June 7, 2008

Oh, yeah, and Hillary dropped out.

Sorry to take so long to post about it. I've been driving all over the place doing the Frank Lloyd Wright architectural tour. (Photos soon.) But I did listen to the speech live in the car, and I thought it was swell. I can't imagine how she could have done better. Spirited, idealistic, articulate, gracious, inspiring, good-hearted...

Oh, Hillary, why weren't you like this all along?
We cannot let this moment slip away. We have come too far and accomplished too much.

Now the journey ahead will not be easy. Some will say we can't do it. That it's too hard. That we're just not up to the task. But for as long as America has existed, it has been the American way to reject "can't do" claims, and to choose instead to stretch the boundaries of the possible through hard work, determination, and a pioneering spirit.

It is this belief, this optimism, that Senator Obama and I share, and that has inspired so many millions of our supporters to make their voices heard.

So today, I am standing with Senator Obama to say: Yes we can.

ADDED: Ah, here's the whole video.


Meade said...

"So today, I am standing with Senator Obama to say: Yes we can."

Gag me.

Palladian said...

"So today, I am standing with Senator Obama to say: Yes we can."

Can what? Sorry, Hill, no we can't. Or maybe you can, but I can't. I don't want to. And hopefully, enough voters come November won't want to either.

Palladian said...

So, garagemahal, will you, like me, hold your nose and vote for McCain this November?

Once written, twice... said...

I was even more surprised that Bob Dylan said that he supports Barack Obama this past week. I do not remember Dylan ever endorsing a candidate for political office before.

ricpic said...

All the withit people are gonna line up behind the Obamessiah, it's the withit thing to do, man.

Palladian said...

Oh, and Blessed Savior Obama? You think you've had a bumpy ride in the last couple of months? You ain't seen nothing yet. You and your staff better don asbestos suits, because you're about to witness the firepower of a fully armed and operational GOP. Maybe the threat of having the most vacuous and simultaneously dangerous quasi-socialist so close to winning the Presidency will make the GOP get off its miserable ass, figure out its principles and try and win some votes for the first time in 8 years or so.

Once written, twice... said...

ricpic and Palladian,

I know you are disappointed that George W. Bush can not run for a third term but I guess you will just have to get use to it. LL

Peter V. Bella said...

Yeah, right, sure. I'll only beleive it when Obama chooses a VP whose name is NOT Clinton. Then we will knowfor sure that the witch is dead and a stake is driven into her cold, merciless, heart. Only then will I relax. Don't count ole Uncle Festus out. He will wheel and deal to do anything to get that woman into the White House one way or another.

I'm Full of Soup said...

How ironic that Dems trot out the "American Tradition and Can Do Spirit" when it comes to winning an election.

Cause when it comes to managing one's own life and individual success or failure, Dems say the system is rigged against you.

I am confused.

Meade said...

L.E.Lee, It's widely known that, like Hillary was, Bob Dylan was a supporter of Barry Goldwater in 1964.

Palladian said...

"I know you are disappointed that George W. Bush can not run for a third term but I guess you will just have to get use to it."

I've never expressed support for George W Bush here, nor am I even a member of the Republican party. I know it's difficult for the simple-minded to grasp, but it is possible for people to have other than binary political opinions. Just because I don't like your Messiah [peace be upon him] and think he's full of shit doesn't mean I necessarily like the opposition that much either.

And get with the Messiah's talking points! McCain is George W Bush's 'third term'!

Anonymous said...

Hey lee, you don't anything about Palladian, do you?

Bob said...

McCain or Obama - yes I can hold my nose and pull that lever because 4 years of Carter was too much...

Once written, twice... said...

meade wrote "It's widely known that, like Hillary was, Bob Dylan was a supporter of Barry Goldwater in 1964."

I never heard that before. Any links you can provide to back this up?

rhhardin said...

Inspring: evidently there is a market for complete crap.

Once written, twice... said...

palladian wrote

"McCain is George W Bush's 'third term'!"

Good point.

Also, I guess you are one of them Libertarian/Bob Barr types?

ricpic said...

George W. Bush isn't nearly patriotic (racist in your language, LL) enough for me. Build the wall! And above all else, govern constitutionally. Stop robbing Peter to pay Paul ( what you would call lacking in compassion and mean spirited, LL).

Meade said...

Sorry L. E., I've worked a long day and I'm too tired to do your googling for you. Search "Dylan Goldwater Chronicles"

Automatic_Wing said...

You and your staff better don asbestos suits, because you're about to witness the firepower of a fully armed and operational GOP.

Would that it were so. The GOP is a complete wreck and has no credibility with the public right now. The only chance of avoiding eight years of Obamania is if Barry O has yet more skeletons in that closet of his.

Once written, twice... said...

It is true that if Goldwater were still alive today he would not recognize the Republican party now that it is dominated by nativist religious bigots. By every measure John McCain is more conservative than Goldwater. But a large number of conservatives can not even stomach McCain.

maguro is right when he writes "The GOP is a complete wreck and has no credibility with the public right now."

Anonymous said...

