinkins, Washington and Bradley bringing racial harmony to NY, Chicago and LA. And my own great state of Illinois elected Obama to the Senate, yet we still haven't experienced any warm, fuzzy statewide racial healing brought about by Obama's hopeychangitude.
Basically, the guy is just another liberal politician. If you like liberal politics, by all means vote for him. But don't expect some great racial reconcilliation because BO gets elected.
Aww...poor Johnny McGoo! Nobody wikes you. I guess all that media rockstar coverage you got in 2000 is long, long gone! So sawreeeee.
I don't know what's worse. McCain's painfully embarrassing desperation in all these ads, this latest one being the worst, or Obama's painfully embarrassing response to today's ad:
"On a day when major news organizations across the country are taking Senator McCain to task for a steady stream of false, negative attacks, his campaign has launched yet another. Or, as some might say, ‘Oops! He did it again.’"
Yes, let's use a cheeto loving snatch flasher to launch pathetic attacks at one another. Barf.
Oh, and...
Leave Britney Alone!
Hey Titus and Zach. Did you see that picture of Madonna recently in the Daily News coming out of the Kabala center? She didn't look so good. She was about as thin as Obama's resume.
I hope she's ok.
If the founding fathers understood what would happen if Senators ran for the Presidency, they would have surely put it into the Constitution that no sitting Senator can run for President for a period of 4 years after their last Senatorial commission.
I'll tell you why McCain is running this ad: Because he has nothing at all new to offer America. His only chance of being elected is if people overlook this.
Well, no. Like you yourself point out, Obama has nothing new to offer either. McCain doesn't need people to overlook how run-of-the-mill he is; he needs them to recognize that there's nothing new about Obama either. Then it becomes a question of whether you want the predictable and experienced politician -- or the inexperienced newbie.
Besides, people don't want something new. They want a President who will tell them they can have everything they want without having to pay for it. That's what both McCain and Obama are offering.
I think it would be noteable to elect a relatively young non-white non-male to the Presidency.
Obama is (a) male and (b) a year older than Clinton was when he ran for President. The only thing on your list that applies to him is that he's only half as white as a normal candidate.
Is that the best reason to elect a President? No. But we're choosing between two lousy Senators.
I would say that race is pretty much the worst reason to elect a President. It is, well... racist.
..so if Obama is famous and popular..
But he's not popular with Angelina Jolie's dad .
Yeah Trooper I saw it, and I'm concerned about Madonna. I blogged about.
Christafuh Ciccone was on Good Day LA this morning promoting his book and Jillian asked him about those photos. He was actually very nice about it and said that she always looks that way during the rehearsal process before a show, it's just we don't usually see her during the rehearsal period. Once the tour kicks off next month, she'll look back to normal. wtf?
But he's not popular with Angelina Jolie's dad.
Jeez, the guy's only an Academy Award winner (and four-time nominee). Is he really going to be remembered as "Angelina Jolie's dad"? That's disheartening.
No, I think he'll be remembered as an unemployable "traitor" to "the cause."
It could be worse.
He's often known as Angelina's piss poor excuse for a dad.
You are right Zach. I forgot about your post. Do you think she bulks up with steriods during a tour. I bet a lot of dancers do something like that for the pain. Anyway, they should have used Madonna instead of Paris or Britney. She's a lot more famous. IMHO.
But, what is McCain looking at at up in the air at the end? I think he's just trying to stretch out his neck so his wattles don't show.
DBQ - I know! That's the best part of the ad!
McCain - FAIL!
He's often known as Angelina's piss poor excuse for a dad.
Well, in that case, they should demand he return the Oscar at once, retroactively withdraw his nominations, and remaster his movies using someone else's face. It is a leftist tradition and Hollywood leftists love their traditions almost as much as they love harboring grudges.
I'm a little surprised that no one (other than 1jpb inferentially) has noted that the ad shows a crowd of Germans chanting Obama's name in Berlin in front of the victory column.
Leaving aside the whole Fuhrer vibe, isn't McCain saying that the world is divided into two kinds of people: those who think that it's a good thing to be popular in Germany; and Americans.
Methadras said...
"If the founding fathers understood what would happen if Senators ran for the Presidency, they would have surely put it into the Constitution that no sitting Senator can run for President for a period of 4 years after their last Senatorial commission."
