May 1, 2008

Baptist minister talks dirty to John McCain.

I don't know what I was doing on April 7th that I missed this important story about John McCain:
The Real McCain by Cliff Schecter, which will arrive in bookstores next month, reports an angry exchange between McCain and his wife that happened in full view of aides and reporters during a 1992 campaign stop....
Three reporters from Arizona, on the condition of anonymity, also let me in on another incident involving McCain's intemperateness. In his 1992 Senate bid, McCain was joined on the campaign trail by his wife, Cindy, as well as campaign aide Doug Cole and consultant Wes Gullett. At one point, Cindy playfully twirled McCain's hair and said, "You're getting a little thin up there." McCain's face reddened, and he responded, "At least I don't plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you cunt." McCain's excuse was that it had been a long day. If elected president of the United States, McCain would have many long days.
Oh, what do I care what pet names a husband and wife have for each other? Trollop... cunt... sounds a little British to me. Isn't that what the Sex Pistols called each other... trollop?

At least I don't plaster on the makeup like a trollop... that suggests that McCain takes the "natural look" approach to applying his makeup.

But I got caught up on cuntgate when I saw this news story in the Des Moines Register today:
A Clive man drew gasps from fellow audience members at today’s presidential candidate forum by using a four-letter word in a question to Sen. John McCain.
A "Clive man" seems to be some sort of hominid.
[MARTY] PARRISH: This question goes to mental health and mental health care. Previously, I’ve been married to a woman that was verbally abusive to me. Is it true that you called your wife a (expletive)?

MCCAIN: Now, now. You don’t want to … Um, you know that’s the great thing about town hall meetings, sir, but we really don’t, there’s people here who don’t respect that kind of language. So I’ll move on to the next questioner in the back.
People here who don’t respect that kind of language....? Those people better learn to show some respect.

Turns out the guy is a Baptist minister, just trying to get a straight answer about whether McCain is too much of a hothead to be a good President. McCain didn't get pissed at him, so didn't he get an answer?


titusisnotpregnant said...



I love hot drippy, yearning, quivering, hungry cunts.

I also love the word cunt.

When I go out with a guy friend of mine, he always leaves me and tells me he is "going to go sling his cunt and see what he is worth".

Cunt is such a depraved word. I think that is why I love it most. I love debauchery.

garage mahal said...

Cuntgate. LOL. Bravo.

And yes, he did get his answer.

vbspurs said...




Anyway...I mentioned C-gate in your "McCain's Anger always has a purpose" post back in April.

Apparently the purpose today was just to get a Q & A gotcha moment and a frisson of drippy vaginas.

I think I'll pass.


Hoosier Daddy said...

Turns out the guy is a Baptist minister, just trying to get a straight answer about whether McCain is too much of a hothead to be a good President.

Well we all know Bill Clinton was, albeit too late. I mean Bill certainly doesn't take any shit from anyone does he? Reporters especially who try and play the race card on him. His office is in Harlem to criminey sakes.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Apparently the purpose today was just to get a Q & A gotcha moment and a frisson of drippy vaginas.

And to think I missed out on that too. Story of my life. Day late and a drippy vagina short.

Automatic_Wing said...

So a group of drippy vaginas is called a frisson? You learn so much out on the internets!

titusisnotpregnant said...

Do vaginas really drip?

I am imagining a fawcett being turned on?

Is it true that some vaginas can actually pick up things and do the housework and dial the phone?

vbspurs said...

Heh, Hoosier Daddy.

Don't worry about Cindy McCain, folks. She not only is the driver in the family (try that in mine, and my father would cut you), but she revealed on Leno last night, about their first meeting:

"He kind of chased me around ... an hors d'oeuvre table," she said. "I was trying to get something to eat and I thought, 'You know, this guy's kind of weird.'"

Weird and a bad driver. I love it!


Methadras said...

I've personally witnessed a few people who comment on this blog display their sandy vaginas. That is where they get sand in their vaginas, hence sandy vagina. Thank you.

Revenant said...

Ironically, while I have no trouble picturing McCain calling someone a cunt, I just can't picture him using the phrase "plaster on makeup like a trollop". Who talks like that?

titusisnotpregnant said...