So Hillary wants to divide the prosperity of our country among people more "equally" and will have the state "solve our problems" and give us all affordable and superior health care. I wonder how much of her hundred million she's willing to pony up for one of those less equal?

Hillary's dream is the totalitarian nanny state; as Meade so eloquently put it, gag me.

Revenant said...

I never heard that before. Any links you can provide to back this up?

According to the Wikipedia article on Barry Goldwater, Dylan cited Goldwater as his favorite politician in his autobiography.

It is true that if Goldwater were still alive today he would not recognize the Republican party now that it is dominated by nativist religious bigots.

Yeah, yeah. And if FDR or John Kennedy were alive today they wouldn't recognize a Democratic Party dominated by race baiters whose reaction to a few thousand wartime casualties is to shit their pants and surrender to the enemy. Although they might laugh themselves hoarse at the idea that it was fascistic for the President to wiretap without a warrant, considering that both of them did it constantly.

Actually, that's a little unfair. They'd totally recognize the race-baiting aspect of the party. After all, the Democratic Party have been the masters of racist politics since Reconstruction; they just switch races occasionally. :)

Trooper York said...

Now's the time for all good men
to get together with one another.
We got to iron out our problems
and iron out our quarrels
and try to live as brothers.
And try to find a piece of land
without stepping on one another.
And do respect the women of the world.
Remember you all have mothers.
We got to make this land a better land
than the world in which we live.
And we got to help each man be a better man
with the kindness that we give.
I know we can make it.
I know darn well we can work it out.
Oh yes we can, I know we can can
Yes we can can, why can't we?
If we wanna get together we can work it out.

(Barack Obama, the lost Pointer Sister)

amba said...

I'm skeptical Obama and repelled by the idiotic and undiscriminating worship of him. But the hatred here is sad.

Partisans have a notch or groove labeled "enemy" and they can lock a new person into it without missing a beat. It seems the haters have as little curiosity as the worshipers. Something pushes their buttons and they shut down.

Of course the campaign process is all about pushing buttons ...

JSF said...

Did anyone notice that she did not release her Delegates or Superdelegates?

As warned in the 90's, the Clintons will always be out for themselves -- the Democrats are welcome to have them.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Amba said:
"Partisans have a notch or groove labeled "enemy" and they can lock a new person into it without missing a beat."

I guess you could say the two Dem sides did the same huh? I was surprised at how so many turned on the Clintons with a degree of pure hatred.

JSF said:

"Did anyone notice that she did not release her Delegates or Superdelegates?"

Any chance she has them locked up on one of those secret CIA prison ships?

Automatic_Wing said...

But the hatred here is sad.

If this thread bums you out, let me suggest that you are easily saddened. People use sites like this to vent a bit about politics, nothing to worry about.

Anonymous said...

What's really sad here is the racism. And the animus against lightworkers.

Amexpat said...

I was even more surprised that Bob Dylan said that he supports Barack Obama this past week.
Dylan didn't endorse Obama, he just said some nice things about him at the end of a long interview that focused on his paintings.

Dylan is primarily an artist and expresses what he feels at any given moment. He's mercurial in nature and is not burdened by the need to be consistent.

As mentioned above, he wrote nice things about Goldwater in his book. For what it's worth, he also wrote glowing songs about Joey Gallo, John Wesley Hardin and Billy the Kid - all sociopaths.

Sloanasaurus said...

I'm skeptical Obama and repelled by the idiotic and undiscriminating worship of him. But the hatred here is sad.

It's not just the worshiping, its Obama's world view. Obama sees America as some sort of community in crisis. He talks as if we all need to band together and solve the problems we think are important. There is nothing about self interest at all in Obama's rhetoric, yet the history of America is all about self interest. Our government is supposed to work for us the individual and protect our rights. Obama doesn't see it that way. He sees government as the great community organizer. He doesn't give a rats ass about individual liberty. Well, I don't want to be part of Obama's great community organization and neither do most Americans.

reader_iam said...

If this thread bums you out, let me suggest that you are easily saddened.

Let me suggest you know little about Amba.

People use sites like this to vent a bit about politics, nothing to worry about.

Let me suggest you know zero about Amba.

(See 11:30 p.m., in this blog's time stamp context.)

Ann Althouse said...

If you do that Google search for Dylan and Goldwater, I hope you find this old post of mine where -- as I elaborately blogged "Chronicles" -- I wrote:

Dylan's favorite politician: Barry Goldwater. P. 283.

Why: "[he] reminded me of Tom Mix."

Bob Dylan song that mentions Goldwater: "I Shall Be Free, No. 10."

Now, I'm liberal, but to a degree
I want ev'rybody to be free
But if you think that I'll let Barry Goldwater
Move in next door and marry my daughter
You must think I'm crazy!
I wouldn't let him do it for all the farms in Cuba.

Ann Althouse said...

Here's the right link to the old post, and I'm writing a new post on the Dylan Obama Goldwater thing.

le Douanier said...

So commenters here speak of BHO needing to worry about:

"the firepower of a fully armed and operational GOP."

Presumably this firepower will be bluster and lies:

"the most vacuous and simultaneously dangerous quasi-socialist"
"He doesn't give a rats ass about individual liberty."