Arguably, by providing that Senators would not be directly-elected officials, they made them non-contenders for the Presidency. Notable that not a single Senator was elected President before the Great Mistake was ratified.
I think this is a very good ad. It goes at the supposed strength of Obama addressing 200,000 Germans and makes it into a negative or even a mockery. It also puts in some safe arguments critical of him. However, I have seen some criticism about the add allegedly being juvenile. I find it much more interesting than the typical ad.
"But he's not popular with Angelina Jolie's dad."
Wait a minute I thought we despise Hollywood elite actors voicing their opinions. Shut up and act or sing or whatever! Unless, you hate Obama than we want to hear from you very much, thank you.
I am not worried about Obama.
She looks amazing.
Love her, want to be her, want to do her.
I mean I am not worried about Madonna, not too worried about Obama either. My main concern is where I get my next hog.
I love the praise for this ad...some of you calling it "effective" and "good" and saying you "like it."
Because all of you are just objective advertising critics, I'm sure, basing your critique on the quality of the ad and impact it might have on "undecided voters," which is ultimately the intent of all these ads that both of these guys put out.
If the ad doesn't change anyone's mind about Obama, isn't the ad a failure, by definition?
So think about it, look at the polls, and tell me if any of McCain's ads are convincing anyone who wasn't already convinced.
Not saying you can't like it or praise it, but would it kill anyone to *try* and look at it objectively, as if you didn't already think Obama was an empty suit?
Hey! Ann is an undecided voter...did it help you decide?
Zachary Paul Sire said...
"If the ad doesn't change anyone's mind about Obama, isn't the ad a failure, by definition? "
I'm an objective undecided voter.
Freeze the clip at :19 seconds.
It's aimed at women.
RH, my money is on you as the next blogging cock.
If it's a chicken.
what is the problem at the 19 second mark? there is sort of an explosion type sound, but so what?
The add presents three points pretty concisely: Obama is a celebrity instead of a leader, he is against oil drilling and he wants to raise taxes.
I think Obamma's real vulnerability is his conceit, presumptuousness, etc. It seems to be setting in as a preception. It also will be hard to shake.
Ho hum. Three Obama topics today. No 'cruel neutrality' here. All Obama, all the time.
Freezing at 19 seconds gives you a blank, black screen.
I am horny tonight.
I requested that I work from home and my company approved.
I am so excited. Like I am going to do any work now. Totally, going to the beach every day.
That's what blackberries are for.
Also, as someone who makes over 250k I don't like Obama's tax plan.
Troop said Blogging Cock-giggles.
The Calvin Trillin blogging chicken story (real audio)
I don't think Obama is taking into consideration many of his base which live in large cities and make over 250k either on their own or as a couple. Making 250k in NYC is not "rich". To be "rich" in NYC you need to make at least 1 millionn a year. I would call 250k-500k middle income. You can't buy a place for under a million and condo fees generally start at about $800.00 (minimum) so getting taxed more could be a problem. The thought of not buying a couple of new pair of Prada shoes per year would be quite damaging to my Psych. This could hurt him with the latte drinking, volvo driving, NYTimes regarding, effete and feminine and faggy liberals.
I am talking NYC now not those other places surrounding the city. I forgot their names but you need to take a bridge or tunnel to get to them. Bridge or Tunnel Bridge people, ick.
Titus, if the only hog in town was accessible through a tunnel, you'd take that tunnel.
And then you'd take that tunnel.
He is the biggest dope dealer in the world. He is peddling Hopium.
"The thought of not buying a couple of new pair of Prada shoes per year would be quite damaging to my Psych."
Really, shouldn't we follow McCain's lead and go with Ferragamo. He was actually a real shoe guy. I'm at the dozen pair mark myself. I believe that they're much better than Gucci, and others--though I've never personally tried Prada for shoes.
"Freezing at 19 seconds gives you a blank, black screen."
No it doesn't. The screen goes black at 19.2 seconds but it has nothing to do with race.
You're too quick to project your own racism on others and too slow at other things.
Anyway...so like, uh, are we finished with the "LA" trip? Did the money run out yet? Another earthquake? 17 different varieties of cement and concrete. Cracked pavement.
I guess when you've seen one magnet shop, one t-shirt store....you've seen 'em all .