I am turned on by the language.

I am totally voting for him now.

I like it hard, nasty, dirty and foreign.

Skyler said...

Whether the accusation is true or not, it was a terrible way to ask the question. That is perhaps the singlemost offensive word in our language (the immature vagina monologues notwithstanding).

I think the response to the question was entirely appropriate.

rcocean said...

Baptist Minister, where did that comes from? Or maybe he's a drugged out Baptist "Minister". Back in the days some men in audience would have kicked his ass afterwards, and taught him some manners.

McCain handled it well. I don't care what he and his wife call each other.

vbspurs said...

Skyler and Rocean, I agree he handled it well, and moreover, what they call each other in private is their beeswax.

But if you click over to the HuffPo link Ann provided, you'll see their readership is in a tizzy of indignation about this.

One person said he would never vote for a guy who called his wife that. Others concurred.

Yeah, right. I'm sure everyone on HuffPo voted for Dole and not Clinton in '96.


Trooper York said...

"So a group of drippy vaginas is called a frisson?"

I thought those where the dogs that gay guys like (when they can't be fabulous enough to have rare clumbers).

chuck b. said...

What's wrong with being hot-headed?! The doughy baptist minister can go fuck himself. Hot headed people can make efficient and effective leaders. Who else is he going to vote for? Obama? Or does he think Clinton is less hot-headed than McCain?

Trooper York said...

"Ironically, while I have no trouble picturing McCain calling someone a cunt, I just can't picture him using the phrase "plaster on makeup like a trollop".

I thought trollope was one of those poofter old english writers that gay professors like to read to make it seem like they are smarter then you?

Can't we go back to talking about sex toys.

Trooper York said...

Not that theres anything wrong with that. Poofter professors or gay literature. Hey enjoy.

rhhardin said...

Notice that McCain couldn't substitute twat. It has no history of metonymy.

Trooper York said...

Not that theres anything wrong with twat.

JustOneMinute said...

I'd be shocked if he is actually a baptist minister - this blog looks like a good match for name, age, and location, but he is a former Biden worker now backing Obama.

Nothing in his educational background or expressed interests suggests he is a minister.

Tom Maguire

Trooper York said...

Hey Barbara Walters just announced that she had an affair with a Senator. John C. Calhoun must be rolling over in his grave.

rcocean said...

Barbara Walters is a wanton strumpet.
Among other things.

michilines said...

It's the Great Leap Forward people.

Now that everyone knows that McCain threw the c-word at his wife, all women can use it with each other and everything will flow. I see it now -- women calling each other the c-word in a friendly fashion and men being jealous that they can't do the same.

That's how you all think, no?

And here's Tom to the rescue for McCain. It's the old "he's not that he's got counter tops" response.

Well done, Tom.

Trooper York said...

If Senator Calhoun were alive today he would call you a jackanapes for that remark.

Actually jackanapes is McCain's private name for Obama but it sounds too racial and he doesn't want to step in the macaca.

Spread Eagle said...

I remember the discussion of an affair going on between Edward Brook and Barbara Walters back in the 70s. It was an open secret.

Zachary Sire said...

I love the word Trollop more than I do cunt!

It doesn't take much to call someone a C-U-Next-Tuesday, but Trollop...that's a little more exciting. It's not something you hear every day.

Based on her Leno appearance last night, I'd say she was a cunt. She did shit behind his back (took flying lessons), called him a bad driver, said he was stalking her at a cocktail party. Then she talked about her fucked up drug addiction. Finally, Leno called McCain an old bastard!

All of these motherfuckers are a bunch of mean, crazy, cunty, foul mouthed assholes!

blake said...

Vagina dentata?

titusisnotpregnant said...

Baba Wawa is obviously a slut.

I love sluts.

I wish more women were sluts.

Letting their drippy cunts hang out for the world to see.

I love a dirty skanky cunt hanging out of a tight pair of cheap cut out denim shorts, pubes crawling out-almost lifelike. It gets me going.

rcocean said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
titusisnotpregnant said...

Cunts are made for fucking.

Zachary Sire said...

McCain's right. Look at this painted whore.

