April 23, 2008

What's with the Abercrombie & Fitch product placement in Obama's "concession" speech last night?

Thanks to Toby, a commenter on the previous post, for this observation:
Somewhat off topic, but did anyone else notice the people behind Obama during his concession speech? There was the guy who looks like a Larry David clone (and may well have been him for all I know); and there were the three male college-age guys all wearing easily identifiable Abercrombie & Fitch t-shirts, which may be a case of a company taking guerrilla marketing [to] a presidential contest, or may be an odd coincidence. Weird in any case.
Somewhat off topic, but now, it's the topic. So, you'd think they'd arrange the crowd better. Or is this the crowd they arranged? You know, sort of "We need more white people."

IN THE COMMENTS: Palladian notes that Titus observed it first, thusly:
I am watching Barack's concession tonight on CNN and I want to do the three guys wearing the A&F shirts behind him.

A 4 way with them would be hot.
And Palladian added:
I like the one in the middle with the "Yes We Can" sign. Yes you can, indeed. The chubbier one to his right is also hot.

But it is hilarious that there are THREE men standing together wearing Abercrombie & Fitch shirts. How much do you think that vulgar company shelled out to those boys for this product placement?
Given the tenor of those remarks, I wonder if the Obama campaign is trying to reach out to gay voters — something the Clinton campaign is doing openly:
Accompanied by Governor Ed Rendell, Chelsea Clinton trolled through Philadelphia on a gay bar crawl, posing for photos and shaking hands with supporters.

In what may be one of the most unique campaign tactics yet employed in the hotly contested Democratic race, the Clinton family targeted one of their most valuable weapons straight toward the heart of the gay community on Friday. Surrounded by a moving crowd of admirers, Chelsea walked through the streets of Center City in Philadelphia, visiting four gay bars along the way to shake hands and chat about her mother's campaign.

Outside of the Tavern bar, patrons shouted "You're gorgeous, baby!" and "We love your highlights!" as Chelsea exited on her way to another gay club. "Thank you," she replied, "but that's not why you should vote for my mom."

According to the Washington Post, Governor Ed Rendell has a tradition of touring the most popular gay clubs in Philadelphia before elections. For this round, Rendell invited Chelsea Clinton to crawl the bars with him to speak to LGBT community members....

"The gay community has great feelings toward the [former] president and Hillary and they happen to love Chelsea," Rendell said, according to the Washington Post. "These are important voters, they're smart, they're sophisticated and they turn out in large numbers and always have," Rendall said of the LGBT community.


Balfegor said...

You know, sort of "We need more white people."

Sort of on that point, I know that Democrats and Republicans have generally fought out elections by competing for the White vote, but it's usually not as explicit as it has been in the Democratic primaries this year. At least, that I recall. Have we had pundits talking seriously about the White vote, as though they were just another ethnic voting bloc to be pandered to (like Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, etc.) before? It's a kind of progress, I guess, but maybe not in the ideal direction.

P_J said...

We need more half-naked white people -- in artistic poses!

George M. Spencer said...

This was a way for A&F to prove its inter-racial sexy coolness.

"The target customer is 18 to 21 and very hip and very trendy," says Internet Retailer.

Back in 2004 dissatisfied job seekers and former employees sued the chain charging racially discriminatory employment practices.

Palladian said...

Titus and I noticed them first!

michaele said...

I can't help but wonder if any of those enthusiastic "yes we can" chanters" even listen to what he says. All this talk about how he is going to get people from both sides to come together...where on earth is there any evidence of him actually accomplishing that. He has a very partisan voting record and any one who felt it was AOK to vote against John Roberts as Bush's Suprme Court nominee is definitely playing partisan politics. That was no "coming together" vote.

Unknown said...

Number 54 there looks like he's afraid to get in on the chanting and cheering for fear it might mess up his smoldering look.

I'm Full of Soup said...

And is that Larry David right behind Obama? heh.

former law student said...

Obviously Obama has conceded the Hollister-wearing vote to Hillary.

Mortimer Brezny said...

What about the Nautica vote and the Eddie Bauer vote? He seems to have the FUBU vote locked up. Or perhaps the FUBU vote is locked up....

Beth said...

Is A&F going for the sincere youth market by countering Urban Outfitters' shallow "only dumb old people vote" line?

Beth said...

Is A&F going for the sincere youth market by countering Urban Outfitters' shallow "only dumb old people vote" line?

bearbee said...