How many different store 'facades' can you take in before they all begin blur together as one? A palm tree is a palm tree is a palm tree.
I imagine there are people who never tire of trying to fake a sense of wonder and awe at it all.
Cement never cracks in the same place twice.
Yes, I am Maxine. There== I admitted it. Maxine of the 14K Cross pen and pencil set!
The post above this one....was one of my better posts huh?
Because all of you are just objective advertising critics, I'm sure, basing your critique on the quality of the ad and impact it might have on "undecided voters," which is ultimately the intent of all these ads that both of these guys put out.
I am an undecided voter. I'm undecided between (a) not voting at all or (b) voting for McCain despite the fact that I think he's a big-government open-borders moralizing asshole.
What you forget is that an election isn't just about the "swing voters" -- it is about getting the base to turn out, too. Plenty of people who would normally vote Republican if they voted at all share my opinion that McCain is a BGOBMA, and McCain needs to convince us that he really enough of a lesser evil for it to be worth our showing up at the polls. The cult of personality around Obama is downright creepy. The sight of a Charismatic Leader we know little about being hailed by huge seething crowds of Germans pushes the right buttons with the same small-government folk that McCain and his ilk have alienated. So I think the ad is effective in that respect.
But not effective enough for me to make any plans to vote for the son of a bitch just yet.
If the ad doesn't change anyone's mind about Obama, isn't the ad a failure, by definition?
No, not by definition. An ad can also be effective if it discourages people from changing their positions, or if it helps solidify an image of a candidate that can be used for attacking him later. For example, if there's a swing voter out there who is inclined to vote for McCain but is slowly being won over to the Obama camp by the Rah Rah Siss Boom Bah "Obama is like Jesus, except even better cuz he's not white" coverage in the news media, this ad could "succeed" solely by encouraging him to think of Obama as just another empty celebrity.
Also, even if it doesn't change anybody's mind right now, solidifying the notion that Obama's a "celebrity" rather than a serious leader could help play into McCain's "I've got the experience" storyline somewhere down the line. As the newcomer, Obama is most vulnerable to having his image defined by his opponent.
"Jinx Possesski". LOL what a name Maxine - you need an agent and a therapist.
Ha ha ha. You almost tricked me into watching a politician's video.
Instead, (<--- thread jack signifier) I've been watching a video that's been pushed up to featured videos on YouTube, titled Deaf Ninja one of several of that type. Almost didn't watch it because at a glance it appears even less interesting than a political video. I'm glad I changed my mind. It turns out to be one of the tightest demonstrations of precise technique I've ever seen, and I've seen quite a lot. There's been only one person among many many creative speakers I've known with the blistering concision as this guy, Austin Andrews, shows in this brief clip. He anchors a mix of ASL with touches of SEE into his own nearly entirely contrived language to pantomime his experience and "show" you what he's thinking. There's only one instance of finger spelling, where he moves forward toward the camera and slows way down to spell the word N.I.N.J.A. Because of his economy and his made up words based on accepted usage, he's nearly incomprehensible even to ASL users. He combines words, and forms words with different letters from the original text book vocabulary, and places them in new positions to get at new words. Thus, at the beginning, and no one get this, the word "daydream" is not day + dream, but instead, it two "i"s placed at the head in the spot where words for idea, thought, concept, and dream go, but formed as if saying the word "group", two "i"s brought together in a circle, but then abruptly separated as in the word "very different" but now with "i"s instead of the usual "d"s and at the idea place at the forehead instead of at the "difference" and the "group" place in front of the chest. You can see how many ASL speakers would drop off and simply be lost with this highly personal idiomatic speech. Andrew speaks with bell-ringing clarity within a well-defined space using facial expression and body position along with words and pantomime to rapidly display his childhood daydream about a deaf ninja using his old-fashion box type hearing aid as a weapon. He usese the graphic language of cinematography to depict scenes like those in The Matrix and brings it all together back to the real world beautifully. Poetry, that. I'm totally impressed.
None of the commentors over at YouTube know what he's saying. Characteristically hostile, they're unusually kind here. It's a shame to interpret Austin's story because it's not nearly as lovely in English. It's a story that was made for his language and he tells it like no other could, nevertheless, at risk of ruining the whole experience, here's the interpretation of what he says.
