June 10, 2008

"She said the words, but she didn't endorse Obama."

I nearly got my head bitten off for suggesting as much myself, but now I see that I'm not the only one. That quote is from Rush Limbaugh, said on Monday's show:
... [W]hen Mrs. Clinton was talking about herself, she was radiant, buoyant. She was gesticulating. She was smiling. When it came time to mention, not endorse, mention Obama, she read. There was no gesticulation. There was no animation. There weren't any smiles. A couple of smiles here and there, sort of like a McCain teleprompter smile it didn't fit when she did it.
A McCain teleprompter smile... ha ha... so that's why he bursts into those odd smiles when he does?
[I]n that audience we had true believers. She mentioned Obama's name 15 times. She knew that every time she mentioned Obama's name because of the nature of that crowd that there were going to be people in there that would boo, and there were. And the boos were even audible to me and I am deaf.
Please don't think someone else is writing Rush's monologues!
Now, if you are Mrs. Clinton and you are serious about unifying the party and bringing the party together and you know that your crowd's not happy about what you're going to do, that you're going to quit and they don't like Obama, you only mention his name once or twice, not 15 times. She gave that crowd 15 opportunities to boo Barak Obama. And they did.
So saying his name a lot is the secret code that she's not really quitting?
I'm sitting there watching this and there's simply no way that this was a genuine -- she said the words, but she's looking down as she reads them, and then looks up at the audience in sort of a joker kind of smile kind of permanently on the face, an inanimate smile. I was watching this, and I'm listening to the Drive-Bys, particularly on NBC, and they're just having orgasms. "Oh, this is great, this is wonderful. The party is coming together," and all of this and all of that. And I'm saying, "You guys are so blind and so susceptible to the conventional wisdom. We're talking about a Clinton here. The Clintons don't go away." You'd have to show them a cross at sunup two inches from their eyes and even then they wouldn't go away....

She didn't release her delegates. Hold onto them, hells bells. And she can go out and she can raise money. She has to retire her debt and so forth. She can do that up till the convention. She held on to her delegates, meaning if Obama slips and falls....
I do think he's right. She's in sleep mode and can be reactivated the moment Obama slips too far. The Clintons are watching and waiting.

The last paragraph of a famous book sprang to my mind:
And, indeed, as he listened to the cries of joy rising from the town, Rieux remembered that such joy is always imperiled. He knew what those jubilant crowds did not know but could have learned from books: that the plague bacillus never dies or disappears for good; that it can lie dormant for years and years in furniture and linen-chests; that it bides its time in bedrooms, cellars, trunks, and bookshelves; and that perhaps the day would come when, for the bane and the enlightening of men, it would rouse up its rats again and send them forth to die in a happy city.
(Albert Camus, The Plague.)


Anonymous said...

As I mentioned on a thread here a week or so back, the Clintons are busy keeping the waters stirred, out of sight now that the "campaign" is over. Sleep Mode is a good description but I think of it like a duck on the water, calm on the top and paddling like hell underneath.

I'll not wager that something will happen, but it would not surprise me.

Roger Sweeny said...

That was an amazing post and I think only you could have done it.

A work of art.

former law student said...

Agree 100%.

I don't know what sort of catastrophe the Clintons are counting on. Bimbo eruptions never stopped Bill. I keep coming back to the Freudian slip about Barack taking a bullet.

MadisonMan said...

Maybe only people with your common birthday can make the link.

If Hillary! really wanted to promote party unity, she could either -- as Rush suggested -- not mention Obama 15 times, or she could interrupt her speech at the sound of the first boo and discuss party unity in a positive way. If there is a boo the next time Obama is mentioned, do the same thing. I know you're disappointed, and I can hear your boos. But Obama is a better candidate than McCain, despite what I may have said during the course of this very heated campaign. I support his candidacy and expect you to as well.

Ron said...

Joker references...vampire analogies...what's he trying to say, Hillary is a combination of Batgirl and Buffy?

Meade said...


Or more like herpes.

1775OGG said...

Worry not, no one here shall bite off your head; and I'll stop right here with that tact; my wife is a dead shot and she's mean too!

Rush is correct that HRC probably is ready to jump back in when BHO stumbles. In fact, my bet is that her team has got plans to put subtle, non-traceable, obstacles in BHO's way! My Manchurian Candidate scenario concept is still in force!

garage mahal said...
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garage mahal said...

Agree 100%.

I don't know what sort of catastrophe the Clintons are counting on. Bimbo eruptions never stopped Bill. I keep coming back to the Freudian slip about Barack taking a bullet.

Black Helicopters Across America!