Cunty McCunt indeed.

titusisnotpregnant said...

vaginas are made for making love.

You fuck a cunt.

You make love to a vagina.

Fucking is funner.

Unknown said...

So, is he really a Baptist minister? (h/t JustOneMinute)

MadisonMan said...

Isn't Babs a little young to have had an affair with John C. Calhoun?

I've said it before and I'll repeat it: Cindy McCain creeps me out. Her carriage and demeanor seem very unnatural to me. But I've not seen a lot of it, maybe that's the problem.

titusisnotpregnant said...

Right now I have a head cold so I am not as horny as I should be with all this cunt talk.

I am also watching Prairie Home Companion which doesn't put anyone in the mood. Garrison Keillor is not a turn on.

titusisnotpregnant said...

The crowd was pretty mild as far as their reaction to the cunt question which is pretty cool.

I like that crowd.

michilines said...

mcg -- late!!!!!

No that's funny.

Zachary Sire said...

Titus, there was an audible "What?!" after the question followed by a hilarious "Oh for God's sake!"

Simon said...

Titus, why would a gay man be turned on by talking about vaginas? Maybe you're not so much gay as horny and willing to take what's going?

Simon said...

If I may, the most offensive thing isn't that he said the word "cunt," it's something quoted in the HuffPo story that Ann links to. He claims that "This election is the most significant one since 1860. It appears America is asleep...." The second claim is utterly preposterous; the first is one of my pet peeves. This is barely the most significant election since 2006, let alone 1860. As I said here: "[Obama is wrong to] suggest[] that these are extraordinary times. That's no more true today than it was when Robert Kennedy claimed that those were not ordinary times and that was not an ordinary election. I think history bears out that no election is ever ordinary while it lies before us, and times are never ordinary until they are far behind us. ... [I]t's a natural tendancy to think that we happen to live in exciting, extraordinary times ... but in truth, the challenges that Clinton or McCain in 2009 will have to grapple with are not more significant than those Reagan faced in 1981, to take only one example."

George M. Spencer said...

Here is the author's blog.

He's a guy in a t-shirt in a bad photo.

former law student said...

the relationship of man and wife is intimate, and strangers may not question how the partners choose to communicate. Legally they were once one being, and traces of that are still left in the law.

Further, as Owen Wister famously pointed out, all insults can be made palatable:

Therefore Trampas spoke. "Your bet, you son-of-a--."

The Virginian's pistol came out, and his hand lay on the table, holding it unaimed. And with a voice as gentle as ever, the voice that sounded almost like a caress, but drawling a very little more than usual, so that there was almost a space between each word, he issued his orders to the man Trampas: "When you call me that, SMILE." And he looked at Trampas across the table.

Yes, the voice was gentle. But in my ears it seemed as if somewhere the bell of death was ringing; and silence,

bell of death was ringing; and silence, Exactly like my wife's reaction would be should I ever use the c-word to refer to her.

michilines said...

If I may, the most offensive thing isn't that he said the word "cunt,"

See Simon, you did it.

You can type it. You can say it. NOW.

It doesn't 'touch' you, so it's ok. And now it's ok on this blog. Ann said so.

I feel you there Simon. Being able to type, perhaps say, words in this context is liberating, no?

michilines said...

george, good man for reading that the source of your data has already spoken.

Well done!

vbspurs said...

Speaking of trollops:

I'm reading a bio on Alice Roosevelt Longworth, Teddy's famous daughter, and it was an open secret in the '20s that her only child was fathered by an Idaho Senator, William Borah.

Today, this would be called Spudgate.


Bruce Hayden said...

According to Gateway Pundit: Dem Operative Asks McCain If He Called His Wife a C*nt ...Update: He Ran Biden's Office- Is an Obama Supporter!

michilines said...

Please let the world connect Ann Althouse with the term C***gate.

Ruth Anne Adams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
michilines said...

bruce, dude, tom has already been here. Don't you read before commenting?

Guess not.

You guys and you anti-c**t posts are killing me.

Chip Ahoy said...

Oh dear, I feel another laughing fit coming on.