There seems to be a lot of Internet commentary about the A&F trio.
A&F has had its racially insensitive moment. Will the display dreg up unpleasant memories, alienating the Asian-American vote?

EBay pulls new controversial Abercrombie & Fitch T-shirt

BTW why does anyone want to wear clothes with a foot-tall manufacturer logo, unless, of course, you are being paid as a walking billboard?

Anonymous said...

The Democrats had to try something to offset McCain's 98% control of the Old Navy vote.

Melinda said...

Paul, that was Leno-worthy.

Sloanasaurus said...

I am watching Barack's concession tonight on CNN and I want to do the three guys wearing the A&F shirts behind him. A 4 way with them would be hot

I would love to test the double standard by constantly making sexually crude comments about women to see if Althouse would see the "humor" and elevate them to a post. But, alas, I can't get myself to do it. Call me a gentleman I guess.

ricpic said...

Homosexuals are held to a lower standard by the anointed one.

Palladian said...

"I would love to test the double standard by constantly making sexually crude comments about women to see if Althouse would see the "humor" and elevate them to a post. But, alas, I can't get myself to do it. Call me a gentleman I guess."

"Homosexuals are held to a lower standard by the anointed one."

Naw, it's cuz you doughy breeders be boring.

Toby said...

There seems to be a lot of Internet commentary about the A&F trio.

But narry a peep about the Larry David look alike...

If you watch the video, you'll see that Larry is much less enthusiastic than most other Obama supporters. He doesn't cheer & doesn't have a sign. It's like the Seinfeld where Kramer refused to wear the AIDs ribbon.


Dust Bunny Queen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
An Edjamikated Redneck said...

Accompanied by Governor Ed Rendell, Chelsea Clinton trolled through Philadelphia on a gay bar crawl,

Gives the moniker 'The City of Brotherly Love' a whole new meaning, doen't it.

Assuming Chelsea still has Secret Service protection, I wonder what they thought of doing the gay bar crawl?

Palladian said...

"Assuming Chelsea still has Secret Service protection, I wonder what they thought of doing the gay bar crawl?"

I wouldn't assume that a couple of them don't do "the gay bar crawl" on their off hours.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

"Hollister-wearing vote to Hillary"

They do wear a lot of holsters and have many pickups with gun racks in Holister Being fairly near to Gilroy, Obama and Hillary could have a garlic eating contest. However, since Hillary seems to have the Hispanic and working class blue collar voter I think that it is safe to say she has the "Hollister" vote.

I'm very very sure that the nearest Ambercombie and Fitch or Hollister Stores are at least 150 miles away from Hollister. Besides why buy Hollister gear when all you need to do is go to the Goodwill and find wrinkled up worn out crap for much less cost. The rednecks and Mexicans in Hollister have much more sense than to spend hard earned money at either store.

Sorry....couldn't help myself...must... not ...drink so much coffee.

SGT Ted said...

I used to go on gay bar crawls back in the 80s with my 2 hot lesbian roommates. Lots of fun.

titusdouwantoreallyhurtme said...

You are whining Slos.

Drill Sgt. wish I could of did the gay bar crawls with you.

It's a lot of fun.

My straight guy friends love it because they always find the one hot straight girl and hook up.

Joe said...

What I still don't get with the Obamamania is that he preaches about how politicians promise and don't deliver and that he'll be different. Yet, as a Senator, he hasn't done a damn thing! (It appears he'd made great effort to not be attached to anything. The few times he's attempted it, his moves have been so transparently phony, even Senators of his own party have openly criticized him.)

Brian O'Connell said...

I noticed those guys too. I nicknamed them the Abercrombie tools. Which applies whether they were paid or not.

And going to gay bars is hardly one of the "most unique campaign tactics." I (briefly) met Rep. John Lewis drumming up votes in a gay bar in Atlanta 10 years ago. (It was later bombed.)

Peter said...

Here is what I flatout do not understand. The leadership of the Democrat Party have aligned themselves with those who hang gays from construction cranes and throw them off high buildings.
Most, not all, Reublicans are unhappy about changing the rules of marriage.
So, the overwhelming majority of teh gheys vote Democrat. Meanwhile folks call that Democrat operative Fred Phelps a Republican because he doesn't like teh gheys.

former law student said...

as a Senator, [Obama] hasn't done a damn thing

True, Obama's record in the Senate is as undistinguished as Hillary's. HRC's biggest impact was in the naming of post offices.