Foiled in their attempt for a hostile takeover, the Clintons merely go into sleep mode and make global preparations to usher in a New World Order for the enslavement of mankind, as a helpless Barack Obama can only await his ill fate. Any sane person can clearly see this is what's going on in this latest grisly chapter of the Clinton Chronicles. And when you think about it, it's soooo predictable!

Chip Ahoy said...

Democrats are stunning as a collective. At this point, I doubt there is anything Obama can do or say that will turn away his followers. They don't care about his associates, his voting record, or lack of one, nor the Illinois political machinery. When their minds are made up, that's it. Nothing penetrates after that. They collectively create their own reality apart from facts, reinforce it continuously through shared language, and abide within it. Everything will be chalked up to the Republican smear machine. It's how their minds work. <---100% of fact, concluded through a lifetime of clinical observation.

Tank said...

Great post Ann. It is remarkable the extent to which NOBODY trusts the Clintons. I doubt if there is anything she, or they, could say that would convince people that they are not working behind the scenes trying to find something, ANYTHING, that would let her jump back in.

UWS guy said...

Interesting Camus quote. Christopher Hitchens likes to use it as a metaphor for moderate religion.

UWS guy said...

Being that the Clintons are one of his favorite subjects, I think he would agree with your own take on the scene.

Tituslovewilltearusapart..some day said...

Good morning fellow republicans and lovers of the Bush Doctrine.

How was your weekend? Mine was fabulous, thanks so much for asking. I visited friends in Boston, went to Ogunquit Maine for sand, surf and beach. Did a professor from Dartmouth. Went to Portland, Maine which is super cute (think Madison but on the east coast, surrounded by the ocean and much better). Walked along the ocean in Kennebunkport with the rare clumbers (love the Bushes) and went to fabulous restaurants.

All and all it was a delicious weekend. The weather was fabulous and my tan is on fire. Also, the reviews are in and there were 10's, 10's, 10's all across the board.

MadisonMan said...

Chip Ahoy: Consider the alternative.

Your observations are true for Republicans as well. Except that one would substitute liberal media for Republican smear machine.

Republicans and Democrats are far more alike than different.

Spread Eagle said...

I don't know what sort of catastrophe the Clintons are counting on. Bimbo eruptions never stopped Bill. I keep coming back to the Freudian slip about Barack taking a bullet.

It could literally be anything. Obama is so unready, so untested, so out of the far-flung reaches of left field. A lot of people, the Clintons chief among them, are incredulous that he's gotten this far without long ago imploding, so they more than half expect that it could happen at any time.

Henry said...

As all the Clinton's machinations have come to naught, I suggest another concluding text -- the last lines from The Cherry Orchard:

[The stage is empty. The sound of keys being turned in the locks is heard, and then the noise of the carriages going away. It is quiet. Then the sound of an axe against the trees is heard in the silence sadly and by itself. Steps are heard. FIERS comes in from the door on the right. He is dressed as usual, in a short jacket and white waistcoat; slippers on his feet. He is ill. He goes to the door and tries the handle.]

FIERS. It's locked. They've gone away. [Sits on a sofa] They've forgotten about me. ... Never mind, I'll sit here. ... And Leonid Andreyevitch will have gone in a light overcoat instead of putting on his fur coat. ... [Sighs anxiously] I didn't see. ... Oh, these young people! [Mumbles something that cannot be understood] Life's gone on as if I'd never lived. [Lying down] I'll lie down. ... You've no strength left in you, nothing left at all. ... Oh, you ... bungler!

Zachary Sire said...

I so agree. Her tone and demeanor completely changed when she reached the Obama part of her speech. She was looking down most of the time, her eyes seemed dark and lifeless, her voice sounded mean and angry (bitter?) like she was yelling at people......it was all in stark contrast to the bright, cheery, inspirational performance before she got to Obama.

I put it out of my head over the weekend because I really would rather just not think about Hillary anymore. But thanks to Rush, via Ann, now I have to think about her again. Ugg.

Anonymous said...

For there to be an Obama "catastrophe", it would have to make the front pages of major papers in oversized type and lefty news show specials for many days in a row. Given the state of the media, nothing like that is ever going to happen.

AP (July 4, 2008)
Reported by Bambi Gooberstein

In a typical flash of brilliance we have come to expect from this adorable young man, BH Obama has named Michelle Obama as his vice-presidential running mate. The campaign later leaked that Jeremiah Wright is being considered for Propaganda Minister (a new Cabinet post), Louis Farrakhan for Secretary of Defense, and, as a demonstration of outreach, Noam Chomsky to head the State Department. Additional key senior positions such as Tax Enforcer and Opposition Police Commissioner are under consideration.