Simon said...

michilines said...
"[Simon said that most offensive thing isn't that he said the word 'cunt.'] See Simon, you did it. You can type it. You can say it. NOW."

Michilines, where did you get the impression that I have a problem with the word "cunt"? I have a problem with using language that has been disallowed by the host or hostess of a given forum, but as a general matter, I grew up in England, where it's an obscenity, and certainly not welcome in polite society, but prevalent. And, for that matter, I see no reason why a slang term for female genitalia should be considered so much more offensive than slang for male genitalia.

I don't have a problem with cusswords, but I do have a problem with people who can't make it through a comment - in some cases, a paragraph without falling back on them.

Anonymous said...

I think it would be wise to be suspicious of anonymous sources or even non-anonymous sources on these things. For instance, several times in op-ed columns I've read of things supposedly said by some prominent politician on a TV program the writer had supposedly viewed only to be disappointed when reading the actual transcripts of said program to find out the 'quote' in question was either apparently manufactured or wildly misinterpreted by the writer. The media("three reporters from Arizona") can't be trusted anymore.

I'm leery of comments along the lines of, "After the private meeting several of the participants swore that Bush mooned the audience and ordered a bomber run on Monaco." No one can really be trusted, least of all anonymous reporters, to objectively relate off-camera events. What's the legal term - hearsay?

Frankly the "cunt" remark sounds like a fabrication and the second episode tells us nothing except that McCain seemed to want to move on from some vulgar language uttered in a public forum. Good for him. I can't see that the second incident in any way validates the "cunt" episode.

I think that all the candidates, or any other celebrity, are subject to this kind of anonymous blackjacking. Crap like this apparently sells books.

michilines said...

Michilines, where did you get the impression that I have a problem with the word "cunt"?

You go white boy!!!!

michilines said...

Frankly the "cunt" remark sounds like a fabrication and the second episode tells us nothing except that McCain seemed to want to move on from some vulgar language uttered in a public forum.

Told ya.


Chip Ahoy said...


Whew, glad that's over. Something of an emotional roller-coaster, wot with the suicide and the sweary old guys 'n everything, well it's a sexy blogging day then innit.

McCain: "Oh, just suck my ... never mind. Any other plants got a question?"

This is a fellow I could vote for if I were voting which I'm not because I'm not so stupid as to think there's not an electoral college between myself and whatever effect my lonely vote could possible have along with this whole winner-take-all business our so-called representative governments are so fondly embracing for even so late as an electronic age in possession of the internets. <--100 % of natural-born common sense.

A pox on both these stinking parties. <-- 100% of self-indulgent outburst.

Chip Ahoy said...

>Thread jack alert< Wanna hear something funny? OK, here goes.

I ordered two packages of seeds. Total cost $6.00 including shipping. Received, two packages of seeds and three sets of ten asparagus plants. Total cost $30.00. Too much bother to return so I got to keep them. See? Told you it was funny.

Asparagus plants are weird. They have to be seen to be believed. The bits that look like thick roots aren't -- they're the incipient edible portions.

>/thread jack alert<

TMink said...

Hmmm, no degree from any religious school that I can see. How many Baptist ministers use the word in public?

It was a set up, an inside job. You know what potty mouths all the liberals are!


Bruce Hayden said...

Definitely makes a better headline that the guy was a Baptist minister than Biden's former office manager and now Obama supporter. Still, a plant is a plant.

former law student said...

Hmmm, no degree from any religious school that I can see.

Not everyone puts their entire CV on their Myspace page. It confuses people to learn that the Baptist minister once was a dispatcher for an escort agency.

vbspurs said...

I grew up in England, where it's an obscenity, and certainly not welcome in polite society, but prevalent.

Quite right.

Also, c*nt is used by males to other males in the UK, but humourously. It is never used to women, unless you want a belt 'round the mush.

On British television, one can say any obscenity in the world, as Gordon Ramsay's shows are living testament to.

The only word that is 100% not allowed even today is, you guessed it...c*nt.


vbspurs said...

Forgot to mention this amusing German video. It's sweet little Lukas using the German language equivalent.

F*tze is EVEN worse than c*nt, but you know -- they're both extremely funny words.


