May 9, 2008

How is it that a picture of me...

... taken 27 years ago... has come to represent The Law Student?


Ryan said...

Top of the class at NYU, Federal Clerkship, Sullivan & Cromwell...

Maybe because you must have kicked a** in law school?

JohnAnnArbor said...

So, you wear contact lenses now?

Trooper York said...

Robin: "Batman, maybe I should stay home tonight. Homework, you know."
Batman: "I think you should acquire a taste for opera, Robin, as one does for poetry and olives."
(Batman TV Show, 1966)

rhhardin said...

Lots of books, harried look, no time for grooming.

vbspurs said...

Take a little of a young Susan Sarandon.

And a dab of Celia Johnson in Brief Encounter.

Put on a pair of Benny Hill glasses, and watch her bloom into the woman before you.

has come to represent The Law Student?

From CBS Sports yet! Weird.

But flattering that the image is so iconic, it still resonates 30 years hence.


Ann Althouse said...

I've worn contacts since I was 13, but I take them off late at night. That picture was taken after midnight, writing a take-home exam that was due in the morning. I also had a new baby, and we were living in a studio apartment. The glasses -- which were magenta colored -- were in vogue, the style worn by Diane Keaton in "Annie Hall." The hair, however... I cut it myself in those days and it was pinned up without any attempt at making a style.

MadisonMan said...

From CBS Sports yet! Weird.

The old picture of Ann A. is not at the CBS Sports site, just at the Above the Law site.

Anonymous said...

Wow, nice rack!

When you've got a lot you have to keep them up there properly displayed.

Me, I have my books all over the place.

Ron said...

All that legal training, tenure, good blogging and general coolness and how do they greet you? "Wow, nice rack!"

Well, I suppose I shouldn't carp, being nicknamed "Tripod" and all...

Sarandon, I see...Celia Johnson?
I'm thinkin' Tina Fey with better, more vortexy hair...

Ruth Anne Adams said...

I agree with the "Baily Quarters/Jan Smithers" look, as pointed out in the comments of the long-ago post.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Its the bangs, the quizzical look and .....ahem....the tee shirt.

Trooper York said...

Really? I'm thinking Tracy Gold in Growing Pains before she stopped eating.

reader_iam said...

Hey! Whatever happened to Johnny Nucleo?

I also miss the period when RLC would make an occasional appearance in comments. But then, I miss his blog, too.

And, once again, seeing that picture made me think of "Girlfriends," which I see I noted on that old post.

john said...

Nice rack? You mean nice feeders (new baby, duh).

Don't they have to acknowledge using this photo, can't you sue them for using it without permission?

dbp said...


It hardly seems fair to use your picture for the post and then list as one of their favorite suggestions: "14. Don't go to the Midwest for law school"

Not that you went to law school in the midwest, but it is where you (usually) teach.

Trooper York said...

Plus who wants to look at the caterpillar when you can see the butterfly.

vbspurs said...

Well, I suppose I shouldn't carp, being nicknamed "Tripod" and all...

I heard that about you.

Sarandon, I see...Celia Johnson?

Yeah, a bit of a stretch on my part. Although Ann is not a natural blond, as we can see, she isn't as dark as Celia either.

But she has big saucers eyes like the fabulous Celia did, and that photo has a general British look to it.

One of my best friends at school, Pippa, who we called enigmatically called Pork-Pie, had a very similar photo taken of her.

I'm thinkin' Tina Fey with better, more vortexy hair...

I think you may have something there, Ron!

Speaking of SNL and being cute back in the day, I always had a thing for A. Whitney Brown.

Even the fact that he was too liberal for Air America, doesn't deter me.


dbp said...


I remember exactly one of his jokes: I am A Whitney Brown, someday I hope to be THE Whitney Brown.

I remember him being funny, just can't remember any other of his lines...

Original Mike said...

Baily Quarters. Sigh.

Trooper York said...

Baily was cute but she was no Jennifer Marlowe. She had it all. Looks. Smarts. Personality. Venal spirit. The works.

Trooper York said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trooper York said...

I always felt I could save her from Burt Reynolds. Sigh.