On a related topic, Hillary Clinton is apparently missing, having failed to appear at her tenth farewell rally today. Obama campaign headquarters has expressed its deepest concerns and wishes her all the best in exile.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Well if we want to buy into the dark side of the Clintons, I don't think you'll see much of Hillary on the stump for Muadib. In fact, I think she'll do anything she can to sabotage his campaign simply because a McCain win means she can jump back into the fray in 2012.

If McCain loses, her hopes are permanently over unless she plans on contesting him in 2012, if not, then she's looking at 2016 at the earliest and that would be challenging whoever Bambi's VP is assuming he/she runs.

I think the era of the Clintons are over IMO, for better or worse.

garage mahal said...

I so agree. Her tone and demeanor completely changed when she reached the Obama part of her speech. She was looking down most of the time, her eyes seemed dark and lifeless, her voice sounded mean and angry (bitter?) like she was yelling at people......it was all in stark contrast to the bright, cheery, inspirational performance before she got to Obama.

Oh you poor thing! It's so hard to escape from her deathgrip even after she concedes in defeat, tells her supporters to vote for Obama, and tells her delegates to vote for him at the convention, isn't it?

Jeremy said...

You remember the good old days when we used to complain about presidential hopefuls starting their campaigns the day after an election? "Too soon," we cried, "too soon!" Yeah, I miss those days.

Hoosier Daddy said...


I have had numerous Obama supporters tell me that Hillary supporters will nevertheless rally around Obama come November and the 'bitterness' will fade in the face of the GOP. As a Clinton supporter do you agree with that sentiment or do you think that Obama has alienated a large segment of the Dem voting bloc?

Zachary Sire said...

and tells her delegates to vote for him at the convention

I didn't realize she had relinquished her delegates.

The Hillaloonies always have the inside scoop.

reader_iam said...

From Anglachel's take:

... In practical terms, she has suspended her campaign, has not released her delegates, and is ready for whatever the summer will bring. I anticipate that she and her partners in the party are gearing up for the un-sexy part of the campaign, the battle over platform planks, committee representation, and work on the byzantine rules that govern the operation of the party. That is a front line of democracy.

So, what is going on with this speech?

When I watched this speech, I realized that she was not so much stating her power as showing it. It was spoken by someone who has possession of power, not by someone acknowledging defeat. Read it. At no point does she say that she lost, was beaten, was defeated, not even the hoary old "the voters have spoken". She doesn't even bother with that. 18 million supporters. She talks about who supports her and who she is dedicated to. She makes clear that she has been the recipient of so much support for all the right reasons.

Hillary is the leader of half the Democratic Party. She knows it. The DNC knows it. ...

Palladian said...

"The Hillaloonies always have the inside scoop."

That's definitely the way to keep unity in the party! And what a great way to convince Hillary supporters to vote for your candidate! Come November, perhaps they'll remember which candidate's supporters called them "loonies" and which one's didn't.

LutherM said...

Ms. Clinton;
Is she Brett or Jake ?

Oh, Jake," Brett said, "we could have had such a damned good time together."

Ahead was a mounted policeman in khaki directing traffic. He raised his baton. The car slowed suddenly pressing Brett against me.

"Yes," I said. "Isn't it pretty to think so?"

Anonymous said...

That wavy blond professional hair and a pants suit. She started all that.

Bruce Hayden said...

Just keep in mind that it was the Super Delegates that put Obama over the top, that they are free to change their minds, and could put Hillary! over the top if they wanted. It isn't going to happen without something happening to Obama's electoral chances, but if something does happen before the convention in Denver, she is still in a position to step in.

Peter V. Bella said...

"The Clintons are watching and waiting."

The Clinton's are nothing more than political predators. They already have a plan. Unless the Democartic Party finally puts it foot down on their necks and forces them to cease and desist any further efforts, they will lie in wait like predators.

They will strike and strike hard. Hillary still thinks she is the anointed one, the only one, the one. Nothing will change her mind. She does not comprehend that she is a loser. That is what coming in second is- losing.

Anonymous said...

I, stalwart conservative who has never to my knowledge voted for a Democrat in my life except for locally in Chicago where we have benign one-party autocracy, will go on the record with the following bold statements:

1. Obama will live. All these ostensibly normal people alluding to his assassination scare me. Think of the implications of your thought, and what you must believe about America deep down in your cockles.

2. Clinton just isn't happy about losing. She made the best concession she knew how and, of course, she's holding onto her delegates. I would be greatly surprised to learn that she is the first person to do this. I wouldn't be surprised if, say, Mike Huckabee has done it.

3. The Clintons are highly ambitious yet decent people. They aren't out to trick you.

ballyfager said...

Seven Machos - "The Clintons are...decent people". You've got to be kidding. They're low and they're parasites. All they've ever done is live off the fat of the land.