Andrew speaking:
My problem with the real world is a tendency to disconnect. I find myself daydreaming a lot. That's just me. Here's an example: I have a brother who is deaf and when we were kids he wore one of those old-fashion type of hearing aids that is a box worn strapped onto the chest with two wires going up to his ears. You know what I mean, you've seen them. I used to tease him about that ridiculous clunky box with the two wires in his ears. Snicker. He'd get pissed off and pummel me by swinging the earplugs like weapons, bap bap bap bap bap. Ouch! Stop it already. But that gave me an idea, here it is, there could be a "deaf ninja!" I imagined a dark stormy night with a full moon beamins across roiling dark clouds. It's raining and within the storm, the ninja notices a single raindrop falling in slow motion. In the distance, using superior deaf ninja sensitivity and eyesight, a spark from the box on his chest and attched to his ears, the ninja detects enemies approaching. They were big, bulky and dangerous, and they were gathering around and producing their ninja weapons, one by one. The ninja calmly assesses the situation as the enemies encircled him He removes his earplugs, his only weapon, and pummels the enemies, leaps into the air and in out-of-time sequence leans to his side (as if walking around all four walls) kicking all his enemies in one long slow-motion kicking attack. A kick connects and blood spatters. Ninja lands in a ninja attack stance like a cat. Job done. Situation settled. Returns earplugs to ears. The raindrop finishes falling. It splashes in slow-motion and creates an outward flowing wave. I'm suddenly re-focused in reality. My brother is over there fiddling with his real hearing aid on his chest, adjusting it in his ear and saying, "I can't hear anything you're saying."
But that's an interpretation, here's a closer translation:
So anyway my ongoing trouble here is, world, over here, here, and here, covering all over (I) have (possession, not past tense) loooong unjoin, [thinking, exaggerate (+ an abbreviated "d" = dream) + idea circle (quickly split, made with "i"s but executed with the same motion as the word "different" = daydreams] +another idea circle (rapidly executed underneath the first), interest (+incredulous expression) eh whatever, that's myself, This example: (reset posture to begin the example.) Deaf, have (in the past), youth, child, brother, (him over there) deaf mute, have . plugs, (that go in both ears) (weird expression) old, you, (+"know what I mean" expression), box, big clump, right there on the chest, with straps up to shoulders, with these wild-ass wires that plug into opposite sides of the box go wow "plug" into ears, DUH! (Goofy as hell). (goes around looking really stupid) Me , snickering, sees me, (expression of taking umbrage), RIGHT, have (possess) snaps fingers, sharply unplugs from ears, artfully whips around earplugs with wires as weapons and pummels me into submission, No, stop, (protect face) ("That was the situation" facial expression) One time, he, pummeling, me, protecting my face, I was struck, with a wondrous big idea ("now get this" posture and expression) DEAF N.I.N.J.A. Eh? Night, shrouded in darkness, Full flat moon, beaming, (moon ruling over tumultuous clouds) Concealed face, (this is a brilliant innovation, btw) completely covered, black, hearing aid box (previously established) "bonk" right there on the chest, something flicked out from the box, strapped up to shoulders, wires in place in the box to the ears, ninja stance, alertly surveys the immediate situation, Peering through the eye slits, there and over there, begins rain, one individual drop slowly falls, ninja view through compressed vision, (conveying time standing still) Enemies. In the front and in behind, amassing, moving, gathering (upright fingers representing people) Swirl around, large, muscular, menacing, knife blade, whip out of scabbard, a weapon whipped from the ninjas back and whipped to the front, flips nunchucks, braces for a fight, takes stock of enemies positions which are changing around him, surveys with enhanced ninja vision, whips out his ear plugs, leaps into the air with legs bent in ninja position, rotates around the entire scene unnaturally, whilst airborne turns sideways and kicks all the encircled enemies, kick connects. blood, spattering, complete chaos, SLASH, (either black, or slow slash across the brow) tumultuous tumbling, rotate around, all the enemies abruptly stop, one big situation, "bonk" lands like a cat (+determined expression) Close up of landing, ninja face, All right then settled, returns earplugs to ears, compressed view, aha, water, falling, single drop, swing into reoriented view, close up, single drop slowly falls, splash, waves outward, compressed view, snap, what? box, ear plug fit, what? can't hear, all comes back into focus, see that over there and over there, brother, over there, with the box on his chest, ear plug, can't hear any (of all that).