Original Mike said...

Are you kidding me, Trooper? Next you'll tell me you'd take Ginger over Mary Ann.

Anonymous said...

Ralphie Parker - A Christmas Story (1983)

Trooper York said...

Of course. Mary Ann is a pothead. Ginger has been around. I always tried to play out of my league back in the day. That's the only way you can get better. Almost never works out. Almost.

Ron said...

I'm totally there with ya, Trooper! Lonnie Anderson was tha deal, except for that whole Burt thing...

Trooper York said...

I will grant you the following:

Janet over Chrissy.
Rhoda over Mary.
Betty over Wilma.
Trixie over Alice.
The Scarlet Witch over Sue Storm.
Rosie Palm over Sarah Jessica Parker.

Trooper York said...

You see I much prefer brunettes. And Loni was a natural brunette. I have seen the proof. Not in person. But the internets is a wonderful thing.

SteveWe said...

Everyone looked, and still looks like that today, like a bad night in town or just bucked off of a steer, when in the middle of a cram session or last minute paper. Jeeze Louise, people. (Besides, she was also changing nappies and feeding the infant.)

In retrospect, she hit the gong: graduated, now a member of a law school faculty teaching new lawyers (Do we really need any more? I guess we do.), and has, by all observance, produced a respectable son (methinks two, but I could be wrong).

So, those of you who want to take a shot at Ann... What can you show for your last 30 years of of carbon production?

All in jest, I hope you know.

Ron said...

Mary Ann and Bailey are nice safe econ-o-box Hondas; good mileage, yadda, yadda, yadda. But Jennifer and Ginger are Ferrari-esque! Expensive to buy, to run, and to fix, but mama mia, what performance!

Trooper York said...

Well said Ron. Sometimes you have to step up to the plate against someone a lot better than you. But if you can get the wood on it, it will go a long long way.

reader_iam said...

Trooper, I just want you to know that since if you've been commenting on this thread, the automatic ads which appear with gmail message tracking this thread have changed markedly. For example, here's where we are now:

Funny T-Shirts
Buy 3 Get 1 Free! From $14.99. Buy Now And Make Them Laugh.

Hilarious Coffee Mugs
Edgy Humor and Retro Images Great gifts for any coffee drinker

Babies Love the GumDrop
Lowest shipping rates
All colors and sizes in stock

Office Space Quote Shirt
Original Funny T-Shirts, Mousepads & Mugs. Satisfaction guaranteed.

Celebrities on Guideposts
Inspiring Stories from Celebrities To Uplift Your Body, Mind & Spirit.

Make of all that what you will ... .


Note: Originally posted on wrong thread.

blake said...

Did everyone here miss the third line in jdeeripper's comment.

I think he was doing one o' dem double-entendres.

But one o' de entendres done fell off.

reader_iam said...

Right up your alley, guys.

Trooper York said...

Hey if I post the lyrics to Mother Macree to celebrate Mother's Day will the ads change again?

Trooper York said...

Well it's really your pal Rh Hardin who has those fowl fancies don't you know.

Anonymous said...

blake said...Did everyone here miss the third line in jdeeripper's comment.

I think he was doing one o' dem double-entendres.

But one o' de entendres done fell off.

Yeah. I think some of the guys had double vision that interfered with their reading comprehension.

John said...

Oops, I left my comment on the original post. But I wanted to say you bear a striking resemblance to another 80s icon, Marshall Crenshaw, on the cover of his "Field Days" album here:

Ron said...

Being analogized to Marshall Crenshaw is the dream compliment every woman longs to hear...what, not skinny enough to be Buddy Holly?

If he says you remind him of Captain Beefheart...change perfumes...

Anonymous said...

Sue? Are you kidding? You can't buy publicity like this. It would be like the Morton Salt girl or the Verizon guy suing.

Althouse is law school now. You, a law professor.

reader_iam said...

OT: I just participated in one of those phone survey things (a l-o-o-ong one, and detailed). One of the first questions was: "Have you accessed the internet at any time in the last 30 days?" LOL. /OT.

section9 said...