I don't understand peter's comment about gays and the Democrats. Both Hillary and Barack were roundly criticized for throwing gays "under the bus."

As being gay has become more mainstream, gay bars are closing. I wonder if Titus can explain why.

Roux said...

All three look as if they are bored. I don't think they are really supporters just wanted to pick up some hot chicks that may be there.

Revenant said...

The gay community has great feelings toward the [former] president


Clinton signed the Defense of Marriage Act and the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy. He did more harm to the gay rights movement than George Bush has thus far managed. What possible reason is there for the gay community to like the guy? Obama seems like the smarter bet there.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Sgt Ted said:

"I used to go on gay bar crawls back in the 80s with my 2 hot lesbian roommates. Lots of fun."

I nominate your comment (from a Sgt. Ted) for the most unpredictable and incongruous comment of the year. Heh.

KCFleming said...

Second that.

Zachary Sire said...

I'm doing a gay bar crawl this weekend for my birthday. Sometimes they can be fun...but you better be crawling with a flexible, play-it-by-ear kind of group.

There's always one person who doesn't want to leave for the next bar, or runs out of money, or ends up hooking up with someone nasty.

Who would you rather have a gay bar crawl with--Hillary or Obama? Or McCain? (McCain wouldn't be caught dead.)

What about a gay bar crawl with you, Obama, Hillary, McCain, Ron Paul, and Al Gore. Fun.

KCFleming said...

I hesitate to say this, but I have never even gone on a bar crawl, much less a hyphenated one.

Guess I hung around too many drunk people to want to. They always puke, get in fights, ask you for money, cry, urinate in unfortunate locations, ask you for money, ask you to drive them home, leave you for a better companion, and ask you for money.

Doing that serially just never seemed much of a thrill.

Andrewdb said...

Pogo -

That is why you should try the Gay-bar crawl - not only are the drinks usually about a 300% stronger pour, but the crowd is usually too fastidious to do any of that stuff (at least at the gay bars I frequent.)

XWL said...

So, those A&F boys behind Obama, Gay or Fratboy?

Seems like that could be the new internet game to replace the somewhat dated Gay or European?

(that's been done so much it even made it into song)

(and obviously, the commentariat here has already made their verdict)

bearbee said...

After all the publicity, they are going to auction those t-shirts on ebay, I betcha.

KCFleming said...

That is why you should try the Gay-bar crawl

How come there's never a misanthropes-bar crawl?

Isn't there a bar for us? I mean, not that I'd actually go or anything. How unappealing.

I suppose that's the answer to my question.

Last week, after the day's conferences, I sat alone in a bar reading, with a nice glass of wine. Wonderful. I don't mind being around people, just so's I don't have to actually, you know, talk or anything. Ugh; I can barely stand having me around by the end of the day. And I don't seem very often to take the hint and get lost ...what am I, your mother?.

fFell off the reality train for a moment there.

Trooper York said...

Pogo when you are next in NYC I will take you on a pub crawl which I guarantee you will enjoy. And everyone will buy us a drink when we walk in the door because they will be happy to see us. No one will ask us for money. Unfortunately a lot of them will ask us to do their taxes. And when they find out you are a doctor expect a lot of questions about why does it burn when you pee. But you will have fun.

titusdouwantoreallyhurtme said...

"As being gay has become more mainstream, gay bars are closing. I wonder if Titus can explain why."

One word-Internet.

You don't have to leave your house or spend any money anymore to hookup.

Kirby Olson said...

I can't understand the excitement over the Obama campaign or the Fitch fellows or much of anything else in this thread.

But for the record: Obama opposes gay marriage: p. 223, The Audacity of Hope.

KCFleming said...

Actually, that sounds like a blast. I will demand to smoke a cigar, if only to piss off the revenooers and statist do-gooder no-no-you-mustn't do-thaters.

And I'll give my usual "burning pee" answer: We see this.

It works fairly well if said with a somber look, a slow nod, and gravitas; almost as if it actually means something.

Trooper York said...

Cigars are a given especially as we will be out well after last call, when the iron gate is pulled down from the front window and strange and wondrous things happen when we are out after hours.....actually a got a couple of boxes of Cubans that need to be sampled by a true aficionado

Trooper York said...

I would organize an Althouse pub crawl but Mort would probably punch somebody in the face and we would have to break our beer bottles against the bar and walk out back to back while waving the jagged edge pissed off crowd.