That is all I have to say on the subject of McCain's video, the one that begins evoking Obama mania and goes on to equate it with dimwitted popularity. Apologies for thread jackery, but they were both videos.
I'm with Atrios:
Leeeeeave Britney Aloooooooone!
I can't wait to see the mashup video with McCain and this guy (?).
McCain the liar still wants us to talk about him as an honorable man with his lying attack ads.
And, how did being on good terms with the rest of the world come to be a bad thing? WTF?
And do you feel there are any senators who are not lousy?
Off the top of my head, no, I can't think of any Senators who would not be lousy Presidential candidates.
I'm still trying to figure out what I meant by non-male. (laugh) That's what I get for posting after dealing with 11 hyper 10th graders for an hour. (shudder)
I think there's quite a large difference between reacting negatively to someone because of their race and reacting positively to someone because of their race. Both racist things? Sure. Different connotation to racism? Absolutely. But if it makes you feel better, call me a racist. I'll join a club with ricpic.
It's late and I'm tired. What's BGOBMA?
I find it interesting that people who are opposed to a candidate constantly attack ads for the other candidate, saying they surely won't work. It reminds me of an article I once read about those ads for things like the Franklin Mint and collectible plates. They strike me as awful, awful ads yet they have been around for years. Hence, they must work. Hence, they're not for me.
Similarly, ultra-left liberals: this ad is not for you. For you to judge it is silly.
Also. I am with Madison Man. I am absolutely voting against Obama and his eerie cult of personality and his even eerier policy nothingness. I encourage all you people to do the same. Join me in voting for the only guy (no matter how crappy he is on his own) who can beat Obama.
P.S.: Madison Man: I couldn't figure that out at first, either, but I eventually did. It's all there, in the post.
What you forget is that an election isn't just about the "swing voters" -- it is about getting the base to turn out, too.
Yes...point taken.
But the notion that Obama is like Britney and Paris is too absurd for me to believe that anyone could think about it seriously.
Maybe someone will. But I can't comprehend that. And no, I've never been on the Obamamessiah train.
the notion that Obama is like Britney and Paris is too absurd for me to believe that anyone could think about it seriously
Jesus H., Zach, do you know nothing about advertising? Was Michael Jackson ever like Pepsi? Did those guys who do the perfect push-ups in the commercials get their bodies by doing perfect push-ups? Is Kobe Bryant like Nutella? Does a multiracial group of middle-aged men sit around and sing about Viagra in a cabin?
Whatever your day job is, dude, keep it.
Zachary Paul Sire said...
"But the notion that Obama is like Britney and Paris is too absurd for me to believe that anyone could think about it seriously."
All three are prone to vapid public pronouncements, have an inflated sense of their own worth, and have zero to recommend them for public office. Seems about the same to me. If you compare the lyrics of "Hit Me Baby One More Time," it speaks about as profoundly and directly to our time as anything in the Berlin speech.
"And no, I've never been on the Obamamessiah train."
I imagine that's reserved for Michelle unless he has Bill's proclivities.
I wonder if at some point the whole country will turn against him, and spit him out. What's the prognosis?
All it would take is the media to begin to savage him just a bit, and then the piling on would begin.
He's very appealing, but isn't the appeal to a certain kind of sleepiness?
Kirby - you don't have to fool all the people all the time. Just a majority for as long as the polls are open.
But the notion that Obama is like Britney and Paris is too absurd for me to believe that anyone could think about it seriously.
Well, he's not a half-wit whore with a habit of displaying his crotch to the whole world, no. So in that sense he's not a Britney or Paris.
But he's akin to them in the sense that he's famous for being famous -- not because of any actual accomplishments that might merit his being hailed as the awesomest thing since awesome stuff was invented. We follow what he's doing because he's famous, and he's famous because we follow what he's doing.
I think there's quite a large difference between reacting negatively to someone because of their race and reacting positively to someone because of their race.
Is there really? If a person said he was voting for McCain because McCain was white -- not because they've got anything against black people, but just because they like white people more -- wouldn't that strike you as racist?
If there are two people and you treat one better because of his race, you necessarily are treating the other person *worse* because of his race. Better and worse are relative things.