Ann, have you ever considered getting the photo copyrighted and turned into a coffee mug for Law Students?

It's truly iconic. You've become a National Treasure!!!

Next stop, SCOTUS!!! (Yes, Feddie at "Southern Appeal" will bitch up a storm, but screw him...).

Anonymous said...

Lunch boxes. Children's toys. Deodorants and soaps. And a complete line of sunglasses.

vbspurs said...

Dbp, I'm glad someone remembered him!

A. Whitney Brown used pre-Whit Stillmanesque rambling monologues, which were steeped in seering Ivy League vocab. His monologues sound like an unctuous McGeorge Bundy making a point about Mikoyan. You prided yourself you got half of them.

No Youtube clips capture his old SNL persona, so I won't link to them.

But let's just say:

A. Whitney Brown over Dennis Miller



reader_iam said...

Ok, so now I'm getting such things as (will spare the reproduction) promo mugs, studying IP law in China, law school gifts, getting into law school, superhero capes for children and something have to do with--hell, don't ask me!!--"Certified RN Coatings, Blank Sublimation Mugs and Tiles."

Trooper York said...

"Blank Sublimation Mugs"

Isn't that the facial expressions of the voters that they trucked in for Obama from the nursing homes in Gary this week?

Trooper York said...

Didn't that A Withney Brown dude do a real nasty you tube video saying he doesn't support the troops or something like that? I seem to remember something like that from a few months ago.

vbspurs said...

Janet over Chrissy.
Rhoda over Mary.
Betty over Wilma.
Trixie over Alice.
The Scarlet Witch over Sue Storm.
Rosie Palm over Sarah Jessica Parker.

Wow, I have no idea who half these ladies are (or vaguely know). I think Trixie and Alice are from the Honeymooners, which I've never seen.

How about this other Gen X version:

Daphne over Velma
Smurfette over Miss Piggy
Justine Bateman over Molly Ringwald
Blair over Dana Plato
Mr. T over Lou Ferrigno
Scott Baio over anyone but especially Ralph Macchio
Andrew McCarthy over James Spader
Remington Steele over Bruce Willis
Susanna Hoffs over Pat Benatar


vbspurs said...

Didn't that A Withney Brown dude do a real nasty you tube video saying he doesn't support the troops or something like that?

I saw it when I was searching for a relevant clip to post here.

He actually called it "I Support The Troops", but couched it in John Kerry-like terms. You know the kind:

Halp Us John Carry - We R Stuck Hear N Ikak

Trooper York said...

Well I see your list like this:

Sean Connery over David Craig
Richard Burton over Peter O’Toole
Keith Richards over Mick Jagger
Peter Tosh over Bob Marley.
Albert Brooks over Marv Albert
Woody Allen over Woody Hayes
Barney Ruble over Fred Flintstone
Hoss Cartwright over Little Joe.
Ross Poldark over Ross Gellar.

vbspurs said...

Hoss Cartwright over Little Joe.


Trooper York said...

Hey big and stupid and cuddly and loyal over skinny pretty boy. But it doesn't really matter because you would only last one episode before a rock fell on you or you got eaten by a bear or something. The only thing more dangerous was beaming down to the planets surface with Bones and Spock and the Kirk. You were certain to be turned into a pillar of salt while Kirk was boning some green chick.

rcocean said...

I thought A. Whitney Brown was dead.
Well, even if alive, he's still not funny.

He was a tedious, snarky, lefty who made Bill Maher seem like Bob Hope.

reader_iam said...

Hoss Cartwright over Little Joe.


Well, Victoria, I sorta felt that way about, for example, Andrew McCarthy over James Spader.

Trooper York said...

Yeah have you seen Justine Bateman lately. I'm all for looking like your real age but she got more lines on her face than Lindsey Lohan's bathroom countertop. She needs a freakin' sandwich stat to fill in her shrunken mug. Damn she got fugly.

vbspurs said...

Well, Victoria, I sorta felt that way about, for example, Andrew McCarthy over James Spader.

Idiosyncratic, I agree. But as if the A. Whitney Brown thing didn't tip you off, I have this thing for men with wispy hair.