George M. Spencer said...

Beware of pranksters and dirty tricks.

Anything at this point to direct attention away from Sen. Obama. That's the goal.

Zogby and Rasmussen still have Obama up by about 15% in North Carolina. Four other pollsters have his lead cut to about 5-6% on average. One poll even has Clinton ahead by 2%. Overall average is Obama up by only 8%.

rhhardin said...

I don't use cunt at all, in polite society or not ; but I wasn't in the Navy.

rhhardin said...

The offense in taboo words isn't the referent, but that they presume a relationship with the audience that the audience has not granted.

That's why offense is taken. It's a social mistake.

Since offense is taken, the word is useful for exactly causing offense.

Various cultures have various offensive words, but they will always be present in the language, because sometimes you want to offend.

When the audience presumes that the relationship in fact exists (``among guys'' etc) then the word serves to affirm the relationship and is not offensive.

Though a guy may not be part of the ``among guys'' audience in fact, in which case he may choose to temporarily make allowences for an understandable mistake the supermarket bagger has made.

ballyfager said...

No need to worry about McCain. It's not like he's ever going to be President. He's to ooold (and I'm old). He's also elitist, thin-skinned, hot-tempered and will not be able to stand the exposure he'll get in the next six months.

The Democrats are trying their damndest to hand this election to the Republicans but the Republicans are just as determined to give it back.

So, it comes down to a choice between Obama and Clinton. If you can't see that Obama is the lesser evil (Tom Maguire for one doesn't seem to see it), what can I tell you.

rhhardin said...

three sets of ten asparagus plants. Total cost $30.00.

Asperagus is$2.49 a pound at Kroger, if you want to gauge the market for them.

Vidalia onions are 3 pounds for 2 dollars, a pricing scheme that defeats the efforts of the lower classes to figure out if it's a good deal.

The reason to teach mathematics in school is defending yourself against Kroger.

Unfortunately girls can't do math. Kroger steps in.

KCFleming said...

If it ain't on tape, McCain didn't say it.

Prove it, Schecter.

MadisonMan said...

I am reminded of Mr. SmokeTooMuch. What a silly bunt.

titusisnow pregnant-ohmygod said...

All this cunt talk has got be totally worked up and horned up and ready for action.

I am thinking of labias and linings to vas deferans and shit like that and it has me worked up.

I love the word "Lining"-it's so raw, a passage that needs to be plunged, eviserated, ruined, never to return to it's original shape. Disrupted-if you will. Come undone. Destroyed.

Thank you.

titusisnow pregnant-ohmygod said...

A turn on to me is if I know someone has pristine "linings".

I want to damage your linings so they will never be the same again.

Your linings will not know what hit them. They will never be the same again. They will be thrown away, discarded, in the garbage bin of perfect linings.

But, I promise, you will go on.

Now give me your linings.

I want linings now. Someone help me.

Linings. Oh please- god- linings to be desecrated. I don't want already used linings either. I will sense a used lining. Those are of no interest to me.

titusisnow pregnant-ohmygod said...

I would also like to see the cunt under a miscroscope in order to study, examine, ponder and respect it.

The contours of the cunt are of interest to me. Edges, lines, flaps would all cause me to pause, and formulate hypothesis.

Also, the moisture level, hair activity, and breathing abilities of the cunt would be something I would want to explore.

Response to stimulus is something that I would want to experience as well. A little tickle tickle to see how it responds or perhaps a rare clumber paw or hair. Maybe even a bacon wrapped scallop with garlic and shallots-what and how does the cunt respond to that specific scallop. How about fried smelt during the smelt run season? Or perhaps a beer battered, lightly golden, butterfly shrimp-what is the intereaction between this gem of the sea and the cunt.

Dripping of "nugget"-another word I love. How does the cunt respond when nugget is being deposited around it's flaps, linings and edges and contours.

Thank you for allowing me to share fellow republicans.

TMink said...

FLS, good point! But come on, he was a plant was he not? See, the liberals do not understand how asking McCain about using that word is different from asking Obama about his bigot/terrorist friends. So they worked to give McCain a little "gotcha" moment. But they totally missed how most of the country would be totally offended by someone using that kind of language.