Trooper York said...

You see at the last meetup, the bartender asked Simon how he liked his martini.... he said he wanted another jigger of gin...and Mort started screaming that he said jigger and all everyone did was argue all night...who needs that ya know.

Ann Althouse said...

So are we going to do the last New York meetup, and if so, where? Trooper York seems to be the most knowledgable about where to go.

Trooper York said...

Well I could hook us up with a full on style Italian meal served family style with great big platters with great wines, fine foods, delicious deserts and after dinner liqueurs, but most of the commenters didn't seem like valiant trencherman, or at least they were on their best behavior and didn’t want to seem gluttonous in front of the professor. Personally I like gluttony and excess, but that’s just me.

I perfectly fine with just a bar scene again, as long as Mort behaves himself.

Trooper York said...

Also, no hats at the table unless I can wear my Davy Crockett coon-skin cap.

Ann Althouse said...

Cool! Let's plan it. Email me, Trooper.

And, of course, Mortimer is most welcome.

Palladian said...

"Well I could hook us up with a full on style Italian meal served family style with great big platters with great wines, fine foods, delicious deserts and after dinner liqueurs, but most of the commenters didn't seem like valiant trencherman"

Um, you do remember meeting me don't you Trooper?

And I sat next to Mortimer at the last Althouse meetup and in person he's completely charming, smart and funny.

Trooper York said...

My good man, you are the exception to the general rule. I would never doubt your ability in the realm of the knife and fork. I didn't want to let the cat out of the bag ya know. I just want to be sure everyone will enjoy being stuffed with family style Neapolitan food until they are ready to burst.

However I do seem to misremember, didn't Mort sit next to me? He was wearing a cowboy hat? It's all a blur. Twenty two Guinness stouts will do that to you.

Palladian said...

"However I do seem to misremember, didn't Mort sit next to me? He was wearing a cowboy hat?"

Nope, "Mortimer" was the slim fellow with glasses next to me. You were over in the latecomers area, which is why I hardly got to say a word to you. I was the meat in an Althouse and Mortimer sandwich. Fancy.

Ann Althouse said...

We should shift around more next time so we all get to talk to each other. I didn't get to talk to Mortimer.

Trooper York said...

I am totally confused. Who was the dude in the cowboy hat? You mean I have been disliking the wrong guy all this time. I apologize Mort. I was misinformed. Next time...name tags.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Is Obama quietly angling to become identified with men who pout? Did he drink the water while in San Francisco? Stay tuned...

Anonymous said...

Figures Palladian would like the fat one.

Anonymous said...

"He did more harm to the gay rights movement than George Bush has thus far managed." - Revenant

Sorry - but anti-gay bigots don't get to decide who has been better for gay people In fact - straight people don't get to decide. Only gay people get to decide. The rest are just speaking out of their ass.

Gay rights advanced far more under Clinton than they did under any President in the history of the Republic. When Clinton entered office, gays were banned from the military even if they were in the closet. He tried very hard to allow gays to serve openly in the military. But due to political realities at the time, he had to compromise half-way, and allow gays to serve as long as they weren't public about it. The compromise sucked, but make no bones about it - Republicans and anti-gay conservative Democrats forced his hand there.

As for the Defense of Marriage Act, this was again pushed by Republicans, but it didn't change the status quo at all, since gay marriage wasn't legal anywhere.

Bush on the other hand, has seen gay rights pushed back at least 10 years and they are no way worse than they were even in 1980. Gays are now second class citizens in a majority of states, no longer have contract rights in Virginia, they can't adopt in Florida, and anti-gay adoption laws are being pushed in several more states. Hate crimes against gays are up substantially under Bush. And they are now one vote away in the Supreme Court from making sodomy illegal again. Bush quite vociferously supports the sodomy laws, and still publicly claims that he wants gay people to be imprisoned for having sex. Bush has also continued to prosecute sodomy in the military, and has had 3 soldiers imprisoned simply for having gay sex. Bush has also never mentioned the word gay during his entire Presidency. Bush also opposes laws that would outlaw discrimination against gays in the workplace. Not surprising, since Bush has fired thousands of federal employees simply for being gay.

So despite DOMA and Don't ask Don't Tell, Clinton was still vastly better for gay rights than Bush was. This isn't even debatable.

Palladian said...

Those three Abercrombie guys were a little old for downtownlad's tastes. He tends to go for the lads in Garanimals.

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