Plus Spader would've treated you like crap at the prom. Pass.


Magnus Magnusson over Bamber Gascoigne


vbspurs said...

Back to Ann. WHY do you think they put up that decades old photo of her without her permission?

I suspect someone Googled Images for a "law school student studying".

Not sure if she's asked them to take it down, but it's actually a compliment I think.


Trooper York said...

Bruno Sammartino over Hulk Hogan.
The Fabulous Moolah over Ms. Elizabeth.
Joan Blondell over Joan Collins.
Cindy Lauper over Madonna.
David Bowie over Bowie Kuhn.

Trooper York said...

And who has wispier hair than Hoss Cartwright. He only had two. Plus two teeth. Jeeez.

titusgetme the ax!!!! said...

Nice Rack-

vbspurs said...

And who has wispier hair than Hoss Cartwright. He only had two. Plus two teeth. Jeeez.

I leave the field to Hoss entirely to you then.

And now, if you'll excuse me, I'm outties to the cinema. Night Althousians.

Ann Althouse said...

"Bruno Sammartino over Hulk Hogan"

The Golden Terror over Bruno Sammartino

titusgetme the ax!!!! said...

If I was in law school and saw you walking by I would of probably put the moves on you big time.

I still might today...if you are lucky.

titusgetme the ax!!!! said...

OK, fellow republicans it is almost showtime.

I love running out of my condo building and running by and perhaps brushing by tourists and yelling taxi.

It is so empowering.

Trooper York said...

"The Golden Terror over Bruno Sammartino"

Isn't "The Golden Terror" your nickname on Blogging Heads after you opened that can of whipass on the dirty hippie chick.

Ann Althouse said...

"Back to Ann. WHY do you think they put up that decades old photo of her without her permission?"

It's not "they," it's David Lat. He and I are on very good terms. It's an inside joke to post my picture like that. I totally get it, think it's funny, and feel flattered.

Ann Althouse said...

"If I was in law school and saw you walking by I would of probably put the moves on you big time."

Thanks, but in fact, that NEVER happens.

titusgetme the ax!!!! said...

You were hot then and you are hot now.

I think you are too hot for a man.

A man wouldn't be able to tame or cope with your fierce independence and brillant mind.

I bet you intimate men.

Man intimidater.

titusgetme the ax!!!! said...

I think most of these men who post on here secretly desire you.

reader_iam said...

I bet you intimate men. [as is]

O the richness therein! The richness therein! Is Trooper still out and about?

titusgetme the ax!!!! said...

I think you know that most of the men who comment on here secretly desire you and you find it empowering.

Similar to how I feel when I run out of my fabulous loft, cellphone to ear, ensemble amazing, and bump into tourists from the south and yell taxi.

reader_iam said...

I guess I assumed everyone here, with just a few exceptions, knew that Lat and Althouse were buds.

Trooper York said...

I had to let that one pass. It's too easy. Plus Titus is sensitive. Plus he’s interesting because now he is rubbing the nub of the crux if you know what I mean. And I am curious.

titusgetme the ax!!!! said...

You are a big old performer too.

And a bit of a drama queen.

No wonder you and Andrew Sullivan link to each other frequently.

OK-I am done analyzing you.

I got to get out and see what I am worth.

reader_iam said...

I am curious.

Yellow, or Blue?

titusgetme the ax!!!! said...

Has the intimadition topic been discussed before?

I must of missed it.

Just by view of things.

Trooper York said...

You x-rated movie queen you.

And you a Soccer Mom.

titusgetme the ax!!!! said...

OK, one more compliment.

You are "noticeable" and that is a really rare quality.

I would love to see you walk.

I bet when you are working the runway around Soho or Chelsea you make heads turn.

OK I am done flattering you.

Want to do it?

blake said...

Oh, reader, I love those questions.

"How long did you spend on the Internet last week?"

"Well, let's see, 168 hours in a week, subtract 56 hours for sleeping..."

titusgetme the ax!!!! said...

OK< I am off.

Everyone have a great night.


blake said...

"If I was in law school and saw you walking by I would of probably put the moves on you big time."