And I think McCain could certainly be our next president, not that he will get my vote. If he were running against someone of substance, he would lose big time as he has no base aside from true believer Republicans.


titusisnow pregnant-ohmygod said...

I wish cunts had wings so they could fly around us like little wrens and sparrows.

titusisnow pregnant-ohmygod said...

TMmink-thanks for commenting I have a good point.

I appreciate and welcome your feedback and acknowledge your astute taste.

You think of flying cunts with little wings too don't you?

Triangle Man said...

That kind of language will really freak out the squares, man.

TJ said...

Credit where it's due since no one else mentioned it:

"A 'Clive man' seems to be some sort of hominid."

This made me laugh. A very good joke, Althouse.

Anonymous said...

The latest is that the questioner is a Huffpo writer and a former Biden worker.

As Allahpundit puts it, stay classy, Democrats.

And do you believe the story anyway, when the reporters who heard it are anonymous? Come on!

Fen said...

Zogby and Rasmussen still have Obama up by about 15% in North Carolina.

Rasmussen now has Obama up by 9%. 49-40.

DADvocate said...

I'm a "trollop" fan too. In college we used to jokingly refer to good looking girls as "lascivious young trollops."

Marty Parish is a Democratic plant. I wonder why HuffPo would distort this? They always seem so "fair and balanced."

Freder Frederson said...

But they totally missed how most of the country would be totally offended by someone using that kind of language.

Umm no. The point is that they want to get it out there that McCain called his wife a cunt. Most of the country can't imagine either calling their wife a cunt or being called a cunt by their husband. In a world where the almost every other word in the English language is thrown around with abandon, it is the one word that still really is a dirty word and is almost never heard in polite company.

KCFleming said...

they want to get it out there that McCain called his wife a...
Prove it, Freder. Let's hear the mp3 or watch the video.

Anything short of that and I call bullshit.

KCFleming said...

It's beginning to appear that the only person calling Cindy McCain a **** is a democrat named Cliff Schecter.

Fen said...

Silly Wabbit.

Anonymous said...


So the HuffPo calls this guy a Baptist minister and then people buy it? Sorry but HuffPo isn't noted for accuracy.

And while someone might not put their entire CV online I'd suggest the idea a Baptist minister wouldn't list his congregation is pretty odd.

Anonymous said...

I hope this story keeps getting pushed and that LGF and Michelle Malkin try to turn it into another Rathergate-- "look, liberals pushing slander on our candidate." Because then we can have a whole national conversation about how John McCain calls his debutante wife a cunt in public. And if it gets big enough and the campaign has to make an official denial, then the reporters who heard it (three of them, maybe there were other witnesses) can come forward and deny the denial. And the whole controversy of how John McCain is capable of calling his own wife a cunt in public can be played out on all the nets and cable shows for a straight week.

Or maybe this won't happen at all, because it will be discovered that Obama bought ice cream from a freemason in 1972.

Roger J. said...

We are not even into the general election and already its poisonous out there--Someone has resurrected a UTube thing with Micky Kantor saying some not so nice things about Hoosiers. And lets see--Ms Clinton is polling ahead of Mr. Obama. Gee--I wonder who did the oppo research on this and released this tape on the Friday before the election. Just in time to dominate the sunday talk shows. I question the timing!
I just can't wait until the showdown in Denver!! to quote the Rev Wright: chickens coming home to roost.

former law student said...

This is the Clive man I was thinking of:

Not every man of the cloth stays with it. Marty Parrish may well be an ordained Baptist minister who decided the Gospel was not where the money was. The other day I looked up what happened to anti-segregation priest Fr. Groppi: He left the diocese, and drove a bus for the Milwaukee Transit District.

Further, as an Obama fan, Marty Parrish was probably inspired to ask his mischievous question completely on his own -- no conspiracy needed. As I said above, marriage is sacred and strangers have no business prying into how a couple chooses to communicate.

Fen said...

Or maybe this won't happen at all, because it will be discovered that Obama bought ice cream from a freemason in 1972.

Or that Obama's campaign chest is filled with Saudi petro-dollars...

Fen said...