They should at the very least be deported and, preferably, defenestrated.

Zachary Sire said...

And what a great way to convince Hillary supporters to vote for your candidate!

I'm not interested in trying to convince Hillary supporters of anything. If they are so deluded that they'd rather vote for a Republican or not vote at all, there's no way anyone is going to reach them.

Of course, I have always said that I wouldn't vote for Hillary if she were the nominee even though my beliefs are closely aligned with Democrats...so I'm just as loony. The only difference is, my proposed not voting for Hillary has nothing to do with some obsessive loyalty to Obama, but is only due to my deep dislike of the Clintons.

If you're not voting for Obama because you don't like him, fine. But if you're not voting for him solely because he stole the nomination from Hillary!, you've got a problem.

Matt said...


I've been up one side of the internet and down the other and I can verify that both Clinton supporters and Obama supporters call each other all kinds of silly hateful names.
But come November I'm hoping a large majority of them will put aside their differences and vote for the Democratic ticket. I think the average Democratic voter is probably not as vocal and opinionated as some are on the internet.

Tituslovewilltearusapart..some day said...

Also, fellow republicans, when traveling to Kennebunkport, you must the The Round Barn Inn.

Think northeast, white, country club republicans-not the southern ones that hate gays.

The restaurant is absolutely divine.

And a bargain fixed price menu at $93.00 per person.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I believe the Dems have suffered very very serious fractures in their ranks.

Today, the nutroots are going after Josh Marshall ("WKJM" = Who kidnapped Josh Marshall)by accusing him and Omama campaign of using Republican talking points vs. Hillary!

Thankfully, I don't see the fractures healing if at all because most Dems are just a bunch of whining assholes.

Unknown said...

Your hatred of Hillary Clinton really knows no bounds. This is the 'Clinton Rules' in spades.

I understand that Rush Limbaugh (Now there is an impeccable neutral commentator) is going to belittle and spin Clinton's speech as negatively as possible, but for you to do it?


Henry said...

Seven wrote: "2. Clinton just isn't happy about losing. She made the best concession she knew how"

I second the point. Which is the point I hoped to make, obliquely, with my quote from The Cherry Orchard. I once saw a production where Fiers was played by a actress. I thought that last speech worked well as Hillary's inner monologue:

I didn't see. ... Oh, these young people! [Mumbles something that cannot be understood] Life's gone on as if I'd never lived. [Lying down] I'll lie down. ... You've no strength left in you, nothing left at all. ... Oh, you ... bungler!

Tituslovewilltearusapart..some day said...

Think of Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe dining at the Round Barn Inn.

You can get the feel of the place.

Anonymous said...

Wrong does not equal evil, or low, or parasitic. And I should certainly hope that weakness of the flesh is seen by anyone as evil.

It's come to this. I'm defending Clintons.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

"If you're not voting for Obama because you don't like him, fine. But if you're not voting for him solely because he stole the nomination from Hillary!, you've got a problem."

Yeah. Precisely. Isn't it precisely the problem that so many of the disgruntled Hillary! supporters don't see a difference?

I made note of Hillary's problems long before I noted what didn't make sense to me about her supporters' arguments for her. I can't see it as anything other than backwards that someone would determine their support for or opposition to an individual primarily based on treatments received by others who endorsed them - let alone by a treatment received from a single individual, making a single comment "following" them. And often times not even in reference to them specifically, but directed against their former "leader".

We're definitely talking about different models of leadership when it comes to Obama and Hillary, as well as different modes of relationships they have with those who support(ed) them, respectively.

True Newspaper said...

Scientists prove Politicians Stupid

Recent studies of the human brain have discovered many distinct features. Scientists have realized that inside our brain is a reptilian brain. Reptiles having among the least amount of intelligence in the animal kingdom. This area of the brain is responsible for the dominance hierarchy behavior in animals. Meaning it’s function is basic survival and climbing the status ladder so to speak. So invariably people always trying to rise to the top of the social/economic ladder are using the least intelligent area of their brain. Thus politicians being among the highest positions in our society are the epitome of this.


Revenant said...

Your hatred of Hillary Clinton really knows no bounds.

Saying that Hillary doesn't really want Obama to be President is evidence that Ann hates Hillary?

Only if you think the phrase "you don't like Barack Obama" is a terrible insult. Which, admittedly, a disturbingly large number of Democrats apparently do.

Marvino Guardino said...

I didn't get it completely right, but the gist of this post sort of holds up... A bold prediction...
It’s not unlikely that Mrs. Clinton will make another speech on Friday that commends Obama, calls for party unity, begs for money…etc. What is unlikely is that the speech will be definitive.

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