Thanks, but in fact, that NEVER happens.

That is an intriguing comment.

blake said...

I think most of these men who post on here secretly desire you.

Secretly? Most are pretty up front about it.

Simon said...

titusgetme the ax!!!! said...
"I bet you intimate men."

How do you "intimate" a man?

"I think most of these men who post on here secretly desire you."

What Blake said. On one level or another, that's probably true. It's most true of all for the critics - the anti-althousiana who hide subconscious lust behind exaggerated disdain.

John Kindley said...

I actually had the pleasure of having Althouse as a prof in law school -- though I was a terrible and infrequent attender, the 8 a.m. time slot having a lot to do with it. She was certainly easier on the eyes than any of the other law profs. And her lectures were very good -- lucid, cogent, and chock full of information. She gave us our money's worth. If your mind was focused on learning a lot about Conflict of Laws, you certainly could. On the other hand, if you were overly susceptible to mild amazement at the spectacle of an attractive older woman exuding uber-intelligence, you might have a tougher time of it.

John Kidwell was probably the best, though. Hard telling how many nefarious liberal contract doctrines he successfully instilled in us unwittingly with his drily humorous, entertaining style.

reader_iam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
John Kindley said...

Yeah, I can't blame her or even the UW for any of my crazy radical ideas. The North Dakota Supreme Court and the IRS get all the credit for that.

John Kindley said...

And of course, the National Cancer Institute, the epidemiology department at UW, and former WI Gov. Tommy Thompson. Can't forget them.

reader_iam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
reader_iam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ann Althouse said...

Well, since I've never taught a class that started at 8 am and I've never taught Conflict of Laws...

blake said...

Way to ruin a good story about Althouse, Althouse.

reader_iam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
John Kindley said...

Yeah, a back story that is kind of self-indulgent of me to mention in this context, since it makes no sense to anyone else without going into it. Suffice to say, I have personal reasons for being disgusted with certain failures of certain segments of the government, which makes the IRS' robberies even more galling, when I reflect that we're all being forced to pay for things that are utterly contemptible. So nowadays, instead of being bitter about what I perceive as "failures" of the government, I've come to believe that we should ask not what our government can do for us -- and that we should insist more and more on only paying for what we've asked for.

reader_iam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
John Kindley said...

Okay, maybe I've got my facts wrong. I certainly wasn't trying to make things up. This was back in 1999. 9 a.m. would have been too early for me too. Like I said, I wasn't in the class very often. I guess it must have been Federal Jurisdiction. I think I was torn that semester between taking Fed. Jur. and Conflict of Laws. Maybe that's where I got confused. If it was Fed. Jur. I took, I admit that's pretty damn sad that I thought I'd taken a Conflict of Laws class that I never in fact took in my law school career.

John Kindley said...

Geez, Ann, I try to be all complimentary and stuff and you prove me a liar. I think you know who am, don't ya? Published Fall 1998 issue of Wisconsin Law Review? John K.? Law review article notorious enough to be distributed to every member of U.S. House of Reps by Congressman Dave Weldon, M.D.? I've been hanging around here for a while.

vbspurs said...

It's not "they," it's David Lat. He and I are on very good terms. It's an inside joke to post my picture like that. I totally get it, think it's funny, and feel flattered.

What! What a setup. You knew the answer to your "How is this" question all along.

I'm not playing with you anymore, Ann.


John Kindley said...


Obviously I was one of those students in the second of the two categories I mentioned above -- the ones who were "overly susceptible to mild amazement at the spectacle," and who therefore had trouble concentrating on Conflict of Laws or Federal Jurisdiction or whatever it was :)

John Kindley said...

What's even more embarrassing is I think I might have alluded before on this very blog to my supposed 8 a.m. "Conflict of Laws" class with Althouse and I think I might have been corrected before by Althouse in the exact same way. What kind of numb-skulls are you accepting to that law school, anyway?

John Kindley said...