But that shouldn't hurt him at all.

Because we already know he associates with terrorists, and that he spent 20 years in a madrassa listening to hate-America rants.

Fen said...

Dean: "Yarrrghhh!"

Kerry: "Reporting for duty"

Obama: "Auchi...not the man I thought I knew..."

Anonymous said...

Check out his website.

He's 45, ordained as a "minister" in 1980.

Maybe during summer school after high school graduation?

former law student said...

cobaltbob said...

Check out his website.

He's 45, ordained as a "minister" in 1980.

Yah, he just updated his website this morning. Check yahoocache -- there was nothing preceding his U of M degree before.

Ever since I learned Rev. Al Sharpton got his preaching license at age nine, nothing Protestants do puzzles me any more.

Trooper York said...

Marvelous is the power, which can be exercised, almost unconsciously, over a company, or an individual, or even upon a crowd by one person gifted with good temper, good digestion, good intellects, and good looks. But it will never be exercised by such a painted trollop so please cleanse your rouge smeared visage you odious cunt.
(Rachel Ray, ch. 11. Anthony Trollope 1863)

Anonymous said...

Fen: n. Low, flat, swampy land; a bog or marsh.

A swamp of putrid, stagnant water, bubbling with decay.

Yep, sounds about right.

holdfast said...

Congrats Ann - this thread has now officially jumped the NSFW-Shark.

I hope McCain wins and then he calls Achmed Imaddinajackt and Vladimir Putin C*nts.

Fen said...

franglosaxon: Fen: n. Low, flat, swampy land; a bog or marsh.

Cute, but no. I shortened it from Fenrisulven, because idiots like you kept stumbling over it.

Or that Obama's campaign chest is filled with Saudi petro-dollars...

You chose not to address this because you're no longer confident in his judgement. Wait for it. The fun doesn't really start until after he gets the nom.

Anonymous said...

I chose not to address it because it's total bull. Obama's "campaign chest" is filled with small donations from his close to 2 million donors. The majority of whom haven't come close to maxing out.

I'm glad you think libel and McCarythism is "fun," because it's most definitely the only way a Republican is going to win after 8 years of the most reviled presidential administration in living memory. There's no way for a Republican to win based on, you know, policy proposals and governing plans.

Fen said...

I chose not to address it because it's total bull.

Sure, just like Obama fans argued that "its total bull, Wright was taken out of context." How long did that last? A week?

I'm glad you think libel and McCarythism is "fun,"

Do you deny that Obama associates with terrorists and sat in the pews of the Trinity madrassa for 20 years?

There's no way for a Republican to win based on, you know, policy proposals and governing plans.

Oh that. Okay, Disciple of Hope & Change, lets talk policy:

1) What is Obama's long-range policy to marginalize radical Islam?

2) How does Obama plan to prevent Iran from acquiring nukes?

Unknown said...


This Marty Parrish apparently is a reporter for the Huffington Post. Can the Left get any more depraved?

Trooper York said...

Isn't Babs a little young to have had an affair with John C. Calhoun?

Dude she gave Alexander Hamilton a hummer when she was an intern at the Post when he first founded that paper. That's what the duel was really about. Aaron Burr thought she was his girl.

former law student said...

2) How does Obama plan to prevent Iran from acquiring nukes?

Best thing would be to declare the Middle East a nuclear-free zone and force Israel to get rid of its nuclear weapons.

Fen said...

That assumes Iran's policy is one of deterrence, not a first strike against Israel or an anonymous attack against the West delivered by proxy.

Regardless, how would you enforce it? UN Inspections?

And this comes back to the same problem I have with international agreements involving the US: no equal protection under the law. Israel would be held to a higher standard than Iran.

Fen said...

Rasmussen today: In the race for the Democratic Presidential Nomination, it’s Clinton 47% Obama 44%. That’s the third straight day that Clinton has held a slight edge over Obama (see recent Democratic Nomination results). Last Monday, Obama led by eight percentage points.

ie. Obama has dropped 11% in one week.

cvtre said...

Sounds like GHWB's answer when asked if he'd ever had an affair, "How dare you ask that in the Oval Office?" Never said no, did they?

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