But if it makes you feel better, call me a racist. I'll join a club with ricpic.
I'm just saying that voting for somebody because of his race is racist. I don't see how that's a controversial statement. It seems pretty definitional.
It's late and I'm tired. What's BGOBMA?
Earlier in that post, I called McCain a big government open borders moralizing asshole. I just didn't want to type it twice. :)
I don't think the display of Paris or Brittany does anything for the ad. You could have relayed the Obama=Jesus point without their images. However, using Paris does create controversy and publicty so that more people will watch the ad and realize that Obama is essentially for higher gas prices.
I do hear a lot of joking and commenting about Obama believing he is the anointed one. Worse, I hear this from Obama supporters (Where is Obama today so I can pray in his direction).
Eventually, this image of Obama is going to get seared into the public mind.
Is there really? If a person said he was voting for McCain because McCain was white -- not because they've got anything against black people, but just because they like white people more -- wouldn't that strike you as racist?
Well, what if I vote for Obama this time because he's black, and then McCain (or whoever) next time because he's white?
Stupid, sure. Racist? Nah.
And another thing. As of right now, Obama's ad has generated 5,481 comments on youtube. Many of them are negative, I'm sure, but, hey, what do you know: people are talking about McCain.
Apparently, McCain is running for president or something. I guess this is one way to get some buzz for his alleged candidacy.
(Where is Obama today so I can pray in his direction).
The O-O-O-Omnipresence requires no direction.
O O O Obama
Okay....no giggling. It is sincere. Especially that last, heart-tugging frame as he looks wistfully off to the distance and hope for toooomoooorrooow.
Barack Obarmer.
He is down to earth just like a farmer.
Life goes on, brah!
La la how the life goes on.
Does anyone else find the mindless chant O-BAH-MAH slightly scary?
I think there's quite a large difference between reacting negatively to someone because of their race and reacting positively to someone because of their race.
Ha! Who posted that? Its a keeper. Almost as good as blacks can't be racist because they are black.
Anti-McCain snark noted!
Meanwhile, the Justice Department was interviewing job candidates, and asking,
What is it about George W. Bush that makes you want to serve him?
Does anyone else find the mindless chant O-BAH-MAH slightly scary?
Sure lots of people do. But they're mostly Republicans. Popular politicians often have people chant their names rhythmically/mindlessly. "Mac is Back!" "Four More Years!" etc.
But yes I could see how it could sound like creeping liberal fascism if you're a moron.
Life goes on, brah!
La la how the life goes on.
Bissage wins!
So I guess the alternatives to Brittany and Paris were the pair of:
1) Sharon Tate and Charles Manson
2) Michael Jackson and OJ Simpson
3) Amos and Andy (dismissed immediately)
4) Vickie Lynn Hogan and Norma Jeane Mortenson
Negative ads work, folks.
Why do you think the Obama Cheerleaders at MSNBC want "the Old McCain" back?
Jesus Hussein Christ isn't 15 points up like Jimmy Carter was over Jerry Ford in 1976. Something is going wrong with the script.
I love it. I saw it on FNC yesterday, and they played it at least 4 times (as Martha MacCullum herself admitted), MSNBC twice, and CNN at least once when I was watching.
That's free advertising, and it's genius.
Sure, it won't play big with the kids, and the celebritneys, but they were never going to vote for McCain anyway. This is for the people who were never into Obama's style, but now they're certain he's a poseur.
I love that the Obama campaign is now explaining that his "[I don't] look like all those other Presidents on the dollar bills" remark was "not about race" and referred only to how he "didn't get here after spending decades in Washington".
What does a guy who has spent decades in Washington look like, I wonder? And since when did George Washington "spend decades in Washington"?
Does anyone else find the mindless chant O-BAH-MAH slightly scary?
No. Why should anyone? What makes it any more mindless than any other incidence of any other gathering of any group of people chanting for someone or something? Go team!
Jesus. It's an election, not an alien invasion.
No. Why should anyone? What makes it any more mindless than any other incidence of any other gathering of any group of people chanting for someone or something? Go team!
A horde of people chanting an empty slogan? Yeah, that's pretty creepy at sports matches too. Soccer hooligans and all that. It's just creepier when it's a politician with the mob at his beck and call.