While I'm eating crow in these multiple postings, let me just clarify that I thought John Kidwell was a great prof and a very good guy, liberal or not. I actually don't recall whether he was all that liberal or not. I just remember he was a great prof. It's dangerous and potentially misleading to alternate too suddenly between attempts at wry but affectionate humor regarding people you may disagree with politically and genuine straightforward bitterness towards the actual carrying out of bad political ideas by government agents.

vbspurs said...

John, a word in your shell-like, if you'll permit.

This is the internet. People lie. But the more you explain, the worse it looks.

So, chillax. I'm sure you are who you are, and it's for others to prove you different. :)


Anonymous said...

Ann Althouse said...

"If I was in law school and saw you walking by I would of probably put the moves on you big time."

Thanks, but in fact, that NEVER happens.

As you know you tend to attract gay males. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

If you're lucky maybe this summer an attractive, intelligent, caring man will approach you.

And if there's a God he'll be wearing the shortest, tightest shorts you've ever seen.

titusgetme the ax!!!! said...

OK I am back. The night was absoolutely crazy-I won't go into it.

If the gay males notice you then you can definitely know the straight males notice you.

Gay males are the first to highlight society. Straight mles follow our insuctions.

Overall, you are hot and obviously fabulous and if you don't know it I am here to tell you-you are.

Fabulous hair, clothes, body, intellect, style, taste.

You are a diva.

Madonna, Crawford, Davis, Garland, Cher, Carey, are in good company/

knox said...

Gay males are the first to highlight society. Straight mles follow our insuctions.

wait ... titus is gay?!

Mortimer Brezny said...

I knew someone would beat me to using the word "rack".

Ann Althouse said...

John K... I figured you may have meant 8:50, which I have done, but how can you mix up Conflict of Laws and Federal Jurisdiction? I mean, I believe you that I did, but it was just pretty weird that you got the 2 facts wrong.

Victoria: "What! What a setup. You knew the answer to your "How is this" question all along. I'm not playing with you anymore, Ann."

I think if you look back, you will see that this is true of many, many post. For a law professor, this is a classic form of expression.

titusgetme the ax!!!! said...

I wouldn't call myself gay.

I am more bi-curious.

What's it like?

John Kindley said...

Ann said: "John K... I figured you may have meant 8:50, which I have done, but how can you mix up Conflict of Laws and Federal Jurisdiction? I mean, I believe you that I did, but it was just pretty weird that you got the 2 facts wrong."

Apparently, never having taken Conflict of Laws, I don't have a clear idea of what the class might have been about, making it easier to mix it up with whatever:) But I distinctly remember taking the exam for your class and sweating profusely over the fact that I hardly ever went to class. That was a missed opportunity on my part, since I remember the few times I went to class as being very worthwhile. Fortunately, I was relieved when I scored a reasonable grade, though far from stellar.

Ruth Anne Adams said...


Yep. He's gay.

Richard Fagin said...

"Remember back in the day when you were idealistic about the law school experience, touring campuses, and trying to decide where to go to become a top-notch attorney?"

Um, no I don't. I was working as a patent agent in my company's law department, when the general counsel came by one day and said, "We like you. We like your work. But you're the only non-attorney professional in the department and if you want to stay here, you'll have to go to law school."

I didn't even want to go. You can imagine how much fun I never had. Although it was kinda cool talking back to the occasional gasbag professor knowing I probably made more money than he did. That and the ignorant twit in corporations class asking the professor, "What's a mortgage bond?" and thinking, "I'm getting an A in this class. Bwahahahah!"

blake said...

I think if you look back, you will see that this is true of many, many post. For a law professor, this is a classic form of expression.

You! A law professor!

blake said...

Actually, now that I think about, that's how I teach, too.

Me! Not a law professor!

vbspurs said...

I think if you look back, you will see that this is true of many, many post. For a law professor, this is a classic form of expression.

Well, it's hard to find out you're another lab rat in a Socratic Method Blog.

My mind isn't stimulated that way. I feel hurt actually.

I need a hug.


smitty1e said...

It's really quite obvious:
you're a (cod)ex symbol. ;)

Richard Lawrence Cohen said...

I want credit for my photo! If it's going to be iconic and all.

(Love the window boxes, too. You could have been an art history professor on the side.)

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