(I saw this live when it played on Fox, it made no sense, but it didn't stand out to me because a lot of things on Fox are manipulative rather than informative. I also heard Rush do this story; his version was more coherent, but it was still a stretch.)
rambling on about messiah, cult, KoolAid, the One, magic negro, etc.
working to raise fears of the unknown (manchurian?) candidate, as best practiced by Hannity and Hugh.

This fire power has been unloading for some time. And, it is true that it has been proven effective in some communities. But, it's fear and lie mongering, presumably this line of attack will lose influence as more folks have time to realize the truth (i.e we have health care, middle class income, and overzealous nation building problems that require a change in leadership which is unattainable with McCain's rehashed and extended Bush economic and foriegn policy.)

Or maybe y'all are holding out for:


The Exalted said...

Yeah, yeah. And if FDR or John Kennedy were alive today they wouldn't recognize a Democratic Party dominated by race baiters whose reaction to a few thousand wartime casualties is to shit their pants and surrender to the enemy.

kennedy was ready to pull out of vietnam after a few thousand casualties. FDR's war differed in about every conceivable aspect.

but beyond your normal lack of historical grasp, you're spot on. the dems (and the vast majority of the american public, the cowards) should wait until we reach a magic number before leaving iraq - 58,000? $10 trillion?

(btw, calling a party "race baiters" that just nominated a black man expressly trying not to run as a "black candidate" is very astute)

Revenant said...

kennedy was ready to pull out of vietnam after a few thousand casualties.

Gee, there's somebody other than Oliver Stone who believes the "JFK was about to withdraw from Vietnam" myth? Will wonders never cease. By the way, our casualties in Vietnam didn't reach the thousands until two years after Kennedy's death -- so even if it were true that Kennedy planned to yank everyone out of Vietnam Obama-style (which of course it wasn't), he didn't do it in response to "thousands of casualties".

FDR's war differed in about every conceivable aspect.

Sure. For example, it cost a lot more money in both constant dollars and percentage of GDP, inflicted far worse hardships and restrictions of basic human rights on American civilians, and killed a hundred times as many American troops. Oh, and when it was over there were fewer democracies in Europe than there had been at the beginning, thanks to FDR handing eastern Europe over to Joseph Stalin, who at that time was the world record holder for butchery and genocide.

Heck, even in the worst-case scenario -- an Obama pullout followed by a complete collapse of democracy in Iraq -- the situation still won't be anywhere near the mess Europe was after we won WW2.

should wait until we reach a magic number before leaving iraq - 58,000? $10 trillion?

See, that's another sad thing about the modern Left. The idea that America might be able to win a war is completely alien to you -- the only possibilities you can see are "surrender" and "endless casualties". Sad, really.

(btw, calling a party "race baiters" that just nominated a black man expressly trying not to run as a "black candidate" is very astute)

Yeah, all those speeches about what a "historic opportunity" this is for voters are in no way meant to refer to his race. They're talking about the historical significance of voting for a guy who grew up in Hawaii, obviously.

Anyway, setting aside the ridiculous assertion that Obama isn't running as "the black candidate", there's the little fact that Obama himself has a twenty-year history of support for racism. Add in the fact that his supporters accuse anyone who criticizes him of being a racist, and you've got a textbook example of Democratic Party race-baiting.

Revenant said...

Presumably this firepower will be bluster and lies:

Heh. I'll listen to Obama supporters whine about "bluster and lies" when Obama stops claiming McCain wants to spend 100 years fighting in Iraq.

Obama knows that's a lie. He keeps saying it anyway, because it makes for good sound bites. That's how modern politics works, sadly.

The Exalted said...

Revenant said...

Gee, there's somebody other than Oliver Stone who believes the "JFK was about to withdraw from Vietnam" myth? Will wonders never cease.

how droll...but i got it from former sec. of defense robert mcnamara's book "in retrospect"

By the way, our casualties in Vietnam didn't reach the thousands until two years after Kennedy's death -- so even if it were true that Kennedy planned to yank everyone out of Vietnam Obama-style (which of course it wasn't), he didn't do it in response to "thousands of casualties".

this cuts against you

thanks to FDR handing eastern Europe over to Joseph Stalin

speaking of wonders never ceasing, what should FDR have done? it was a fait accompli. the red army was far larger and probably tactically superior to the allied forces in europe.

The idea that America might be able to win a war is completely alien to you -- the only possibilities you can see are "surrender" and "endless casualties". Sad, really.

do you ever argue with anyone other than strawmen?

setting aside the ridiculous assertion that Obama isn't running as "the black candidate",

like it or not, that is the way he ran. and it was just common sense. running in that way would have marginalized his campaign, and so he didn't. that was why there was such outrage when bill clinton attempted to pigeonhole him after the south carolina primary.

there's the little fact that Obama himself has a twenty-year history of support for racism.


Add in the fact that his supporters accuse anyone who criticizes him of being a racist

flat incorrect. do you really believe this?

The Exalted said...

Yeah, all those speeches about what a "historic opportunity" this is for voters are in no way meant to refer to his race.

clearly all that you see, revealing.

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