*reads Beth’s 4:49 comment*
*snorts another line of Boraxo*
*clicks on this link*
*Thinks good thoughts about the .de ccTLD and the year 1980*
*becomes pointlessly distracted by thoughts of more Boraxo*
*humbly and sincerely thanks Althouse and Joan*
"And since when did George Washington "spend decades in Washington"?"
Well, it has been said that GW was "comfortable in his own skin"...
No. Why should anyone? What makes it any more mindless than any other incidence of any other gathering of any group of people chanting for someone or something?
It isn't necessarily *more* mindless and creepy. It is about equally mindless and creepy.
Maybe you've been to different political gatherings than I have, but I've never heard crowds chant "Bush, Bush, Bush" or "Reagan, Reagan, Reagan" or anything like that. Maybe it happened, but it didn't happen around me. It certainly isn't something I've ever felt inclined to do!
Cheering a sports team, sure. But that's a team, not an individual. Chanting and individual's name is religious and creepy.
Unfortunately for BO we already know pretty much what we have with McCain.
BO on the other hand is still defining himself as well as being defined by McCain supporters. This is not going well for BO. This is true because, if he stays on script and reads the teleprompter, he looks like another empty suit celebrity imitating a world leader, and if he goes naked he makes lots of mistakes which allows McCain to "Dan Quail" him, as an idiot, flip flop, etc. I see no way out for him.
McCain should have used this quote by Obama from a February 2005 Washington Post profile:
"I mean, I'm so overexposed, I'm making Paris Hilton look like a recluse."
More FAIL --
The Hiltons are big GOP contributors. At least they were, up to now.
but I've never heard crowds chant "Bush, Bush, Bush" or "Reagan, Reagan, Reagan" or anything like that. Maybe it happened, but it didn't happen around me.
Revenant, I got curious and did a quick search. PBS "American Experience" archives detail footage from Reagan's visit to, of all places, Berlin. "Tape Two Part Two: American Crusade" is broken down first by his arrival at the podium, then the next segment begins with "Starting Image: Crowd chanting Reagan's name"
"He's very appealing, but isn't the appeal to a certain kind of sleepiness?"
Some would call that kind of sleepiness by another name: "September 10th mindset".
Re. "Another FAIL...": The Hiltons, yeah, but they're also the ones that recently assed-out Paris from the will, remember? Maybe Conrad's giving all the dough away to the cleft-palate foundation so they can run even more banner ads.
The Hiltons are big GOP contributors. At least they were, up to now.
Given that Barron Hilton cut Paris out of his will because he was disgusted by her behavior, it is safe to say that the GOP-affiliated branch of the family is probably not the same as the Paris Hilton branch. :)
But even if Paris was a die-hard Republican, it wouldn't change the fact that she's the gold standard for "person who is famous for no good reason". Even her porn tape wasn't all that good, really.
I got curious and did a quick search. PBS "American Experience" archives detail footage from Reagan's visit to, of all places, Berlin.
I stand by my earlier remark that that's creepy. :)
But at least Reagan had accomplished things -- and helped the Germans enormously -- by the point they were chanting his name. Obama's major accomplishment has been writing his autobiography. Cheering a guy who is famous solely for being famous is veering deep into obsessive cult of personality territory. Particularly when the people doing it are Germans.
Seriously, now -- have you ever stood in a crowd and chanted a politician's name? Don't you kind of wonder about the sort of person who does that? It screams "mindless sheep" to me, and that's giving them the benefit of the doubt; a less charitable view would be "dangerous mob".
I stand by my earlier remark that that's creepy. :)
I'll not disagree that Reagan was creepy. Or is that not what you meant? Sorry.
No, I don't chant for poliicians. Not even "four more years." I just think this whole "ooooooh, that's SCARY" thing is another silly campaign tactic and I scoff at that reaction as much as I scoff at crowds and hope and change and my friends and stop whining while I polish my Feragamos.
You may take from this that I am sick, sick, sick of the election.
You know what's creepy? When a bunch of fans put bags over their heads because they want to say their team sucks. Hey throw ice balls at them down on the field instead and who cares if they get you on TV. I mean what's the worst thing that can happen. They put you on TV and you get arrested and you lose your job and...oh...never mind.
Trooper, we eat our snoballs in New Orleans - but if you can find an ice ball down here, I'll toss it at Shockey.
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